
Simplified calculation of psk. What is the full cost of a loan from Sberbank An example of calculating the full cost of a consumer loan

First, a little theory. According to the Directive of the Central Bank of Russia dated May 13, 2008 No. 2008-U, banks are required to calculate (the formula is given in the same document) and provide the client with information about the PSK before signing the loan agreement.

What does a parameter like UCS tell the client? Actually, all the salt is already in the name. This is the full cost of the loan.

That is, knowing the PSC, the client can estimate how much a loan from a particular bank will actually cost him. The parameter is important because Many people pay attention only to the interest rate, making it the main selection criterion. And among all the variety of credit programs and banks, PSK can really help you understand which institution is more profitable to contact.

What is included in the PSC and what is the calculation procedure?

How does this parameter provide such information to the client? Due to the fact that the value of the PSC includes the borrower's payments under the agreement. Those. - client costs.

In the case of credit cards, these costs are:

  • Payments to repay the loan amount;
  • Card issue and maintenance;
  • Other commissions (statements, insurance programs, etc.);
  • Payment of interest.

In this case, when calculating the UCS, the following are not taken into account:

  • Possible fines for non-compliance by the client with the terms of the contract;
  • Penalties for unauthorized overdraft;
  • Commissions for foreign exchange transactions;
  • Commission for suspension of operations;
  • Transfers to the account of funds from other organizations;
  • Payment for obtaining (as well as repaying) a loan in cash.

According to the Directive, information about the full cost of the loan, as well as the amounts and list of payments included and not included in the calculation, must be communicated by the bank to the borrower directly in the loan agreement or in an appendix to it.

As you can see, everything is very conditional. And if in the case of mortgages or consumer loans it is possible to calculate the PSC as accurately as possible, then doing this with credit cards, taking into account the revolving credit line and grace period, is quite difficult.

Therefore, when calculating the PSC for credit cards, banks use the maximum possible loan term (read - the validity period of the card), the maximum possible credit limit, repayment of debt in equal parts (read - the monthly minimum payment).

To put it simply, it is assumed that, having received a credit card for 2 years, for example, with a limit of 100,000 rubles, the client immediately uses the entire amount and repays the loan for the entire 2 years according to the terms of the agreement, making, for example, a minimum monthly payment of 10% plus interest.

Some banks (for example, Alfa-Bank) provide clients with 2 PSC values. One of them is calculated as indicated above. In another case, it is considered that the client falls within the grace period.

Interesting point . Even if you have free annual card maintenance, you always meet the grace period and there are no fees at all on a credit card, then the PSC will still, as a rule, be higher than the interest rate. This is because the calculation includes the bank’s income, which it receives from the use of funds in the account. Yes, these funds cannot in any way be attributed to client loan expenses, but, nevertheless, they are taken into account when calculating the PSC.

In addition, the PIC will almost always be higher than the nominal interest rate, since the compound interest method is used when calculating the PIC (and simple interest when calculating the nominal rate).

An extremely ambiguous parameter. Sudostroitelny Bank, for example, says on its website that PSK has little to do with the client’s real costs, and shows more of the bank’s income from cooperation with the client. And that this parameter does not always objectively show the real cost of the loan for the client.

After considering the theory, we can finally give the formula:

d i - date of the corresponding payment;

d 0 - date of the first payment (coincides with the day the funds are issued to the client);

n - number of payments;

DP i - payment amount according to the agreement;

PSK - total cost of the loan (%, per annum).

Hand on heart, 99.9% of clients need this formula just as Bill Gates needs financial assistance for unemployment. Without having the appropriate mathematical and banking knowledge, it will not be possible to use the formula and check the bank in this way.

UCS examples

Let's move on to practice.

Raiffeisenbank pleased everyone the most:

This institution approached the issue of calculating the PSC with all seriousness. The bank has created 4 tables that comprehensively show the client the value of the PSC for various cards and conditions.

