
Mastercard card types. Types of bank cards mastercard (mastercard card). Are there any differences in the system maps for different levels?

In modern society, the use of plastic cards has become commonplace. It is very comfortable and convenient for people. You can pay with them, withdraw money, use them as credit cards, etc. Each person determines for himself what he needs a card for. But not everyone knows which payment system is best to choose. Of the many types, the most common are MasterCard and Visa. The differences between them are minor, but they exist.

MasterCard and Visa

These are the largest payment systems that currently occupy leading positions. Almost no one doubts their reliability. But many people ask the question: “Visa or Mastercard - which is better?” The Visa system has the largest number of terminals. But wherever Visa is acceptable, MasterCard is also supported. The consumer qualities of these payment systems are almost the same. Cards of both MPS are usually divided into entry-level, intermediate and premium levels.

Visa payment system cards:

  • Visa Electron;
  • Visa Classic;
  • Visa Gold, Visa Platinum.

Cards of the Mastercard payment system:

  • Maestro, MasterCard Unembossed, MasterCard Electronic;
  • MasterCard Standard;
  • MasterCard Gold, MasterCard Platinum.

First you need to understand the similarities between Mastercard and Visa.

Both in Russia and abroad these payment systems are mainly used. But everywhere everyone compares Visa and MasterCard. Which is better cannot be answered unequivocally. In terms of functionality, they are very similar to each other. Both of these payment systems are represented in a huge number of retail outlets. They are accepted for payment in almost all institutions.

Their main features:

  1. The highest level of reliability of all operations performed with the card.
  2. Highest payment processing speed.
  3. There are very rarely technical failures.
  4. High level of support.
  5. Same annual fee.

The main distinctive features of Mastercard and Visa

There is no particular or significant difference between them. From a technical point of view, they are no different at all. The differences between them can only be identified when faced with certain situations.

Cases when the differences between Mastercard and Visa are clearly expressed:

  1. Using cards of different levels.
  2. Partner banks hold promotions related to payment systems.
  3. During the conversion of funds.
  4. When paying for purchases via a terminal or the Internet.

Which is better: "Visa" or "Mastercard" of Sberbank?

Sberbank is the most popular financial and credit institution in the Russian Federation. Therefore, the bank offers its clients cards only from proven and effective payment systems, which include Visa and MasterCard.

In the list of products, Sberbank offers all available payment system data cards. Starting from ordinary payment cards, such as Visa Electron, and ending with credit plastic cards, such as Mastercard Gold. In certain respects the cards are very similar. But even if a bank employee claims that there are no differences between the payment systems, the client will always wonder what is better - Visa or Mastercard of Sberbank. They are very similar to each other, only the conditions for their acquisition differ.

Sberbank cards of the same level cost the same and are serviced under equivalent conditions. Basically, they may only have different functionality, but the bank has nothing to do with them.

Sberbank has very convenient debit cards from the Visa payment system. A card such as the Aeroflot Visa allows its owners to accumulate bonuses, which can later be used when purchasing plane tickets.

For those who are not indifferent to the plight of people, there is the “Gift of Life” Visa card. From every purchase made with this card, a portion of the funds goes to charity.

In joint cooperation, Visa and Sberbank offer a fairly large number of different programs. Mastercard is a little behind in this regard. It only offers the MTS card. You can use the bonuses accumulated on this card to pay for call minutes, SMS, etc.

Sberbank employees, when asked which card is better, “Visa” or “MasterCard,” unanimously answer: Visa. Preference is given to this payment system only because of its versatility in the bank.

Which payment system is best for paying for purchases through a payment terminal?

In this regard, there is a difference between the Visa and MasterCard payment systems. It lies in the fact that for Maestro cards it is necessary to enter a PIN code when making a purchase, but for a Visa Electron card, entering a code is not necessary. In such cases, everything depends on the payment terminal located at the point of sale. If this is an updated terminal model, then Visa MPS has a slight advantage over MasterCard. There are very rarely cases when, on the contrary, Mastercard does not require entering a PIN code. This, for example, applies to a card such as MasterCard Unembossed.

