
Payment system world where they accept. Card of the national payment system MIR: your own, native, convenient. MIR and UEC - brothers or enemies

The Russian national payment system "Mir" was created at the end of 2015. In the spring of 2015, during an all-Russian creative competition, its name and brand logo - "Mir" - were determined. JSC National Payment Card System acts as the operator of the Mir payment system.

The first national Mir bank cards were issued in December 2015 by participants in the pilot project. It is planned that the Mir payment card will receive maximum distribution in Russia. It is also envisaged that it will go abroad through co-branding programs with international payment systems. At the moment, the production of co-branded cards under the brands Mir-Maestro, Mir-JCB and Mir-AmEx has been launched.

Unlike international payment systems, transactions using Mir bank cards cannot be suspended, and no external economic and political factors can affect the making of payments using cards of the Russian Mir payment system.

The main goals and objectives of creating the Russian payment system “Mir”:

    Providing reliable money transfer services using national payment instruments;

    Increasing public confidence in non-cash payment methods;

    Creation of a Russian payment space independent of foreign companies;

    Issue of national payment instruments - Mir bank cards;

    Presentation of the Mir payment card on the international market.

In December 2015, the first Russian plastic cards “Mir” began to be issued. According to the creators, over time this financial instrument will become a worthy competitor to cards of foreign payment systems. Where did the idea of ​​creating a national plastic come from? What capabilities and advantages does it have? And how to become the owner of a card with a memorable green-blue emblem? You will learn about this and much more from our article.

The first Russian plastic card "Mir"

The reason for the creation of JSC National Payment Card System (NSCP) in the Russian Federation was serious failures in servicing Visa and Mastercard cards in 2014. Due to the introduction of sanctions against Russia, the mentioned payment systems stopped processing transactions on cards of several banks. This is what prompted the development of our own Russian payment system.

The main tasks of the NSPK:

  1. Processing transactions on cards of foreign payment systems within our country in an uninterrupted manner;
  2. Creation and distribution of a national payment instrument - PC "Mir".

The Russian plastic card "Mir" will allow its owners to carry out various financial transactions, regardless of rapid changes in the foreign policy situation and decisions of global payment systems.

How to use PC "Mir"

At the moment, a plastic card allows you to carry out the following operations:

  • depositing and withdrawing money from an ATM;
  • money transfer from a card account to another bank account;
  • payment for goods and services, including utilities;
  • transferring funds to an electronic wallet, for example, Yandex.Money and Webmoney;
  • payment for goods and services outside the Russian Federation - is now available only for co-badged cards that contain the emblems of two payment systems: Mir and Maestro (from Gazprombank).

Naturally, this is just the beginning. In the future, it is planned not only to expand the range of functionality, but also the network of Mir card service points in Russia and abroad.

Which banks issue the Mir plastic card?

According to information from the official website, seven banks issue plastic cards. Citizens who are serviced by Gazprombank, Moscow Industrial Bank, MDM Bank, Rossiya Bank, RNKB Bank, Svyaz-Bank and SMP Bank can become owners of a domestic payment instrument. In addition, Mir cards are being tested in 21 more Russian banks.

PC "Mir" has all the basic properties of payment cards. It can already be used in 1,500 ATMs and 100 thousand terminals in Russia. By 2017, all banks in the Russian Federation must connect to the system, for which there is a corresponding law of the Central Bank.

Thus, at the end of next year, holders of the Mir PC will be able to pay with it at any retail outlet in our country, and, according to the creators’ forecasts, it will take about two to three years to introduce the card to international markets.

How to get a plastic card "Mir"

In order to apply for a national card you must:

  1. With your passport, contact the bank that issues Mir payment cards - information about such financial organizations is posted on the official website of the NSPK;
  2. Write an application for a banking product.

Next, you will need to wait about seven days - that’s how long it will take to make the card. After receiving the card, the owner will be able to freely manage it: withdraw money, pay in the trade and service network, etc.

Cost and design features of the “World” card

Some banks provide their clients with the opportunity to fill out an application for issuing the Mir PC online. To do this, you need to follow the bank link and click on the button: Apply for a card. In the window that opens, you must fill out the form fields and agree to the processing of your personal data.

There you can also find information about tariffs for the Mir card. For example, the cost of annual maintenance of a simple “Mir” main account will cost the owner 90 rubles. Annual maintenance for classic and premium cards will cost 450 and 2 thousand rubles, respectively.