You can view the tables on the Raiffeisenbank website. Having opened the matrix, we see an interesting pattern: the larger the maximum limit amount, the lower the UCS value will be. For example, if you take 15-20 thousand rubles. on the “Cash” card (without insurance, credit rate 24%), then the total cost of the loan will be 41.4%. If the limit is from 800 thousand to 1 million rubles, the PSK will already be much less - only 27.1%.

Renaissance Capital Bank also shows attention to clients:

The UCS value is indicated in the tariffs for credit cards. Let's make a comparison to clearly demonstrate the difference between the PIC and the nominal interest rate.

We open the tariff plan “TP 17” - Gold credit card. The interest rate is 18% (payment for goods and services) and 24% (cash withdrawal), servicing per year is 3,600 rubles, grace period - 55 days, limit - 500,000 rubles. The calculation shows that the PSC will be from 1 to 21/29%.

Here is an example given by Banca Intesa:

Gold card, amount - 100,000 rubles, interest rate - 25%, service - 3,000 rubles. in year. As a result of the calculation, the PSC is 33.5%.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that sometimes the UCS value is really useful and can facilitate the client's choice. Therefore, you should not completely write off this parameter.

You took out a loan and the lender told you the interest rate. For your own safety, you calculated the approximate amount of overpayment and monthly payments, but these figures did not agree with those stated in the contract. Why? The bottom line is that only the interest rate is written in capital letters in the contract, but additional conditions (for example, loan fee, insurance, etc.) are indicated in notes or footnotes at the bottom of the page. Therefore, in order to save your funds, you need to clarify each clause of the contract.

Thus, the total cost of the loan is the most important indicator that the borrower should focus on when choosing the type of loan. However, due to his ignorance of this issue, the client relies only on the interest rate, without taking into account other indicators. As a result, the borrower of an “interest-free” loan receives money at a rate of up to 80%. Because of this, the number of delays increases, clients blame the bankers, although they themselves are to blame for their inattention. In this article we will try to understand what the full cost of a loan is and what its main components are.

Loan details

The total cost of the loan is expressed as a percentage per annum and shows the final amount of overpayment for using the loan. Previously, this term had a different name - “effective interest rate”. But it was not in demand, since borrowers equated it to the regular interest rate.

The question arises: why can’t everything be taken into account at one rate, which includes both commission and insurance. The answer lies on the surface. A bank is the same store where the goods are bank cards, loans, and deposits. And hiding the true amount of overpayment under the “fine print” is just a marketing ploy to attract customers. It turns out that the bankers are not lying to us, they are just keeping silent about the details, so it is necessary to concentrate on every note and clause of the contract.

If you take out a loan from microfinance organizations, you will be surprised, because they do not hide or hide additional fees in contracts, as other banks do. They simply do not have this additional interest, because the overpayment rate itself exceeds reasonable limits. You will pay a fixed amount, but on the condition that you are a respectable payer, otherwise you will be charged penalties and interest.

According to the law that came into force in September of this year, each bank is required to calculate the full cost of a consumer loan and report the indicator to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The provision of Central Bank loans to ordinary banks is carried out according to a different scheme, which differs significantly from consumer loans.

How to calculate?

The value can be obtained by summing up the entire accrued commission (one-time and periodic), the amount of the annual accrued interest rate, and, accordingly, the loan amount. To understand how the calculation is carried out, let's give an example. A client approaches a bank with a loan application in the amount of RUB 200,000. for 24 months at 15% per annum. Commission for issuing funds is 2% and 1.5% for operational services. Let's determine the amount of basic interest, it is 31 thousand rubles. (the amount is specified in the contract). The commission for issuing a loan is 4 thousand rubles. (200,000*2%), and for operational services 3,465 rubles.

Therefore, the total loan amount is: 200,000+31,000+4,000+3,465=238,465 (rub.)

The example shows that calculating a loan is not that difficult, but to simplify the operations, various loan calculators have been created. There are banks that also include lost profits in the loan amount, that is, funds that could have been received through a possible investment. Calculating the full loan amount helps to compare and analyze completely different programs. Here's an example:

As we can see from the example, although the interest rate is lower, the total amounts of overpayment are equal. This is due to the added commission (one-time payment). The question arises, which offer is more profitable? Of course, the first one, although the rate is a little higher, it will be easier for the borrower to repay these 14,736 rubles over 5 years rather than in one lump sum payment.

