
Car loan at UniCredit Bank. UniCredit Bank: accredited insurance companies for comprehensive insurance (list) Insurance companies partners of UniCredit Bank

  • Purchase on credit of more than 30 brands of foreign-made cars from official car dealers
  • Possibility to choose a car and dealer within 4 months from the date of approval car loan
  • Possibility of obtaining car loan at UniCredit Bank without a driver's license
  • The motor hull insurance premium for the first year can be included in the amount car loan
  • Insurance loan
  • Free credit card upon approval UniCredit Bank car loan (Visa Electronic/MasterCard Electronic)
  • Trade-in program (using an old car as a down payment for a new one)
  • Free connection to SMS service
  • Special car loan programs UniCredit Bank with car dealers and insurance companies

What cars can be borrowed from UniCredit Bank?

  • New cars:

No proof of income;
- with the possibility of refinancing car loan;
- with deferred repayment car loan.

  • Used cars (for up to 3 years - not older than 5 years at the time of receipt car loan, for a period of up to 5 years - no older than 3 years)

On what terms does UniCredit Bank provide a car loan?

1) currency: rubles / dollars / euros
2) interest rate: from 10% to 18.5% per annum (depending on the term and currency car loan)
3) amount car loan: from 100 thousand rubles. up to 4 million rubles
4) deadline car loan: from 1 year to 5 years
5) down payment: from 30%
6) registration fee: 6 thousand rubles. (except for customers receiving a second car loan or mortgage loan)
7) application review period: 1-3 days
8) early repayment car loan: paid period - first 6 months.
9) penalty: 0.5% for each day of delay from the amount of the overdue payment car loan
10) car insurance: compulsory registration of compulsory motor liability insurance in the insurance company proposed UniCredit Bank. It could be.

The modern banking system resembles a spider's web: all financial institutions are closely intertwined, have joint ATM networks and carry out two-way transactions.

If you are looking for information about UniCredit Bank, addresses of its branches, as well as information about with whom it cooperates, then this article is just for you.

A little about the bank

JSC UniCredit Bank, operating in Russia since 1989, occupies a leading position in the financial services market. It is worth immediately noting that it is the largest among those institutions that have foreign capital. All shares belong to UniCredit Bank Austria AG, whose head office is located in Austria.

It is one of the largest banks in Russia, playing an important role in the financial and economic life of society.

What services does it provide?

Since UniCredit Bank is one of the largest players in the banking services market, the list of its financial products is quite wide. These include loans, deposits, acquiring, cash management services and much more.

If we talk about deposit programs, the bank’s policy does not go beyond the average framework of established market norms. For example, for 3 months for a deposit in rubles - about 9.3%. Of course, you can easily find financial organizations that offer 3-4% more than UniCredit Bank. St. Petersburg is no exception; here you can also find bank branches that offer higher rates.

Market policy is the same as that of all large banks with foreign capital

But you can notice the trend and market conditions under which all banks that have foreign capital offer cooperation. Since they are financed in foreign currency, they do not need much from the United States or the European Union. This is reflected in the low rates on deposits in dollars or euros (about 1-3%).

In the meantime, relatively low rates can be observed. Why? There are at least two reasons for this.

The first is total cash flow. Since such banks are represented in many large regions by a wide and developed network consisting of branches, offices, and ATMs, they can afford to accumulate large cash flows from all over the country.

This allows you to avoid being focused on a specific category of clients or on the principles of a regional economy that depends on the infrastructure and industrial development of the area in which the bank is present.

There is no point in attracting new clients by changing rates - image plays a role

Due to this, you can collect money from anywhere and from everyone. Thus, the amount of deposits can be increased quite simply. After all, somewhere there will always be people who do not want to make money on their deposit, but just want to keep their money in a safe place.

The second is a bank that belongs to a foreign financial group with a high image. Of course, people trust such institutions more and are ready to give them money, considering them a reliable place to store their savings.

After all, who do you want to give your money to - a bank that exists for one week or a large financial group that has been operating for a large number of years and is represented in a certain number of foreign countries?

After all, foreign capital is protected from the political situation or problems of the economy of one country, since in case of need, financial resources can be easily transferred from outside.

All this contributes to the fact that large banks, which are part of an international financial group, do not need to conquer the market by increasing the offered rates on deposits.

Mutually beneficial cooperation

The issue of partnership with other banks, despite excellent positions, is one of the priorities. From this article you will learn what partner banks of UniCredit Bank are, how to take advantage of a wide partner network and other benefits of such banking connections.

Banks often agree on cooperation in order to increase the number of active clients. Typically, such cooperation manifests itself in the combination of ATM networks, making payments at preferential prices, and jointly servicing several financial services.

What are the partner banks of Unicredit Bank?

Due to the fact that this bank is part of an international group, it is very convenient for customers to travel abroad, as there are many connected banking institutions there.

