
How to correctly formulate your desire for the universe. How to correctly formulate a desire

What you get in the end depends on how you formulate your desire. This is really important, so now I will tell you about all the nuances, otherwise the wish may come true exactly as it was made - but, alas! with a lot of side effects.

It turns out that few people know how to make a wish correctly, and I constantly receive questions on this topic. After writing the first version of this article, quite a lot of time passed, during which time I received feedback and comments, my experience also deepened, and as a result the article was completely rewritten.

So, how to make a wish correctly?

Have you read Andersen's book "Galoshes of Happiness"? She clearly shows how carefully you need to treat your thoughts and tells what happened to a person who had every wish that came to mind come true. The result was sad - he died.

As examples, I will use real questions, most of which were posted in reviews of the previous version of the article. You can verify this by reading all the comments below.

1. Formulate your intention in the present tense, as if it has already come true!

In some letters, site visitors complain that their wishes do not come true, although they wrote them down in the Book of Wishes. Sometimes I asked for an example (anonymous, of course). And what happened?

The following options are very common: “I want to have a close relationship with N.”, “I want to earn 90 thousand rubles a month,” “I want to have my own apartment.”

Dear friends! This won't work! Are you saying what you want? Well, as much as you want. The universe won't mind. There is even a chance that she will not give you what you want for longer, so that you continue to want. There is no point in saying “I want!”, “I hope!”, “I wish!”, instead declare in the present tense that you already have it. Write: “I have a close relationship with N.”, “I earn 90 thousand rubles a month,” “I have a wonderful, spacious apartment.”

This is how you assert your intention.

2. Don't limit yourself to exact deadlines!

The second very common mistake is trying to time what you want to happen on a specific date. For example, if you write “I will lose weight by February 12, 2014” or “He will come to me and confess his love on Valentine’s Day,” you will most likely be disappointed. The Universe needs time to fulfill its thoughts, perhaps to prepare some circumstances, or some of your beliefs that interfere with it must change. If at that moment, when you have already tuned in and waited, nothing happens, you will think that this is nonsense, that nothing is working. The universe will agree with you because your life reflects your beliefs.

May your dream come true at the most appropriate time. You cannot know exactly what time it is.

3. Forget about "not"

When formulating a goal, avoid using the partial “not.” Determine for yourself what exactly you want and not what you don’t want.

Example from reviews:

Hello. I read the book "The Secret". It says that the Universe does not distinguish between negatives, i.e. I don’t and I have bad habits - it’s the same thing. In this regard, difficulties arose. How to make a wish correctly, just write, I quit smoking? Tell me please.

Answer: I lead a healthy, smoking-free lifestyle.

4. Feelings instead of details

If you have watched the movie “Blinded by Desires,” you can imagine how difficult it is to formulate a wish in such a way that the result is completely satisfactory.

Various sources often advise you to write down in great detail the details of what you want, to literally make lists, for example, of the desired qualities of the man you want to meet. But in practice it has been proven that it is impossible to foresee everything.

Forum participants wrote that they had met a man with all the characteristics described, but he, for example, turned out to be unfaithful and quickly began to cheat. I still remember this girl’s statement: “but I didn’t think that it was necessary to write fidelity... I thought this quality came with the package.” An equally common option is that love does not happen at all with such a “completely suitable” man, he simply turns out to be unsuitable. This is not just like that - you cannot know exactly which man is suitable for solving your life and personal problems. What to do?

I propose using more general formulations for description, perhaps using not so much specific characteristics, but feelings and emotions:
“I am happy and calm with my beloved man,”
“I am completely satisfied with my work, morally and financially,”
“I feel free and easy, I have a constant stable income that covers my needs”

5. The desire must be environmentally friendly

That is, it should not cause harm to third parties. Of course, few people consciously wish harm to others, scrupulously writing it down in the Book of Desires (for example, for my neighbor to be fired and his wife to leave him!), but you should not wish for your lover to leave his family for you. Sometimes they ask me questions about what to do if a dream can come true in a negative way, for example, you want to get a certain amount of money or an apartment, and here your aunt is lying on her last legs, but you don’t want her to die at all. In this case, add the phrase “implementation will be simple and pleasant for the benefit of me and those around me.”

