
The audit revealed that you have a debt. What to do if your counterparty is recognized by the tax authorities as a shell company. Request for reconciliation of calculations for taxes, fees, penalties and fines




The Federal Tax Service provides a review of judicial arbitration practice on the issue of implementation by tax authorities of the obligation established by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), in the form of collecting debts to the budget from the main and (or) companies dependent on the taxpayer being inspected.

Subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1 of Article 23 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation provides for the obligation of taxpayers to pay legally established taxes and fees.

As a general rule, the taxpayer is obliged to independently fulfill the obligation to pay tax, unless otherwise provided by the legislation on taxes and fees (clause 1 of Article 45 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Independence of tax payment, established by paragraph 1 of Article 45 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, means that in order to fulfill the obligation to pay tax, the taxpayer pays the tax on his own behalf and at his own expense (paragraph 5 of paragraph 2 of the ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated January 22, 2004 N 41 -ABOUT).

Subparagraph 2 of paragraph 2 of Article 45 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation establishes cases of collection in court of amounts of tax debt that have been on the books for more than three months from another person (dependent and (or) principal in relation to the taxpayer), in whose favor property belonging to the taxpayer (principal and (or) ) dependent in relation to another person) property at the expense of which the obligation to pay tax must be fulfilled.

Federal Law No. 401-FZ of November 30, 2016 “On Amendments to Parts One and Two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 401) introduced amendments, including to subparagraph 2 of paragraph 2 of Article 45 The Tax Code of the Russian Federation, according to which, from November 30, 2016, collection of tax debts is carried out from persons recognized by the court as otherwise dependent on the taxpayer for whom the arrears are registered. Such persons may be the persons specified in Article 11 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation: organizations, individual entrepreneurs and individuals.

In addition, the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees does not establish restrictions in the form of the possibility of collecting tax debts only from Russian main or dependent companies of the taxpayer.

The provisions of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation on the collection of tax from the proceeds of a dependent company are an exception to the general principle of independent fulfillment of the obligation to pay tax. By providing for this exception to the general rule on self-payment of tax, the legislator linked the possibility of collecting debt from another person with the special circumstances of the taxpayer’s disposal of his property, at the expense of which the obligation to pay the tax was to be fulfilled.

An analysis of judicial practice has shown that the courts recognize the existence of legal grounds for the application of subparagraph 2 of paragraph 2 of Article 45 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and satisfy the requirements of the tax authority if the tax authority proves a set of circumstances that relate to the right of the tax authority to apply to the court with a claim for recovery debts from the main and (or) companies dependent on the taxpayer:

The debt arose as a result of a tax audit;

The debt must be registered with the taxpayer for more than three months;

The dependence of the organizations specified in subparagraph 2 of paragraph 2 of Article 45 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation is established in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation, or (taking into account the evidence collected by the tax authorities) the organizations may be recognized by the court as otherwise dependent when considering the claim of the tax authority for debt collection in accordance with subparagraph 2 paragraph 2 of article 45 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation; at the same time, the right of the court to recognize persons as interdependent on grounds other than those provided for by tax legislation follows from the principle of independence of the judiciary;

Renewal of contracts by a dependent person with the taxpayer's counterparties (including cases of simultaneous termination of the taxpayer's contractual relations with the specified counterparties);

A person dependent on the company receives proceeds or other property that belongs to the taxpayer. For the purposes of applying subparagraph 2 of paragraph 2 of Article 45 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, not only the fact of transfer of proceeds, but also the basis for its receipt in the current account of a person dependent on the taxpayer has legal significance. Based on the literal interpretation of this norm, it follows that the legislator, having established as a mandatory condition for the application of this subparagraph the transfer by the taxpayer who is in arrears of funds or other property to a dependent person, does not indicate the nature of such transfer, namely, compensation or gratuitousness. Thus, for the purposes of applying this rule, it does not matter whether the transfer of property was compensated or gratuitous;

Identity between the taxpayer and the dependent person's actual addresses, contact telephone numbers, information sites, types of activities;

Transfer of employees from a taxpayer to a dependent person;

Other circumstances that may be considered significant by the court.

At the same time, the transfer of the right to receive income from the taxpayer’s activities to another person is not a sufficient basis for collecting tax debt from this person, and therefore in each specific case it is necessary to establish:

Did the conditions and circumstances of the transfer of business differ from those that usually occur during the interaction of independent participants in civil transactions pursuing business goals;

Do the circumstances of the transactions allow us to come to the conclusion about the artificial nature of the transfer of business, the commission of these actions in order to transfer the property base at the expense of which the obligation to pay taxes was to be fulfilled.

Today, the practice of applying subparagraph 2 of paragraph 2 of Article 45 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation has expanded significantly and this trend will continue in the future. In cases where the tax authorities actively exercise their powers provided for by this norm and present to the court evidence that indisputably indicates the existence of grounds for collecting debts from dependent and (or) main companies, the courts satisfy their demands.

An illustrative example is court case No. A40-153792/14 (SU-91 Inzhstroyset LLC). Based on the results of an on-site tax audit of ZAO SU-91 Inzhspetsstroy, the Inspectorate identified arrears of personal income tax (hereinafter - personal income tax) from the named taxpayer.

When filing a statement with the court, the Inspectorate indicated that in order to evade the obligation to pay taxes, CJSC SU-91 Inzhspetsstroy used another legal entity - LLC SU-91 Inzhstroyset (defendant) - and carried out the actual transfer of all activities carried out to the said Company. In support of this conclusion, the tax authority referred to the following circumstances:

The defendant and ZAO SU-91 Inzhspetsstroy have a common founder;

The general director of ZAO SU-91 Inzhspetsstroy has been the general director of the defendant since February 2013;

The state registration address of the defendant coincides with the address of the actual location of the taxpayer;

Organizations have one common information website on the Internet and a common telephone number;

The transfer of employees from ZAO SU-91 Inzhspetsstroy to the defendant was established;

The taxpayer transferred the debt under the equipment leasing agreement to the defendant;

The defendant, in continuation of the financial and economic activities of the Company, enters into agreements with its counterparties;

Revenue under the Company's contracts comes from its counterparties to the account of the defendant.

The tax authority established that as a result of the concerted actions of the Company and its dependent party, the financial and economic activities of the taxpayer ceased, since the sale of property to the defendant and the transfer of employees to his staff led to the impossibility of the Company fulfilling its obligation to pay taxes, and at the same time the actual implementation of the same activities began the legal successor of the taxpayer being inspected - the defendant. The fact that the defendant’s activities were carried out using the same equipment and the same means was also confirmed by the protocols of interrogations of officials of the Company and its counterparties in transactions.

The Inspectorate’s evidence base was also based on materials from registration files of the Companies, analysis of publicly available sources of information, including Internet resources, analysis of staffing levels and information on the income of individuals, bank account statements, accounting and tax reporting documents.