And yet, in this matter one cannot be completely convinced which is better, “Visa” or “Mastercard”. After all, entering a four-digit code will not be difficult.

Which payment system is more convenient to pay for purchases online?

The choice of payment system for online purchases depends on the methods in which customers most often pay. If you need to enter a security code when paying, you need to take into account that, for example, the Maestro Momentum card does not have this code on the back at all. The MasterCard Electronic card also does not support the function of paying for purchases via the Internet.

Visa Electron in this regard differs only in that the option of payment via the Internet is enabled only if the issuing bank deems it necessary. And if this function is not enabled, then you will not be able to pay using it.

Therefore, it is inappropriate to compare “Visa” or “Mastercard” in this category. What is best is determined by each person for himself.

The only thing you need to consider is that a MasterCard Unembossed card will be a convenient solution. Only she has a special security code - CVC2. It is necessary when conducting transactions without a card. It is with its help that you can pay for purchases online without any problems.

All these nuances apply only to entry-level cards. But they are mainly used in Russia as part of salary projects.

"Visa" or "Mastercard" in Europe. Which is better to use?

In Russia, it is customary to refer “Visa” to the dollar, and “Mastercard” to the euro. Banks, of course, can open two foreign currency accounts for one payment system, but this is unprofitable for them. Therefore, in practice this is extremely rare.

When converting currency, the main thing is not to make a loss. It is for this reason that before traveling to Europe, many people ask the simple question of which card is the most profitable - Visa or MasterCard. Which is better for use in a particular country? And here the answer is obvious. If you convert currency through the Visa payment system, then rubles will first need to be converted into dollars, and only then into euros. In this case, a double commission will be paid. Therefore, for Europe it is better to choose the Mastercard payment system.

There will be a commission for conversion operations in any case. But for Visa it is significantly higher than for Mastercard.

You also need to take into account that certain cards simply cannot be used abroad. This applies to entry-level cards. For Visa Electron and Maestro cards there is such a service as “Individual special treatment”. If it is connected, then the card can be safely used abroad. The only thing: before the service is activated, you need to indicate the countries where the card will be used. The Maestro Momentum card does not have this option.

Another important point when choosing a payment system is regarding the conversion rate. With Mastercard you can recognize it after the fact, but with Visa it is open.

Premium cards

Compared to other distinctive features in this category, the Visa and MasterCard payment systems differ significantly. This is mainly seen in the availability of additional services.

"Visa" is slightly superior to "Mastercard" in terms of the number of services. She has a fairly wide service:

  1. Emergency assistance in case of lost card.
  2. Medical assistance by phone.
  3. 24/7 concierge service.
  4. Legal assistance.
  5. Discount program from Visa partners.

As for Mastercard, the number of required services is small:

  1. Emergency assistance if your card is lost.
  2. Loyalty program from Mastercard partners.

All other services of the Mastercard MPS are connected at the discretion of the issuing banks, of course, for a fee.

In this segment it is immediately clear which is better - “Visa” or “Mastercard”. Definitely Visa, as it has a convenient and more advanced service.

Which payment system is still better?

In answering the question, “Visa” or “Mastercard” - which is better, everyone must compare all the pros and cons. You need to accurately understand for what purposes the map is needed.

Travel lovers should decide which system is more profitable for them. This is necessary so as not to overpay large commissions when converting currencies. The most convenient solution for such people would be to have cards with two payment systems. And if you plan to use the card only within Russia, then in this regard it makes no difference which payment system you use.

And if there is a choice about which card is better, “Visa” or “MasterCard” from Sberbank, then in this case the client will only have to rely on his preferences. But if a person loves double benefits in everything, then the Visa system will be close to him. By purchasing a card from a bank of this particular payment system, you can get even more additional opportunities.

To pay for purchases via the Internet, the Masterkrd payment system will be more convenient. Only this MPS has the ability to pay for purchases without a card. But this only applies to entry-level cards.