However, to be on the safe side and so that you yourself are not disappointed in how your intention is realized, you can add this phrase to all your desires.

6. Do not include specific persons in the description

This point raises the most questions and disputes, and this is understandable, because our strongest aspirations, as a rule, are associated with the love sphere, where we cannot do without these persons.

Why do I advise avoiding this? But because a particular person may not want a relationship with you, and with your will you will try to influence his soul. The result may be the exact opposite effect. But if you desperately want to end your relationship with him, then clearly stipulate in the wording that fulfillment is permissible only if it does not contradict the inner thoughts of this person.

Here are a few questions and answers that I brought to this point from the reviews:

But how can one correctly formulate a desire for the return of an ex-boyfriend? “I am building a happy future together with N, if he also subconsciously wants this” or “I accept N, who has returned to me, to build our happy future together with him, if this does not contradict his subconscious intentions.” Or do you need a different formulation, more correct, short and specific??? Tell me please!!!

Answer: I’m actually inclined to think that the best formulation is something like “I am happy and calm with my man, we have a serious relationship and mutual love.” After all, this is, I hope, the final goal? Or do you absolutely need N. to repent and come back? If this option is simpler for the Universe, then it will return with my formulation. Especially if you let him go in your heart.

Please share your advice: how can I correctly formulate the desire for the person I have been dating for a long time to come back and we try to build our relationship anew. Is it possible to write this person's Name, but also write "if he wants it too"?

Answer: I am always against getting my ex back. Because there is a chance that his departure is for the better for both of you, you will just understand it later. But I know that it is extremely difficult not to try to return it back when the emotions have not yet subsided. Often such a return is possible. Therefore, I advise you to make a wish only if you really want to, making sure to mention that this return is consistent with your subconscious intention.

My lover left and I can’t forget him, I feel very bad. I understand that it is better not to make wishes for a specific person, but I do not believe in any abstract formulations in my soul. I only want him... and I can’t let him go.

Answer: my webinar Fulfilling desires in love and reducing importance can help you.

Good evening. Tell me please. I’ve read a lot, but I still don’t understand one thing: if I want to wish for a specific person to recover, how to formulate this?

Answer: something like “my brother (husband, mother..) feels better and healthier every day, if this is consistent with his own intention.”

Please tell me, otherwise I’m a little confused: it is not recommended to write the NAME of a specific person in your desire. Is it possible to write about him in a more streamlined manner, for example, “a person with whom I recently quarreled” or “a person with whom I dated for so many years”???

Answer: I think it depends on what you want. If you make peace, then you can write your name, write that relations with N. improve if N. also subconsciously wants this.

And one last thing.

Don't ask me how to formulate a desire, except perhaps in the most complex and confusing cases. This is your desire, coming from your soul, only you know what exactly you want. While you are thinking about how best to compose it, it may turn out that you don’t need it at all.

In order to correctly formulate a desire:

1. Affirm it in the present tense, as if everything has already come true. You can visualize it both mentally and by attaching pictures. But don’t get too carried away, don’t think that life isn’t good for you without him.

2. Don't get attached to specific dates. Let the Universe itself decide when it is best to implement it.

3. Do not use the particle “not” when making a wish.

4. Take time to think through your goal carefully and try to formulate it in fairly general terms that include the feelings of achieving it.

5. The desire should be environmentally friendly, not causing harm to you or others. If in doubt, add language like “implementation is permissible only in a manner favorable to everyone.”

6. The wish should not include specific individuals. If you really want to include it, add the phrase that “this does not contradict the inner intention of this person.”

