
Arm preparation of calculations for fss latest version. Download the latest version of the arm fss program. The team of the GU-Ivanovo branch of the FSS of the Russian Federation

4-FSS is a form of quarterly reporting to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation. It represents the calculation of insurance premiums. Accrued and paid by the employer in social insurance. Since 2017, we are talking only about compulsory social insurance contributions. From industrial accidents and occupational diseases ("injuries").

4-FSS 2020 FORM new FORM in Excel format

The article will help download 4-FSS, Calculation of accrued and paid insurance premiums to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation for injuries, occupational diseases 4-FSS for 2020.

This is a form for compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases (injuries). And also on the costs of paying insurance coverage.

On the title page a new field has appeared that will need to be filled in by budgetary organizations.

Table 2 “Calculations for compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases” is supplemented with two new lines:

  • 1.1. "Debt for the reorganized insured and / or deregistered separate division of the organization";
  • 14.1 "Debt for the territorial body of the Fund to the insured and / or deregistered separate subdivision of the legal entity".

The updated calculation form comes into force on 09.07.2017.

Note: According to the old form, the FSS will accept calculations for the six months of 2017. Given that the entry into force of the order falls on the date after the start of the reporting campaign, this order should be applied starting from reporting for 9 months of 2017. (FSS comment)

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Description of changes form 4-FSS 2020

Starting from the first quarter of 2017, companies will need to report on the new 4-FSS form. Order of the FSS of the Russian Federation Order of the FSS of the Russian Federation of September 26, 2016 N 381, which amended the previous form.

What's updated in the new 4-FSS 2020 form:

  1. The field with the territory code has been removed from the title page of the 4-FSS form. (Previously it was called "OKATO code"). At the same time, there is no room for the new 4-FSS form either.
  2. In the name and lines of Table 5, the words "certification of workplaces for working conditions". Replaced with “special assessment of working conditions”. Based on this information, employees of the social insurance fund will determine. What amount of discounts or surcharges should be set for this or that policyholder. Also, the results of the special assessment serve as the basis for the appointment of additional tariffs for contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Note: The Social Insurance Fund has made some changes to the new form with table 5. On carrying out a special assessment of working conditions and medical examinations. ... Provides information on how to complete this table if homeworkers and teleworkers are available.

The rules for filling out the 4-FSS form are spelled out in the Procedure. Approved by order of the FSS of Russia dated September 26, 2016 No. 381. In many ways, they coincide with the rules for tax reporting. In counting be sure to fill out the title page, tables 1, 2 and 5. The rest of the tables - only if there is data that needs to be reflected. These are the requirements of clause 2 of the Procedure approved by order of the FSS of Russia dated September 26, 2016 No. 381.

Even if during the reporting period the organization did not operate. The "zero" calculation still needs to be passed. There are no exceptions for such cases in the current legislation. In the "zero" calculation according to the 4-FSS form, fill in only the title page and tables 1, 2, 5.

At the top of the form on each page, include the policyholder's registration number. Take it out of the notification. Which the territorial body of the FSS of Russia issued during registration.

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Where to submit the calculation 4-FSS 2020

Download 4-FSS first. When the organization does not have separate subdivisions, then hand over the calculation to the territorial department of the FSS at its location (clause 1 of article 24 of the Law of 07.24.1998 No. 125-FZ). This is the place of registration of the organization.

If the organization has separate divisions. Form 4-FSS must be submitted in the following order. Submit the calculation to the territorial department of the FSS at the location of the separate subdivision. If such a department has a settlement (personal) account and it independently calculates the salaries of employees. In the 4-FSS form, indicate the address, TIN, KPP. And the registration number of a separate subdivision.

When the named conditions or at least one of them are not met. Include all indicators for such a unit in the calculation for the head office of the organization and hand it over at its location. Do the same if a separate subdivision is located abroad. This follows from the provisions of paragraphs 11, 14 of Article 22.1 of the Law of 24.07.1998 No. 125-FZ.

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TERMS and METHODS of delivery of 4-FSS

When the 4-FSS was downloaded and filled in, paragraph 1 of Article 24 of the Law of July 24, 1998 No. 125-FZ states that the deadlines are:

  • on "paper" - no later than 20th of
  • electronic- not later 25th month following the reporting period.

Reporting method according to the 4-FSS form, it is submitted in the established form in the following ways:

  • on paper;
  • electronically through telecommunication channels.

4-FSS reporting on paper is submitted:

  • personally;

    Note: You must show your passport

  • through your representative;
  • sent by mail with a list of attachments.
    When sending reports by mail, the date of dispatch is considered the day of its submission.

