
Accepting card payments or how to accept credit card payments? We use plastic cards in payments We accept payment types: bank cards

From January 1, 2015, Rospotrebnadzor departments have the right to control and fine companies that do not accept cards from retail customers.

Who has the obligation to accept cards?

Since June 30, 2014, all sellers with revenue over 60 million rubles must accept not only cash, but also plastic cards for payment. Moreover, it is necessary to provide customers with the opportunity to pay with a card not only when selling goods, but also when performing work or providing services. For example, in beauty salons, hairdressers, etc. In addition, manufacturing companies should also accept cards for one-time sales in

The obligation to accept cards does not apply only to companies and entrepreneurs whose revenue (excluding VAT) does not exceed 60 million rubles per year (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 02/09/13 No. 101, clause 1 of Article 16.1 of the Law of the Russian Federation dated 02/07/92 No. 23001). With a limit of 60 million rubles, it is necessary to take into account cash and non-cash proceeds from sales. At the same time, it needs to be calculated for the company as a whole and for all types of activities, and not for each outlet and separately for retail. For example, if a company has opened a small retail store and sells wholesale (including goods of its own production), it is necessary to add up the income from the two businesses. If they exceed 60 million rubles, then the store will need terminals for accepting cards.

How to switch to non-cash payments

Companies that are switching to accepting cashless payments should adhere to the following algorithm.

Step 1. First you need to choose a bank that will provide non-cash payments. When paying with cards, the store pays the bank a commission of an average of 1-5 percent of the transaction amount. Each bank has different rates, so it’s worth considering several offers and choosing the best one. It is not necessary to choose the bank where the company has a current account.

Step 2 It is necessary to contact the bank for servicing. To do this, you need to submit a package of documents: a copy of the registration certificate, certificate of inspection, constituent agreement or decision to create a company, passport and chief accountant, etc. Before transferring copies of passports of company employees to the bank, you must obtain written permission from them to process personal data.

Step 3 Special equipment will be required for calculations. You can get a payment terminal from the bank for free, but then you need to pay a monthly fee for using the equipment (on average 1,500 rubles). Or you can buy your own and negotiate with the bank about installation.

How to organize work with cards

As a rule, the bank with which the company enters into an acquiring agreement (for accepting bank cards) provides personnel training services. But so that the cashier always remembers the rules, the company can issue special instructions for employees who work with payment terminals (see sample below). By the way, if the cashier previously only accepted cash for payment, he will have new functions. This means that it is necessary to conclude an additional agreement to the employment contract.

When paying with cards, the cashier must issue a cash register receipt along with a terminal receipt. However, not all sellers are required to do this.

What are the possible fines?

For refusing to accept bank cards for payment, the company can be fined from 30 to 50 thousand rubles, and the manager - from 15 to 30 thousand rubles (Part 4 of Article 14.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). Cases of such violations are considered only by the departments of Rospotrebnadzor (Part 1 of Article 23.49 of the Administrative Code). Therefore, if the terminal is not working, it is safer to close the cash register and temporarily not serve customers. But if payments do not go through due to the fault of the bank or the buyer, then fines can be avoided. But the reasons for failures must be documented.

In this article we will consider new opportunities for processing payment transactions performed using a plastic card in 1C: Accounting 8.3.

Starting with version 3.0.34 of the software solution “1C: Accounting 8.3 (revision 3.0)”, the cash document accounting block includes a new document - “Payment by payment card”. This document is intended to reflect transactions of accepting payments from customers, as well as consolidated revenue from a manual point of sale using a plastic card.

In order to create a document, we need the “Bank and cash desk” section, where in the “Cashier” group we select the “Payments by payment cards” item

A journal will open in the window, where we click the “Create” button and indicate the type that will be used – “Retail revenue” or “Payment from the buyer”.

In order to reflect all transactions for payment through a plastic card by the buyer of goods, services or work, we select the type of transaction that is equal to the value “Payment from the buyer”

After we have chosen the type of transaction, we need to indicate the counterparty and type of payment in the header of the document

Next, let’s turn to the directory “Types of payments for organizations,” which stores information about the conditions for servicing the organization by the acquiring bank. When adding a new directory item, we will need to fill in the fields