The court, in its decision dated December 29, 2014, guided by the provisions of Article 20, subparagraph 2 of paragraph 2 of Article 45 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and having established the fact of interdependence and affiliation of the Companies, the focus of the taxpayer’s actions on the transfer of assets and personnel, came to the conclusion that the Inspectorate had proven a set of conditions under which collection of tax debt is carried out from a dependent person who received the entire business from the debtor, including fixed assets and working personnel. In this connection, the court recovered from the defendant the amount of the debtor’s tax debt within the limits of the amounts received into the Company’s bank account after the completion of the on-site tax audit.

By the decision of the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated March 26, 2015 and the decision of the Moscow District Arbitration Court dated July 10, 2015, the decision of the trial court was left unchanged.

By ruling of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated November 2, 2015 N 305-KG15-13737, SU-91 Inzhstroyset LLC refused to transfer the case to the Judicial Collegium for Economic Disputes of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.

Similar circumstances were established by the courts as part of the consideration of case No. A12-14630/2014 (Trust Stroymekhanizatsiya LLC).

The Arbitration Court of the Volgograd Region, in a decision dated August 27, 2014, came to the conclusion that there was no interdependence between the inspected taxpayer and the Company and refused to satisfy the stated requirements of the Inspectorate. The court indicated that the tax authority’s argument that the Company and the defendant have common founders is not documented and, moreover, is not, in the court’s opinion, a circumstance indicating the interdependence of these persons from the point of view of civil law. The Inspectorate's reference to paragraph 2 of Article 20 and paragraph 7 of Article 105.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, from which it follows that the court can recognize persons as interdependent on other grounds, was recognized by the court as unfounded on the grounds that the grounds established by paragraph 2 of Article 45 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation for collecting debts from of a dependent person apply to an organization that is dependent on the taxpayer in accordance with civil law. According to the court of first instance, the provisions of Article 20, Chapter 14.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation regulate the issues of recognition of persons as interdependent for the purpose of monitoring the marketability of transaction prices applied by these persons, however, this circumstance is absent in the case under consideration, and therefore there are no grounds for applying these provisions of the Tax Code Russian Federation to controversial legal relations.

These conclusions of the court of first instance were recognized by the Twelfth Arbitration Court of Appeal as untenable, which was reflected in the ruling dated January 23, 2015, which was left unchanged by the ruling of the cassation court dated May 20, 2015.

The court found that shortly before the start of the on-site tax audit of the taxpayer, a new legal entity was created - a Company with a similar name, the same types of activities and the same information website, which posted information on the annual turnover and the annual volume of construction and installation work starting in 2007, that is, even before the creation of the Company, despite the fact that this information fully corresponds to the information of the taxpayer, including about construction projects carried out by the taxpayer, and about subcontractors attracted by the taxpayer. At the same time, the taxpayer's staff was transferred to the staff of the Company, which provided information on the income of individuals - employees of the organization - for the period when these employees were on the taxpayer's staff, and the taxpayer himself did not provide information on personal income tax for this period.

An analysis of the cash flow in the current accounts of these organizations indicates that the Company transferred funds as payment under contracts for the construction of the taxpayer’s facilities, and the taxpayer’s proceeds for the construction of certain facilities went to the account of the Company, which did not and could not participate in the construction, since it had not yet existed.

The courts found that the managers of the Company and the taxpayer, as well as the chief engineer belonging to the management positions, were the same persons in shifts, given that the Company actually continued to work under the agreements and contracts of the taxpayer.

Guided by subparagraph 2 of paragraph 2 of Article 45, Article 105.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the courts came to the conclusion that Trest Stroymekhanizatsiya LLC has an obligation to pay off the taxpayer’s tax debt.

By ruling of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated September 14, 2015 N 306-KG15-10508, Trest Stroymekhanizatsiya LLC was refused to transfer the case to the Judicial Collegium for Economic Disputes of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.

Another example is case No. A69-2202/2015. Having established that the State Unitary Enterprise of the Republic of Tatarstan "Ak-Dovurakenergo" and the State Unitary Enterprise of the Republic of Tyva "Management Company TEK 4" (defendant) are registered at the same legal address, have a common governing body represented by the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Republic of Tyva, having studied the flow of funds through the current account of the State Unitary Enterprise RT "Ak-Dovurakenergo" and having identified their receipt in the account of the interdependent entity SUE RT "UK TEK 4", the courts came to the conclusion about the interdependence of these organizations, about the coordination of their actions in non-fulfillment of tax obligations through the conclusion of an agency agreement.

By a ruling dated August 25, 2016, in this case, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation refused to transfer the case to the Judicial Collegium for Economic Disputes of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.

In case No. A40-194887/14, the courts found that after Expokholod Company LLC learned about the appointment of an on-site tax audit, Terraski Park LLC (defendant) was formed. The share of Expokholod Company LLC in the authorized capital of Terraski Park LLC was 34%. Based on the foregoing, the courts came to the conclusion that Expokholod Company LLC, due to its predominant participation in the authorized capital of Terraski Park LLC, was the main (predominant) Company.

From the analysis of the extract from the current account of Terraski Park LLC, the tax authority established that after receiving the decision made based on the results of an on-site tax audit, Expokholod Company LLC transferred funds under loan agreements to the current account of a subsidiary of Terrasky Park LLC. , and also alienated to her the taxpayer’s owned land plot. These transactions made it impossible for the tax authority to collect the arrears from Expokholod Company LLC. Taking into account the above, the courts came to the conclusion that there are grounds for collecting from Terraski Park LLC the debt of Expokholod Company LLC in accordance with subparagraph 2 of paragraph 2 of Article 45 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

A similar legal position in the presence of a similar evidence base was reflected in the resolution of the Fourteenth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated 03/31/2016 in case No. A13-4283/2015 (INAM LLC), the resolution of the Arbitration Court of the Far Eastern District dated 06/01/2016 in case No. A73-11276 /2015 (Granit LLC), resolution of the Arbitration Court of the West Siberian District dated May 25, 2016 in case No. A27-5033/2015 (Rada R LLC).

To strengthen the evidence base, the tax authorities are not limited to establishing the fact of transfer of proceeds to the accounts of dependent persons based on the analysis of statements of current accounts, but examine the entire complex of primary documents in order to establish the will of the dependent company to transfer proceeds and property, which allows the tax authority to assert the agreed-upon purposeful actions of persons for the purpose of tax evasion.

In addition, tax authorities use materials from criminal cases initiated against officials of organizations, which increases the efficiency of representing the interests of tax authorities in the courts.

An example is case No. A67-5451/2015, in which the courts found that an agency agreement for the sale of air tickets and other services was concluded between ABC Tomsk Avia LLC (agent) and Tomsk Avia Airlines LLC (carrier). carrier, according to which ABC Tomsk Avia LLC sold tickets for passenger flights, charter flights, and cargo spaces on flights of Tomsk Avia Airlines LLC.

