
How to increase money: practical advice and the best ways to invest. How to increase your capital with a small amount of money? How to increase small money in a short time

The main life hack in the world of money - develop financial intelligence

Financial intelligence is the ability to solve financial problems.

For some it is higher, for others it is lower. What are the reasons? Financial intelligence can be trained in solving practical financial problems that we do not often solve in life. And if we train mathematical intelligence in thousands of tasks at school and university, then we solve financial problems in the background.

One of the reasons people don't improve their financial IQ is because they stick to things they know well. Instead of setting yourself new challenges and learning. There are a lot of things we could do to make more money. But we don't.

What exactly does a person with an income of 40,000 rubles need to do?
to increase money

Let's say he can save 5 thousand a month. What needs to be done to keep your income growing?

  1. How not to end up with a belyash instead of a car

When people just start saving money, there is a high probability of a setback. And to become the hero of the joke: “I started saving for a Mercedes, then I snapped and bought a white car.” It is very important to save the money you save and not spend it.

There are 4 formulas by which people live:

Bankruptcy formula- earned and spent more. For example, if you got into debt, “borrow until payday.” If you live by this formula, bankruptcy is inevitable.

Poverty Formula No. 1- earned and spent everything. Most people, earning 40 thousand, do not save anything at all. If you live by this formula, you will spend your entire life in poverty. And if a force majeure situation suddenly occurs, then you will slide to the lowest level - bankruptcy. After all, you will have to borrow money and then pay it back with interest.

Poverty Formula No. 2- earned, saved, spent. It is “richer poverty,” but still poverty.

Wealth formula- earned, saved, invested and increased.

What is the fundamental difference? The poor save money to spend it. The rich save money to increase it.

All the richest people in the world acted according to this formula. They turned their earnings into capital that generated passive income. And passive income tends to increase exponentially due to the effect of compound interest.

This is the formula for wealth. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about it.

It is very important to decide what formula you want to live by. You're saving for a car, for home renovations, or for a new iMac. Or you save to multiply.

  1. Overcome Resistance

It is important to understand: multiplication is a long process that grows exponentially. At first there may be very strong resistance. You save money and realize that very little is saved. 5 thousand times a month. A year has passed - 60 thousand. Very little compared to what you want.

This is where the psychological setback occurs: “I’m saving, but there’s no point.” It is important to endure this moment. Wait until investments begin to grow noticeably exponentially. As a rule, this happens around the fifth year.

You will need patience to resist the temptation to spend your savings.

  1. Don't invest your first money

Do not invest your first saved money in aggressive instruments. Deposit them in a bank. What is it for? To switch to the investor's internal state.

There is such a psychological trap - invest the first money you save right away. Buy shares or invest in some incomprehensible project, where suddenly out of 5 thousand you will get 50 thousand. I do not recommend doing this. Why?

This is a period of getting used to money. If you save money and immediately try to spend it somewhere, in essence this is an internal intention to get rid of money. The money has appeared, it’s burning your pocket, you need to put it somewhere urgently.

What's the point here? When you get used to this money, when you save 50-100 thousand, it will click in your head that this money is yours. When you just start saving, you psychologically feel: “this money is not mine.” And therefore there is a desire to invest them somewhere, to give them to someone.

After you accumulate 50-100 thousand, you will understand that this money is yours. You will ask the right questions before investing money. For example, what are the guarantees? What's plan B if it doesn't work out? What time frames are realistic? What is the liquidity of where I invest?

At the initial stage, you won’t even formulate these questions because you won’t be internally ready yet.

  1. Where to invest

This is where the second psychological trap comes into play - you really want to increase this money faster. Do not hurry. Act gradually, do not immediately go into aggressive investment instruments. Get used to income, to new tools, study them.

In any case, when investing, be it the stock market, foreign exchange market, precious metals, startups, real estate, it is important to study the tools. Or find a person who understands this very well and can give an adequate, professional and high-quality answer on what can be done. How to identify this person? Find out: does he invest in it himself or not?

If so, then this is not just a level of knowledge, but a level of experience.

  1. How to increase your income if you are an employee

If you invest 5 thousand, it is difficult to become rich even after 10 years.

What can you do to increase your income?

A very important point - if you decide to increase your income, your task is to understand that your income is your responsibility. Task number one is to tie your income to the result you produce.

