
One-time maternity benefit How to calculate and receive maternity benefits for an individual entrepreneur. A pregnant woman may qualify for benefits

Each woman, when going on maternity leave, receives appropriate payments. However, in the case of entrepreneurs, who pays maternity leave to individual entrepreneurs is of interest to many small business representatives.

Entrepreneurship in the Russian Federation is very common. To support small businesses, new conditions are being created that can make doing business clear and convenient. Nowadays, there is no need to have special knowledge in the field of accounting in order to be a successful entrepreneur and correctly report to the tax office.

The simplest solution for those who plan to start their own business is to register as an individual entrepreneur. In Russia, good conditions have been created for individual entrepreneurs. For example, a choice between several taxation systems is allowed. Each individual entrepreneur has the opportunity to use the simplest or most beneficial system for a particular case.

Considering all the advantages that registration as an individual entrepreneur provides, it is not surprising that this is the most popular type of organizational and legal form in the Russian Federation. Women often start their own businesses. For them, the rules of doing business are no different from those provided for the stronger sex.

Nowadays, it is considered quite normal for a woman to have her own business. Among the representatives of the fair half of humanity there are a lot of individual entrepreneurs, so no one is surprised when a woman pulls a seemingly unbearable burden. Statistics show that in some situations ladies are much better at solving certain problems.

However, even a woman businessman thinks about her family first. Among individual entrepreneurs, there are many who go on maternity leave to care for their baby. In such a situation, the individual entrepreneur has a lot of questions. First of all, this concerns maternity payments, because it is not immediately clear whether maternity benefits are due for individual entrepreneurs.

What can an individual entrepreneur expect?

Women who are registered as individual entrepreneurs are often concerned about the payments they are entitled to from the state. This is especially true for maternity benefits and how to obtain maternity individual entrepreneurs.

The answer to this question is extremely simple. If an entrepreneur pays contributions to the Social Insurance Fund, he can count on assistance from the state in certain cases. This also includes those situations when a woman goes on maternity leave to care for her baby until he reaches 1.5 years old.

There is no rule in Russian legislation that would oblige individual businessmen to pay contributions to the Social Insurance Fund for themselves. Everything happens entirely on a voluntary basis, but insurance provides many advantages, so experts recommend not to refuse it. There are many compensation options for individual entrepreneurs. If an entrepreneur has paid contributions to the Social Insurance Fund, he is entitled to payments due to temporary disability, compensation for pregnancy and childbirth, as well as maternity benefits. For this reason, it is especially recommended for business women to pay insurance premiums.

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How to calculate the amount of contributions?

The conditions of maternity leave for individual entrepreneurs are no different from those offered to women who do not mind their own business. A woman who is registered as an individual entrepreneur has the right to apply for maternity and child benefits, like any other young mother. Payments are guaranteed if there are payments for insurance contributions to the Social Insurance Fund. Today, insurance for individual entrepreneurs is 2.9%. Based on this percentage, the entrepreneur can independently calculate how much he needs to pay for the year.

To correctly calculate the amount of social insurance contributions, you need to add up all wages for the current year, and then multiply the resulting amount by the percentage indicated above. If a businessman does not have the status of an individual entrepreneur for the entire calendar year, the actual time worked is taken.

Payment of insurance premiums must be made before the end of the current year. This is very important, otherwise the woman will not be able to receive maternity payments next year.

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What payments are due to a business woman?

As mentioned above, a woman registered as an individual entrepreneur can count on maternity payments if, during her work, she made payments to the Social Insurance Fund in the amount established by Russian legislation. That is, not everyone can count on receiving monthly benefits before the child turns 1.5 years old.

However, there are a number of payments from the state that apply to absolutely everyone, including business women who do not pay insurance premiums. In any case, the Social Insurance Fund will pay the money if a woman registers with a medical institution at an early stage. The amount here is small, and its size is 613.14 rubles. Also, a woman who is engaged in entrepreneurial activities is required to receive lump sum payments upon the birth of a baby. In 2017, young mothers can count on a slightly larger amount than before. Now the birth benefit is about 16,350 thousand rubles. This figure increased by 838 rubles compared to last year.

The process of applying for child care benefits for an individual entrepreneur is no different from a similar procedure for unemployed young mothers and those who are officially employed in public and private enterprises.

In order to receive the required payments, you must provide FSS employees with a number of documents.

