
1c enterprise where to start work. Program "1C: Trade and Warehouse" - training and opportunities. How experienced accountants can learn to work in the module

The use of 1C: Accounting is so developed today that they have come up with many ways to learn how to use this program:

Courses. In almost every city there are methodological centers whose list of services includes a 1C training program. For a set amount, they will teach you how to use the program and clearly explain the basics of accounting. It turns out theory and practice, all in one.

Educational books. Many tutorials and guides on this topic are published. This literature describes step by step each action or operation, provides a description of the specific configuration and the features of working in it.

Demo version. Typically, a disc with a demo version of the program is included with the self-instruction book. When launched from a computer, it simulates that you are working in a real program. A fictitious company is entered and then you can perform any actions that are within the competence of the program: fill out documents, generate reports, make entries, and perform other accounting-related actions.

Information from the Internet. This includes knowledge of 1C using Internet resources: websites, forums, discussions, online publications and magazines.

Direct work experience. This method is the best of all. If you have the opportunity to learn while performing a job function, getting acquainted with 1C will be quick and fruitful.

Getting started in 1C:Accounting

First you need to install the program on your computer's hard drive. Leave it to a specialist. After installation, in clean 1C you will need to enter all the data about the organization in which accounting is kept, these are details, accounting policies, and nomenclature used in the work. If initially all the settings are set correctly, then 1C will only work to help the accountant. In one program you can create several databases with different companies.

“1C: Accounting” has the ability to process personnel documents, hiring and dismissing employees, processing vacations, and accounting. Initially, all this data will need to be entered into the program. From time to time it is advisable to make an archive of the database in case of loss of information or computer breakdown. Also, as legislation changes and new releases are released, the program needs to be updated for correct operation and updating of data.

Since “1C: Accounting” is the development of one manufacturing company, it has its own individual interface developed over time and, despite constant improvements and updates, it will not be difficult for those who once learned to work in it to master the new version.

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“1C: Enterprise” is a computer application program with which you can automate the accounting of various areas of activity in any enterprise (accounting, personnel, finance, sales, etc.).

The computer program “1C:Enterprise” is a system of individual products and components, such as 1C: Trade and Warehouse, 1C: Salary and Personnel, 1C: Accounting, etc.

In order to rationally use all the capabilities of the program, you need to pay attention to the recommendations of the system itself, which are contained in the “Tips of the Day”. In addition, if you have any questions during your work, you can contact the employees who installed and maintain the program in the company.

Additional information for the user can also be obtained in the “action”, “context menu” menu sections, in the “help” mode, in the built-in description, and in pop-up tips. In addition, in the “Options” mode you can find additional system features.

Software products are constantly updated and re-released. Typically, service specialists monitor the timely installation of updates. You can view the version number installed on a specific work computer by calling the “About” mode (the “Help” menu).

Working with 1C begins with launching the program on the computer. Immediately after the program starts, the “Launch Window” appears, in it you can select one of the “1C:Enterprise” (for users) and “Configurator” () modes.

After selecting the “1C:Enterprise” mode, an interface configured for a specific user opens (by default, a menu and a standard panel will open). The main menus here required for work are “Operations” and “Service”.

In general, working with 1C looks like selecting the desired sections from the menu in the windows that open. All configurations have windows that help you navigate them or contain help information, for example, “help”, “workplace”, “navigation assistant”. You can find them in “Help—Function Panel—Quick Start—Additional Information—Start Assistant.” The main actions that you will have to perform when working in 1C: Enterprise are entering and adding information to the directory, completing (filling out) documents, and viewing reports.

Detailed step-by-step instructions can be found on the Internet on developer websites or on user forums.

The “Configuration” mode allows you to create an application solution for a specific enterprise, taking into account the specifics of its production activities, personnel and financial policies. This mode is used exclusively by programming specialists.

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Tip 3: How to learn to use the 1C Accounting program

It is very difficult to imagine the work of modern companies without using the 1C Accounting program. This application has simplified many tasks. In order to learn how to work in it, you need to make an effort and have the desire. The main thing is to set a goal and try to achieve it, doing everything possible for this.

There are different training options. You can study this program on your own or with the help of a specialist. Finding a specialist is not difficult, as there are many courses where you can gain the necessary knowledge.

Some people prefer to learn new programs on their own, while others simply do not have the time to attend courses. In order to study the program yourself, you will need a textbook on accounting and, accordingly, the 1C Accounting program. Practical tasks will also not be superfluous.

Without certain knowledge in the field of accounting, it will be difficult for a person to master the program. For clear learning, you need to know the chart of accounts and be able to fill out everything in a certain way. Accounting courses will also not be superfluous. In work, the acquired knowledge and skills will never be superfluous.