If you are salaried, negotiate with your boss so that your payment is tied to results. Here you need to switch to an entrepreneurial thinking model- you produce results and should receive money for it. If your boss is not ready to consider it this way - I pay the salary and that’s it - change your boss. It's within your power.

If you are focused on creating results, then with a 100% guarantee I can say that you will find a boss who will agree to pay you for the result if you guarantee this result.

Please note - not more work, but better results. To do this you need to improve your professionalism.

When you tie your salary to results, it will be easier for you to manage your income. This is a very simple strategy for hired labor.

Clue— in hired labor, start doing the work of your boss. Many people get stuck at their salary level simply because they do only what they say they will do. Just what you need to do in this position. For example, a storekeeper only deals with arranging goods and keeping records.

But as soon as the storekeeper starts doing the work of his boss, for example, giving recommendations on filling the warehouse, monitoring marketing issues. Look at the statistics - we consume more of this in our warehouse, and less of this, but here is the stale product. Directors and owners will be able to notice this. And they are interested in finding great specialists. In this case, you will be able to build a career and reach top management.

  1. How to increase your income if you are a freelancer

The first strategy is to become a professional, a master in your field. How would you look for a master yourself? You would choose the best professional based on your friends: “Listen, who can do this well?” Therefore, your task is to become this best professional.

The second strategy is to work on your fame. This is advertising, branding, PR. And a small trick that will help immediately improve your results.

If you have a queue of customers, increase the price tag. “How so? My clients will fall off.” Let's analyze - those clients who come because of the price will fall off. It is always more interesting to work with those clients who pay more money. Their requests are more interesting and their projects are more interesting.

By raising the price tag, you cut off the bottom line of people who pay little, and then also whine, demand a lot, and so on, making it more difficult to work with them.

That's why this strategy always works. Unless, of course, you already have a queue of clients.

  1. How to receive from 1000 to 10000% per annum absolutely without risk

We will talk about investing in health and education.

Let's start with the body. Everything is very simple here. The results that we create in life, we create with the help of the body. Thoughts need to be transformed - tapping your fingers on the keyboard, going to a meeting, speaking in negotiations. Body action is needed everywhere. The more abandoned the body, the more inert and less effective it is.

When you are physically toned, the body connects faster. You have more energy and strength. And your thoughts, ideas, inspiration, goals, desires will be realized faster. Here is such a simple logical connection. Therefore, you need to keep your body toned and in good shape.

Investments in education, according to my calculations, bring from 1000 to 10000% per annum

There are people who never miss a single seminar; they are already smart, educated, and are even ready to write books on these topics. But they don’t do anything, they don’t implement anything. And then this is not an investment, it is spending on training.

You can hear from them: “trainings don’t work.” I have attended hundreds of seminars and trainings, they all work if the knowledge gained is applied. But if you just listen to them, it’s like reading a book. I read it and closed it. All.

If you come to training, your task is to immediately implement it. Then you will notice that, having spent 10 thousand rubles on training, thanks to the implementation of the acquired knowledge, you can make 1,000,000 or more.

Now think about this

Some of your friends have their own business, others have an apartment in the center of Moscow, a car with a personal driver, a selfie with Big Ben and the Eiffel Tower in the background.

Are you comfortable with this approach? I think no. After all, you have subscribed to my mailing list and read my letters. Because you want to change your life for the better. And if you are trying to do something, implement it in your life, then the first step has already been taken.

Everyone dreams of getting rich, but not everyone succeeds. Why does this happen, since everyone has the same aspirations? The answer is that most people do not know the basic laws of increasing capital. In this article I will tell you how to increase money in a short time.

At the beginning, it should be noted that people with substantial fortunes are well versed not only in what money is, but also in how to manage it and increase its quantity. In other words, they have excellently studied the laws by which the circulation of capital is carried out. And, most importantly, they put these laws into practice.

An interesting theory was published in one popular economic publication. If we collect all the money available on our planet and divide it equally among the entire population of the Earth, then in a couple of years the situation will again be the same as before the division. The rich will get even richer, because they know how to increase money in a short time. And the poor will lose their “gift of fate”, returning to poverty again.

In general, 20% of the Earth's inhabitants account for about 80% of the money. Strange and unfair, isn't it? If you don't want to be one of those who constantly have no money, read this article. In it we will also touch on the topic of the habits of wealthy people. After reviewing the recommendations given, act according to them. This will bring you closer to the desired well-being.

