
Which houses will be built on renovation. Renovation program. What is waiting for owners in new homes

Yesterday visited the northern Izmailovo at the press show of the first house, in which the residents of neighboring "Khrushchev" will begin to move into the renovation program. Journalists fell into this house as a locust, everything cheerfully checked, Natoptali, took advantage of the toilet, and someone from the television drivers even gone to a trituit on the wallpaper. Alexander Lomakin, Deputy Head of the Moscow Construction Department, who conducted a tour, has changed in his face: "Now people who will check the housing before receiving a warrant will require to replace the wallpaper." So it's good, probably that we were allowed only for two floors - otherwise we would have arranged there! But everyone was removed and can show. Because the showroom on the VDNH, it is, of course, wonderful, but there is already a real home and real apartments. Under the cut - a lot of photos, videos and people.

So. In this house on the 5th park, residents of neighboring "Khrushchev" will move, which are located just 300 meters nearby, on Konstantin Fedin. At the playgrounds next to the new building, mammies with children are still hanging out. I talked with one of the local residents, whose house also got into the program. That's what she thinks. (Sorry for the vertical).

We are entering. Concierge will sit in this room. In general, the resettlement will be gradually, for three to four months.

The house is 18-storey, the first floor is non-residential. The passenger elevator plays quiet music. Cargo drove silently.

Oh, late. It does not break through here.

Colleagues surrounded by Lomakin, tormented questions.

But I was lucky. I had a personal excursion, after all. They said that in the house there is a modern decoration of observed rooms, and the decoration of apartments is "comfort class". Total house 340 apartments.

Let's listen:

And let's see:

The loggia is panoramic glazing. There are loggias more and smaller, depending on the apartment.

On the floor - laminate, with an additional soundproofing substrate. Emergency walls are double, in the middle, between the layers of the blocks is also laid "Shumka" so that no neighbors are heard. But so far, without furniture, the rooms themselves are pretty crowd.

In "Treshka" bathroom is very big, smored on the video. This is a "double service". But in each apartment there is a place and communications for the washer.

Corridors are large everywhere. See the door to the left, immediately at the entrance? This is a dressing room. Wardrobe are in many apartments.

And in general, these new apartments in which the first owners will soon enter, more than their old "Khrushchev". (More than the total area and residential). Extra meters will get to people without any surcharges. I do not think that the reason is in such a special generosity of Moscow. Just the standards of modern housing are higher than the Soviet. So it turns out such a difference - to "Treshka" plus 21.5 free squares. Minimum!

Floors in the corridor, bathrooms and kitchen - porcelain stoneware. Apartments are rented with all the plumbing, with mixers, heated towel rails, baths, sinks, water accounting counters, heat. The apartments have electrical panels with machine gun groups on the socket network and lighting.

Wallpaper Fliselinovye, under painting. (You can paint in any color or, if you want, just take the other). In the kitchens already installed washers and electric stoves.

Kitchen. View from the loggia.

Common escorporation corridor. I do not like the color of the entrance doors. If they were dark brown, like plinth - it would be elegant. And so, as the shields are the same. Whether the apartment is, or the entrance is ...

Garbage chute. In our house they are generally brewed, we all endure the garbage down. And then I would advise you to do the same. But this residents decide.

Photographers on their own wave - found some shield from the elevator hall, opened and filmed. What do they see there?

Televishers for beauty pictures opened the window. I think the organizers are no longer happy that they invited journalists)) windows - 2 chain double-glazed windows, each room opens to ventilating (everywhere - mosquito nets), plus each window has more micro-taking valves.

Notice that in all rooms already hung chandeliers? They can be changed, of course. But in principle, everything is ready - drove your furniture and live. Ceiling height - 2.75.

All metal-plastic pipes are laid in the floor, in the screed, as in new "business houses". There are no risers of heating, all these pipes, which in old houses go along the walls - therefore, in the event of an accident, if someone suddenly there is something implies someone, do not even need to break into the apartment, search for owners. The management company simply overlaps the water - out of the apartment. On radiators you can adjust the level of heat. And heat meters will help save! (I personally in my apartment generally disconnected the heating - all winter at the expense of neighbors I warm free).

What I liked - a lot of outlets. (I have two groups on the table top two two sockets, and here - three). Wiring is hidden in the plinth.

Bathroom in "Treshka".

The kitchens have washing and electric stoves. Tile apron goes along the entire working area.

Doors with closers and also soundproofing.

View from the window. By the way, near Sadik and school, shops. I remind you, the inhabitants remain in their area, in their gardens and schools, no one goes anywhere. Just pressing 300 meters to the left. With relocation, the city helps.

Bathroom and kitchen in odnushka. I somehow lived in a one-room Khrushchev - there, sorry, it was not turned in the kitchen, there was a little in my hips. And here is quite another thing.

Kitchen in "Oderishka". More precisely, part of the kitchen.

Corridor in "Oderishka".

The house has an information center for immigrants. It will work from February 10 without days off, from 8:00 to 21:00. All residents will be able to walk here, watch and sign acts, if everything suits.

If there are shortcomings - the tenants will also record everything, and they will be eliminated. (I took my apartment so - I found that the window is badly closed. We settled).

In the quarters of the new building, the engineering communal infrastructure will also completely update. We have how? In the territories of the old building from Soviet times, the so-called annular scheme is used. Therefore, if the accident occurs somewhere - everything is suffering for a long time. In the new quarters of the network, we will design and build so that in the event of a freelancer to use a duplicate line - electricity, heat, water is translated over no more than an hour. In addition, modern technologies allow for the service life of new networks up to 100 years.

Everyone is so admired by the panoramic glazing of the loggia, and I do not like. Now it, of course, looks beautiful. But not far from our microdistrict there are houses with the same transparent loggias - the tenants quickly forced themselves as skiing, sledding and old refrigerators, and it turned out such a pedestrian exhibition of the older, which added a house of some kind of sludge. Let's see what will be here.

