
Multiple and dolly units. Introduction multiple units of length in meters

1.1. Connect the names of the names of natural phenomena and the corresponding types of physical phenomena.

1.2. Mark the checklock properties that the stone and the rubber harness possess.

1.3. Fill in the passes in the text so that the names of the sciences studying various phenomena at the junction of physics and astronomy, biology, geology.

1.4. Write down in standard form the following numbers according to the above sample.

2.1. Druel into the framework the properties that the physical body may not have.

2.2. The figure shows the bodies consisting of the same substance. Record the name of this substance.

2.3. Choose from the proposed words two words, denoting substances from which the corresponding parts of the simple pencil are made, and write them into empty windows.

2.4. With the help of arrows "sorted" words on baskets in accordance with their names, reflecting different physical concepts.

2.5. Write down the number according to the sample.

3.1. In the classroom, the teacher put the students on the tables the same in the form of magnetic arrows placed on the epic needles. All the arrows turned around their axis and frozen, but at the same time, one of them turned out to be turned to the north in the blue end, while others were red. The disciples were surprised, but during the conversation some of them expressed their hypotheses, why could have happened. Note what pupils put forward by the pupils can be refuted, and what - no, stressed the unnecessary word in the right column of the table.

3.2. Choose the right continuation of the phrase "The physics phenomenon is considered to be actually flowing, if ..."

3.3. Extra offer.

3.4. Choose the correct continuation of the phrase.

3.5. Back in antiquity people watched that:

4.1. Finish the phrase.

4.2. Insert the missing words and letters into the text.
In the international system of units (si):

4.3. a) Express multiple units of length in meters and vice versa.

b) Express meter in dolle units and vice versa.

c) Express a second in dolle units and vice versa.

d) express in the basic units of the length of the length.

e) express in the main units of the time intervals of time.

e) Express the following values \u200b\u200bin the basic units.

4.4. Measure the line of the textbook page L width. Express the result in centimeters, millimeters and meters.

4.5. The core wrapped the core as shown in the figure. The winding width turned out to be equal to l \u003d 9 mm. What is the diameter D wire? Answer express in these units.

4.6. Record the lengths of the length and square in the specified units according to the sample.

4.7. Determine the S1 triangle area and S2 trapezing in the specified units.

4.8. Record the values \u200b\u200bof the volume in the main units of the SI according to the sample.

4.9. The bathroom was poured first with a volume of 0.2 m3 with a volume of 0.2 m3, then cold water was added with a volume of 2 liters. What is the volume of water in the bath?

4.10. Extra offer. "The price of dividing the thermometer scale is _____.

5.1. Take advantage of the pattern and fill in the pass in the text.

5.2. Record the values \u200b\u200bof the volume of water in the vessels, taking into account the measurement error.

5.3. Write down the length of the table length measured by different rules, taking into account the measurement error.

5.4. Write down the readings of the clock shown in the figure.

5.5. The disciples measured the length of their tables with different devices and the results recorded in the table.

6.1. Underline the names of the devices that use the electric motor.

6.2. Home experiment.
1. Measure the diameter D and the circumference length L in the five cylindrical items using a thread and a ruler (see Fig.). Names of items and measurement results Record to the table. Use the items of different sizes. For an example in the first column of the table, the values \u200b\u200bobtained for the vessel with a diameter d \u003d 11 cm and the circumference length L \u003d 35 cm are already delivered.

2. Using a table, build a graph of the dependence of the circumference of the L object from its diameter d. To do this, on the coordinate plane you need to build six points according to the table data and connect their straight line. For an example on the plane, a point with coordinates (D, L) for the vessel is already constructed. Similarly, on the same plane building points for other bodies.

3. Using the resulting schedule, determine what is equal to the diameter D of the cylindrical part of the plastic bottle, if the length of its circle L \u003d 19cm.
d \u003d 6 cm

6.3. Home experiment.
1. Measure the dimensions of the matchbox using a line with millimeter divisions and write down these values, taking into account the measurement error.

