
Unsecured loan for small. How to get a loan to entrepreneurs on business development. Credit Provision for Business

Lending programs for small and medium-sized businesses exist now in almost every large bank. For IP and legal entities, not just money is offered, but targeted programs developed taking into account the needs of business owners and features of the field of activity.

What loans can be obtained to open and develop business in Moscow

Small and medium businesses offer several targeted programs:

  • credit for current expenses: Money is provided for any purpose;
  • , to carry out expenditure operations and increasing inventory;
  • for the purchase of commercial real estate and land plot;

Credit programs differ in the form of receipt. Many banks have express lending, which allows you to urgently receive funds without guarantors and with a minimum package of documents.

The target loan can issue both novice businessmen and owners of long-acting enterprises. Especially for start-ups, banks offer loans to small businesses from scratch. As part of this program, you can buy a franchise, a ready-made enterprise, as well as get financing for the development of a business developed by your own business plan.

Loans for small businesses - Conditions and requirements

Conditions differ depending on the bank and target the loan. Lenders consider applications from enterprises owners with annual revenue to 400 million rubles. Special requirements are nominated with respect to the term of the company. Business should not be less than 3 months (in some banks - at least 6-12 months).

Conditions depend on the credit program:

  • rates from 11% per annum;
  • loan for business from scratch in Moscow is possible to obtain only with the guarantor or secured;
  • term - up to 5 years;
  • when purchasing commercial real estate, transport and equipment requires an initial contribution.

To get a loan for the purchase of a business in Moscow, you will need to collect an extensive packet of papers:

  • personal documents of the business owner (passport, INN);
  • reports on the financial activities of the enterprise;
  • constituent documents.

If the loan is issued to the opening of the business, then the creditor needs to provide a business plan and documents on the registration of IP or LLC. When choosing a credit program, it should be processed from the goals, requirements of banks and its capabilities .. The credit calculator will help to quickly calculate the monthly payment, the percentage and amount of the overpayment.

In most countries of Western Europe, you can live on unemployment benefits. If you get tired of endless spitting into the ceiling and there is no desire to go to work - contact the bank, get a loan and open your own business from scratch. The main thing is the desire to work and earn. In Russia, unfortunately, one desire is not enough, but certain progress in this direction has already settled.

Loan for business from scratch

Before the occurrence of a critical situation in the economy, domestic entrepreneurs led quite ideal. Today, the situation has changed for the worse and ask for money, having an absolute zero, and nothing but, you will most likely fail.

Today, they give out those who independently lasted afloat for at least 6 months.

Even if you successfully worked successfully in the gray sector of the economy, but they switched to the official taxation system, even if not passing reports, the chances of being a borrower are quite great. Here is the actual successful experience in one or another sphere, as well as the presence of assets involved in the business in the form of equipment or working capital.

Small Business Development Credit

What conditions do legal entities expect, as well as individual entrepreneurs if applying for a loan for the development of small businesses? For a variety Consider instead of Sberbank offers conditions that offer in the commercial bank of Moscow. In this financial institution there is a financial product, which is called "Credit for the Development of Small Business". The criteria for the selection of borrowers are as follows:

  • The interest rate is defined individually, based on the level of creditworthiness of the borrower.
  • Applications are available to IP and legal entities in the form of LLC, CJSC and OJSC.
  • Required business experience from 9 months.
  • The company must be no further than 200 km from the Bank's credit unit.
  • The term of issuing funds up to 5 years.
  • The amount is no more than 150 million rubles.
  • Any valuable property belonging to a potential borrower is welcomed as collateral.

Loans to small businesses from the state 2015

Let's return to Sberbank, because when assessing the processes of small business lending processes without analyzing the activities of this organization, it is not necessary. A commercial institution takes an active position of support for entrepreneurship in the country, credit products are provided under additional guarantee of the agency of credit guarantees. As a result of this practice, the interest rate can be reduced in sum from 1 to 4% depending on the credit conditions.

Loan to small businesses from scratch from the state

From the moment of cooperation with the Agency of Credit Guarantees (AKG), Sberbank has already issued 138 loans for a total of 505 million rubles to which accounts for 264 million warranty funds. In 2015, the main bank of the country with the participation of AKG plans to "distribute" 60 billion rubles to small and medium-sized businessmen.

Credit for the opening of small businesses from scratch

Recently, the state seriously began to support beginners who develop high technologies and other necessary projects through the creation of startups. Not only under special conditions are available to new entrepreneurs, as well as consultations and valuable advice of qualified lawyers and financiers. In addition to accessing the programs of preferential lending to talented entrepreneurs, access to this form of financing, as receiving subsidies.

