
Tasks of the Poles State University Olympiad on the basics of financial literacy (correspondence round). Tasks to test the level of financial literacy Let's listen to the advice of our children

The publication was prepared within the framework of the joint project of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the World Bank “Promoting the level of financial literacy of the population and the development of financial education in the Russian Federation.”

Any person in our society daily faces numerous issues that actively involve him in the process of interaction with financial institutions. Such interaction begins in childhood, and as they grow older, the level of problems solved constantly increases. It is obvious that already at school age a child needs to develop those basic concepts and skills that will subsequently allow him to make optimal financial decisions, successfully solve emerging financial problems, and promptly identify and prevent financial fraud.

The curriculum is designed for students in grades 10–11 and is designed taking into account the psychological characteristics of adolescents. Schoolchildren aged 16–18 already have the necessary knowledge, skills, abilities and tools that would allow them to correctly perceive the topics offered to them as part of the “Financial Literacy” course. It is in the graduating classes that one can study topics that cannot be correctly understood and understood by students of an earlier age. In addition, 11th grade schoolchildren, after graduating from school, actually enter an independent life, in which knowledge about financial institutions and the peculiarities of interaction with them becomes extremely important for full inclusion in society and achieving personal financial well-being.

The proposed course for improving the financial literacy of schoolchildren in grades 10–11 involves disclosing key issues in the functioning of financial institutions and interaction with them. The course covers such concepts as a commercial bank, investment fund, securities market, tax system, pension fund, etc. Students must learn the basics of interaction with banks, pension funds, tax authorities, insurance companies in the process of forming savings, obtaining loans, payment of taxes, insurance of personal and property risks, etc.

The list of topics proposed for study corresponds to the required minimum of basic financial knowledge for a successful young person in modern society.

Financial literacy: curriculum. 10 – 11 grades of general education organization (secondary general education)

The program determines the volume, structure and content of the educational process for teaching the basics of financial literacy. The program indicates the goals and objectives of the course, the planned educational results and the system for their assessment, describes the forms and methods of organizing the educational process, and also provides a list of educational, methodological and resources.

Financial literacy: materials for students. 10 – 11 grades of general education organization

The manual outlines in an accessible form the main aspects of personal finance management, taking into account current trends in the development of the financial sector of the economy and current legislation. The tasks contained in the manual are aimed at developing students’ cognitive activity, independence and initiative in the field of personal finance management.

Financial literacy: guidelines for teachers. 10 – 11 grades of general education organization

The manual contains additional materials and recommendations for teachers on organizing and conducting classes at all stages of teaching the basics of financial literacy in high school. A special place is occupied by thematic tasks, puzzles, mazes, and educational game scenarios that help motivate schoolchildren to learn financial literacy and help find solutions to financial problems.
Financial literacy: materials for parents. 10 – 11 grades of general education organization

The materials will help parents develop rational financial behavior skills in teenagers. The materials are presented in the form of answers from a financial advisor to the most pressing questions from the everyday financial life of families.

Financial literacy: control measurement materials. 10 – 11 grades of general education organization

Tasks of the PolesSU Olympiad on the basics of financial literacy (correspondence round)

Questions (Enter the answer after the question)

(each correct answer to a question is worth 3 points):

Task 6 (each correctly inserted term is scored 1 point): Insert words and phrases from the proposed list in place of the missing words in the text.

The banking system of the Republic of Belarus is not an isolated system, but an integral part 1)____________________ of the Republic of Belarus. The banking system is 2)_________________ and includes 3)_________________ and 4)________________. The relationships between participants in the banking system are defined 5)________________, including 6)______________________.

The main objectives of the National Bank are: protection and ensuring the stability of 7)________________, including 8)_________________ and 9)_________________ in relation to foreign currencies; ensuring stability 10) _________________; ensuring efficient, reliable and safe operation 11) ____________________.

Banks, in accordance with the norms of the Banking Code of the Republic of Belarus, are 12)_______________, their activities are aimed at obtaining 13)______________.

The specificity of banking activity lies in the exclusive right of banks to attract 14)______________________ and place them on their own behalf and at their own expense on the terms 15)_______________, 16)________________, 17)_______________, open and conduct 18)_____________________. The Bank also has the right to carry out other banking operations and activities provided for by law.