How do you feel about money?

This is the first question you should ask yourself. The attitude towards money is not determined by a person’s financial and economic knowledge. And it is this that determines the level of earnings. A person who has a good attitude towards money usually has a higher income than others. But many people don’t even think about this issue.

Many people call the desire for wealth in general and money in particular petty and unworthy. This is natural, since childhood we have been hearing the supposed “truths” that happiness does not lie in money, that the greatest evil lies in wealth. Yes, happiness does not lie in money; those who like to joke will say that the quantity is more important.

Psychologists even introduced a separate term “thoughts of the poor” for people who disdain money and consider it an unworthy goal for themselves. You don’t need to make getting money your most important life mission, but you shouldn’t despise it either.

The external manifestations of your attitude towards money also matter. Do not crumple banknotes or scatter coins throughout the house. If you are thinking about how to increase money in a short time, start by choosing the right place to store it. Pick up a beautiful wallet or box for this, regularly count your money, value each of your earnings, even if it is very small - and wealth will flow to you like a river.

Have positive thoughts towards money

Positive thinking is a great power. It needs to be practiced not only in relation to money, but in life in general. If you believe that you will get rich one day, it will happen. Any person is worth as much as his thoughts. In addition, money likes confident and strong people. They don’t go to a loser who is initially set up for a fiasco.

Enjoy life, perceive every day as a huge field of promising opportunities. Follow the laws on how to increase money in a short time, and soon you will really get rich. Because dreams, backed by real actions and positive thinking, will definitely come true.

Unconscious habits are a serious obstacle to prosperity. One of the most common is the habit of living one day at a time. It is natural that such a lifestyle will not allow you to collect and/or increase start-up capital, nor motivate yourself to develop and enrich yourself.

All wealthy people argue that capital should work for its owner, and not lie as dead ballast. The simplest solution is to open a deposit account and transfer at least a small part of your earnings to it every month. Experts say that the optimal amount of deductions is approximately 10% of profits. On the one hand, the withdrawal of such an amount does not greatly affect the budget. On the other hand, it allows you to accumulate a substantial amount over time.

The second thing you should do is review your expenses. Give up everything that does not benefit you. These are bad habits, unnecessary purchases, etc. It seems to us that we spend a little, but if you calculate how much you throw away on buying cigarettes or cakes, gatherings with beer and other unnecessary activities, you yourself will be shocked by the total amount. This money could be used for some project, but you spend it to the detriment of your health.

Investing is better than depositing

Deposit accounts are the easiest way to save money. A more profitable option is investing, for example, in, which my blog is dedicated to. By taking up investing, you will not only be able to count on more money, but will also gain invaluable work experience and improve your knowledge in the field of finance. This is very useful for anyone who aspires.

Don't be afraid to take responsibility

The richer a person is, the more responsibility lies with him. Prepare for this in advance. Feel like a big guy

You transfer money to a perpetual account, and the bank gives you interest on it monthly while you use its services. There are no restrictions on the movement of funds. But the percentage is usually low.

Profit period: from one month.


2. Deposit

You deposit money in a bank for a fixed period and earn interest on it. Pay attention to the ratio of terms and interest with a floating deposit rate. Sometimes it happens that, for example, putting money in the bank for a year is more profitable than for six months, but less profitable than for a year and a half.

Income from the deposit, depending on the terms of the agreement, can be cashed out monthly or added to the principal amount in order to then receive all the money at once. Pay attention to the presence of capitalization: in this case, interest is added to the principal amount monthly, and then interest is also charged on it.

If you have a lot of savings, spread the amount across different banks so that each deposit contains no more than 1.4 million - this is the amount that is insured in the event of bankruptcy of a financial institution.

Profit period: from one month, but it is more profitable to choose a longer period.

Risks: practically none if you contact a trusted bank and do not give online banking access data to strangers.

3. Education

A risky way in which you first have to say goodbye to your savings for the sake of a potentially bright future. Before investing in education, it is worth weighing the pros and cons, making a list of positions for which you can apply, and finding out the average salary for them.

If all the calculations look optimistic, it’s worth a try. But only if you are ready to plow. Then there is a chance to quickly return your savings and begin to increase them.

Profit period: from several months to several years.

