
Assessment and development prospects of the bakery industry in Russia. Trends in the development of the bread market in the Russian Federation Characteristics of the state of the bakery industry

Bread and bakery products are one of the most common food products of the population, which contain almost all the substances necessary for the vital activity and normal development of a living organism. Bakery products occupy an extremely important place in the diet of people.

The bakery industry of the Russian Federation is one of the leading sectors of the agro-industrial complex. The country has more than 10 thousand bakeries (including 1.5 thousand large ones) and bakeries capable of producing 50 thousand tons of bakery products daily. The material and technical base of bakeries and bakeries with a total annual production capacity of 13,783.5 thousand tons of bakery products makes it possible to sustainably meet the population's need for bread, satisfy the tastes of consumers, take into account traditional and national requirements, and produce 100 kg per person per year. At the same time, the country has capacities for baking bread in the field and in extreme conditions, for the production of bread for long-term storage and bread for special purposes.

Market transformations in the economy have led to the emergence of numerous mini-bakeries, the estimated number of which is 10 thousand. Small businesses have adapted to the demands of the market, and are occupying their segment by developing a wider range of products and finding businesses within walking distance from customers. For this reason, the industry has continued for several years to see a decline in the output of bakery products at large and medium-sized enterprises, despite their obvious advantages. These are high labor productivity, the availability of qualified personnel, a structured organization of production, the presence of technological control and other advantages that small bakeries and individual entrepreneurs do not have. The production of bakery products by small enterprises and individual producers is on average 20-23% of the total supply to the market, which should force the bakery services to conduct more serious marketing research of the bread market and update their business plans. At the same time, as priorities, one should determine the assortment niche for each manufacturer, the terms of product delivery, healthy food standards and the desire of buyers to update the assortment, as well as price factors.

Bakery is a socially significant branch of the economy of our country. Most bakeries that produce basic types of bread solve the important strategic task of providing as many people as possible with cheap bread. New trends in baking technology are also important: freezing, the use of under-baked bread with further baking in a bakery store, the use of ready-made mixtures and new types of fortifiers. The bakery industry, like any other business, has a tendency to renewal and development. Despite its important social significance, the bakery industry remains fragmented, and each bakery or bakery, joint-stock companies or private entrepreneurs work according to their own plans, which are not linked to the general tasks of production development. This ultimately leads to an increase in costs and a decrease in the efficiency of bakery production, to an increase in selling prices. One of the main reasons negatively affecting the work of the bakery industry is its fragmentation, the ever-increasing impact on the market of chain stores.

In recent years, according to Rosstat, there has been a clear downward trend in the production of bread and bakery products in Russia. In general, the production of bakery products in Russia has been steadily decreasing over the past few years. Figure 1 shows the data on the volume of production of bakery products in our country in the period from 1990 to 20013.

Rice. 1

As can be seen from the data presented, since 1990 there has been a tendency for a decrease in the volume of production of bakery products in the country. So in 2000, the production of bread fell by more than 2 times in comparison with 1990; Since 2000, the production of these products has been gradually decreasing: from 2000 to 2005 - by 12%, from 2006 to 2009 the decline in production was 10%.

According to Rosstat data for the III quarter of 2009, the index of sales of bakery products amounted to 98.9%, while the growth rate of retail sales in terms of turnover value is one of the lowest among food products.

In the commodity structure of retail trade turnover, the share of bakery products is constantly decreasing.

The share of expenditures on bakery products in the total expenditures on the purchase of food for household meals of households decreased from 2005 to the II quarter of 2009 from 16.99 to 15.96%. The volume of retail trade in bakery products in Russia is estimated at 314.8 billion rubles. A significant share (at least 70%) is the proceeds from the sale of mass varieties of bread.

Currently, there are traditional types of bakery products on the Russian bakery market.

bread - black, white, round, loaf and loaf, and the premium category that has been emerging in recent years - bakery products with a limited shelf life, content of minerals and organic elements, low-calorie varieties, etc.

In modern conditions, the bakery industry in Russia is developing in the direction of expanding the range of products and introducing new types of medical and dietary products into production, including those with a reduced energy value. However, the situation in this area of ​​production, especially with functional products, is changing slowly. The massive use of general-purpose wheat flour in baking instead of baking flour, despite the large wheat yield, reduces the content of deficient proteins in bread and increases the content of carbohydrates that are excessive in the diet. The development of a range of wheat flour baked goods also contradicts the recommendations of medical science for healthy nutrition - the industry uses mainly the most impoverished chemical composition of wheat flour instead of the more useful and recently mass-produced second-grade flour in baking.

The market for most varieties of bakery products has a pronounced regional character. This is reflected in fluctuations in production per capita across the federal districts of Russia. So, for bread made from rye and rye-wheat flour, the highest value of this indicator is noted in the Central and Northwestern Districts (over 28 kg / year), the lowest - in the Southern, Far Eastern and Siberian Federal Districts (less than 10 kg / year); in bread and bakery products made from wheat flour, the Southern Federal District is in the lead - over 42 kg / year, including over 36 kg / year - bread weighing 500 g and above; the lowest indicator is in the Central Federal District - 24.2 kg / year. The Central Federal District ranks first in the production of bakery products - 21.5 kg / year, while in other federal districts, with the exception of the North-West, this figure is less than 10 kg / year. Bread and bakery products made from premium flour prevail in the Central, North-West and Volga Federal Districts. For rich bakery products, the highest value of the indicator is observed in the Central and Northwestern Federal Districts - over 2 kg / year, the lowest in the Siberian Federal District - less than 1 kg / year; for donuts, the highest in the Central and Northwestern Federal Districts - over 1 kg / year, the smallest in the Far Eastern Federal District - 0.2 kg / year; for bread crumbs, croutons and crisp bread, the highest in the Central and Siberian Federal Districts - over 1 kg / year, the lowest in the Ural and Far Eastern Federal Districts - 0.47 kg / year with an average of 1.01 kg / year; for pies, pies, donuts, the largest in Moscow and St. Petersburg - 0.6 - 0.85 kg / year, the smallest in the Far Eastern Federal District - 0.12 kg / year; for dietetic products the highest in the Northwestern Federal District - 4.74 kg / year, the smallest in the Southern Federal District - 0.31 kg / year. In total, per capita production of bakery products ranges from 43.8 kg / year in the Ural Federal District to 57.8 kg / year in the Central Federal District. The domestic industry produces diabetic bread in the amount of 40-50 thousand tons per year, while, according to the Institute of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the need for it is about 250 thousand tons per year.

The main criteria for choosing a place for buying bread and bakery products is the proximity of a trading enterprise to a place of residence or work, as well as the possibility of buying other food products at one point, therefore, three quarters of purchases of bakery products are in shops and supermarkets. The main criterion when choosing bread at a retail outlet, all other conditions being equal for the consumer, is the freshness of the product. All other factors are of much lesser importance. The tastes of consumers do not differ in particular variety: the leaders of preferences are the long-known varieties of bread produced by all factories. The sale of these varieties constitutes a huge share of the market sales.