Sberbank Credit Small Business from Scratch

Sberbank credits small business more active than other commercial institutions and conditions for him, perhaps, are also the most profitable. We propose to consider the features of obtaining a loan in this structure. For loan design:

  • Contact the nearest Sberbank branch behind the list of necessary documents and return on a long time with the prepared papers.
  • Stop your choice on the "Business Start" program - in it the most acceptable conditions for the start of your own business.
  • Sign up to IP and fix the fact of writing to the Eagle.
  • Learn the proposals of Sberbank partner franchisors.
  • Select the optimal franchise.
  • Develop a competent business plan that actually means to solve such organizational issues as a search and rental of premises, development campaign for product promotion, etc.
  • Apply for a loan.
  • Prepare 30% of the funds from the requested amount for the first installment.

Credit for opening a business from scratch without collateral

Today, in the market of financial products of the Russian Federation, the loan segment for business from zero without collateral is in the stagnation stage, which is explained by crisis phenomena in the economy. Commercial banks go to risk deals extremely reluctant, therefore if the deposit is not required, it is compensated for additional guarantees in the form of elevated rates and advanced packages of the documentation provided.

Understanding businessmen who do not want to follow the rules of the game established by the Bank are practically not issued. As a result, many beginner entrepreneurs are engaged in finding alternative sources of financing. The service of such products costs much more expensive, the return on business decreases sharply, its development is inhibited, which is why the growth rate of the economy in the country as a whole is stopped.

Loan to small business without collateral

Under the phrase "Credit business without a collateral" is often meant the so-called microdemasses that offer various alternative credit organizations. The cost of such a loan is from 1 to 3% daily (!). In terms of period of 12 months, the amount of interest ranges from 360 to 1000%, but there is still a loan body! Microlouses are considered extremely disadvantageous and dangerous for business. To go on a risk of lending on such an expensive scheme only in the event that you plan to use the tools and return them for a short term.

You can issue a loan to the company in many banks. But to get a loan business without collateral and guarantors - a more difficult task. In the table we picked up information for you on 10 credit institutions offering to issue a loan with minimal requirements for the borrower.

In which bank to take a loan for small businesses without collateral and guarantors

Objectives for receiving a non-tax loan

Not every bank is ready to give. Therefore, large credit organizations have strict requirements for loans. The most common objectives of issuing loans for business without collateral are:

  • updating the existing equipment;
  • for business development (for example, its scale and directions);
  • financing incurred costs;
  • repair of premises, as well as their maintenance;
  • closing cash ruptures (for example, when paying wages, making funds for renting or translating taxes);
  • increase the range of the trading point;
  • advertising firms;
  • purchase of goods or services for further implementation of customers.

Each bank may have their own terms of loans. Most often, no deposit is issued to small businesses for simple goals, for example, on the brand promotion in the form of promotional events. Basically, they are targeted, and therefore in the contract will definitely be indicated for which you receive money.

Business requirements

Cash for business will be issued if the company complies with the criteria of the Bank. Each credit organization has its own list of requirements for legal entities and IP. Most banks believe that the business will be issued for which money will be issued, must comply with the following criteria:

  • the company has at least 12 months;
  • all previously executed loans were repaid according to the schedule, without delay;
  • the reporting of the company (and most importantly, the balance) is transparent and understandable (there are no suspicious cash movements);
  • the company employs up to 100 people;
  • business functions successfully (in other words, you do not work at a loss);
  • the financial stability of the company is confirmed (there are agreements concluded with other business partners and projects of future agreements).

Unsecured business loan carries large risks for the bank. Therefore, the last will give out funds on limited conditions:

  • the loan repayment period will be compressed as much as possible (the bank wants to be sure of returning his own money);
  • the amount of issuing will be much lower than when loan with a deposit (it is clear, because the loan is not provided. But the rate of registration of such an application is more quickly);
  • the interest rate will be one of the highest offered by the Bank (if the debtor refuses to return a loan, that is, the likelihood that the bank will have time to get most of its own expenses in the form of interest);
  • the Bank will also study the ratio of the monthly loan payment and income from business activities (the latter must exceed the payment not to cause damage to the firm).

Some items may differ in different banks, but the essence of one thing is the credit organization will not give out funds if it has doubts about your solvent. Therefore, it is worth trying to prepare the highest possible and organizations that will give confidence to the bank in the fact that you are a reliable borrower.