The previous record means that the true lengths of length, widths and heights box are within:

2. Calculate, in what limits is the true value of the box.

Introduced units of measure

The international system of units and the units themselves were in centuries, while certain traditions and habits arose. Thus, in all marine ships, the speed is measured in nodes (1 node is 1 sea mile per hour), barrel (1 barrel \u003d 158.988 × 10 -3 m3) is used to measure the capacity of oil in the United States (1 barrel \u003d 158.988 × 10 -3 m3), a pressure unit has emerged - the atmosphere.

There are many units that are not part of the international system and other units systems, but, nevertheless, they are widely used in science, technology, everyday life. Such units are called systems. Respectively systemic Call units included in one of the accepted systems.

In accordance with GOST 8.417, non-system units are divided into four types in relation to systemic:

1) allowed to use on a par with units of C, for example: a unit of mass - ton; flat corner - degrees, minute, second; volume - liter; time is a minute, hour, day, etc.;

2) allowable to use in special areas, for example: an astronomical unit, parsek, light year - units of length in astronomy; Diopteria is an optical force unit in optics; electron-volt - a unit of energy in physics; kilowatt-hour - energy unit for counters; hectare - unit of square in rural and forestry, etc.;

3) temporarily allowed to use on a par with SI units, for example: a naval mile, a node - in marine navigation; carat - a unit of mass in jewelry; Bar is a unit of pressure in physics, etc. These units must gradually be withdrawn from consumption in accordance with international agreements;

4) seized from use (i.e., with new developments, the use of these units is not recommended), for example: a millimeter of a mercury pillar, a kilogram-force per square centimeter - pressure units; angstrom, micron - units of length; Ar - Unit of Square; Centner - unit of mass; horsepower - power unit; Caloi - unit of the amount of heat and others.

There are multiple and dolle units of quantities.

Multiple unit - This is a unit of physical quantity, for an integer in a number of times greater than a systemic or generated unit. For example, a kilometer length unit is 10 3 m, i.e. multiple meter.

Dolly unit - Unit of physical quantity, the value of which is a number of times less than a systemic or generating unit. For example, a millimeter length is 10 -3 m, i.e. is a dollar.

For the convenience of applying units of physical quantities, the prefixes are taken to form the names of decimal multiple units and dolle units, Table. 1.3.

Table 1.3.

Farmers and consoles for the formation of decimal multiple and dolly units and their names

There are multiple and dolly units of physical quantity.

Multiple unit - Unit of physical quantity, for an integer time a large systemic or non-system unit.

Dolly unit - Unit of physical quantity, for an integer time a smaller system or non-system unit. See Attachment.

The most progressive method of formation of multiple and dollane units is the decimal variety between large and smaller units adopted in the metric system. In accordance with the resolution of the XI General Conference on measures and weighs, decimal multiple and dollane units from units are formed by attaching consoles.

For example, a kilometer length unit is 10 3 m, i.e. A multiple meter, and the Millimeter length unit is 10 -3 m, i.e. is a dollar. Multiplers and consoles for the formation of multiple and dolle units of SI are shown in Table 1.2.

Introduced units- Units of physical quantities that are not included in the adopted system of units. They are divided:

On allowed to use on a par with units;

On allowed to use in special areas;

For temporarily allowed;

On obsolete (not allowed).

1.5. Systems of physical quantities and their units

Physical quantities are commonly divided into basic and derivatives.

Kelvin - 1 / 273,16 part of the thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of water;

Mole -the amount of substance of the system containing as many structural elements as atoms contained in the nuclide of carbon-12 weighing 0.012 kg;

Kandela - The power of light in a given direction of the source emitting monochromatic radiation with a frequency of 540 * 10 12 Hz.

Derivative units of international units are formed with which called derivativesfrom them. For example, in Einstein formula E \u003d MC 2 (M - mass, C - speed light) mass - the main unit that can be measured by weighing; Energy (E) is a derivative unit. The main values \u200b\u200bcorrespond to the basic units of measurements, and derivatives - derived units of measurements.

In this way, system of units of physical quantities (system units) - A combination of basic and derivative units of physical quantities, formed in accordance with the principles based on this system of physical quantities.

The first system of units is considered a metric system.