The house is safe - made of air ventilation with smoke removal and air support, there are fire detectors. Facade ventilated with non-combustible trim from porcelain stonework.

Modern standards necessarily provide for the discouraging of the available environment - what was also not in Soviet standards. This means that all inputs in the entrances with ramps, a single floor floor marker level: without drops of levels between the lobby-input group and inputs in the elevators. This is all done for the disabled, for the elderly, for parents with children's wheelchairs.

This area is a leader in the number of old panel Khrushchev. Therefore, with him and began. In general, in the renovation program - about 5 thousand metropolitan homes. (View of the area from the 16th floor)

In 2017, the implementation of the renovation program of old housing in Moscow began. During the demolition program, we plan to destroy about 4.5 thousand houses built in the Khrushchev period.

It is worth noting that this is not the first attempt to update the housing stock in the capital. In the 1990s, the first stage of the demolition of five-story buildings began to be implemented. Despite the fact that the scale of the old project was much more modest, the work was not completed to this day. In this regard, many people have a question about how many years the program of renovation of five-story buildings of 2017 is calculated.

The results of the first wave of demolition

Houses built in the Khrushchev period began to be obscured by the 1980s. It was at this time that the Moscow authorities for the first time thought that it was necessary to renovate the housing stock. The deputies were actively developed by the bill, but the implementation of the plans prevented the restructuring, which began in the country.

The review of the renovation program returned only in the late 1990s. At this time, the first wave of demolition program of five-story buildings began to be implemented. In the ruling of the Government of the capital, information was consolidated that by the end of 2010 new apartments should be provided to residents of 1722 Khrushchev.

The demolition program of the late houses of Moscow and the construction of new objects was carried out at the expense of investors. However, after changing the Land Code, the authorities had to change plans. It was decided to complete the first stage of demolition at the expense of the budget of Moscow. Therefore, the periods of the renovation program have changed significantly.

The first stage of the destruction of old houses is not completed to this day. However, the demolition program, which began in the 90s, was implemented by 96%. The remaining 63 homes promise to demolish until the end of 2018

As part of the first stage of the renovation of the Housing Fund, about 160 thousand families have already been transferred to new apartments. All residents of the demolished five-story buildings received new apartments in the areas in which they had lived earlier. It became possible due to the use of the so-called wave method when resetting the so-called wave method. It lies in the fact that immediately after the demolition of the house in his place is a new building, in which families move.

The same method of government is planned to be used to implement the 2017 program. However, the second wave will be carried out at the expense of the city's budget. Only after the start of the renewal of the authorities are planning to attract investors' cash.

According to the results of sociological surveys, most of the immigrants are pleased with the results of the first stage of the renovation program and housing conditions in new apartments.

New wave project renewal

At the beginning of 2017, the Moscow Mayor at the meeting with the president expressed the initiative to continue the renewal of housing in the city. The head of state supported this idea and recommended to demolish the remaining dilapidated houses of the Khrushchev period and provide residents with new apartments.

The mayor of the capital announced the preparation of the draft law on updating the housing stock. Initially, it was proposed to carry about 8 thousand five-story buildings. Such an unprecedented scale excited many Muscovites. Residents of five-story buildings immediately arose a lot of questions about the renovation program.

Muscovites' main questions

First of all, Muscovites are interested in which at home they plan to destroy. Alternatively, only old buildings are in poor technical condition offer to eliminate. As a rule, refers to the construction of the first industrial period of construction.

Experts believe that it will not be possible to update these houses with overhaul. Expensive work will not lead to the desired result. Therefore, their destruction and construction of new multi-storey houses is the only way out of the situation.

The second question of interested citizens concerns the provision of new housing. Moscow authorities promise to provide new apartments near the previous place of residence, that is, in the same area. Residents of five-story buildings will be offered equivalent housing, with the same area and number of rooms. During the construction of new buildings, modern technologies will be used. Therefore, structures should be much more comfortable, warmer and stronger than demolished Khrushchev.

The draft law on updating the housing of Moscow has already been amended, protecting the rights of immigrants. In addition, at the legislative level, the condition is enshrined that the opinion of the residents of Khrushchev will be taken into account in the first place.

After signing the draft law, the process of forming lists of houses, which will be destroyed. Therefore, now residents of five-story buildings are offered to actively vote "for" or "against" resettlement. In addition, before the start of the renewal of the housing stock, the Moscow authorities should prepare starting platforms for the construction of the first high-rise buildings.

Important! Only after the approval of the final lists of demolition objects will be started by the first work on the construction, the destruction of five-story buildings and the resettlement of residents to new apartments.

For how long is the renovation program calculated?

In connection with the incredibly large scale of the renewal of the housing of many people, the question of the timing of the draft law is interested.

The mayor and other representatives of the Government of Moscow voiced a completely different time frame. S. Sobyanin spoke that the work could be completed within 10-15 years. Voice deadlines cause doubt even with optimistic professionals. After all, the first wave of elimination of old houses lasts about 20 years, and has not yet been completed, although the project affected 4 times less objects.

Other competent experts speak more than a longer period of work, which will be pulled out for 20-25 years.

However, all voiced data are only estimated. Even the approximate period of the implementation of the housing update project can only be calculated after the announcement of the final lists of objects included in the project.

At how many years, the elimination of dilapidated homes and relocation will be launched, it may affect a huge number of factors:

  • a country's economy;
  • population mood;
  • the presence of construction sites and many other factors.

Where can I get detailed information about the provisions of the law?

In yet the development of the draft law on updating the Housing Fund, the Moscow authorities began to actively inform citizens about the essence of the project.

Informing is a mandatory part of the implementation of the draft law. Due to the lack of objective information, part of Muscovites began to organize rallies against the destruction of houses and resettlement. Opponents of the current government actively used this situation and often disinforced the population.