Women who are not registered with the Social Insurance Fund may receive some other compensation depending on the situation. For example, in the Russian Federation there are a number of payments assessed and made by regional authorities. The amounts vary. The numbers vary depending on which child we are talking about.

For large families, not only additional monetary compensation is provided, but also various benefits and special credit conditions. In addition, wives of military personnel, including those who conduct individual entrepreneurial activities, can count on separate compensation.

Regardless of whether payments are made to the Social Insurance Fund or not, a young mother can receive benefits for her child until he turns 3 years old. But the amount here is such that not everyone wants to spend time on paperwork. At the moment, the benefit amount is 50 rubles.

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Documentation for obtaining benefits

It is immediately worth noting that business women must submit a package of papers to the branch of the Social Insurance Fund at the place of main registration of the individual entrepreneur. This includes an application filled out according to a specific sample, and a number of documents, which includes a certificate of completion of the registration procedure as an individual businessman, a paper confirming the registration of an individual entrepreneur with the tax office, an original and a copy of a general passport. It is advisable to have both photocopies of the papers and their originals with you so that social service employees can verify them. If it is not possible to provide original documents, copies must be certified by a notary.

It is advisable for a woman who owns her own business, that is, an individual entrepreneur, to make insurance contributions to the Social Insurance Fund in order to be able, if necessary, to receive maternity benefits and other benefits related to temporary disability. However, as mentioned above, to do this, you first need to pay a certain percentage to the state. But even here everything is not so simple, because in order to be able to make payments you need to go through the registration procedure with the Social Insurance Fund. Thus, a business woman has the opportunity to obtain insurance, according to which she will receive monthly maternity benefits.

At the same time, you need to pay attention to the fact that a woman will be able to receive compensation only if she made payments for the past year. If contributions were received by the Social Insurance Fund only in the current reporting period, individual entrepreneurs are not entitled to benefits. Therefore, a business woman must take care in advance to ensure the monetary compensation due to her until the child turns 1.5 years old.

Russian legislation does not oblige a woman individual entrepreneur to pay insurance. However, the law on compulsory social insurance does not include a businesswoman in the list of persons entitled to state maternity payments if there is no agreement with the Social Insurance Fund.

In order to receive monetary compensation, the expectant mother, registered as an individual entrepreneur, is obliged to pay fixed contributions to the Social Insurance Fund on time. As a rule, payments are made before December 31 once a year. If this condition is met, the woman becomes entitled to maternity benefits from January 1 of the following year.

In order not to lose the opportunity to receive additional compensation, a woman must register with a medical institution before 12 weeks. In this case, she can count on a one-time benefit in the amount of 613.14 rubles.

Today you won’t surprise anyone with your own business. Many women feel great in the role of individual entrepreneur. But most of them are not aware of the procedure for receiving social benefits.

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Can an individual entrepreneur receive benefits under the BiR in 2019? Women registered as individual entrepreneurs independently manage the profits received.

And if contributions to the Pension Fund for calculating a pension in the future are mandatory for them, then interaction with the Social Insurance Fund is a purely voluntary matter. For this reason, the question arises: is maternity benefit available to individual entrepreneurs in 2019?

What you need to know

Financial stability is a concern for any woman planning a pregnancy. If the expectant mother is an employee, then the employer will take care of calculating benefits.

The recipient of the payments will only need to find out from the accounting department about the list of necessary documents and provide them in a timely manner.

It’s another matter when a woman comes – you have to take care of receiving payments yourself.

First of all, you should know that all payments related to pregnancy are divided into two types. Some are only available to working women, while others are entitled to any mother.

Regardless of the fact of employment, expectant mothers are entitled to a lump sum payment for the birth of a baby.

In addition, you can receive benefits up to the age of one and a half years. These social support measures are issued through the social protection authorities directly at the place of registration.

But during pregnancy and childbirth, working women are entitled to paid income. But as an individual entrepreneur, such leave is not always paid.

Basic Concepts

Maternity benefits are compensation for the temporary disability of a working woman. A pregnant employee is granted leave for a total duration of 140 days.

In case of multiple pregnancy, rest increases by 56 days. Complications during childbirth make it possible to increase the rest period after the birth of the baby by 16 days.

Maternity leave is calculated cumulatively, that is, a woman can use the allotted period in full, regardless of the time of departure.

All vacation days are subject to payment in the amount of average earnings. The payment is calculated by the employer, but is paid at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund.