Which payment system to choose is everyone’s responsibility. The choice will depend on consumer preferences. Be that as it may, each payment system is good in its own way. Therefore, you need to be guided only by your desires.

When applying for a plastic card at a bank, sometimes you need to choose which payment system it will belong to: Visa or MasterCard. Since few people know what the differences are between these payment systems, we usually trust the recommendations of the bank manager. Subsequently, it is often necessary to issue another card, but from a different payment system, since it turns out that a bank card of the MasterCard payment system is more convenient to use for trips to Europe.
For the majority of plastic card holders who receive a salary, stipend or pension on the card, there is no need to make such a choice, since most often entry-level cards are used for these purposes, which can only be used within the country.

Payment systems Mastercard and Visa

The Visa payment system was first used in the United States, and therefore the dollar is used for its settlements in international financial activities. The main currency of the MasterCard bank card is the euro. This is the main criterion for the difference between these two systems, which must be taken into account if you are going to use the card abroad. However, a Sberbank MasterCard card issued for use within the country can use the national currency - rubles.

It can also be noted that bank cards of the Visa payment system are more common and therefore have a wider network of ATMs, terminals and other devices around the world. However, within our country, the logo of both systems is available at almost every terminal and ATM, and within the country this factor loses its relevance.

The capabilities of bank cards of different systems are almost the same, but each payment system has its own list of “incentives” and bonus programs for cardholders, which allows them to receive discounts on purchases of goods in many online stores, gas stations, etc. Sometimes this is the decisive factor when choosing a card for use within the country. There are also a number of differences between MasterCard bank cards and cards of other payment systems, which will be discussed below.

MasterCard Worldwide is an international payment system that unites 22 thousand financial institutions (banks) in 210 countries. Almost a quarter of the world's bank cards use the MasterCard payment system. The world championship belongs to the China UnionPay payment system (China), and the second place belongs to the Visa payment system. These data are a convincing argument in favor of the MasterCard card, since anywhere in the world you can use a card from this system, withdraw cash from an ATM, pay for services or buy goods. But still, some features should be paid attention to.
As mentioned above, when using a MasterCard card in the USA, a double currency conversion will be made, from euros to dollars. Therefore, bank cards of the Visa payment system, which use the dollar for payments, are still “more familiar” in this country. The situation is different in Europe, where the euro is used almost everywhere.
Cards of this system do not have limits on cash withdrawals from ATMs. For Visa cards, the cash withdrawal limit is $10,000 per month.

If you have ever paid for purchases on the Internet, then you know that on the back of the card there should be a bank card code CVV2/CVC2. These are three numbers located next to the strip where you signed. This abbreviation encodes another difference between these systems. CVV2 (Card Verification Value 2) is used for Visa cards, and CVC2 (Card Validation Code 2) is used for other payment systems.

The Internet does not stand still; work is constantly underway to improve payments using a bank card on the Internet. Instead of CVV2 and CVC2 codes, new generation secret codes are now used - 3-D Secure Technology. The innovation of this method of protection is that to confirm payment, instead of the CVV2 and CVC2 codes, a one-time password is used, sent by the bank as an SMS message. Again there is a difference. For cards of this payment system this technology is called Security Code, and for Visa cards it is called Verified by Visa.
Perhaps this is where the features and differences of these systems that are noticeable to ordinary users end.

Entry-level bank cards Maestro

We can only add that they have no significance for the everyday normal use of a bank card. Cards of any international payment system can be used absolutely equally to pay for goods, utilities, withdraw cash from an ATM, connect Internet banking or SMS banking to the card, etc. Another thing is the list of capabilities of the card itself. They depend on the type of card (credit, debit), the “privilege” of the card, the cost of annual maintenance and other factors.

For example, the Sberbank Maestro Momentum card is currently issued free of charge. It can be used to receive a pension, social benefits, or scholarships.
Submit an application to the bank and this card can be used instead of a savings book. With such a card you can pay for purchases in stores, housing and communal services, etc. But it is no longer suitable for traveling abroad, since it can only be used within the country and you can even withdraw cash only from Sberbank ATMs. By the way, please note that the Maestro logo is on the front side of the Momentum card, not MasterCard. However, these cards belong to this payment system. Their main difference is that cards with the Maestro logo can only be used within the country.

