
Certificate of cadastral value of the apartment. Where to get it? How to find out the estimated value of an apartment in BTI

Often citizens have to face a situation where they need to calculate the inventory value of a property. Such calculations represent the estimated value of the property, determined by a qualified, licensed specialist. This can be either an employee of Rosreestr or an independent appraiser.

A private specialist or cadastral appraiser takes into account the total area of ​​real estate, the presence of connected utility systems and communications, as well as the date the building was put into operation, that is, actual wear and tear. The final cost will definitely be lower than the market value, since the structure of the object, building materials and work are more important in the inventory. All other features that are important for owners and buyers (region, location, cost of land, comfort, infrastructure) are not taken into account here.

It is important to note that previously information on inventory value was handled by the Bureau of Technical Inventory, but today, when this indicator is practically no longer used to generate taxes, this task has been transferred to Rosreestr. However, if the owner needs information before 2013, he should contact the BTI for help. After 2013 - to Rosreestr.

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Why is this necessary?

A certificate of inventory value is required in order to:

  • Conclude a transaction involving the alienation of real estate;
  • Formalize the entry into inheritance rights;
  • Provide information to the tax service to clarify tax calculations (for those objects that for some reason do not have a cadastral number).

For the most part, obtaining official information in the form of a document is required for the privatization of real estate. This allows government agencies to assess the importance of the property to the municipality and make a rational decision. As is known, such decisions are made based on indicators of benefits for government agencies and the profitability of objects. So,
for example, if privatization is approved, then all duties, responsibilities and costs for maintaining the property will be assigned to the owner.

All owners can obtain information about the inventory value, both in person and remotely. However, the certificate is an official document that can be attached to other papers when resolving any issues or legal proceedings.

How to get it?

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It is known that the inventory value of real estate determines the amount of tax in the event of sale, privatization, exchange, or gift. What is it - inventory value, who calculates it and how, what is the difference between inventory and cadastral value? Where can an apartment owner get information about the value of the property?

What is inventory value: concept and method of calculation

Inventory value is the estimated value of housing, according to the conclusion of an appraiser from the BTI. It is calculated based on the following indicators:

  1. Apartment area(main indicator).
  2. Communal amenities.
  3. Year of construction where the apartment is located.

The inventory, or estimated, value of the property is significantly lower than the market value, since the calculations take into account only the design of the apartment and prices for building materials and work. In this case, the land on which the house stands, the location of the building, comfort and other important characteristics are not taken into account.

The inventory value is several times lower than the market value.

Where to get a certificate of inventory value

Information and documentation regarding the inventory value are provided only to the owner or tenant (non-privatized apartments) or their representative who has a notarized power of attorney. To find out the estimated value of the apartment, as well as to obtain a certificate, the owner of the property must contact the BTI located at the applicant’s place of residence.

Documents required to obtain a certificate of estimated value according to the BTI:

  • Relevant Statement.
  • Certificate of ownership. (If the housing is not privatized - a social rental agreement).
  • Applicant's passport.

The BTI employee will set a day for receiving the certificate. The issuance of certificates of the inventory value of real estate is carried out on a paid basis.

If the owner disagrees with the value indicated in the certificate, he has the right to challenge it in court. In this case, you should calculate the inventory value of the apartment by inviting an independent appraiser.

Certificate of value of the object and registration of inheritance

A certificate of the value of the apartment may be needed in the event of the death of the testator. Until January 1, 2013, the heir had to submit to the notary a certificate of the inventory value of the housing on the day of death of the deceased, that is, on the day the inheritance was opened. This certificate could be obtained from the BTI at the address of the property.

Currently, the BTI is not authorized to issue such certificates. Now the heir must contact Rosreestr, where he will receive a certificate of the cadastral value of the housing.

Today, the practice when the BTI issues a certificate of value, and the notary registering the inheritance accepts it, is still in effect.

If the heir has certificates of inventory, cadastral and market value in his hands, then the notary is obliged to be guided by the one that indicates the lower amount.

Since the inventory value of the apartment is far away, a law comes into force according to which the tax will be calculated based on the cadastral value of the property.

Initially, the transition to the new system was planned for 2014, but now the start is possible no earlier than 2015. According to forecasts, it will take 5 years for the entire country to switch to the new system. What is the cadastral value of an apartment.

Inventory and cadastral values ​​are fundamentally different. If, when determining the inventory assessment, only the structure (walls, doors, windows, floors) is taken into account, then when determining the cadastral assessment, indicators such as the location of the house (in the central areas of the city or in the so-called “dormitory areas”), transport accessibility, and infrastructure development are important. , availability of parking and security in the house.