If you decide to study the program yourself, you need to make sure that your knowledge in this area will be sufficient for the job. This area is quite difficult to study. Sometimes even experienced accountants find it quite difficult to understand this program.

It is recommended to download a quick guide to help you get started with the program faster. You can also learn by watching video tutorials. To study, you need to know the latest events related to accounting, as well as tax accounting.


1. Creating a safety copy of the current information base

2. Basics of working with the 1C: Enterprise system

1. Creating a safety copy of the current information base

To perform actions related to configuring the program, you must close the executing program and enter the program in the “Configurator” mode. Before performing any actions that change the configuration, you must take precautions. It would be a good idea to save the existing configuration so that if the attempt fails, you can return to the original state. To save the current information base, you need to use the menu “Administration – Save data”, or use the icon to access the archiving mode of the current database. Archiving ensures the preservation of all descriptions of the typical configuration, as well as all data entered in the accounting mode. When accessing the archiving mode, the “Archiving” window will appear on the screen, which contains several fields. The first contains a list of types of files to be archived. You can reduce it by deleting some types of files, but then, accordingly, not all information will be saved and something may not be restored when performing the reverse operation. The second important point is the need to indicate the drive, directory and file name where the archive copy should be placed. The file name and path to it are written in the “Archive to” field. By default, the file has a ZIP extension. The process of creating an archive copy is initiated by pressing the “Archive” screen button. The program displays a message window indicating the successful completion of the archiving process.

After this, you can begin experimenting with self-configuration. Subsequently, at any time it will be possible to restore the previous configuration and database by selecting the recovery mode through the menu “Administration – Recover data”, or using the icon »

2. Basics of working with the 1C: Enterprise system

Currently, automation systems for enterprises engaged in various types of accounting have become widely developed. There are quite a large number of systems that work with databases on the market in our country. However, small enterprises often work according to their own internal specifics and with small databases. For this type of enterprise, 1C has developed the 1C: Enterprise system, which is an interpreter and a working configurator (program), without which the operation of the system is impossible - an analogue of the BASIC language. The 1C: Enterprise system can work with both DBF and SQL databases.

The 1C: Enterprise system is designed to solve a wide range of accounting and management automation problems facing modern enterprises. "1C: Enterprise" is a system of application solutions built according to common principles on a single technological platform. The software product system "1C: Enterprise" can be adapted to any accounting features at any specialized enterprise. The system includes a “Configurator”, which provides:

– setting up the system for various types of accounting;

– implementation of any accounting methodology;

– organization of directories and documents of arbitrary structure;

– customizing the appearance of information entry forms;

– wide design possibilities for creating printed forms of documents and reports using various fonts, frames, colors, drawings;

– the ability to visually present information in the form of diagrams;

– quick configuration changes using “constructors”;

– customizing the behavior and algorithms of the system in various situations using a built-in object-oriented language;

– storing the database in SQL or DBF format.

Creating original configurations allows you to solve a wide variety of automation tasks using 1C: Enterprise systems.

In the 1C: Enterprise system, “File sharing” is possible:

– Tools for importing and exporting information through DBF and XML files allow you to organize data exchange with any systems.

– Saving printed forms in Microsoft Excel and HTML formats.

The 1C: Enterprise system supports modern integration tools: OLE, OLE Automation and DDE. Using these tools allows you to:

– control the operation of other programs using the built-in language, for example, generate reports and graphs in Microsoft Excel;

– access 1C: Enterprise data from other programs;

– insert objects created by other programs into documents and reports, for example, place pictures and graphs in reports.

The technology for creating external components (additional software modules) was developed by 1C to solve special problems that require closer and more efficient integration of the 1C: Enterprise system with other programs and equipment. This technology includes all the necessary information and a set of examples on creating external components and their interaction with 1C: Enterprise. External components can be developed by users of 1C: Enterprise programs and independent companies in the languages ​​MS Visual C++, MS Visual Basic, Borland Delphi, Borland C++ Builder.

Scalability of the 1C: Enterprise system:

The range of software products of the 1C: Enterprise system includes single-user and network versions; versions operating in a client-server architecture, as well as an additional component for organizing the exchange of information between geographically remote branches of an organization.