Risks: high if you are not ready to invest anything but money and have not studied the professional market well.

4. Properties under construction

Buying at the pit stage can increase savings by 50–70%. This is precisely the profitability, according to What kind of profitability can investments in new buildings bring? RBC have investments in new buildings.

But profitable investments are risky investments, so you need to take a responsible approach to choosing a developer so as not to join the ranks of defrauded shareholders. Also pay attention to the infrastructure of the area: if the location is bad, there is a chance you won’t find a buyer.

Profit period: some years.

Risks: high if you contact an unverified developer, and below average if you choose a bona fide company.

5. Properties for rent

Be prepared that this is a very long-term investment. for 2 million and with a rental payment without utilities of 20 thousand rubles, you return the savings only after 8 years.

But at the same time you own an apartment. True, data Price indices on the secondary housing market in the Russian Federation Rosstat says that in the last three years the cost of all types of apartments has been declining, with the exception of elite ones. Before this, real estate was steadily growing in price.

Profit period: the first money will be in a month, the payback will be in a few years, but you will have an apartment that can be sold.

Risks: below average if you carefully select a property and screen tenants.

6. Promotions

When investing in stocks, it makes sense not to put all your eggs in one basket and buy securities of several companies. This makes it possible to at least save savings if the value of some securities goes down sharply.

Please note that common shares may not pay dividends. Pay attention to the more expensive preferred shares, which have priority in the distribution of profits.

When choosing a broker who will represent you on the stock exchange, check that he has a state license from the Central Bank (until 2013 - from the Federal Service for Financial Markets), and that his company is registered in Russia.

Profit period: in a year - for dividends, at any time - after the sale.

Risks: high if you don’t understand the issue.

7. Federal loan bonds

Bonds are a debt instrument with a fixed income. In the case of federal loan bonds (OFZ), the government borrows money from you, then returns the money you invested and thanks you with interest. Market OFZs can be purchased from a broker. Their terms vary, so details must be clarified for each bond issue specifically.

In 2017, the Ministry of Finance issued On federal loan bonds for individuals (OFZ-n)“people's” bonds, which can be bought at VTB and Sberbank, but can only be sold to them. The return is stated at 8.5% per annum on average for 3 years. For three-year deposits, the weighted average rate is 4.85% Weighted average interest rates on deposits attracted by credit institutions from individuals and non-financial organizations in rubles.

Profit period: depending on the term of the bond.

Risks: practically none, unless you expect the state to go bankrupt.

8. Individual investment account

Individual investment accounts (IIA) were introduced in 2015 as a tool to attract Russians to long-term investment in securities. You must transfer money to it in rubles, but not more than a million “On amendments to Articles 10.2-1 and 20 of the Federal Law on the Securities Market” dated June 18, 2017 N 123-FZ per year, and you can invest in stocks and bonds.

Everything is clear with them, but IIS allows you to receive income, even if you simply store money on it without moving. You can apply for a tax deduction of up to 52 thousand rubles annually.

Terms of profit: from three years; If you withdraw the money earlier, the tax deduction will have to be returned.

Risks: higher than that of a deposit, with a fairly low return, since the investment account is not insured by the Deposit Insurance Agency.

9. ETF fund

When you invest in an exchange-traded fund, you buy a share of a collection of shares of different companies that it owns. This fully complies with the requirement for different baskets, but makes the task easier for the investor, since you are offered an already formed package.

The more companies in an ETF fund's portfolio, the greater the chance that the investment will generate at least a small but stable income.

Profit period: depending on the fund's policy.

Risks: the larger the portfolio, the lower the risks.

10. Someone else's business

Those who like to take risks and trust their intuition can invest in innovative technology. If the project succeeds, the investment will be returned in a larger amount.

But the risks are very high, most companies go bankrupt. Therefore, you should not invest your last or what you earned through very hard work. Well, don’t forget that finance loves rationality. You will have to sift through a large amount of information to understand which industry is trending and has a chance of success, and which is not initially worth attention.

Profit period: some years.

Risks: tall.

Many people, without thinking at all about the availability of capital, begin to count their material assets - money, apartments or cars. In fact, this is not the only thing that can be attributed to capital. After all, capital can be good relationships, children and one’s own health, that is, intangible values.