The inventory value is lower than the market value, the cadastral value is close to the market value.

The cadastral value is determined by independent experts, the information is entered into Rosreestr and is available to any citizen.

The cadastral value of real estate is as close as possible to the market value.

When determining the cost, the following methods are used:

  1. Comparative– the appraiser analyzes and compares information about transactions carried out on the market and, based on the information received, assigns the appraised apartment to one or another group.
  2. Expensive– a specialist evaluates the cost of building materials, work on communications and engineering systems, as well as the cost of the land on which the building stands.
    This method is mainly used for new buildings under construction.
  3. Profitable– is based on information about the cost of renting an apartment and the costs of its maintenance. This method is used when there is little information about real estate transactions in the market.

How to do it correctly and what are the risks when carrying out such a transaction.
Important information about buying an apartment in a new building. Knowing the nuances of this type of home purchase and sale will help you avoid trouble.

How to find out the appraisal of an apartment without leaving home?

Today you can find out the cost of an apartment online on the Rosreestr website. On the main page, select the “Electronic Services” section, then “Online reference information on real estate”. Next, you need to enter the cadastral number of the property you are interested in. The system will issue a cadastral number and the cost of housing. If it is not possible to enter a cadastral number, you can indicate the address of the apartment.

Also, the cost is indicated in the cadastral passport itself, which is issued to the owner.

To make any real estate transactions, you must visit the BTI. The bureau prepares documents that confirm the legal “purity” of the object.

But the specialists of this government agency also provide other services to the population.

They evaluate the object and issue a competent conclusion.

How to get a certificate from the BTI about the cost of an apartment?

Why is it necessary?

Only its owner can order an appraisal of an apartment. This happens when you visit the BTI at the place of registration of real estate in an application form.

That is, the owner of the apartment, having presented the necessary documents to the BTI specialist, writes a statement and calls a specialist.

There are several reasons for conducting an assessment:

There are other reasons for conducting an apartment with the help of BTI employees.

BTI assessment of the cost of an apartment

Only the owner can order an assessment.

To do this, he must write an application and present the following documents to the bureau employee:

  1. A copy of yours.
  2. A copy for this apartment.
  3. A copy of the document confirming that the applicant has paid. The cost is determined by regional authorities and may vary depending on various factors.

Having accepted the documents, the BTI employee will set a day when you can pick up the certificate.

Video: how to evaluate an apartment. Real estate valuation

But the issue is resolved so quickly if the apartment has not undergone illegal redevelopment. Therefore, you cannot do without a visit from a specialist from the bureau.

He will appoint the day when he will come. He will inspect the apartment and compare the inspection results with the technical passport for the premises.

If there are no changes, he will set a day when the applicant can pick up.

If changes have been made, then you will need to make them first, then order a new technical passport, and only then contact the bureau with a request to issue a certificate of the cost of the apartment.

In case of inheritance

The law states that receiving an apartment by inheritance is impossible without its mandatory assessment.

An independent appraiser can do this, but citizens prefer to contact BTI employees.

This must be done for the following reasons:

This is a prerequisite for entering into inheritance and although the current law does not provide for the payment of income tax on inheritance received by close relatives (and most often it is close relatives who inherit an apartment and other property), the assessment is carried out to pay for notary services for registering an inheritance. The amount of the duty depends on the value of the inherited property
Determining the share of the apartment in the common property of the deceased, that is, the testator in this case, all the property of the deceased will be assessed. And only then will it be determined what share of this property a particular apartment occupies
Litigation between heirs In order for the court to fairly divide the property of the deceased among the heirs, it must know its value. This also applies to the apartment

When selling

- the most common type of transaction. To conduct a “clean” transaction, a document on the cost of the apartment is required.

The certificate is necessary so that the seller can understand:

Did he overprice his apartment? When the cost of an apartment is determined, many factors are taken into account that an ordinary person cannot take into account. This:
  • presence or absence of repairs;
  • what materials were used during repairs or redevelopment;
  • presence or absence of developed infrastructure;
  • "age" of the house;
  • other factors.

Therefore, it is important for the owner to know that he has set the price for the apartment correctly. Otherwise, buyers will not be interested in it

Did he underestimate the price of the apartment? this can lead to the opposite consequences - material losses for the seller

In addition, the official document from the BTI “says” that the apartment is “clean”, from a legal point of view.

If redevelopment was carried out there, then it was legalized, and the new owner will not have any problems.

Certificate from BTI

A certificate from the BTI about the cost of an apartment is an official document.