Full information about the bill can be obtained:

  1. In the relevant section on the site of the city government.
  2. In special information centers, which are organized in every area of \u200b\u200bthe city.
  3. By calling the number of the reference city.
  4. In MFC "My Documents".

Often, the initiative to destroy Khrushchev was considered as the pre-election company of the operating mayor of Moscow. Although, in the first place, the law is aimed at improving housing conditions for a significant part of the city's population.

After the start of renovation, or rather, after its adoption on August 1, 2017, preparatory work began on the search for equivalent housing for future immigrants under the Renovation Program.

Already found 210 starting sites, the relocation to which is planned from 2017 to 2021.

The resettlement will be divided by 2-3 waves.

List of addresses "starting" apartment buildings

The starting platforms are identified on which apartment buildings under the renovation program will be designed and built during 2017-2019.

The resettlement to these houses is planned to be implemented in.

1. Basmanny Bakuninskaya st., Vl. 60.
2. Basmannaya District Basmannaya, Messengers per., Vl. 18-old pen., Vl. five
3. Krasnoselsky square. 998, Krasnevsky district, d.2 / 1, p.12
4. Krasnoselsky square. 998, Krasnoselsky district, Rusakovskaya st., D.6
5. Tagansky ul. Melnikova, D.2 Northern administrative district of the city of Moscow
6. Beskidniki district Beskudnikovsky, square. 8, 9, korp.1
7. Bescupudnik district Beskudnikovsky, square. 8, 9, korp.20
8. Violasky district Voobovsky, Narva st., Vl. five
9. Golovinsky district Golovinsky, Avant-garde st., Vl. 10
10. Golovinsky district Golovinsky, Flotskaya st., Vl. 68, Corp. one
11. Golovinsky district of Golovinsky, Flotskaya st., Vl. 68, Corp. 2.

hello, please tell me if the apartment is privatized for me to give an apartment exactly the same in the same thing as old? Or at the rate of 18 sq.m. per person. The apartment is 36 square meters. m. Those. We turn out and get 36 square meters.?

12. Golovinsky district Golovinsky, Onega st., Vl. 35, Corp. five
13. Golovinsky district Golovinsky, Onega st., Vl. 35, Corp. 67.
14. Golovinsky district of the Golovinsky, Kronstadt Boulevard, Vl. 55.
15. Golovinsky district Golovinsky, Smolny st., Vl. 21.
16. Western Degunino Western Degunino district, Angarskaya st., 33
17. Western Degunino District Western Degunino, Basovskaya Str., Vl.15
18. Western Degunino West Degunino district, ul. Taldom, Vl.1
19. Coptevo Coptevo district, 3rd Novomikhalovsky passage, Vl. 8, Corp.1.
20. Timiryazevsky District Timiryazevsky, Astradam Str., Vl. 9A.
21. Timiryazevsky district Timiryazevsky, Dmitrovskoye Highway, Vl. 55 Northeast Administrative District of Moscow
22. Alekseevsky district Alekseevsky, ul. Staroalexseevskaya, Vl. 3.
23. Butyrsky district Butyrsky, MKP. 78, Corp. 66.
24. Butyrsky district Butyrsky, ul. Rustaveli, ll. 3, Corp. four
25. Losinoostrovsky, ul. Emerald, Vl. 26A.
26. Losinoostrovsky district Losinoostrovsky, MKR. 3, Corp. 53.
27. Losinoostrovsky district Losinoostrovsky, ul. Thainskaya, Vl. 13
28. Marfino district Marfino, hotel passage, Vl.8, Corp. 2.
29. District Maryina Grove, st. Oktyabrskaya, Vl.1058
30. Maryina Grove district Maryina Grove, Sheremetyevskaya st., Vl. 5, Corp.1.
31. Maryina Grove district Maryina Grove, Sheremetyevskaya st., Vl. 13, Corp.1
32. Maryina Grove TPU "Maryina Grove"
33. Rostokino district Rosokino, ul. Agricultural, VL.14.
34. Sviblovovo District Sviblovo, travel Nansen, Vl. eight
35. South Medvedkovo district, ul. Moltnodova, 33, Corp. one
36. South Medvedkovo South Medvedkovo district, Delneyev's passage, 12, Corp. 1 Eastern administrative district of the city of Moscow
37. Bogorodskaya Millionnaya Str., Vl. 3.
38. Bogorodskie District Bogorodskoye, MKR. 8b, korp.4.
39. Bogorodskaya TPU "Open Highway"
40. Eastern Izmailovo Eastern Izmailovo Area, 13th Parkovaya Str., Vl. sixteen
41. Eastern Izmailovo District Eastern Izmailovo, 15th Parkovaya Str., Vl. 27.

Hello! Our house fell under the renovation program, I have a communal apartment, one room occupies one tenants, and my two other rooms, but under different personal accounts. Will I be able to get two studio apartments?