Therefore, when thinking about how to increase the capital that a person has, you need to understand that this can be done, in fact, in only two ways - by investing in yourself and loved ones, that is, in the intangible sphere, or by investing in material assets, that is, in shares , business and the like. Let's take a closer look at the options for increasing capital.

Financial plan

As with any other business, the question of how to increase your capital with a small amount of money must be approached thoroughly and planned. To do this, you need to do financial planning.

To make a plan, you need to decide on your expenses and income. If necessary, optimize both the first and second. Then it will become more clear to you how much money you have to invest.

Ways to increase capital

We've sorted out the theory, let's finally move on to the practical side. There are actually a great many ways, we will look at the most interesting of them.

Buying precious metals

This method of increasing and saving money has been used by people since ancient times. Everyone understands well that money can depreciate due to inflation or problems with the state itself, but precious metals, gold, platinum, silver, are always highly valued.

Even paper money is valued the more highly, the more it is backed by the state's gold and foreign exchange reserves.

There are several ways to invest in precious metals:

  • purchase of bullion;
  • opening “metal” bank accounts;
  • investing in futures.

With the first method of investing, everything is simple - you go to the bank and purchase an ingot of metal of the selected mass. Moreover, you choose both the size of the ingot and the metal itself depending on the amount of money you plan to spend on this investment.

The second method is less known to a wide range of people. A “metal” account is an account opened in a bank in the name of the client, which contains the precious metal purchased by the person. At the same time, there are no identification signs of the metal - the manufacturer, sample and serial number are not indicated.

A precious metal futures is a contract to buy part of a shipment of metal. However, this batch has not yet been delivered, which means you will actually be able to hold the metal a little later.


Hello! In this article we will talk about how to increase money without taking any risks.

Today you will learn:

  1. How to profitably and increase them;
  2. How to eliminate risks when investing money;
  3. What tricks of scammers should you not pay attention to?

Types of profit

Each of you has repeatedly wondered how to profitably increase money, while choosing a safe way to increase your capital. Often the choice of method depends on the form in which you would like to receive your profit. Should it be periodic payments that will be your additional source of income, or will it be a long-term investment to make a profit at the end of a certain period.

So, we have conditionally divided the ways of making profit from two ways:

  1. Periodic payments, in installments;
  2. One-time payment of profit.

Now let's look at each method in more detail and detail.

Short-term financial investments

In order for increasing money in a short period of time to become your additional source of income, there are several proven ways to invest money.

Binary options

Probably everyone, whether they want it or not, has heard about binary options and financial markets. Many people have doubts about the honesty and reliability of this income - and this is correct, but partially.

As for honesty, there can be no doubt about it. To select a site, use recommendations from friends and user reviews on the Internet. Choose already wealthy sites with an established reputation.

As for the reliability of this type of profitable increase in money, there are big risks here. There is only one way to eliminate the risk of losing your financial assets - by constantly increasing your knowledge in the field of trading in financial markets. If you are not strong in finance, then it is NOT worth starting to increase your money in this way.

Borrow money

Another way to profitably increase your money is to lend money at interest. If moral principles are alien to you, then it is quite possible to make money from people who are willing to borrow money at 2% daily.

By correctly filling out the documents when transferring the borrowed amount, you eliminate almost all risks of losing your own funds. The worst case scenario is the return of your own funds through law enforcement agencies, perhaps even the court.

But at the same time you have the opportunity to make a profit of 700% per annum. In this case, the amount of profit received directly depends on the financial resources you invested. Most of your borrowers, with an 80% probability, will become your regular customers, and no one will be in a hurry to repay the principal debt; borrowers will only repay the interest on the debt.


The next way to increase your capital is a little less profitable, but still more humane. , and you do not need to purchase anything in bulk and collect full warehouses in order to provide your customers with the availability of the goods they are interested in. It is enough to be an intermediary between the seller and the buyer.

Your job is to find a buyer, then contact the seller, bring these two links together to conclude a deal and receive your percentage. In this case, the amount of earnings will depend on the number of goods you sell and the commission that the seller is willing to pay you. An ideal way for those who do not have a large amount of money to invest in a larger project.

Bank cards

At the end of this section, I will describe a way to earn money using bank debit and credit cards.

Let's start with debit cards. Now many banks, ready to go to great lengths to lure customers to their side, offer debit cards with cashback of up to 5% on all purchases and 10% per annum on the balance of funds on the card. That is, in principle, apart from how to get a card from a bank, on favorable terms and use your bank card, as always, you don’t need to do anything else.