On business goals can take a loan as legal entities and IP. We will analyze the list of documents required in both cases. And so, for approval of the application in most banks, companies will need such papers:

  • Taxpayer certificate;
  • Certificate that an entry about the firm was recorded in the incorporation;
  • certificate of assignment of codes;
  • extract Eagle;
  • constituent documents;
  • information about the owners of the company;
  • documents indicating the introduction of the Director-General and the Chief Accountant;
  • applicant passport;
  • licenses and patents on activities;
  • copies of samples with signatures and seals (provided after the credit approval);
  • documents confirming the fact of the target spending of the funds received (also needed after the positive decision of the Bank).

Since the specifics of the IP activity differs from legal entities, the list of documents will be different. To apply for a loan for small businesses, the entrepreneur must prepare the following papers:

  • Certificate for making an entry on IP in Jerip;
  • extract of Jerip;
  • Certificate of the taxpayer issued in the FTS;
  • passport;
  • licenses and patents;
  • card with samples of signatures and seals of authorized persons (needed if the credit funds with the bank approved for extradition).

Most documents must be transferred in the form of photocopy. The latter usually makes the bank. The originals are also worth taking with them, since the bank employee must check their authenticity. Some papers require assurance from the notary, as you need to clarify in a bank in advance.

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How to get a loan loan?

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03 Sen.

Hello! In this article we will tell about how to get a loan for small businesses from the state.

Today you will learn:

  1. What are the types of loan from the state for business.
  2. Who can receive state support.
  3. What organs to seek help.
  4. What documents must be collected.

The government offers an alternative - state support for small businesses. But before turning to the authorities for help, it should be understood which type of state loan will be optimal for you - it is from this that we will begin.

Types of loans from the state for business

In 2017, the Government actively supports novice entrepreneurs and provides assistance in the form of such forms of material support as:

  • Microfinance small businesses;
  • Guarantee from the state;
  • (gratuitous credit);
  • Compensation payments;
  • Tax relief.

Now we will look at each of the types of state support for small and medium-sized businesses separately.

Microfinance small business

Each region of the Russian Federation has a microcredit fund of small and medium businesses. It is he who promotes the issuance of borrowed funds to entrepreneurs on a preferential basis.

Lending conditions in each region are different. The essential advantage of this type of lending is its availability: money is provided regardless of the employment area.

There are only some restrictions that are defined by each region independently. For example, for Moscow is the limitation of the summendant to the young entrepreneur.

The averaged conditions for obtaining a preferential loan:

  • or physical () on the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation, in which the loan will be obtained;
  • From 50 thousand to 1.5 million rubles (limitations may be imposed depending on the organization's activities);
  • The interest rate of the grace loan is from 8 to 12% and will depend on the prospects of your business, the needs of the market, the solvency of the borrower, the number of borrowed funds and the credit period, the type of provision;
  • Money is provided under the provision: property deposit, guarantee, pledge of the product in circulation, other;
  • The loan is issued in non-cash form;
  • In case of non-compliance with the terms of the provision of money, penalties are provided in the form of an increased interest;
  • There is a limit on the number of loans;
  • The duration of consideration of documents for the provision of funds is from 5 to 10 days depending on the region.

State guarantee

In this case, the money will be given to you a commercial bank, and the State Fund represented by the Federal Notary Chamber will be a guarantor. However, it should be borne in mind that not all commercial banks participate in the state program. Their full list in your region can be obtained on the official website of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Unlike the first option, the receipt of funds under state guarantee does not differ in terms of the usual loan. Consideration of the application will not be rapidly. Also get prepared for the fact that the Foundation will not be charged in the entire amount, but only for a part.

The most likelihood of obtaining the property of the Foundation has the enterprises of the Social Area for servicing citizens, production and industry, innovation. Special attention when considering an application for a guarantee, the Fund draws to the number of jobs created by the Organization.


The subsidy is the most desired entrepreneur the type of state support. The thing is that it is provided to businessmen at no cost.

However, not all entrepreneurs may receive subsidies.

Businessmen need to comply with sufficiently harsh conditions for obtaining:

  • It is necessary to stand in the center of employment as unemployed;
  • Answer questions of psychological test in the same employment center;
  • Pass learning in the direction of "Entrepreneurship";

At the same time, all waste of government money must comply and confirm documented. After the entrepreneur receives a positive response from the center, he must register his company. Only after that money will go to the account.

It often happens that in granting subsidies, the entrepreneur refuses. Grant can be allocated for a purchase or, equipment or product for sale, intangible resources. It must be indicated in your business plan.


It is also provided to businessmen free of charge. The disadvantage of grants is that not everyone can get it.

The grant is entitled to:

  • Novice entrepreneurs (lead activities not more than 12 months);
  • Entrepreneurs who do not have debts on taxes, loans;
  • Enterprises that create many jobs.

