
Sickle and Hammer: Place History. Promise "Sickle and Hammer" convert to a new urban area of \u200b\u200bthe LCD plant Sickle and hammer

The initial project did not assume one-room small fleets, however, the change in the demand structure on the market forced the developer to revise its plans

The Developing Company Domstroe will build a residential complex in the territory of the abandoned plant "Sickle and Hammer" - platforms with industrial construction with an area of \u200b\u200b74.5 hectares in the east of Moscow in the region of Lefortovo 5 km from the Kremlin.

A new residential complex that was called "Symbol" will take 58.58 hectares of land. The triangular area of \u200b\u200bconstruction adjoins the metro station "Square Ilyich" in the east of the capital: for ten years, 1.5 million square meters will be erected here. M real estate. The first place of residential buildings are planned to be handed over to the fall of 2018, such details today were announced by representatives of Donstroi at the presentation of the construction of the industrial complex.

The residential complex is located 1.5 km from the Garden Ring (Photo: Domstroy)

In 30 apartment buildings will settle 857 thousand square meters. M housing, the floors of the buildings will vary from 5 to 27. One-, two-, three- and four-bedroom apartments will arrive on sale, penthouses on the upper floors with an exit to the roof. Studio apartment projects are not provided. The developer promises to offer residents of accommodation in segments from comfort to premium.

The residential complex is designed for 19 thousand inhabitants; On underground parking there are 10 thousand cars. Sales of the first stage will begin in the fall of 2015, then the prices will be known. "Our task is to bring a premium product at the price of a business class," CEO of Donstroia Alain Dryabina outlined the company's price policy.

The first will be small guns

As part of the first stage of construction, two sections appear: one adjoins the enthusiasts highway, the other is located in the northern part of the neighborhood. On the territory of the first will be built 250 thousand square meters. m housing, on the second - 150 thousand square meters. m. Including small one-room apartments will be brought on sale - from 26-28 sq. M. Dear penthouses overlooking the Kremlin The developer intends to hold - apartments on the upper floors will be put up for sale last.

The initial project did not assume small-scale apartments with one room, however, the change in the demand structure in the Moscow real estate market over the past year made the developer reconsider his plans.

The total volume of investment in the project is not specified. Last year, the developer called 140 billion rubles, but inflation will lead to an increase in costs, the top managers of Donstroia at a press conference explained today. How tangible will be the rise in price, the company did not specify. Of the entire budget of the project, 56% will go to the construction of buildings, 40% will be spent on the development of infrastructure development area, 4% will be design costs.

"Green River" in the center of the microdistrict

The main feature of the LCD "Symbol" will be the so-called "Green River" - a pedestrian street with trees and shrubs lined along it, laid through the development area from the west to the east. Boulevard will connect two socio-cultural centers that will appear at different ends of the "symbol". The total area of \u200b\u200blandscaping will be 29.1 hectares.

On the territory of the Sickle and Hammer plant, two schools will be built at 2360 students, two polyclinics (one for children and one for adults, the total area is 7 thousand square meters. M), as well as eight kindergartens, most of which will be held on the first floors of residential buildings. In total, pre-school institutions will be able to take 1030 children.

Donstroy also plans to build a multifunctional center with offices, shops and other public areas on the territory of the LCD - thanks to the non-standard form, the developer called this building "Frog". From the south to the "symbol", the platform is adjacent on which it will be built (not the "Donetro", the investor is determined) a concert hall for 3.5 thousand places. The concert hall will be located in one of the former factory buildings, argued Moscow in May 2015. The design project of the concert hall developed the Dutch Studio "Bentham Krayel".

The residential complex "The Symbol" will be fully open to the movement of motorists and pedestrians: Domstroy intends to build 4 km of new roads to unload the transport flow at the next Enthusiast Highway. On the roads inside the "symbol" will be allowed a new bus route, the appearance of which has already been agreed with the Moscow authorities. On the territory of the former plant there are two bus stops. A few years later, within walking distance of the LCD "Symbol", the city authorities planned the opening of Lefortovo subway station.