Compulsory insurance for employed citizens provides for contributions such as compensation for temporary disability, including those related to maternity.

That is, a woman receives B&R benefits from the social fund. Being pregnant, a woman can also qualify for this benefit. But only if there are certain reasons.

Who should

Benefits from the Social Insurance Fund in connection with pregnancy and childbirth are available to the following categories of persons:

  • working on ;
  • employees of state and municipal institutions.

Simply put, the Social Insurance Fund pays benefits to insured persons. Individual entrepreneurs are not included in the list, but this does not mean that entrepreneurs are not entitled to B&R benefits.

This is due to the fact that individual entrepreneurs are not required to pay contributions to the Social Insurance Fund.

However, a woman entrepreneur has the right to register with the Social Insurance Fund by concluding a social insurance agreement and pay fixed payments.

If for the year preceding maternity leave the individual entrepreneur pays the contribution in full, then she is assigned a minimum amount of BIR allowance, based on .

Legal regulation

In the case of individual entrepreneurs, this calculation method is not suitable, since contributions are calculated not on income, but on the basis of the minimum wage. Accordingly, the benefit will also depend on the minimum wage.

The usual period of maternity leave is 140 days, the period increases in case of multiple or complicated pregnancies.

But regardless of the duration of the vacation, the benefit is calculated for each vacation day. The calculation is carried out using the average daily minimum wage.

That is, the minimum wage indicator valid for the accrual period must be divided by the number of days in the billing month, and then multiplied by the number of vacation days in this period.

In the same way, calculations are carried out for all months during which maternity leave lasts.

As an example, we can give a calculation when an individual entrepreneur’s sick leave/maternity leave lasts from 07/05/2017 to 11/22/2017.

The calculation procedure is as follows:

From 5.07 to 30.07 7,800 ÷ 30 × 27 = 7,020
From 1.08 to 31.08 7,800 ÷ 31 × 31 = 7,800
From 1.09 to 30.09 7,800 ÷ 30 × 30 = 7,800
From 1.10 to 31.10 7,800 ÷ 31 × 31 = 7,800
From 1.11 to 22.11 7,800 ÷ 30 × 22 = 5,720

An individual entrepreneur who voluntarily pays contributions to the Social Insurance Fund receives a childcare benefit for children up to 1.5 years old in the amount of 40% of the minimum wage.

If care leave began after July 1, 2017, then the state will pay 3,120 rubles for each month. For your information! During the period of maternity leave, an individual entrepreneur does not pay taxes if he does not conduct business.

However, insurance premiums will have to be paid if the woman wants to receive benefits as an insured person.

Video: pregnancy benefit

An individual entrepreneur working under , has the right to receive maternity benefits twice - as an employee at the place of employment and as an individual entrepreneur. But child care benefits up to 1.5 years are paid once.

When is payment made?

State assistance to families with children is regulated by the law “On State Benefits for Citizens with Children.” According to this document, most benefits paid to families are part of the compulsory social insurance system. This type of insurance applies to citizens who have an official place of work or service. Individual entrepreneurs and other self-employed persons are not subject to it. How to apply for child benefits for individual entrepreneurs? We will try to answer this question in our article.

Despite this, the legislation reserves the right for individual entrepreneurs to join the social insurance system on a voluntary basis. Thus, having insured, the entrepreneur will receive benefits from the state in the event of the birth of a child, the onset of temporary disability, or when going on maternity leave. Payments will be accrued from the accounts of the Social Insurance Fund (SIF).

If an individual entrepreneur regularly makes contributions to the insurance fund, he has the right to receive child benefits. The list of these payments is as follows:

  • maternity benefit;
  • payment upon registration at the antenatal clinic in the early stages of pregnancy. Paid in one lump sum;
  • child birth benefit. Paid as a lump sum to the mother, father or persons who replace the child’s parents;
  • child care allowance up to one and a half years old. Paid monthly to the father, mother or relatives of the child.

If a citizen has not made contributions to the insurance fund during his entrepreneurial activity, he is not entitled to maternity benefits and state assistance while caring for a child.

Social insurance for entrepreneurs on a voluntary basis

According to the law “On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity”, an individual entrepreneur is exempt from the obligation to participate in the state insurance system. In addition to individual entrepreneurs, this rule also applies to:

  • lawyers and notaries whose activities are registered in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • doctors and other specialists in private practice;
  • citizens involved in farming;
  • members of tribal communities of indigenous northern peoples.