The official website of the NSPK contains all the information about the Mir plastic card

On the official website of the NSPK in the section: Payment system "Mir" the following data is posted:

  • about the history of the Mir brand and logo;
  • about PC rules and tariffs;
  • on the list of operating operators and participants of the Mir payment system.

If you encounter difficulties with the card or other questions, you can contact the 24-hour technical support service for users: 8-495-705-99-99 and 8-800-500-00-05. You can also use the option: Feedback and send a message to the NSPK email in the section: Contacts.

Advantages of a national financial product - PC "Mir"

According to the head of NSPK Vladimir Komlev, the cost of issuing the Mir card at the beginning of the project will approximately correspond to the cost of issuing cards of other payment systems. In the future, with mass production of plastic, the cost of the Mir PC will be lower. Let us remind you that this card will become available to the mass consumer in the second half of 2016.

The main task of NSPK "Mir" is to ensure the security of transactions and independence from foreign payment systems. Cards are produced in compliance with Russian standards and technologies. PC "Mir" can interact with other payment systems in accordance with all international standards.

Advice from Sravni.ru: Recently, Internet fraud associated with issuing a Mir card on especially favorable terms has become popular. Messages of this nature are sent to citizens' email inboxes. The letter asks you to install an application or fill out an online form to receive a card. Do not open such letters and do not provide any personal data, logins or passwords - real bank employees never ask for such information.

PayOnline Product Director Maria Goryacheva found 6 reasons to take a closer look at the first domestic financial product - the Mir card.

The National Payment Card System (NPSK, which is responsible for issuing the Mir card) was created in 2014, and the issuance of cards began at the end of 2015. And until now, the attitude towards the Mir payment system is, as a rule, wary. Many are sure that “Mir” is a national exotic that cannot be properly used. Out of patriotic feelings, you can sign up for it and even take advantage of bonus programs, but you won’t be able to fully use it in life on a par with Visa and MasterCard.

Is there any point in getting a card that is not accepted anywhere? Is it possible to pay her abroad? Is it safe? When will Sberbank finally start issuing Mir cards? Let's figure it out.

1. Is Mir more profitable in comparison with Visa and MasterCard?

If we talk about the tariff policy for cardholders, it is formed by banks independently and is beyond the competence of the NSPK.

Among the products of the Mir payment system are debit and prepaid cards, debit card with overdraft and credit card, premium debit card with overdraft and credit card. You can study, for example, the rating of classic debit cards “Mir”. Thus, the cheapest card to service may be the “Classic World” card from Ak Bars Bank - its cost is only 200 rubles per year. You will have to pay a little more - 300 rubles - for the "World Classic" card of SMP Bank, but noticeable advantages here will be the presence of the Travel Miles bonus program and free accident insurance or a TZR policy (insurance for traveling abroad). On average, the price level of service costs in various banks ranges from 200 to 1000 rubles per year.

There are no significant price or psychological differences in the cost of servicing Mir, Visa or MasterCard cards in most banks.The only question is the number of retail outlets where you can pay with one or another card. It is obvious that so far Visa and MasterCard are noticeably ahead in this regard.

2. Where can I get a “World” card?

The official website of the NSPK contains a detailed diagram of the participants of the “Peace” PS. There are already more than 130 banks in the system. At the same time, only 23 banks can issue cards, including Gazprombank, URALSIB Bank, Otkritie Bank, recently joined Raiffeisenbank and others.

The total number of Mir cards issued as of July 2016 exceeded 220 thousand. A massive surge in emissions is expected from September, when . At the same time, the head of the bank, German Gref, recently noted that by the end of 2016, more than half of Sberbank POS terminals and all of its ATMs will accept national cards.

3. Where can I pay with a Mir card?

In July of this year, we became one of the first providers to enable Internet acquiring for Mir cards. This means that you can pay with Mir cards on the Internet. For example, users can pay not only with a Visa card, but also with a national card. This service is increasingly in demand.

In addition, at the beginning of the year there was only talk about the potential acceptance of Mir cards in stores and restaurants, but now the largest federal retail chains are beginning to actively work in this direction. And soon such functionality will no longer seem exotic at all.

The “newest” participant in this list is the Auchan hypermarket chain, which has been accepting Mir cards since August 25. A little earlier, the Metro Cash and Carry chain and the furniture giant IKEA joined in.