Almost all banks issue the cards listed below. In addition to the appearance (design) and the cost of annual maintenance, each type of payment system card has its own characteristics. The main difference between any bank cards is that they can be credit or debit. Credit bank cards are intended for using funds allocated by the bank as a loan in the form of a consumer loan, car loan, etc. Debit bank cards are designed for using your own funds, for example, a salary transferred to a card.

The fundamental difference between a credit card and a debit card is that you cannot transfer money from a credit card by bank transfer to another card. But you can pay for goods or services non-cash or withdraw cash from an ATM (with interest). There are a number of other differences, but this article will only focus on debit cards.

Cirrus/Maestro- this is the most affordable card with a low annual maintenance cost. A slightly outdated system is used to verify card authorization when conducting monetary transactions. But this restriction ensures increased safety of your funds, even if you lose your bank card, since the card can only be used if it is physically present. Simply put, insert it into the ATM and dial the PIN code.

Perhaps the most popular card of this system is the card MasterCard Standard. This is due to the fact that it contains quite a lot of features at an optimal price. Unlike the Cirrus/Maestro card, this card can already be used to pay for purchases in online stores, book a hotel room, pay for air tickets, rent a car, pay with a card and withdraw cash from ATMs, including abroad.

"Gold MasterCard" and "MasterCard Platinum" cards

For trips outside the country, you can get a Gold MasterCard from Sberbank. You can select the card account currency: rubles, US dollars or euros. The card is protected by an electronic chip. Additional cards can be issued if the main card is lost. The overdraft limit is also determined individually; it can be used within the framework of a salary agreement, etc. The cost of servicing this Sberbank card is 3,000 rubles per year.

The cost of annual servicing of a Gold card is determined by the bank that issued it. But, on average, it is 3,000 rubles per year. However, the card's capabilities justify the cost. Just the possibility of urgently replacing a lost card is worth it, since this can save large sums on the card account. And significant discounts when purchasing goods in many stores more than pay for this amount within a year. Free information about the movement of funds on the card account, various types of insurance and privileges, both in Russia and abroad, noticeably distinguish this card.

Among the elite cards we can call the Platinum card. Owners of such a card receive individual service from the bank, and Platinum credit cards have a fairly high overdraft limit. When traveling, the holder of such a card also receives insurance. Retail chains offer various discounts for this bank card. The Platinum bank card is a plastic card for a modern business person.

Virtual cards

Many banks that issue plastic cards offer their clients the opportunity to create additional virtual cards for online payments. Bank cards of the MasterCard payment system also provide the possibility of issuing a virtual card.
A virtual bank card is a reliable way to protect funds in your main bank card account.
The virtual card details are used only to pay for goods and services on the Internet, and a certain amount is first transferred to the virtual card, after which the balance of the virtual card becomes “zero”.
A virtual card is issued for a short period of time (usually 3 months) and its balance cannot exceed the limit you set.
Issuing an additional virtual card, depending on the bank, can cost 50-200 rubles. But, for the sake of security of payment from a card account on the Internet, such an amount is completely justified.

Publication date: 19/02/2013

Depending on the type of card, its capabilities will depend, including the cost of annual maintenance and the cost of re-issuing the card, for example, if it is lost.

If you lose your bank card, you will have to get a new card with a new number and PIN code. The card account number will remain the same. If the card is lost, the bank will only temporarily block the account.

When you receive any MasterCard payment system card, the bank gives you a “secret” envelope containing the card’s PIN code, as well as the card’s account number.

The main advantage of electronic money is that it is impossible to lose an electronic wallet, like a bank card, and you do not need to enter the secret code CVV2 (Visa cards) or CVC2 (MasterCard cards).

Both for opening and closing a card, the bank has certain rules that are detailed in the agreement.