The rules for registering social insurance by an entrepreneur are prescribed in Government Decree No. 790. The same document describes the procedure for paying regular contributions to the Social Insurance Fund.

The procedure for entry of individual entrepreneurs into the state social insurance system

In order to receive child benefits, individual entrepreneurs must become part of the social insurance system. The initiator of registration of social insurance is always the individual entrepreneur himself. He needs to write an application to one of the bodies of the Social Insurance Fund. Registration of the policyholder takes place within five days. The applicant then receives formal written notification.

The following documents must be submitted along with the application to the Social Insurance Fund:

  • applicant's passport;
  • certificate confirming registration of individual entrepreneur;
  • a certificate confirming registration with the tax authorities (if any);
  • business license (if relevant);
  • lawyer's certificate (for other types of activities - an analogue of this document).

Before January 15, each year, the individual entrepreneur must submit a report on the transferred insurance premiums to the Social Insurance Fund. The document must comply with Form 4a of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation. This form can be found in Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 847n.

Transfer of insurance premiums for individual entrepreneurs in 2017

The entrepreneur must pay contributions for the entire year in which the application was submitted. This applies even to cases where the document is submitted in December. The fact is that the regulations prescribe the procedure for paying funds for the entire year. There is no prorated calculation from the time of application until the end of the year.

In addition, it is worth remembering the following nuances:

  • The FSS allows partial payment of insurance premiums. However, this is done extremely rarely, since the amount for the whole year is insignificant;
  • Insurance premiums for the year must be paid before December 31 of each year;
  • If the individual entrepreneur does not transfer funds before the specified period, he will lose social insurance. At the same time, he loses the right to maternity benefits and maternity benefits. Funds paid for the previous year are transferred back to the individual entrepreneur’s account.

The amount of insurance premiums is affected by the cost of the insurance year, which changes periodically. This indicator is calculated using a simple formula: the minimum wage established by law for the current year is multiplied by 2.9% (insurance rate) and by 12 (number of months in a year). It is worth remembering that the minimum wage is determined separately for each region of the Russian Federation. This indicator is influenced by the cost of goods and services.

Child benefits in connection with maternity for individual entrepreneurs

In 2017, an individual entrepreneur can receive government assistance only if he has paid all insurance premiums for 2016. This norm is valid for each subsequent year.

Payment of benefits is carried out in accordance with the norms and rules prescribed in Government Decree No. 375, issued in 2007.

  • Benefits, the amount of which is calculated taking into account the average salary for employed citizens of the Russian Federation, are calculated differently for individual entrepreneurs. The amount of earnings in this case is replaced by the minimum wage (minimum wage). The current indicator for a specific region is taken into account.
  • When determining the average daily earnings, the minimum wage indicator and the number of days either in a month or in a year are taken into account.

Individual entrepreneurs receive all types of cash benefits by submitting an application to one of the FSS bodies.

Maternity benefits for entrepreneurs

This type of benefit is credited to the recipient’s account within the time limits specified by law. They correspond to the duration of maternity leave. This norm is relevant for all categories of citizens, including individual entrepreneurs.

  • If the pregnancy does not have complications, payment is made 140 days (70 days before and after childbirth).
  • If the pregnancy is complicated, the postpartum part of the leave is increased by 16 days.
  • If the pregnancy is multiple, the prenatal part of the leave is increased by 14 days, the postpartum part - by 40. In total - 194 days.

The exact amount of benefits received is calculated taking into account the duration of the vacation and the minimum wage valid for a particular region. For a normal pregnancy without complications, the amount of state assistance as of 2017 ranges from 35 thousand to 40 thousand rubles.

Benefits for registering with a antenatal clinic in the early stages of pregnancy

This payment is in addition to the basic benefit amount. It is paid to a woman if she registers no later than the 12th week of pregnancy. In 2016, this amount was 581.73 rubles. On February 1, 2017, the benefit was increased through indexation. Thus, now it is 613.14 rubles.

The Government believes that such an amount, albeit a small one, is an incentive for a woman to register with the consultation as early as possible and properly monitor the course of her pregnancy.

It is not necessary to register the right to benefits immediately after registering at the antenatal clinic. This can be done after the end of maternity leave, but no later than six months. However, as a rule, the benefit is issued together with maternity leave.