Seems like a small thing? On average, 600-700 rubles come out per month. Calculate how much you will receive in a year? A nice amount, isn't it?

Now you can earn money using debit and credit cards together. You issue two cards at once in the same bank (it is possible in different ones, it doesn’t matter). Debit card with interest on the balance and credit card, limits equal to your average monthly income. Using a debit card, you fill out a salary project and receive your salary on this card.

Having received your first salary, do not rush to spend it or withdraw money from the card, leave it entirely on the card and receive your interest. But with a credit card, which has a period during which no interest is charged for using the funds (usually from 55 to 100 days), pay in stores, pay for housing and communal services and all your expenses. After you receive your next paycheck, reload your credit card and use it again.

What you get as a result: Every month you receive % on your debit card on your balance and do not pay anything for using credit funds.

Long-term financial investments

Here we will look at the option of increasing your money in the long term. This is less profitable, but the risks are completely minimal.

Bank deposit

One of the most reliable and most common ways to invest your funds in order to save money is to open a bank deposit at annual interest. Important .

There are two types of bank deposits: replenishable and non-replenishable, respectively.

Replenishable deposit convenient for those who do not have a large enough amount to invest, but are ready to replenish their deposit monthly in order to receive a larger amount of interest on the deposit. This type of investment is suitable for almost everyone.

Open a bank account and top it up with a couple of thousand from each salary. By the end of the year, in addition to your own accumulated funds, you will receive a pleasant bonus in the form of interest declared by the bank. As for the disadvantages of a replenishable deposit, it is a significantly lower interest rate compared to a non-replenishable one.

Non-replenishable bank deposit, is perfect for those who have an impressive amount of money that is not involved in any assets. After depositing funds, it will no longer be possible to replenish it. But the interest rate on this type of deposit is almost twice as high as on a replenished account.

In both cases, you can interrupt the accumulation of your deposit ahead of schedule, but you will lose interest only for the period that remains before the expiration of your deposit. Simply put, how long your money has been in the bank is how long you will receive interest on this deposit. Please note that not so long ago, if you withdraw funds from the deposit early, you could lose absolutely all the interest on the deposit. This applies to both replenishable and non-replenishable deposits.

Precious metals and foreign currency deposits

Long-term ways to increase your money also include foreign currency deposits and purchasing precious metals at a bank.

Foreign currency deposits are a rather risky way to increase your capital. Exchange rates directly depend on the political situation in the world, and since in our time it is extremely unstable, with a foreign currency deposit you can either get rich overnight or lose everything you had.

It is considered more stable in the bank. And to be more specific, gold. In fact, you don’t see this gold; everything is done exclusively on paper.

The price of gold is always stable and almost always rises, but this happens extremely slowly, so investing your money in gold is more suitable for preserving your capital, rather than expecting super-profits from it.

Saving money is the initial stage of increasing money during a crisis

In order to increase money, the first thing you need is its availability. You need to analyze your income and expenses. Everything is very detailed and detailed, without missing the slightest detail. Having broken everything down point by point, imagine the overall picture of your financial condition.

Below is a basic example of how to do this:

Income Expenses
Salary 50000 Flat rent 15000
Communal payments 5000
Products 10000
Entertainment 10000
Cigarettes 4000
Transport 4000
Other 2000
Total 50000 50000

Now a general picture emerges in front of us, in which we see that our income corresponds to our expenses and this is already good. It would be much worse if we did not fit into what we have.

Now we need to reduce possible expenses on some items in order to get a free amount of money. First of all, you need to understand that you will have to squeeze your needs. Therefore, to alleviate your hardships, set yourself a goal, an incentive that will help you overcome difficulties.

Looking at the expense items, the first thing that catches your eye is the item “cigarettes”; you should definitely exclude it. Just imagine 4,000 rubles a month to slowly kill yourself - we’ll remove it. Next comes the “entertainment” article; there is no doubt that by cutting it in half, we will not lose anything for ourselves. Another minus 5000 from the expense item. Quite a significant amount, 10% of the entire budget.

Having looked at the expenditure part of our plan, we discovered that we are not spending 9,000 rubles rationally. Having saved 9,000 rubles per month, we can begin to increase our capital. Let's assume that we are illiterate in financial markets and similar earning systems, and the amount of initial savings is not that large.

