
Litecoin cryptocurrency: forecasts and prospects. Cryptocurrency Litecoin (LTC): review and detailed analysis of the system Where is it better to store crypto coins and is it worth buying it

Sam Quinn, a regular contributor to the popular online publication ethereumworldnews.com, shares his thoughts on the cryptocurrency silver - Litecoin. What are the advantages of this cryptocurrency, what awaits it in the future and what is the possible price for Liecoin in 2018. Does Litecoin have a chance to beat other cryptocurrencies?

Although Bitcoin is much more talked about and is what pops up in the minds of the average person when it comes to cryptocurrencies, Litecoin is superior to Bitcoin in many ways. For example, Litecoin experienced a “ ” activation (Bitcoin is right in the middle of this painful journey). Well, in the end, for Litecoin the miner receives 25 tokens, while Bitcoin pays only 12.5.

These differences appear small, but can have a major impact on the Litecoin price forecast.

Before we continue, I would like to make my point clear:

  • I don't believe Litecoin will overtake Bitcoin.
  • I don't believe that the situation with Bitcoin will lead to the disappearance of Litecoin.
  • I don't think Bitcoin or Litecoin will have a significant impact on Ethereum.
  • I don't believe Ethereum can threaten the existence of Bitcoin and Litecoin.

Or to be more specific, I don't think it will happen in the next 12 months. The cryptocurrency market is not at a winner-take-all stage of development.

The current state of the industry can be best described as infancy. She kicks and screams at everything she doesn't like, is intolerant of compromise and can burst into tears at any moment (read the price will drop 10% just to let off steam).

We have to wait for the industry to mature. Just like children transitioning into adulthood, the harsh realities of the world will contribute to their adaptation and growth. Some will lag or disappear from the radar altogether. Few will achieve real success.

Will Litecoin be one of them? I think so.

Of the nearly 900 digital currencies that exist today, Bitcoin and Ethereum are the most likely to survive, followed by Litecoin and Ripple. This corresponds to the history of any industry - when stability comes, 3-4 players remain in the market.

At this point, a struggle may begin between the survivors for complete market dominance. Until then, I believe that victories of any cryptocurrency play into the hands of the entire industry.

Litecoin: price history

Litecoin is one of the few cryptocurrencies with a market capitalization in the billions. It amounts to 2.16 billion US dollars. Its price experienced exactly the same boom as the price of Bitcoin. Both currencies rose in late 2013 before collapsing.

The dollar to LTC exchange rate currently fluctuates between 40 and 50 US dollars, but this was not always the case. I remember how the price of Litecoin doubled in one day.

However, prices remained at the same level for most of the cryptocurrency's history in 2014, 2015 and 2016. Back then, cryptocurrencies were experiencing a renaissance. Our January and February Litecoin price forecast for 2018 was quite gloomy, but then rumors began to surface that the cryptocurrency would be freely traded on . This changes everything.

The addition of Litecoin to this exchange caused the price of LTC to skyrocket. As soon as investors were able to buy Litecoin without having to buy Bitcoin (under the old scheme, you had to buy Bitcoin, you could buy LItecoin with Bitcoin), its price soared by 855%.

Some argue that Litecoin and Bitcoin are like silver and gold respectively. Bitcoin is gold, a foreign exchange reserve, while Litecoin is silver, an industrial metal with real-world applications.

Perhaps it will be useful for those who have only recently plunged into the world of cryptocurrencies to recall the meaning of some basic concepts. For them, here's our quick guide to blockchain, Bitcoin and Litecoin.

The first thing you should know is that the whole topic of cryptocurrencies - Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, smart contracts - is less than 10 years old.

The technology that made all this possible (known as "") first appeared in a document published under the name of a certain . In this document, the author says that the Internet is not such a free thing as we are used to thinking about it. One way or another, all cables lead to giant information companies.

Nakamoto showed the shortcomings of this client-server model. But, unlike most people, he did not just criticize it, but also offered an alternative. He developed blockchain technology, which is really similar to the Internet, but for its existence it does not rely on servers owned by large corporations, but on users’ computers. This is the fundamental difference.

When you send a wire transfer, for example, it is sent from your computer to a server and then to the final recipient (presumably one of your friend or colleague's computers). In a blockchain, this payment is recorded on all computers at the same time, but only you can access it.

Well, you and the person who sent it.

Access is granted using a unique “cryptographic” key. This translation method does not require the participation of intermediaries. It is direct, safe and does not require unnecessary steps.

But to use this amazing payment system, you need to use Bitcoin. Bitcoin is obtained as a result of actions called mining.

Imagine being able to use your computer to solve a complex math problem, and in return you receive Bitcoin, which you can later use for purchases. It's a bit like a dream. You haven't made any real effort towards this other than buying a computer and paying your electricity bills.

However, the mining reward decreases as more Bitcoin is added into circulation.

In fact, at a certain point, called halving, the reward is halved. Bitcoin has already experienced two such moments and today the reward is only 12.5 Bitcoins per block, which is significantly less than what miners receive for mining Litecoin.

Miners receive 25 Litecoin per block.

Is it possible to compare the potential of Litecoin with Bitcoin?

We know that cryptocurrency prices can rise significantly in very short periods of time. Therefore, you should not evaluate the potential of Litecoin based on its current value. Think about how much this cryptocurrency could be worth tomorrow.

Litecoin has huge potential... but for this to happen, the popularity of this cryptocurrency needs to increase significantly. Fortunately, this is where we have good news. Thanks to the Lightning Network, Litecoin owners can make payments much faster and cheaper than on the Bitcoin network.