May your wishes come true!
Ekaterina, https://site

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Hello. Please tell me how to correctly formulate my desire: I don’t want to live with a man, the apartment is mine, I ask him to leave, he promises, but doesn’t leave. It may be like this: I live alone with my son calmly and happily.
Answer: Yes, yes.


Everyone writes that I want to return it, I want him to be nearby, etc. And I wish, on the contrary, to get rid of the former living and the former who is no longer in this world. From the whole past. How can I write it correctly?
Answer: Think about how.


How to choose the right one at the present time.. My loved one writes or wrote to me
Answer: Well, let's start with the fact that it is better not to entangle your loved one. The present tense is the answer to the question: what am I doing now? What is he doing now?


Hello, a very interesting article!!! I would like to ask you for advice: how can I make a wish about a man’s lover!!! I just don’t want a serious relationship right now, how can I formulate this???
Answer: I can't know for you. Formulating a wish is a very personal matter.


I don’t want and can’t work anymore with one very unpleasant person who ruins the life of the entire team. How to correctly formulate your desire not to work with this colleague. There is no way I can replace the particle. Thank you.
Answer: Well, just think of it)


Hello! How to quickly sell a product I have a business, I sell men's shoes, how to formulate it so that I sell it quickly
Answer: Well, on your own.


Hello. I read so much about desires today, but your site interested me the most. Tell me please. I live with my common-law husband, two children, one not his own, the other his own. So is it appropriate to make a wish? "My man loves me, appreciates me, respects me. My man is faithful to me. We live happily together, happily raising children, my daughter and our son"
Answer: Write to yourself, but without hints, what kind of man he is.


Good afternoon Thank you for the useful information!
A small wish to the authors - in the text, follow the rules that you write about.
For example, in the phrase (I quote with the author’s spelling) “...then clearly stipulate in the wording that performance is permissible only if it does not contradict the inner thoughts of a given person.”
The phrase “...if it does not contradict” contradicts the important rule of doing without the “not” part when formulating a desire. Alternatively, it can be replaced with “...if this is consistent with the inner thoughts of this person.”
Let's learn together :)


Very good article! Please tell me, if I want my boyfriend and I to have more mutual understanding, can I write his name? Or also with an indication that this does not contradict his internal intentions. It’s just that the article contains all the examples about returning exes
Answer: No, you don't need a name. Write everything about yourself, I have a good relationship with my boyfriend, so there you go. No name.


Hello, I just can’t formulate my desire for it to be environmentally friendly. Well, my relationship with my mother is tense, especially now that she wants to buy a new apartment. She wants to take part of the amount on credit and have me pay for it too, or even take it on me. But I don’t even have enough money to educate myself, and I don’t have the strength to work where I work anymore. Plus, on top of everything else, I don’t want to move from a nearly three-room apartment in which I have at least some room to a two-room apartment and live with my brother. I myself still plan to move as soon as the money appears, I’m still not little, I’m already 25. I understand that she needs it, but I can’t shut up my own. How to make a wish to solve this problem? And my mother successfully bought the apartment she wanted and established a relationship with her. Otherwise, after every conversation with her I feel worthless and selfish.
Answer: It’s better to write to the Destroyer. Use the Hawaiian method for the situation and relationship with your mother. If possible, move out, to a rented room or somewhere. You can’t take out a loan if you obviously have nothing to pay with, you can drive yourself into a hole, plus the fear every month that it’s time to pay will develop the psychology of poverty.


SOS...Sorry, tell me... I want to sell my car. How to write? I'm selling a car... (This is the present tense) or I sold the car (this is the past). I can't figure it out...Thanks.
Answer: Read the article yourself.


Hello. How can I write for my second son to enter the University? If you cannot indicate a name and if you have 3 sons, can you write “Second Son” or “Middle Son”? Spamibo
Answer: This desire does not concern you.