Thus, the UniCredit group is represented in 14 European countries, such as Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary, Germany, Italy, Poland, Turkey, Ukraine, etc. That is, even while traveling you can use ATMs and bank services on preferential terms.

If we consider on the scale of the Russian Federation, the partner banks of UniCredit Bank are as follows:

  • URALSIB Bank;
  • Raiffeisenbank.

What does such cooperation give? First of all, clients have access to a wide network of ATMs, where they can withdraw money without commission: about 1000 of their own, more than 2680. has URALSIB, about 900 pcs. at the Moscow Credit Bank, more than 7000 units. accounts for Raiffeisenbank.

It turns out that clients of UniCredit Bank JSC have access to a network of more than 10,000 ATMs, at which they can be serviced at “home” rates. That is, the commission charged for transactions is the same as it would be in your own financial institution.

It turns out that, including the partner banks of UniCredit Bank, there are quite a large number of clients, and no matter where you are, there will always be an opportunity to use banking services.

Banks also like to cooperate with insurance companies

The main advantage of such cooperation can be considered agency fees, which the bank receives for attracting new clients under the auspices of the insurance company. In this case, cooperation is beneficial to both parties.

Firstly, the client base will immediately expand, because the bank has a lot of opportunities to offer its clients insurance - a new or old loan, cross-sales to other banking products, and others.

Secondly, the insurance company will not need to multiply its representative offices throughout the city. It is enough to simply establish a mobile connection with the bank.

For all this, the bank takes a certain percentage, which is called an agent’s premium. UniCredit Bank, whose partner insurance companies have established active cooperation, also makes money from this, and quite good money, considering the large number of concluded contracts.

And there are indeed a lot of partners among insurance companies, and very different ones. We can highlight the following most famous ones: Ingosstrakh OJSC, Rosgosstrakh OJSC, AlfaStrakhovanie OJSC and many others.

Where can I find bank branches?

Since this financial institution is large enough for the Russian market, branches are present almost everywhere. UniCredit Bank, whose branches are represented in 25 regions of the country, is present in 69 cities.

Moreover, in each of them you will find not one, but several or many branches, ATMs and offices, which makes the bank closer to each client. Wherever you live, you can always find UniCredit Bank nearby. St. Petersburg hosts 15 branches and offices of this financial institution. This is quite a large number of branches, especially in comparison with other banks.

It is logical that in Moscow, the capital of Russia, which is the financial center of the country, there are a larger number of representative offices from such a financial organization as UniCredit Bank. Branches can be found both on Mira Avenue, 97, and st. Ostozhenko, 5. These offices are given as an example as one of the most popular.

Even if you live in Rostov-on-Don, you can easily find UniCredit Bank. The addresses of popular branches are as follows: st. Socialist 58/51 and st. Tekucheva 139/94.

Even if this particular bank is not in your city and you think that you won’t be able to withdraw money from an ATM without fees, then don’t worry. UniCredit Bank's partner banks in Russia will help you out. As mentioned earlier, in the unified banking network, transactions through their ATMs are charged the same as in the own machines of the financial institution serving you.


Requirements for companies

General requirements


6.1. The period of activity of the insurance organization in the insurance market is at least 3 years.

6.2. Compliance by the insurance organization with the norms and requirements imposed on insurance organizations by the legislation of the Russian Federation during the last 4 completed quarters before the date of assessment, prepared in accordance with RAS, including:

  • the normative ratio of the insurance company's own funds (capital) and the insurance liabilities assumed by it, determined in accordance with the Directive of the Bank of Russia dated July 28, 2015 N 3743-U "On the procedure for calculating the normative ratio of the insurance organization's own funds (capital) and accepted liabilities" with all changes and additions;
  • compliance of the authorized capital of the insurance organization with the standard established by the Law of the Russian Federation of November 27, 1992 No. 4015-I “On the organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation” with all amendments and additions;
  • requirements for the composition of the structure of assets in which funds from insurance reserves are invested, in accordance with Directive of the Bank of Russia dated February 22, 2017 N 4297-U “On the procedure for investing funds from insurance reserves and the list of assets permitted for investment” with all amendments and additions ;
  • requirements for the composition and structure of assets in which the insurer’s own funds (capital) are invested in accordance with Bank of Russia Directive No. 4298-U dated February 22, 2017 “On the procedure for investing the insurer’s own funds (capital) and the list of assets permitted for investment » with all changes and additions.

6.3. To carry out an audit of the financial condition of an insurance organization in accordance with the Bank's requirements, within the framework of retail lending and lending programs for corporate clients, the accounting (financial) statements of the insurance organization, compiled in accordance with RAS, for the last four completed quarters before the date of assessment, and IFRS statements are taken as a basis - for the most recently completed financial year prior to the assessment date.

6.4. Provision by the insurance organization of information about nominal and ultimate owners (individuals) with a participation share in the authorized capital of 5% or more.