To be honest, this is quite revolutionary news. Everyone thought that Bitcoin would be the first to enable the Lightning Network, but Bitcoin still hasn't even gone through the SegWit activation stage.

The problem with Bitcoin and SegWit is that it requires the consent of too many people to support it. If you've ever tried to convince more than 10 people to agree to something, then you know what I mean.

Meanwhile, Litecoin has already integrated SegWit and is actively working with the Lightning Network.

Is it worth investing in Litecoin?

Over the past few months, Litecoin has made significant gains in the cryptocurrency market. Theoretically, it can be assumed that in the future developers, followed by investors, will begin to migrate to LItecoin, and this in turn will lead to an increase in the price of LTC. In addition, purchasing Litecoin is now much easier than just a few months ago, when this required additional transactions with Bitcoin. And the number of exchangers with ATMs that work with Litecoin has grown significantly.

The combination of all these factors allows us to assume that the price of Litecoin in 2018 will range from $300 to $400.

This is certainly not enough to reach the same level as Bitcoin, but it is quite enough to compete with Ethereum.

Recent political realities, trends in the development of financial and technology markets allow us to talk about the prospects for growth in quotes, market capitalization and the scale of global adoption of Litecoin. 2017 turned out to be a record year in terms of growth in exchange rate quotes and market capitalization of digital currency units. Despite the dominance of Bitcoin, the ecosystem of crypto assets has not only been replenished with new players, but also a significant number of altcoins that were in the shadow of the TOP cryptocurrencies have been promoted.

Its position among the leaders has been significantly strengthened by the digital currency Litecoin, whose growth prospects are promising. Logical conclusions can be made based on several important factors:

  1. Increase in exchange rate quotes.
  2. Increase in market capitalization indicators.
  3. Efficiency of the payment network and speed of handling LTC coins.
  4. Comparative ease of mining and low network complexity.
  5. Other factors.

Increase in Litecoin exchange rate indicators

Until the beginning of 2017, the prospects for Litecoin were not so realistic. One could hear various forecasts foretelling that Bitcoin would set new records after the next halving, but few expected that the Litecoin cryptocurrency would follow the example of the pioneer, like most altcoins, and achieve such outstanding success.

What do we have today? One Litecoin, the price of which fluctuated between 4–5 US dollars at the beginning of the year, is already valued at 270 US dollars (as of December 25, 2017). An increase of approximately 6,500% is impressive. Litecoin did not become the undisputed leader in this indicator, but it surpassed the flagship of crypto assets, the value of which increased by approximately 1400–1500% during the reporting period.

Growth of market capitalization indicators Lactoin

Despite the unpromising forecasts of some experts about the prospects of Litecoin, this cryptocurrency was pleasantly surprised by the increase in market capitalization. Its growth from about 200 million to 15 billion dollars looks very impressive. This digital asset has earned the right to be one of the leaders in the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

High-speed Litecoin transactions

The Litecoin system compares favorably with many of its “colleagues” in the speed of intra-system transfers. Perhaps this is one of the few cryptocurrencies whose network has not encountered problems with delays in money transfers against the backdrop of growing volumes and intensity of transfers. What are the reasons? First of all, the development team should be considered “to blame”. They quickly respond to changing realities. Litecoin is known to be a fork of Bitcoin and there are many compatibility issues in system components.

Having studied the innovative nature of the SegWit algorithm, Charles Lee's team activated it much earlier than their colleagues from the Bitcoin system. As a result, the speed of intranet transfers has doubled. Such openness to innovation indicates good growth prospects for Litecoin in the near future.

Simplicity of the Lightokine generation mechanism

Most cryptocurrencies are obtained through mining. An important point that ensured the success of Litecoin in 2017 should be considered the relative ease of generation. Here you should pay attention to a number of features:
  1. The Scrypt standard used in LTC mining is inferior in complexity to the algorithms used in the mining of Bitcoin, Ethereum and other crypto-assets.
  2. The Litecoin generation segment has not yet been affected by professionalization. Large investors are investing significant sums in other top digital assets, neglecting technical difficulties in favor of the higher value of the latter’s coins.
  3. The future growth prospects for Litecoin are evidenced by the increase in the number of computing nodes at the expense of small entrepreneurs. After all, the cost of computing equipment that generates Litecoin virtual coins is much lower than the ASICs used in the Bitcoin system.
  4. Competition in the area of ​​cloud mining and mining carried out by pools is also not so high.
  5. The difficulty of generating Litecoin is not yet as significant as in the case of Bitcoin and other popular altcoins. Therefore, even simple farms assembled in an artisanal way can bring a decent income, taking into account the fact that the value of this crypto asset will most likely only grow in the future.

Other Factors Affecting Litecoin's Prospects

Some circumstances make it possible to judge the growth prospects of Litecoin only from the best side. Among them it is necessary to highlight:
  1. The growing influence of the network effect.
  2. Improving the investment background.
  3. Destroying stereotypes.
  4. Retail adoption.
  5. Legal settlement.
Studying the latest ups and downs of the growth of quotes, market capitalization and the number of owners of computing nodes, one can rightfully assert that in the phenomenon of Litecoin, which is a fork of Bitcoin, the network effect factor is of particular importance. This is the common name for trust between system participants, the number of which has increased significantly in the past year. Accordingly, the price of this altcoin should increase in the future.

Litecoin has not yet developed into a significant speculative instrument. The reason for this is the not so impressive presence on cryptocurrency exchanges. Despite the increase in price indicators, large currency speculators perceive it as a secondary digital financial asset. Most likely, this trend will soon change diametrically. Against the background of the above, the option of investing in Litecoin, which has real prospects for growth in the foreseeable future, looks quite justified. Increasing capital investments in mining, trading and growth of quotes will cause an increase in the scale of exchange rate changes, but the entry threshold of $270 per coin is a very profitable alternative to investing in more expensive crypto assets.