Wow kudesny na 100%


Tell me, after a desire is formulated and written down, should you read it every day or let it go and forget? Thank you
Answer: Whatever you prefer.


Good evening. Can you please tell me whether it is important for the leaves of the Book of Wishes to be lined or squared?
Answer: No difference. I only run online and have never thought about the cells.


Please tell me, is it possible to rewrite a New Year's wish or leave it as it was? And is it possible to make a wish like this and not write it down, but visualize the wish or do you have to write it down? Please correct your wish.
In my warm, cozy home, love, harmony and mutual understanding reign between me and my three cheerful children. In the best and highest possible way.
Answer: There is no need to rewrite the New Year's Eve. You can’t paint it, but you can visualize it. But I won’t correct it. This is your wish.


I am happy with my husband, we have prosperity and love in our family. Our children are happy, as are my husband and I.
How do you like it?
Answer: What do we care about) your desire.


I gave birth to a healthy beautiful girl in 2020. Right?
Answer: Yes, you can do that. If you are not yet pregnant, it is better not to indicate the year.


Good afternoon! Please tell me, did I make the wish correctly?
“I live with my husband in great love and harmony. My husband is faithful to me. He generously gives me expensive gifts. I am at peace with my husband. This does not contradict the inner intention of my husband.”
Answer: We think you can talk about your husband, but word it differently. My family has happy and harmonious relationships. They contain loyalty, trust, respect and love. I am a happy and beloved wife of a generous man.


And so? I'm glad I made peace with my boyfriend
Answer: Still undesirable. Maybe he doesn't want to put up. It’s better this way: I’m happy in love, I love and am loved, I receive a marriage proposal and accept it. Something like that. As for only you.


Tell me, what do you say about the technique of influencing reality with the help of a psychological attitude using the words “I allow” and “I cancel”? Can they be used to formulate a desire?
Answer: Try it and tell us. I know these techniques, but somehow I haven’t used them.


We broke up with the young man... Please tell me how to write correctly in the wish... 1) We made peace with Sasha and he took me to live in Krasnodar or 2) We are together with Sasha and he took me to live in Krasnodar... Thank you .
Answer: No Sasha at will! Read the article.


Hello. Please tell me, if you can make several wishes at the same time, how to formulate them correctly?
Answer: Each separately according to the specified rules.


Good night. Tell me please. My eldest daughter (14 years old) and I have relationship problems. The child completely ignores me and pretends that I don’t exist. You can make a wish like this. I am a happy, beloved and loving mother of a healthy, well-mannered, intelligent, sensitive, caring and hardworking daughter. To the delight of me and my loved ones. Or wish it a little differently? My relationship with my daughter is improving and we are getting closer every day.
Please correct.
Answer: More likely the second.


Is it possible to formulate one desire like this: “I see my man sober, leading a healthy lifestyle, free from smoking, self-sufficient and self-realized” or are these two different desires? Thank you.
Answer: I think in this case you can say so. In one wish.


Hello! After you have written your wishes, is it possible to burn the sheet? If not, what to do with it?
Answer: Why burn it? I personally write everything in the Book of Desires, such problems do not arise.


Hello! My husband’s daughter has blood cancer, a 7-year-old girl.
Can I write that I want my husband’s daughter to recover and can I write the girl’s name?
Answer: It’s better to let the parents write...


Tell me, is it possible to make several wishes at once?
Answer: Yes


Hello. Please tell me and help me correctly formulate my desires as the chimes strike. Such desires. 1) So that our family goes to Kaliningrad in 2020. 2) To buy a 3-4 room apartment. 3) to make a good repair. 4) so ​​that my husband and I have a well-paid job. 5) so that my son goes to kindergarten in Kaliningrad and is healthy. 6) so that they buy a car there and pass it on for a license. 7) so that there are no problems with moving and there is enough money for everything 🙏🙏🙏 thank you in advance
Answer: I don’t help formulate desires, these are your desires. YOURSELF.