3. View and configure the chart of accounts

Charts of accounts support a multi-level hierarchy “account – subaccounts”. Each chart of accounts can include the required number of first level accounts. The required number of subaccounts can be opened for each account. In turn, each subaccount can have its own subaccounts - etc. The number of nesting levels of subaccounts in the 1C: Enterprise 8 system is unlimited: Creation and editing of accounts can be performed both by the developer (predefined accounts) and by the user while working with the application solution. However, the user cannot delete accounts created by the developer. It is possible to maintain analytical accounting for any account or subaccount. When creating and editing a chart of accounts, the required account or subaccount can be assigned to the required number of subaccounts - objects of analytical accounting: In order to be able to specify subaccounts for accounts, the chart of accounts is linked to a chart of characteristics types, which describes the types of subaccounts used for this plan accounts: For each account, you can set several types of accounting, for example quantitative and currency. In addition, you can set several subconto accounting characteristics (for example, total, quantitative, currency). Signs of subconto accounting allow you to establish whether a particular type of subconto is used when generating predefined accounts. Also, each account and sub-account can be associated with a number of additional information that is stored in the details. For example, this may be a sign that prohibits the use of an account in transactions. In order for the user to view and change the data contained in the chart of accounts, the system supports several forms for presenting the chart of accounts. The system can automatically generate all the necessary forms; In addition, the developer has the opportunity to create his own forms that the system will use instead of the default forms: To view the data contained in the chart of accounts, a list form is used. It allows you to navigate through the plan, view accounts in a hierarchy and as a simple list, add, mark for deletion, and delete accounts. The list form allows you to sort and select the displayed information according to several criteria.

To view and change individual invoices, use the invoice form. As a rule, it presents data in a form convenient for perception and editing: In addition to these two forms for the chart of accounts, a form for selecting a specific account from the list is supported. It usually contains the minimum set of information necessary to select a particular account and can be used, for example, to select an account when creating an accounting transaction.


1. “A convenient reference book for an accountant. Commodity transactions. Accounting and tax accounting in “1C: Accounting 8” (+CD)” Authors: Boris Naumovich Berkhin (1C company), Marina Gennadievna Tarasova (1C: “Active Plus” franchisee)

2. “We are moving to 1C: Accounting 8.0! Quick learning for users of 1C: Accounting 7.7"

3. “1C: Accounting 8 at a Glance”

1C is a program for accounting. It is widely used in every field of economic activity. Therefore, those who are well versed in 1C will always be able to find a job for decent money, and in almost any field.

You will need

  • Computer.
  • Program 1C.


  1. Install the 1C shell, which is the same program, but it is called a shell because it needs to be filled in with data - all the details, as well as data on current accounts, existing contracts, business partners, employees and so on. All data is filled in and sorted at your discretion. Practice shows that 1C helps you make flexible settings in information, edit it and much more.
  2. The details are filled in under Service - “Information about the organization” (this name depends on the version of the program itself). Information about employees must be entered into the employee directory, which you can find through “Directories”. Information about bank accounts must be entered into the directory of the same name, suppliers and partners - into the “Counterparties” directory.
  3. All cash movements for the current period on the current account are displayed in the “Payment Documents” and “Bank” journals. Journals “Goods”, “Invoices”, “Invoices” and others are maintained to record goods. The most effective functional 1C programs are all kinds of balances and reports that the program can create based on the completed data: Purchase Book, Balance Sheet, Sales Book, all kinds of reports to social and tax authorities.
  4. You need to familiarize yourself with the basics of accounting as such - that is, understand the formation of payments to the budget, the basics of personnel accounting, accounting for material assets, money and goods, and the 1C program will seem to you an uncomplicated and convenient tool for work. It’s also worth saying that there are many different video courses on the Internet that will help you understand in more detail. We will provide you with some of them in this article.

Video lessons

The video is made in the form of a PLAYLIST that you can scroll through. That is, this is not one video lesson, but there are 62 of them. So just next to the Play button, you can switch videos from 1 to 62.

The processes of mechanization, automation and robotization of everything that a person does occur constantly. Previously, this consisted of creating wind turbines or those that took on the labor-intensive processing of grain. Now signs of progress can be found in production, management and information exchange. Enterprises are greatly helped by 1C series programs. What are they, what are they and why were they developed?

1C: what is the program intended for?

First of all, it should be said that the full name of this software is “1C: Enterprise”. It is designed to automate the activities of organizations or individuals. Can be installed on any modern computer in an office or home environment. is a program that allows you to automate accounting or facilitate decision-making for an enterprise (family budget). It consists of two parts:

  1. Platform.
  2. Application solution.

The 1C: Enterprise platform is the basis that is installed on a computer and runs the application solution. When you launch this software, this is what is shown first. An application solution is a set of files that contains a specific set of capabilities and reports that are needed to maintain a specific type of accounting and compile all the necessary information base. Although the components work together, they are separate systems. And if necessary, one of them can be replaced. Well, now there shouldn’t be any questions about 1C (“what is it and how is it useful”).

How does accounting automation work?