Some stereotypes that formed around Litecoin created certain problems on the path of development. It becomes obvious that this is not a simple clone of the first cryptocurrency, but an accomplished phenomenon. By and large, the only thing that connects it with its progenitor is that the price is tied to the Bitcoin rate. Moreover, Litecoin has shown itself to be a more stress-resistant asset, recently reacting with only a slight drop to the news of Charles Lee’s sale of his crypto assets. However, the authenticity of this information is questionable. It is very difficult to obtain evidence of Mr. Li's actions. Given the anonymity of the transactions, there is no guarantee that he did not open new wallets, redistributing his virtual coins to them, creating a stir to attract attention.

Litecoin continues to be an asset that is generated by miners in the hope of a further increase in quotes. A significant part of the coins, according to statistics, ended up in users’ wallets. As the role of the network effect increases, we should expect it to become a currency used for fast and secure remote transactions with a minimum fee threshold. Actually, this cryptoasset was created for this purpose. Recently, there has been a tendency towards an increase in the level of its adoption by the retail sector, which is only encouraging and will certainly have a positive impact on the prospects of Litecoin.

An important role in the process of global adoption is assigned to the institution of atomic swaps. The innovative solution will allow Litecoin to become a worthy alternative to more famous cryptocurrencies in the segment of online mutual settlements. The new technology will simplify decentralized P2P trading (operating assets without intermediaries) using a variety of digital currencies. The pioneers in the use of atomic swaps were the developers of Litecoin, who carried out a test transaction in October of this year.

When discussing the prospects of Litecoin, one should not neglect the existing risk factor, which is the position of officialdom. The growth of the cryptocurrency market has attracted the attention of authorities, who may largely determine the future of digital money. Attempts to curb the blockchain, the basis of altcoins, as expected, did not have the expected effect. It is unlikely that we should expect serious competition from state-owned cryptocurrencies, the emergence of which should be expected in 2020.

Despite decentralization, Litecoin, like all cryptocurrencies, is subject to legislative regulation. The alarming changes in the political vector in relation to the phenomenon of digital assets, recorded from July to November 2017, are gradually changing towards improvement. Most likely, in the next few years, decisive steps will be taken in this direction, and mining and trading operations using cryptocurrencies will fit into the legal framework.

Considering the above factors, it would be reasonable to assume that the prospects for Litecoin, as well as the phenomenon of digital currencies in general, look encouraging. The question most likely is how quickly Litecoin will break the $500 psychological barrier and aim for the $1,000 mark.

The Litecoin cryptocurrency was created in 2011 as an alternative (fork) to Bitcoin.
Litecoin is created on the same blockchain protocol, but differs from Bitcoin in the higher speed of block generation and the use of the “proof-of-work” algorithm (Litecoin has Scrypt, Bitcoin has SHA 256). In other words, LTC is cheaper and faster.

Creator Charlie Lee says of Litecoin's mission: “I always knew it would be difficult for Bitcoin to scale and be the only coin that does everything for everyone. Therefore, my vision is that Litecoin should complement Bitcoin by becoming a payment instrument. If you call Bitcoin digital gold, then Litecoin could be considered silver.” LTC is almost constantly present in the top five cryptocurrencies with the highest market capitalization. For 6 years, it has served as a testing platform for future Bitcoin updates.

Thanks to an innovative culture, the ecosystem is set up for continuous improvement and makes it easier to implement updates. However, problems still remain.

  • Scaling. Litecoin is not an independent currency, but just a modified version of Bitcoin. Therefore, many believe that the fork is not able to offer anything fundamentally new unless Bitcoin solves the problem of scaling;
  • Availability of cryptocurrency. To purchase Litecoins, you must first buy Bitcoins and then exchange them for LTC. It's expensive and inconvenient. For this reason, investors prefer to use BTC and the Lightning Network payment protocol and are less likely to use altcoins;
  • External challenges. The actions of regulators and financial institutions are slowing down the company’s entry into the micropayments market. Partly because of this, the February release of the announced LitePay payment system was postponed;

Litecoin Prospects for 2018

At the beginning of March this year, many cryptocurrencies reached the bottom due to unfavorable conditions on the global market. Litecoin also had to struggle. The company has developed several innovative solutions to strengthen its position.

1. Technological advantages

One of the first altcoins takes advantage of its unique position: it has all the advantages of the Bitcoin platform and at the same time can introduce new technologies while distancing itself from it.

2. Segregated Witness (SegWit)

The SegWit protocol solves the problem of scaling, speeds up transaction times and reduces mining costs. Litecoin switched to the new technology before Bitcoin, in August 2017 - this was considered an undeniable advantage. However, the recent inclusion of SegWit in the Bitcoin blockchain has evened the odds.

3. Litecoin Core 0.16.0.

Release of Litecoin Core 0.16.0. expected soon. The new version will fully support SegWit. The developers have eliminated all the imperfections of version 13 and promise wallet users a number of positive changes.

4. Atomic Swaps

Atomic Swaps technology is the ability to make instant cross-chain transactions. In other words, it allows you to trade one coin without first exchanging for another, and also buy Bitcoin and Litecoin cheaper.

The benefit is even greater when the technology is used within the Lightning Network by reducing the cost of fees for each transaction. As a result, the number of users increases, and the importance of Litecoin as a digital means of payment increases.