There are no special differences among the main varieties of products that are sufficient for a consumer to prefer a particular manufacturer. And enterprises are forced to join an active struggle in the market, expanding the range and developing new varieties. The modern market for bread and bakery products dictates stringent requirements for the manufacturer. Today it is not enough to produce only mass grades of bread and bakery products. To survive and be successful, you need to develop a wide range of products. Representatives of the bakery and confectionery industries should pay special attention to the quality of their products, as well as take into account the specifics and habits of consumers.

Bakery products are sold today mostly through trade establishments. Meanwhile, there are a number of bakery manufacturers who own their own chain stores. Consumers are mainly sold fresh baked goods and packaged bakery products. Following the market trends, manufacturers of bakery products equip their enterprises with modern technological and packaging equipment, making their products competitive and interesting to the consumer. Therefore, one of the first steps in the new conditions of market relations is labeling and branded packaging.

Of course, developing your own style and brand is costly and, as a result, increases the selling price by up to 10%. But this gives a very tangible result. According to experts, the name and packaging of bakery products attract consumers and, naturally, expand sales. This gives companies the chance to grow their market. Advertising also influences demand. However, most retailers today do not advertise bread and bakery products at all. This is due to the fact that the majority of salespeople believe that, since bread is a basic commodity that is in constant demand, it does not need advertising. This is not true, since new types of these products are constantly appearing on the consumer market and traditional types of these products are constantly being revived, for example, various types of rye bread. This requires advertising to generate demand and stimulate sales. The structure of production of bread and bakery products in Russia differs from that existing at the present time in developed European countries. In recent years, much attention has been paid to the enrichment of bread with various useful substances in the world, which give it medicinal and prophylactic properties.

The therapeutic and prophylactic effect of the use of dietary bakery products is ensured either by the introduction of the necessary additional components into the recipe, or by the elimination of undesirable ones, as well as changes in the technology of their preparation. Enrichment of bakery products with preventive additives remains in demand and relevant. Especially valuable are natural additives that enrich the bread with healthy substances and have a beneficial effect on the baking technology.

The market for the production of domestic dietary products has great potential for growth. A significant number of various bakery products for medical nutrition have been developed; there is a wide range of products for preventive nutrition, designed to feed people with a predisposition to certain diseases, as well as people living in ecologically unfavorable regions of the country, for workers in heavy professions, preschool children and the elderly.

The bakery of our country faces a number of problems associated with improving the quality and nutritional value of bread, baked goods, rusks and rams. Very important problems are: improvement of technology in order to intensify the production of bread; regulation of its nutritional value; creation of new dietary varieties of bread and bakery products.

The bakery industry, the food industry that produces various types of bread, bakery and ram products, medicinal and dietary bread products, rich and simple rusks.

The bakery industry in Russia is one of the leading food industries in the agro-industrial complex.

In Russia today there are more than 10 thousand bakeries (including 1.5 thousand large ones) and bakeries capable of producing about 70 thousand tons of assorted bread (more than 700 types), or 500 g of bread per person. Their capacity is approximately 25 million tons per year.

In recent years, the working conditions of the bakery industry have changed, and above all, organizationally. Almost all bakeries and bakeries became privatized joint stock enterprises. Market relations are developing at bakeries, laws of competition are beginning to operate.

The level of per capita bread consumption in Russia is 120-125 kg per year (325-345 g per day), including for the urban population 98-100 kg per year (245-278 g per day), for the rural population 195- - 205 kg per year (490-540 g per day). These norms depend on age, gender, degree of physical and mental stress, climatic characteristics of places of residence.

If we consider the volume of sales of bread and bakery products, then we can see that in many regions of the country the share of bread consumption per person is much lower than the norms for the consumption of wheat and rye bread, established by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 192.

A decrease in bread consumption may be due to the following factors:

ь reduction of raw material resources of the bakery industry;

ь "underconsumption", due to a significant decrease in the standard of living of the population, in which it is impossible even to purchase the necessary amount of everyday goods to maintain the vital functions of the body;

b the transition of a part of the country's population to home baking (for example, in a number of districts of the Omsk region, a car that delivers goods to rural shops brings sacks of flour instead of bread);

ь growth of average per capita money income, reorientation of the population's demand for the purchase of more expensive and nutritious food products.

At the same time, the analysis shows that since 1991 there has been a decrease in the production of bread, the annual consumption of bread per person by 1995 fell to 70 kg. The consumption of bread is already significantly lower than the rational nutritional norm, which will undoubtedly affect the health of the population.

This situation causes irreversible processes in the bakery industry: bakeries are forced to preserve technological lines, cut jobs, increase production and sales costs, and stop investments.

In the new operating conditions of the bakery industry, new approaches to the development of a range of products are required, the role of which in the organization of consumption should increase significantly. If earlier the assortment was determined mainly by the conditions of production and the dictate of mechanized lines, now the conditions of production and the composition of the equipment are determined by the assortment and demand. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the demand and needs of different groups of the population more than before.

The task of increasing the consumption of bread requires special attention and study of the problems of improving its quality.

In the new economic conditions, there are prerequisites for the introduction of bakeries that produce a wide range of bakery and flour confectionery products. At present, the production of domestic equipment for bakeries with a productivity of 0.2-5.0 tons per day has been launched. These businesses make it possible to produce a wide range of bakery products and sell them fresh directly in the shops at these bakeries. To provide this production with equipment, new machines have been developed, which are included in the equipment sets A2-KhPO, L4-KhPM-500 and others for low-power bakeries.

One of the most important areas of increasing production efficiency and improving the quality of bakery products is the creation of a rational structure of enterprises in the industry, mechanization and automation of production processes based on the latest technologies.

The solution of the main tasks of scientific and technical progress in the bakery industry is closely related to the development of pre-existing packaging technologies and automated devices for monitoring the properties of raw materials, semi-finished products and the quality of finished products.

The volume of production of dietary products is insignificant, the need for them is satisfied only by 10-20%. The level of production of prophylactic products for the population in areas of environmental disadvantage is low, bread for long-term storage (from 3 to 30 days) for people living in hard-to-reach and remote areas, in conditions of man-made disasters, emergencies, special contingents, etc.

The solution to the problem of balanced nutrition of the population, which is of national importance, is possible only if technologies are developed and introduced into production, with the help of which the following will be implemented:

ь ensuring the safety of agricultural and food raw materials, food products;

ь decrease in the incidence of illnesses in children due to malnutrition and environmental pollution;

ь reduction of food and raw materials dependence of Russia on foreign countries;

ь environmental protection in the production of food products;

ь environmentally friendly food products of a new generation for mass and dietary purposes, taking into account modern hygienic requirements;

l fundamentally new technologies based on the use of non-traditional methods that accelerate the process;

ь the scientific basis for the creation of technological processes for the production of new generation baby food.

The creation of an assortment of bread products of the "Health" group is carried out in two directions:

l modeling a rational assortment of grain products for individual regions, taking into account their climatic, demographic and other characteristics;

l development of a diverse range of products for preventive and therapeutic nutrition.