"Symbolic" geometry

Design of the project of a residential complex on the territory of the Sickle and Hammer plant London studios LDA Design and Uha London. British companies won the international competition organized by the "Donetro" last year. Developers liked the comprehensive approach of London designers, provided for not only the needs of future inhabitants of the "symbol", but also the requests of citizens from adjacent areas. According to Top managers, Donstroi, urbanists from LDA Design and Uha London continued to improve the project even after they learned about the victory and received money for the work done.

Based on the concept of British designers, a detailed project of key architectural and planning solutions developed the Moscow Studio "Atrium". In particular, the company "launched" all the courtyards of the "Symbol" in the direction of the Central Quarter Park so that they constitute a single ensemble. Atrium also visualized facade solutions for residential buildings: vertical lines began to prevail in high-rise houses, in lower - horizontal. In this way, the designers diverged the appearance of the neighborhood.

Factory under demolition

At the moment there are abandoned premises of the Sickle and Hammer plant on the territory of the building. The metallurgical plant paid steel, cast iron and metal from 1883 to 2011, most of the existing workshops were built or reconstructed in the 1970s.

The company worked for the defense complex of the USSR; Constructive features of buildings allow them to withstand the bombing and direct rocket hit. In particular, the buildings are distinguished by a deep foundation and a large thickness of overlaps - one of the workshops of 500 long and 96 m wide is equipped with steel farms with a 36-meter span. The "sickle and hammer" was built by the Millennium, "the Deputy General Director of Donstroji, Andrei Bagaev, described the situation. According to the general director "Donstroi" Alena Dreagina, the company is waiting for a "big interesting adventure called dismantling and demolition."

The elimination of the factory buildings will begin in the fall of 2015.

Photographic materials provided by Domstroy

Anton Pogorelsky

Promzone "Sickle and Hammer" in the region of Lefortovo is actively reconstructed. The area of \u200b\u200bthe reorganized territory is 58 hectares. The site is limited from the west st. The golden tree, from the south - the Enthusiast Highway, from the East - the passage of the Sickle and Hammer plant. In August 2019, the park "Green River" opened there, in which there is a bridge on "Bowls" with grapes, an amphitheater with swing chairs, a labyrinth in the "century oak", a giant sandbox and a hemp cloud.

At the end of the XIX century, the French entrepreneur founded a partnership of the Moscow Metal Plant here. In Soviet times, it was nationalized and created the largest plant in Central Russia. He got the name of the Moscow Metallurgical Plant "Sickle and Hammer".

In Soviet times, there were pipes, steel products, wire and metal sheets. After the 1990s, the volume of products has decreased dramatically. The workshop closed one by one, the plant ceased to work in 2011.

How will the territory of the former Promzone "Sickle and Hammer" change?

Despite the fact that this is one of the oldest Promon of Moscow, there are not many historical buildings here. The company passed a large-scale reconstruction in the 1970s, new on-site buildings were erected on the site.

Now there is a modern area with housing, social infrastructure, new jobs and attractions.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe new building exceeds 1.5 million square meters. meters. Moreover, 30% of the territory of the industrial zone will be landscaped and landscaped. The area is designed for 19 thousand inhabitants and 26.5 thousand workers.

In addition to housing (1.1 million square meters m), the media center (172 thousand square meters) and the House of Culture and Music will appear, which will open on the basis of a reconstructed manufacturing building. It will become a landmark of not only a new area, but also the city: the project prepared one of the world's leading bureaus in the construction of the Bentham Krayel concert halls from Holland.

It will be a modern concert hall for 3.5 thousand places with musical studios, vocal classes and other educational infrastructure.

The concept of building a part of the territory of the Sickle and Hammer plant was prepared on the order of the Investor of Domstroy in the Architectural Competition. His materials presented at the World Architectural Festival of 2013 in Singapore, where he aroused a living interest among the world architectural community.

