
Sberbank of Russia. Interbank loan What to do if the money is still stolen

A number of system users "Sberbank Online" may detect an unauthorized debit of funds from their card account. The description of such a payment usually contains the line “CH Debit RUS MOSCOW SBOL”, which is incomprehensible to the user. In this material I will tell you what CH Debit RUS MOSCOW SBOL means, why such unauthorized payments occur, and how to avoid it.

This phrase is the sum of several banking terms “CH” (check - receipt, check), “Debit” (debit) “RUS MOSCOW” (Russia, Moscow), “SBOL - SberBank Online” - (Sberbank online). Simply put, you received an electronic confirmation of the transfer of money through Sberbank Online (usually this is a debit from your account). Usually such a transfer follows to another account in the same Sberbank.

The transfer of funds to the client's account is accompanied by a message.

The Sberbank Online system is not always safe

Reasons for the appearance of “CH Debit RUS MOSCOW SBOL”

After we have figured out what CH Debit RUS MOSCOW SBOL means in Sberbank, we will look into the reasons for the indicated write-off of funds. If you yourself did not transfer any money, and, nevertheless, money was withdrawn from your account, then the reasons for this may be the following:

What to do if money has been debited from your Sberbank account

If you are faced with a transfer with the status CH Debit RUS MOSCOW SBOL in Sberbank, having lost funds, and do not want the theft of money from your account to continue to occur, do the following:

Complete this application in two copies, leave one for the bank, the other for yourself with a note from the bank that the application has been accepted (request the registration number of your application). You will usually receive a written response within 10 days.


If your Sberbank Online account was debited under the codification “CH Debit RUS MOSCOW SBOL”, then this usually suggests the actions of fraudsters. I recommend filing a complaint about the controversial transaction with Sberbank and blocking your card for a while, since this loss of funds may not be the last. Then carry out the whole range of actions I have indicated, and it is quite possible that you will be able to return the money to your account.

In contact with

Messages of the Payment RUS MOSKOW SBOL type are sent to the mobile phone of a Sberbank client when funds are written off or received. The SMS also contains information about the amount and date of the transaction. This payment status is also displayed when detailing card transactions.

There are two types of CH Payment messages and Debit, receipt and debit of money from a Sberbank card. In detail it looks like this:

  1. CH Payment RUS MOSKOW SBOL - replenishment of a card account (salary transfer, transfer from an individual or another Sberbank card);
  2. CH Debit RUS MOSKOW SBOL - debiting money from the card (making purchases, transfers to other cards, paying for services, etc.).

These messages enable Sberbank users to constantly monitor their cards and accounts, preventing fraudsters from stealing money. To further protect your funds on the card, you can use insurance from Sberbank.

Is there cause for concern when receiving CH Payment and CH Debit messages?

If you are waiting for a funds transfer, Payment RUS MOSKOW SBOL will notify you that the money has arrived on your card. In addition, the sender's full name or the last 4 digits of his card from which the transfer was made may be indicated. If the amount is small, then you can immediately use the money at your discretion, for example, pay for purchases or cash out at an ATM.

If a large amount was transferred to you through Payment RUS MOSKOW SBOL, then, as a rule, you can use the money only by going through the identification procedure through the Sberbank Contact Center. A bank employee will call you on your mobile phone and ask for your passport information. After identification, the money will become available for use.

Attention! Fraudsters may call you under the guise of Sberbank employees. Be sure to pay attention to the number from which the call came. Do not hesitate to specify the last name and first name of the employee who called.

What to do if money from a Sberbank card or account in Sberbank Online is missing?

The Debit RUS MOSKOW SBOL message indicates that funds have been debited from your card account. If you are sure that you have not made any payments, then most likely you have been attacked by scammers. In this case, you must proceed as follows:

  1. Block the card through the Sberbank-online system or by calling the hotline at 900 or 8-800-555-5550, +7-495-500-5550.
  2. Submit an application to the bank branch about the disputed transaction, indicating all known facts of the transfer and your personal data.
  3. Contact the police to report the theft of funds.

Let's hope that the information turned out to be useful and helped dispel your doubts about incoming and outgoing transactions on the Sberbank card and accounts in Sberbank Online. Statuses CH Payment RUS MOSKOW SBOL and CH Debit RUS MOSCOW SBOLs are not unusual, but in some cases, they require special attention and action on the part of the bank client.