6.5. Compliance with the requirements for the insurance organization related to financial stability and solvency specified in Art. 8 of these Regulations, as well as:

  • the absence in relation to the insurance organization of unfulfilled orders limiting its activities by the Bank of Russia and the Federal Tax Service, as well as facts of suspension of the license by the Bank of Russia during the last reporting year;
  • no cases of the insurance organization providing the Bank with unreliable information and documents provided for by these Regulations to verify the insurance organization’s compliance with the Bank’s requirements over the past two years;
  • absence of cases of confirmation by the Bank during the verification process of the fact of concealment and/or falsification of information, documents on the financial stability of the insurance organization, confirmed from publicly available sources of information;
  • the absence of the insurance organization and/or affiliates controlling 25% or more in the authorized capital of the insurance organization, subsidiaries and/or parent companies from the ultimate owner, whose ownership share is 25% or more in the authorized capital of the insurance organization (at the time of the occurrence of unfulfilled obligations) at least 25% of the authorized capital, unfulfilled civil obligations to the Bank and the UniCredit Group over the last 3 years for a period of more than 30 days, confirmed by judicial acts that have entered into legal force, or recognized by the insurance organization and/or specified structures at the time of filing an application for consideration, as well as during the period of being on the List of insurance organizations;
  • absence of overdue obligations from the insurance organization and/or participants/shareholders whose ownership interest is 25% or more in the authorized capital of the insurance organization at the time of consideration of the application and during the entire period of being in the List of Insurance Organizations more than 30 calendar days in an amount exceeding 10% of the total assets of the insurance organization as of the last reporting date;
  • the absence of property disputes that could lead to a decrease in the sufficiency of the solvency margin of the insurance organization by 10% or more;
  • the absence of property disputes between participants/shareholders of the insurance organization with an ownership interest of 5% or more related to the creation, management and participation in the insurance organization, if such disputes may lead to the alienation of property whose value is 10% or more of the liquid assets of the insurance organization;
  • absence of a criminal record for committing crimes in the economic sphere in relation to managers/members of executive bodies/participants/shareholders/ultimate owners with an ownership/participation share of 5% or more in the authorized capital of the insurance organization;
  • the absence of managers/members of executive bodies/participants/shareholders/ultimate owners of persons disqualified by authorized bodies (during the period of disqualification);
  • the absence of initiation of bankruptcy proceedings in relation to the insurance organization, starting from the moment the arbitration court accepted the application to declare the insurance organization insolvent (bankrupt) in the manner established by the current legislation, initiation of the license revocation procedure;
  • the absence of affiliates controlling 20% ​​or more in the authorized capital of an insurance organization that is in the process of liquidation (bankruptcy);
  • the absence of enforcement proceedings to seize the property of an insurance organization worth at least 15% of the authorized capital indicated in the most recent RAS reporting available;
  • meet the criteria for a stable financial position set out in Art. 8 of these Regulations;
  • no more than 15% of the total volume of insurance reserves and own funds from the report on the composition and structure of assets (form code according to OKUD 0420154) must be invested in securities of credit institutions and are in accounts with credit institutions in respect of which at least one of the following circumstances 1:
    • a) license suspended or revoked;
    • b) a temporary administration was introduced;
    • c) there is an unfulfilled order of the Central Bank;
    • d) there have been violations during the last twelve reporting months of one or more of the mandatory standards established by the Bank of Russia.

6.6. Availability of obligatory reinsurance agreements with foreign insurance organizations/reinsurers (with a rating not lower than investment according to the classification of Standard&Poors and/or Fitch and/or Moody's and/or A.M. Best: not lower than "BBB-" according to the classification of Standard&Poors and/or Fitch and/or " Baa3" according to Moody's classification and/or not lower than "bbb+" according to A.M. Best classification) and/or with Russian insurance organizations/reinsurers () (with a rating from ACRA and/or RA Expert (RAEX) not lower than "A-(RU) " and "ruA-" respectively).

The decision-making system related to property insurance is centralized; the insurance organization has a designated employee to coordinate interaction with the Bank.

6.7. Insurance organizations enter into an insurance policy/contract with the Client in a standard form and in accordance with the Bank’s requirements for insurance services, in accordance with these Regulations.

6.8. All of the above requirements must be met throughout the entire period that the insurance organization is on the List of Insurance Organizations.

6.9. The Bank's requirements may change depending on changes in legislation. If an incomplete list of documents is provided, the Bank has the right not to accept a set of documents for consideration or to request missing information/documents. If the insurance organization does not provide the necessary documents and information to verify the compliance of the insurance organization with the Bank's requirements, as well as providing an incomplete package of documents and information without explaining the reasons for the impossibility of providing them, the Bank has the right not to accept the incomplete package of documents and/or refuse to cooperate with the insurance company until complete elimination of the reasons that led to the failure of interaction.