  • “Payment type” – select “payment card” or “bank loan”, in our example this is the first option
  • “Name” – we can indicate the name of the payment system, for us it is Visa
  • The acquiring bank is indicated in the “counterparty” field
  • In the “agreement” field - the agreement that was concluded with the organization for the provision of acquiring services
  • “Settlement account” - as it was seasoned in account 57.03 “Sales by payment cards”
  • “% of bank commission” – reflects the amount of commission that the bank charges for its services. The amount of interest will be taken into account in the account of other expenses.
  • After we have filled out and posted the document, the system will generate entries for accounting and tax purposes

When the funds arrive in the organization’s current account, you will need to take into account the amount of the bank’s commission. This can be done by entering, based on the document “Payment by payment card,” the bank document “Receipt to the current account.” In this case, the system will automatically calculate the amount of the acquiring bank’s commission and generate the corresponding transactions

In order for transactions related to the capitalization of retail non-cash revenue at a manual point of sale to be reflected, we will need to create a document that indicates the type of transaction “Retail Revenue”

The question of how to pay for your purchases with a contactless card has become relevant with the expansion of banking technologies. Contactless payment has entered our lives relatively recently, but all new cards in large Russian banks (for example, Sberbank) are already being issued with the ability to pay for purchases with one touch.

The one-touch payment technology is called differently by different payment systems, but essentially has the same principle. PayPass for MasterCard or payWave for VISA is a contactless payment method implemented using a chip that transmits a radio signal to the terminal and allows payment to be made without direct physical contact and entering a PIN code (for purchases worth up to 1,000 rubles).

The convenience of this method cannot be overestimated. First of all, the absence of the need for physical contact prevents premature failure of the card. The ability to only touch the device, and not insert the entire card into it, allows you to use it much longer, because the chip is thus not damaged.

In addition, using this payment method is extremely convenient for making daily small purchases, such as lunch in a cafe or buying groceries. In the store, you no longer need to give the card to the seller, waste time entering a PIN code, counting out cash, etc. – payment occurs instantly and safely.

At the moment, new terminals are being actively introduced in Russia, and you can pay for a purchase or service even in small grocery stores or provincial hairdressers. However, in remote settlements, cardholders are most often deprived of this opportunity. The card allows you to make payments in the usual way, so there is no loss for the owner.

Instructions for paying with a contactless card

Many of those who have not yet had experience with contactless payment cards are wondering how exactly to apply the card to the terminal? Where exactly should I put it? The answer is simple: there is no difference in which side the card is applied to the terminal. The radio wave transmitter is capable of picking up a signal at a distance of up to 10 cm, however, in order to avoid interruption of the operation, it is still recommended to bring the card close to or touch the reader.

Pros and cons of technology

Of course, using a card with contactless payment is extremely convenient and fast. But what about security?

On the one hand, you don’t need to hand the card over to the cashier once again, you don’t have to show your card password once again, and in general, transactions are completed in record time, so attackers have less chance of catching you by surprise. But what are the disadvantages of this method?

Important! The downside of the record speed of contactless payment is that you can make small purchases using it without a PIN code. An attacker who gets his hands on such a card can pay for purchases with it indefinitely (or rather, until the end of the funds in the victim’s personal account) without knowing its password. But it won’t be long before you come to your senses and block your account.

This problem is partially solved by mobile banking applications. They allow you to set a limit on the amount of contactless payment for a specific card and instantly block the account if it is lost.

In addition, the disadvantage of such cards is their relative fragility. They should not be bent and water should be avoided getting on the chip - the “plastic” contains an antenna that can be easily damaged.

Otherwise, a card with contactless payment is superior to regular cards in terms of convenience and speed of transactions, and with due care and reasonable use, the owner may never encounter its disadvantages, but everyone will definitely appreciate the advantages.


To select payment for goods using a bank card, on the corresponding page of the site, you must click the “Payment by bank card” button.

Description of the data transfer process

To pay for the purchase, you will be redirected to the payment gateway of PJSC "Sberbank of Russia" to enter your card details. Please prepare your plastic card in advance. The connection to the payment gateway and the transfer of information is carried out in a secure mode using the SSL encryption protocol.
If your bank supports the Verified By Visa or MasterCard Secure Code technology for secure online payments, you may also need to enter a special password to make a payment. You can check the methods and possibility of obtaining passwords for making online payments with the bank that issued the card.
This site supports 256-bit encryption. The confidentiality of the reported personal information is ensured by PJSC Sberbank of Russia. The entered information will not be provided to third parties except in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Payments by bank cards are carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of Visa Int payment systems. and MasterCard Europe Sprl.