Sometimes Sberbank clients notice strange activity in their Mobile Banking. For example, the following messages are received about debiting or receiving money on a card:

  • CH Payment RUS MOSCOW SBOL + transaction amount and date;
  • CH Debit RUS MOSKOW SBOL + amount and date of funds transfer.

Should you panic when receiving such SMS from Sberbank and what should you do? Let's try to understand the issue. Let us remind you that up-to-date and detailed information, printouts and details of all financial transactions can be obtained on the bank’s website.

CH Payment RUS MOSCOW SBOL and CH Debit RUS MOSKOW SBOL what are these transactions?

Essentially, these are standard messages from Sberbank indicating that funds are being written off through Sberbank Online. You should only worry if you are absolutely sure that you did not transfer or transfer any money. For example, there is a situation when a client transferred money from one of his Sberbank cards to another, sees one of these inscriptions, which misleads him. After all, money does not arrive on another card immediately.

Also, the statuses of transfers in Sberbank Mobile Bank, “ch payment rus moscow sbol” and “ch debit rus moskow sbol” may indicate the action of fraudsters. In this case, you need to act quickly and calmly.

CH Payment RUS MOSCOW SBOL - from whom did the money come to the card?

Let's consider typical situations when a Sberbank client receives messages of this type - “CH Payment RUS MOSCOW SBOL” or “Payment to”. In addition to this line, the last name, first name and patronymic of the sender or the name of the organization may be indicated. This usually happens if you have received some amount of money on your card. Perhaps one of your friends or relatives translated it for you. Or you yourself did it from another account or card in Sberbank.

This SMS message from Sberbank means a top-up or transfer to your card. Can I spend or withdraw this money? If the amount is small, just ignore it. Bank employees will contact you if necessary. But don’t forget about security, scammers can also call under the guise of bank employees.

Therefore, you should not provide personal information, but first find out all the details of the situation. Be especially careful if supposedly “Sberbank employees” contact you through social networks and ask for the last 4 digits of your card and other confidential information.

CH Debit RUS MOSKOW SBOL - was money stolen from a card or a transfer?

If the status of the Mobile Bank message is “CH Debit RUS MOSKOW SBOL”, then there are much more reasons for concern. Usually this is a debit from the card, a transfer to another account or a transfer to another card. The situation may be complicated by the fact that you will not be able to find out the number of this card or to whom exactly the money was transferred from your card, because This is a transfer to another client’s online account through Sberbank Online.

What to do if money is stolen from a Sberbank card:

  1. If you are sure that this is fraud and the money was stolen from the card, you should immediately contact (number 900, 8-800-555-555-0 or +7-495-500-555-0) and block the services of Sberbank Online and Mobile Banking.
  2. As soon as possible, write a statement about the disputed card transaction, stating that you do not agree with the transaction and that you were not notified of the debit (). Applications may be submitted in free form. It is advisable to indicate all known data about the transfer, the exact time, amount, card number and account from which the money was stolen, and your personal data. It would be a good idea to attach a copy of your passport and card number. You make it in 2 copies, a copy with the bank’s mark for yourself and the original for Sberbank.
  3. Contact the operator's office to which the mobile bank is connected. Take a printout of calls for the last 3 months, certified by representatives of the cellular operator.
  4. Go to the police with a printout and file a statement about the theft of funds from the card.

The general scheme looks like this. Block the Sberbank card to prevent further theft of the money remaining on the bank card account. Then you need to write a statement at a bank branch to conduct a search and return the stolen money. Only after an investigation by Sberbank will it be possible to say exactly where the money went from the card. Additionally, you can write a statement to the police and prosecutor's office.

Usually, in this way (CH Debit RUS MOSKOW SBOL), scammers transfer money through the “Fast Payment” service, so to be on the safe side, it is better to disable it in advance. Where can scammers get information about your Sberbank Online account?

This usually happens after installing dubious applications for your Android phone. To keep your money safe, install only apps from the official Google Play app store and keep your Android OS updated on your smartphone. Make sure you have the latest version with built-in antivirus installed.