1.5.1. Main, additional and derivative units of the SI system

The main units of the international units were chosen in 1954 by the X General Conference on Measures and Lights. At the same time proceeded from that: 1) to cover the system of all areas of science and technology; 2) to create the basis for the formation of derived units for various physical quantities; 3) Take comfortable for practicing the size of the basic units that have already gained widespread; 4) Select units of such values \u200b\u200bwhose playback using the standards is possible with the greatest accuracy.

The international system of units includes two additional units - to measure flat and corngle.

Basic and additional units of C are provided in the application.

Meter- The length of the path that light is in vacuo for 1/299792458 share of a second;

Kilogram - mass equal to the mass of the international kilogram prototype (platinum cylindrical weight, height and diameter of which are 39 mm);

Second- the duration of the 9192631770 periods of radiation corresponding to the transition between the two levels of the hyperfine structure of the main state of the cesium-133 atom in the absence of perturbation from the external fields;

Ampere- the force of the non-changing current, which, when passing along two parallel conductors of an endless length and a negligible circular section, located at a distance of 1 m one from the other in a vacuum, would create a force between these conductions, equal to 2 * 10 -7 n per each meter of length ;


the simplest equations between the values \u200b\u200bin which the numerical coefficients are equal to one.

For example, for a linear speed as a determining equation, an expression for the speed of uniform rectilinear movement V can be used = l / T. Then, with the length of the path traveled L (in meters) and time T (in seconds), the speed is expressed in meters per second (m / s). Therefore, the SI-meter speed unit per second is the speed of a straight and evenly moving point at which it is moved to a distance of 1 m during 1 s.

Multiple and dolly units

Introduced units of measure

The international system of units and the units themselves were in centuries, while certain traditions and habits arose. So, at all ships, the speed of movement is measured in nodes (1 node is 1 sea mile per hour), barrel is used to measure oil in the USA (1 barrel \u003d 158.988 × 10 -3 m3), the pressure unit has emerged - the atmosphere .

There are many units that are not part of the international system and other units systems, but, nevertheless, they are widely used in science, technology, everyday life. Such units are called systems. Respectively systemic Call units included in one of the accepted systems.

In accordance with GOST 8.417, non-system units are divided into four types in relation to systemic:

1) allowed to use on a par with SI units, for example: a unit of mass - ton; flat corner - degree, minute ͵ second; Volume - liter; time - minute hour, day, etc.;

2) allowed to use in special areas, for example: an astronomical unit, parsec, light year - units of length in astronomy; Diopteria is an optical force unit in optics; electron-volt - a unit of energy in physics; kilowatt-hour - energy unit for counters; hectare - unit of square in rural and forestry, etc.;

3) temporarily allowed to use on a par with SI units, for example: marine mile, node - in marine navigation; Karat is a mass unit in jewelry business; Bar is a pressure unit in physics, etc.
Posted on Ref.rf
These units gradually should be seized from use in accordance with international agreements;

4) seized from use (ᴛ.ᴇ. With new workings, the use of these units is not recommended), for example: millimeter of mercury pillar, kilogram-force per square centimeter - pressure units; angstrom, micron - units of length; Ar - Unit of Square; Centner - unit of mass; horsepower - power unit; Caloi - unit of the amount of heat and others.

There are multiple and dolle units of quantities.

Multiple unit - ϶ᴛᴏ Unit of physical quantity, for an integer time than a systemic or non-systemic unit. For example, the unit of length kilometer is 10 3 m, ᴛ.ᴇ. multiple meter.

Dolly unit - Unit of physical quantity, the value of which is a number of times less than a systemic or generating unit. For example, a millimeter length unit is equal to 10 -3 m, ᴛ.ᴇ. is a dollar.

For the convenience of applying units of physical quantities, the prefixes are taken to form the names of decimal multiple units and dolle units, Table. 1.3.

Table 1.3.