For the production of such products, special composite flour mixtures with bran, germ flour, crushed and crushed grain, vitamin and mineral components, etc. are used; carry out the production of these mixtures. Under the new conditions, bread packaging is gaining great importance and development. Bread packaging protects it from premature drying, preserves its consumer freshness, increases the sanitary and hygienic conditions of its storage and increases the sales period.

  • Podloboshnikova Alexandra Vladimirovna, bachelor, student
  • Sycheva Alexandra Vasilievna, Candidate of Science, Associate Professor
  • Volzhsky Polytechnic Institute (branch) of the Volgograd State Technical University

This article contains information about the general characteristics of bakery production, the structure and dynamics of the industry's development, as well as current trends in the development of the bakery industry.

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One of the strategic sectors of the economy is the food and processing industry. The bakery industry affects all walks of life in our society, being one of the leading food industries, accounting for about 10% of the revenue of the entire food industry. Bread is traditionally included in the food basket of Russians.

Archaeologists believe that people made the first bread not from wheat at all, but from acorns. Wheat seeds for making bread were first used only in the 15th century BC.

Bread is an essential product containing almost all the necessary trace elements for human health and life. Also, bread is a product suitable for its enrichment with vitamins and other substances necessary for human health. In this regard, it is possible to expand the range, taking into account different needs and taste preferences. Providing all categories of citizens of our country with quality bread and bakery products is the main indicator of social stability.

The industry is represented by both small private mini-bakeries and large bakeries. Large bakeries that produce the main types of bread provide more people with this product by lowering prices. However, the distribution of competition is uneven, so if in large cities there is a large number of bread industries, then in small villages residents experience a shortage of bread and bakery products. According to experts, the bakery segment has a huge potential for growth.

The assortment of most bakeries is represented by both traditional types of bread and premium products.

Small bakeries' products are usually targeted at a narrow group of buyers who have high quality requirements. The difference between small bakeries and large bakeries lies in the wider use of technical progress and unique improved technologies and recipes, which makes it possible to produce premium products. In this regard, private bakeries work more effectively with retail chains offering fresh bread to their customers. The mini-bakery format continues to gain popularity.

The grain yield has a direct impact on the bakery market, since flour is the main raw material for production. According to the data provided by Rosstat, in 2014 the grain harvest in the Volgograd region amounted to 20.4 centners per hectare of harvested area. However, in 2015, due to unfavorable conditions, the harvest fell by 15.2% compared to 2014. The yield in 2016 was 24.0 centners per hectare of harvested area, which exceeded the indicators of 2015 by 38.7% (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Yield of agricultural crops (centners per hectare of harvested area)

However, since 2011, the production of bread and bakery products has shown a negative trend. If, in 2011, 7.07 million tons of bread were produced, then already in 2014 the volume of production is reduced by 2.5 thousand tons, amounting to only 6.82 million tons. In 2016, the production volume continues the downward trend, and is only 6.69 million tons, which is 3.8 thousand tons less than in 2011 (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Production of bread and bakery products in 2011-2016, million tons

The Russian market for bread and bakery products can be divided into two main segments. The first segment of the market includes products for long-term storage - these are semi-finished products and products with low humidity. Classic breads, loaves, rolls are non-durable products that belong to the second main segment of the bakery market.

In 2017, the share of products sold with a short shelf life in Russia accounted for 92% of the market in volume terms. At the same time, the market share of bakery products with low moisture content is about 4% and is constantly growing. .

Figure 3. The structure of the market for bread and bakery products in kind.

In all regions of Russia, there is a decline in production, this is primarily due to a decrease in the population and income of Russians. The exception is the North Caucasian District, where production is growing in small proportions, this is due to the peculiarity of the national preferences of the inhabitants of this region. The most developed production in monetary and physical terms is in the Central Federal District (including Moscow). The share of production in this region of the total volume is 29% in physical terms. The Volga Federal District ranks second, where the production of bakery products in 2016 amounted to 1,351 thousand tons. The lowest rates are in the Far Eastern Federal District, where the share of bread and bakery products is 4% (fig. 3).

Figure 4 Structure of production of bread and bakery products by region in 2016

The demand for bakery products directly depends on the season. So, for example, in the autumn-winter months, the demand for bakery products increases, and in the spring and summer months, it decreases by half. This can be explained by the fact that in the warmer months of the year there are fresh vegetables and fruits on the market, which reduce the need of Russians for bread.

There is also a low level of concentration of competition in the industry. Leading manufacturers occupy no more than 2% of the market in volume terms. At the moment, this market niche is increasingly being occupied by small industries: private bakeries, bakeries.

Larger representatives of this market are represented in the central part of Russia: OJSC Lipetskkhlebmakaronprom, OJSC Karavai (St. Petersburg) and OJSC Fazer - the share of production of which in kind amounts to 10.6%, 4.5% and 3, respectively. %.

In the Volgograd region, the sales leaders are OOO Russkiy Khleb, OAO Khlebozavod No. 5, OOO Khleb Nash, OAO Khlebokombinat-Volzhsky.

Considering that most types of bread, due to their physical characteristics, has a short term the implementation of the location of competitors depends on close cooperation between manufacturers and retailers, which allows the delivery of goods to retail outlets in the shortest possible time.

Recently, however, market conditions have begun to change radically. So, according to official information, in the Volgograd region today there are 200-250 private bakeries and only a few can be attributed to the category of large industries. Small bakeries control about 30% of the total bakery production in our region.

Chains of small bakeries create worthy competition for large network operators. The key advantages of this format are the optimal combination of "price-quality", affordability for the mass consumer, and walking distance. The products of mini-bakeries of premium sorts of bread are more in demand and do not depend on the seasonality or government policy.

From all of the above, we can conclude that despite the fact that bread production tends to decrease in physical terms, demand will continue to grow due to more expensive premium products.

According to experts, the consumption of bread and bakery products will decline in the next 5 years. However, buyers' interest in flour products will only grow. This is due to the fact that lately Russians prefer gluten-free, yeast-free bakery products, bread with fruits, nuts and unusual additives. Consumer preferences are also changing: the demand for "healthy" food has begun to grow, while the fast food industry has seen a decline. Prices for traditional types of bread will go down and remain at the minimum level, products in the premium price segment will increase.

It should be noted that recently there have been new development trends in the technology of this industry: freezing, the use of semi-finished products, the production of ready-made mixtures and improvers, fortifiers.

Despite its great social importance, the bakery industry remains fragmented. Bakeries and bakeries operate according to their business plans, they do not have a goal to combine into large production chains to solve common problems for the development of production, which ultimately leads to an increase in costs and, accordingly, to an increase in selling prices, which ultimately adversely affects to all market participants.