This competition became one of the largest events in the city planning of Moscow: 52 strongest architectural teams took part in it, which included 157 companies from 17 countries.

The developer chose the concept of Archburo LDA Design from the UK, glorified by such projects as the Olympic Park in London, the restoration of the Central Park in New York and projects for renovation Promon in Europe.

Their concept was based on the basis, and the project itself, including the first quarter "freedom", developed the Russian archomburo "Atrium". Its authors have provided for the unique architectural features of buildings, took into account the transport and environmental components, they emphasized the convenience and comfort of people, having seen well-maintained public spaces.

Work on the site started at the end of 2015. Project "Symbol" will take the territory of about 60 hectares on the borderCentral District capital Cities. From here less than 5 km to the Kremlin, 1.5 km to the Garden Ring, less than 1 km to the Solotogo Sea Embankment of the Yauza River and Lefortovo Park.

The construction of the first stage of the project "Symbol" includes a plot:

Queue 1A.(Low-Stay Quarter "Dignity", 8-13 floors) takes 4.7 hectares along the Enthusiast Highway, next to the metro station "Ilyich Square". Built-up area- about 130 thousand square meters. m. Corpus 6 introduced in March 2018Entering other buildings (7-9) - the end of 2019.

Queue 1b(The Quarter "Freedom" of the height of houses up to 27 floors) takes 6 hectares in the northern part of the territory, from the passage of the Sickle and Hammer fare. Built-up area- about 190 thousand square meters. m. The quarter includes five buildings (1-5), they were injected in the summer of 2019.

In 2019, the implementation of the second project queue began: the construction of the quarter started 2B("Courage"), which occupies 1.3 hectares between the Quarter "Freedom" and the territory of the future educational center. The new quarter consists of four monolithic bottled buildings (10-20-28 floors) with a total area of \u200b\u200b81.5 thousand square meters. m.

On the territory of the Promzona will build two schools at 2375 places, including a physico-mathematical lyceum created in partnership with MSTU them. Bauman. Eight kindergartens will appear for 1030 seats, as well as a children's and adult clinic area of \u200b\u200b7 thousand square meters. m, sports objects, trade, culture and leisure. Redevelopment Promsons is scheduled to be completed in 2025.

In the summer of 2019 opened central Public Public Park "Green River".There is a bridge on "Bowls" with grapes, an amphitheater with swing chairs, a labyrinth in the "century oak", a giant sandbox, a cloud of hemp. We tell and show what else you can see here and how to get there.

Interior design projects developed by Archburo "Atrium" (the Quarter "Freedom") and Mad Architects (Quarter "Dignity"). The internal spaces of houses continue to line with a plastic "bionic" architecture: like facades of buildings, the interiors are distinguished by smooth bends, dynamic shapes and a contrasting color palette, including creamy, wood and graphite shades.

For each case, an individual embodiment is selected, in which the entrance doors to apartments made to order mailboxes, upholstered furniture in the input groups and decorative interior parts are selected. So, the color of the first building was the orange, the second - lilac, the third is deep green, the fourth - turquoise, the fifth - night blue, seventh - purple, ninth - mint.

In the Hall decoration used innovative ceramics ARCH-SKIN (abbreviated from Architectural Skin, "Architectural Skin") - large-format plates 3 meters high, create a perfectly smooth solid surface, identical to natural stone.

In this case, the material has incredible strength and anti-vandal resistance to any mechanical stress. Also used: enamelled glass stemalis, tempered glass, porcelain stoneware. In elevator halls, convenient navigation "tips" are applied to the walls with the designation of floors and rooms of apartments.

In the buildings there are silent elevators of the famous manufacturer Kone (Finland) of the European assembly. Apartments are distinguished by high ceilings (3.2-3.5 m) and wide format windows with a height of 2.1 m with high indicators for energy efficiency (due to double-glazed windows with low-emission glass and filling argon).