Bank card when paying for goods or services on the Internet. This secret code is better known as CVV2 (for Visa cards) or CVC2 (for MasterCard cards), consists of 3 digits and is present on the back of almost all bank cards with some exceptions. Let us next consider the main purpose of the security code and its location on cards of various payment systems.

What is the security code CVV2, CVC2, CID

If you have made payments online at least once (not through online banking, but, for example, when paying on an online store website or when topping up a cell phone account), then you had to take out your credit (or payment) card and fill out a form payment on the website using her details. Usually you are asked to enter the card number, holder name, expiration date and secret code.

You may come across different names for this code, but its purpose is always the same - it is an additional security element that ensures the security of payments on the Internet or in any other remote way (without the presence of the card and its owner during the payment).

A lesser-known method of card payments is the so-called Mo/To (mail order/telephone order) - ordering by mail or by telephone (subscription to periodicals, etc.), which is not developed in Russia due to its insecurity (card details are sent by letter , by telephone or fax).

Based on the value of this code, bank card authentication. It is not present as part of the information on the magnetic stripe or in the chip, you will not see it on the receipt and it cannot be changed like a PIN code. This is secret information that cannot be read from the card, but it can only be transmitted by the card owner himself (only during payment on the site). If card data is stolen on the Internet (see security aspects below) or its theft, the attacker becomes aware of the card details, including its secret code, after which it will not be difficult for him to withdraw all your money. Fortunately, additional technologies have appeared, such as 3d-Secure, which significantly increases the security of online payments.

IMPORTANT! Do not confuse the PIN or card number (last digits) with the security code (card authentication code).

Each payment system has its own name for the secret security code.

  • for VISA this is the code CVV2(Card Verification Value 2);
  • at MasterCard - CVC2(Card Verification Code 2);
  • at American Express - CID(Card Identification).

The name CVV2 / CVC2 contains the number 2 due to the presence of the code CVV1 / CVC1 (or simply CVV / CVC), which is used to verify the authenticity of the card when paying directly at retail outlets with a card. CVV or CVC is generated by the issuing bank of the credit or debit card and encoded on its magnetic stripe.

American Express cards are rare in Russia; there are also a number of international payment systems (for example, the Chinese UnionPay), but we will not consider them due to the fact that they practically do not exist in the Russian Federation.

Other variations of security code names: Credit Card ID (CCID), Card Verification Data (CVD), Card Verification Value Code (CVVC), Verification Code (V-Code, V Code), Card Code Verification (CCV).

What if there is no security code on the card?

Not all cards have a code to verify its authenticity. For example, it is not available on entry-level debit (payment) cards VISA Electron, Mastercard Cirrus Maestro, MasterCard Electronic.

They are not intended for payments on the Internet, but are used to withdraw cash from ATMs or to pay for goods and services at retail outlets. Although, for example, with the release of VISA Electron, the CVV2 code is still generated, even though it is hidden on the card, and the possibility of paying on the Internet is determined by the bank that issued this card (check this possibility when you issue the card).

On the other hand, you have the opportunity to pay with such cards only in those online stores that support the appropriate payment system (for example, Maestro) - they will accept payment without entering the CVV2/CVC2 codes, but this option is very rare. They mainly accept classic, gold, and platinum cards: Visa (Classic, Gold, Platinum) and MasterCard (Unembossed, Standard, Gold).

Where is the card security code?

Three-digit code CVV2/CVC2 (Visa/MasterCard) located on the back of the card on a paper signature strip and located after the card number, usually the last 4 digits of the number are indicated there (see material about for a more detailed study of the elements of your card). For American Express cards it is already four-digit and is located on the front side on the right.

On virtual map(issued virtually and used for secure, usually one-time payments, do not have a tangible medium) CVV2 or CVC2 can be found either by phone in the form of an SMS message or you will see it on the screen during registration.