Submit calculations in the 4-FSS form only in electronic form. If the average number of employees of the policyholder for the previous year exceeds 25 people. This procedure also applies to newly created organizations. The number of which exceeds 25 people.

Organizations with a smaller number have the right to submit calculations in the 4-FSS form both on paper and in electronic form (clause 1 of article 24 of the Law of July 24, 1998 No. 125-FZ).

Attention: For non-compliance with the established method of presenting calculations for insurance premiums, a fine of 200 rubles is provided. (Article 26.31 of the Law of 24.07.1998 No. 125-FZ). The fine for the same violation for officials is 300–500 rubles. (p. 3).

In electronic form, the calculation to the territorial branch of the FSS can be submitted:

  • via telecommunication channels (via the gateway for accepting payments on the Internet);
  • on an external medium (CD, flash drive, etc.) with an electronic signature.

To submit reports electronically. The organization must acquire an electronic signature certificate. Any certification center accredited by the foundation. The list of certification centers is posted on the FSS website.

To prepare reports in electronic form, it is recommended to use the updated electronic portal of the FSS. Available on the portal:

  1. 4-FSS form preparation service. Available to registered users with extended access rights. Using this service, such users can fill out a calculation. And save it to the portal database. At the same time, automatic transfer of the necessary data from the report for the previous period is provided. Display of tips and other auxiliary information. In addition, this service allows you to automatically check the interconnection of the calculation and its logical control;
  2. 4-FSS form preparation service available to any visitor without registration. This service allows you to fill out the calculation. And perform an automatic check for the passage of logical control and interconnection.

As an alternative for policyholders, an automated workstation (AWS) “Preparing calculations for the FSS” has been developed. AWP allows you to prepare and edit calculation data. Check them and upload them in xml format. Without using the portal. Send the file prepared in this way to the payment acceptance gateway. You can encrypt it and confirm it with an electronic signature. The AWS file "Preparation of calculations for the FSS" is also available for download on the FSS website.

It is not necessary to use this site and software. Most of the special operators of electronic reporting can independently encrypt and send the 4-FSS calculation. All the organization needs to do is to unload the calculation from its accounting program and transfer it to the special operator. In the future, the submitted calculation will be displayed on the FSS electronic portal. And it will be available in the same way as if it was handed over directly by the organization.

Calculations in the form 4-FSS, which were submitted in electronic form. They are passing the input format-logical control. The Foundation will not accept and will return 4-FSS for revision. If the calculation does not correspond to the established format. Or your email signature is invalid. If the form was submitted on the last day, the organization will be able to re-submit the revised version with a delay. FSS offices consider such a delay as late submission of reports and impose a fine.

Advice: The fine can be challenged in court. Responsibility was established precisely for violation of the deadline for sending the calculation. And not for mistakes in it. In arbitration practice, there are court decisions that confirm the legitimacy of such a conclusion. (see, for example, the ruling of the Arbitration Court of the Moscow District of 03/06/2015

FSS is the official software that allows you to process documents in the FSS service. The program can carry out calculations using the FSS-4 and FSS-4a forms. All documents can be submitted to the Social Insurance Fund.

In the program, you can create payment forms in automatic mode. The ready-made form templates that are in this software comply with all Russian laws and modern legal acts.

Features of the program

In the FSS, you keep records of the base with the employees of the enterprise. Employees who have insurance, doctors, authorized persons, and other people fall into this category.

The program allows you to work with each database using a convenient manager. In software, you compile lists of organizations using special tools. These tools include insurance organizations and medical institutions.

Entering the "References" section, you will get acquainted with the list of standard parameters, you will also read about the OKVED classifier. If necessary, you add notes and footnotes that can be stored in both lists.

The main feature of the FSS is the maintenance of various work records. In the program, you can prepare LN registers, which are compiled in settlement forms 4 and 4a. In the software, you keep an ELN journal and protect documents using "digital keys".

Interface and additional functions

FSS was created with a new generation graphical interface. Even a beginner will understand the software, because each component is equipped with a special wizard. The same functions are available for the component that works with the export of documents.

If you need an AWS FSS, you will save the file using the XML format. The program allows you to send documents to other computers using a secure gateway. You can also print documents in the software.

If you have any problems or questions, you can use the help that is included with the program. The entire "reference book" is created in Russian, in an ordered form and is divided into structural blocks.

Key features

  • work with calculations for the FSS according to forms 4 and 4a;
  • preparation of reports and maintenance of the ELN journal;
  • you can add "digital keys" to the document to protect the content;
  • transfer of the created projects to XML and their printing;
  • integrated help with regulations.