Also, to obtain a grant, the importance of the area in which the organization is functions. Each region defines these areas on their own.

Compensation payments and tax odes

In this case, the state simply compensates for the entrepreneur part of cash, which he spent on business development.

Such relaxation can count: companies that produce innovative products, enterprises producing import-substituting goods, as well as service manufacturers.

As for tax sending, in 2017, a novice entrepreneur has the opportunity to take the so-called. They are to liberate a businessman from paying taxes within two tax periods.

You can take advantage of vacation if:

  • You are a novice entrepreneur;
  • Organization on one of the following taxation systems: or;
  • You are busy in the field of production, social security or science.

Requirements for borrowers

Let us consider in more detail what claims for applicants for government support are presented to obtain one or another benefits. Information is shown in the table.

Terms of receipt Important features
Microfinance - registered in the region of obtaining funds;

- the loan must be provided by property

- Purpose: Development of small and medium businesses;

- loan terms -
no more than a year

State guarantee - the bank must participate in the state program;

- You must be a valid organization of at least 6 months;

- obligatory registration in the region of obtaining a loan;

- You do not have problems with creditors and tax;

- It is necessary to repay a certain percentage of the loan with its own means (installed in each region)

- priority activities for financing are: production, innovative activities, construction, services for the provision of services, transportation, tourism (across the Russian Federation), education, medicine, housing and communal services.

- does not apply to the extraction and implementation of fossils, gambling, banking and insurance activities, securities funds, pawnshops

Subsidy - the significance of the business for the subject of the Russian Federation. In each subject, their significant directions (learn the priority areas of activity for your region can be on government resources);

- the presence of a business plan, which must comply with certain criteria (also installed in each region);

- The entrepreneur must invest a certain amount of equity (depends on the program)

Funds are issued for the purchase:

- raw materials and materials;

- manufacturing equipment;

- Intangible resources.

The term of use is limited. As a rule, amounts to 1-2 years

Grant - Entrepreneurship is less than a year;

- A businessman has no problems with loans and loans ("net" credit history);

- the company creates a certain number of jobs;

- You did not receive other state benefits;

- availability of own funds

Means highlighted the development of medium and small businesses
Compensation payments

Borrowers can be:

- manufacturers and developers of an innovative product;

- sellers of import-substituting goods;

- organizations employed in the provision of services

Trucks: the development of medium and small business
Tax breaks - Employment of business activities no more than a year;

- You are on the tax system: PSN or USN;

- Assistance is provided to firms engaged in science, production providing services to the population.

Summing up, we can say that government assistance is available for:

  • Novice businessmen ();
  • Organizations employed in the field of production, the development of innovative goods;
  • Enterprises providing services to the population;
  • Entrepreneurs without problems on loans.

Where to contact

For each material benefit, a certain state body is responsible to which the entrepreneur must appeal.

Microfinance is engaged in the Enterprise Support Fund in your region. To get a loan on preferential terms, you need to collect a package of documents (it differs for IP and legal entities).

You can familiarize yourself with this question in more detail on the official website of the Foundation in your region, we will call only the main generally accepted documents:

  • Application and application form, as well as guarantor;
  • Entrepreneur data;
  • Constituent documents;
  • Extract from the register of small and medium-sized businesses;
  • Certificate of introduction to / and extracting from there;
  • Copy of the applicant's passport;
  • Copy reduss;
  • Licenses for activities;
  • Accounting and tax reports.

After you have collected all documents, you should apply for a loan to the Support Fund. You can also download such a statement on the official website of the Foundation in your region.

For state guarantee, you should contact all the necessary documents to the bank, which participates in the affiliate program with the Fund for the Promotion of Entrepreneurship.

Already the Bank itself will appreciate the possibility of state support and transfer the application to the Fund, which considers it within three days. The standard package of documents required to obtain a loan should be attached to guarantee.

Subsidy or grant can be obtained from the labor exchange. To do this, you must comply with a number of conditions that we have already told above. The package of documents for the subsidy includes an application and a business plan.

You can get compensatory payments at the Employment Center. To do this, provide a business plan and a corresponding statement.

To receive tax breaks should be included in the tax inspection, there you will receive information and documents that will need to be collected.

Non-state support for small business

If you do not pass by any parameters to obtain state aid, you can apply for non-state help to small businesses.

Such assistance is provided by non-state funds under banking organizations, it is expressed in the form of a grant. At the same time, the non-state grant may be issued both with return and free of charge.

Obtaining a grant occurs on a competitive basis. At the same time, the members of the commission will be assessed by the economic benefit of the project.

To the standard package of documents for receiving a grant, you will need to attach the product and its cost.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state