42. Eastern Izmailovo District Eastern Izmailovo, 16th Parkovaya Str., Vl. 12
43. Goljanovo Schelkovskoye Highway, d. 71, Corp. 1 and d.73
44. Ivanovo district Ivanovo, MKP. 40-52, korp.2.
45. Ivanovo district Ivanovo, MKP. 40-52, korp. five
46. \u200b\u200bIzmailovo Izmailovsky passage, Vl. five
47. Kosino- -uchomsky, ul. Black lake, ll. 2-8
48. Koshino-Ukhtsky district Kosino-Ukhtomsky, Orenburg st., 3
49. Koshino-Ukhtomsky district Kosino-Ukhtomsky, Cascade st., Vl. 21, plot 1
50. Koshino-Ukhtomsky district Kosino-Ukhtomsky, Cascade st., Vl. 21, plot 2
51. Metrogodok Metrophric District, Open Highway, Vl. thirty
52. Metrogodok Metrogootor District, Open Highway, Vl. 26.
53. PEROVO District Pepovo, Plekhanova st., Vl. eighteen
54. PEROVO DISTRICT PEROVO, Plekhanova st., Vl. 22.
55. PEROVO DISTRICT PEROVO, 2nd Vladimirskaya st., Vl. thirty
57. Area Northern Izmailovo, MKP. 80, Corp. 7.
58. Northern Izmailovo Area Northern Izmailovo, MKR. 80, Corp. nine
59. Northern Izmailovo Area Northern Izmailovo, Konstantin Fedin Str., Vl. 13-19 Southeast Administrative District of Moscow
60. Vykhino-Zhulebino district of Vykhino-Zhulebino, MKP. 129, Fergana Str., Vl.5
61. Kuzminki district Kuzminki, square. 115, Corp. 1710.
62. Kuzminki district Kuzminki, square. 115, Corp. eighteen
63. Kuzminki district Kuzminki, square. 116, Corp. 1 (Shumilova st., D. 4)
64. Kuzminki district Kuzminki, square. 116, Corp. 2 (Shumilova st., D. 16, korp. 2)
65. Kuzminki district Kuzminki, MKP. 113, ul. Young Leninists, Vl. 42.
66. Kuzminki district Kuzminki, MKR. 119, Volgograd Prospekt, Vl. 163.
67. Kuzminki district Kuzminki, MKR. 120, ul. Zhigulevskaya, Vl. 3.
68. Kuzminki district Kuzminki, MKP. 120, ul. Zelenodolskaya, Vl. 28, Corp. four
69. Kuzminki district Kuzminki, MKR. 118, ul. Young Leninists, Vl. 117.
70. Kuzminki district Kuzminki, MKR. 117, ul. Young Leninists, Vl. 73.
71. Kuzminki district Kuzminki, MKR. 118, ul. Young Leninists, Vl. 99.
72. Lefortovo region Lefortovo, KV. 3, Corp. 6.

Made a redevelopment in 1-k. In the house under renovation. It became 2-k. according to the documents. How will accommodate accommodation in resettlement in a new home? Will 2 apartments give?