The big news was the start of accepting Mir cards in the fast food chain McDonald's. They became the first company with American owners to implement the project, despite sanctions against Russia.

Also, one of the first Russian fast food chains where it became possible to pay with national cards was Teremok. Among the most well-known points are the networks “Billa”, “Sportmaster”, H&M, cinemas “Karo”, “Aeroflot”, Mail.ru, “Megafon” - all of them have already deployed a ready-made infrastructure that allows you to pay with “Mir” cards.

Finally, an important step forward will be the implementation of the Mir card payment functionality on the global online retail platform AliExpress. In April of this year, NSPK and AliExpress signed a protocol on cooperation with the aim of developing a common culture of non-cash payments in Russia: so, perhaps, the long-awaited integration will happen in the fall.

4. Is it possible to pay with a Mir card abroad?

Yes, but for this you will need a co-badging card (a joint card of two payment systems, which can be used in both infrastructures): for example, “Mir-JCB”, which can be issued at Gazprombank branches, or “Mir-Maestro”, issued currently MTS-Bank. A similar “product” of import substitution can be used in almost all countries of the world: the same JCB has deployed a receiving network of 30 million devices around the world. Maestro has almost the same functionality.

5. Is the Mir card safe?

Some time ago, the media discussed the story that the security of Mir cards would be questionable at first due to the systems complementing the card. According to a statement by a Central Bank expert, “potential attacks will not be on the card itself, but on some systems that complement this card, for example, remote banking systems, reading information about a payment card, etc.”

Representatives of NSPK and leading Russian banks brush aside all misunderstandings: from a security point of view, the Mir card is absolutely identical to cards of international payment systems. It contains a chip with EMV technology, which is used, among other things, in Visa and MasterCard cards.

Another important point is CNP transactions (Card not present - transactions without the physical presence of cards), that is, when paying on the Internet. Here, a temporary NSPK solution is currently used based on the 3D-Secure standard Verified by Visa - in which the cardholder confirms each operation on his card with a special one-time password, which he receives as an SMS on his smartphone.

In the near future (by the end of 2016) it is expected to switch to independent from international payment systems 3D-Secure 2.0 standard developed by EMVCo. Its main difference is that the buyer will not be redirected to the access control server page. Instead, the client must have a special authentication application installed. It will also allow you to make payments using In-App Payments technology - directly from the application without using a web browser.

6. Map “World”: who is it for?

Now cards are issued mainly for salary and social projects. When developing the tariff policy, public sector workers were primarily taken into account: over time, all salary projects of budgetary institutions are planned to be transferred to the “World” card. Recently there was also a message that the Ministry of Finance plans to transfer social benefit payments to the NSPK. Favorable rates will most likely become one of the main advantages of the card. It is likely that the basic products of the Mir PS will be more accessible in the future than their Visa and MasterCard counterparts.

It is worth paying attention to the immediate prospects of the product: the implementation of a transport application on maps, and potentially also a social and medical one.

The loyalty program for Mir card holders, after its full launch, will also help attract consumers. It involves, in particular, cashback (return of interest on purchases to the card), the average size of which will be approximately 10-15%.

Don’t forget about the basic advantage of the Mir card for Russians – the stability of its operation in any conditions. Everyone remembers the situation in Crimea with the international payment systems Visa and MasterCard. It is important that the national card makes it possible to make transactions and withdraw cash regardless of external political and economic factors. Personal data of Mir card holders remains in Russia.

Why did we decide to connect Mir? To support a Russian company that pays to the Russian Federation. I am sure that with the development of the national payment system, its creators will be able to offer both businesses and individuals many bonuses that will make the Mir card very attractive to customers.

The country is thriving, and today we will talk about the domestic product, the Russian national payment system, which is trying to conquer the vastness of our country and displace Visa and MasterCard. It is clear that she will never succeed, but her efforts and attempts can be seen with the naked eye. In general, the system itself is not so bad, but it does not have any great advantages. Let's find out what the World card from Sberbank is and why is it needed?

Classic card


  • Large cash withdrawal limit.
  • Free issue.
  • When applying for a salary card, annual maintenance may be free under certain conditions.


  • The Sberbank World payment card has a service fee of 750 rubles per year. Yes, from the second year it’s 450 rubles, but it’s still very expensive.
  • SMS banking is paid, although cheaper than other Sbercards.