Examples of security code locations:

1. Security code on the Visa card

2. Security code on the MasterCard card

3. Security code on the American Express card

Security aspects of payments on the Internet

For the owner of a card (especially a credit card), security when making online payments on the Internet is important. A security code is one way to ensure it, but it cannot protect against theft of money from.

The thing is that an attacker only needs to know the card details (they are all present on it) to gain access to the money. They can get them using so-called social engineering (for example, phishing), when, under the guise of messages from official and well-known sites (portals, services), scammers send out letters en masse asking for their passwords, logins, and including credit card details (sending to fake pages on the Internet), thereby playing on the elementary network and financial illiteracy of people (more about card fraud).

By giving away your data in this way, you can lose all your money in your account. Not only credit card data can be stolen online, but also cards from wallets and pockets. In this case, the safety of your money will depend on how quickly your credit card is blocked.

With the development of financial technologies, network technologies are also developing. In particular, new versions of Internet browsers have the ability to inform about visiting a suspicious site (anti-phishing).

Payment systems, in turn, are actively introducing new technology 3d-Secure(called: Verified by Visa for Visa, MasterCard Secure Code for MasterCard), complementing standard methods of protecting card payments. Before each operation, a one-time password is generated and sent to the cardholder’s cell phone (only to a number previously linked to the card, where, for example, SMS messages are received when the SMS notification service is activated), and payment will only take place after the sent password is entered into the appropriate form.

This technology provides the highest level of security today, although it does not protect 100%, so it is recommended to choose banks that support 3d-Secure (by the way, according to the rules of international payment systems, each bank must implement this technology, which is not always done by banks ).

There are 2 international payment systems in Russia: Visa and MasterCard. Their priority goal of operation is to transfer cash in the country to non-cash circulation and increase the security of payments made. Let's figure out how VISA differs from MasterCard and which payment system is better.

VISA is characterized by American roots. The company's share in the card issuance market is about 28.6%. The greatest confidence in this system is recorded in North America (USA, Canada, Mexico), the least in Asian countries (Thailand, India, China).

The corporation operates using its own unique security system, VISA 3-D Secure. Its main goal is not only to increase the level of security when conducting transactions with card products, but also to simplify the system of servicing plastic via the Internet. VISA is constantly working to improve the confidentiality of client information.

VISA system security

In general, the security system consists of 3 independent domains:

  1. Issuer (includes payment instruments and their sellers).
  2. Acquirer (includes the financial institution issuing plastic and its potential holders).
  3. Interactions (includes elements necessary to enable interoperability between other domains).

They generate and verify every financial transaction. VISA Corporation entered the domestic market in 2009. Today it cooperates with all Russian banks.

Description of the global MasterCard system

MasterCard unites more than 20 thousand financial organizations in 210 countries. The priority areas of the corporation's activities are:

  • implementation of card issuance under the MasterCard, Maestro and Cirrus brands;
  • making electronic payments online;
  • servicing the card needs of individuals and corporate entities.

Currently, the corporation's share in the card issuance market is 25%. MasterCard carries out more than 25 billion transactions annually.

MasterCard in Russia and other countries

The use of the payment system in Russia is expanding every year. As of January 1, 2016, its share in the domestic non-cash payment sector was 38.5%. The gap from VISA is decreasing every year. The corporation actively cooperates with Sberbank, VTB 24, Russian Standard Bank and other market participants.

Payment system cards are in greatest demand in the EU countries, Brazil and China. The least trust in it is observed in the countries of North America, although the representative organization is located in the United States.

Comparison of global payment systems

So is there a difference between payment systems? If we compare the scope of the non-cash payments market, then Visa has a higher figure.

However, it was VISA Corporation that laid the foundation for the development of non-cash payments.

The remaining differences between payment systems are only theoretical, so in general we can say that there is no fundamental difference between them. Most often, the VISA payment system is used to open payment instruments in dollars and rubles, and MasterCard - in euros and rubles.

This is where the recommendations came from to issue a Visa to clients traveling to North American countries, and a MasterCard to those making business and tourist trips to Europe. Linking to the dollar or euro is conditional, since the plastic current account can be linked to any currency.

