
Where can I get a situational plan for gasification? Cadastral land plan online

Feb 1, 2016 14:50


Looking at cadastral plan of land plot online, not everyone understands the meaning of the numbers presented. The indicated numbers are cadastral numbers.

What is an online cadastral plan of a land plot? And how to use it?

The cadastral plan can be compared to a navigator, which will indicate the following data of a real estate object:

  • exact territorial location;
  • type of property;
  • who is the owner;
  • cadastral value;
  • land category;
  • permitted use of the facility;
  • presence of restrictions, encumbrances;
  • information about previous objects in case of its transformation.
  • boundaries;
  • market value;
  • information about the owner;
  • last date of information update;
  • soil type;
  • scale of holdings;
  • natural resources and so on.

The process of use is quite simple. As already mentioned, this map is a kind of navigation system, that is, to search you only need to enter either the address of the land plot or its cadastral number.

In addition to the fact that it is possible to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of a land plot online, its registration is also possible in the same way, which simplifies the work of representatives of the cadastral center and owners. The principle of ordering documents has now been simplified, since it can now be done electronically.

processed within 1 to 5 days. The difference in terms of receipt depends on the selected document with an electronic signature or not. In this case, you must pay a state fee, the amount of which is limited by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

We draw the attention of interested parties that starting from January 2017, changes have occurred in the cadastre law, and the data of the cadastral passport for an object of property right is presented in the new format of the Unified State Register of Real Estate, in accordance with the Russian Federation Law FZ-218.

Today, the construction of even small objects is not carried out recklessly, at random. Even at the acquisition stage, the landowner evaluates the location of the site in relation to transport interchanges and various communications. No one will be surprised by the question - where can I get a situational plan for gasification and connection to electrical networks. To carry out any economic activity on the site, it is highly desirable to have a professionally designed situational plan of the land plot available. It must comply with the standards and regulations adopted in the Russian Federation. The Geotop Engineering LLC company carries out topographic and geodetic work at the request of individuals and enterprises of any form of ownership. Ordering a situation plan from our company means purchasing high-quality documentation drawn up in accordance with current GOSTs.

What is a situation plan, where can I get detailed information about the situation?

A schematic representation of the territory (drawing) linked to the surrounding infrastructure is the situational plan of the area. It is prepared upon completion of field work - professional topographic survey. Our specialists mark on the drawing in the form of symbols objects that are directly related to the site:

  • Capital structures.
  • External utility and gas pipelines.
  • Power lines (the cable or overhead line, the predicted connection point, and, if available, transformers and substations must be indicated).
  • Automobile and other transport routes.
  • Pillars, supports.

IMPORTANT! Obtaining a situational plan for a land plot involves our topographers displaying objects located on the surface of the earth and underground communications, if the laying of cable electrical lines is supposed to be done in the ground.

Upon completion of field and office work, the customer receives from us a situation plan indicating:

  • wind roses (cardinal directions);
  • allotment boundaries;
  • location of objects on the site;
  • significant (for the customer’s purposes) objects outside the site;
  • linear dimensions and distances.

When creating a situational plan in the Moscow region, we link the area under study to significant objects in the adjacent territory: heating mains, gas mains, water pipelines, sewerage systems, and power supply facilities. In addition, we indicate on the plan favorable and negative factors - the proximity of a river, forest, enterprise, landfill, the presence of security zones.

Regardless of who orders a situation plan for the Moscow region and is the owner of the site - a private owner or an enterprise, our specialists prepare a complete set of documentation:

  • drawing materials (diagram);
  • explanatory note (technical report).

In what cases is a situational plan ordered in the Moscow region?

Typically, the landowner already has documents on land ownership (title, lease) with a simplified image of a plot of land, where only the boundaries of the territory are indicated (copied from the general plan). The question - where to get a situational plan - arises in situations where serious construction or repair work is to be done on the site. Then a detailed plan of the territory is required, where the connection of the site with the infrastructure of the adjacent area and its natural features is visually determined.

You should order a situation plan from our professionals in the following cases:

  • laying new power lines;
  • repair or reconstruction of old power lines.

Obtaining a situational plan at the required scale

Our topographers draw up a situational plan of a specific land plot based on the general plan. Depending on the goal that the land owner sets when wondering where to order a situational plan, our employees select the scale of the survey. We use:

    Scale 1:2000 - most often used for pipeline laying, gasification, electrification.

When choosing a scale, our specialist who makes the situational plan takes into account that the resulting graphic products must, in the form of symbols, convey the situation on site with sufficient accuracy for the intended use.

How and where to order a situation plan

Sometimes a private developer himself tries to create a situational plan of the area and most often fails - to obtain a high-quality “picture” you need professional skills, knowledge, specialized equipment, and software. Accurate measurements on the ground can be carried out using professional instruments.

Therefore, to the question of a situational plan - where to get it in Moscow, the answer is unequivocal - contact professionals. You will receive: accurately performed measurements on the ground, in accordance with current standards, prepared diagrams using generally accepted symbols that are understandable to specialists.

In such a case, where can you get a situational plan if you decide to do it yourself? An alternative is to use available information, including on the Internet (city plan, district plan, garden cooperative plan).