New streets are named after Russian travelers and discovers

Travel between Enthusiast Highway and Street. The Zolotorogo Val became the Senkevich boulevard in honor of the scientist and the TV journalist, the leading popular transfer of the Soviet and Russian television "Traveler Club" Yuri Alexandrovich Senkevich.

The passage between the Enthusiast Highway and the Third Transport Ring (TTK) received the name of Gregory Ivanovich Shelikhov - researcher and the navigator, who in the XVIII century headed the expedition to Russian America, founded the first Russian settlements in North America.

The road from the highway of enthusiasts inland the territory of the new building was the passage of Nevelsky. It is named after the Russian admiral, the famous researcher of the Far East and the discoverer of Sakhalin Island Gennady Ivanovich Nevelsky.

Main Street - from the street. The golden tree before the head of the Sickle and Hammer fare - it is planned to give the name of the great Russian navigator and Admiral Ivan Fedorovich Kruzhenstern. He made the first Russian round-the-world expedition.

Far rural past
The territory, in modern Moscow, a limited highway of enthusiasts, the Street of the Zolotorogogo Shaft and the passage of the Sickle and Hammer plant, in the XVI century, it was part of the possessions of the monastery village Karachairov, which belonged to the Saucean Andronicus Monastery. Almost three centuries, this area served as arable and pasture faults - at least, the mention of any settlements here in the chronicles was not preserved.

In 1649, the village of Karachairov and Andronikov Monastery under urban pasture were marked by extensive plots of land, among whom were part of the territory of interest to us. At the end of the 17th century, the construction of residences and kings began here, and in the 1730s, during the device of the palace and park complex, known as Summer Annengof, Annegnofskaya Grove was planted east of him. If the grove was preserved to this day, she became the composition of the new multifunctional area on the site of the plant, but her fate was different: 16 (29) June 1904 All trees were literally "sibrants" Solochi, destroyed in Moscow also Karacharovo, Andronovo, Lefortovo barracks and part of Sokolnikov, and reached to Yaroslavl.

Under the auspices of the state
In 1738-1742, Moscow was surrounded by the line of the Camera College Val, which became the customs border of the city. Outposts appeared on all the main roads: at the Vladimir - Rogozhskaya, on Ryazan - Pokrovskaya, and in the 2nd half of the 18th century, a breakpacker was arranged in Lefortov. In 1764, during the secularization of church lands, Andronovka and Karacharovo were transferred to the work of the savings board. From that moment on, the new page of the history of these lands begins: they broke up with the agricultural status. Already at the beginning of the XIX century, the first factory facilities arise in the territories adjacent to the foundations. For example, on the topographic map of the circumference of Moscow of 1818, a ternary plant is shown on the outside of the Rogozhsky tree, south of the village is a new Andronovka - an enabler plant.

In the early 1840s. The Vladimir road was reconstructed, was hidden and received the name of the Vladimirsky highway. In 1840, a new Andronovka in the village (from the north of the new route) was erected by the All-day church and a high bell tower (Arch. P.P. Burnin). In 1862, the territory was transformed into a single all-terrain maidy monastery. In 1873, a two-story building of the Nikolsk Church with the Pokrov's attack (Enthusiasts Highway, D.7) was built along the Line of the Vladimir Highway (Highway of Enthusiasts, D.7), in the disfigured form, which is directly adjacent to the plant "Sickle and Hammer".

Fragment of the "topographic map of the circumference of Moscow", 1852 provided by NIII General Plan of Moscow
In the web of the railways
It is hardly the biggest influence on the territory studied rendered from the beginning of the 1860s railway construction. The first in 1862, a section of the Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod Railway was built: her passenger station was located for the Pokrovskaya stamping north of the Ryazan Road - now this is the "Sickle and Hammer" platform. This initial portion of the road was held in parallel Ryazan highway along the northern outskirts of the village of Khokhlovka, and already in 1864 the movement on the Moscow-Ryazan (Kazan) railway began. In 1867, the line of the Kursk Railway joined them, the track of which crossed the Camera College Val and Vladimir Road along the bed of a raised creek of the Golden Horn, and even a little later she was connected to the Nizhny Novgorod road special branch.