The courts established and did not dispute LLC "Airline Tomsk Avia" (defendant) that after the obligation of LLC "Airline Tomsk Avia" to pay tax arose, proceeds from the sale of air tickets and other services of LLC "Airline Tomsk Avia" were received into the defendant's bank accounts. This circumstance was established based on the results of an analysis of statements of current accounts of two organizations, as well as letters from the debtor, who expressed his will to forward the execution. The tax authority indicated that letters of order were regularly (several times a week) received to the address of ABC Tomsk Avia LLC , signed by the director of Tomsk Avia Airlines LLC, according to which AVS Tomsk Avia LLC must transfer funds to counterparties - creditors of Tomsk Avia Airlines LLC, which was strictly fulfilled.

The tax authority referred to the results of an examination carried out on the basis of statements of cash flows on the bank accounts of AVS Tomsk Avia LLC in the framework of a criminal case initiated on the fact of concealment by the management of Tomsk Avia Airlines LLC of the organization’s funds, at the expense of which Taxes and (or) fees must be collected on a large scale based on the signs of a crime provided for in Article 199.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. This examination established the amount of funds transferred from the settlement accounts of Tomsk Avia LLC in favor of various recipients on the basis of letters of authorization signed by officials of Tomsk Avia Airlines LLC.

Taking into account the evidence presented by the tax authority (including protocols of interrogations of officials of organizations, contracts, administrative letters, examination of bank accounts), the courts came to the conclusion that the chronology of sequential actions after the tax authority made a decision to accrue additional arrears, issuing a claim and taking compulsory measures to collect the debt, namely, the defendant’s execution of administrative letters of Tomsk Avia Airlines LLC for the amount representing the proceeds from the sale of air tickets and other services, on transferring it to the accounts of counterparty organizations - indicates the coordinated actions of the organizations with the purpose of the taxpayer avoiding payment of tax obligations accrued to him based on the results of an on-site tax audit. Since ABC Tomsk Avia LLC (defendant) and Tomsk Avia Airlines LLC are interdependent entities, the courts came to the conclusion that there are grounds for collecting debt from LLC "AVS "Tomsk Avia" in accordance with subparagraph 2 of paragraph 2 of Article 45 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (resolution of the Seventh Arbitration Court of Appeal dated April 20, 2016).

It should also be noted that in judicial practice there are examples when the transfer of activities is carried out not to a newly created company, but to an already operating one - case No. A32-24705/2014 (TDS "Engineering").

Declaring a taxpayer-debtor bankrupt cannot affect the application of subparagraph 2 of paragraph 2 of Article 45 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation in relation to the dependent and/or main Company of the taxpayer-debtor.

Thus, the Arbitration Court of the Ural District, in a resolution dated 02/03/2016 in case No. A60-11984/2015 (Mostbaza LLC), considered the issue of the legality of collecting from a person dependent on the taxpayer the amount of debt that is fully included in the register of creditors’ claims in the case of bankruptcy of the taxpayer-debtor.

The taxpayer's argument that satisfying the requirements of the Inspectorate by collecting debt from a person dependent on JSC Mostinzhstroy (LLC Mostbaza) will entail preferential satisfaction of the creditor's claims and infringement of the rights of other creditors of JSC Mostinzhstroy in violation of paragraph 1 of Article 63 of the Federal Law of October 26 .2002 N 127-FZ “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)” (hereinafter referred to as the Bankruptcy Law), was declared unfounded by the court. In accordance with the provisions of Articles 1 of the Bankruptcy Law, declaring a debtor bankrupt is not a separate collection procedure, but establishes the status of the debtor as a person unable to pay off his obligations, in connection with which the court concluded that the collection of debt amounts from an interdependent person in in accordance with subparagraph 2 of paragraph 2 of Article 45 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, in the event that a taxpayer-debtor is declared bankrupt, does not contradict the provisions of the Bankruptcy Law, even if the amount of debt is fully included in the register of creditors' claims in the bankruptcy case of the taxpayer-debtor.

A similar legal position is formulated in the decision of the Sixth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated May 4, 2016 in case No. A04-10888/2015 (Hotel Asia LLC).

At the same time, taxpayers often use the mechanism of liquidating a legal entity as a way to avoid debt repayment.

In this regard, indicative is the resolution of the Arbitration Court of the Volga District dated July 4, 2016 in case No. A06-6687/2015 (Inzhset LLC), in which the court considered the issue of the existence of legal grounds for collecting the debt of a liquidated legal entity from its dependent Company. The inspectorate applied for recognition of Profstroy LLC and Inzhset LLC (defendant) as interdependent entities; recovery from the defendant to the federal budget of the proceeds of Profstroy LLC for work performed (services) to pay off the debt on value added tax.

Referring to the illegality of the position of the tax authority, the Company indicated that by the time the case was considered, the taxpayer had already been liquidated and settlements with the budget had been completed. According to Article 44 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the obligation to pay tax terminates with the liquidation of the taxpayer organization after all settlements with the budgetary system of the Russian Federation are made in accordance with Article 49 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Guided by this norm, the defendant believed that the debt of a liquidated taxpayer identified by the Inspectorate could not be recovered from another person.

The Company's position was recognized by the courts as unlawful, since paragraph 2 of Article 45 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation establishes a mechanism for collecting tax debts from an interdependent organization of a taxpayer-debtor who evades taxes. The courts indicated that the provisions of Article 44 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, which determine the procedure and grounds for the emergence, change and termination of obligations to pay tax, should be applied, taking into account the special rules enshrined in paragraph 2 of Article 45 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, as a mechanism for collecting tax debts from an interdependent organization of the taxpayer - debtor evading taxes. At the same time, the courts came to the conclusion that giving priority to paragraph 3 of Article 44 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation over the rules of subparagraph 2 of paragraph 2 of Article 45 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation actually makes it impossible to implement this rule, since it allows taxpayers, having transferred all economic activities to their interdependent organization, to be liquidated without any consequences. or adverse tax consequences.

The issue of the existence of grounds for collecting debt from funds received by a dependent Company from a taxpayer who is a contractor of a state defense order was the subject of consideration by the Arbitration Court of the Ural District in a resolution dated August 18, 2016 in case No. A50-24724/2015 (TD "PILA" LLC ).

The court, having established the fact of interdependence and redirection of funds from the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Machine Plant named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky" to the account of a dependent party - LLC TD "PILA", came to the conclusion that the taxpayer was evading the obligation to repay the debt incurred to the budget.