It can be presented to the bank when registering collateral, to insurers and other structures. We must accept it!

Only the apartment owner or user can order it. He confirms these rights, as well as his identity, with relevant documents.

Having accepted the documents, the BTI specialist will hand over a document that will indicate the exact list of documents submitted, their quantity, as well as the date they were accepted for consideration.

But, before issuing a certificate, the bureau specialist will have to check the apartment and check whether any redevelopment has been carried out in it, which could in one way or another affect the cost of the apartment.

If everything is in order, the BTI specialist will set a date when the owner or user can pick up the document.

If there was a redevelopment, but there is no information about this in the BTI, then these actions will first need to be legalized, then reflected in the new and, and only after that a certificate of the cost of the apartment must be ordered.

Required documents

To obtain a certificate from the BTI, you must present the following documents to the BTI specialist:

All documents are submitted to the bureau specialist in original form and as a copy.

How to calculate it yourself?

The cost of the apartment after an assessment by a BTI specialist is reflected in the cadastral passport and is called the cadastral value.

The amount of tax payable is calculated from this amount. The cadastral value of an apartment depends on many factors.

Average cost of 1 sq. m meter of living space in this region year of construction of the apartment building in which this apartment is located. That is, the older the house, the lower the cadastral value of the apartment
Placing an apartment in space all aspects are taken into account here - from the location of the apartment relative to the region, to the location of the apartment on the floor
Total and living area of ​​the apartment economic situation in the area where the apartment is located - infrastructure development, presence or absence of transport links, accessibility to school, preschool and additional education, other factors

All this data is taken into account by a specialist who calculates the cadastral value for each specific property.

It may happen that 2 apartments of the same area and located on the same staircase will have different cadastral values.

But you can contact Rosreestr and request data on the cadastral value of the apartment.

You can do this in several ways:

Personally contact the nearest territorial office of Rosreestr to the location of the apartment The specialist must present a passport, a certificate of ownership and a receipt for payment of the fee. The process is quite slow and can take several hours. But the advantage of this method is that you can consult with a specialist and make adjustments on the spot if errors are found.
Send documents by mail in about 10 days you will be able to receive a certificate of cost
Via the Internet using the Gosuslugi portal or through the official website of Rosreestr. This method is the fastest

Online (via the Internet)

You can independently find out the cadastral value of your apartment. To do this, you need to use the official website of Rosreestr. It is in this organization that such data is stored.

To do this, you need to go to the official website of this organization and go to the “individuals” tab.

“Electronic services” will be indicated on the left, and here you need to select “Receiving information from the State Property Committee”.

  1. The document you need to receive. In this case, this is a certificate of the cadastral value of the apartment.
  2. Then you need to select an object - that is, an apartment.
  3. Cadastral number.
  4. The address where the apartment is located. One of these two fields must be filled in.
  5. Form for providing information and method of obtaining information.

When all fields about the property are filled in, you must provide information about the applicant.

  • type and category of the applicant - individual or legal entity;
  • full name;
  • passport details;
  • contact details - telephone and email address.

The request is processed quite quickly. If the applicant ordered an electronic document, then after a few hours it can be seen in his electronic mailbox.

In case of revision of inventory value

The owner does not always agree with such a cadastral value of his apartment. He has the right to challenge it.

This can be done in the following cases:

  1. The information on the basis of which the cadastral value was calculated does not correspond to reality.
  2. The cost according to BTI documents exceeds or is equal to the market value of the apartment.

The owner has the right to appeal the established cadastral value of his apartment.

To do this, he must apply to the arbitration court at the location of his home.

The plaintiff in this claim is the owner of the apartment, and the defendant is the government agency that carried out the assessment.


If this measure does not produce results, then a claim must be filed. It must be accompanied by a written refusal to revise the cost.

There is no unified form of statement of claim to the arbitration court established anywhere.

But it states what information should be in the claim.

Failure of the claim to meet these requirements may become grounds for refusal to consider it.

All information about the parties to the process must be reliable and detailed. The plaintiff must submit a request to the court to review the cadastral value of his apartment.

The reason for the revision must be indicated.

In addition, the claim contains the following information:

The following documents must be attached to the claim:

The court may require the plaintiff to provide evidence that the cost needs to be revised.

For example, due to unreliable information, the court will request documents from the plaintiff with reliable information.

Sample certificate

It contains the following information:

Getting information about the cost of an apartment is sometimes simply necessary!

Therefore, you need to make sure that there are no illegal or unauthorized redevelopments in the apartment.

This can significantly slow down the process of preparing a document on the cost of an apartment.

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