Gold card



  • Just a plastic card with gold paint for 3,000 rubles a year. Why is it needed? - No one knows.

Pension card


  • Free social card world from Sberbank in every sense.
  • Interest on funds balance up to 3.5% per annum. True, other banks have interest rates up to 8 or even 9. But at least for that, thanks to the big green banking monster.
  • There is the possibility of payment, communication, telephone, Internet and other services through Internet banking.


  • The pension product lacks free mobile banking.

What is the MIR payment system?

More recently, after the crisis, when, due to sanctions, some banks in our country simply disappeared, as their licenses to use the Visa and MasterCard payment systems were revoked. Many of our financial leaders were afraid of the complete collapse of the banking structure due to the fact that, as always, we are using everything from the West and not our own.

And then a brilliant idea came to them - to make their payment system a national, Russian one. In general, MIR has existed since July 2014. At first there were a lot of bugs, the system was down, some payments didn’t arrive or took months, but they tried to fix it as soon as possible. Now it is more perfect than then, but there are still errors. In general, it is practically no different from and, if you use it in your homeland.

General advantages

  1. All cards are issued free of charge and issued at all bank branches.
  2. Cash withdrawal is free at Sberbank ATMs, of which there are quite a few.
  3. Even if all our banks fall under sanctions, you will still be able to make purchases with MIR cards. But you don’t have to worry about this, since the turnover within the country using these payments is huge and the West will never give up such a huge piece of the pie.
  4. Convenient Internet banking and mobile application from Sberbank.
  5. Our own, domestic, national technology for remote payment - MIR Accept. In general, it is not very necessary, but sometimes it is convenient.

General disadvantages

  1. What the hell, MIR cards cost the same as Visa and MasterCard? It’s a little unclear here that a domestic product costs the same, but has fewer advantages. Many people say that the service for MIR cards at Sberbank is greatly overpriced.
  2. From January 1, 2018, all government institutions, as well as pensions, will be issued only to MIR cards. Yes, of course, you can refuse to receive it, but then you will receive your salary the old fashioned way at the cash register.
  3. There is only one currency and there will always be only the ruble. You cannot open additional foreign currency accounts.
  4. So you, so handsome and pale, went to the sea in another country, inserted a World card there, and the ATM sent you far, far away. You will not be able to withdraw or send money abroad. Many government officials are beginning to come up with fairy tales that someday these cards will be used there, but unfortunately, this will never happen. Think for yourself, there are two giants Visa and MasterCard from the Americans, do you think they will launch the Russian payment system MIR? The maximum where it will be ranked is the CIS countries.
  5. Not all terminals and stores accept this card yet.
  6. There are still shortcomings in the payment and transfer system.
  7. Only the issue of MIR debit cards has been established, there are no credit cards yet!
  8. Registration is currently only for individuals. Perhaps in the future there will be new programs for legal entities. persons

Bonus program Thank you

  1. 0.5% of all card purchases.
  2. This program is used by all Sberbank products.
  3. You can receive up to 20% on purchases from bank partners.
  4. For a complete list of partners, as well as for more detailed information, see here – https://spasibosberbank.ru/

How to get a card?

Client requirements

  1. Citizenship of the Russian Federation (It is also possible for a foreigner to obtain it, but this needs to be clarified at the bank branch).
  2. Age – from 14 years (For pension card from 18 years)
  3. Registration, registration and residence on the territory of the Russian Federation
  4. If you want to get a pension card, then you must have all the rights under the legislation of the Russian Federation.

How to order online?

How to quickly get a world card from Sberbank?

  1. Go to the website - https://www.sberbank.ru/ru/person/bank_cards/debet/mir
  2. Read the terms and conditions.
  3. Click on the button "Order online"

  1. Enter: Full name, First and last name on your future card, Date of birth, Place of birth, Citizenship, your email and your mobile phone.

  1. Next, you will need to fill out your passport information. Fill them out very carefully.

  1. We fill out the information from your passport about the place of registration, and later write the address of the Sberbank branch where it will be more convenient for you to pick up the card.
  2. After some time, a bank employee will contact you and clarify the information.
  3. In approximately 7 business days, your card will be ready and you will receive an SMS message with the address where you can pick it up.
  4. You will need to take your passport with you to the bank branch.

Office decoration

  1. To apply for a Mir card, you need to go to any Sberbank branch with a passport or identification document.
  2. Fill out the form and application.
  3. In about a week you will be notified that it is ready, and you can pick it up there.