The taxpayer was the executor of the state defense order. The court took into account that, in accordance with subparagraph 3 of paragraph 3 of Article 8 of Federal Law No. 275-FZ “On State Defense Orders”, actions (inactions) of the main contractor and the executor are prohibited, entailing an unreasonable increase in the price of products under the state defense order, non-fulfillment or improper execution state contract, including actions (inaction) aimed at using funds received under the state contract for purposes not related to the implementation of the state defense order. The court came to the conclusion that in the event of forced collection of taxes and penalties from a person dependent on the enterprise, neither the provisions of Article 8 nor other provisions of this law will be violated, since Federal Law N 275-FZ does not prohibit the write-off of funds received by the executor of the state defense order, to pay taxes and penalties. Due to the fact that the provisions of subparagraph 2 of paragraph 2 of Article 45 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation do not contradict the provisions of the said Federal Law, these provisions were applied by the court to controversial legal relations.

The conclusions set out in the ruling of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated September 16, 2016 No. 305-KG16-6003 in case No. A40-77894/15 are of significant importance for the formation of law enforcement practice.

The inspectorate filed a lawsuit to recognize Interkross Opt LLC and Interos LLC as interdependent entities for tax purposes and to collect from Interos LLC the tax debt resulting from the results of an on-site tax audit conducted against Interkross Opt LLC.

By the decision of the Arbitration Court of Moscow dated September 16, 2015, upheld by the decision of the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated December 8, 2015, the demands stated by the tax authority were satisfied, however, the cassation court, having canceled the judicial acts in the case by decision of April 13, 2016, sent the case for a new consideration, pointing out the inadmissibility of applying the provisions of Article 105.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation to controversial legal relations, as well as the fact that the courts did not give a proper assessment of the defendant’s arguments about his independence as a subject of financial and economic activities. According to the cassation court, in the case under consideration it was not the division of the business that was involved, but the acquisition of the business by an independent legal entity.

The Judicial Collegium for Economic Disputes of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation did not agree with the conclusions of the district court.

In overturning the ruling of the cassation court, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation proceeded from the fact that the concept of “other dependence” used in paragraph 2 of Article 45 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation between the taxpayer and the person to whom the claim for collection of tax debt was made has an independent meaning and should be interpreted taking into account The purpose of this norm is to counteract tax avoidance in those exceptional cases when the actions of the taxpayer and other persons are of a coordinated (depending on each other) nature and lead to the impossibility of fulfilling the obligation to pay taxes by the payer, including in the absence of interdependence provided for in Article 105.1 of the Tax Code RF.

The court came to the conclusion that in the case where the behavior of the Companies is objectively dependent on each other, there are no signs of subjective dependence between these organizations, including according to the criteria for participation in capital and (or) implementation specified in paragraph 2 of Article 105.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation management of the activities of a legal entity does not exclude the possibility of applying paragraph 2 of Article 45 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

In doing so, the court took into account the following circumstances:

Creation of the Interos Company shortly before the end of the tax audit;

Identity of contact numbers and information on the Internet sites of these organizations;

Transfer of employees from one organization to another;

Continued interaction between employees and taxpayer counterparties on behalf of the newly created organization;

Receipt of the taxpayer's proceeds to the account of a dependent person;

The transfer of business was free of charge;

The transfer of a business by transferring funds to an individual who is the only participant in the Intercross Wholesale Company, despite the fact that he did not alienate a share in the authorized capital of the taxpayer, did not have reasonable economic reasons.

The issue of the need to comply with the claim procedure for resolving a dispute regarding claims to recognize persons as dependent and to collect amounts of outstanding debt from a dependent person with a taxpayer was the subject of consideration by the Seventeenth Arbitration Court of Appeal in the framework of case No. A50-19576/2016 (LLC “Own Apartment-2”).

In accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 4 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation (as amended by Federal Law dated March 2, 2016 N 47-FZ), a dispute arising from civil legal relations may be referred to the arbitration court after the parties have taken measures for pre-trial settlement after thirty calendar days from the day the claim (demand) is sent, unless other deadlines and (or) procedures are established by law or contract, with the exception of cases of establishing facts of legal significance, cases of awarding compensation for violation of the right to legal proceedings within a reasonable time or the right to execute a judicial act within a reasonable time, cases of insolvency (bankruptcy), cases of corporate disputes, cases of protection of the rights and legitimate interests of a group of persons, cases of early termination of legal protection of a trademark due to its non-use, cases of challenging decisions of arbitration courts.

In a resolution dated December 14, 2016, the court came to the conclusion that the procedure provided for by this norm is not applicable to relations arising on the basis of Article 45 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, justifying this by the fact that the requirement to recognize persons as dependent in relation to subparagraph 2 of paragraph 2 of Article 45 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation is not is a requirement arising from civil legal relations, since the basis of the requirements are the norms of tax legislation (Tax Code of the Russian Federation), while the statement of the tax authority does not contain requirements based on the norms of civil legislation. The court is convinced that consideration of the dispute according to the general rules of litigation cannot be the basis for reclassifying the stated claim as a dispute arising from civil legal relations.

In support of the conclusion that there are no legal grounds for compliance with the claim procedure for this category of disputes, the court noted that the issue of recognizing persons as dependent for the purposes of applying subparagraph 2 of paragraph 2 of Article 45 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation can only be considered in court, as well as debt collection from a dependent organization is possible exclusively in court, which excludes the claim procedure for resolving the dispute.

Thus, taking into account the conclusions of the court in this case, in relation to claims for the collection of tax liabilities from a dependent person in accordance with subparagraph 2 of paragraph 2 of Article 45 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, compliance with the pre-trial procedure is not required, including after 06/01/2016.

For law enforcement practice, the conclusions of the Arbitration Court of the North-Western District in the resolution dated September 21, 2015 (VEK LLC) are important. The court indicated that the provisions of Article 47 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, including the definition of the period during which the tax authority can apply to the court to collect tax arrears from the taxpayer, are not applicable in the event of claims being made on the basis of subparagraph 2 of paragraph 2 of Article 45 of the Tax Code RF, since this period applies only to taxpayers who are not dependent persons.

There are numerous examples of judicial practice, from which it follows that after the tax authority applies to the court with a claim to recognize organizations as dependent and to collect debt from a dependent person, such organizations pay off the debt voluntarily, which subsequently serves as a basis for the tax authority to refuse the claim and termination of proceedings in the case: ruling of the Arbitration Court of the Vologda Region dated May 20, 2015 on termination of proceedings in case No. A13-18329/2014 (JSC Foundry, JSC Engineering Center, JSC Mechanical Assembly Plant), Arbitration Court of the Volgograd Region dated 05/04/2016 in case No. A12-9162/2016 (Progress LLC), Arbitration Court of the Vladimir Region dated 07/13/2015 in case No. A11-8617/2014 (Mayak LLC), Arkhangelsk Region Arbitration Court dated 05/12/2015 to Case No. A05-873/2015 (Housing and Communal Service LLC No. 1), Arbitration Court of the Oryol Region dated April 14, 2016 in Case No. A48-5783/2015 (Flax Plant LLC).