5. LitePay

The Litepay payment system, modeled on Bitcoin's BitPay, inherits Litecoin's superior speed and low transaction costs. In addition, it is the only cryptocurrency in the top 10 with a relatively stable exchange rate. And minor price fluctuations of the coin are mitigated by instant Litepay transactions. The promising solution could increase Litecoin's revenue, opening the door to the retail payments market.

6. Significant projects

Many corporate investors and venture capital funds are investing in Litecoin. Particularly active are companies that would like to integrate crypto-payments into their business.

Amazon has shown interest in Litecoin as a digital payment instrument. LTC can become a hassle-free payment option on the Amazon platform due to its low transaction costs and almost instant payment confirmation.

In the battle for a partnership with a leading online retailer, Litecoin competes with Ripple. But, in addition to technological advantages, LTC has an important advantage - the ability to withstand market fluctuations. Compared to most cryptocurrencies from the top 10 list, it demonstrates relative exchange rate stability.

In addition, Litecoin is one of the safest cryptocurrencies due to its fast transaction processing. The faster a transaction is confirmed, the higher the network throughput. The fact that Amazon is more likely to prefer Litecoin makes the currency's position more promising.

7. Cooperation with the Gemini crypto exchange

The founders of Gemini Exchange announced that they will add BCH and LTC currency pairs this year.
Litecoin's listing on the trading platform will accelerate its market penetration and ensure the currency's attractiveness in the coming years.

Considering that Gemini traded only the leading currencies - BTC and ETH, such a step on its part can be regarded as an increase in the status of Litecoin. Both projects can be considered landmark. For Litecoin, these are great prospects and a bid for first place in the field of crypto-payments.

Litecoin Forecast for 2018

Long term, Litecoin looks promising. Therefore, many investors are trying to predict the price of the coin in 2018. Most experts believe that by the end of 2018, the LTC rate will reach approximately $600. Analyst John Young, based on the Monte Carlo method, predicts the price of the coin in 2018 in ranging from $6 to $507 with an average of $122.

John McAfee, one of the largest BTC miners in the United States, predicts that 1 BTC will grow to $1 million by 2020. Accordingly, 1 LTC instead of the current 162 could cost $15 thousand.

Other analysts believe that Litecoin prices could balance between $30 and $7,636 with a median of $472. At the same time, any financial forecasts regarding cryptocurrencies may be subject to significant adjustments due to the actions of the regulator.


In this article, we looked at the number of mentions on the Internet, Litecoin is no longer inferior to the leading cryptocurrencies - Bitcoin and Ethereum. It seems that Litecoin now has everything to overtake its closest competitors Ripple and Bitcoin Cash and emerge from the shadow of Bitcoin in the foreseeable future. And what do you think? Should you buy litecoin? Write in the comments!

Each cryptocurrency has its own positive features and unique features that allow it to develop and grow steadily. Litecoin is no exception, the forecast for 2019 clearly indicates that its most important distinctive features will definitely help it move forward, imposing serious competition on other altcoins.

But the world of cryptofinance is quite unpredictable, so it is unacceptable to make an assumption without indicating the main arguments that led to a positive conclusion. It is necessary to take into account that even the most correct, thoughtful and logical opinion can turn out to be incorrect. After all, modern electronic finance is practically impossible to predict; it is subject to unexpected ups and downs that are almost impossible to foresee. Therefore, when choosing the most promising digital currency for investment, you need to remember the possible risk and have a kind of Plan B that will minimize losses.

Litecoins are a fairly young cryptocurrency that has always been among the market leaders, but could not surpass bitcoins. It should be noted that the concept of youth in this situation is extremely relative, since the entire world of virtual finance can hardly be called mature and mature. And Ltc is one of the first Bitcoin adopters, using the same principles that were invested in the oldest cybermoney.

But their amazing similarity does not prevent them from having a lot of personal characteristics and advantages that set them apart from the general background. Moreover, even in comparison with the strongest, most popular digital coins, Litecoins have something to shine. Their developer, Charlie Lee, is actively ensuring that his brainchild does not fall behind competitors, and promptly makes the necessary changes that allow crypto finance to be among the leaders in the field and have a bright future.

Bitcoin Connection

Despite the amazingly close connection with bitcoins, which must be taken into account when making a forecast for the Litecoin rate for 2019, it is worth noting that the distinctive features of the cryptocurrency should become the main basis for its development. At the same time, among the most important unique features it is worth highlighting:

  1. more organized, centralized money management;
  2. high transaction speed;
  3. low commission for cash transactions;
  4. ease of making transfers.

Charlie Lee, speaking on one of the TV channels, noted that modern bitcoins are more suitable for saving money than for making regular payments. He emphasized that it is Litecoin that must take the place of a popular currency that will be used by the majority of users. At the same time, the existing simplicity, speed and accessibility of transactions should contribute to achieving this goal. In this case, the growth prospects for crypto finance will impress even the most optimistic people.

Litecoin price forecast for 2019

Making a correct, informed Litecoin forecast for 2019 requires looking at its recent past. The past year turned out to be extremely successful for these crypto-finances, as their value increased noticeably. The main factors contributing to the growth were:

  • timely implementation of SegWit, which significantly accelerated the operation of the system;
  • openness of developers and their willingness to make contact with others;
  • currency support by some large companies;
  • loss of important partners and companies by Bitcoin that used them to pay for services (Litecoin can take the vacated space).

We must not forget about the general trends of the cryptocurrency market, aimed at the growth of almost all the most famous and popular cybermoney. It is almost impossible to avoid this influence; moreover, it can be called one of the fundamental factors in the development of Ltc.