The surest way to increase your money is to open a replenishable deposit in a bank. We go to the bank, open a deposit at 6% per annum and deposit 9,000 as the initial amount. Then the usual arithmetic: every month we replenish our deposit by 9,000 rubles. In total, in a year we will collect 108,000 rubles, plus the interest declared by the bank of 6,480 rubles. In total, at the end of the year we receive 114,480 rubles. Decent, isn't it?

What to do next with this money is up to you, but after a year you already have a decent amount for more serious capital investments. The most important thing is not to spend all this money on your pleasures, so as not to start this whole path again.

Correctly managing the accumulated amount is the key to future financial victories. To successfully increase your money in a short time, you should not spend more than half of the profit received. The second half of the money must be directed to improving methods for obtaining maximum profits. If you were able to accumulate a decent amount by cutting down your expense items, then wisely managing the profit received will not be difficult for you.

Opening your own business is a quick way to increase your money

Having a certain amount of your own funds, you should seriously think about it. To do this, first of all, you will need a thought-out plan down to the smallest detail, which anyone can draw up, approaching the matter with great responsibility. When drawing up a business plan, rely only on yourself, your strengths, and financial capabilities.

In order to choose the right direction, analyze all possible market niches, what is the demand and what is the supply. If you have identified what is missing in the market, make sure that you can provide it to the consumer in a quality that no one else can. One head is good, but two are better, so you should seek advice from people more experienced in this area.

Choosing an idea for starting your own business is the most difficult question. But the most important aspect in this matter is not to choose what you are not familiar with and what you do not know how to do. Even if an area unknown to you is quite profitable, taking it as a basis is a big mistake. Work with what you know, or better yet, with what you like. No one can guarantee that your business will immediately be highly profitable and successful, but if you delegate competently and invest all your knowledge in development, success will definitely await you.

From personal experience. Two identical people in terms of business development level, simultaneously selling draft beer. One of them was looking for premises with lower rent in order to cover as many retail outlets in the city as possible, while the other did not chase quantity and placed only one retail outlet, but in the busiest place in the city, sparing no money on renting the premises, since calculated his benefit from the investment.

As a result of this competitive struggle, a person who opened only one point allowed himself to open two more points in no less busy areas of the city the next month, and a person who opened several points at once on the outskirts of the city had to close them and end with this type of business forever .

This example of the wrong approach to doing business is one of many, so even here there are risks, which only self-education and self-development will help you avoid.

Investments in real estate, one of the ways to increase your capital

If you have a significant amount in your savings, then the most reliable investment would be buying real estate. In terms of its profitability, investing in real estate can only be compared with the purchase of precious metals.

Real estate will always be in price and always in high demand. Real estate prices mostly rise and rarely stay the same. Therefore, there is practically no risk of losing your money.

It is very profitable to invest money in, in which case the cost of the apartment will be one and a half times lower than the cost of finished housing.

After purchasing real estate, questions will arise about utility costs and payment of property taxes. In this case, it is worth considering your apartment as a permanent source of income. Renting out residential premises is a fairly profitable business that covers not only the costs of housing and communal services, but also brings a stable income to the owner’s pocket.

If you do not have enough free time, then rent out the apartment for a long time, to permanent tenants, but if you have enough time, then a more profitable type of rental housing is daily. Daily housing is rented by employees who are sent on a business trip to your city.

When choosing where to stay: in a hotel or rent an apartment, there is no doubt that the renter will choose the apartment. After all, the price of a room per night in a hotel is much more expensive than in an apartment, and the quality of the services provided leaves much to be desired.

In order to choose your apartment, take care of good advertising in advance, using free platforms for posting ads on the Internet.

Social networks and earnings from advertising

They are a great way to increase your money in the shortest possible time. An advertiser is willing to pay decent money if you are willing to provide him with a good platform for advertising.

Social networks are replete with various communities that each of you is subscribed to. The owners of these communities produce high-quality, interesting content for their readers in order to increase the number of subscribers and traffic to their community.

After the community passes the minimum threshold of activity, it has access to the advertising exchange. This is where the fun begins. You don't have to look for advertisers, they will find you themselves. Depending on what topic you have chosen for your community, the number of advertisers will vary. The most hackneyed topics are humorous communities and quote books.