  1. Regions of Russia. Socio-economic indicators. 2017: P32 Stat. Sat. / Rosstat. M., 2017.1402 p.
  2. Russian statistical yearbook. 2017: Statistical collection / Rosstat. -P76 M., 2017 - 686 p.
  3. Ivanova V.N., Seregin S.N. Food industry in Russia. Current state, problems, guidelines for future development: textbook. allowance / V.N. Ivanova, S.N. Seregin. - M: Finance and Statistics, 2014. - 568 p .: ill.
  4. Kalinin N.N. - Statistical study of the consumption of bread and bakery products in the Russian Federation / Izvestiya TulGU. Economic and legal sciences - 2014 No. 5-1.
  5. Naumenko, N.V. Possibilities of using biotechnology in food production / N.V. Naumenko // Actual biotechnology. - 2014. - No. 2 (5). - S. 14-17.

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on the passage of industrial practice

at PO Novosokolnichesky KhLEB


1. The structure and production activities of the enterprise

1.1 Enterprise as a legal entity

1.2 Production management structure

1.3 Range of products

2. Technology and organization of production

2.1 Technological scheme of production

2.2 Production recipes for Mustard rolls, Souvenir gingerbread and biscuit

3. Production control

3.1 Quality control scheme and quality requirements for bakery products

3.2 Physical and chemical indicators and nutritional value of bakery products

3.3 Packaging and storage of bakery products

3.4 Industrial sanitation

4. Production accounting

4.1 Raw materials accounting

4.2 Accounting for finished products

5. Organization of work of the head of the site. Job responsibilities of the chief and technologist

5.1 Environmental protection

5.2 Hazardous production factors

5.3 Security guarantees

5.4 Sources of contamination and their localization



The Ministry of the Food Industry of Russia played a significant role in the development of the bakery industry, its scientific and technological progress. The bakery industry has quite effective methods of rational use of the main raw material - flour, as well as other components that together make up a bread product - the main food product of the population of Russia.

In general terms, the consumption of grain resources in the industry is determined by the following factors:

The total volume of production of bread and bakery products;

An assortment of manufactured products;

Technical costs and losses;

The use of additives and unconventional raw materials.

The bakery industry is one of the main branches of the food industry. The bakery industry in Russia has about 15,200 bakeries and over 4,800 small enterprises, producing more than 16 million tons of products annually. In the diet of the population, bakery products account for up to 40% of the calorie content of consumed bread and bakery products; they cover up to 20-30% of the body's need for proteins and half for carbohydrates.

The main directions of development of the bakery industry: increasing production capacity through the construction of new and reconstruction of existing enterprises; improving the structure, assortment of bakery products in order to fully meet the needs of the population at enterprises, bulk transportation of basic and additional raw materials; mastering progressive technological processes of dough preparation using units and installations that allow complex mechanization and automation of dough making; the introduction of lines, including complex mechanized and flow lines, for the production of pan, hearth bread, loaf-like, small-fat bakery and fancy, rusks and donuts; development and implementation of baking ovens of new designs with electric heating; automation of production processes, creation of automated control systems for technological processes of bread production.

Special attention in the bakery industry is paid to the issues of product quality, the production of bakery products with improvers, as well as the rational use of raw materials, reduction of losses at all stages of the technological process.

The main raw materials for baking are wheat and rye flour, water, yeast, salt. Additional raw materials include all other products used in baking. The technological mode of bread production and the quality of finished products significantly depend on the baking properties of flour. The properties of flour are determined by the initial properties of the grain from which it is obtained, as well as changes in its chemical composition during drying, storage and grinding.

An important factor in baking is the correct consumption of flour, depending on the assortment.

The possibilities of reducing the consumption of flour depending on the moisture content of bakery products are limited by the standard and its water-absorbing capacity, which has recently been decreasing due to the increasing use of low-quality flour, primarily from defective grain.

It is known that flour made from healthy grain and affected by a bug-turtle has a reduced water absorption capacity, and the use of such flour leads to the need to reduce the calculated moisture content of the dough and, naturally, to significant losses in the yield.

I completed an internship at the Consumer Society "Novosokolniki KhLEB" in Novosokolniki, located at 22A, 9th January Street. In production, the essence of my work was the packaging of finished products coming from the bakery and confectionery shops. Also, during my practice, I got acquainted with the production of bakery and confectionery products. The practice time is from May 12 to August 1. The activities in which I participated are provided in the diary, which indicates the essence of my work during the practice.

1. Structure and productionmilitary activity of the enterprise

1.1 Companyas a legalface

Chairman of the Board - Yury Ryzhikov.

Production manager - Natalya Ivanovna Lesikova.

Technologist - Ababkova M.V.

The administration of the Novosokolniki district issued a license, according to which the production and sale of products is permitted. The main activity: the production of food products, including drinks - the production of bread and flour confectionery products of short storage. The number of employees in the winter period is 58 people, and in the summer - 80 people. Production in the bakery shop includes three shifts: ON Ignatieva, GM Orlova, EA Tarasova. Each shift consists of a foreman, a molder and a baker. The operating mode of the bakery shop is round-the-clock, and of the confectionery, lemonade and meat shops - eight hours.

The design capacity of the bakery is 2-2.5 tons of bakery products per day.

At present, the actual output of bread and bakery products depends on trade orders and ranges from 2 to 2.5 tons per day.

Warehouses and the main production building are located on the territory of the enterprise.

In the main building there are: a warehouse for bulk (65 m2) and container (120 m2) storage of flour, a bread shop (225 m2), bakery and confectionery areas.

The main activity of the enterprise is the production of bread, bakery, baked goods and flour confectionery products. PO Novosokolnichesky KhLEB owns an extensive network of retail outlets for the sale of its own products.

1.2 Struproduction management framework

The management of the enterprise and the management scheme are presented in the following form:


Production director Technologist

cotton shop confectioneryshop meatshop creamshop lemonadeshop

1.3 Assrange of products

PO Novosokolnichesky KhLEB is one of the largest producers of bread, bakery, baked goods, confectionery products in the city.

The assortment is presented:

Bread group: 5 items;

Bakery products group: 11 items;

Butterware group: 3 items;

Confectionery group: over 26 items.

The assortment of bakery and confectionery products is constantly updated and expanded.