It is better to pay off tax debts before May 1. Otherwise, potential and existing counterparties will see information that the company is in debt to the budget for a whole year.< … Сдача СЗВ-М на директора-учредителя: ПФР определился Пенсионный фонд наконец-то поставил точку в спорах о необходимости представлять форму СЗВ-М в отношении руководителя-единственного учредителя. Так вот, на таких лиц нужно сдавать и СЗВ-М, и СЗВ-СТАЖ! < … Налог на прибыль: перечень расходов расширен Подписан закон, который внес изменения в перечень расходов, относящихся к оплате труда. Так, работодатели смогут учитывать в «прибыльной» базе затраты на оплату услуг по организации туризма, санаторно-курортного лечения и отдыха на территории России для работников и членов их семей (родителей, супругов и детей). < …

The program "preparation of calculations for the FSS"


How to protect yourself with 4-FSS electronic reporting All 4-FSS electronic calculations go through the so-called input format-logical control. This means that if the calculation contains errors, the fund will immediately identify them and will not accept the report, but will return them for revision.

Accordingly, if the form was sent on the last day, there is a big risk that in case of any shortcomings, you will not have time to correct the original form and resubmit it on the same day. It turns out that you will reply to the fund later. And some branches of the FSS interpret this as a delay in submitting reports.


And they can all write out a fine at the same minimum, equal to 1000 rubles. Be warned: a fine in such a situation can be challenged in court.

Reason: liability is provided for by law for violation of the deadline for sending the calculation, and not for mistakes made in it.


The second step will be to update the FSS AWS. Check if there is a new version of AWS FSS. Updates can be checked here. If you do not know how to update the AWS of the FSS, then read my article here.
Checking the error again. If it reappears, let's move on to drastic measures. Access violation error at address 005F2A9C in module ‘arm_fss.exe’.

Read of address 445F4449. Radical Remedies Before proceeding with this step, let's still secure ourselves and our data. Let's make a backup copy of our database. If you do not know how to do this, then read my article here.

Now we can break everything and are not afraid that our data will be lost. Download the AWS FSS installation file again. And we will install it, if you do not know how to install the FSS AWS read my article here. But we will carry out the installation with minor edits.

Error 503 in the fss report (what it means and how to fix it)

If, instead of an electronic report, in this case, a paper report is submitted, this will mean that the established method of presenting the calculation has not been observed. For this, a fine of 200 rubles is provided. for the policyholder himself (Article 26.31 of the Federal Law of 24.07.98 No. 125-FZ). And for officials - from 300 to 500 rubles. (Clause 3, Article 15.33 of the Administrative Code). Organizations with a smaller staff have the opportunity to choose - submit calculations on paper or electronically (p.

1 tbsp. 24 of the Federal Law of 24.07.98 No. 125-FZ). 4-FSS: how to report electronically Without the Internet, you can report electronically on an external medium. They can be a floppy disk, CD, flash drive, etc. Only an electronic signature must be required. According to the current legislation, there is only one way to report via the Internet.

Error 508 in the fss report - what is it and how to fix it?

Let's install the program not in the default folder, but somewhere else, for example, on disk D. Let's just create a new folder on disk D and call it AWP FSS.

And in this folder we will install our new program. By the way, many errors in the AWS FSS can be avoided if the program is installed in the NOT folder by default. This decision was suggested to me by my reader Olga, for which she THANKS A LOT! She suggested that if you install the AWS FSS in any other folder, you can get rid of the DM BASE error, I wrote about this error and how to get rid of it here.

After you install the FSS AWS into the new folder, we need to put our database back in place. We start the AWS FSS from disk D. And restore the base.

How to restore the database in the FSS AWS Open the program and go to the "Service" menu item, then select "Database", then "Database restore".

Error 508 in the fss report

It is used by organizations that are not participating in the Pilot Project. You should check the settings of the organization to which the file is uploaded. Samarin Sergey, KAMIN firm The topic is locked. Thank you: Andrey Lanshin, BukhService Error loading in AWS FSS 6 months. 2 weeks back # 3


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I understood what was going on. We have several branches, one in the Belgorod region. We had to make a small revision for them (there are no pilot projects in the other branches of the organization) and, in particular, to remove the Firm everywhere. Instead, I wrote the appropriate functions in my module and, depending on the employee of which branch, I return the necessary data.

Form 4-fss: download the form

The policyholder will need to correct the error. As a rule, the reasons for assigning error code 508 in the FSS report are as follows:

  • not fully unloaded data from the 1C program;
  • the program used to generate the report is outdated as of the current date.

If this error cannot be eliminated, we recommend using the electronic portal on the official website of the FSS http://portal.fss.ru.