6.10. If the insurance organization does not meet the Bank's requirements, the Bank reserves the right to coordinate interaction with the insurance organization by bringing the issue to a meeting of the Bank's Management Board, initiated by the Federal Financial Inspectorate, with detailed justification on the part of interested business units about the need to accept policies from the insurance organization. This condition comes into force from the moment the negative consequences in the Individual Conditions come into force in relation to borrowers who have entered into/renewed an insurance contract with an insurance organization that does not meet the Bank’s requirements and information about the possibility of applying such conditions is brought to the attention of borrowers on the Bank’s website and at the places of provision services.

1 The source of obtaining the information specified in this paragraph is the official website of the Bank of Russia (www.cbr.ru), as well as other open sources of mass information.


Requirements for contracts


7.1. The insurance organization must ensure the possibility of concluding insurance contracts for property registered as collateral for the obligations of individuals and legal entities (small and medium-sized businesses) within the framework of car loan programs, taking into account the following conditions:

7.1.1. The insurance agreement/policy must contain a reference to the nature of the relationship between the policyholder and the Bank (the insured property is pledged to JSC UniCredit Bank (hereinafter referred to as the Pledgee) on the basis of the pledge agreement No. _______________ dated, concluded with the policyholder (Pledgor under the pledge agreement) as security obligations under Loan Agreement No. ____________ dated).

7.1.2. Under the insurance agreement (policy), the Beneficiary for the risk “Damage” is the Insured, for the risks “Theft (Hijacking)” and “Damage” on the terms “Total destruction of the vehicle” - UniCredit Bank JSC in the amount of the Borrower’s unfulfilled obligations to the Bank (establishment of two or more Beneficiaries of the same risk at the same time are not allowed).

7.1.3. Vehicle insurance is carried out for the risks “Theft (Theft)”, “Damage”, “Total destruction (destruction)” in accordance with the terminology defined by the Insurance Rules of the insurance organization.

7.1.4. The sum insured for the insured vehicle is not less than the loan amount. The insurance contract (policy) must provide for insurance of the vehicle prior to its registration with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, and the Insurer is liable for the risk of “Theft” in full within the period established by the Legislation of the Russian Federation, after the expiration of the specified period (before registration with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate) in in an amount not less than the amount of the Insured's unfulfilled obligations to the Bank.

7.1.5. The insurance contract must establish the following conditions:

  • non-aggregate (non-reducible) sum insured;
  • no restrictions on the place where the vehicle can be stored at night;
  • the insured amount under the insurance contract/policy is established in the loan currency.

7.1.6. Insurance compensation for the risk “Damage” is made by the Insurer by sending the damaged insured vehicle for repair to a service station of the choice of the Insurer or the Insured.

7.1.7. In the event of an insured event under the risk “Damage due to total loss”, insurance compensation is made by the Insurer in the amount of the insured amount minus depreciation and excluding the cost of the usable remains of the vehicle.

7.1.8. If the loan term is less than one year, the validity period of the insurance contract/policy must be no less than the loan term. If the loan term is more than one year, the insurance contract/policy must be concluded for a period of at least one year with the possibility of extension. At the same time, installment plans for paying insurance premiums can be provided only from the second year of insurance with the possibility of paying the next amount of the insurance premium at least once during every 6 months of the next year.

7.1.9. Insurance contracts/policies for the first year must be issued without the provision of installment payment of the insurance premium. Installment payments for insurance premiums are allowed only from the second year (if the term of the loan agreement exceeds one year). Payment of the insurance premium can be divided into two parts.

7.1.10. The insurance contract must be recognized as valid throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation, with the exception of territories of armed conflicts, wars, and states of emergency.

7.1.11. Apart from the Borrower, no more than four people may be allowed to drive the vehicle. Subject to the “Multidrive” policy, an unlimited number of persons with a driver’s license of the appropriate category can be allowed to drive a car.

7.1.12. The insurance contract may provide for an unconditional deductible:

  • for all vehicles costing less than 2,250,000 (Two million two hundred and fifty) thousand rubles or the equivalent in US dollars and euros - up to 30,000 (Thirty) thousand rubles or the equivalent in US dollars and euros;
  • for vehicles worth 2,250,000 (Two million two hundred and fifty) thousand rubles or the equivalent in US dollars and euros and above - up to 50,000 (Fifty) thousand rubles or the equivalent in US dollars and euros;
  • for all motorcycles up to 30,000 (Thirty thousand) rubles or the equivalent in US dollars and euros.

7.2. Bank requirements for the conditions for providing insurance services for mortgage insurance of collateral of individuals and small medium-sized businesses

7.2.1. When insuring property, the subject of the concluded Insurance Agreement is insurance of the “Risk of damage and loss of real estate” for an individual. For a legal entity - the insured, the subject of the concluded Insurance Agreement is “Risk of loss and damage to the property” and “Risk of loss of the property as a result of termination of ownership of the property”; for life and disability insurance - “Risk of harm to life and permanent disability.”