73. Lefortovo District Lefortovo, Shepelyubskaya st., Vl.16
74. Lublin Lublin district, MKR. A, Lublin street, d. 113
75. Lublin district of Lublin, MKR. Well, Krasnodonskaya st., 46
76. Lublin district of Lublin, MKP. A, Lublin street, d. 109, Corp. one
77. Lublin district of Lublin, MKP. A, Lublin st., Vl. 111, Corp. 211.
78. Lublin district of Lublin, MKR. Well, ul. Upper fields, 19, Corp. 2.
79. Nizhny Novgorod, apt. 80, between Novokhokhlovskaya ul. and a third-traffic ring
80. Ryazan district Ryazan, MKP. 128a, ul. Poppennika, d.12.
81. Textiles Area Textiles, ul. Clean, ll. 3a, p. 1
82. South-Park District South Point, MKP. D, ul. Peter Romanova, d. 18 Southern Administrative District of the city of Moscow
83. Biryulyovo East District Biryulyovo East, MKR. Zagorie, opposite Vl. 2.
84. Biryulyovo Western district, Bulanikovsky passage, d. 16a
85. Biryulyovo Western District Biryulyovo West, Kharkiv passage, near Vl. one
86. Danilovsky District Danilovsky, at the intersection of the 5th Roshchi passage and the 2nd Roshchinskaya st.
87. Danilovsky district Danilovsky, projected passage 4062, d. 8
88. Donskoy district Donskoy, Sevastopol Prospect, opposite d. 7, Corp. 6.
89. District Nagatinsky Zaton, ul. Rivernikov, d. 18-20
90. Nagatino-gardeners area Nagatino-Gardeners, Warsaw Highway, opposite d. 47, Corp. 2.
91. Nagatino-gardeners area Nagatino-Gardeners, Warsaw Highway, opposite d. 61a
92. Nagorny district Nagorno, Simferopol passage, Vl. 712.
93. Tsaritsyno, Yerevan st., Opposite d. 10, Corp. one
94. Tsaritsyno district of Tsaritsyno, Caucasian Boulevard, Vl. 40-42
95. Tsaritsyno district Tsaritsyno, Kantemirovskaya st., Opposite by d. 27
96. Tsaritsyno district Tsaritsyno, ul. Kantemirovskaya, Vl. 37-41
97. Tsaritsyno district of Tsaritsyno, Caspian Street., 28, Corp. four
98. Tsaritsyno district Tsaritsyno, Sevanskaya st., Vl. 54-56
99. Tsaritsyno district Tsaritsyno, ul. Behtereva, Vl.3, s / u1 (district of Tsaritsyno, MKP. 4, Corp. 402)
100. Chertanovo-South District Chertanovo-South, MKP.26, Corp. 81-82 Southwest administrative district of the city of Moscow
101. Academic TPU "Trade Union"
102. Academic district Academic, kV.18, ul. Screknik, Vl. 6.
103. Zyuzino Zyuzino district, apt. 35, B. Yushunskaya st., Vl. 7A.
104. Zyuzino Zyuzino district, kV.14, Bolotnikovskaya st., Vl. 31.
105. Zyuzino district of Zyuzino, apt. 36, Bolotnikovskaya st., Vl. 48.
106. Zyuzino district of Zyuzino, apt. 37, Bolotnikovskaya st., Vl. 43.
107. Zyuzino district of Zyuzino, apt. 14, Corp. 3.
108. Zyuzino Zyuzino district, square. 40, Kakhovka st., Vl. 2313.
109. Zyuzino district of Zyuzino, apt. 37, Kerch Str., Vl. 2.
110. Zyuzino district of Zyuzino, apt. 40, Kerch Str., Vl. twenty
111. Zyuzino district of Zyuzino, apt. 42, Kerch Str., Vl. thirty
112. Zyuzino Zyuzino district, apt. 42, Kerch Str., Vl. 26.
113. Zyuzino district of Zyuzino, apt. 38, Sevastopol Avenue, Vl. 71.
114. Zyuzino district of Zyuzino, apt. 40, Sevastopol Prospekt, Vl. 79.
115. Zyuzino district of Zyuzino, apt. 26, 31, Chernomorsky Boulevard, D.22 Corp.2
116. Konkovo \u200b\u200bDistrict Konkovo, MKP. 6, Corp. 3.
117. Konkovo \u200b\u200bDistrict Konkovo, MKR. 6, Corp. 2.
118. Lomonosovsky district Lomonosovsky, ul. Architect Vlasova, Vl.2
119. Obruchevsky district Obruchevsky, intersection st. Garibaldi and ul. Architect Vlasova
120. Northern Butovo District North Butovo, Feodosian st., Vl. 7.
121. Cheryomushki District Cheryomushki, square. 20, 21, Garibaldi Ul., Vl.17
122. Cheryomushki district New Cheryomushki, sq.32a, uch. 12
123. Cheryomushki district of Cheryomushki, square. 20, 21, trade union st., Vl. 32.
124. Southern Butovo district South Butovo, Krasnolymanskaya st., Vl. 27 Western administrative district of the city of Moscow 14
125. Kuntsevo district Kuntsevo, Molodogvardeyskaya ul., D. 44
126. Kuntsevo Kuntsevo District, Bobruiskaya Str., D. 15 District Fili-Davydkovo, ul. Kastanaevskaya, Vl. 44-48.
134. Fili-Davydkovo ul. Kastanaevskaya, Vl. 44-48, Corp. 2 Northwest administrative district of the city of Moscow
135. Mitino District Mitino, Novagratsevo district, Parkovaya st., Vl. 31 (on the contrary)
136. Northern Tushino district North Tushino, square. 5, Tourist st., Vl. 14, Corp.1, 2
137. North Tushino district North Tushino, ul. Vilis Latsis, Vl. 42.
138. Khoroshevo-Mesvniki district of Khoroshevo-Mesvniki, apt. 83, General Glagolev ul., Vl. 5, Corp. one
139. Khoroshevo-Mnniki district Khoroshevo-Mesvniki, ul. Demyan Poor, Vl. 2215.
140. Khoroshevo-Mesvniki district Khoroshevo-Mesvniki, Karamyshevskaya Embankment, Vl.22, Corp. 2.
141. Khoroshevo-Mesvniki district Khoroshevo-Mesvniki, ul. Mnniki, Vl. 10, Corp. one
142. Schukino district Schukino, MKP. 12, Novicekinskaya st., Vl. 8 Zelenograd administrative district of the city of Moscow
143. Kryukovo Zelenograd, District Krukovo, MKR. NO 19, Corp. 1935.
144. Kryukovo Zelenograd, District Kryukovo, MKP.NO19, Corp. 1934.
145. Old Kryukovo Zelenograd, Old Kryukovo, MKP.NO9, Corp.934
146. Old Kryukovo Zelenograd, Old Kryukovo, MKP.NO9, Corp.935
147. Old Kryukovo Zelenograd, Old Kryukovo, MKP.NO9, Korp.936 Trinity and Novomoskovsky administrative district of the city of Moscow
148. Mikhailovo-Yartsevskoye settlement Mikhailovo-Yartsevskoye, village Shishkin Forest, near d. 9
149. Mikhailovo-Yartsevskoye settlement Mikhailovo-Yartsevskoye, village Shishkin Forest, near d. 21
150. Mosrentgen TPU "Mamary"
151. Ryazan settlement Ryazanovskoe, the village of October, about d. 3

Free legal advice

Petrov Maxim Anatolyevich

We got acquainted with numerous comments and prepared for you a file in PDF format with a full list of houses that came to the program. You can familiarize yourself with it if your question is related to the resettlement date / with the demolition date of your home / with relocation addresses or launch pad - write to our lawyer. He will provide you with free advice on your question. With respect, Maxim Anatolyevich.

On February 21 of this year, the president of the state was officially directed by the mayor of the capital to enhance the new demolition program of the five-story building. And in two months, the first regulatory acts regulating this issue were prepared. But, given the efficiency of making decisions on the demolition of Khrushchev in Moscow, more questions left for Muscovites than answers. And as long as the final lists of houses are formed under demolition in Moscow in 2017 and their addresses are determined, and the government is constantly working on the elimination of contradictions in papers and subtitle acts.

In the Soviet Union, each family, which faithfully worked in state-owned enterprises, could fairly expect personal housing. This is undoubtedly a good program, thanks to which Moscow is littered with five-story buildings, among which Khrushchev is dominated. These houses became a saving circle of city authorities who allowed to provide residents of thousands of Russian families. But the time goes, at home they come to unfortunate, threaten with their emergency condition, and hundreds of families dream of changing the impractical layout on a spacious new apartment in modern highlight. This is one of the main reasons that the production demolition of five-story buildings in Moscow in 2017.

The renovation plan was launched back in 1998 and was designed to be completed until 2011. But, by virtue of financial and other government difficulties, the plan of demolition of five-story buildings in Moscow was extended for another few years. According to the most favorable forecasts, the demolition plan of Khrushchev should be completed in 2019. But these times are approximate, therefore are not limited to these dates, and can be extended.

The law on the demolition of five-story buildings 2017 was the basis for drawing up a preliminary list of applicants for dismantling. In particular, more than 4.5 houses fell into the list of demolition, for the salvation or disassembly of which the owners took place.