Voluntary repayment of arrears is the result of improving the legislative regulation of the debt collection mechanism, indicating an increase in the efficiency of the tax authorities in terms of collecting evidence in order to exercise the powers provided for in subparagraph 2 of paragraph 2 of Article 45 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, as well as in terms of taking measures to collect debts to the budget , which is ensured, among other things, by the active actions of the tax authorities to immediately submit to the banks writs of execution issued on the basis of court rulings on the adoption of interim measures.

In the absence of an adequate evidence base on the part of the tax authority of the taxpayer’s deliberate evasion of payment of debt amounts arising as a result of a tax audit, by performing concerted actions with a dependent person, failure to provide evidence that indisputably indicates the existence of such a dependence, that is, failure to provide evidence to confirm the existence of grounds to collect debt in accordance with subparagraph 2 of paragraph 2 of Article 45

There is no evidence that the taxpayer does not have the ability to independently repay the resulting debt.

It should be noted that the filing of claims by tax authorities in accordance with subparagraph 2 of paragraph 2 of Article 45 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation is aimed at ensuring the receipt of debt amounts into the budget, and not the formal implementation by tax authorities of their responsibilities for preparing and sending such claims to the court. In this regard, simultaneously with the claim, the tax authorities send to the court a petition for interim measures, attaching all documents and information about the transfer of funds, other property or the transfer of proceeds for goods sold (work, services) to the accounts of dependent and (or) main companies .

Courts satisfy applications from tax authorities to take interim measures only if they are justified, that is, only in cases where tax authorities provide evidence of the presence of one of the following circumstances (or set of circumstances): if failure to take measures may complicate or make impossible the execution of a judicial act, including if the execution of a judicial act is expected outside the Russian Federation; in order to prevent causing significant damage to the applicant (rulings of the Arbitration Court of the Amur Region dated 05.28.2015 in case No. A04-3492/2015 (Granit DV LLC), the Arbitration Court of the Murmansk Region dated 07.13.2015 in case No. A42-5491/2015 ( LLC "Settlement and Consulting Center"), Arbitration Court of the Oryol Region dated 09/08/2015 in case No. A48-5782/2015 (OJSC "Orelagropromstroy").

Prohibition of registration actions in relation to movable and immovable property registered by the defendant on the right of ownership;

A ban on carrying out any registration actions and making changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in relation to Interos LLC.

In support of the stated request, the tax authority argued that in order to evade the obligation to pay taxes, fines, and penalties, Intercross Wholesale LLC actually transferred its financial and economic activities to a newly created legal entity - Interos LLC, and in In the event of repeated withdrawal of funds from the circulation of Interos LLC, failure to take interim measures will make it impossible to execute the judicial act, and the budget will suffer significant damage.

The court of first instance concluded that the tax authority's statement was unfounded, since, as the court indicated, the tax authority did not provide the necessary and sufficient evidence, from which an unconditional and obvious conclusion follows that there are grounds for taking interim measures.

The tax authority appealed this ruling to the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal. Canceling this ruling, the appellate court, in a ruling dated August 12, 2015, came to the conclusion that failure to take interim measures would upset the balance of private and public interests. The court assessed the tax authority's arguments that failure to take interim measures may result in the impossibility of executing a judicial act, taking into account the circumstances established by the tax authority during an on-site tax audit and their documentary evidence. The court came to the conclusion that the nature and methods of conducting business activities of the Companies indicate that Interos LLC will take active steps to organize new schemes for transferring activities and property to newly created controlled organizations in order to reduce the volume of property. subparagraph 2 of paragraph 2 of Article 45 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, when preparing statements of claim, tax authorities should take into account both positive and negative judicial arbitration practice, establish the circumstances with the presence of which arbitration courts associate the possibility of collecting debt incurred as a result of a tax audit from dependents to the audited taxpayer of organizations.


state councilor

Russian Federation

2 classes


Tax officials, together with the Investigative Committee, have developed methodological recommendations (Letter of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation dated July 13, 2017 No. ED-4-2/13650@ “On sending methodological recommendations for establishing, during tax and procedural audits, circumstances indicating intent in the actions of taxpayer officials aimed at non-payment of taxes (fees)") upon establishing circumstances indicating intent in the actions of company officials aimed at non-payment of taxes (fees).

The recommendations of tax authorities should be studied by managers and chief accountants of companies, because “informed is forearmed.”

Methodological recommendations were sent to territorial tax inspectorates, as well as investigative authorities. Now, employees of the Investigative Committee, within the framework of the powers granted to them, will carry out verification, investigative and other actions aimed at securing evidence obtained by tax authorities and establishing additional evidence.

Intentional and unintentional acts

First of all, we note that the presence of intent in non-payment (incomplete payment) of taxes (fees), if such an act does not contain signs of tax offenses, is punishable by a fine in an increased amount - 40% of the unpaid amount of tax (fee).

Evidence of intentional non-payment of a tax (fee) established during an audit by tax authorities is sent to the investigative authorities to resolve the issue of initiating a criminal case, as provided for in paragraph 3 of Article 32 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

According to statistics for 2016, the number of criminal cases related to tax crimes has increased significantly. The basis for initiating a criminal case is the presence of sufficient data indicating signs of a crime (clause 2 of Article 140 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation).

In practice, it is usually the head of the organization who is held criminally liable. If the chief accountant is also brought to criminal liability, this fact only aggravates the situation, since for the commission of a tax crime by a group of persons by prior conspiracy, more stringent sanctions are provided - up to six years in prison (Article 35 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

In this case, it is necessary to distinguish between guilty acts (intentional and careless) and innocent acts (for example, an unintentional arithmetic (technical) error when calculating tax).

For example

The tax violation was caused by the low qualifications or temporary disability of the company's accountant.

The recommendations note that the personal and professional circumstances of the company’s employees cannot be legitimate grounds for the company’s innocence, which ultimately entails tax liability in the form of a fine of 20% of the unpaid amounts.

Examples of tax (fee) evasion schemes

As an example of the intentional commission of a tax offense, tax officials cite the conclusion of artificial contractual relations, imitation of the real economic activities of front persons (fly-by-night companies).

The use of shell companies is usually done deliberately. For example, there are several intermediaries between the supplier and the buyer, and one of them has clear and unambiguous signs of a shell company, including not paying taxes.

A classic scheme for tax evasion is the use of fictitious transactions in order to increase the cost of purchased goods (services) - inflating the expenditure side, or in order to understate the income side, namely, selling goods at a reduced cost (economically unjustified transactions). Fictitious transactions can be concluded either with a shell company or with an affiliated company.