At this site of the Novosokolnichesky KhLEB Production Association, the range of products is presented:

Bread (kg):

Darnitsky - 0.6;

Sokolnichesky - 0.55;

Refectory - 0.4;

Fragrant - 0.4;

· Brewed hearth - 0.6;

Bakery products (kg):

Baton - 0.35;

· Malt bread - 0.4;

· Shaped - 0.4;

· Loaf with raisins - 0.4;

Mustard - 0.35;

Ukrainian - 0.35;

· Braid with sesame seeds - 0.3;

Poppy - 0.35;

· Capital (baguette) - 0.3;

· Doctor's bread - 0.2;

· Bulk - 0.35;

· Italian village ciabatta - 0.3;

Muffins (kg):

· Appetizing pastry - 0.3;

Twisted - 0.3;

Spikelet - 0.3;

Confectionery (kg):

· Sponge cake by weight;

Oatmeal cookies - 0.4;

· Cookies "Fantasy" - 0.4;

· Cupcake "Verona" - 0.075;

· Cupcake "Capital" - 0.075;

· Gingerbread "Souvenir" - 0.7;

· Gingerbread "Souvenir" - 0.3;

· Cookies "Sand sticks" - 0.4;

Kihelakh (with vanilla);

· Grounds (with cinnamon);

· Roll: creamy, chocolate, fruit;


· Children's;

· Crescent;

· Boat;

· Ring with nuts;

· Sand;

· Basket;

· Eclairs;

· Sand stick;

· Sponge cake with butter cream;

· Exotics;

· Chocolate sour cream;

· With cream and fruit;

· Customized;

· Fairy tale;

Crackers (kg):

· Autumn - 0.3;

· Nut - 0.3;

Vanilla - 0.3;

Lemon - 0.3;

· With poppy seeds - 0.3;

Mustard - 0.3;

Kiev - 0.3;

2. Technologia and organization of production

2.1 Thosenological scheme of production

For the correct organization of the technological process and its control, there is a technological production plan at the site. Work at the sites is organized according to the principle of a continuous production flow, except for the confectionery site, since there is discontinuous production. Finished products are subject to quick implementation.

Production batona.

For a dough for 120 kg: put a dough for 50 kg, add 0.8 kg yeast, warm water (in summer, the water temperature is 280C, and in winter it is warmer, depending on the temperature in the workshop). After that, the dough ferments for 3-4 hours. improver -120 g, water and then kneaded for 20 minutes.

After kneading, the dough is infused for 20 - 40 minutes, then it is kneaded and fed to the molding. The dough is wrapped in a hopper. Then, in the divider, the dough is divided into weight pieces of 400 g (the yield of the finished product is 350 g). The workpieces are transported along the belt to the rounder and rolled into the preliminary proofing tank BREEZE PLUS, after which the workpieces are placed on sheets and placed in pins.

In Prostoika - "Klimot AGRO" the loaves are placed for 55 minutes, where the dough rises (fits). Then the dough that has already come up is taken to the oven - "Rotor - AGRO". Heating in the oven is carried out to a temperature of 2700C, and baked at a temperature of 2350C for 23 minutes, at the beginning of baking, steam is supplied for 24 seconds. The oven rotates the pins clockwise while baking. After baking the loaves, the oven itself beeps when the product is ready. Then the loaves are stretched, cooled and packaged.

Bread production.

The operator pours flour into the sifter, 1st grade into one hopper, 2nd grade into another hopper, after which it enters the terminal. Terminal "AGRO-3" pours the required amount of flour on the dough (40% peeled and 60% 1st grade) and on the head (only peeled flour). Put the head on the bread in advance. After the head gains acidity of 12-13%, they begin to knead the dough.

To produce 100 kg of dough, you need: salt, water 47 l, yeast 1.4 kg, improver 0.14 kg, which is added only to flour, marriage - 4 loaves. Then everything is stirred. Head (starter culture 25 kg) for 1 bowl. In the terminal, a program is typed and the required amount of flour is poured, the dough is kneaded for 20 minutes, fermented - 20-40 minutes. The bowl is placed on a hoist, wraps the dough in a hopper, where it is divided into 690 g weight pieces (finished bread yield 600 g). After the proofing takes place in the "Climate AGRO" (50-55 minutes). Later it is placed in the oven, where it is baked at a temperature of 2700C for 45 minutes. At the very beginning, steam is supplied for 2 seconds. After baking the bread, it is watered with water to give it a glossy crust. Further out of the forms, it is knocked out into a circle, folded onto a trolley, where it cools, and then it is packaged.

2.2 ProductionthrecipesNSrolls "Mustard", gingerbread "Suvenir "and biscuit

Recipe for 10 kg of finished product "Mustard" rolls:

· Flour of the highest grade - 10 kg;

Mustard oil - 0.6 kg;

Yeast - 0.2 kg;

Sugar - 0.6 kg;

Salt - 0.15 kg;

· Improver - 0.05 kg.

Table 1 - Biscuit recipe

Table 2 - Recipe for "Souvenir" gingerbread

name of raw materials

Number of gingerbread, pcs.

Peeled rye flour


Vegetable oil

Dry perfume

Essence honey

3. Production control

3.1 Control scheme forqualityand requirements forthe quality of bakery products

The production of bakery products is carried out in accordance with regulatory documents, including GOSTs, TUs, product recipes and technological instructions. The GOSTs and TUs formulate the basic requirements for the quality of finished products and raw materials, methods of analysis, rules for transportation and storage.

The main raw materials in the production of bakery products include flour, grain products, baker's yeast and chemical leavening agents, salt and water. The following types of flour are used: baking wheat flour of the highest grade (Tambov LLC "TAK" "Agros"), I grade (Michurinskaya, Tambov region), peeled rye (LLC "Melnitsa", Kalininsk).

Additional raw materials are used according to the recipe to ensure specific organoleptic and physicochemical properties of bakery products. It can be: granulated sugar (GOST 21 - 94), sunflower oil (GOST 1129 - 93), margarine with a fat content of at least 82% (GOST 240 - 85), etc. recipe, other types of raw materials, the nutritional value of which is practically equivalent (in accordance with the instructions for the interchangeability of raw materials).

All operations on technochemical control are carried out by the production laboratory.

All raw materials, upon entering the enterprise, are subject to strict control, in accordance with the current MTD.

Sampling of samples is carried out by laboratory workers. Physicochemical indicators of the quality of raw materials are determined in accordance with GOSTs.

Flour GOST 26574

Sugar GOST 21

Margarine GOST 240

Egg powder GOST 2858

Egg products GOST 30363

Dry yeast GOST 28483

Salt GOST R5174

Powdered milk GOST 10970

Condensed milk TU 9227-001-45325092-98

The amount of raw materials used must comply with the requirements of the current regulatory documents, medical and biological requirements, the current regulatory documentation, sanitary standards for the quality of food raw materials and food products of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Russian Federation.

Technochemical control at various stages of the technological process is carried out by the shop technologist, as well as by laboratory workers, who record the results of the control in the production control log.

The control includes checking the fulfillment of recipes, the quality of the semi-finished product, the fulfillment of the technological regime in terms of acidity, temperature and duration of fermentation, the mass of dough pieces, the duration of proofing and baking, laying of products and quantitative indicators of the technological process.

The assortment of bread and bakery products includes more than 1000 items, both general-purpose and special dietary. All of them are divided into groups: according to the type of flour - into rye, wheat and from a mixture of rye and wheat flour; by the baking method - for mold and hearth; according to the shape of the products - into loaves, rolls, braids, etc.; according to the recipe - for simple, improved - with the addition of a small amount of sugar and molasses, fat or spices, and butter - with a high content of fat and sugar; by appointment - for ordinary and dietary.

Due to the fact that rye flour differs from wheat in terms of baking properties, the technology of wheat bread differs significantly from the technology of rye and rye-wheat bread.