It is so stormy construction in the area of \u200b\u200brailways and driveways stimulated the development of a large industry here. In 1870, the intersection of the Line of the Kazan Railway and Vladimir highway was founded by a boiler-mechanical and copper-apparatus plant Dangauer and Kaiser, which was engaged in the production of equipment for the food industry. And in 1883, a French entrepreneur Juliya Gruzon founded a partnership of the Moscow Metal Plant, between the Rog's Tamper and the Connecting Branch on Earth. For seven years, construction continued here, and in 1890 he earned the first Marten oven on fuel oil. In 1913, seven Martenovsky ovens worked here, which paid more than 90,000 tons of steel per year, several small-sized and leaf rolling mills. The plant on which more than 2,000 workers worked, quickly became the largest metalworking enterprise of Moscow. A simple iron was produced on it, as well as irreplaceable in citywide and personal farms, nails, bolts, etc.

Epoch "Sickle and Hammer"
In Soviet times, all major enterprises in the described area were nationalized. The Geuzon plant did not exception: in 1922, he received the name "Moskovsky Metallurgical Plant" Sickle and Hammer "(the plant Dungauer and Kaiser became the Kotlohaption plant, and Vladimir Highway was renamed in the Enthusiast Highway). The expansion of the metalworking plant began in the 1930s: the neighboring buildings were demolished, and new buildings of the "Sickle and Hammer" plant appeared in their place - the shaped casting, calibration and lent rolling shops.

The Sickle and Hammer plant was an exemplary company of its time, where a record amount of products was not only produced, but new technologies were constantly invented and introduced. So, in 1932, on the new Cold rolling mill, a tape 0.1-1.0 mm thick was mastered here for the first time in the country. And in 1949, the world's first oxygen application technology was developed to intensify Martenov's steel, for which its authors were awarded the state premium of the USSR of the first degree.
The factory was survived the second large-scale reconstruction in the 1970s, as a result of which the "sickle and hammer" abandoned the Mainensian stoves, fully automated its production and moved to the manufacture of products from high-alloyed and stainless steel steel grades. Extensive new industrial and warehouse construction turned along the highway of the Enthusiasts Highway: on the site of one-two-storey buildings, a large complex of the cable industry was erected here.

The newest time
The glory of the advanced enterprise was held in the 1990s when the volume of products was significantly reduced: economic and political realities made their own adjustments. It is hardly that the main acquaintance of the plant's activity was the rental of its premises, which, in turn, gradually led to a natural decline in the territory. Conversations about the need for a complex reconstruction of the Triangle are conducted since the beginning of the 2000s: repeatedly the city was going to place offices and shopping centers here, in 2006 I even had an idea to move one of the Moscow stations (more precisely, to restore the Nizhny Novgorod railway station that once existed in this area). However, all these projects remained on paper, and the only large-scale work that was in close proximity to the stopped plant is the construction of the third transport ring.

Actually, it is the appearance of such a significant transport artery here as TTK, and made the urban authorities to draw the closest attention to the semi-closed territory of the plant. Since 2007, the Moscow government has begun to study the possible scenarios of the reorganization of the industrial zone. Projects of building "Sickle and hammer" have since been developed several times, the last two options s In April of this year, the Architectural Council of Moscow.

Then two planning projects were made to the Council - a plot of the former territory of the plant of 19 hectares and a plot of 53 hectares (it was on such unequal triangles "Sickle and Hammer" divides the third transport ring). In the first part, the authors of the planning project (GUP NIIIP, the General Plan and the project "Projects") offered to place a multifunctional complex building, the author of the second concept - "Financial and Organizing Consulting" LLC - provided for the creation of a media park, hotels, a new building "Shalom" theater, office and shopping and exhibition complexes. The members of the Architectural Council unanimously recommended to reject these projects, including due to the colossal disunity of two territories, which in the urban planning sense can and should be one. Improvements, according to experts, also demanded a transport scheme, typology of buildings and the environmental component of projects. In order to create a "socially controlled, not socially isolated space", as well as taking into account the enormous potential of this site for the city, the architectural council recommended that Developer make the development of an architectural and town planning concept by the subject of an international competition.