Description of the payment process

When choosing a form of payment using a plastic card, payment for the order is made immediately after its registration. After completing the order in our store, you will have to click on the “Payment by bank card” button, and the system will switch you to the authorization server page, where you will be asked to enter your plastic card data, initiate its authorization, and then return to our store with the button "Back to the store." After you return to our store, the system will notify you of the authorization results. If authorization is confirmed, your order will be automatically processed in accordance with the conditions you specified. If your card authorization is refused, you will be able to repeat the payment procedure.

When canceling an order

When canceling items from a paid order (or when canceling the entire order), you can order another product for this amount, or return the entire amount to the card by first writing an e-mail.


Delivery is made by courier service or Russian Post on the 1-2nd day from the moment the money is credited to our account. When receiving the goods, the representative of the legal entity must have a power of attorney with a seal from the paying company or the seal itself. Private buyers must present the cardholder's passport to receive the goods.


Warranty maintenance of equipment during the entire warranty period is carried out by authorized service centers of the relevant manufacturers. The manager will be able to tell you the address of the nearest service center. A prerequisite for warranty repairs is the presence of a warranty card, in which the fields with the name of the product, warranty period, date of sale and serial number of the device must be filled in.

Payment by bank cards is carried out after verification of the order by the manager of the online store.

Payment by VISA bank cards

All types of VISA payment cards are accepted for payment, with the exception of Visa Electron. In most cases, the Visa Electron card is not applicable for online payments, with the exception of cards issued by individual banks. You need to check with the issuing bank of your card about the possibility of paying with a Visa Electron card.

Payment by MasterCard credit cards

All types of MasterCard are accepted for payment on the site.

What you need to know:

  • your credit card number;
  • expiration date of your credit card, month/year;
  • CVV code for Visa cards / CVC code for Master Card (last 3 digits on the signature strip on the back of the card).

If your card does not have a CVC / CVV code, then the card may not be suitable for CNP transactions (i.e. transactions in which the card itself is not present, but its details are used), and you should contact your bank for detailed information. information.


Payment for orders through SBERBANK is carried out after checking the order by the manager of the online store.
To pay for your order, you must print a payment receipt from the store's website.
We warn you that SBERBANK charges a commission for the payment service.


How to pay by bank card

By clicking on the "Go to the website of the SBERBANK payment system" button, you will be redirected to the payment gateway of Sberbank of Russia PJSC, where you can specify the details of your bank card*. The connection to the payment gateway and the transfer of your plastic card parameters is carried out in a secure mode using the 128-bit SSL encryption protocol.

If the Issuing Bank of your plastic card supports Verified By VISA or MasterCard SecureCode technology for secure online payments, be prepared to provide a special password required for successful payment. You can check the methods and possibility of obtaining a password for making online payments with the bank that issued your card.

When choosing a form of payment using a bank card, payment for the order is made immediately after confirmation by the manager. After confirmation of the order by the manager, you will need to go to the personal account of your order (using the 20-digit unique order number received during registration) and click on the “Payment by bank card” button, and the system will redirect you to the Sberbank authorization server page, where you You will be asked to enter your plastic card details, initiate its authorization, after which you can return to our store by clicking on the “Return to store” button. After returning to our store, the system will notify you of the authorization results.

Until successful confirmation of payment is received, your order will be in standby mode; after five days of waiting for payment to be received, the order will be automatically canceled. After successful confirmation of payment, your order will be transferred to delivery mode to the specified address. If your card authorization is refused, you will be able to repeat the payment procedure.

Sberbank allocates 20 minutes for processing a payment, so please prepare your plastic card in advance. If you do not have enough time allocated for payment or if card authorization is refused, you can repeat the payment procedure.

*Confidentiality of the reported personal information is ensured by PJSC Sberbank of Russia. The entered information will not be provided to third parties except in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Payments by bank cards are carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of Visa Int payment systems. and MasterCard Europe Sprl.


When removing goods from a paid order or canceling the entire order, you can order another product for the same amount, or return the entire amount to the card with the help of your manager.

Delivery and issuance of orders paid for with a plastic card

Delivery of items paid by plastic card is carried out from the day the money is credited to our account.
To receive the goods, private buyers must present the passport of the owner of the plastic card used to pay for the order.
A representative of a legal entity must have a power of attorney with a seal from the paying company or the seal itself.

In 2017, buyers became more willing to pay with bank cards, while the share of cash payments decreased by 5%. In 2018, the gap between these two indicators will increase, given the global trend.

According to the British consulting company RBR, in 2016, transactions using bank cards increased by 14% - their number increased to 310 billion. Analysts say that by 2022 this figure will reach 483 billion.