Thus, a tax evasion scheme, which consists in the artificial “fragmentation” of a business in order to maintain or obtain the status of a tax payer under a special tax regime, can be characterized as an elementary imitation of the work of several persons, while in reality they all act as one person. Thus, the first signs of premeditation are imitation.

Let us note that such concepts as “business fragmentation scheme” or “business fragmentation” are not established either in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation or in other federal laws, including those regulating the implementation of entrepreneurial and other economic activities. However, in practice, the main claims of the tax authorities boil down to the fact that legal entities (through which the redistribution of income takes place - to preserve the right to use the simplified tax system, or the transfer of “excess” areas - to preserve the right to use UTII) were created solely for the purpose of receiving an unjustified tax benefits.

Recently, extensive judicial practice has developed (both in favor of taxpayers and in favor of tax authorities) regarding the possibility of splitting up a business in order to maintain the application of special tax regimes. If, as a result of business fragmentation, the created companies or individual entrepreneurs do not independently carry out economic activities, then the court supports the position of the tax authorities on receiving an unjustified tax benefit (Decision of the Arbitration Court of the Kemerovo Region dated October 12, 2015 No. A27-8705/2015).

How is intent proven?

As noted in the recommendations, the subjective side is established by direct and indirect evidence. Direct evidence includes testimony of witnesses, the presence of seized documents revealing the actual intentions of a person and their implementation (records, documents and (or) files of “black accounting”), video and audio recordings, results of wiretapping telephone and other conversations.

Proving intent, therefore, consists in identifying and documenting circumstances indicating that the person was aware of the unlawful nature of his actions (inaction), wanted or consciously allowed the harmful consequences of such actions (inaction).


Thus, in one of the cases, the tax authority presented relevant evidence to confirm the guilt of the individual entrepreneur:

    unregistered cash register receipts;

    advance reports for the period preceding the creation of the company, which was issued by the taxpayer as a counterparty;

    purchasing bills from such “counterparties” using large amounts of cash;

    indication in all copies of documents (agreements, acts of acceptance and transfer of bills) as the head of the “counterparty” of one individual, while according to the constituent documents and data of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, another individual is listed as the head of the created company;

    the absence, until the creation of a legal entity, of the possibility of obtaining information from official sources about its state registration.

The essence of these examples comes down to the fact that the company has created a formal document flow between parties to transactions in order to obtain an unjustified tax benefit.

This is evidenced by the following facts: documents on behalf of counterparties were actually drawn up by representatives of the company itself (the founder and head of the taxpayer organization was at the same time the founder and head of one-day companies, the taxpayer’s employee was at the same time the head of a one-day company, and during the interrogation both showed that in fact they did not manage shell companies; they signed documents).

Intent may be evidenced by the presence of shell company seals, letterheads of affiliated organizations, and other traces of the creation of fictitious document flow on the company premises.

Work to establish intent is carried out simultaneously with work to establish and confirm the facts of the commission of tax offenses provided for in Article 122 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

As part of the activities carried out by tax authorities during a tax audit, they examine:

    staffing schedule;

    orders on the appointment of persons responsible for the financial and economic activities of the organization in the period under review, and materials on bringing them to administrative responsibility (if involved);

    agreement with the management organization or manager (if any);

    powers of attorney to perform certain actions that influenced the commission of a tax offense;

    job descriptions of persons responsible for the financial and economic activities of the organization in the audited period;

    explanations from officials of the organization on the facts of tax offenses identified during the audit (in the absence of written objections to the tax audit report).

In order to qualitatively collect evidence of intent, tax authorities are recommended to organize on-site tax audits with the participation of police officers and investigators.

Questionnaires for employees and company managers

When proving facts of intentional non-payment or incomplete payment of tax (fee) amounts, tax authorities are recommended to request explanations from taxpayers.

The head of the company can expect questions of the following nature:

    Do the founders directly interfere with the financial and economic activities of the company?

    if the founders interfere in the financial and economic activities of the company, how does this happen?

    Do you agree on the choice of counterparties or the expenses that need to be incurred with the founders?

    What sources of information do you use when choosing contractors?

    Is approval of this or that counterparty a sole or collective decision?

    If the decision is made individually, do you initiate the conclusion of an agreement with this particular supplier?

    Do you personally know the head of the counterparty organization, under what circumstances, when did you meet?

    What relationships (friendships, business) unite you?

    who has access to the databases 1C-Accounting, 1C-Trade, 1C-Warehouse?

What tax benefits can small businesses apply in Russia? What preferences can businessmen operating in priority sectors of the economy receive? 1. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS FOR PAYERS ON THE USN? 2. FEATURES OF TAX HOLIDAYS. 3. BENEFITS FOR PAYERS WORKING ON A PATENT. 4. WHAT ARE THE PROPERTY TAX BENEFITS? See the material about this prepared by the Managing Partner of the company "RosCo - Consulting and Audit" Alena Talash. Read: https://site/press/nalogovye_lgoty_dlya_subektov_malogo_biznesa/ All the most interesting things about taxes, law and accounting from the leading consulting company in Russia "RosCo". Stay up to date with the latest news, watch and read us where it is convenient for you: YouTube channel - https://www.youtube.com/c/RosCoConsultingaudit/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/roscoaudit/ VKontakte - https://vk.com/roscoaudit Twitter - https://twitter.com/RosCo_audit Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/rosco.

Chief Accountant. What is the chief accountant responsible for?

What should the chief accountant know? The issue of responsibility is perhaps the most pressing issue for every employee whose responsibilities include making decisions on important areas of the employer’s activities. The most responsible job is, of course, performed by the chief accountant. His work is related to making financial decisions, preparing accounting and tax documents, and submitting these documents to authorized bodies. In this material we will consider what kind of responsibility can be applied to the chief accountant, and what he risks. More details about: - administrative; - disciplinary; - material; - criminal and subsidiary liability. And also about fines, penalties and criminal sentences against the chief accountant, see the material prepared by the lawyer of the RosCo - Consulting and Audit company, Kirill Bogoyavlensky. Read: https://site/press/za_chto_otvechaet_glavnyy_bukhgalter/ All the most interesting things about taxes, law and accounting from the leading consulting company in Russia "RosCo". Stay up to date with the latest news, watch and read us where it is convenient for you: YouTube channel - https://www.youtube.com/c/RosCoConsultingaudit/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/roscoaudit/ VKontakte - https://vk.com/roscoaudit Twitter - https://twitter.com/RosCo_audit Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/rosco.