7.2.2. The beneficiary under the insurance agreement “Risk of damage and loss of real estate as a result of termination of ownership of the property” for the period of validity of the loan agreement within the limits of the Borrower’s debt under the loan agreement (including accrued but unpaid interest, commissions and fines), as well as the Beneficiary under the insurance contract “Risk of harm to life and permanent disability” is determined in accordance with the terms of the loan in force at the time of concluding the insurance contract and which are publicly available on the Bank’s website on the Internet at unicredit.ru. The insured amount is calculated as the balance of the loan debt (the amount of the unpaid principal debt on the loan established as of a certain date) on the loan.

7.2.3. It is not allowed to establish in an insurance contract a ban on the transfer of the subject of insurance - property - as a subsequent pledge.

7.2.4. The insurance contract must establish a period during which the Insurer is obliged to review documents confirming the occurrence of an insured event and make payment of insurance compensation (if confirmed). This period must be calculated from the date the Policyholder provides a set (according to the list of documents specified in the insurance contract) of documents to the Insurer.

7.2.5. The insurance contract must establish a period during which the Insurer is obliged to review documents confirming the occurrence of an insured event and make payment of insurance compensation (if confirmed). This period must be counted from the date the Policyholder submits a set of documents to the Insurer in accordance with the list of documents established by the Insurance Agreement.

7.2.6. Payment of insurance compensation for the risk “Loss and damage to a property”, as well as for the risk “Loss of a property as a result of termination of ownership of the property” is carried out in the amount of 100% of the insured amount.

7.2.7. The amount of insurance compensation for the risk “Damage” is determined in the amount of expenses associated with the restoration (repair) of the property, but not higher than the insured amount.

7.2.8. The insurer has the right to suspend payment of insurance compensation only if a criminal case is initiated regarding an insured event; the contract must establish the maximum period for which payment can be suspended.

7.2.9. The beneficiary for the risks of “Loss and damage to a property”, “Loss of a property as a result of termination of ownership of the property” is determined by the terms of the loan in force at the time of concluding the insurance contract and which are publicly available on the Bank’s website on the Internet at unicredit.ru .

7.2.10. The insurance contract must provide for the possibility of changing the Beneficiary without terminating the contract in the event of assignment of rights of claims under the loan agreement to another credit organization or other organization, including one that does not have a license to carry out banking activities.

7.2.11. The concluded insurance contract may provide for a deductible of up to 15,000 rubles (500 in US dollars or 400 euros) for small partial damages.

7.2.12. The property must be insured against at least the risk of “Loss and damage to the property.”

7.2.13. In relation to the pledged property of pledgors (small and medium-sized businesses), load-bearing and non-load-bearing walls, partitions, doors and windows, utilities, electrical wiring, heating systems, gas and water supply systems, sewerage, etc. are subject to insurance. The insurance contract must cover the risk of damage/destruction of property as a result of the following events:

  • fire;
  • lightning strike;
  • explosion of gas used for domestic purposes;
  • explosion of steam boilers, gas pipelines, apparatus and other similar devices, as well as explosion of explosives used for domestic and industrial purposes;
  • damage to property by water or other liquid due to an accident in the water supply, sewer, or heating systems, penetration of water or other liquid from adjacent premises, or due to fire extinguishing;
  • natural disasters;
  • falling of aircraft and their debris and other foreign bodies.

7.2.14. In relation to pledged property of individuals, the Insurance Agreement must cover the risk of damage/destruction of property.

7.3. Bank requirements for insurance of ownership (title) of the borrower/mortgagor for real estate

7.3.1. The insurance contract must cover the risk of loss by the owner of the property as a result of termination of ownership (except for the alienation of the property by the mortgagor - the owner of the property with the written consent of the mortgagee and the alienation of the property as a result of foreclosure by the Bank).

7.3.2. With regard to the pledged property of pledgors (small and medium-sized businesses), the risk of loss by the owner of the property as a result of termination of ownership includes the following grounds:

  • the presence of invalid or improperly executed documents confirming the mortgagor’s ownership of the insured property, or documents that are the basis for the transaction;
  • incapacity or limited legal capacity of individuals - former owners in previous transactions for the alienation of the collateral; incapacity or lack of special legal capacity of legal entities - former owners in previous transactions for the alienation of the subject of pledge. An insured event for this type of insurance must be a court decision that has entered into legal force, resulting in the termination or restriction (encumbrance) of the mortgagor’s ownership of the mortgaged property (including what happened after the end of the insurance period, if the lawsuit was filed during the validity period of the insurance contract).

7.3.3. The insurance contract is concluded for a period of 36 months from the date of registration of ownership of the borrower/mortgagor.

7.4. Bank requirements for non-property (personal) and other insurance

7.4.1. The Bank's requirements for the conditions for providing services for non-property (personal) and other insurance are determined by the terms of the loan in force at the time of concluding the relevant agreement.