To receive a cash payment, a woman needs to contact one of the FSS branches. You need to have the following documents with you:

  • application for benefits;
  • passport;
  • a document from the antenatal clinic, which confirms registration in early pregnancy.

One-time benefit for an entrepreneur upon the birth of a child

Individual entrepreneurs receive this benefit in the same amount as all other categories of applicants. In 2017, the lump sum payment upon the birth of a child is 16,350.33 rubles.

This type of state assistance can be issued to both the mother and the father of the child. In addition, it can be assigned to a person who replaces the child’s parent.

Monthly payments for individual entrepreneurs for child care

According to Russian legislation, monthly child care benefits for individual entrepreneurs are calculated differently than for employed citizens. This norm is prescribed in Government Decree No. 375 of June 15, 2007.

In the case of employed citizens, the amount of the benefit is calculated taking into account the average salary. For individual entrepreneurs, this indicator, as mentioned above, is replaced by the minimum wage. Thus, the amount of monthly payments for individual entrepreneurs is 40% of the minimum wage.

The minimum wage from July 1, 2017 is 7,800 rubles. 40% of this amount - 3120 rubles. The minimum benefit amount prescribed by law is as follows:

  • for the first child - 3065.69 rubles;
  • for the second child and subsequent children - 6131.37 rubles.

Thus, in the event of the birth of the first child, an individual entrepreneur is entitled to a benefit in the amount of 3,120 rubles. However, after the birth of the second child and subsequent children, the entrepreneur receives 6131 rubles 37 kopecks, since this is the minimum prescribed in the regulations of the Russian Federation. A lesser benefit may not be paid to any recipient.

Do not forget also that the minimum wage increases periodically. In 2017, it increased by 300 rubles compared to the previous year. Due to such changes, the amount of benefits that individual entrepreneurs are entitled to increases, albeit slightly.

Private entrepreneurs should take care in advance to receive maternity benefits if necessary.

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In the legislative material addressing issues of social insurance, individual entrepreneurs are not included in the list of persons who can count on financial support during pregnancy and childbirth. This is due to the lack of an agreement with the Social Insurance Fund.

The problem that has arisen is not difficult to solve, since they will be received subject to all social insurance rules on a voluntary basis.

What does the law say?

Regulatory documents addressing issues of payment of maternity benefits to individual entrepreneurs include:

  • – includes provisions on social insurance rules;
  • RF PP No. 790 of 2009 - rules for the payment of insurance contributions by persons who have entered into an agreement with the Social Insurance Fund on a voluntary basis.

Rights of a woman entrepreneur

A woman entrepreneur has a number of rights enshrined in current legislation, including:

  • to exit in accordance with established legislation;
  • to receive payments in connection with pregnancy and childbirth;
  • for financial support paid in connection with child care.

Maternity leave for individual entrepreneurs

To obtain maternity individual entrepreneurs, you need to follow a few simple steps and wait for the decision of the Social Insurance Fund.

By receiving payments in connection with pregnancy and childbirth, every expectant mother will be able to provide herself and her baby with everything necessary. The size of payments depends on several indicators.

Were there any contributions to the Social Insurance Fund?

Do individual entrepreneurs pay benefits? In order for maternity payments to be accrued to a woman who has the status of an individual entrepreneur, she will need to register with the Social Insurance Fund and make fixed contributions.

Thus, having concluded an agreement with the Social Insurance Fund in 2019, the entrepreneur must make all contributions for the year before the New Year. Then the right to insurance coverage and material support, if necessary, will begin next year, 2019.


To receive maternity benefits for individual entrepreneurs, it is not enough just to register with the Social Insurance Fund and enter into an agreement with the Fund.

It is important to observe a few more points:

  • Insurance premiums are required to be paid in full and within the specified time frame;
  • register with the antenatal clinic no later than the 12th week of pregnancy.

For fulfilling the last point, the expectant mother receives the right to receive a one-time benefit, the amount of which is 543.67 rubles for the first child.

Monthly payments

If the entrepreneur has made full payment under the insurance contract, then she has the right to receive the following payments:

  • monthly benefit - paid for 140 days of vacation (in some cases the period may be increased, for example, in case of complications or multiple pregnancies), the amount of payments will also depend on the amount of payments in connection with pregnancy and childbirth;
  • lump sum compensation paid at the birth of a child.


The amount of contributions to the Social Insurance Fund depends on the established minimum wage.