In practice, the Renovation project received a more favorable name - the program "Housing". The emphasis was made on the fact that the work was directed not to the destruction of the capital's housing stock, but to improve the living conditions of Moscow families. According to theoretical bases, it was stated that the Snidth Council of the Five-story Buildings for 2017 will depend solely on the opinion of the owners of the property in the candidate homes. And the voting lines were already closing on June 15.

Now, until July, there will be a counting of votes and drawing up the final lists of five-story buildings under demolition. As you read the results and compilation of statistics, all addresses of five-story buildings who took part in the survey, as well as a demolition schedule of five-story buildings in Moscow, 2017 are issued to everyone's review on the Internet.

It should be noted that the final list will be published only in the month of August, but as long as the minister of the five-story building has 115 facilities, among which are not only Khrushchev, but also other dilapidated or emergency houses.

Practical stage

It will be possible to start the practical stage, it will be possible only after the formation of a complete list of the legislative five-story buildings. Approximately, at the end of August, Muscovites learn about the homes that will be dismantled. But as long as you can follow the trend on the site in the "Active Citizen" section.

Attention! Calculation of opinions will occur in two stages and requires compulsory overcoming 70% of the barrier of votes so that the house is dismantled.

The rules for the formation of a list of five-story buildings, as well as the preparation of the priority of demolition imply such an action algorithm:

  • accounting of the opinions of owners / tenants of real estate in candidate homes separately for each apartment;
  • common calculation for each house separately.

At the same time, the positive answer will be counted if:

  • all residents of the apartment voted for dismantling;
  • if the views of the tenants of one apartment diverged, but most look at the solution of the issue positively;
  • if not a single voice came from the apartment

Thus, only unanimous refusal will be taken into account in the group of votes "against".

When determining the first list of houses that may be demolished, the construction period and its condition took into account. Thus, the communal enterprises of the city were conducted in order to establish the accident rate.


The renovation project was launched in 2017 and it was for this period that the main mass of work is scheduled. So, as already mentioned, the addresses of the Moscow five-story buildings will be formed until the end of the summer, which will be demolished. Further, about two months will go to make notifications to residents, provide enough free apartments in new buildings, for the resettlement of citizens, as well as the design of all necessary securities.

If, viewing lists of houses under demolition in Moscow 2017 and found their addresses, then you should contact the housing foundation of the city. There will provide a form of familiarization with new housing. With this document, the family goes to the new apartment, examines it and decides on the adoption of the dwelling in exchange. In such a case, the exchange agreement is drawn up, according to which the state owns Khrushchev, and immigrants acquire housing in the new building. On the compilation of all these papers allocated a month and a half. Another 30 calendar days are allocated to move.

In addition, by the end of 2017, the initiation of five-story buildings in Moscow is scheduled. The government is hoping that in 2018 the Renovation project will be successfully completed. But, as practice shows, the country may encounter exorbitant financial costs, which perhaps the demolition of Khrushchev in Moscow, which began in 2017, can last until 2020 inclusive.

As for the queue, much depends on the presence of empty apartments for resettlement and the windiness of the structure. Lastly, the most reliable buildings will be dismantled. The list of demolished houses touched almost all regions of Moscow, including the con.

What to wait for immigrants

Muscovites are waiting for the official presentation of the list of houses to be dismantled, which will soon be published in the media and on the pages of Internet resources. If the house came to the List of Five-Layout Demolition Programs in Moscow 2017, the owners will certainly have to move. And it scares the most. And in vain, as the management of the city guarantees the provision of all means associated with the move.

As mentioned above, the demolition of houses is possible only when enough empty square meters for settlement of immigrants. Therefore, active work is moving on the construction of new buildings. The scheme of new housing will be similar to the usual dilapidated dwelling. And, if you look at the house on the map, then the location promises to be profitable. The presence of kindergartens and schools will be taken into account, as well as other citizen service centers.

Residents of the defendant five-story foundation can be calm, because municipal authorities undertake to provide free transportation services to a new habitat.

Legal self-defense

The procedure for implementing this reform has already been approved, as provided for by the mechanisms of legitimate influence on citizens who do not want to move. In particular, this concerns the judgment of disputes. According to examples of practice, the courts are on the side of the state, since the authorities of the city are valid on the basis of the official law. Also, the owner will not affect the dismantling of houses under demolition in 2017.

The only court decision that can be accepted in favor of the owner is to provide the possibility of choosing a new dwelling.

Program and list of houses under demolition in Moscow until 2020

The list of houses under demolition in Moscow until 2020 includes more than 350 thousand apartments in which 1 million people live. The renovation program was approved by the Mayor of Moscow by Sobyanin on August 1, 2017 What will be new apartments? What houses entered the list? How much will the appearance of the city change? Consider these and other issues that exciting Muscovites.

Time for a change

The active construction of Khrushchev in Moscow continued since 1957 to 1969. The very first apartments were without balconies, tiny, with low ceilings, adjacent rooms and combined bathrooms. They were erected by an accelerated pace to solve the housing problem for the next 25 years. In the early 1960s, houses of houses have been improved, the service life of brick khrushchev was designed for 100 years. But due to the unsatisfactory quality of construction, some of them came into disrepair much earlier.

It's time for change: the authorities decided to replace the panel five-story buildings of the 1-515 series, block 1-510 and brick -1-511, as well as their modifications to modern comfortable houses with parking lots under them, new engineering communications, landscaped courtyards. In addition to Khrushchev, the demolition list includes houses in 2-3 floors, as well as about 100 panel nine-storey. Plan of demolition of five-story buildings in Moscow 2020-2025 The most eastern administrative district affects (Bogorodskoye, Metrogodok, Sokolina Mountain, Preobrazhenskoe), North-West (good-poinniki and Schukino) and South-West (Cheryomushki). In total, in Moscow, 560 blocks with old five-story buildings.