Before creating a community, think about who will advertise with you and what the future holds for your advertising platform. Once you have decided on a topic and created a community, make sure you have enough quality content on your topic. You shouldn't copy material from larger communities, this is a utopian idea. Having collected more than 15 publications, you can start advertising your community.

The effect will not take long to appear; if your material is interesting to the reader, then the number of subscribers to your group will steadily grow. You shouldn’t immediately spend a lot of money on advertising in large communities; start with the smallest ones, gradually gaining momentum and adjusting the content of your community to the interests of readers.

YouTube as a way to increase your money

If you know how to shoot a beautiful video or you have something to show the viewer, then it will be the best way for you to increase your capital. Unlike many social networks, YouTube pays you money from the first day you broadcast your videos on your channel. All you have to do is activate monetization of your channel. The amounts are quite insignificant, but if you manage to interest subscribers in original material, then you will not have any difficulties earning good money.

When posting your new video, use as many tools as possible to ensure that your video is seen by as many people as possible. Add your video to other social networks, send it to your friends, suggest it for publication in groups relevant to the topic. Becoming popular on YouTube is quite simple, this niche is still practically free, and if you are original and unique, then you have every chance of success.

After you achieve your popularity on the channel. In addition to the automatic advertising that the service administration independently displays on your videos, advertisers will start contacting you directly and the amount of fees will be quite serious. If your material is truly interesting, you won’t have to spend a penny on advertising and promoting your channel. Word of mouth on the global network will do everything for you.

Investing in yourself

As surprising as it may sound, investing in yourself is one of the most profitable. No, there is absolutely no risk that you will lose your funds.

So that you understand what investments in yourself can be, I will tell you about this in more detail:

  • Get additional education. This will help you expand your horizons, take a different look at things that are familiar to you, and perhaps even radically change your lifestyle.
  • Improve your profession's qualifications. Always be one step ahead of your colleagues. And in this case, you will definitely achieve high results in your work, promotion and opening new horizons for your professional activity.
  • Improving your physical condition and health. Visit fitness clubs, play sports, improve your health, which will be useful to you in later life.
  • Buy books, attend public readings and seminars. Self-development is a big key to success in all areas.

Loans - why you shouldn’t go into debt

If you decide to achieve certain success in your financial independence, under no circumstances count on credit funds. If you decide to take out a loan from a financial institution to start your idea, you will automatically put an end to a successful future.

For clarity and to avoid misunderstanding of what we are talking about, the following example:

Petya decided that he needed to grow and earn decent money.

Without a permanent job, Petya goes to the bank and takes out a loan under two documents at 30% per annum to open a vegetable shop. Petya buys a kiosk, pays rent and purchases goods. Petya ran out of credit money, but for some reason things didn’t go well. And the watermelons seem to be good and the tomatoes are sweet, but no one takes the goods from Petya.

Petit the businessman’s first month of work is coming to an end, and he has nothing to pay off the loan with. Petya does not despair and sells his goods at the purchase price. Petya collects the required amount for the monthly payment and settles with the bank. But Petya still needs to pay rent again and buy goods.

Petya borrows money from his good friends on parole. He pays rent, buys goods, but again no one takes the goods. The new price does not attract buyers. Everything repeats itself and Petya has nothing to do with the bank and his friends and the business.

He has to sell his kiosk, but for the price at which he bought it, no one agrees to buy it. The deadlines for repaying debts and loans are running out and Petya is selling his kiosk for half the price he bought it for. There is barely enough money to pay off friends and pay the monthly payment to the bank.

As a result, all that Petya has acquired and earned is a loan and a nervous tic. Further more. Petya can’t find a job, and the next payment deadline comes unnoticed and Petya decides to take out another loan to pay off the first one and gets into a credit pyramid, from which only a few find a way out.

This example is not made up. Such cases happen all the time. People, in pursuit of wealth, commit reckless acts that they have to regret for the rest of their lives. Therefore, before choosing a way to increase your capital, think a thousand times whether you can do it.


Based on everything that was written above, you can identify the main points for increasing your money:

  • Set a goal for yourself and don’t deviate from this path;
  • Use all possible tools to achieve your goal;
  • Don't take on what you don't know how to do;
  • If you take up a task, always bring it to the end;
  • Be prepared for unforeseen difficulties;
  • Never, under any pretext, take out loans;
  • Believe in yourself and your capabilities.

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