What indicators affect the amount of credit or loan?

  • Payments based on the loan.
  • Interest payments.
  • Payments that include commission (one-time and monthly).
  • Payment for credit card services.
  • Payments to third parties provided for in the loan agreement.
  • Insurance payments (compulsory and voluntary).

There are also indicators that do not affect the loan amount:

  • Payments not provided for in the contract, but required to be paid by federal law (for example, payments for registering collateral).
  • Penalties for late payment.
  • Payments, the payment of which depends on the client himself (fee for servicing an unused card).
  • Payments for insurance of collateral property.

Some banks, for their own enrichment, charge additional fees not provided for by law:

  • Payment for the maintenance of the loan account.
  • Payment for early repayment of a loan.

You have the right to contact Rospotrebnadzor if the bank demands payment from you for these commissions. The overpayment of commissions that may arise after the conclusion of the contract should in no case be taken into account when calculating the final amount:

  • Fee for early loan repayment.
  • Fee for exceeding overdraft limits.
  • Fee for issuing account statements.
  • Fees for settlements or transactions in a currency other than that used in the current account.
  • Fee for withdrawing funds from ATMs of other banks.
  • Interruption fees.
  • Card reissue fee.
  • Fee for inclusion in the stop list.

To summarize, we can say that you should not blame the bank for charging you an “unnecessary commission”. Firstly, each additional unit of overpayment is indicated in the contract; it may be hidden, but it is there. Secondly, even if the bank confronts the client with the fact of a huge overpayment, the borrower has the right to refuse; this is his own decision.

In order not to fall for the bank’s fraudulent moves (for example, they told you about insurance, took it into account when calculating the final cost of the loan, but did not tell you that it is voluntary and you can refuse it), you only need to have basic economic knowledge and have an initial level financial intelligence, otherwise banks will benefit from your lack of enlightenment.

Many banks, and even regular lending sites, provide a special online calculator that will calculate the cost of your loan in accordance with the terms of your loan agreement.


Total cost of loan (FLC)

Full cost of the loan - PSK

allows you to compare loan offers from different banks

Total cost of loan (FLC)- The current value of the cash flow (payments by the Borrower to the Bank, insurance companies, notaries, etc., which the Client is obliged to pay under the Loan Agreement), based on the concept that an amount of money today has a higher value than the same amount in the future , since every day a certain amount of money can generate income. The total cost of the loan is calculated as a percentage per annum.

Clients often understand this definition in two words: “PSC - overpayment on a loan along with all commissions and payments.”

But the Client receives a loan with equal repayment of the debt, does not pay ANY commissions, receives a calculation of the PSC from the Bank and is rightly perplexed:
“Why is the total cost of loan (FLC) in percentage terms greater than the interest rate on a mortgage loan, even if there are no commissions?”

Some suspect “hidden” payments, others don’t look at the PSC at all, and some guess that the PSC is not an “overpayment” on the loan at all.

The total cost of the loan will ALWAYS be greater than the stated rate on this loan if the agreement between the bank and the borrower provides for monthly repayment of the debt.

The fact is that by returning part of the loan back to the Bank, you can no longer use this money. That is, the amount of principal that you repaid the very next month after receiving the loan was in fact issued only for that one month. The amount that you will repay two months after the loan is issued - for two months. And so on.

In other words, part of the funds (which were returned as part of the monthly payment) The borrower cannot use, invest this money, or receive income from it. But the Bank, on the contrary, having received a certain amount from the Borrower as a loan payment, invests it in the next Borrower, thus earning money on the newly issued loan.

The formula for the total cost of the loan takes into account this complex pattern and takes into account that the cost of the funds that you pay on the loan “today” is higher than the cost of the same money by the end of the loan term.