The future of LTC

The near future of Litecoin (LTC) also does not contain gloomy tones. The forecast for 2019 implies continued growth with the immediate target of $800 per unit of cryptocurrency. In this case, the most important driving forces will be the same factors that allowed money to grow earlier.

It is important to note that the growth forecast made does not take into account possible competition between various altcoins, since such competition is still meaningless. The crypto-financial market is in its infancy, so different cryptocurrencies are more like unspoken allies in the struggle for recognition and influence than opponents.

But technical analysis of the chart indirectly confirms these prospects. But it must be emphasized that forecasting according to the schedule for such periods does not provide any guarantees of accuracy and coincidence of the final result with the assumptions.


Despite the expected increase in the value of cryptocurrency, there is no need to rush to invest all your savings in it. There is no doubt that Litecoin will be one of the most successful currencies, and the prospects for 2019 open up amazing opportunities for it. But the smartest thing to do is to spread your investments among several different crypto finances. Such an approach will significantly reduce the risk of losing money, because even the most far-sighted and prudent experts can be wrong in their predictions when it comes to digital finance.

How much will Litecoin cost in 2019?

Litecoin price forecast paints a positive future for crypto money. But potential investors should not forget that this market is subject to high volatility. Therefore, you should not give free rein to your emotions when deciding to buy or sell altcoins. It is much wiser, having already invested in Litecoins, to wait out a possible drop in value, since it may be followed by rapid growth. Such changes are typical of the current situation and should not cause serious concern. And it’s worth getting rid of electronic money only in situations where there is no doubt that the decline in value will be protracted, or when a more promising, promising competitor appears.

Litecoin rate now 88.9200 dollars for 1 coin. Trading range: $83.7100 - $90.5200. Previous day's rate: $88.0000. Change: +0.9200 dollars, +1.05%.

Litecoin price forecast for tomorrow, week and month.

Litecoin rate forecast for Monday, May 13th: $100.7, maximum 107.7, minimum 93.7. Litecoin price forecast for Tuesday, May 14th: $104.4, maximum 111.7, minimum 97.1. Litecoin rate forecast for Wednesday, May 15th: $103.7, maximum 111.0, minimum 96.4. Litecoin rate forecast for Thursday, May 16th: $104.1, maximum 111.4, minimum 96.8. Litecoin rate forecast for Friday, May 17th: $102.4, maximum 109.6, minimum 95.2.

A week later. Litecoin price forecast for Monday, May 20: $101.7, maximum 108.8, minimum 94.6. Litecoin rate forecast for Tuesday, May 21st: $98.9, maximum 105.8, minimum 92.0. Litecoin price forecast for Wednesday, May 22: $97.5, maximum 104.3, minimum 90.7. Litecoin rate forecast for Thursday, May 23: $104.6, maximum 111.9, minimum 97.3. Litecoin price forecast for Friday, May 24: $102.9, maximum 110.1, minimum 95.7.

In 2 weeks. Litecoin rate forecast for Monday, May 27th: $113.9, maximum 121.9, minimum 105.9. Litecoin price forecast for Tuesday, May 28: $111.9, maximum 119.7, minimum 104.1. Litecoin rate forecast for Wednesday, May 29: $108.1, maximum 115.7, minimum 100.5. Litecoin price forecast for Thursday, May 30th: $106.2, maximum 113.6, minimum 98.8. Litecoin rate forecast for Friday, May 31st: $109.0, maximum 116.6, minimum 101.4.

In 3 weeks. Litecoin price forecast for Monday, June 3: $105.5, maximum 112.9, minimum 98.1. Litecoin rate forecast for Tuesday, June 4th: $104.2, maximum 111.5, minimum 96.9. Litecoin rate forecast for Wednesday, June 5th: $100.3, maximum 107.3, minimum 93.3. Litecoin rate forecast for Thursday, June 6th: $100.0, maximum 107.0, minimum 93.0. Litecoin rate forecast for Friday, June 7: $94.7, maximum 101.3, minimum 88.1.

In 4 weeks. Litecoin rate forecast for Monday, June 10th: $93.6, maximum 100.2, minimum 87.0. Litecoin price forecast for Tuesday, June 11th: $94.1, maximum 100.7, minimum 87.5.

Litecoin exchange rate forecast for a month

date Day Min Max Well
13.05 Monday 93.7 107.7 100.7
14.05 Tuesday 97.1 111.7 104.4
15.05 Wednesday 96.4 111.0 103.7
16.05 Thursday 96.8 111.4 104.1
17.05 Friday 95.2 109.6 102.4
20.05 Monday 94.6 108.8 101.7
21.05 Tuesday 92.0 105.8 98.9
22.05 Wednesday 90.7 104.3 97.5
23.05 Thursday 97.3 111.9 104.6
24.05 Friday 95.7 110.1 102.9
27.05 Monday 105.9 121.9 113.9
28.05 Tuesday 104.1 119.7 111.9
29.05 Wednesday 100.5 115.7 108.1
30.05 Thursday 98.8 113.6 106.2
31.05 Friday 101.4 116.6 109.0
03.06 Monday 98.1 112.9 105.5
04.06 Tuesday 96.9 111.5 104.2
05.06 Wednesday 93.3 107.3 100.3
06.06 Thursday 93.0 107.0 100.0
07.06 Friday 88.1 101.3 94.7
10.06 Monday 87.0 100.2 93.6
11.06 Tuesday 87.5 100.7 94.1
12.06 Wednesday 90.8 104.4 97.6
13.06 Thursday 88.9 102.3 95.6

Litecoin price forecast for 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023.