The conversion of funds in an account between global systems may vary, which is due to the characteristics of the card issuing market. There is a widespread belief among financial service users that it is better to choose a Visa as it is more reliable. In fact, in terms of reliability, the payment instruments of the MaxsterCard system are in no way inferior to them.

Comparative analysis of payment systems

  1. According to market coverage. MasterCard Corporation owns 25% of all cards issued in the world. For VISA this figure is 3.5% higher. However, this gap is narrowing every year.
  2. On a territorial basis. Visa operates in 200 countries around the world, and MasterCard - in 210.
  3. On innovative development. Visa Corporation has created the basis for the formation of non-cash payments in the world using ATMs and terminals. As for MasterCard, the organization developed based on the existing experience of its competitor, that is, it spent less financial resources on the development and implementation of innovations in the card issuance market.
  4. According to the code used to conduct transactions on the Internet. If electronic transactions are carried out using a Visa card, then the secret code CVV2 is used, and for MasterCard - CVC2.
  5. By level of recognition. Both international systems issue debit, credit and co-branded plastic.
  6. The speed of operations is approximately the same. Plastic also has similar safety parameters.
  7. Based on the annual service fee. It is impossible to compare payment system cards on this basis, since tariffs are set by each bank independently.
  8. By the presence of virtual plastic. Both Visa and MasterCard have virtual cards. A payment instrument without physical media allows you to increase the security of making payments online. Moreover, it is impossible to lose it.

Are there any differences in the system maps for different levels?

All plastic offered by issuers can be divided into 3 groups:

  1. group - initial segment cards (Visa Electron, Maestro, instant cards);
  2. group - middle segment cards (Visa Classic, MasterCard Standard);
  3. group - premium cards (Visa Gold, MasterCard Gold and others).

In terms of technical parameters, there are no differences between plastics in the entry-level segment in terms of maintenance and safety. However, there are differences in theory. Firstly, when paying with a Maestro card, you do not need to enter a PIN code. In fact, it all depends on the capabilities of the terminal. As a rule, in Russia you will have to enter an identifier both when performing a transaction using Maestro and Visa Electron.

Secondly, Maestro cards cannot be used to make transactions on the Internet. Thus, instant plastic does not have a secret code that must be entered when paying for goods or receiving services online. As for Visa Electron, such an opportunity can be provided by the bank.

Thirdly, instant cards of the MasterCard system cannot be used outside the country. This feature is disabled for Visa Electron and Maestro cards, but it can be activated free of charge at the issuing bank.

Fourthly, there are differences in service fees between cards. As a rule, it depends on the bank’s tariff policy. So Sberbank can release Maestro social with free annual maintenance. As a rule, this plastic is provided for citizens receiving social benefits. For Visa Electron, the annual payment is 300 rubles. These cards are mainly issued as part of the salary project.

For mid-level plastic, there are no technical or theoretical differences. Here, each client must decide for himself which card is better. The possibilities for using payment instruments of various systems outside the country are completely the same.

Significant differences emerge for premium segment cards. Thus, the Visa Corporation for premium plastic provides the following additional services:

  • emergency assistance outside the country on;
  • medical support for travelers;
  • providing legal advice;
  • cardholder insurance;
  • bonuses in the field of leisure, when organizing relocation, car rental and hotels, etc.

Premium segment MasterCard cards only provide emergency assistance and a customer loyalty program. The remaining options are enabled at the request of the issuing bank. Naturally, they are paid, so not every player in the bank card market is ready to connect them. From this we can conclude that at the premium level, the Visa payment system shows more advantageous positions.

Each global system has its own advantages and disadvantages. However, the difference between them is so small that it can be said that MasterCard and VISA cards are the same in functionality.

Popular payment instruments in the Russian Federation are bank cards of the MasterCard, Visa and MIR payment systems. 38.5% of them are connected specifically to MasterCard technologies. Most banks in Russia work with it. Accepted for payment in shopping centers, businesses, ATMs, etc. It is enough to find the payment system (PS) logo on the terminal or ATM.