How to receive a pension on it?

  1. To do this, you will need to visit a bank branch with your passport and pension certificate.
  2. You fill out and receive the card itself with documents and an agreement.
  3. Next, you have a choice: either you fill out an application for a pension at the bank itself, or you go to the pension fund or MFC and fill it out there, but then you will need to enter the card account number (do not confuse it with the card number) it is in the contract, which will be given to you when you apply for plastic.

How to receive a salary on a MIR card?

To do this, your organization must have a salary project with Sberbank. After which, your accounting department will do everything itself and issue a world map, and you will only have to pick it up at the nearest branch. In general, the Mir salary card in the future will be free of charge for salary earners.

About contactless technology

Many Mir cards have contactless payment technology - MIR Accept. Visa and MasterCard have the same technologies. The point is that you can simply swipe next to a special terminal and the money for the purchase will be debited from your card. When paying up to 1000 rubles, a PIN code is not required.

In general, our citizens are generally not interested in all these contactless things, and they use plastic the old fashioned way. I can’t say that this innovation makes life much easier, but sometimes it can be very convenient.

What will happen in the future with MIR cards? (Maybe)

  1. Sell ​​MIR cards to all state employees.
  2. Speed ​​up the exchange of information in the system and increase the speed of sending transactions.
  3. Open a series of MIR credit cards.
  4. Deliver debit cards by mail to anywhere in the country and even to the CIS countries.
  5. Introduce technology to foreign countries. But it will most likely be possible to implement it only in the CIS countries, and that’s not a fact.
  6. Introduction of additional bonus and cashback programs.
  7. The system itself will later enter into partnerships with large stores and companies. That is, when purchasing goods in such stores from any MIR card, you will receive bonuses and discounts.
  8. Planning to bring MIR to the world stage. Now I will express my opinion: it is more likely that aliens will arrive to teach us how to make counterfeits from dung than this will happen, since the two giants Visa and MasterCard will never share their territory.
  9. Perhaps the release and maintenance will be very cheap - almost free.

Card replenishment

How to quickly make a transfer to your Mir card from a Sberbank card? there are several ways:

  1. Mobile bank
  2. Sberbank Online
  3. Mobile application for IOS or Android.
  4. At an ATM with the Cash-in function
  5. Through an office or branch of Sberbank.

About security

  1. World cards are no different from other plastics.
  2. They have an internal chip and magnetic tape.
  3. All external details are the same as for any bank card according to international standards.
  4. Connected technology, which partially allows you to protect funds on the Internet. But it is possible, and there are services that accept payment without her participation - remember this.

RESULT! No better or worse than other banking products in terms of protection.

Why are Sberbank MIR cards better than others?

Generally speaking, Sberbank has a huge number of disadvantages: expensive service, paid Internet banking, no regular income cards, no cashback, slow “Thank You” bonus program. There are cards from other banks that are several times more profitable and better, but there is one thing.

Sberbank is the most reliable bank today, which will probably never close and its license will not be revoked. The second advantage is that finding an ATM or terminal is not a problem at all, and they are everywhere.

CONCLUSION! Unfortunately, at the moment the MIR cards themselves are still lagging behind the same Visa and MasterCard cards.

Full tariff of a regular card

Full pension card tariff

In more detail, you can download all tariffs for all debit cards from the official Sberbank website using this link - http://www.sberbank.ru/common/img/uploaded/files/pdf/person/bank_cards/Debetovye_karty_Tarify.pdf

Still have questions?

If you did not find what you were looking for or you still have additional questions, then you can go to the bank branch itself or call the hotline number 8 800 555 55 50 or 900 – for mobile numbers. You can visit the official website of Sberbank and see other products there - www.sberbank.ru/

Other banks issuing Mir cards

  1. Tinkoff Bank
  2. Rosselkhozbank
  3. BinBank
  4. VTB 24
  5. Eastern Bank
  6. Svyaz-bank
  7. Asia-Pacific Bank
  8. Bank Rosgosstrah
  9. Promsvyazbank

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 1

    ✪ MIR bank card. It's alive!!!



In April 2015, an all-Russian creative competition was announced for the best name and trademark of the national payment system, as a result of which the Russian payment system will receive the name “Mir” and a trademark with the image of a globe. The corporate colors chosen are green and blue.