Month Open Min-Max Closed Months,% Total,%
May 75.1 72.1-121.9 109.0 45.1% 45.1%
Jun 109.0 87.0-135.2 126.4 16.0% 68.3%
Jul 126.4 126.4-156.9 146.6 16.0% 95.2%
Aug 146.6 146.6-182.0 170.1 16.0% 127%
Sep 170.1 170.1-211.1 197.3 16.0% 163%
Oct 197.3 192.0-220.8 206.4 4.6% 175%
But I 206.4 182.4-209.8 196.1 -5.0% 161%
Dec 196.1 153.2-196.1 164.7 -16.0% 119%
Jan 164.7 128.6-164.7 138.3 -16.0% 84.2%
Feb 138.3 126.5-145.5 136.0 -1.7% 81.1%
Mar 136.0 106.2-136.0 114.2 -16.0% 52.1%
Apr 114.2 103.2-118.8 111.0 -2.8% 47.8%
May 111.0 86.7-111.0 93.2 -16.0% 24.1%
Jun 93.2 72.8-93.2 78.3 -16.0% 4.3%
Jul 78.3 78.3-97.2 90.8 16.0% 20.9%
Aug 90.8 71.0-90.8 76.3 -16.0% 1.6%
Sep 76.3 76.3-94.7 88.5 16.0% 17.8%
Oct 88.5 69.1-88.5 74.3 -16.0% -1.1%
But I 74.3 74.3-92.2 86.2 16.0% 14.8%
Dec 86.2 86.2-107.0 100.0 16.0% 33.2%
Jan 100.0 93.4-107.4 100.4 0.4% 33.7%
Feb 100.4 78.4-100.4 84.3 -16.0% 12.3%
Mar 84.3 84.3-104.6 97.8 16.0% 30.2%
Apr 97.8 97.3-111.9 104.6 7.0% 39.3%
May 104.6 104.6-129.8 121.3 16.0% 61.5%
Month Open Min-Max Closed Months,% Total,%
2021 Continued
Jun 121.3 121.3-150.5 140.7 16.0% 87.4%
Jul 140.7 140.7-174.6 163.2 16.0% 117%
Aug 163.2 163.2-202.6 189.3 16.0% 152%
Sep 189.3 169.1-194.5 181.8 -4.0% 142%
Oct 181.8 156.6-181.8 168.4 -7.4% 124%
But I 168.4 168.4-204.7 191.3 13.6% 155%
Dec 191.3 173.4-199.4 186.4 -2.6% 148%
Jan 186.4 176.5-203.1 189.8 1.8% 153%
Feb 189.8 187.9-216.1 202.0 6.4% 169%
Mar 202.0 174.6-202.0 187.7 -7.1% 150%
Apr 187.7 162.3-187.7 174.5 -7.0% 132%
May 174.5 174.5-216.6 202.4 16.0% 170%
Jun 202.4 202.4-251.2 234.8 16.0% 213%
Jul 234.8 234.8-271.1 253.4 7.9% 237%
Aug 253.4 223.9-257.5 240.7 -5.0% 221%
Sep 240.7 240.7-298.7 279.2 16.0% 272%
Oct 279.2 226.2-279.2 243.2 -12.9% 224%
But I 243.2 243.2-301.8 282.1 16.0% 276%
Dec 282.1 282.1-350.1 327.2 16.0% 336%
Jan 327.2 327.2-406.2 379.6 16.0% 406%
Feb 379.6 361.0-415.4 388.2 2.3% 417%
Mar 388.2 304.2-388.2 327.1 -15.7% 336%
Apr 327.1 327.1-381.3 356.4 9.0% 375%
May 356.4 356.4-442.3 413.4 16.0% 451%
Jun 413.4 372.7-428.9 400.8 -3.0% 434%

Litecoin rate forecast for May 2019. The rate at the beginning of the month was 75.1 dollars. The maximum rate is $121.9, the minimum is $72.1. The average rate for the month is $94.5. Litecoin rate forecast at the end of the month $109.0, change for May 45.1%.

Litecoin rate forecast for June 2019. The rate at the beginning of the month was 109.0 dollars. The maximum rate is $135.2, the minimum is $87.0. The average rate for the month is $114.4. Forecast for the Litecoin rate at the end of the month $126.4, change for June 16.0%.

Litecoin rate forecast for July 2019. The rate at the beginning of the month was 126.4 dollars. The maximum rate is $156.9, the minimum is $126.4. The average rate for the month is $139.1. Forecast for the Litecoin rate at the end of the month $146.6, change for July 16.0%.

Litecoin rate forecast for August 2019. The rate at the beginning of the month was 146.6 dollars. The maximum rate is $182.0, the minimum is $146.6. The average rate for the month is $161.3. Forecast for the Litecoin rate at the end of the month $170.1, change for August 16.0%.

Litecoin rate forecast for September 2019. The rate at the beginning of the month was 170.1 dollars. The maximum rate is $211.1, the minimum is $170.1. The average rate for the month is $187.2. Forecast for the Litecoin rate at the end of the month $197.3, change for September 16.0%.

Litecoin rate forecast for October 2019. The rate at the beginning of the month was 197.3 dollars. The maximum rate is $220.8, the minimum is $192.0. The average rate for the month is $204.1. Forecast for the Litecoin rate at the end of the month $206.4, change for October 4.6%.

Litecoin rate forecast for November 2019. The rate at the beginning of the month was 206.4 dollars. The maximum rate is $209.8, the minimum is $182.4. The average rate for the month is $198.7. Forecast for the Litecoin rate at the end of the month $196.1, change for November -5.0%.