Relationships between banks and clients are built on the basis of 19)_________________ and 20)____________________. At the same time, banks independently determine 21)______________________ with clients, including 22)______________________, 23)______________________, carry out their 24)_________________ regarding the fees (remuneration) charged for the provision of banking services.

It should be noted that in accordance with the law, 25)_________________ and 26)_________________ are free to choose a servicing bank. Currently, in the Republic of Belarus, there is a high level of 27)______________ in the banking services market, which forces banks to constantly improve their work to form and optimize 28)____________________ and increase 29)____________ for clients.

Thus, the consumer has the right to choose 30)____________, the range of services provided and the conditions for the proposed 31)________________ will be most beneficial for him.

B. Banking system of the Republic of Belarus.

B. Banking products.

D. Bank accounts of individuals and legal entities.

D. Banking Code of the Republic of Belarus.

E. Banking legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

E. Belarusian ruble.

G. Investors.

H. Returnability.

D. Temporarily available funds of individuals and legal entities.

I. Two-level system.

J. Availability of banking services.

K. Concluded agreements.

L. Legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

M. Commercial organizations.

N. Competition.

A. Borrowers.

P. Belarusian ruble exchange rate.

R. National Bank.

C. Payment system.

T. Payment.

U. Purchasing power of the Belarusian ruble.

F. Profit.

X. The amount of interest for using loans.

C. Interest rate on funds raised.

Ch. Urgency.

Sh. Cost of banking services.

Sh. Tariff policy.

Yu. Financial and credit system.

Size: px

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1 MOSCOW OLYMPIAD ON FINANCIAL LITERACY GRADES 5-7 Option 1 Problem 1. (8 points) Vitya celebrates his birthday on February 1st. On this day, his grandmother gave him 10 thousand rubles, which the boy wants to save to buy roller skates in May, when it will be warm outside and he can skate on them. In order to keep the money from lying around at home, Vitya asked his grandmother to open a deposit account and put the entire amount into it. They went together to the bank, where the operator offered a choice of four deposit options. Which one should Vita choose in order to get maximum income and at the same time buy videos. A. demand deposit at an interest rate of 0.1% per annum; b. deposit for 3 months at a rate of 7% per annum, with early withdrawal the interest rate is equal to the rate on demand deposits; V. deposit for 6 months at a rate of 9% per annum, with early withdrawal the interest rate is equal to the rate on demand deposits; d. deposit for 12 months at a rate of 11% per annum, if withdrawn early after 6 months, interest is paid at a rate of 8% per annum, if withdrawn before the expiration of 6 months, the interest rate is equal to the rate on demand deposits. Problem 2. (8 points) Maxim walks to school past the huge shiny windows of a financial institution. One day he saw an advertisement in its windows: “Bring us money, and in a month we will return 5% more.” The advertisement was bright and showed a young businessman getting into a new car with a wad of money in his hands. Maxim also wanted a new car and a wad of money. He approached his father and asked him to use the money saved by Maxim to open a deposit in the financial organization that had colorful advertisements in its windows. However, my father was surprised by this advertisement. In what case do you think the father should help Maxim and take the money to the financial organization he likes?

2 a. if this financial organization is a bank and is included in the deposit insurance system; b. if this financial organization has its own website on the Internet; V. if in a financial organization, when accepting money from the population, a deposit agreement is drawn up in writing and signed; d. if the financial organization has existed for at least 10 years. Answer: a. Task 3. (12 points) Alena shared with her younger brother Nikita the idea of ​​​​creating her own business. She said that she and her friend want to start baking cakes and selling them through their own outlet in the Shopping Center. Alena spoke for a long time and enthusiastically about how delicious and beautiful the cakes they would make. Nikita studied the basics of financial literacy at school, and remembered that before starting any entrepreneurial activity it is necessary to make calculations, study the market and consolidate the data into a single document. “Did you and your friend make it up?” What did Nikita ask his sister? Answer: “business plan”. Task 4. (8 points) Andrey decided to start a business and create a website selling original gift sets. His father owned a large grocery store, and Andrei planned to make beautiful gift baskets from fruits, sweets and various delicacies. The father agreed to support his son and sell him goods from the store at a 20% discount. Moreover, the father promised to advertise his son’s website in the store and among his friends and acquaintances. Andrey had to decide where to get the money to open a business. My father agreed to give money for the business, but at an interest rate of 16% per annum. Andrey tried to contact the bank, but they refused him a loan, then he turned to a microfinance organization that was ready to give a small amount for promotion at a preferential rate of 1% per day. The young man thought about it and decided to take advantage of the microfinance organization’s offer. What do you think should be the father’s reaction to his son’s decision: a. the father should praise his son for his resourcefulness and ability to find the right solution among several options;