In 2019, it is 7,100 rubles, depending on this, FSS employees calculate the annual amount of contributions that the individual entrepreneur must pay.

Payment of contributions can be made in a lump sum or in part, for example, every month. But do not forget that the entire amount must be paid in full by the end of the year, otherwise the agreement will be automatically recognized as an invalid document.

How to get a?

To be an individual entrepreneur, you will initially need to register at the territorial office of the Social Insurance Fund located at your place of residence.

For these purposes, he draws up an application, to which is attached a small list of documents. Within five days, the submitted papers are reviewed, after which a decision is made.

If an individual entrepreneur is registered with the Social Insurance Fund, he will be sent a notification of a positive decision indicating the registration number.

After registration is completed, the need to pay insurance premiums begins. The rules for depositing funds are regulated by Government Decree No. 790.

Required documents

Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs Defense No. 108n of 2019 establishes the need to present the following documentation for registration with the Social Insurance Fund:

  • an application drawn up in accordance with a specific form (provided for by law - Appendix No. 2 to the Regulations);
  • a photocopy of a civil passport certified by a private entrepreneur.

On your own initiative, you can present a photocopy of a certificate confirming registration with the tax office, as well as a copy of the certificate of registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur, to the territorial branch of the FSS.

If a citizen does not submit these documents, then this is not a basis for a negative decision on registration, since FSS employees must request this information on their own.

Who pays?

Payment of benefits in connection with pregnancy and childbirth is carried out by the Social Insurance Fund.

Individual entrepreneurs often have a question: where will the funds be transferred? They indicate the answer to this question independently, drawing up an application for registration at the territorial branch of the FSS.

There are several options to choose from:

  • receiving funds through a receipt by contacting the Russian Post;
  • through a credit company;
  • through other organizations.

Calculation features

It is important to consider several features of the calculation. Thus, an entrepreneur is not obliged to pay insurance contributions to the Social Insurance Fund if:

  • is on leave in connection with pregnancy and childbirth;
  • stays at home to care for a child under 1.5 years old.

Moreover, a private entrepreneur may not pay contributions to the Social Insurance Fund if there are documents confirming the lack of income and temporary suspension of activities (for example, documentation from the tax office).

Part-time job

If a woman works in a company and decides to register as an individual entrepreneur part-time, then this is not prohibited by law.

In this case, she will receive maternity benefits from the employer, but when registering with the Social Insurance Fund on a voluntary basis, the funds will also be transferred by the Fund. It is important that the total amount should not exceed the maximum amount of sick leave.

Is it possible to open an individual entrepreneur while on maternity leave?

If a woman on maternity leave has a desire, then she can register as an individual entrepreneur.

An individual entrepreneur has the opportunity to go on maternity leave if she decides to temporarily stop working in order to fully focus on the child. In order to quickly prepare the necessary documents and not encounter difficulties, you should take into account the features of maternity leave for an individual entrepreneur.

Going on maternity leave: basic rules

Facts relevant for expectant mothers:

  1. A woman can go on maternity leave only after reaching 30 weeks of pregnancy. If more than one child is expected, the period increases.
  2. Leave is taken on sick leave, which is issued for 140 days. This period covers the time before and after childbirth.
  3. Sometimes the period of maternity leave is extended to 160 days. Typically, such relief is given to women who experience complications during pregnancy or childbirth.

You can receive payments from the state not only during preparation for childbirth and a short period after it, but also for several months while caring for a child. It is permissible to apply for maternity leave not only for a woman, but also for her husband. The maximum period of maternity leave is 36 months, but you can only receive significant payments from the state for 18 months.

All women, without exception, including unemployed people, have the opportunity to receive benefits. The only condition in order to be able to submit the appropriate application is to pay contributions to the Social Insurance Fund in advance. People working in enterprises do not have to worry about this stage, since deductions are written off automatically. For individual entrepreneurs, this procedure is optional and is performed on a voluntary basis.

Important! If a female individual entrepreneur decided to go on maternity leave, but did not pay her contribution to the Social Insurance Fund, she is not entitled to benefits. In order not to encounter difficulties, but to have stable financial assistance until the child turns 3 years old, it is necessary to pay contributions in advance. The total amount will be more than 2000 rubles. in year. A woman has the opportunity to repay the amount monthly or pay it immediately.