7.5. Bank requirements for corporate collateral insurance

7.5.1. If the loan term is less than one year, the insurance agreement/policy must include the possibility of extension. If the loan term is more than one year, the insurance contract/policy must be concluded for a period of at least one year with the possibility of extension. At the same time, installment plans for paying insurance premiums can be provided once every 6 months from the first year of insurance with the possibility of paying the next amount of the insurance premium at least once during every 6 months of the next year.

7.5.2. The Bank must be designated as the beneficiary under the insurance contract. The insurance contract must contain the following wording:

“The beneficiary under this Insurance Agreement is the Joint Stock Company “UniCredit Bank” (119034, Moscow, Prechistenskaya embankment 9, INN 7710030411, KPP 775001001, OKPO 09807247, BIC 044525545, code 301018103 00000000545 in the OPERA of the Moscow State Technical University of the Bank of Russia) in terms of outstanding debt under Loan Agreement No. ___ dated _____, concluded between the Beneficiary and ___________________ (Borrower) (hereinafter referred to as the Loan Agreement):

- from the date of conclusion of this Insurance Agreement.

- [or: from the date of state registration of the pledge in favor of the Bank. ] 1

The Beneficiary is the Mortgagee of the property insured under this Agreement, on the basis of the pledge [or: mortgage] agreement No. ___ dated _____, concluded [signed] between the Insured and the Beneficiary (Mortgageholder) to ensure the fulfillment of the obligations of _____ (Borrower) (Insured) under the Loan Agreement .

The amount of monetary obligations of the Borrower (Insured) under the Loan Agreement/the amount of debt of the Borrower (Insured) under the Loan Agreement is confirmed by the Beneficiary's statements on the debt accounts of the Borrower (Insured), as well as the calculation provided by the Beneficiary.

The parties have mutually agreed that the above documents are comprehensive and sufficient for the purposes of confirming the amount of monetary obligations of the Borrower (Insured) under the Loan Agreement (the amount of debt of the Borrower (Insured) under the Loan Agreement).

In the event of full repayment of the debt of the Borrower (Insured) under the Loan Agreement, the Insured becomes the Beneficiary under this Insurance Agreement, including with the right to receive insurance compensation in the amount exceeding the amount of monetary obligations of the Insured (Borrower) under the Loan Agreement on the date of the insured event.

The Insurer is obliged to notify the Beneficiary in writing of any changes made to this Insurance Agreement (Policy) before such changes are made to the Insurance Agreement (Policy)."

7.5.3. An insurance contract for real estate that is the subject of collateral under a subsequent mortgage agreement may be concluded earlier than the date of state registration of the subsequent mortgage agreement, but in any case not earlier than the date of conclusion (state registration of the pledge in favor of the Bank) of the current agreement of the first of the previous mortgages, under which the mortgagee is the Bank. If the Bank has been provided with an insurance contract, the date of conclusion of which is earlier than the date of conclusion of the pledge agreement, acceptance of such an insurance agreement is possible if such insurance agreement stipulates that the Bank-Pledgee is the Beneficiary from the date of conclusion of the pledge agreement (state registration of the mortgage agreement) .

7.5.4. The amount of the insurance deductible should not exceed 5% of the insured value of the collateral.

7.5.5. Availability of insurable interest.

7.5.6. Payment of the insurance premium (its parts, if payment in installments is provided) must be made in full, on time (within the terms specified in the insurance contract) and confirmed by payment documents with notes from the executing bank on their execution or a letter from the insurance company confirming full timely payment of the insurance premium and the validity of the insurance contract. Documents confirming payment of the insurance premium under the insurance contract must make it possible to clearly and unambiguously establish that the insurance premium was paid specifically under the submitted insurance contract. Payment of parts of the premium should be established no more than once a quarter.

7.5.7. The list of insured property must exactly correspond to the list of property pledged under the pledge agreement according to the following parameters:

  • identification characteristics (name, brand, model, technical characteristics and parameters, factory, inventory, cadastral numbers, etc.);
  • insurance territory (postal address of the location of the property specified in the pledge agreement);
  • the insured amount is non-aggregate and must be no less than the amount specified in the pledge agreement. The insurance contract must not only determine the total insured value of all pledged property, but also the value for each item of insured property separately;
  • area of ​​real estate objects.

7.5.8. Depending on the object of insurance, the property pledged must be insured against the following risks:

Type of property

Risk name

Real estate (except for land)

Lightning strike

Natural disasters (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions or underground fires, landslides, mountain falls, storms, whirlwinds, hurricanes, floods, hail or rain)

Illegal actions of third parties

Broken window glass, mirrors and display windows (for retail (shops, cafes, restaurants) and office premises with display windows, car centers, hotels).

The insured amount for this risk is established by agreement of the parties in absolute value or as a percentage of the total insured amount and cannot be lower than the actual replacement cost of the glazing.