Hello! My intention is for another person. After carefully re-reading your recommendations, weighing all the pros and cons, I decided to rewrite the intention. Is it possible to rewrite? Or what to do in such a situation? Thank you
Answer: You can rewrite it.


Hello! Please tell me how to correctly formulate wishes for health. I have cancer.
You can write - In 2020, all doctors tell me that I am completely healthy.
Answer: It is possible, but it can also be expanded. “I feel completely healthy, cheerful” “I am completely cured, I am completely healthy”, etc. At the same time, read the article and download Lance Armstrong's book


I don’t understand! You can’t indicate a specific person, even if you write at the same time_if it corresponds to his intentions! Why then do you write this, if you really want to, then you can write like that! It’s possible, then it’s not! In the end, is it possible with these words? !
Answer: I say that you don’t need a specific person. If you try anyway (and many do), then at a minimum, use this wording. But you must understand that you can do worse.


Hello! I want to start a notebook of wishes, keep it by sector! Is it possible to leave blank pieces of paper for future wishes, and then write another wish? Or is it better not to skip and fill it completely? 🤔
One person is dear to me, I want us to communicate like friends. How can I formulate this desire? 10/27/2019

I have read many places that desire, on the contrary, must be limited in time. Almost until a specific day... Even the company where I work told me how best to do this.
“Sit down in silence, completely relax and turn on calm music. Think about your desire. Then a date will pop up in your head by itself. Write it down.” - And they told us this about the wish card. They also talked about the red notebook, in which 101 wishes need to be written down on the waxing moon.
I'm already completely confused))) Some say one thing, others say another... Did it work worse for you when you limited your desire in time? - this is the first question.
And the second question: Have you used the red pad method yourself? I didn't find any articles on a similar topic. 101 wishes are written in a red notebook (ideally, the pages should also be gold). And you need to write them all with a red pen
Answer: Do as you like. I never make plans for a specific date and I am against it. Even in the 100 Day Notebook technique it is implied that wishes can come true within 100 days, but without a clear date. I didn't use the red notebook.


Hello! How to correctly formulate a desire for your hair to stop falling out? After all, you can’t concentrate on the bad.
And the wording should be specific, not just “I have healthy hair.”
Answer: Write “I have thick hair.”


Good afternoon Did you mean to say “I have 20,000 as the remaining amount for an apartment located at the address...”, without indicating the currency?????

Why not indicate rubles???? Thank you

Answer: No, you can indicate it, I just wrote it that way.


Good afternoon Or you can make a wish like this: “I have 20,000 rubles in the form of the sum for the apartment located at the address.....?????”
Answer: I would just wish for 20,000.


Is it possible to make a wish like this?
“I have a handsome, tall, beloved, kind and faithful guy. We have mutual love and I didn’t know this guy when I made a wish.”
Answer: It’s possible, but “not” in some other way.


Ekaterina, hello!

I have a daughter who has been alone since the first day of pregnancy. I'm not entirely sure who her father is. I've had two partners (she kind of looks like one of them, but I'm still worried and not sure). And this topic has been bothering me for a long time. I want to know the truth. How to formulate a desire? Tell me please.

My version: “I live with a feeling of complete peace and joy from understanding who the biological father of my daughter is.”
Answer: Yes, you can do that.

In modern times, not every person has the opportunity to purchase any goods in cash. This is where the concept of a loan becomes useful - a certain amount of money that is provided to an individual or legal entity by a financial institution. In turn, an individual/legal entity, when taking out a loan, undertakes to fulfill its obligations to the bank, that is, to pay mandatory payments on time, as well as to fully return the entire amount to the financial institution with interest.

But there are also disadvantages to such a loan. So, you will have to put information about your income in the application form, as well as more, since the rates for an express loan are higher than for a regular loan. In addition, the period may be reduced.