It always contains up-to-date information, and there is no doubt about its performance. The specified portal allows both uploading the completed form and sending the form through the portal after passing the preliminary registration procedure. Responsibility for violation of the term If errors in the calculation of 4-FSS are eliminated before the expiration date of its submission, then any liability for the policyholder will not follow.
General data group Possible inaccuracies Syntax errors Incorrect characters - spaces, commas, hyphens The indicator of the professional risk class The risk class must correspond to the indicator assigned annually by the fund based on the documents of the enterprise Indicator of the subordination code The title page must contain the subordination code Format of sum indicators When specifying amounts, a comma is used instead of a period as a separator for rubles and kopecks. the procedure for submitting reports must refer to the official website of the FSS.

Error 508 of the program arm fss version 4 0 2 50

Good afternoon dear friends! Today we will consider an error in the AWS "Preparing calculations for the FSS", which sounds like this: Access violation at address 005F2A9C in module ‘arm_fss.exe’. Read of address 445F4449. Error in AWS FSS. Access violation at address 005F2A9C in module 'arm_fss.exe'.


Read of address 445F4449 One of the readers told me about this error. When unloading a report in .xml format, it received this error.

Together we tried to solve it. Until the end, it is still not clear where this error came from and what needs to be done to make it disappear for sure. But I'll tell you what we did to get around the error. The first step is to restart the program. Save all your data and exit completely from the FSS AWS. For best results, restart your computer completely. Then try to work in the program again, if the error persists, let's move on to the next item.

Error 508 of the program arm fss version 4 0 2 50.2

Error loading in AWS FSS 6 months. 2 weeks back # 1

  • BukhService
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The company unloads the file from the sick register (see attachment, the file is collapsed into the archive), an error occurs when trying to upload to the FSS AWS (see attachment). How do we upload information? Investments:

  • E_3646406428_2017_10_18_01.zip (1KB)
  • Error.jpg (124KB)

The topic is locked. Error loading in AWS FSS 6 months. 2 weeks back # 2

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Hello! The attached file is the ELN registry file.

If an error is found, the policyholder should make the necessary corrections in the report. An independent check of the 4-FSS form can be carried out on the official website http://portal.fss.ru by uploading the corresponding file with the calculation or filling out the form on the electronic portal.

Such a check will identify and correct possible errors at the stage of preparation for submitting the calculation to the supervisory authority. If, when submitting a 4-FSS report, error 508 was detected, then the code of this error will indicate that the report could not overcome the format-logical control procedure.

The fact of revealing the corresponding error by the supervisory authority must be accompanied by sending the policyholder a notification of the detected error with a decoding of its causes. The submission of a report with an error cannot be recognized by the social insurance body as the proper performance of the relevant obligation established by law.

The portal contains a section and regularly publishes news on electronic reporting. The reason for the appearance of a negative protocol with error 503 The official website of the FSS recognizes error 503 as "the XML calculation file did not pass the format control".

The error indicates that XSD cannot read the information due to the presence of inaccuracies in the file, incorrect entries from the point of view of the programming language. The program recognizes an error also in the absence or inaccuracy of data (for example, the absence of the name of the company, its inconsistency with the register), in case of non-compliance with the format of information input (presence of gaps, extra characters, etc.) or incorrect filling of the cipher of section I or II.

FSS is an official software solution from the government service of the same name. It helps to create calculations on the FSS-4 and FSS-4a forms for further submission to the local branch of the Social Insurance Fund. The ready-made form templates offered by this program fully comply with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and current legal acts.

Features of the program

AWP FSS makes it possible to maintain databases with persons employed at the enterprise: insured persons, doctors, relatives and dependents, as well as with authorized persons. A convenient manager is provided in the program to work on each database. Also, using the software, you can make lists of organizations. These include insurance authorities and medical institutions.

In the "References" section, you can familiarize yourself with the current list of regulatory parameters and the OKVED classifier of the first and second editions. If desired, you are allowed to add your own footnotes and notes to both lists.

Well, the most important purpose of the FSS is to keep records. The program provides the ability to prepare LN registers, compile the previously mentioned settlement forms 4 and 4a, and also allows you to keep an ELN journal and protect documents using an electronic digital signature. The developers have provided a convenient manager for working with certificates of individuals and authorized persons.

Interface and additional functions

The program has a very pragmatic interface. For the convenience of the user, a separate wizard is provided for each component. The same goes for the component responsible for exporting documentation. If necessary, AWS FSS allows you to save the finished document in XML format, send it to a third-party PC through a secure gateway, or print it out.

If you have any difficulties while using the program, you can refer to the extensive help file that comes with the program. All information in it is well structured and presented in Russian.

Key features

  • compilation of calculations for the FSS in forms 4 and 4a;
  • ELN logging;
  • adding an electronic digital signature to documents;
  • export of finished projects to XML, as well as printing;
  • built-in reference book of regulations and the classification of OKVED.

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