When searching for an organization where you can order a situational plan, you should prepare the following information for the contractor:

  • Applicant details, contact phone number.
  • Site address, cadastral number.
  • Territory area.
  • The purpose for which the situational plan is ordered, where to obtain detailed data on its actual use.
  • Title documents for land.

You can order a situation plan from local municipal authorities.

If you urgently need a high-quality detailed situational plan, who issues it, except government organizations? You need to contact specialized specialists in a private company. Our company Geotop Engineering LLC has all the necessary licenses and permits to carry out topographic and geodetic work, issued by government agencies of the Russian Federation. You can order the service on the company’s website.

Situation plan - prices, deadlines

Our company sets the lowest prices for the situational plan with the high quality of the documents provided, which became possible thanks to:

  • use of the latest equipment;
  • application of optimal techniques;
  • high professionalism and experience of the staff.

For a situational plan, the cost is formed by our economists, based on the saturation of the scheme with objects, taking into account the number of calculations made.

As a result of the work carried out, the Customer is given an explanatory note and a situation plan, the prices for which are the best in the region.

We value your time, therefore, when the question arises - where can you order a situation plan, contact our specialists through the website or by phone - we guarantee timely completion of the application.

Who issues the EPU plan? Answer: Nobody, because the EPU plan is known only to you. I repeat, the EPU plan is the location of your site on the diagram/map. You can order an EPU layout plan from “experts” for money, or you can draw/make it yourself, absolutely free in 20 minutes. Instructions, tested from our own experience, are below.

Find your plot on the public cadastral map:

  • set the map scale to 1:100 (1 cm: 100m)
  • click on the area to display information

To remove unnecessary inscriptions and make the background of the map white, click on the “Manage Map” button and select “no” in the drop-down list in the “Base Map” section.

Click on the map on your plot of land again so that the menu disappears. Carefully look for the Print Screen button on the keyboard and press it. I must say that this magic button can be called differently: “PrnScr” and “PrintScr” and “PSc” and several other options, but the essence is the same. If you use a laptop, then most likely the functionality of the Print Screen button will be available by simultaneously pressing the Function button - “Fn” and “PrnScr”. Usually the "Fn" button is somewhere on the left, at the bottom, and the "PrnScr" button is at the top right of the keyboard. Here, the screenshot has been copied to the clipboard, now open, for example, Paint - it is available in all versions of Microsoft operating systems and press Ctrl and V at the same time. Then select only the desired area of ​​the picture and press Ctrl and C at the same time.

We open our favorite MS Word or a similar and completely free OO Writer, type “Electronic control unit location plan” at the top and press Ctrl and V at the same time. All that remains is to write the passport details of the applicant to MOESK for connecting electricity at the bottom of the document. That's all - the EPU Plan - is ready. Print it out and sign it.

To carry out any actions on the territory of the site, it is necessary to collect the appropriate package of documents. Sometimes it includes a situational plan of the site. But not everyone knows what kind of document this is and in what cases it is required. In this article we will examine some issues related to this document.

A situation plan (SP) is a schematic representation of a land plot with the adjacent territory, located residential and non-residential objects, nearby roads, and communications. Its preparation is regulated by the norms of the Town Planning Code (Article 48 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Also, the requirements for the document are contained in the Administration regulations.

The SP consists of a site diagram with a descriptive part, where a transcript is provided. The scale can be 1:1000, 1:1500 and 1:2000. The plan includes the following data:

  • site address;
  • street names;
  • construction projects located on the site and nearby areas;
  • planned work within the land plot (designed asphalt pavement, building, etc.);
  • parameters of the planned object;
  • transmission lines (electricity, gas, heating, water, etc.);
  • transport routes (highways, railways, etc.);
  • security zones (gas stations, rivers, lakes, etc.);
  • landfills and other unfavorable objects;
  • schematic representation of ponds, parks, trees on the site and near it.

It is important to understand that situational plans of land plots are not just a map of the territory, it is a diagram created through geodetic and topographical research, which you can carry out yourself, or contact companies specializing in drawing up situational plans.

A situation plan is needed to coordinate a reconstruction and construction project, since it helps to assess the possible scale of construction, the infrastructure of the site, determine the connection of the site with other objects, as well as the proximity of security zones.

SP is necessary for:

  • purchase and sale of real estate;
  • development of a project for new construction;
  • reconstruction;
  • connecting electrical networks and supplying gas;
  • property disputes.

The difference between a situation plan and a town planning, cadastral plan

SP is often confused with a town planning (general) and cadastral plan. At first glance they are similar, but at the same time they have significant differences.

The urban planning plan is carried out on a scale of 1:1000, 1:2000, 1:500 and shows the design solution of the territorial structure, it is used for a long time, and the situational plan shows the current state of the site, it is valid only for 2 years after its creation. After this period, a new joint venture will need to be created.

The cadastral plan is drawn up based on the results of land surveying, and topographic surveys are not used. It serves as the basis for creating a cadastral passport. Another important difference is that the cadastral plan is issued only by a government agency.