The full cost of the loan will be equal to the loan rate only if the repayment of the debt by the Borrower is made in a lump sum at the end of the loan term.

Why then do you need to calculate the full cost of the loan?

Calculating the PSC allows you to compare completely different loan offers.

Here's an example:

  • Loan term 5 years
  • Loan rate 13%
  • No commissions
  • Payment on such a loan: 23,312 rubles
  • PSK: 13.78%
  • Interest for the entire loan term: 352,970 rubles
  • Loan amount 1,000,000 rubles
  • Loan term 5 years
  • Loan rate 12.5%
  • One-time commission: 14,736 rubles
  • Payment on such a loan: 23,058 rubles
  • PSK: 13.98%
  • Interest for the entire loan term: 338,234 rubles
  • Total amount of overpayment: 352,970

As you can see, with an equal amount of overpayment on the loan, an offer at a rate of 13% is more profitable for the client than at a rate of 12.5%, but with a one-time commission. This is explained precisely by the fact that the cost of the amount of 14,736 rubles paid at once is much higher than this amount extended over 5 years.

The PSK formula allows you to compare any variations of loan offers.

On our website you can independently calculate the size of the PSC and choose the mortgage lending product that suits you.

Since 07/01/2014, the obligation of Banks to uniformly calculate the size of the PSK, as well as the method for calculating this indicator, is regulated by the Law on Consumer Lending.

What must be taken into account when calculating the UCS

  1. Repayment of the principal amount of debt under a consumer loan agreement;
  2. Payment of interest under a consumer loan agreement;
  3. Payments by the Borrower to the Bank, if the borrower's obligation to make such payments follows from the terms of the loan agreement and (or) if the loan will not be issued without making such payments;
  4. Fee for issuing and servicing the plastic card through which you will make payments (if applicable);
  5. Payment for life insurance, risk of loss of property rights;
  6. Fee for services of the appraisal company;
  7. Payment for notary services, if the Bank obliges you to draw up transaction documents with a notary (for example, an apartment purchase and sale agreement).

What is NOT taken into account when calculating the UCS

  1. State duties and other payments of the Borrower, the obligation to pay which arises from legal requirements;
  2. Fines and penalties under the Loan Agreement;
  3. Payments by the Borrower for loan servicing, which are stipulated by the agreement and the amount and (or) terms of payment of which depend on the decision of the borrower and (or) the option of his behavior;
  4. Insurance of property under a loan secured by existing housing or insurance of purchased property, if this property will be the subject of collateral;
  5. Other payments for services, the provision of which does NOT determine the possibility of obtaining a loan.

What should you pay attention to when contacting the Bank?

By placing the Banks on an equal footing, the Central Bank hoped to deprive the Client of the opportunity to manipulate due to their lack of awareness.

However, by leaving out payments that may not be included in the calculation of the PSC, the Bank may expose the Client to the fact of huge commissions, which the Client did not know about in advance... This is explained by the fact that the client free to choose whether to use the service or not.

For example, a commission for renting a safe deposit box with special access conditions.

This commission is not included in the PSK for the very reason that the Client can supposedly choose to rent a cell for a transaction or not. But what reasonable buyer would hand over the money to the seller without making sure that the apartment has been re-registered to him? And what kind of seller would agree to re-register the apartment to the buyer without making sure that he is guaranteed to receive the money? The most common solution is, of course, renting a safe deposit box (you can also use payments through letters of credit, you can read about this). It turns out that the Client has no choice (in fact). The bank, taking advantage of this, “drives” into this fee all the commissions that previously were simply called differently.

This amount is not reflected in the PSC rate, so the Client sometimes simply does not have sufficient information to compare offers from different Banks.

Typically, the task of comprehensive analysis of the terms of a mortgage loan and selection of the optimal offer is undertaken by a mortgage company, which is not interested in preferences in choosing a particular mortgage product, but is interested in its reputation.

When selecting an apartment, SPIK LLC provides its clients with the services of selecting the optimal mortgage program completely free of charge. But if you still decide to conduct the analysis yourself, we strongly recommend that you conduct a thorough interrogation of the Bank employee at each stage of the transaction with the constant question: “How much will it cost me?”