3 b. the father must scold his son for the fact that the loan turned out to be too expensive; V. the father should praise his son for being ready to use small amounts to promote his own business; d. The father should scold his son for taking out a loan that cannot cover the entire financing need. Problem 5. (8 points) Inga has saved up 15 thousand rubles. She will need the money only in 20 days, when her birthday comes. Then her parents will give her 4 thousand rubles, and she will be able to go to the store and buy herself a smart watch. Help Inga choose the most reliable way to store savings to ensure their growth: a. convert the entire available amount into euros and deposit it in a foreign currency account at a bank at 0.01% per annum; b. open a demand deposit in the bank at 0.5% per annum; V. growth is impossible. It is necessary to leave the money at home and hide it in one of the books in dad’s bookcase; d. lend the money to your classmate at 3% for the entire period of use of the money. Problem 6. (12 points) Sergei’s father Nikolai Viktorovich owns a sum of dollars. He believes that storing money in one currency is too risky, since it is impossible to predict in advance how the exchange rate will change. Nikolai Viktorovich decided to exchange 2/3 of his existing savings in dollars: 1/3 to exchange for rubles, and 1/3 for euros. The most favorable rates set by Yuzhny Bank were: the bank's purchase rate for euros was 67 rubles. 75 kopecks, bank selling rate for euros is 68 rubles. 84 kopecks, bank purchase rate for dollars is 57 rubles. 30 kopecks, bank selling rate for dollars is 58 rubles. 10 kopecks Determine how the amount of Nikolai Viktorovich’s savings will change after he completes all exchange transactions? and dollars, 3,383.03 euros, rubles; b dollars, 3,329.46 euros, rubles; in dollars, 3,375.94 euros, rubles;

4 g dollars, 3,430.26 euros, rubles. Dollars dollars 1/3 = dollars. Euro dollars 57.30 rubles / 68.84 rubles = 3,329.46 euros. Rubles dollars 57.30 rubles = rubles. Problem 7. (8 points) Oleg’s monthly earnings are rubles. Oleg gives 30% of his earnings to his mother, lunches cost him 2,500 rubles, travel expenses amount to rubles, and the same amount for visiting cinemas, rubles. are spent on small things, Oleg tries to save the rest. In how many months will Oleg be able to buy a sports bike for rubles? (Insert your answer as a whole number, without spaces or units of measurement.) Answer: 7. Oleg’s monthly savings = , =3600 rubles. / month. Accumulation period of the required amount = /.94 7 months. Problem 8. (12 points) Fedor’s family is deciding on the need to purchase a new car. What additional mandatory expenses in this regard need to be included in the family budget? A. insurance premiums for compulsory motor liability insurance, insurance premiums for CASCO, garage rental, fuel and maintenance costs; b. insurance premiums for compulsory motor liability insurance, transport tax, state duty, fuel and maintenance costs; V. CASCO insurance premiums, garage rental, fuel and maintenance costs, transport tax. When registering a vehicle, the owner is obliged to pay a state fee, also take out an MTPL insurance policy, pay insurance premiums, and pay transport tax annually. Using a car also involves mandatory fuel and maintenance costs. Rest