If you want to apply for an express cash loan from a bank without a certificate of income, be prepared to overpay the bank for the risk it takes.

A huge advantage of obtaining a loan without certificates is the absence of a guarantor and collateral. It is worth paying attention to the fact that this saves a significant part of your time.

It must be said that a quick loan, that is, a loan without certificates in cash with a minimum set of documents, is characterized by some useful features.

In this regard, the loan term is usually set to seven years. It is also worth paying attention to whether penalties will be applied if the loan is repaid early.

You can get a loan without certificates and quickly in rubles, euros and dollars. When applying for an express loan, you should always be vigilant and pay attention to all the fees under the loan agreement, even if they are written in the agreement in incredibly small print (as financial organizations like to do, citing a large amount of information). Please read the details of the contract carefully. Such detailed familiarization is necessary in order to know in advance about all one-time, monthly commissions, remunerations of the bank, credit union, etc.

Before taking out an express loan, it is advisable to consult with a credit broker, who will notify you in advance about all the pitfalls that await you along the way of lending.

Nuances when obtaining an express loan

  • Loan terms can reach 5 years;
  • The maximum loan amount can be 300 thousand rubles;
  • Rate – from 17% and above;
  • The application is reviewed within one day;
  • A cash loan without certificates can only be issued with a passport (other ID cards are not suitable);
  • The financial institution asks a minimum number of questions;
  • The client (borrower) can repay the loan early.

Documents required to obtain an express loan:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Application form for a loan applicant.

Do you want to get a credit card, but have limited time to visit banks? Order a card directly to your home or work. Where can I get a credit card for delivery? How to register it? What requirements do banks impose on the recipient?Read the answers to the questions in the article.

Credit card with home delivery: features

This service of banking institutions has its own distinctive features.

No reason to visit the bank.

Almost all contacts between the client and the institution are remote. This is application, fast, etc. After completing all the procedures, the applicant receives a call from the bank manager. Perhaps he will ask additional questions.

The client's further actions to receive a credit card with home delivery are coordinated over the phone. It is carried out both by courier and using postal services. The loan agreement is also sent via courier service or mail.

Small initial credit limit.

As the client uses the credit card, the limit may be increased at the discretion of the bank. However, the borrower must comply with all clauses of the loan agreement.

Increased loan interest rates.

The bank prefers to insure against financial losses, because checking the solvency of a potential client is quite shortened in time. It is quite difficult to conduct detailed scoring in a short period of time.

More loyal loan rates require a thorough check (CI) of the client’s solvency. However, many banks that deliver credit cards to your home sometimes issue them only using a passport.

Most often, the list of lender requirements for a potential borrower is limited by age. A citizen between 18 and 60 years of age can become a credit card holder.

  • individual interest rate from 24.9 to 45.9%;
  • 1% to 30% of the purchase price is awarded in the form of Bravo points. 1 point is equal to 1 ruble;
  • min. payment - no more than 6% of the total debt, but not less than 600 rubles;
  • commission fee for cash withdrawal is 2.9% + 290 rubles;
  • service is 590 rub. per year;
  • loan term – on demand.
  1. When filling out an application on the bank’s website, it is always possible to consult with a manager to clarify any unclear points.
  2. Prepare in advance all originals and photocopies of documents required by the bank.
  3. Be sure to read carefully.
  4. Activation of a credit card is available to the borrower only after delivery of all his documents to the bank. For example, Tinkoff offers to activate a credit card on the website. Fill out the special form and click the activation button. You will also receive a PIN code during the process.
  5. If you find a credit card from a little-known bank in your mailbox, be careful. Fraudsters sometimes behave this way. It is better to call the specified bank and find out the circumstances of the card distribution.
  6. Fraudulent actions are indicated by demands to pay a certain amount to activate the card. In this case, the accompanying letter indicates the bank account for the transfer of funds.
  7. If a letter with a credit card arrived by cash on delivery, then after paying and opening the envelope, you will most likely find a dummy in it. Banks do not practice this method of sending out credit cards, but to be more convincing, scammers even send an SMS with information about an approved credit card.