The quality of rye and wheat bread is determined by taste, aroma, shape, volume, color and condition of the crust, crumb looseness and color, structure of porosity, spreading of hearth bread. However, the significance of individual indicators in the overall assessment of bread is different. For wheat bread, such indicators as volume, porosity structure, crumb color are of great importance, which vary greatly in bread from different flour lots. Rye bread, especially from wallpaper flour, has a smaller volume compared to wheat bread, has a darker colored crumb and crust, a lower percentage of porosity and a stickier crumb.

The quality of bread produced with the use of rye flour is significantly influenced by the peculiarities of the baking properties of flour, its carbohydrate-aminolase complex and protein substances. Unlike wheat dough, the structural and mechanical properties of rye dough are characterized by the absence of a spongy gluten "frame" in it, which gives the wheat dough firmness and elasticity. Rye dough is characterized by high viscosity, plasticity and low stretchability, low resilience and elasticity.

Certain types of bread are produced using a brew. This method gives the bread a specific taste and aroma and slows down its staling. Sometimes malt is added to the brew to enhance the flavor and aroma. For the preparation of certain types of custard bread, instead of brewing, specially developed additives are used: extrusion semi-finished product from rye flour; swelling flour - dry brewing, obtained by hydrothermal treatment of flour on a roller dryer.

Rye bread is produced in molds and hearths. Shaped products must conform to the bread mold, without side outlets. The hearth products should have a rounded, oval or oblong-oval shape, not vague, without imprints, individual products may have pointed ends. Products should have a smooth surface, without large cracks or breaks, the color of the crust is from light to dark brown. The crumb should be baked, not sticky, not wet to the touch, elastic. The moisture content of rye-wheat bread should be 45 - 50%, rye - 46 - 51%. The acidity of rye bread is 7 - 12 degrees, the acidity of rye-wheat bread is 7 - 11 degrees.

Determination of titratable acidity:

To determine acidity, 5 g of a semi-finished product is weighed on a balance, the sample is transferred to a porcelain mortar and pounded with a pestle with 50 ml of distilled water. The resulting mixture is titrated with 0.1 N. solution of caustic soda in the presence of 3-5 drops of 1% alcoholic solution of phenolphthalein to a pink color that does not disappear within 1 minute.

The result is calculated using the formula:

X = A * 100 / S * 10 = 2A,

where A is the amount of 0.1 N. alkali solution spent on titration of the S-mass of the test. assortment quality bakery packaging

The preparation of dough from wheat flour is mainly carried out in two ways - unpaired and sponge. Bezoparny is a one-phase method in which all raw materials are dosed in accordance with the recipe when kneading the dough. The duration of fermentation of the dough is 150 - 180 minutes at a temperature of 28-32оС. Dough is a two-phase method in which the dough is first prepared. After fermentation of the dough for 180 - 300 minutes, add the rest of the flour, additional raw materials, water and knead the dough. The dough ferments for 30 - 150 minutes.

Dough preparation using sponge and non-steam methods includes the following operations and processes: dosing of prepared raw materials, kneading dough or dough, fermentation of dough and dough, kneading the dough. As a result of these operations, the dough acquires the properties necessary for cutting and baking.

The appearance, shape, surface, condition of the crumb (bakedness, porosity, elasticity, freshness), taste and smell of bread made from wheat flour must meet the requirements of GOST for this type of product. The moisture content of wheat bread should be 42 - 46%, and the acidity - 2.5 - 7 degrees.

The dough for bakery products is generally prepared in the usual ways for wheat flour. The technology of individual products has some peculiarities. The baked goods are baked directly on the bottom of the baking chamber. An exception is the cakes, which are baked in tins and on sheets.

The organoleptic characteristics of baked goods must comply with the requirements of GOST 27842 - 88. The moisture content of the baked goods must be 37 - 45%, and the acidity must be 2.5 - 4 degrees.

The dough for rich products is prepared in sponge, safety and accelerated methods. Also, products are baked from pastry puff pastry, it is prepared in an accelerated way using chemical leavening agents. The organoleptic characteristics of rich products must comply with the requirements of GOST 24557 - 89.

3.2 Physical and chemical indicators and nutritional value of bakery products

Physical and chemical characteristics of rye bread:

The ratio of raw materials - flour rye wallpaper 93 - 100 kg; fermented malt 5 - 7 kg;

Crumb moisture - no more than 51%;

Crumb acidity - no more than 11 - 12 degrees;

Porosity - not less than 45 - 48%;

Mass fraction of sugar - no.

Physical and chemical characteristics of rye-wheat bread:

The ratio of raw materials - wallpaper rye flour 55 - 80 kg; wheat flour 40 kg, grade II 15 kg; fermented malt 5 kg;

Crumb moisture - no more than 46 - 49%;

Crumb acidity - no more than 10 - 11 degrees;

Porosity - not less than 46 - 50%;

Mass fraction of sugar - no.

Physical and chemical indicators of wheat-rye bread:

The ratio of raw materials - flour rye wallpaper 20 - 80 kg, peeled 10 - 100 kg, seeded 10 - 100 kg; wheat flour 20 - 70 kg, peeled 20 - 80 kg, grade II 15 - 85 kg, grade I 10 - 50 kg, premium 10 kg (delicacy); fermented malt 5 kg, unfermented 5 kg;

Crumb moisture - no more than 43 - 50%;

Acidity - no more than 5.5 - 10 degrees;

Porosity - not less than 49 - 65%;

Mass fraction of sugar - 3.0 + 1.0% (table).

Physical and chemical characteristics of wheat flour bread:

The ratio of wheat flour varieties - wallpaper 30 - 100 kg, II grade 50 - 100 kg, I grade 30 - 100 kg, premium 100 kg, grit 100 kg;

Crumb moisture - no more than 39 - 48%;

Crumb acidity - no more than 2.5 - 7 degrees;

Porosity - not less than 54 - 74%;

Mass fraction of sugar - 2.0 - 13.8 ( + 1,0)%;

Mass fraction of fat - 1.5 - 7.9 ( + 0,5)%.

Physical and chemical indicators of bakery products:

Crumb moisture - no more than 34 - 44%;

Crumb acidity - no more than 2.0 - 4.0 degrees;

Crumb porosity - not less than 60 - 73%;

Mass fraction of sugar - 2.0 - 6.0 ( + 1,0)%;

Mass fraction of fat - 1.0 - 14.0 ( + 0,5)%.

Physicochemical indicators of rich products:

Crumb moisture - no more than 24 - 37%;

Crumb acidity - no more than 2.5 - 3.0 degrees;

Mass fraction of sugar - 9.0 - 19.5 ( + 1,0)%;

Mass fraction of fat - 4.3 - 16.5 ( + 0,5)%.

3.3 Packaging andstorage of bakery products

After the bakery products leave the oven, a number of processes take place in them: the products cool down, dry out, that is, they decrease in mass and become stale. When the bread cools down, in the first 3 - 4 hours after baking, 1 kg of the product loses 25 - 30 g of moisture. This is taken into account in the production of packaged products: the products are cooled before packing.