Since April 1, 2015, payments within Russia using all plastic cards, including Visa and MasterCard, go through the National Payment Card System (NSCP) - the operator of the MIR payment system. The legislatively established goal of creating the NSPK is to ensure the uninterrupted, efficient and accessible provision of money transfer services (Part 1 of 30.1 of Federal Law No. 161-FZ “On the National Payment System”) and a mechanism for security deposits of payment system operators that are not nationally significant . (Regulations on security deposits<...>, approved by the Bank of Russia on June 12, 2014 No. 423-P).

The first issuing banks were Gazprombank, MDM Bank, Moscow Industrial Bank, RNKB, Rossiya Bank, Svyaz-Bank and SMP Bank. The first co-branded “Mir”-Maestro card, which can be used to pay in Russia and abroad, was issued by Gazprombank in December 2015.

In April 2016, it was announced that in 2017 mass production of Mir cards would begin with support for contactless payment technology for goods and services. The pilot project should be launched before the end of 2016. It is planned that over time it will be possible to pay for travel on the metro using the Mir contactless card.

At the beginning of 2017, banks began issuing cards with the possibility of contactless payment for travel on transport.

No later than July 1, 2017, absolutely all banks in the Russian Federation are required to begin at least accepting MIR cards at POS terminals and ATMs. In addition, amid discussions about the possibility of introducing additional commissions when withdrawing funds using VISA and MasterCard cards, MIR cards do not provide for such an opportunity and will not provide for it in the future.

Operating principle and features

The Mir payment system has debit and classic cards, and overdraft is supported.

Mir payment cards can be issued with both Russian (NIIME and Mikron, Angstrem) and foreign-made chips.


The design of the Mir cards uses several proprietary elements that guarantee safe use, including:

  • Graphic symbol of the ruble, visible in ultraviolet light;
  • Chip (microprocessor) gold or silver color;
  • Branded “World” hologram with a shaped lens element - when changing the viewing angle, the illusion of a transition from a convex surface in the center to a smooth surface along the edges of the hologram should be created. There is also a hidden graphic symbol of the ruble in the hologram.

"NSPK JSC (operator of the Mir payment system) also acts as a processor for international payment systems: we service all traffic on the territory of the Russian Federation. Wherever you pay for purchases or services with any card, all transactions go through us. Daily number of transactions by cards of all payment systems that are processed in NSPK are approaching 20 million transactions,” says Vladimir Troyanovsky, director of the NSPK IT department.