Register of small businesses

WHAT ADVANTAGES DOES ENTERING THE REGISTER OF SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISE GIVE COMPANIES? TO CLASSIFY AN ENTERPRISE AS A SMALL ENTERPRISE, IT IS NECESSARY...? WHAT ARE THE PRIVILEGES FOR “KIDS”? WHAT ARE THE FEATURES OF MAINTAINING A REGISTER OF INFORMATION ABOUT SMALL BUSINESS ENTITIES? WHY DO YOU NEED A REGISTER? HOW TO GET INTO THE REGISTER? See the material about this prepared by the Managing Partner of the company "RosCo - Consulting and Audit" Alena Talash..su/yurist/yuridicheskaya-konsultatsiya/ All the most interesting about taxes, law and accounting from the leading consulting company in Russia "RosCo". Stay up to date with the latest news, watch and read us where it is convenient for you: YouTube channel - https://www.youtube.com/c/RosCoConsultingaudit/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/roscoaudit/ VKontakte - https://vk.com/roscoaudit Twitter - https://twitter.com/RosCo_audit Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/rosco.

Russian resorts are still eagerly awaiting debtor entrepreneurs. And for those who are planning something more “exotic,” it’s time to request information about their debts to the tax authorities. Moreover, a new functionality has appeared in Elba - “reconciliation with the tax office”.

The campaign “And again the Black Sea” continues. Entrepreneurs who owe the state at least a penny will definitely take part in it. Unless, of course, they manage to pay off their debts. Many people are not even aware of their debts, hence the number of visa refusals.

You can find out whether you will be allowed to leave the borders of Russia right now. The “tax reconciliation” functionality includes several queries:

  • certificate of settlement status (debt or overpayment of taxes);
  • statement of transactions for settlements with the budget (settlements with the tax office for the year);
  • list of tax returns (list of submitted returns);

The functionality is available in the “Reporting” tab. All users of the “Life is a Good” tariff can use it. The number of requests from one client is unlimited. Use as much as you want.

There is still time before the holiday season starts, so everything will work out!

An organization (STS with the object “income minus expenses”) entered into an agreement for the supply of goods (equipment). The fact of acquisition was duly confirmed by primary documents and reflected in the organization's accounting. The tax inspector considers the supplier with whom the organization has entered into an agreement for the supply of goods as a “one-day company” and demands that the costs of purchasing this product be removed from expenses and an updated declaration must be submitted. What is the right thing to do in such a situation?

According to paragraph 2 of Art. 346.16 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, when calculating the tax paid in connection with the application of the simplified tax system, expenses incurred by the taxpayer can be taken into account as expenses provided they meet the criteria given in paragraph 1 of Art. 252 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, that is, they must be:

Economically justified;

Produced to carry out activities aimed at generating income;


These rules are mandatory for classifying expenses as tax expenses. If at least one of them is not met, the costs are not taken into account for tax purposes.

As follows from the norm of Art. 252 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, tax legislation does not link the possibility of a taxpayer having the right to recognize expenses when calculating the tax base with the good faith of the taxpayer’s counterparties.

At the same time, when conducting tax audits, tax authorities sometimes refuse to recognize expenses for taxpayers, citing the presence of signs of “fly-by-night companies” among suppliers.

At the same time, paragraph 2 of the ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated October 16, 2003 N 329-O states that the interpretation of Art. 57 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in a systematic connection with other provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation does not allow us to conclude that he is responsible for the actions of all organizations participating in the multi-stage process of paying and transferring taxes to the budget. Law enforcement authorities cannot interpret the concept of “bona fide taxpayers” as imposing additional obligations on taxpayers that are not provided for by law.

It was also noted there that, within the meaning of the provisions contained in paragraph 7 of Art. 3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, in the field of tax relations there is a presumption of good faith of taxpayers.

It is also necessary to take into account the conclusions contained in Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated October 12, 2006 No. 53 “On the assessment by arbitration courts of the validity of a taxpayer receiving a tax benefit” (hereinafter referred to as Resolution No. 53).

Let us recall that Resolution No. 53 introduced the concept of an unjustified tax benefit - a value that can be justified and proven by calculation. In other words, it practically confirms the practice according to which (despite the presumption of good faith) a taxpayer can be found guilty of committing tax offenses even if there are no obvious violations of tax legislation in his actions. Paragraph 1 of Resolution No. 53 actually introduces the definition of a tax benefit, which, in the opinion of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, may be justified or unjustified.

Thus, “...submission by the taxpayer to the tax authority of all properly executed documents provided for by the legislation on taxes and fees, in order to obtain a tax benefit, is the basis for receiving it, unless the tax authority proves that the information contained in these documents is not complete, unreliable and (or) contradictory...".

It may be recognized as unjustified in cases where for tax purposes the transactions are taken into account:

Not in accordance with their actual economic meaning;

Not due to reasonable economic or other reasons (business purposes).

A tax benefit cannot be recognized as justified if it was received by the taxpayer outside of connection with the implementation of real business or other economic activity.

At the same time, the fact that the taxpayer’s counterparty violates its tax obligations does not in itself constitute evidence that the taxpayer received an unjustified tax benefit. A tax benefit may be recognized as unjustified if the tax authority proves that the taxpayer acted without due diligence and caution and he should have been aware of violations committed by the counterparty, in particular, due to the relationship of interdependence or affiliation of the taxpayer with the counterparty.

The courts believe that tax consequences in the form of applying tax deductions for VAT and attributing amounts paid to counterparties as expenses when calculating income tax are legitimate only if there are documents that meet the requirements of reliability and confirm real business transactions (resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Moscow District dated 07.04. 2010 N KA-A40/1783-10).

In Appendix No. 2 (clause 12) to the Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated May 30, 2007 N MM-3-06/333@ “On approval of the Concept of the planning system for on-site tax audits” (as amended by the Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated October 14, 2008 N MM-3 -2/467@) provides recommendations to the taxpayer on carrying out certain actions to study counterparties, indicating that they exercised due diligence when concluding business contracts.

In addition, the Ministry of Finance of Russia in letters dated 04/10/2009 N 03-02-07/1-177 and dated 07/21/2010 N 03-03-06/1/477 notes that the prudence and caution of the taxpayer can be evidenced by measures including: the taxpayer obtaining from the counterparty a copy of the certificate of registration with the tax authority, checking the fact that information about the counterparty has been entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, obtaining a power of attorney or other document authorizing a person to sign documents on behalf of the counterparty, using official sources of information, characterizing the activities of the counterparty, undertaken by the taxpayer in order to confirm the integrity of his counterparty.

At the same time, it should be noted that the courts, when considering tax disputes in each specific case, evaluate the totality of evidence presented by the taxpayer and the tax authority when determining the sufficiency of the measures taken by the taxpayer to establish the good faith of the counterparty. At the same time, judicial practice cannot be considered unambiguous.