In 6 - 10 hours after baking, stale processes begin in bakery products. For small-piece products (weighing 0.05 - 0.2 kg), these processes begin somewhat earlier than for products with a larger mass. At the same time, the crust from brittle and hard turns into soft, elastic, wrinkled, more moist, with longer storage it becomes hard again. The crumb from soft, easily squeezed, slightly moist to the touch, not crumbling becomes drier, crumbling, hard, less squeezing. The compressibility of the whole bread is reduced. The product loses its pleasant aroma and taste, and as the storage time increases, it acquires the taste and aroma of a stale product.

Bread made from rye flour and a mixture of rye and wheat flour becomes stale more slowly than bread made from wheat flour. Wheat bread baked with a high protein and gluten content, as well as with the addition of protein-containing raw materials, stale more slowly. Bakery products with the use of fatty products, sugar and sugar-containing raw materials retain their softness (especially the crumb) longer. Recently, special anti-starch additives have been used - surfactants, emulsifiers, enzyme preparations, modified starch, etc., which are included in the formulation of complex bread quality improvers.

Storage conditions have a significant impact on the staleness of bakery products. At a temperature of 60оС and above, products stale slowly, a decrease in the temperature of the crumb to 0 ... - 2оС increases the speed of staling to a maximum. The most reliable way to preserve baked goods is to freeze it at a temperature of - 30 ... - 40 ° C in a stream of cold air or nitrogen and store it at - 18 ... - 20 ° C. Refreshed then products stale more quickly than freshly baked ones. Packaging baked goods in moisture-proof materials slows down the loss of freshness as well as the loss of volatile aromas.

The room for storing bread should be clean, dry, ventilated, temperature - 18 - 20 ° C (not lower than 6 ° C).

Changes in bakery products caused by microorganisms, as a result of which the products become unusable, are called bread diseases. The most common and dangerous are potato disease and mold.

In order to increase the terms of sale, the product is packaged. The following types of packaging materials are used: paper and paper backed up with polyethylene or other materials and bags made of them; plastic films and bags from them; polypropylene film and bags from them; cellophane film and other packaging materials approved by health authorities. Products are packed individually or in groups. The period of sale in the retail trade network from the moment of removing rye bread from seeded flour from the oven is 24 hours, for other types - 36 hours.

Packaged bakery products made from rye and a mixture of rye and wheat flour are stored at temperatures up to 25 ° C and a relative humidity of no more than 85%. Their shelf life is established by the manufacturer from 3 to 7 days, depending on the manufacturing technology and the additives used.

The period of sale of wheat bread from the moment of removal from the oven without packaging is 24 hours, road bread - no more than 48 hours, and in a package - from 2 to 7 days.

Bakery products are produced in packaged form and without packaging. Loafs are packed in 1 pc., Rolls, buns, horns, bakery change - in 2-8 pcs. The period of sale in retail from the moment of removal from the oven of unpacked bakery products weighing up to 0.2 kg inclusive is 16 hours, over 0.2 kg - 24 hours, packed - 48 and 72 hours, respectively.

Butter products are delivered for sale packed and unpacked. The packing of muffins is carried out in the same way as for bakery products. The term of sale of products without packaging in the retail trade network after removal from the oven is 24 hours for products weighing 0.4; 0.5; 0.8 kg and 16 hours for products weighing 0.05; 0.065; 0.1 and 0.2 kg.

3.4 Industrial sanitation

The production of bread and bakery products at the enterprises is carried out in accordance with the "Sanitary Rules for the enterprises of the bakery industry" and "Instruction for the prevention of foreign objects entering the products of bakery enterprises".

Realized waste such as bagging, flour counting, cleaning waste in production is used for non-production needs in accordance with the established procedure.

Control over the implementation of the hygienic regime and sanitary rules at the enterprise is assigned to the production manager and shift supervisors (foremen).

4. Production accountingdstva

The production of bread, baked goods and bakery products is carried out on the ground floor of the production building. The management and organization of production is carried out by a master baker (foreman), who heads a brigade of workers consisting of 23 people. The master baker receives an assignment from the expedition for the volume of products in the range.

Calculates raw materials, delivers finished products to the expedition and makes production reports. Production reports are checked by the head of production, approved by the chief engineer and sent to the accounting department to check the correctness of the consumption of raw materials.

Based on the results of the report, a report on raw materials is made monthly, which is done in the laboratory.

4.1 Raw materials accounting

Raw materials enter the workshop from the central warehouse of the enterprise in the presence of accompanying documents:

Quality assurance;

According to the invoice.

There are magazines for the qualitative and quantitative control of production. Process control logs:

Bakery control log;

Register of accounting and control of incoming raw materials;

Flour analysis log;

Potato Disease Detection Log;

Finished product analysis journal;

Register of glassware and other laboratory equipment (by shifts);

Register of metal-magnetic impurities in flour, raw materials.

4.2 Accounting for finished products

Finished goods are recorded for continuous production records. When the finished product is handed over to the expedition, a delivery note is drawn up.

The consignment note indicates the entire range of manufactured products, the signatures of the link and delivery unit are put. For methods of analysis of finished products, a collection of GOSTs has been created.

5. Organization of work of the head of the site. Official dutiesjob manager and technologist

The technologist is obliged to carry out the scope of work on the control of the technological process in accordance with the established scope of work and is responsible for the analysis and timely recording of the results in the production control logs.

The technologist reports to the head of the production and technological laboratory. The head of the laboratory is responsible for the correctness of the analyzes, the preparation of the production recipe and instructions on the procedure for the consumption of flour, for the performance of the work stipulated by the regulation in the established volume of work of the laboratory.

5.1 Environmental protection

Ensuring healthy and safe working conditions in production is entrusted to the administration of the enterprise.

The head of production, foremen, bakers are directly involved in creating complete safety conditions at workplaces, under which accidents would be excluded. They provide the necessary instructions for workers and monitor the implementation of safety instructions. The company employs a safety engineer.

Measures aimed at creating healthy and safe working conditions are developed annually. Workers associated with harmful conditions are provided with milk, vitamins, and regular vacations are increased.

5.2 Ohazardous production factors

The following factors can affect the workers of the site engaged in the production of products:

1. Physical - these are the moving mechanisms of the equipment, hot surfaces of the equipment, illumination, the state of the air environment in the working area.

2. Psycho-physiological - the intensity of labor, working posture (sitting, standing), the severity of labor.

5.3 Security guarantees

Safety guarantees to the workers of the site are aimed at preventing industrial accidents and occupational diseases. Employees are given special clothing and footwear, personal protective equipment, and safety briefings are regularly held.

The company has a number of socially medical payments, payments for hospital beds.

Labor protection at the site is supported in writing by a collection of labor protection instructions for each workplace and general labor safety requirements. All the requirements set forth in the instructions, the workers of the shop are obliged to fulfill.