More than 200 buildings were excluded from the list, because by definition of the Department of Cultural Heritage of Moscow, the architectural heritage of constructivism.

If residents against - resettlement will not

Until June 15, 2017, the owners of housing voted on the project of the renovation program. Results of the consumer voting are available for verification. If 1/3 part of the inhabitants were against, relocation and dismantling will not be. Such houses turned out to be 452. Basically, they are built of bricks. And, on the contrary, residents of 297 houses not included in the preliminary plans, at the general meeting voted for demolition. With requests for the resettlement, residents of quarters of 79-81 good-poinnikov, Narushal Zhukov Avenue, Old Houses of the Novozavodskaya Street were treated. The advantage of demolition has home located near the highways under construction.

The program is attractive that residents will move to new houses in the same or neighboring area. A total of 5144 houses are planned under demolition in Moscow until 2020. People will get equal to the area of \u200b\u200bthe turnkey apartment, at least 30% more expensive than former or cash compensation. This also applies to business located on the first floors of Khrushchev. The owners of the rooms in publications will also receive apartments. Moscow authorities called the cost of finishing: 1 m² - 11 thousand rubles. It includes plastic windows with baskets under air conditioning, energy efficient batteries, water meters and electricity, indications from which will be transmitted automatically, intercom, separate bathrooms, ceramic toilets and metal baths. Each apartment will have a balcony or loggia. According to preliminary data, about 25 million m² of new housing will be built, it is necessary to 1.5 trillion. rubles.

Wave development method

The mass relocation of tenants from Khrushchev will begin not earlier than the second half of 2019. The first district will become Beskudnikovo. The wave construction method is already known to Muscovites. It consists of such stages:

  1. Construction of a new house.
  2. The resettlement of residents in it.
  3. Dismantling of the old building and the construction of a new one.
  4. Creating infrastructure and gain capacity in terms of communications.

At the shift, Khrushchev will come at home built from the new generation panels and as a monolith. The facade finish will be bright, non-standard. The authorities of the city promise 24-hour video surveillance, modern elevators, adapt the entrances for disabled people and baby strollers, if there is a premium body of the premium body on the site of Khrushchev, the number of apartments in new homes will increase more than 2 times, and their total area is more than 5 time. In relation to each site, the issue of construction will be solved individually. In place of mass accumulation of five-story buildings logically build large quarters. The project will participate the best architectural bureaus of the capital. After 2020, it will be possible to build plans for the relocation of residents in the Moscow region.

According to representatives of the authorities, by the end of 2019, the main stages, deadlines and a sequence of demolition of houses under the Moscow Housing Fund Program will be established. At the moment, houses subject to dismantling are identified. About 5,000 residential buildings in which Million Muscovites lives under the update.

For residents of houses subject to resettlement, the main thing is that when they are demolished at home on the renovation program. The order of dismantling of the capital Khrushchev does not affect the interests of the waiting. If a person does not suit the area of \u200b\u200bresidence or there are other circumstances, he can purchase an equivalent replacement in a new house. At the same time, he continues to be registered.

In the fall of 2017, the list of construction sites under the renovation program was known, which are located quite close to the houses subject to dismantling. In the coming months, it is planned to pick up a few more dozen sites so that the implementation of the initiative of the metropolitan authorities is carried out simultaneously throughout Moscow.

In the selected starting sites in 2018, 59 residential buildings will be erected. And by the beginning of 2021, several more dozen houses for resettlement will be determined.

Important! The resettlement process itself will be 90 days, instead of previously installed 60. The question remains to increase this period for another 30 days.

A graph of resettlement from five-story enterprises under the renovation program regarding 2018-2020 was also established.

The resettlement process in new buildings will allegedly begin in the second half of 2019. Such a resettlement will be carried out by the method of so-called wave construction, which consists of separate stages:

  • construction of a new house;
  • settlement of residents in new buildings;
  • demolition of the old house;
  • the construction of a new building in its place;
  • organization of infrastructure and improving communications.

Such a sequence is explained by the fact that the process of implementing the initiative of the authorities must pass with maximum comfort for residents to dismantle.

Plan of dismantling five-story buildings in Moscow for 2018-2020

First, the program will fall within the program, which have already been in disserval for a long time. However, it should be borne in mind that the program delsides the need to demolish the Khrushchev from the diversified housing resettlement program.

According to the fresh news, the demolition of five-story buildings under the renovation program will last 15 years and will be divided into several equal stages.

First of all, dismantling the most unreliable residential buildings, the technical condition of which is unsatisfactory. Conversely, the most reliable buildings will be demolished much later.

See also: Kotelniki - new buildings from the developer next to the subway

Renovation of houses of unsigned series

In 2018, not only houses in disregard will be demolished, but also the so-called obstacle five-story buildings. These include houses that, when conducting overhaul, can be operated up to 150 years. This is explained by higher thermal protection properties of walls, structural strengths and improved premises planning. Despite the fact that the physical wear of such buildings remains relatively small, the domestic networks need complete re-equipment.

The metropolitan authorities plan to demolish such buildings of the series 1-515 and 1-510.

Severity of demolition of houses depending on the area

According to data published on the official website of the city hall, in the period 2017-2019 for the implementation of further wave resettlement of local residents, it is planned to build start-up houses in the following areas of Moscow:

  • Presnensky (CAO);
  • Beskidnikovsky, Dmitrovsky, Coptevo, Timiryazevsky (CAO);
  • Babushkin, Northern Medvedkovo, North, South Medvedkovo (SWAO);
  • Northern Izmailovo (WAO);
  • Kuzminki, Nizhny Novgorod, Textiles (Yuvao);
  • Moskvorechye-saburovo, Nagatinsky Zaton (YUAO);
  • Academic, Konkovo, Kotlovka, South Butovo (UNUSAO);
  • Mozhaisky, Ochakovo-Matveyevskoye, Vernadsky Avenue, Fili-Davydkovo (CJSC);
  • North Tushino (SZAO).