The principle of operation of the payment system

Payment system- this is a set of certain rules and technical means that allow making payments with a bank payment card between the buyer, a trade or service organization providing him with services and goods, and the financial institution that issued this card to the client. acts as a payment instrument for accessing funds in the bank. A card that provides access to the client’s own money is called a card, and a card that provides access to borrowed funds is called a card.

The principle of operation of any payment system is to ensure interaction between banks, which, due to their significant number in the banking industry, cannot establish communication with each other. A simple example of such a calculation: a buyer pays at a supermarket with a card belonging to one bank through the terminal of another bank. The international payment system takes on the function of communication between banks: it contacts all participants in the settlement and distributes money between them. Approximately the same thing happens when performing other operations: receiving cash from an ATM of a third-party bank, making payments on the Internet, etc.

Features of the payment system (PS) Mastercard

The payment currency is: euro for MasterCard, dollar for Visa. Therefore, MasterCard banking products are more profitable to use for trips to European countries. In the USA, when using them, there is a double conversion of foreign currency funds (from € to $). Within Russia, cards of both systems work with the national currency of the Russian Federation - the ruble.

It is worth noting that since Visa has a more extensive network of devices (terminals, ATMs) around the world, its bank cards have become more widespread. But in Russia, almost every terminal or ATM has the logo of both systems, so the functionality of their payment instruments is almost the same. When choosing a bank card for use within the Russian Federation, the client must be guided by the list of privileges provided to the client by each system.


A distinctive feature of MasterCard is the absence of a limit on cash withdrawals, while Visa cards have such a limit of $10,000 per month.

Types of bank cards from Mastercard

  1. Mastercard Maestro

This card is mistakenly considered to belong to a separate payment system, since it has its own logo. However, she... This special highlighting was made to emphasize its differences from other cards of this PS:

  • It does not contain personal information
  • Not accepted for payment by all terminals
  • Not serviced at all ATMs

Its significant advantage is that it is the only instant-issue card among all those owned by Mastercard. You can use it immediately after receiving it.

  1. MasterCard Standard

Entry-level card, most common throughout the world. It is convenient and safe, allowing the owner to control costs.

Issued in the form of debit or credit. With a low cost of service, it has a wide range of possibilities:

  • Accepted for payments around the globe at retail outlets and service centers where the corresponding logo is present
  • Online payment possible
  • Cash withdrawals from MasterCard-branded ATMs around the world
  • Bonus and discount programs from partner companies
  • Blocking a card if it is lost or stolen
  1. Gold Mastercard

Prestige class card – (₽ $ € ₣ £) and a symbol of the financial well-being of its holder. Convenience for him is the special status of this card, which provides priority in service, discounts, special offers and privileges in trading companies. Its advanced service functions (free mobile banking, Internet banking and SMS notifications) ensure safe use around the clock.

  1. Platinum Mastercard

Premium category cardholders have even greater opportunities than Gold or World. Among the unique privileges, it should be noted the opportunity to become a member of a closed travel club that organizes trips to anywhere on the globe, gifts and discounts from partner companies, etc.

  1. World Mastercard

Premium segment map. Designed for people who constantly travel around the world and are concerned about comfort, as well as the safety of their funds. The cardholder has permanent travel insurance. Its peculiarity is that it cannot and should be, otherwise problems may arise with paying at the hotel and renting a car abroad. Provides a range of bonuses, privileges and discounts in trading companies and service centers in different countries of the world.

  1. World Mastercard Black Edition

A premium category card that combines a sophisticated and attractive design and the presence of privileges that can suit a wealthy cardholder. Provides comfort in rail and road travel and air travel, bonus programs and discounts when traveling around the world, access to a closed travel club, concierge service, as well as some additional prospects for doing business.

  1. World Elite Mastercard

A status banking instrument that provides high-quality services, unique advantages and opportunities to its owner. By becoming a holder of this card, the client receives new prospects for managing financial flows, business, shopping, leisure and travel.

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