5.4 Sourcepollution ki and their localization

At the enterprise PO Novosokolnichesky KhLEB, an “ecological passport” has been developed. The passport contains a description of the sources of emission and emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, their quantity. The passport contains a calculation and approved maximum permissible emissions for the following indicators:

There is no excess of the maximum permissible emission standards (MPE) at the enterprise. To reduce the MPE, the furnaces are overhauled.


The consumer society "Novosokolnichesky KhLEB" has a large sales network. The main customers are: Pytalovo, Bottom, town. Plyussa, town. Pushkinskie Gory, Pskov, Nevel, Novosokolniki, town. Loknya, Velikie Luki, town. Krasnogorodsk, town. Bezhanitsy, Sebezh, Gdov and others.

During my internship, I mastered the packaging of finished products, equipment for the production of bakery products, studied the composition and components for making bread and loaves, the determination of titratable acidity and provided assistance in the confectionery shop.

Proposals for production: replace outdated equipment with newer one, improve sanitation and hygiene in production, expand the range of products.

Posted on Allbest.ru


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Currently, there are about 1,500 bakeries in Russia and over 5,000 small enterprises that annually produce more than 16 million tons of products.

A distinctive feature of the Russian bread market is the intensification of competition: there is an enlargement of grain production and a change of owners, young energetic managers with modern views on doing business come, foreign bakers are increasingly interested in the Russian bread market in Russia.

The main directions of development of the bakery industry: increasing production capacity through the construction of new and reconstruction of existing enterprises; improving the structure of the assortment of bakery products in order to fully meet the needs of the population; mastering progressive technological processes of dough preparation using units and installations that allow complex mechanization and automation of dough making; automation of production processes, creation of automated control systems for technological processes of bread production.

Special attention in the bakery industry is paid to the issues of product quality, the production of bakery products with improvers, as well as the rational use of raw materials, reduction of losses at all stages of the technological process.

The structure of bread consumption has also changed - more expensive bakery products are in great demand. A positive trend is the expansion of the range of products, the growing demand for freshly baked hot bread, bread with cereals, dietary and diabetic.

In recent years, much attention has been paid to the enrichment of bread with various useful substances in the world, which give it medicinal and prophylactic properties.

The therapeutic and prophylactic effect of the use of dietary bakery products is ensured either by the introduction of the necessary additional components into the recipe, or by the elimination of undesirable ones, as well as changes in the technology of their preparation.

Bread is one of the foodstuffs most consumed by the population. The introduction into its formulation of components that impart therapeutic and prophylactic properties will effectively solve the problem of prevention and treatment of various diseases associated with a deficiency of certain substances.

The market "for the production of domestic dietary products has great potential for growth. A significant number of various bakery products for therapeutic nutrition have been developed; disadvantaged regions of the country, for workers in heavy professions, preschool children and the elderly.

Analysis of the assortment policy of enterprises in the bakery industry indicates that practically all enterprises produce products intended for preventive nutrition. These include: fortified bakery products, dispersed grain products, products with biologically active additives and iodized products.

Creation of technologies for dietetic bakery products includes two directions: - technologies of bakery products with food ingredients in dosages from 3% to 20-30% to the total mass of flour - bran, various grain products, soy flour, etc .;

Technologies with micronutrients - vitamins, minerals and other substances.

In the first direction, technologies are being developed that provide an improvement in product quality, consumer properties (volume, porosity structure, etc.) as a result of reducing the negative effect of food ingredients (for example, bran) that are incompatible in their functional properties with the protein-carbohydrate components of flour, as well as increasing the microbiological purity of bread. For this purpose, technologies provide mainly for semi-finished products, in which biochemical transformations of food ingredients take place with a subsequent positive effect on the properties of the dough and the quality of products. This is how:

* technologies of bread with soy flour on semi-finished products, swelling, intensifying colloidal processes in soybean mass; protein substances enzymatic with hydrolysis; technologies based on minimal contact of soy proteins and wheat flour with the introduction of soy flour at the final stage of dough kneading;

* technologies of bakery products with various grain products - bran, crushed wheat grits, barley flour, oatmeal, corn flour by their preliminary in ferments - lactic acid, propionic acid, which leads to a decrease in microbiological contamination, i.e. prevention of "potato" disease and mold, improving the quality of bread due to the breakdown of structural components to low molecular weight substances, increasing the probiotic properties of bakery products.

In the second direction, technologies are being developed that increase the bioavailability of micronutrients or reduce their losses during the dough preparation process. So, developed:

* technologies that increase the digestibility of calcium on semi-finished products containing lactic acid (whey, lactic acid culture), providing the transition of indigestible calcium in edible chalk to calcium lactate involved in metabolism;

* technologies for the use of vitamins Bl, B2, PP, etc. by introducing them into semi-finished products of a certain composition, for example, containing milk whey, wheat flour, vegetable oil, each of which plays a certain functional role, and reducing the loss of vitamins;

* to increase the bioavailability of iron, vitamin-containing products (wheat germ flour or flakes) or vitamin-mineral mixtures are introduced into the product formulation.

For medical products, characterized by a changed chemical composition, "powder" technologies have been developed based on dietary composite mixtures containing various types of raw materials, food additives and ingredients. Such technologies make it possible to solve the problem of providing the population with medical food through a network of bakeries, medical institutions and at home.

A promising direction in the development of the range of functional bakery products of increased nutritional and biological value for dietary purposes is the use of natural food fortifiers. These include, for example, the technology of bakery products based on sprouted (bioactivated) dispersed grain of rye or wheat, characterized by a high content of vitamins, minerals in a bioavailable form, essential amino acids, etc.

Natural bread fortifiers include sourdough cultures with targeted cultivation of microorganisms. Thus, propionic bacteria (Pr. Sherman) in propionic acid sourdough synthesize vitamins, including B12, propionic acid and antibiotics - inhibitors of the development of "potato disease" in bread. Carotene-synthesizing yeast in a vitamin ferment synthesizes B-carotene; ergosterol yeast in yeast ferment - provitamin D.

As a result of the production of high-grade flour during the separation of the shells, the aleurone layer, the germ of the grain from the endosperm, almost all vitamins, a significant part of protein and mineral substances are removed from the final product, the amount of ballast substances important for health is sharply reduced.

Promising directions for the production of new varieties of bread containing all morphological parts of grain are:

1) making bread from whole grain;

2) production of bakery products based on composite mixtures of high-grade flour and bran;

3) production of bread using grain that has undergone special mechanical and / or hydrothermal treatment, including the use of grain and the form of crumbs, extrudants, flakes.

Simply increasing the flour yield is the most primitive way to increase the nutritional value of the resulting bread. It is much more expedient to develop an improved system of grain grinding, in which the shells, indigestible by the body, impairing the appearance, are removed to the maximum extent, and the germ and aleurone layer would be completely directed into the flour. The All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Grain is developing rational schemes for obtaining flour, ensuring that the embryo, the shield gets into the flour.

Thus, innovations, optimization of technologies, expansion of the assortment produced - these are the current trends in the development of bakery in Russia. And the motto for the further development of the industry can be called: "The optimal combination of tradition and modernity."

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