All articles on our website are UNIQUE and posted for the FIRST TIME! SPIK LLC writes articles based on its own experience and knowledge. Rights to articles are protected by law, including according to Part 4 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Copying the text in whole or in part is permitted only with the consent of SPIC LLC (permission is given free of charge) and with a MANDATORY indexed link to

Some credit organizations, with their irresistible desire for profit, sometimes get into such a frenzy that you involuntarily think: “Is there any kind of control over these guys at all? Or is this chaos not controlled by anyone?”

Don't panic, friends! The situation is under control, and there is “control over these guys”! All of them are “under the hood” of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. One of its functions is to calculate the average market total cost of credit for all types of consumer loans, as well as to ensure that the PSC of credit institutions does not exceed the maximum values. But let's talk about everything in order.

How the PSK from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation restrains the appetites of creditors

The average market value of the total cost of a loan from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is a tool that regulates the activities of lenders in the field of consumer lending. The operating algorithm of this tool is prescribed in parts 8, 9, 10, 11 of the sixth article of the Federal Law of December 21, 2013. No. 353-FZ “On consumer credit (loan)”. The legislator has established the following rules:

  1. 1. Deadlines for calculating and publishing the average market price index. Part 8 of Article 6 of Law No. 353-FZ states that the Bank of Russia quarterly calculates and publishes the average market value of the total cost of the loan no later than 45 days before the start of the quarter in which this value is to be applied.
  2. 2. The procedure for determining the categories of consumer loans by the Bank of Russia. This paragraph is regulated by Part 9 of Article 6 of Law No. 353-FZ. Here's what it says:

    Categories of consumer loans (loans) are determined by the Bank of Russia in the manner established by it, taking into account the following indicators (their ranges) - the amount of the loan (loan), the repayment period of the consumer loan (loan), the availability of collateral for the loan (loan), the type of lender, the purpose of the loan, use of an electronic means of payment, availability of a credit limit.
    Based on this list of criteria, the Central Bank groups consumer loans, and then calculates the average market value of the PSC for each group.

  3. 3. Initial data for calculating the average market PSC. According to Part 10 of Article 6 of Law No. 353-FZ, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation calculates the average market value of the PSK based on data received from at least 100 of the largest lenders or from at least 1/3 of the total number of lenders providing loans in the corresponding category.
  4. 4. Limit values ​​of PSC established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Part 11 of Article 6 of Law No. 353-FZ states that the total cost of a consumer loan should not exceed by more than 1/3 the average market value of the PSC calculated by the Central Bank for loans of this category.

Summarize. So, financial activity in the consumer loan market is regulated by Federal Law No. 353-FZ, which does not allow greedy lenders to rob their clients by setting exorbitant PSC values. And this is great, friends!

Where are the average market values ​​of the total cost of loans published?

Information on average market values ​​of the full cost of consumer loans (loans) is posted on the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. By following the link provided, you will find yourself on a page with this data.

On its website, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation publishes average market values ​​of the PSC for the following financial institutions:

  • Credit organizations.
  • Microfinance organizations.
  • Credit consumer cooperatives.
  • Agricultural credit consumer cooperatives.
  • Pawnshops.

No later than 45 days before the start of a new quarter, pdf files with calculations from the Bank of Russia are posted on the website. Any visitor can download the file he is interested in for free and get acquainted with the latest information on the average market values ​​of the total cost of the loan. This data is presented in the form of a table consisting of four columns. She looks like this:

  • First column– serial number of the category line (lines within the main categories are indicated in the format of subparagraphs, for example, 1.1, 1.2 or 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, etc.).
  • Second column– name of the category of consumer loans (loans).
  • Third column– average market values ​​of the total cost of consumer loans (loans). Here the same weighted average calculated value is indicated, obtained on the basis of data from at least 100 of the largest creditors or from at least 1/3 of the total number of creditors, in accordance with Part 10 of Article 6 of Law No. 353-FZ.
  • Fourth column– limit values ​​of the total cost of consumer loans (loans) in annual percentages. This is the same “bar” above which no creditor providing loans of the specified category has the right to “jump”. The limit values ​​are calculated very simply - 1/3 of its value is added to the average market PSC from the third column, in accordance with Part 11 of Article 6 of Law No. 353-FZ.