Step-by-step instructions: what you need to do to get a situation plan

As a rule, you can obtain a situation plan from the administration of the district where the land plot is located. This public service can be provided either for a fee or free of charge. You can check the cost with your local administration. In some municipalities it is prohibited to contact third parties, while in others the creation of a site plan is carried out only by commercial organizations that set their own price.

The service period is about 30 days. During this time, the contractor carries out geodetic and topographical work, on the basis of which he draws up a situational plan of the area.

To save money and sometimes time, you can draw up a site plan yourself. But to do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the administration’s requirements for joint ventures and possess certain skills.

If a joint venture is needed for purchase and sale between individuals or for carrying out minor construction work on your own site, then you can create a plan yourself without the necessary skills.

Step 1. Choose a contact method

If the municipal administration is responsible for creating situational plans, you can contact the department directly or through the MFC. It is also possible to submit an application through a representative or by mail.

Step 2. Submission of documents

Having chosen the method of application, you need to provide the following documents to the relevant authority:

  • statement;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate;
  • copies of technical certificates for construction projects (if there are such objects);
  • a certified copy of the applicant's passport;
  • title documents for the site and buildings (if there are capital construction projects);
  • power of attorney (if applied by a representative).

The form for filling out the application can be obtained from the administration or the MFC. You can view a sample here (). The application must indicate why the production of a situational plan is requested.

Step 3. Get SP

The application indicates the preferred method of obtaining the result: in person, through a representative, by mail or at the MFC. The result of execution will be either a ready-made situational plan or a refusal to issue it.

Reasons for refusal:

  • incorrect information was provided;
  • The applicant is not entitled to receive SP.

In other cases, you can appeal the decision in pre-trial or judicial proceedings.

A situational plan of a land plot can be obtained free of charge using the cadastral number on the Rosreestr website in the “public cadastral map” section. If the proposed online map contains a diagram of the requested area, it can be printed and used for informational purposes. But it will no longer be possible to use it to provide it to any organization. The card does not contain enough information and does not meet the requirements for a joint venture.

Features of obtaining a situational plan for gasification

Since mistakes made when conducting gas can cause material and physical damage, operational services require a professional preparation of a situation plan with an additional topographic survey of the area, which will help determine the topography of the territory. When gasifying, it is necessary to take into account the distances between objects, the location of communications and the distance from dangerous areas (for example, gas stations). The scale of the plan is also important - it is carried out on a scale of 1:2000.

Features of obtaining a plan for connecting electricity

The situational plan for electricity supply, just like for gasification, is drawn up on a scale of 1:2000. Connecting electrical networks also requires compliance with conditions. The joint venture must contain information about the electricity supplied and a connection diagram between buildings, including utility buildings, as well as information about the networks in the premises themselves. The network connection points and grounding system are also indicated.

Possibility to download the situation plan yourself

You cannot download a ready-made situation plan that meets the requirements. It is compiled based on information current at the time of the request. As mentioned earlier, only a rough diagram is provided on the Internet to see what the territory will look like. Therefore, if a detailed plan is required, it is better to contact authorized bodies or organizations specializing in drawing up joint ventures, or draw up a diagram yourself, having studied the requirements of the regulations and mastered drawing skills.

Judicial practice

SP often serves as an evidence base in legal disputes. An example is the decision of the Nikolaevsky District Court of the Ulyanovsk Region. Citizen K. filed a lawsuit against M. demanding that the fence be moved from her property. The court found that the plaintiff is the owner of the land and residential building at the address **** on the basis of a certificate of inheritance dated 2016. In 2017, the defendant took advantage of part of K.’s outbuildings and installed a fence on the plaintiff’s territory.

As evidence, an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate, a certificate of the right to inheritance, and a situation plan showing the boundaries of the plots were provided.

Having considered the case materials and heard the arguments of the parties, the court granted the claim and ordered M. to move the fence.

No special documentation in the form of a request or other confirmation is required from the Gas Service. Authorized performers have this information. But if there are no plans to supply gas to the specified address in the near future, the preparation of the document may be rightfully refused.

The refusal may also be due to objective reasons. For example, the authorized body does not provide such a service. In this case, you can contact commercial organizations that will perform this service. But here, too, problems may arise if the location reference is not drawn. This can happen if the surrounding context does not have access to gas mains, that is, the surrounding area is not gasified.

Step-by-step instructions for obtaining a situational plan for storage

To obtain a situational plan of a land plot for gasification, you should:

  1. Go to the local administration, the land management department.
  2. Write an application on a form or in free form - in accordance with the current regulations.
  3. Attach documentation for buildings, if any, or a certificate from Rosreestr about their absence.
  4. Attach from the land surveying plan and.
  5. Presenting your civil passport, submit an application and make sure that it is registered.
Other actions depend on the regulations of the administrative body. If this service is not provided, they will issue a reasoned conclusion after 5 working days or immediately refuse to accept the documentation, redirecting it to the provider of the relevant services. If the application is accepted for consideration, 30 days may pass before work begins to implement the specified plan.

Under optimal circumstances, a situational plan of a land plot for gasification will be issued in finished form approximately a month after acceptance for production. It will not need to be approved by other authorities - all the required information will be included in it.

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