How to register with the Social Insurance Fund

To go on maternity leave, you need to collect a package of documents in advance to submit to the Social Insurance Fund:

  • passport or other identification document;
  • registration certificate issued by the tax authorities;
  • OGRN.

If the documents are submitted on time, the woman will be registered. In order to continue to receive maternity benefits, you must pay contributions every month and also submit reports annually.

Important! Women individual entrepreneurs do not have to pay contributions to the Pension Fund if they do not continue to engage in professional activities during maternity leave. The time a woman took while on maternity leave will be deducted from her length of service if she fails to pay contributions to the Pension Fund.

Exact time of maternity leave

The final decision in this matter is made by the gynecologist. In order to avoid mistakes when determining the duration of pregnancy, it is necessary, when the first symptoms of their presence occur, to come for an examination to a gynecologist and register. This action must also be performed in order to regularly monitor the progress of pregnancy.

In standard cases, a woman has the opportunity to go on maternity leave at 30 weeks of pregnancy. If the doctor determines the presence of complications that may negatively affect the birth process, as well as in the case of pregnancy with more than one child, a sick leave certificate is issued a little earlier, at 28 weeks. It is up to the doctor to determine the duration of maternity leave. If no complications arise, leave is granted for exactly 70 days before and after delivery. In the presence of complicating factors, the time in most cases increases.

If a woman has taken care of the timely payment of contributions to the Social Insurance Fund, there are no obstacles to the successful registration of maternity benefits. You need to do the following:

  1. Apply.
  2. Prepare a certificate confirming the fact of pregnancy registration.
  3. Go through the process of applying for sick leave.
  4. After the birth of the child, submit a separate application for maternity leave to care for him.
  5. Attach a copy of your birth certificate.

Women who are officially married must also provide a certificate from their spouse’s place of work.

How to calculate the amount of payments

To find out the exact amount of payments in advance, you need to perform calculations in advance. To do this, you will need to analyze the following factors:

  1. Average annual income level.
  2. Insurance experience.
  3. Practice in a specific region.
  4. in a certain area.

What additional payments are due to women running a business?

Some social benefits paid by the state are accrued not only to those who paid contributions to the insurance fund, but to all women. Subject to timely registration at the antenatal clinic (up to 12 months of pregnancy), the woman will be paid a one-time benefit in the amount of 632 rubles.

Payments are also made after the birth of the child. The benefit amount is more than 16,000 rubles. The percentage of payments of one-time benefits to women individual entrepreneurs does not differ from unemployed women and those who have an employment contract with the company.

If a woman is not pregnant with her first child, it is possible to receive additional financial benefits.

In many cases, various benefits are provided; if necessary, you can obtain special conditions when taking out or recalculating a loan.

When a child turns one and a half years old and until he reaches 3 years old, a monthly allowance of 50 rubles is paid. To obtain it, you must submit a package of documents. Many women do not apply for this benefit due to the small amount.

The main and most significant payment is maternity benefits. Its amount is more than 35,850 rubles. If more than one child is born, or complications arise during pregnancy or childbirth, the duration of maternity leave increases, which affects the amount of benefits.

Parents with many children need to pay attention to regional and federal benefits. To receive them, you must submit an appropriate application if there are suitable programs. To find out if you are currently eligible for additional benefits, you need to check the availability of programs in your area.

Is it possible to receive maternity benefits if you have not previously paid contributions to the Social Insurance Fund?

If the insurance contract was concluded in the same year when registration with the Social Insurance Fund took place, you can hope to receive maternity benefits. In this case, you should pay the entire amount for the current year, and apply for payments next year. This activity must be completed no later than six months after the end of the sick leave period.

Work experience: features

When a woman goes on maternity leave, the time spent caring for the child is counted as work experience. In order not to lose these years, you must present a sick leave certificate, which is also necessary for calculating child care benefits. This rule is relevant for all women, with the exception of individual entrepreneurs. In order not to interrupt her work experience, a businesswoman must pay a contribution to the Pension Fund throughout her maternity leave. Otherwise, the time spent on maternity leave will not be counted when calculating your pension.

In order to easily receive all the payments required by law when going on maternity leave, you need to prepare a package of documents, take care of registering with the Social Insurance Fund and paying contributions in advance, and register with the antenatal clinic in a timely manner. All women receive part of the payments, regardless of compliance with certain requirements and labor status. Other benefits can be received only if the listed rules are followed.

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