At the end of the XIX century, the French entrepreneur founded a partnership of the Moscow Metal Plant here. In Soviet times, he was nationalized and created the largest plant in the territory of Central Russia. He got the name of the Moscow Metallurgical Plant "Sickle and Hammer".

In Soviet times, there were pipes, steel products, wire and metal sheets. After the 1990s, the volume of products decreased sharply. The workshop closed one by one, the plant finally stopped his work in 2011.

Although it is one of the oldest Promon of Moscow, there are not so many historical buildings here. The company passed a large-scale reconstruction in the 1970s, new on-site buildings were erected on the site. Now it is planned to build a modern city district with housing, social infrastructure, new jobs and even urban attractions.

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe new building is more than 1.5 million square meters. m. It is interesting that 30% of the entire territory of the industrial zone will be landscaped and landscaped. The area will be designed for 19 thousand inhabitants and by 26.5 thousand working.

In addition to housing (1.1 million square meters m), schools, kindergartens, clinic, parkings, offices and other commercial facilities will also be built. Here will appear the media center (172 thousand square meters. M) and the House of Culture and Music, which will open on the basis of the former production building, which is waiting for the reconstruction. It will become a highlight not only a new area, but also the city: the project will prepare one of the world's leading bureaus in the construction of the Bentham Krayel concert halls from Holland.

It will be the most modern concert hall in the capital for 3.5 thousand people, with musical studios, vocal classes and other educational musical infrastructure.

The concept of development of the territory of the plant "Sickle and Hammer" was prepared during the architectural competition. His materials presented at the World Architectural Festival of 2013 in Singapore, where he aroused a living interest among the world architectural community. This competition became one of the largest events in the modern town planning of Moscow: 52 of the strongest architectural teams took part in it, which included 157 companies from 17 countries.

The developer has chosen the concept of the LDA Design architectural bureau from the UK, famous for projects such as the Olympic Park in London, restoration of the Central Park in New York and a number of projects for renovation Promon in Europe.

However, in fact, their concept only went on the basis, and the project itself, including the first quarter "freedom", developed the Russian architectural bureau "Atrium".

The park is divided into several zones: "Fabulous Islands" (two playgrounds for children of different ages - "century oak" and "hilly shores"), sports ground and covered space under the bridge. In the latter there will be a restaurant intersection with a cafe and other places of attraction. Already there are baffies there, tables for ping pong and board games, swing-hammocks, as well as an amphitheater, which in the future plan to use as a summer cinema, a lecture and a platform for concerts. On the bridge itself will be a cycleway, a car span and a pedestrian pavement.

The project of the bridge was developed in conjunction with the "Creative Workshop of the Garranian Brothers". The design relies on the concrete pots made by hand - they were brought from Germany. Grapes and rowan grow in pots - the feeling of hanging gardens is created below. In total, 180 trees were landed in the park, 2,500 decorative shrubs, 6 thousand colors.

According to the general director of the workshop atrium, the bridge "will become a real element of the aidctors of this area." He was decided to make a new social space, which is organized both on it and under. Upstairs will also appear a long bench on which it will be possible to sit and look at the park.

"It was very difficult to realize the automotive bridge, because this is a registered theme, it has a monopolist - the company" Hormost ", so we had to use a bunch of tricks to integrate the automotive bridge in architecture. And we have a real art object, "says Vera Butko, General Director of the ATRIUM workshop.

Also in the park promise to open skateboats, rollerrromes, 5 kilometers of cross-country and cycles, exhibition park, fairground area and pond. In the near future, once the settlement will begin in the housings, cafe will earn.

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