For businesses, this means one thing: the need to provide a convenient card payment procedure for their clients. Now there are several options for solving this problem: from POS terminals to merchant platforms.

1. Transaction cash desks: POS terminals

The merchant acquiring service implies technological, settlement and information services to organizations for payment transactions using payment cards on bank equipment. The company enters into an agreement with the bank, and the bank installs payment terminals (POS) and/or PIN pads at the point of sale for making payments.

Principle of operation

POS terminals are electronic devices that read information from plastic cards and provide communication with the bank to obtain permission to write off funds.

Acquiring banks offer different configurations of POS terminals, including mPOS, wireless devices for couriers delivering goods to the place of order - we will talk about them in the next section. The panel for entering the security code of a bank card - PIN pad - is connected to a POS terminal or cash register. It is not necessary to use such devices, since the code can also be entered at the POS terminal, but it is convenient and saves time: the panel is installed outside the cash register, and the cashier does not need to hand the terminal to the buyer each time to enter the code.

There is a separate type of PIN pads - a hybrid of a code entry panel and a POS terminal. The buyer himself inserts the card into the device, enters the PIN code and presses the button to complete the transaction. Such a device does not print receipts and does not have its own communication modules.

Cost of acquiring solutions

The cost of servicing POS systems consists of the cost of equipment for making payments and the fee that the bank charges for providing services. The numbers vary from 10-15 to 40 thousand, depending on the brand of the device. On average, a PIN pad costs 10,000 rubles. You can find options a little cheaper or more expensive. Banks may charge a subscription fee for acquiring services - for example, at MTS Bank the service will cost 1,499 rubles per month. The commission, which is paid to the bank at the time of making payments, averages 2%, depending on the bank’s conditions.

Acquiring services

You can not enter into an agreement with the bank directly, but contact a company that will act as an intermediary between your company and the bank. The commission in this case will be even lower, since such services enter into an agreement with the bank on favorable terms, and the service’s own commission will be compensated for by this. Plus, you don’t have to solve organizational issues yourself. Similar services are offered on the market, for example, “” or.

"Pros and cons"

Advantages of acquiring solutions:

  • Increasing the solvency of customers through non-cash payments (on average, when paying with a card, a buyer will be able to spend approximately 20% more money than if he paid in cash),
  • Reducing the risk of fraud, theft, receiving counterfeit funds,
  • Reducing the time of payment transactions - payment by card is faster, and the cashier does not need to count change,
  • Increased customer flow,
  • Savings on banking services - including collection and commission charged by the bank for crediting cash to a current account.


  • The need to pay the bank a commission for conducting transactions, which can reach 4%,
  • A period of one to three business days for the buyer’s funds to be credited to the account,
  • Expenses for the purchase or rental of equipment, its maintenance.

2. Mobile terminals - mPOS

It is not necessary to use specialized equipment as a POS terminal. The role of the terminal can be performed by a mobile device. All that is required to carry out an operation using this scheme is a device, an adapter and an Internet connection to communicate with the bank’s server.

Principle of operation

Reading from the card is done using an adapter that connects using BlueTooth, via a MiniJack connector or a 30-pin connector for Apple devices. It is also necessary to install special software that will allow the equipment to operate without failures. You can download it from the App Store or Google Play.

Scope of application and cost of using technology

Mobile acquiring is relevant for those areas of business where bank cards are accepted for payment irregularly, or in taxis and delivery services that require constant movement around the city and acceptance of payments on the spot.

The cost of a POS system for retail enterprises is from 100 to 1500 rubles, the difference with traditional POS terminals is quite noticeable. In addition to this cost there is a bank commission - on average from 2.5 to 2.9% - and the cost of Internet provider services. Just as in the case of traditional POS terminals, you can enter into an agreement directly with the bank or use the services of a specialized service like.

The price for SST terminals is about 30,000 rubles, but you must also take into account the presence of deductions from the company you contact for self-service acquiring services.

"Pros and cons"

Advantages of using SST terminals for accepting bank cards:

  • Full automation of payments - the user independently performs all operations without the help of a cashier,
  • Increasing customer loyalty,
  • No need to hire a cashier,
  • Possibility of making any payments using bank cards.


  • The need for equipment maintenance - checking and eliminating software errors, repairs in case of mechanical damage to the device,
  • The need to hire consultants to work with terminals is in cases where the flow of applicants is too large, and the majority of users do not have the necessary skills.