Parents have the right, if they wish, to transfer their child to another kindergarten or group. To do this, you need to make sure that there are free places in the new kindergarten, and then start the paperwork, collecting all the necessary documents.

Transfer from one kindergarten to another

According to Art. 25 of Law No. 273-FZ (“On Education”), each parent has the right to “relocate” their child to a new kindergarten institution.

Step 1: Contact the education authorities

So, if you want to apply for vouchers to a new kindergarten, you need to submit the following documents (originals + copies) to the education department:
  • Passport of one of the parents or guardian.
  • Child's birth certificate.
  • Certificate from the kindergarten that the child currently attends.
  • Documents indicating that you are included in preferential categories (if any).

Step 2: Complete an application

After providing the above documents, you will be asked to fill out an application form requesting a transfer to the desired preschool institution. It must clearly indicate the child’s full name, residential address and the full name of the parents (legal representatives of the child).

In your application, be sure to indicate the reason for moving to another kindergarten institution. For example, a family moving, a child being treated poorly by teachers, or being transferred to a kindergarten with improved teaching methods.

If there are spaces available in the new garden, you will be given directions right away, so you can go straight to step 4. If there are no spaces yet, go to step 3.

Step 3: Get in line

If you have officially moved to another district of the city and already have a certificate of registration at your place of residence, the head of the kindergarten can accept or offer alternative options if there are free places in other institutions in the district. So, things will go pretty quickly.

If you have other reasons, and there are no places in kindergartens, you will have to. If you are not satisfied with the conditions of the kindergarten that your child is currently attending, then you will be placed in the queue not according to the original date, but from the period of application for this request.

Step 4: Drop out of the old kindergarten

Having received the coveted voucher, you bring an application for expulsion to the old kindergarten according to the example:

In addition to the application, you must attach a copy of the permit to the new garden. Based on the documents in the now former kindergarten, an application for the child’s expulsion is drawn up. You go to the accounting department, find out the outstanding payment and pay it off. You take your documents from the manager, for example, a vaccination certificate and a medical card, and say goodbye to the kindergarten.

Step 5: Register at the new institution

When entering a new kindergarten, you need to fill out an application for admission, indicating your and the child's full names, the reason for the transfer (for example, due to relocation). Example document:

The following documents must be attached to the application:
  • Originals and copies of documents proving your identity and the identity of the child.
  • Child's medical card and vaccination certificate.
  • Copies of the permit to the new garden.
Then the head signs the order for your enrollment in the new kindergarten and hands over your copy, which states the terms of your stay in the preschool institution, the rights and responsibilities of both parties.

How to “enroll” a child in another group?

If a child is in the wrong age group, he can be transferred to another. Such a need may also arise if the child was unable to adapt to his group or find contact with the teacher, or you want to transfer him to a group where interesting programs are practiced.

Application for transfer to another group indicating the reason and clear information about yourself and the child. Application example:

If you want to transfer your child to a specialized group (for example, speech therapy), then in addition to the application, you need to provide data from a medical examination and a review of a medical and pedagogical examination. Then the child is accepted without additional discussions.

If you are notified that moving to another group is currently impossible, you should constantly “feel for mail” and reapply after 5-6 months.

Video story about the service for “kindergarten exchange”

If you have a need to transfer to another kindergarten and are offered an option that is not very convenient for the location or are even put on a waiting list due to the lack of free places in preschool institutions in the area you need, then you can use the services of the presented portal and contact other parents about this problem . There is an option that through exchange you can solve your problem:

As you can see, all issues can be resolved on the spot, without involving higher authorities. It is only important to know your rights and comply with bureaucratic aspects, and then transfer from group to group or transfer from one kindergarten to another will not be a headache for you, but a reality.

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