Farmers and consoles for the formation of decimal multiple and dolly units and their names

Factor Console Designation of the console
Russian International
10 24 IOTTA Y. AND
10 21 Zetta Z. Z.
10 18 ex E. E.
10 15 Peta P R
10 12 Tera T. T.
10 9 Giga G. G.
10 6 mega M. M.
10 3 kilo to K.
10 2 hecto G. H.
10 1 dese Yes DA
10 -1 deci D. D.
10 -2 Santi from C.
10 -3 Milli M. M.
10 -6 micro MK M.
10 -9 Nano N. N.
10 -12 pico P P.
10 -15 Femto F. F.
10 -18 Atto but A.
10 -21 zepto Z. Z.
10 -24 Iokto y. and

'Slumba measurement errors'''''''''''''

Random error- this error varies randomly with a re-determination of the same physical quantity with the same measuring equipment under constant external conditions.

Random errors may arise due to rounding errors when testing, instability of transitional resistance in the contacts of switching devices, power supply voltage instability, the effects of electromagnetic fields and other affecting values. Their main feature is unpredictable.

Random error cannot be excluded in each of the measurement results. But with the help of multiple observations, as well as using the methods of the theory of probability and mathematical statistics, it is possible to take into account their influence on the estimate of the true value of the measured value.

The results of each I-th observation are unpredictable due to the presence of a random error. For this reason, the description of the observation result and random error can be carried out only on the basis of the theory of probabilities and mathematical statistics.

When analyzing the measurement results, it turns out that there is statistical patterns that are detected with the mass manifestations of the error:

No matter how large is a number of measurement errors, these errors fluctuate in definition, quite narrow, limits;

Random errors are encountered with the "plus" sign and with a minus sign approximately equally often;

The average arithmetic random measurement errors of the same value produced in the same conditions tends to zero with an unlimited increase in the number of measurements;

The greater the absolute value of the error, the less often it meets. - Print

For estimates Characteristics of random variables with the greatest reliability they must meet the requirements of consistency, disability and efficiency.

Wealth provided if, with an infinite increase in the number of observations, the assessment of a random variety is committed to the true meaning of this value.

Implementation Provided if the mathematical expectation of the assessment is equal to the true value of random variable

Efficiency means that the dispersion of the estimate is minimal.

Multiple and dolly units are concepts and types. Classification and features of the category "multiple and dollar units" 2017, 2018.

The process of setting the conformity between the property and the number, and so that the properties comparing the properties can be done using the comparison of the numbers, is the name of the measurement. One of the properties of bodies is their length. The length of the body in one direction, is called the length of the body. Consider two rules. To compare the length of the line, they put them in each other so that one of the ends of the first line coincides with the end of the second line. The second ends of Linek either coincide or not. With the coincidence of all ends of the line, they are equal in length. When measuring the length of each line, a number is attributed to a number that uniquely determines its length. At the same time, the number allows you to choose from all lines unambiguously such, the length of which is determined by this number. So the definable property is called physical quantity. In this case, the process of finding a number characterizing the physical property is called measurement.

For units of length, appropriate standards are installed, when compared with which they define any length.

Meter - Unit of measurement of length (distance) in metric systems

The length and distance in the international system of units (C) is measured in meters (m). The meter is the main unit of the SI system. In addition to the system, the meter serves as the main unit and the distance in some other systems is measured using it. For example, the meter unit of measurement of length in the ISS (the system in which three units were considered the main: meter, kilogram, second). Currently, the ISS is not considered an independent system. Systems in which meter is a unit of measurement of length (distance), and a kilogram is a unit of measurement of mass, called metric.

By definition, 1 meter is the length of the path that takes place light in vacuo for $ \\ FRAC (1) (299792458) $ seconds.

When measuring and calculations, multiple and dollane meter units are used as a unit of measurement unit (distances). For example, $ (10) ^ (- 10) $ m \u003d 1a (angstrom); $ (10) ^ (- 9) $ m \u003d 1 nm (nano meter); 1 km \u003d 1000 m.

Currently, in our country, the international system of measurement units (C) is most often used.

Full length units in non-metric systems

There are systems of units in which centimeters are units of measurement of length, for example, the SGS system. The SGS system has been used a lot before the international system of units was adopted. Otherwise, it is called the absolute physical system of units. In its framework, 3 units of measurement are considered to be the main: centimeter, gram, second.