5 expenses can be classified as voluntary (optional). CASCO is a type of voluntary property insurance. Problem 9. (12 points) Andrey lives next to the market, and during the summer holidays he often helped one of the merchants lay fruit on the counter early in the morning. For this, the merchant gave Andrey a 10% discount on his favorite apples. But autumn came, and the price of apples rose by 10%. Despite the fact that Andrey went to school and stopped helping the merchant, the 10% discount remained for him. What will Andrey’s monthly expenses for apples now be, given that he buys 2 kilograms every month? Before the price increase, apples on the market cost 50 rubles for all buyers. per kg. (Indicate your answer as a whole number, without spaces or units of measurement.) Answer: 99. Solution: the new price of apples on the market is 55 rubles. per kg, a 10% discount is provided from this price. Thus, the price of 1 kg for Andrey will be 49.5 rubles, for 2 kg Andrey will pay 99 rubles monthly. Problem 10. (12 points) The Ivanov family owns an apartment with the necessary property worth 3 million rubles, a car, which now costs 900 thousand rubles on the market, and also has savings, some of which amount to 300 thousand rubles. placed on a bank deposit, part is invested in securities worth 200 thousand rubles, and part in the amount of 100 thousand rubles is in liquid form on a bank card and in cash. In addition, there are outstanding loans. The balance on the mortgage loan is 1.5 million rubles, the balance on the car loan is 500 thousand rubles. It is also necessary to repay the debt to relatives in the amount of 200 thousand rubles. What net worth (net wealth) does the Ivanov family have? (Please indicate your answer as a whole number, without spaces or units of measurement.) Answer: Solution: equity (net wealth) = value of property, value of liabilities. Property value = = rub. Cost of obligations = = rub. Net wealth = = rubles

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Choose the correct answer

Choose the correct answer.

1. Hyperinflation is inflation in which the increase in prices is:

a) 40% per year;

b) 80% per year;

c) 100% or more per year.

2. One of the functions of money:

a) cost distribution;

b) medium of exchange;

c) formation of financial funds.

3.Purchasing power of money:

a) rises with rising prices;

b) can rise and fall;

c) increase over time;

d) always remains constant.

4. Inflation means:

a) a fall in the price level;

b) increasing the purchasing power of money;

c) depreciation of paper money;

d) rising unemployment.

5. The price of gold is affected by:

a) appearance of gold (ingot, granules, sand, etc.)

b) place of production;

c) the amount of gold in the world.

Choose the correct statement

  1. The money supply is a combination of purchasing, payment and savings showing the mass of cash, funds, serving economic relations and belonging to citizens and business entities.
  2. The monetary aggregate M2 shows the mass of cash, non-cash money and money in bank deposits and government short-term securities.
  3. direct commodity exchange is liquidity.
  4. deflation is the reverse process of inflation.
  5. money performs the following functions: a means of circulation, a means of measuring value, a means of storing and accumulating value.
  6. Cash comes in the form of banknotes, plastic cards, and treasury notes.
  7. money is the language of the market.
  8. The money supply M0 shows the mass of non-cash money.
  9. The main property of money is its reliability.
  10. The issuer of money is an authorized commercial bank.
  11. The equation of exchange is called the correspondence of the amount of money in circulation to their real needs.
  12. The money supply M1 shows the mass of cash.
  13. the first intermediary commodity was gold.
  14. money acts as a unit of account.
  15. direct commodity exchange is liquidity.
  16. monetary circulation is the movement of money when they perform their functions in cash and non-cash forms.


Determine the amount of money needed as a medium of exchange. The sum of prices for goods sold is 4,500 billion rubles; the sum of prices of goods, works, services sold by installments, the payment period for which has not yet arrived - 42 billion rubles; the amount of payments on long-term obligations, the payment period of which has already arrived - 172 billion rubles; the amount of mutually extinguishable payments is 400 billion rubles.

Average number of money turnover per year - 1

Calculate the speed of money turnover. The money supply of cash and non-cash money is 400 billion rubles. GNP-4080 billion rubles.

Calculate the turnover of money stored in the current account. Monetary aggregates: M0=120 billion rubles, M1=360 billion rubles, M2=380 billion rubles.

Determine the amount of money needed as a medium of exchange. The sum of prices for goods sold is 5,700 billion rubles. The sum of prices of goods sold with payment by installments, the payment terms of which have not yet arrived, is 50 billion rubles. The sum of payments that have come due is 202 billion rubles. The sum of mutually redeemable payments is 498 billion rubles. The average number of money turnovers per year is 19.

The borrower took out a loan of 10 thousand rubles. for a year. A year later, the inflation rate was 40%. Determine the purchasing power of money in a year.

At what interest rate does the lender issue a loan if the actual loan interest rate is 5% and the expected inflation rate is 40% per year?

The actual interest rate on the capital advanced (i.e. excluding inflation) was 25%. The expected inflation rate is 175% per year. At what percentage per annum should an entrepreneur invest capital in order to receive income?

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and Deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state