You can consider an example of automation using the application solution “1C: Salary and HR Management 8”. It allows you to facilitate the work of the HR department, make payroll, contributions to funds, taxes independent of people (it all depends on the number of days worked, salary, etc., so you just need to enter the initial data, and the program will do the rest). The application solution can be used not only within a large organization, but also by an individual entrepreneur who pays personal income tax. For software components, it doesn’t matter what numbers are counted, so the 1C database may be small. Few people know that this application is applicable even for a family budget. And it’s not surprising, because the cost is quite high, and few people can afford it. Software is used to maintain books of expenses and income, as well as other aspects important to the company. It should be noted that the number of application solutions is very large - there are hundreds, if not thousands. Some of them are serial, which can be used by many companies to resolve their issues without additional settings. At the same time, they are the most popular. There are also custom application solutions that are created for specific companies (usually by in-house programmers). But this process is quite labor-intensive, so it makes sense only with a clear understanding of the need to create specific solutions.

Accelerate decision making

Any adopted application solution is implemented by the 1C: Enterprise platform. It is the environment that launches and executes everything. Moreover, these processes occur at the maximum speed that a computer is capable of. Even for large companies, calculating wages for a huge number of employees is not a problem, because 1C is an assistant for such cases. When you start working, the platform will load the necessary application solution into which you must enter data. Everything necessary will be calculated directly by the computer, and only what is the final result will be displayed. It is necessary to take into account that each application solution can only work with the platform for which it is written. Fortunately, it is worth noting that there are few of them, and it is impossible to get confused.

The functionality of the program was briefly reviewed. What does it give people? The benefits of the software for accountants and business managers should be separately considered, although 1C is a tool that can be used by many other people.

Benefits for accountants

The use of this software allows you to quickly make all the necessary calculations, record events and reduce the influence of the human factor. 1 C is a program that provides convenient, compact storage and use of all documentation. And even if the accountant himself is temporarily not working, the employee performing his duties will be able to figure everything out without wasting time. 1C is a useful tool that will make accounting reliable and open.

Benefits for managers

There are also significant benefits for heads of enterprises. The main aspect and value is the ability to control and monitor the current state of affairs. Moreover, all this is done without the need to interrupt specialists from their work. Simply launch the program, select the component that is of greatest interest, and find out the data. For a 1C manager, this is an opportunity to track all changes as soon as they are registered.

Various solutions present in the 1C: Enterprise program

It should be noted that the product is selected based on two criteria: the industry in which it will be used and the functional problem it solves. To present the capabilities of the program, the areas of application will be described here. First the industries of use:

  1. Forestry and agriculture.
  2. Industrial production.
  3. Construction.
  4. Financial sector.
  5. Trade, logistics, warehouse.
  6. Food establishments and hotel business.
  7. Medicine and healthcare.
  8. Culture and education.
  9. Municipal and public administration.
  10. Professional services.

There are more functional tasks, but they also provide significant interest as a tool for achieving the goal:

  1. Document flow.
  2. Managing customer-related processes.
  3. Integrated enterprise resource management system.
  4. Personnel records, personnel management and payroll.
  5. Financial and management accounting.
  6. Transport, logistics and sales management.
  7. Engineering data management.
  8. Project management.
  9. Repair management.
  10. Tax and accounting.
  11. E-learning.


This software, due to its functionality and application capabilities, is important in terms of ensuring speed of interaction and monitoring the current situation. It allows you to automate a number of processes in companies and achieve greater efficiency in managing labor and material resources. Well, now, after reading, we can say that if you hear the phrase “1C program”, what is it, you can already answer.

In our new article we will talk about where a beginner should start mastering 1C 8.3 programs.

The vast majority of enterprises use programs based on 1C 8.3 to record business processes and do accounting. This is convenient and practical, but it is difficult for an untrained user to immediately master all the capabilities of the software, even taking into account the efforts of the developers to simplify the interface. And, first of all, this is due to the user’s lack of subject knowledge. After all, it’s not easy to understand an accounting program if you don’t know at least the basics of accounting itself. Is not it? Various educational materials, as well as lessons on 1C accounting, will come to help you study.

What does a “teapot” have to study?

Before plunging headlong into mastering and developing practical skills, a beginner needs to decide where to start.


Before mastering the program interface and becoming familiar with the functionality, we recommend reading specialized educational literature. , in particular, a large number have been published, so the “teapot” will have plenty to choose from. The textbook 1C: Accounting 8. First steps will be especially useful for a beginner.

Educational versions of programs

To start working with the program, you do not need to buy the full version of 1C 8.3. It will be enough. This 1C program for dummies will allow you to experiment with tools and capabilities, as well as gain the necessary practical experience.

Courses 1C 8.3

If you have a great desire, but lack discipline, you can use 1C 8.3, where teachers will monitor the effectiveness of training.

Free video lessons

When working with various tools or functions, beginners are bound to experience confusion: what sequence of actions is necessary, what buttons to press, where to find this or that tool, and so on. The answers to these and other questions are not always contained in books, and the best assistant in mastering the program on your own will be lessons on.

The short videos contain all the information a beginner needs on working with configurations. Everyone has the opportunity to access free lessons on.

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