Tip! On the official website of the Metropolitan City Hall, everyone can look at the Moscow Renovation Map for 2017-2020.

In 2020-2021, the list will be expanded, other districts will be included in it. The remaining territorial units of the districts did not fall into this list due to the objections of the owners.

In the central district of the capital, not only five-story buildings will be demolished, but also at home erected at the beginning of the last century.

In addition to the above areas, the disassembly queue will include at home erected in all the remaining administrative districts of Moscow. According to the metropolitan authorities, the domain of houses under demolition is headed by residential buildings located in Bescordnikovo. Three new buildings were already erected in the area, which will become new houses for the residents of Khrushchev.

The question of the implementation of the initiative of the capital authorities to replace the old housing to the new concerns many Muscovites. For the exchange of available information, as well as to clarify any questions, residents of the demolished houses can take advantage of numerous forums, where the renovation of five-story buildings in Moscow is actively discussed.

Which depends on the priority of demolition

The first wave of five-story meters on new buildings began at the end of 2017. Migrants will receive a living space in monolithic houses. Subsequently, it is planned to design panel houses of modern type, which would correspond to the latest construction standards.

Residents of the fallen five-story buildings concerns the quality of the premises provided. The Moscow authorities assure that they will not feel any infringement of their rights or deterioration of conditions in a new place.

First, non-residential square almost in all new buildings will be increased. Small kitchens and combined bathrooms, characteristic of Khrushchev, will remain in the past. Living area will remain unchanged, but in no case will not be reduced.

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Owners of rooms in publications will become full owners of individual apartments.

Secondly, the market value of the new housing will significantly exceed the rates for the "secondary". In addition, mortgage conditions will remain the same.

Thirdly, since early August 2017, the owners of the housing in five-story buildings are not required to pay for overhaul. After the completion of the resettlement process, residents will be made compensation for already paid funds.

The above applies to commercial organizations located on the first floors of five-story buildings.

The owner of the housing in the demolition house has the full right not to move to the accommodated housing in the new building, but to receive monetary compensation instead of an apartment, which will be determined in accordance with the market price per apartment.

Important! If the owner takes a fundamental position and decides to apply to the courts for the protection of his right to reside in the old house, then, as practice shows, the judiciary will be on the state of the state, since its bodies are guided by official legislation.

What is offered instead of old apartments

According to the authorities, the operation of the erected houses is designed for a hundred years. A careful selection of developers is made, as well as control over the compliance with the established rules and norms, so that the housing constructed the most suitable for a comfortable stay.

Khrushchev will be replaced with modern houses from panels and monolith with a creative trim of the facade.

The elevators in new homes will be located in such a way that the newsnels do not need to rise to him on the stairs. Each entrance will be adapted for people with disabilities, and also equipped with video surveillance cameras.

At home plan to build from the panels that will be laid out in three layers. There is the possibility of choosing the desired layout inside the residential premises. Each plastic windows with noise protection will be installed, and spacious balconies and loggias are provided.

Migrants will receive residential premises with full finishing, which suggests:

  • laying laminate and ceramic tiles;
  • wall decoration with the help of painting wallpaper;
  • installation of metal entrance door and interior doors from a bar;
  • bathroom bathrooms with high-quality plumbing;
  • installation of sockets and switches.

It is assumed to improve the internal infrastructure of the courtyard: children's and sports grounds, walking areas and sports will be equipped.

First house for checking

Since the end of 2017, he was renovated in Moscow at home at the address of Konstantin Fedin. The active settlement of residents of two five-story buildings began in the 18-storey house on the 5th Park Street. The building is located just a few hundred meters from the former residential buildings. Already 112 families have prepared all the necessary documents, and the owners of 16 apartments managed to even issue contracts.

See also: New buildings from Morton on the official website

Future inhabitants of the new building inspected new housing and pointed to existing shortcomings that were soon eliminated. It is noted that new accommodation averages by 30 percent exceeds old apartments in the area.

In a new house, residential premises have already been identified for subsequent implementation, which will remain free after the resettlement under the renovation program. Several dozen apartments of different areas are presented on the StroyKomplex website. First of all, the data of the apartment will be available to acquire newsnels on the program of replacement of old housing for a new one who would like to increase the size of their homes. At the moment, about hundreds of families expressed such a desire. After that, the remaining residential premises will be available to buy everyone. However, such buyers will no longer have any benefits and discounts that migrants can claim.

How can I buy the necessary meters

On the site of StroyKompleks, owners of housing in homes under demolition can choose the apartment they liked them and make it inspection, contacting the staff of a special information on informing in this house, which in addition to this will be able to report new on the renovation of five-story buildings in Moscow.

If the selected housing satisfies the interests of the owners, then after they need to write a statement to a specialized fund, in the content of which the desire must be specified to acquire the apartment of a larger area in return provided initially.

A certain package of documents and a receipt is made to the application, indicating the payment of payment in accordance with the security purposes in a fixed amount.

The fund is obliged to consider the received statement during the period of five working days. If one more candidates for this accommodation appear during these days, then the only applicants draw up a contract and pay it within 10 days from the date of the country's consent to the transaction.

In case of the existence of several applicants for one apartment, the Foundation is obliged to hold auction, based on the results of which the victorious person also issues an agreement for the purchase of housing within 10 days from the date of completion of the auction. When paying for the cost of living space, a 10% discount will be provided to the auction to the auction.

The remaining auction participants are entitled to receive the payment back made by them.

Those participants in the auction that were owners will issue exchange agreements with a surcharge. And the employers of apartments will have to conclude a sale agreement.

If the immigrants are already after the registration of all documents on the initial residential premises and the settlement in it suddenly decided to acquire a large living space in the same house, this is possible for two years.

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