In addition, be careful when visiting sites on the Internet and ensure that your computer or laptop’s anti-virus software is updated promptly. Viruses and Trojans are the main cause of fraud on Sberbank cards. Do not enter Sberbank Online data on dubious sites, use only the official portal.

Some users of card accounts at Sberbank PJSC, when viewing their account balance, may notice the arrival of money to the account. The description of this payment may contain a mysterious message “CH Payment RUS MOSCOW CH Payment RUS MOSCOW SBOL”. What kind of money this is, what its purpose is and who the author of the payment is is unknown, inspiring the user to guess what to do next with the amount he received. In this material I will help such users and tell you what CH Payment RUS MOSCOW CH Payment RUS MOSCOW SBOL is, and I will also explain how to determine where the money for the payment came from.

CH Payment RUS MOSCOW CH Payment RUS MOSCOW SBOL - translation and description

This message consists of several English abbreviations, in particular “ CH" - "check" (check), "Payment" (payment), " RUS, MOSCOW" (Moscow, Russia), " SBOL» – “Sberbank Online” (Sberbank Online). That is, in totality, this phrase means that some payment has been received into your account using the Sberbank Online system.

Quite often, this description covers the calculation of wages, pensions, benefits, assistance, and other types of state (municipal, private) transfers of funds to the account of a Sberbank client.

Typically, this payment is made from one account in Sberbank Online to another account in the same bank.

Carefully monitor payments on your card - this will help you quickly identify an unknown payment

CH Payment RUS MOSCOW SBOL – where did the money come from?

So, how to determine the source and purpose of the incoming payment “CH Payment RUS MOSCOW CH Payment RUS MOSCOW SBOL”? I recommend doing the following.


If you receive a payment with the description “CH Payment RUS MOSCOW SBOL”, this usually means a transfer of money to your account made using the Sberbank Online system. If there is no identifying information in the payment description, I recommend contacting the bank for a detailed statement of your account, and also request a printout of the payment order for which the payment was made. This will allow you to accurately identify the author of the payment (or even the purpose of the payment), and the issue regarding “CH Payment RUS MOSCOW SBOL” will be effectively resolved.

A loan provided by banks to each other to maintain current liquidity.

The ability to provide an interbank loan allows banks to use their funds most rationally - to lend, usually at a small interest rate, those funds that are currently unclaimed. The availability of short-term loans from counterparties helps credit institutions maintain their liquidity, that is, meet their current debts in the event of a lack of funds with expected receipts.

In addition, the interbank loan market allows for speculative transactions, when funds are taken at a lower rate than they are given back.

To participate in the interbank market, banks open credit lines to each other. To do this, they exchange statutory documents, enter into agreements and set limits for each other - lending limits. Thus, interbank credit is borrowing in the form of lines of credit.

Transactions in the interbank loan market occur in three ways.

1. Direct contacts between individual banks by telephone or using electronic means of communication, such as the Reuters information and trading system.

2. Through the mediation of an interbank broker.

3. With the participation of electronic trading systems.

That is, at present the interbank credit market is not an exchange market. This is due to the different levels of trust in each other between banks. Moreover, in Russia, participants are divided into groups depending on the size of the organizations. The first of them includes the largest credit institutions with state participation. In the second - second-tier banks. In the third - everyone else. Moreover, smaller banks, as a rule, can place free funds with a higher-level group, but cannot receive them.

The main period for which loans are provided is one day, the so-called overnight rate (ON), that is, literally translated from English “through the night.” But in smaller volumes, transactions are concluded for longer periods. Thus, in the international market, reflected in the LIBOR rate, the periods for providing such loans are calculated up to a year.

The usual rates on the interbank borrowing market in Russia for overnight periods are 3-5% per annum. At the same time, the interbank credit market may in some cases be characterized by increased volatility (changeability). This depends on the banks having available funds on a certain day.

In addition, the interbank lending market is an important indicator of the entire banking system. When any large financial institution has even temporary financial problems, a mutual chain of non-repayment of short-term loans to each other may occur. In this situation, an interbank crisis develops.

In Russia, such crises have happened more than once: in 1995, 1998, 2004 and 2008. Information on the state of the interbank lending markets, Moscow rates for attracting and placing funds are published on the website of the Bank of Russia. These data are important both for business managers and for private clients - bank depositors, since it is in these figures that one can see the impending crisis of the banking system.

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