Collision with land vehicles


Gas explosion (only if there is a gas pipeline)

Natural disasters (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions or underground fires, landslides, mountain falls, storms, whirlwinds, hurricanes, floods, hail or rain)

Fall of manned flying objects or their debris, cargo from them


Lightning strike

Explosion of gas used for domestic purposes

Losses resulting from measures taken to save property, to extinguish a fire or to prevent its spread

Natural disasters (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions or underground fires, landslides, mountain falls, storms, whirlwinds, hurricanes, floods, hail or rain)

Explosion of steam boilers, gas storage facilities, gas pipelines, machines, apparatus and other similar devices

Damage to property by water from plumbing, sewer, heating and fire extinguishing systems

Illegal actions of third parties

Theft with illegal entry into premises or other storage

Fall of manned flying objects or their debris or cargo from them onto the insured property

Gooods at the work)

Fire (exception: pledge of goods and materials in the form of rolled metal)

Lightning strike

Explosion of gas used for domestic purposes (applies only where there is a gas pipeline)

Losses resulting from measures taken to save property, to extinguish a fire or to prevent its spread

Natural disasters (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions or underground fires, landslides, mountain falls, storms, whirlwinds, hurricanes, floods, hail or rain)

Explosion (of the goods themselves in circulation, if they are flammable, explosive, flammable, etc.)

Damage to property by water from plumbing, sewer, heating and fire extinguishing systems

Illegal actions of third parties

Theft with illegal entry into a premises or other storage facility.

Motor transport

AUTOCASCO (theft, damage, total loss). Insurance territory - Russian Federation + vehicle operation territory.

Special machinery and mobile equipment

Lightning strike

Natural disasters and/or natural hazards

Illegal actions of third parties

Road traffic accident (RTA) - if operation is intended on public roads;

Colliding with various objects (including vehicles);

Impact (impact) on stationary or moving objects (structures, obstacles, animals, etc.);


Fall (including falling into water, falling through ice);

Fall of foreign objects onto insured property.

Railway transport

Theft and complete destruction of property, illegal actions of third parties. Insurance territory - Russian Federation + operation territory.

1 If the insurance contract was concluded earlier than the date of state registration of the mortgage.

Calculate comprehensive insurance in companies accredited by UniCredit Bank

UniCredit Bank: list of accredited insurance companies

If you decide to take out a loan from UniCredit Bank, to obtain CASCO for a car you are invited to use the services of the following partner companies accredited by this bank that meet UniCredit Bank’s insurance requirements:

LLC Insurance Company SK ALROSA

LLC Insurance Company VTB Insurance


Liberty Insurance (OJSC)

JSC Insurance Group MSK

CJSC United Insurance Company

OJSC Insurance Company PARI

LLC Renaissance Insurance Group

Now that you know which insurance companies UniCredit Bank works with, you can quickly find out the cost of CASCO insurance in all of the above insurance companies by using the calculator from Revizorro.ru

LLC SK SERVICEREZERV (Vladimir region)

OJSC Gas Industry Insurance Company (OAO SOGAZ)

LLC SK Soglasie

LLC Insurance Company Surgutneftegaz

CJSC Insurance Company Transneft

CJSC Insurance Group URALSIB

Zetta Insurance LLC

OJSC Insurance Joint Stock Company ENERGOGARANT

CJSC Insurance Company Megaruss-D

LLC SK Ekaterinburg

LLC ISK Euro-polis

LLC Insurance Company Adonis

If none of UniCredit Bank's partner insurance companies suits you, you can choose an insurance company that is not on this list. However, in this case, you will need to provide the bank with a package of documents from the insurance company confirming your right to carry out insurance activities and financial stability.

In addition, UniCredit Bank can review this package of documents for up to 60 days.

Insurance conditions for a car loan at UniCredit Bank

If you are still wondering whether it is necessary to do CASCO for a credit car, the answer is yes. For a car loan at UniCredit Bank, CASCO is a mandatory condition for issuing a loan. The CASCO policy for UniCredit Bank must include insurance against the risks of damage, theft and total loss of the vehicle.

A CASCO policy is purchased for at least a year or for the period until the end of the loan agreement, if this period is less than a year. For the first year, issuing a CASCO policy with installment payment is not allowed; insurance is paid in full.

When renewing CASCO insurance for UniCredit Bank for the second and subsequent years, an installment plan of two payments (50/50) can be used.

A prerequisite for CASCO for Unicredit Bank is the absence in the insurance contract of additional conditions regarding the time and method of storage of the car (for example, overnight parking of the car only in a guarded parking lot, etc.), as well as the mandatory commencement of the CASCO policy before registering the car with Traffic police

For the risks of theft and total loss of a car under CASCO insurance for UniCredit Bank, insurance payments are first transferred to the bank account, then the bank deducts the outstanding portion of the loan from them and transfers the remaining amount to the borrower. Under CASCO insurance against total loss of a car, the insurance payment is calculated taking into account the wear and tear of the car.