As you can see, the table is compiled in a simple and user-friendly format, and most importantly, there is nothing superfluous in it.

Friends, this concludes the series of publications about the full cost of a loan. We hope we managed to cover this topic as much as possible, and you found answers to all your questions!

Not long ago, Federal Law No. 353 came into force, obliging financial organizations to disclose information about the so-called “Full cost of the loan (loan)” (hereinafter - FCC).
In this article (which, in principle, applies only to workers in the financial sector), I would like to give an example of calculating the PSC. Perhaps it will be useful to someone.

Important! Not long ago, legislators made changes to the formula, which comes into force only on September 1, 2014. Everything stated below is only suitable for the new formula. The article describes exclusively the technical implementation of calculating the PSC in accordance with the law.

Even more important! All the information below is relevant for the case when the loan is issued in ONE payment, i.e. the borrower receives the funds once, and repayments occur according to a predetermined payment schedule. This option covers 99% of issued loans (credit cards do not count).

Actually, here is the beast itself:

We understand the meaning of terms

UCS is defined as the product of 3 quantities - i, NBP and the number 100. Let us analyze the terms and designations used:
  1. What is BP (base period)
    BP under a consumer credit (loan) agreement is a standard time interval that occurs with the greatest frequency in the payment schedule under a consumer credit (loan) agreement. If the payment schedule under a consumer credit (loan) agreement does not contain time intervals between payments lasting less than one year or equal to one year, then the BP is one year.
    In fact, BP is the most common time interval between payments. If there are no recurring time intervals in the payment schedule and a different procedure is not established by the Bank of Russia, the base period is recognized as a time interval that is the arithmetic average for all periods, rounded to the nearest standard time interval. A standard time interval is a day, a month, a year, as well as a certain number of days or months not exceeding one year in duration. This way you can determine your BP. If payments are monthly, then BP=365/12~=30
  2. What is NBP (number of base periods in a calendar year)
    The definition in the law is very vague, but as I understand it, it is the number of base periods that “fit” into one calendar year, i.e.:
    • For a standard payment schedule with monthly payments: NBP = 12
    • Quarterly payments: NBP=4
    • Payments once a year or less: NBP=1
    • If the payment schedule is tricky: for example, at first there are 2 payments once a quarter, and then 6 payments once a month, then 3 payments once a day, then the base period is 1 month. And NBP=12 (12 BP per calendar year).
  3. What is i (base period interest rate expressed in decimal form)
    This is impossible to understand (at least to me). Perhaps there is some meaning in the definition of the number i, but it is not possible to grasp this meaning intuitively. We'll look at how to count i in the next section.

How to count i

Let us leave for later attempts to understand the “physical” meaning of the number i, and give it the following definition:
The number i is calculated by solving the following equation:
  • m is the number of cash flows, which is equal to the number of payments in the payment schedule plus one (another payment arises from the first payment - the issuance of a loan).
  • DP k – the size of the k-th cash flow (loan issuance with a “minus” sign, returns with a “plus” sign).
  • Q k - the number of complete base periods from the moment the loan is issued to the k-th cash flow. Q k can be calculated using the formula:
    Q to =floor[ (DP to -DP 1)/BP ], where
    • DP k – date of the kth cash flow,
    • DP 1 – date of the first cash flow (i.e. date of issue),
    • BP – period of the base period,
    • floor – rounding down to the nearest whole number.
  • E to - here we’ll immediately write the formula so that your brain doesn’t explode from the wording in the law:
    E k =mod[ (DP to -DP 1) /BP ]/BP, where mod is the remainder of the division

Algorithm for calculating the UCS

Input data: two arrays. The key is the cash flow number, the values ​​are the payment dates and the payment amount.
Output data: UCS value (number).
Calculation procedure:
  1. We calculate the NBP (number of base periods). The number of base periods - how many such periods will “fit” into 365 days, i.e. BBP=floor[ 365/BP ].
  2. For each kth payment, we calculate DP k, Q k, E k.
  3. Using approximate calculation methods, we calculate i exactly up to two decimal places.
  4. Multiply NBP*i*100.