Litecoin rate forecast for December 2019. The rate at the beginning of the month was 196.1 dollars. The maximum rate is $196.1, the minimum is $153.2. The average rate for the month is $177.5. Forecast for the Litecoin rate at the end of the month $164.7, change for December -16.0%.

Litecoin rate forecast for January 2020. The rate at the beginning of the month was 164.7 dollars. The maximum rate is $164.7, the minimum is $128.6. The average rate for the month is $149.1. Litecoin exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is $138.3, change for January -16.0%.

Litecoin rate forecast for February 2020. The rate at the beginning of the month was 138.3 dollars. The maximum rate is $145.5, the minimum is $126.5. The average rate for the month is $136.6. Forecast for the Litecoin rate at the end of the month $136.0, change for February -1.7%.

Litecoin rate forecast for March 2020. The rate at the beginning of the month was 136.0 dollars. The maximum rate is $136.0, the minimum is $106.2. The average rate for the month is $123.1. Forecast for the Litecoin rate at the end of the month $114.2, change for March -16.0%.

Litecoin rate forecast for April 2020. The rate at the beginning of the month was 114.2 dollars. The maximum rate is $118.8, the minimum is $103.2. The average rate for the month is $111.8. Forecast for the Litecoin rate at the end of the month $111.0, change for April -2.8%.

Litecoin rate forecast for May 2020. The rate at the beginning of the month was 111.0 dollars. The maximum rate is $111.0, the minimum is $86.7. The average rate per month is $100.5. Forecast for the Litecoin rate at the end of the month $93.2, change for May -16.0%.

Litecoin rate forecast for June 2020. The rate at the beginning of the month was 93.2 dollars. The maximum rate is $93.2, the minimum is $72.8. The average rate for the month is $84.4. Forecast for the Litecoin rate at the end of the month $78.3, change for June -16.0%.

Litecoin rate forecast for July 2020. The rate at the beginning of the month was 78.3 dollars. The maximum rate is $97.2, the minimum is $78.3. The average rate for the month is $86.2. Forecast for the Litecoin rate at the end of the month $90.8, change for July 16.0%.

Litecoin rate forecast for August 2020. The rate at the beginning of the month was 90.8 dollars. The maximum rate is $90.8, the minimum is $71.0. The average rate for the month is $82.2. Forecast for the Litecoin rate at the end of the month $76.3, change for August -16.0%.

Litecoin rate forecast for September 2020. The rate at the beginning of the month was 76.3 dollars. The maximum rate is $94.7, the minimum is $76.3. The average rate for the month is $84.0. Forecast for the Litecoin rate at the end of the month $88.5, change for September 16.0%.

Litecoin rate forecast for October 2020. The rate at the beginning of the month was 88.5 dollars. The maximum rate is $88.5, the minimum is $69.1. The average rate for the month is $80.1. Forecast for the Litecoin rate at the end of the month $74.3, change for October -16.0%.

Litecoin rate forecast for November 2020. The rate at the beginning of the month was 74.3 dollars. The maximum rate is $92.2, the minimum is $74.3. The average rate for the month is $81.8. Forecast for the Litecoin rate at the end of the month $86.2, change for November 16.0%.

Litecoin rate forecast for December 2020. The rate at the beginning of the month was 86.2 dollars. The maximum rate is $107.0, the minimum is $86.2. The average rate for the month is $94.9. Litecoin rate forecast at the end of the month $100.0, change for December 16.0%.

Litecoin rate forecast for January 2021. The rate at the beginning of the month is 100.0 dollars. The maximum rate is $107.4, the minimum is $93.4. The average rate per month is $100.3. Forecast for the Litecoin rate at the end of the month $100.4, change for January 0.4%.

Litecoin rate forecast for February 2021. The rate at the beginning of the month was 100.4 dollars. The maximum rate is $100.4, the minimum is $78.4. The average rate for the month is $90.9. Forecast for the Litecoin rate at the end of the month $84.3, change for February -16.0%.

Litecoin rate forecast for March 2021. The rate at the beginning of the month was 84.3 dollars. The maximum rate is $104.6, the minimum is $84.3. The average rate for the month is $92.8. Forecast for the Litecoin rate at the end of the month $97.8, change for March 16.0%.

Litecoin rate forecast for April 2021. The rate at the beginning of the month was 97.8 dollars. The maximum rate is $111.9, the minimum is $97.3. The average rate for the month is $102.9. Forecast for the Litecoin rate at the end of the month $104.6, change for April 7.0%.

Litecoin rate forecast for May 2021. The rate at the beginning of the month was 104.6 dollars. The maximum rate is $129.8, the minimum is $104.6. The average rate for the month is $115.1. Forecast for the Litecoin rate at the end of the month $121.3, change for May 16.0%.

Litecoin rate forecast for June 2021. The rate at the beginning of the month was 121.3 dollars. The maximum rate is $150.5, the minimum is $121.3. The average rate for the month is $133.5. Forecast for the Litecoin rate at the end of the month $140.7, change for June 16.0%.

Litecoin rate forecast for July 2021. The rate at the beginning of the month was 140.7 dollars. The maximum rate is $174.6, the minimum is $140.7. The average rate for the month is $154.8. Forecast for the Litecoin rate at the end of the month $163.2, change for July 16.0%.

Litecoin rate forecast for August 2021. The rate at the beginning of the month was 163.2 dollars. The maximum rate is $202.6, the minimum is $163.2. The average rate for the month is $179.6. Forecast for the Litecoin rate at the end of the month $189.3, change for August 16.0%.

Litecoin rate forecast for September 2021. The rate at the beginning of the month was 189.3 dollars. The maximum rate is $194.5, the minimum is $169.1. The average rate for the month is $183.7. Forecast for the Litecoin rate at the end of the month $181.8, change for September -4.0%.