There are national systems of duration units of length and distance. So, for example, the British system is not metric. Units of measurement of length and distance in this system are: Mile, Furlong, Chane, Rod, Yard, Foot and other unusual units. $ 1 \\ mile \u003d 1.609 \\ km ;; $ 1 furlong \u003d 2016 m; 1 Chain-20,1168 m. The Japanese system for measuring the length and distance is also different from the metric. It uses, for example, such units of length of length as: MO, RIN, BU, Xyak and others. 1 Mo \u003d 0.003030303 cm; 1 rin \u003d 0.03030303 cm; 1 bu \u003d 0.30303 cm.

Professional measurement systems of length and distance are used. For example, there is a typographical system, marine (used on a fleet), in astronomy use special types of units of distance measurement. So, in astronomy, the distance from the ground to the Sun is an astronomical unit (A.Е) measurements of length (distances).

1 AE \u003d 149 ~ 597,870.7 km, which is the distance from the Sun to the Earth. Light year is 63241,077 A.E. Parsek $ \\ APPROX 206264,806247 \\ A.E $.

Some units of measurement of length, previously used in our country, are not yet used. So, in the old-circuit system existed: spans, stop, elbow, arms, measure, versta and other units. 1 PIDE \u003d 17.78 cm; 1 Stop \u003d 35.56 cm; 1 measure \u003d 106.68 cm; 1 verst \u003d 1066.8 meters.

Examples of tasks with the solution

Example 1.

The task. What is the length of the electromagnetic wave ($ \\ lambda $), if the photon energy is $ \\ varepsilon \u003d (10) ^ (- 18) J $? What are the units of measuring the length of the electromagnetic wave?

Decision. As a basis for solving the problem, we use the formula to determine the photon energy in the form:

\\ [\\ varepsilon \u003d h \\ nu \\ \\ left (1.1 \\ right), \\]

where $ H \u003d 6.62 \\ CDOT (10) ^ (- 34) $ J $ \\ CDOT C $; $ \\ nu $ - the frequency of oscillations in the electromagnetic wave, it is associated with the light wavelength as:

\\ [\\ Nu \u003d \\ FRAC (C) (\\ Lambda) \\ \\ left (1.2 \\ Right), \\]

where $ c \u003d 3 \\ Cdot (10) ^ 8 \\ FRAC (M) (C) $ is the speed of light in vacuo. Considering formula (1.2), we will express from (1.1) wavelength:

\\ [\\ varepsilon \u003d h \\ Nu \u003d \\ FRAC (HC) (\\ lambda) \\ To \\ lambda \u003d \\ FRAC (HC) (\\ Varepsilon) \\ left (1.3 \\ RIGHT). \\]

Cut the wavelength calculations:

\\ [\\ lambda \u003d \\ FRAC (6.62 \\ CDOT (10) ^ (- 34) \\ CDOT 3 \\ CDOT (10) ^ 8) ((10) ^ (- 18)) \u003d 1,99 \\ CDOT (10 ) ^ (- 7 \\) \\ left (m \\ right). \\]

Answer. $ \\ lambda \u003d 1.99 \\ Cdot (10) ^ (- 7 \\) $ m \u003d 199 nm. Meters - units of measurement of the length of the electromagnetic wave (as well as any other length) in the SI system.

Example 2.

The task. The body fell from height, equal to $ H \u003d 1 \\ $ km. What is the length of the path ($ s $), which will pass the body in the first second of the fall, if the initial speed is zero? \\ Textit ()

Decision. By the condition of the task, we have:

In this task, we are dealing with an equilibrium body movement in the gravity field. This means that the body moves with the acceleration of $ \\ overline (G) $, which is directed along the Y axis (Fig. 1). As a basis for solving the problem, we will take the equation:

\\ [\\ Overline (S) \u003d (\\ Overline (S)) _ 0 + (\\ Overline (V)) _ 0T + \\ FRAC (\\ Overline (G) T ^ 2) (2) \\ \\ left (2.1 \\ Right). \\]

The beginning of the reference is made to the point of origin of the body movement, take into account that the initial body speed is zero, then in the projection on the Y axis, the expression (2.1) write as:

We carry out the calculations of the length of the body path:

Answer. $ H_1 \u003d 4.9 \\ $ M, the distance that the body will take place in the first second of its movement does not depend on the height with which it fell.

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