There is a ready-made solution in javascript, as well as in VBA (there will even be an Excel file for calculations).

Why VBA and Excel?

If suddenly you have a fire and nothing will work on September 1, 2014, then the most reasonable thing is to send out an Excel spreadsheet to the places where contracts are concluded, so that you can calculate the PSC at least this way at first.

The examples take a schedule for a loan of 100,000 rubles for 3 months at a rate of 12% per annum. Date of issue - September 1, 2014:
JavaScript solution


function psk() ( //input data - payment dates var dates = [ new Date(2014, 8, 01), new Date(2014, 9, 01), new Date(2014, 10, 01), new Date(2014 , 11, 01)]; //input data - payment amounts var sum = [-100000, 34002.21, 34002.21, 34002.21 ]; var m = dates.length; // number of payments // Set the base period bp bp=30; / /We count the number of base periods in a year: var cbp = Math.round(365 / bp); //fill the array with the number of days from the date of issue to the date of the kth payment var days = ; for (k = 0; k< m; k++) { days[k] = (dates[k] - dates) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); } //посчитаем Ек и Qк для каждого платежа var e = ; var q = ; for (k = 0; k < m; k++) { e[k] = (days[k] % bp) / bp; q[k] = Math.floor(days[k] / bp); } //Втупую методом перебора начиная с 0 ищем i до максимального приблежения с шагом s var i = 0; var x = 1; var x_m = 0; var s = 0.000001; while (x >0) ( x_m = x; x = 0; for (k = 0; k< m; k++) { x = x + sum[k] / ((1 + e[k] * i) * Math.pow(1 + i, q[k])); } i = i + s; } if (x >x_m) ( i = i - s; ) //calculate the UCS var psk = Math.floor(i * cbp * 100 * 1000) / 1000; //display PSC alert("PSK = " + psk + " %"); )

Demo on jsfiddle: jsfiddle.net/exmmo/m5kbb0up/7

Solution in VBA+excel


Column A, starting from the 2nd line, contains the dates of cash flows.
Column B, starting from the 2nd line, contains the amounts of cash flows.
Sub psk() Dim dates() Columns("A:A").Select dates() = Application.Transpose(Range(ActiveCell, Cells(Rows.count, ActiveCell.Column).End(xlUp))) Dim summa( ) Columns("B:B").Select summa = Application.Transpose(Range(ActiveCell, Cells(Rows.count, ActiveCell.Column).End(xlUp))) Dim m As Integer m = UBound(dates) bp = 30 cbp = Round(365 / bp) ReDim Days(m) For k = 2 To m Days(k) = dates(k) - dates(2) Next ReDim e(m) ReDim q(m) For k = 2 To m q(k) = Days(k) \ bp e(k) = (Days(k) Mod bp) / bp Next i = 0 x = 1 x_m = 0 s = 0.000001 Do While x > 0 x_m = x x = 0 For k = 2 To m x = x + summa(k) / ((1 + e(k) * i) * ((1 + i) ^ q(k))) Next i = i + s Loop If x > x_m Then i = i - s End If psk = Round(i * cbp, 5) Cells(3, 7).Value = psk End Sub

Demo in Excel+VBA: yadi.sk/i/oRTa8Id-a6UfV


The code is far from perfect, one might even say that it is poor. For example, approximate calculation is performed in the stupidest way known to mankind. Please understand and forgive me, in the current situation there is absolutely not enough time to write something presentable. I'm sorry, I'll fix it.

If you have any comments or find a mistake, please let me know, I will be grateful. The most dangerous thing that can happen is an initially incorrect interpretation of the text of the law.

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