Thus, in some cases, the actions of the taxpayer upon request from the counterparty for copies of the state registration certificate, tax registration certificate, charter, extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the judicial authorities regard as the manifestation by the party to the contract of due diligence and caution when choosing a counterparty (FAS resolutions West Siberian District dated 04/19/2007 N F04-2377/2007, dated 07/28/2008 N F04-3895/2008, East Siberian District dated 10/07/2008 N A33-5672/2008, FAS Moscow District dated 09/09/2011 N F05 -8799/11). Also, the courts believe that the norms of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation do not condition the right to account for expenses for tax purposes on the fulfillment by the counterparty of its obligations to pay taxes in full (see, for example, resolutions of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the North Caucasus District dated June 20, 2012 N F08-3099/12, Tenth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated October 24, 2011 N 10AP-8320/11 and dated September 10, 2012 N 09AP-23691/12).

In other cases, the courts agree with the position of the tax authority and believe that the taxpayer did not exercise the due degree of diligence when choosing a counterparty, since he did not take action to identify whether the counterparty had the necessary resources, qualified personnel, or did not check the location of the counterparty at its legal address indicated in the registration documents, did not request from the counterparty copies of tax returns with a mark from the tax authority on receipt, allowing to assess the fact that the counterparty is hiding real turnover, did not request from the counterparty with a mark from the tax authorities, which would allow identifying the presence or absence of production assets, property and other documents , as well as evidence confirming the reality of the counterparty’s activities (resolutions of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the West Siberian District dated 06/05/2012 N F04-1818/12, the Fifteenth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated 09/07/2012 N 15AP-5673/12).

Thus, in order to minimize tax risks, when choosing counterparties, it is advisable for the taxpayer to take various actions to confirm the reliability of the counterparty, including taking an interest in its tax reporting.

However, the following should be noted.

In accordance with paragraph 9 of Art. 84 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, information about the taxpayer from the moment he is registered with the tax authority is a tax secret. This information also includes tax accounting data. According to paragraph 1 of Art. 102 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, tax secrecy consists of any information about the taxpayer received by the tax authority, internal affairs bodies, the body of the state extra-budgetary fund and the customs authority. At the same time, information disclosed by the taxpayer independently or with his consent is not recognized as a tax secret (clause 1, clause 1, article 102 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

It follows from the above that the Tax Code of the Russian Federation limits the possibility of dissemination of relevant information by regulatory authorities. The organization itself has the right to independently determine whether (and to what extent) to provide information about itself as a taxpayer to other persons. In addition, an organization can determine that tax accounting data is its trade secret (Article 3, Article 10 of the Federal Law of July 29, 2004 N 98-FZ “On Trade Secrets”).

In conclusion, we note that the legislation does not oblige taxpayers to request tax reporting from their counterparties, including data on the timely fulfillment of their tax obligations. The latter, in turn, are also not required to provide the requested documents and information. At the same time, in order to exercise due diligence when concluding civil contracts, the party to the contract has the right to independently determine ways to identify unreliable counterparties and, based on the information received, make a decision on the advisability of concluding contracts with certain persons.

In the situation under consideration, the legality of decisions made by the tax authority, taking into account all the circumstances of the case, can only be established by a higher tax authority (pre-trial) or an arbitration court.
In this regard, the organization can exercise its right and appeal the decision of the tax authority in accordance with Art. 138 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 138 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, filing a complaint with a higher tax authority (superior official) does not exclude the right to simultaneous or subsequent filing of a similar complaint with the court, unless otherwise provided by Art. 101.2 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Based on clause 5 of Art. 101.2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, a decision to bring to justice for committing a tax offense or a decision to refuse to bring to justice for committing a tax offense can be appealed in court only after appealing this decision to a higher tax authority (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 03.06.2009 N 03- 02-08/46).

Prepared answer:
Expert of the Legal Consulting Service GARANT
professional accountant Molchanov Valery

The material was prepared on the basis of individual written consultation provided as part of the Legal Consulting service.

If there were bailiffs, then there was already a trial, so it makes sense to also call the court and find out when the case was considered.
Vasiliev Dmitry

There wasn't necessarily a trial. If there is a solution, the tax authority can collect directly through bailiffs.

Article 47. Collection of taxes, fees, as well as penalties and fines at the expense of other property of the taxpayer (tax agent) - organization, individual entrepreneur
1. In the case provided for in paragraph 7 of Article 46 of this Code, the tax authority has the right to collect tax from the property, including from the cash funds of the taxpayer (tax agent) - an organization or individual entrepreneur, within the amounts specified in the request for tax payment , and taking into account the amounts in respect of which the collection was made in accordance with Article 46 of this Code.
Collection of tax at the expense of the property of a taxpayer (tax agent) - organization or individual entrepreneur is carried out by decision of the head (deputy head) of the tax authority by sending on paper or in electronic form within three days from the date of such decision the corresponding resolution to the bailiff for execution in the manner prescribed by the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings”, taking into account the features provided for in this article.

And if you need to figure out why the bailiffs came in the first place, then their resolution should indicate the number and date of the tax authority’s decision.

2. The resolution on the collection of tax at the expense of the property of the taxpayer (tax agent) - organization or individual entrepreneur must contain:
1) surname, name, patronymic of the official and the name of the tax authority that issued the specified resolution;
2) the date of adoption and number of the decision of the head (deputy head) of the tax authority on the collection of tax at the expense of the property of the taxpayer or tax agent;

3) the name and address of the taxpayer - organization or tax agent - organization or last name, first name, patronymic, passport details, address of permanent residence of the taxpayer - individual entrepreneur or tax agent - individual entrepreneur, whose property is being foreclosed on;
4) the operative part of the decision of the head (deputy head) of the tax authority on the collection of tax at the expense of the property of the taxpayer (tax agent) - an organization or individual entrepreneur;
(as amended by Federal Law dated July 27, 2006 N 137-FZ)
5) has become invalid. - Federal Law of June 29, 2012 N 97-FZ;
6) the date of issue of the said resolution.
Are tax authorities required to send correspondence by registered mail? (what law?)

In principle, you must, but it still doesn’t matter whether you received this letter or not. The date of receipt of such a letter is calculated based on the time it was sent.

Article 31. Rights of tax authorities
Documents used by tax authorities in the exercise of their powers in relations regulated by the legislation on taxes and fees may be transferred by the tax authority to the person to whom they are addressed, or to his representative directly against signature, sent by registered mail or transmitted electronically via telecommunication channels communications through an electronic document management operator or through the taxpayer’s personal account, if the procedure for their transfer is not expressly provided for by this Code. Persons charged by this Code with the obligation to submit a tax return (calculation) in electronic form, these documents are sent by the tax authority in electronic form via telecommunication channels through an electronic document management operator or through the taxpayer’s personal account.
In cases where the tax authority sends a document by registered mail, the date of its receipt is considered to be the sixth day from the date of sending the registered letter.

Therefore, most likely, as Maxim Krokhalev pointed out, the problem here is in the Post Office, and not in the malicious intent of the tax authority. Try to set up a taxpayer account or communicate with tax authorities electronically via telecommunications channels. This will eliminate the possibility of you not receiving any documents.

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