Litecoin rate forecast for October 2021. The rate at the beginning of the month was 181.8 dollars. The maximum rate is $181.8, the minimum is $156.6. The average rate for the month is $172.2. Litecoin exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is $168.4, change for October -7.4%.

Litecoin rate forecast for November 2021. The rate at the beginning of the month was 168.4 dollars. The maximum rate is $204.7, the minimum is $168.4. The average rate for the month is $183.2. Forecast for the Litecoin rate at the end of the month $191.3, change for November 13.6%.

Litecoin rate forecast for December 2021. The rate at the beginning of the month was 191.3 dollars. The maximum rate is $199.4, the minimum is $173.4. The average rate for the month is $187.6. Forecast for the Litecoin rate at the end of the month $186.4, change for December -2.6%.

Litecoin rate forecast for January 2022. The rate at the beginning of the month was 186.4 dollars. The maximum rate is $203.1, the minimum is $176.5. The average rate for the month is $189.0. Forecast for the Litecoin rate at the end of the month $189.8, change for January 1.8%.

Litecoin rate forecast for February 2022. The rate at the beginning of the month was 189.8 dollars. The maximum rate is $216.1, the minimum is $187.9. The average rate for the month is $199.0. Forecast for the Litecoin rate at the end of the month $202.0, change for February 6.4%.

Litecoin rate forecast for March 2022. The rate at the beginning of the month was 202.0 dollars. The maximum rate is $202.0, the minimum is $174.6. The average rate for the month is $191.6. Forecast for the Litecoin rate at the end of the month $187.7, change for March -7.1%.

Litecoin rate forecast for April 2022. The rate at the beginning of the month was 187.7 dollars. The maximum rate is $187.7, the minimum is $162.3. The average rate for the month is $178.1. Forecast for the Litecoin rate at the end of the month $174.5, change for April -7.0%.

Litecoin rate forecast for May 2022. The rate at the beginning of the month was 174.5 dollars. The maximum rate is $216.6, the minimum is $174.5. The average rate for the month is $192.0. Forecast for the Litecoin rate at the end of the month $202.4, change for May 16.0%.

Litecoin rate forecast for June 2022. The rate at the beginning of the month was 202.4 dollars. The maximum rate is $251.2, the minimum is $202.4. The average rate for the month is $222.7. Forecast for the Litecoin rate at the end of the month $234.8, change for June 16.0%.

Litecoin rate forecast for July 2022. The rate at the beginning of the month was 234.8 dollars. The maximum rate is $271.1, the minimum is $234.8. The average rate for the month is $248.5. Forecast for the Litecoin rate at the end of the month $253.4, change for July 7.9%.

Litecoin rate forecast for August 2022. The rate at the beginning of the month was 253.4 dollars. The maximum rate is $257.5, the minimum is $223.9. The average rate for the month is $243.9. Forecast for the Litecoin rate at the end of the month $240.7, change for August -5.0%.

Litecoin rate forecast for September 2022. The rate at the beginning of the month was 240.7 dollars. The maximum rate is $298.7, the minimum is $240.7. The average rate for the month is $264.8. Forecast for the Litecoin rate at the end of the month $279.2, change for September 16.0%.

Litecoin rate forecast for October 2022. The rate at the beginning of the month was 279.2 dollars. The maximum rate is $279.2, the minimum is $226.2. The average rate for the month is $257.0. Litecoin exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is $243.2, change for October -12.9%.

Litecoin rate forecast for November 2022. The rate at the beginning of the month was 243.2 dollars. The maximum rate is $301.8, the minimum is $243.2. The average rate for the month is $267.6. Forecast for the Litecoin rate at the end of the month $282.1, change for November 16.0%.

Litecoin rate forecast for December 2022. The rate at the beginning of the month was 282.1 dollars. The maximum rate is $350.1, the minimum is $282.1. The average rate for the month is $310.4. Forecast for the Litecoin rate at the end of the month $327.2, change for December 16.0%.

Litecoin rate forecast for January 2023. The rate at the beginning of the month was 327.2 dollars. The maximum rate is $406.2, the minimum is $327.2. The average rate for the month is $360.1. Litecoin exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is $379.6, change for January 16.0%.

Litecoin rate forecast for February 2023. The rate at the beginning of the month was 379.6 dollars. The maximum rate is $415.4, the minimum is $361.0. The average rate for the month is $386.1. Forecast for the Litecoin rate at the end of the month $388.2, change for February 2.3%.

Litecoin rate forecast for March 2023. The rate at the beginning of the month was 388.2 dollars. The maximum rate is $388.2, the minimum is $304.2. The average rate for the month is $351.9. Forecast for the Litecoin rate at the end of the month $327.1, change for March -15.7%.

Litecoin rate forecast for April 2023. The rate at the beginning of the month was 327.1 dollars. The maximum rate is $381.3, the minimum is $327.1. The average rate for the month is $348.0. Forecast for the Litecoin rate at the end of the month $356.4, change for April 9.0%.

Litecoin rate forecast for May 2023. The rate at the beginning of the month was 356.4 dollars. The maximum rate is $442.3, the minimum is $356.4. The average rate for the month is $392.1. Forecast for the Litecoin rate at the end of the month $413.4, change for May 16.0%.

Litecoin rate forecast for June 2023. The rate at the beginning of the month was 413.4 dollars. The maximum rate is $428.9, the minimum is $372.7. The average rate for the month is $404.0. Forecast for the Litecoin rate at the end of the month $400.8, change for June -3.0%.

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