4. Internet acquiring and mobile banking

Internet acquiring is a type of acquiring that allows you to avoid physically reading bank cards for payment. The operation is carried out via the Internet, and for payment you can use virtual bank cards and electronic wallets that do not have carriers in the form of plastic cards.

Principle of operation

After placing an order in the store, the client is redirected to a secure payment page to enter bank card details. The store exchanges data with the bank server, the user receives an authorization request. After confirmation of payment, the amount is debited and payment for the order is registered in the system.

Internet acquiring services and their costs

Internet acquiring services are offered by most large banks: Russian Standard, Alfa Bank, Sberbank and others. The cost of such a service consists of several parts of the commission:

  • The commission used for settlements of the payment system,
  • Commission of the issuing bank of the plastic card participating in the financial transaction,
  • Commission of the acquiring bank and the processing center that accepts the payment.

Currently, tariffs require a total charge of no more than 2-4% of the payment amount. In most cases, the commission is charged to the seller, but sometimes providers offer a customizable commission amount to split between the seller and the buyer. If turnover is small, it is advisable to use an e-commerce solution such as Yandex.Checkout, WalletOne or PayAnyWay. The aggregator’s high turnover will allow you to use the bank’s services with a reduced commission.

"Pros and cons"

Advantages of Internet acquiring:

  • Increase in the number of clients due to greater availability of payments
  • Reducing costs for the purchase and maintenance of cash register equipment, hiring cashiers
  • Global scale
  • 24/7 payment acceptance

The disadvantages are associated primarily not with Internet acquiring technology, but with the specifics of online purchases: users still treat this format with distrust. According to 2016 data from antivirus company ESET, online payments were not trusted by 64% of users.

5. E-commerce and m-commerce: accepting cards on the payment recipient’s website

According to eMarketer, the annual growth in the popularity of E-commerce in the world is more than 17%: over the past two years in the United States, the e-commerce market has grown by 25%, in the Eurozone - by 30%.

The share of purchases made using mobile devices is increasing, and therefore mobile commerce is gradually becoming an independent segment of E-commerce. In Russia, this market is still at the stage of technology development, and the share of mobile purchases is about 20%, but according to J’son & Partners Consulting, in 2018 the level of mobile Internet penetration in Russia will exceed 85%, and the number of mobile users will reach 130 million.

Principle of operation

E/m-commerce technology involves the use of specialized payment systems that are integrated into the website and allow you to make payments instantly. The most famous example of such a system, which almost everyone has encountered, is PayPal. Among Russian analogues -,. The project also offers the service of integrating a payment module onto the company’s website. Using his mobile personal account, you can track the status of invoice payments, analytics, conversion and details of a specific payment. Notifications about each payment come instantly and are recorded in the application history.

The cost of website maintenance depends on the tariffs of the system you choose to provide e-commerce services. So, for the Robokassa service this amount will be up to 7% of the payment amount - depending on the type of card used for payment. The commission can be distributed between the seller and the buyer or completely covered by the company - most services provide this choice.

The pros and cons of the technology for accepting payments using payment systems on the site correspond to what we described above for mobile banking. However, in this case, your advantage also lies in the fact that you do not interact with an additional intermediary - the bank.

Principle of operation

The seller pre-registers on the website of the service providing the service and connects payments to his website using one of the proposed solutions. For example, in the Fondy Merchant Portal application this could be a simple payment button or various CMS modules. This system also allows you to integrate contactless collection of funds with 3D Secure and NFC support directly into the mobile application. After this, all that remains is to install the application, and the seller has the opportunity to accept payments from physical and virtual cards via a smartphone, as well as control the receipt of funds into the account at any time, no matter where the seller is.

Solutions like Fondy Merchant Portal are suitable for accepting contactless NFC payments to street food sellers, coffee shops, handmade craftsmen, flower kiosks, car services, farm shops, repair and transport service companies.

"Pros and cons"

Advantages of using merchant platforms:

  • Absolute autonomy - to make payments you don’t need anything other than a mobile phone or tablet and Internet access,
  • Maintenance and support 24/7,
  • Support for a large number of banks, cards and currencies,
  • No need to purchase additional equipment,
  • Reduced financial risks - thus, the platform reduces risks by working simultaneously with several settlement banks,
  • Reducing the number of payments rejected due to the fault of banks: if the main acquiring bank rejects the payment, the merchant platform redirects it to another bank in the hope of a positive response


  • Possibility of attack using relay. This risk is minimal, since to attack the attacker must send a reader request to the victim and transmit the response further to the reader in real time, but we are talking about

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