For the risk of damage, insurance compensation is a referral for repairs to a service station, which the insurance company gives to the borrower. If the car is being serviced by an official dealer, then the referral must be issued to the service station of the official dealer.

Insurance for the remaining amount of the loan. You can insure a car under CASCO for UniCredit Bank not for its entire market value, but only for the amount that has not yet been paid to the bank for the loan.

But at the same time, if the car is stolen or something happens to it that leads to its complete destruction, then only the bank will receive the money, and you will be left without money and without a car.

Inclusion of CASCO for the first year in the loan amount. In the first year of the loan, you can add the cost of CASCO for UniCredit Bank to the loan amount, i.e., the cost of the policy will be distributed in this way between loan payments.

Special loan programs without CASCO. UniCredit Bank has several special offers for car loans, in which a CASCO policy is not a prerequisite: Light commercial vehicles, Loan with deferred repayment and Used car without CASCO.

Franchise. When purchasing a CASCO policy for UniCredit Bank, you can use the unconditional CASCO franchise:

For cars costing less than 1,750,000 rubles – franchise up to 15,000 rubles

For cars costing more than 1,750,000 rubles - franchise up to 30,000 rubles

For motorcycles – franchise up to 30,000 rubles.

Down payment - from 20%
Credit rate - from 6.00%
Loan amount - from 1,000,000 to 8,000,000 rubles.
Loan term - from 12 months to 360 months
Currency - Rubles

Purchasing residential real estate on the primary market or refinancing a loan issued for the purchase of real estate on the primary market


The program applies to citizens of the Russian Federation provided they were born second or third child, beginning from 01.01.2018 to 31.12.2022

The loan is provided at a rate 6% per annum during a grace period equal to 3 years subject to the birth of a second child or 5 years at the birth of the third child.

The maximum grace period is 8 years subject to the birth of the borrower's third child within the grace period of 3 years.

At the end of the grace period, the interest rate is set equal to the key rate of the Central Bank on the date the loan was issued + 2%.

Purpose of the loan:

  • purchase of residential real estate (apartment, townhouse, land plot with a residential building) at the construction stage or with registered ownership from a legal entity*
  • refinancing a loan issued for the purchase of residential real estate on the primary market

Credit term - from 1 to 30 years

Minimum loan amount — 1,000,000 rubles

The maximum loan amount is up to 8,000,000 rubles inclusive for residential premises located in the territories of Moscow, Moscow region and St. Petersburg and Leningrad region. For residential premises located in the territories of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the maximum loan amount is up to 3,000,000 rubles inclusive

Minimum down payment for the real estate purchase program:

  • 20% for apartment objects,

Maximum loan amount under the refinancing program:

80% for apartment objects,

50% for cottage properties (including townhouses)

Conclusion of a personal insurance contract (life, health) and real estate insurance (structural elements).

Requirements for the borrower

  • Birth of a second or third child from 01/01/2018 to 12/31/2022;
  • The registration address of the transaction participant and the actual residence address of the transaction participant are within the Russian Federation, with the exception of Sevastopol and the Republic of Crimea;
  • Location of the employing enterprise - without limitation, within the Russian Federation, with the exception of Sevastopol and the Republic of Crimea;
  • Confirmed income sufficient for the requested loan amount;
  • No negative credit history.

When determining the permissible loan size, the Bank, at the request of the borrower, may take into account the income of his immediate relatives (spouse, parents, children). The listed persons, together with the main borrower, will be responsible to the lender for the repayment and servicing of the loan, and, along with the borrower, must meet the requirements set by the Bank and provide a set of documents similar to those provided by the borrower. The total number of guarantors should not exceed 3 people. In this case, the borrower’s income must be no less than the income of the guarantors (the only exception is when a spouse acts as a guarantor).

The Bank may also consider regular additional income (income from part-time work, bonus payments, pension), supported by documents, as the borrower’s income.

If the down payment is paid using funds received from the sale of real estate owned by the borrower, an additional appraisal of the property being sold will be required by one of the appraisal companies recommended by the bank.

How to get an apartment for a mortgage

  1. Filling out the Borrower Questionnaire and Loan Application.
    Providing full a package of documents necessary to consider the issue of issuing a loan.
  2. Selecting an apartment from the list of creditable objects.
    The bank receives from the borrower copies of documents for the purchased apartment.
  3. Contacting an appraisal company recommended by the bank (in case of purchasing real estate under an Assignment Agreement).
    After determining the market value of the apartment, the appraisal report is submitted to the bank.
  4. Contacting the insurance company.
    Check by the insurance company of the borrower and the apartment.
    Conclusion by the borrower Life and permanent disability insurance contracts (at the borrower's request).
  5. Conclusion of the Share Participation Agreement / Agreement for Assignment of the Right of Claim.
  6. Signing a loan agreement.
    If the borrower has a spouse, an agreement between them and the bank guarantee agreement.
  7. State registration of DDU/Agreement of assignment of rights of claim.
  8. Transfer of funds to the Developer's account.

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