Participants and distribution

  • At the end of 2016, 177 credit institutions were participants in the Mir payment system, with 47 banks issuing payment cards, and 94 banks servicing the Mir card at ATMs, POS terminals and on the Internet. and as of September 2016, up to 1.1 million transactions were carried out on them per month. Mir cards are accepted at about 165,915 ATMs and more than 1.2 million POS terminals. The mass release of the Mir cards was planned for the fall of 2016. As of December 31, 2016, 1,843,532 cards were issued.
  • By the beginning of 2018, it is planned to transfer all public sector employees in Russia to the new payment system. This measure drew criticism from a number of Russian banks. The fact of violation of consumer rights and freedom of competition was confirmed by the FAS Russia in the person of Liliya Belyaeva, deputy head of the financial markets control department, who sent an official conclusion to the Central Bank: “The adoption of this document may lead to restriction of competition in the payment systems market and infringement of the rights of citizens, in including in connection with the establishment of the need for them to receive various types of budget payments only to accounts for which transactions are carried out using Mir payment cards. In turn, the Head of Sberbank, German Gref, also spoke out against the transfer of all public sector employees to Mir: “If any preferences arise for any system, this leads to an increase in the cost of services and a drop in quality. So I think it's actually very important to keep the competition level." Executive Director of the National Payment Association Maria Mikhailova sent an official letter to A.G. on December 28, 2016. Aksakov, which noted that the Bill imposes on banks “the obligation to re-register relations with all their clients within one year<...>"Banks do not refuse transfers of budget funds using the Mir card; the discussion revolved around the ban on managing these funds using cards of other payment systems, and the norm that obliges banks to open separate accounts for the Mir card caused particular resonance, the executive director clarifies "National Payment Association" Maria Mikhailova... In her official letter to A.G. Aksakov, she points out that “the obligation of banks to open separate accounts for MIR cards may be inconvenient for Russians with limited mobility. Concerns about the rapid mass transition to MIR cards in 2018 were expressed by the Chairman of the Board of the International Confederation of Consumer Societies (ConfOP) Dmitry Yanin: “I can hardly imagine the work of our financial institutions when millions of elderly Russians come there to get a Mir card.” Executive Vice President of the Association of Russian Banks Elman Mehdiyev draws attention to another aspect of the introduction of amendments, which concerns the work of banks: “The main costs will be associated with the fact that cards need to be changed unscheduled. The argument is that there will be a peak in spending, and then another peak in spending. Due to the influx of people, banks will have to recruit new employees and then fire them after switching to the Mir card. The main concerns of experts around this Draft Law are caused by the rapid pace of transferring state employees to MIR cards: - restrictions on citizens’ right to dispose of their funds as a result of the adoption of amendments; - additional costs and inconveniences for the consumer, especially for pensioners and people with limited mobility, as well as residents of regions: an opaque mass transfer scheme, the absence of an incentive system for the transition, forced to open and maintain several bank accounts at once (MIR cards cannot be used to pay for border), etc. - creation of unequal competitive conditions in the payments market in Russia; - creating uncertainty regarding the mechanism for implementing the law, which could potentially have far-reaching consequences, in particular, an increase in cash turnover in the Russian Federation. ----
  • Banks denied information about their dissatisfaction with the transfer of all budget payments to Mir cards. As a representative of Otkritie Bank told Interfax, the Central Bank's demand to transfer budget payments to Mir cards is technically feasible, and there is no talk of letters to the head of the Central Bank. Alfa Bank and Promsvyazbank adhere to the same position. “It’s just that until now there was a legislative provision that did not work, and now I have introduced a bill according to which banks must switch to a new system from January 1, 2018. Naturally, this requires effort. Winter always comes unexpectedly,” Aksakov noted. Following the refutation of false information about the dissatisfaction of banks, there was a position of the Ministry of Finance, which supported the mandatory transfer of payments to public sector employees to Mir cards. Concerns that the transition to the Mir card will contribute to disruptions in the payment of pensions and benefits were also removed by the official statement of the PFR press service: “The transition to the Mir card will not affect the payment of pensions and benefits at all,” the fund said.
  • At the end of 2016, Anatoly Aksakov, head of the Committee on Financial Markets, introduced amendments to Federal Law No. 161-FZ “On the National Payment System” for discussion in the State Duma. The bill amends Part 5 of Article 30.5, establishing that no later than January 1, 2018, banks that are participants in the NSPK are required to ensure that individuals receive national payment instruments from the budgets of the Russian Federation and state extra-budgetary funds. Thus, all types of payments from the budget to individuals must be made to bank accounts linked to national payment instruments, and transactions with payment cards on bank accounts to which payments from budgets and state extra-budgetary funds are credited must be carried out only using national payment instruments ( that is, “MIR” cards, taking into account the new definition of the term “national payment instrument” proposed in the Draft Law). This applies to all types of payments from the budget and state extra-budgetary funds. According to Alma Obaeva, Chairman of the Board of the National Payment Council, in 2017 banks are required to provide customers with the required minimum - 40 million MIR cards.

see also


  1. "UralPolit.Ru", Editorial office Zapsibcombank offers to connect to the “Mir” card system // UralPolit.Ru (undefined) . UralPolit.Ru (July 18, 2016).
  2. Chapter NSPK: mass issuance of Mir cards will begin in the III quarter (undefined) . RIA Novosti (March 28, 2016).
  3. Rules of the “Mir” payment system. Approved by the Decision of the Supervisory Board of JSC NSPK (Minutes No. 13 dated October 01, 2015) (undefined) .
  4. The “Mir” payment card was purchased by eight thousand clients throughout Russia (undefined) . IA REGNUM (April 27, 2016).
  5. The national payment card received the name “Mir” (undefined) . RBC (May 23, 2015).
  6. Central Bank: NSPK entered into the first co-badging agreement with MasterCard (undefined) . RIA Novosti (June 19, 2015).
  7. NSPK and Japanese JCB agreed to issue co-badging cards (undefined) . Interfax (July 7, 2015).
  8. NSPK and American Express agreed to issue “World” cards (undefined) . RBC (July 20, 2015).
  9. The first issuers of Mir cards were Gazprombank, MDM Bank, MinB, RNKB, Rossiya, Svyaz-Bank, SMP Bank (undefined) . Banki.ru (December 15, 2015).

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