
Which bank has the cheapest mortgage loan? Which bank is better to take out a mortgage: interest rates. Features and development trends in the market

Nobody is surprised by purchasing an apartment on credit anymore. For applicants, here are ideal conditions for housing - the lowest interest rate in 2019, an optimal lending period, and a rising down payment.

Cheap mortgage - myth or reality?

How to get a mortgage at a minimum interest rate

The minimum mortgage interest rate declared by lending institutions is the basic one. The final cost of the loan is influenced by many factors determined by banks independently. Lenders report some features of the methodology for calculating lending prices on their websites; some of this information is not available to the public.

Today, banks are increasingly turning to a scoring system for assessing a potential borrower, which primarily reflects his credit history. Your personal score can be clarified in the BKI. 1 request per year is processed free of charge. However, when deciding to determine the cost of a loan, many factors are assessed in each specific case.

Factors that determine the mortgage interest rate

Most often, the interest rate increases if:

  • Only 2 documents were provided;
  • the applicant’s age is close to the minimum or maximum levels;
  • there are existing loans;
  • solvency is minimal;
  • Only real estate insurance is issued;
  • the down payment corresponds to the lower acceptable limit.

The lowest mortgage rate is set under the following conditions:

  • the borrower has an official income sufficient to pay off the loan and support the family, the length of service meets the requirements of the lender;
  • income goes to an account opened with the creditor bank;
  • age - within 25-45 years;
  • there is permanent registration;
  • credit history is not satisfactory;
  • all required types of insurance coverage are issued;
  • high-quality real estate in a new building with a large area is purchased from a bank partner;
  • over 50% of the cost is provided by personal savings.

Mortgage programs with government support

The following mortgage programs benefit from state support in 2019:

  • "Maternal capital";

The above initiatives are supported by many participants in the mortgage lending market, for example, DOM.RF (AHML), Sberbank, VTB24.

Which bank has the best mortgage?

When searching for a bank with the lowest mortgage interest rate, you should start with where you receive your salary: many lenders are more loyal to those clients whose employer has already been verified and the exact amount of income is known.

It makes sense to look for information about existing benefit programs, including regional and local ones, and about organizations working with them. Developers sometimes offer preferences: for mortgage holders they either reduce the cost of 1 square meter or, by agreement with the lender, the price of the loan.

Banks from the top 10 offer the lowest interest rates, but they also have serious requirements for clients.

Lowest mortgage interest rate in the world

The lowest interest rates on mortgage loans are provided in:

  1. Japan - 1.68%;
  2. Switzerland – 1.75%;
  3. Finland – 1.83%;
  4. Germany – 1.9%;
  5. Luxembourg – 2%.

However, the availability of a mortgage is also affected by the cost of housing. The average price of 1 sq.m of economy class in these countries is:

  1. Japan – 276,977 rubles;
  2. Switzerland – 529,709 rubles;
  3. Finland – 188,663 rubles;
  4. Germany – 179,721 rubles;
  5. Luxembourg – 342,250 rubles.

You should also take into account the average monthly income of citizens:

  1. Japan – 156,946 rubles;
  2. Switzerland – 341,209 rubles;
  3. Finland – 154,125 rubles;
  4. Germany – 152,211 rubles;
  5. Luxembourg – 239,650 rubles.

For reference: in Russia, the average salary in 2018 was 36,857 rubles, and the price of 1 sq.m. ranges from 227,892 rubles in Moscow to 15,098 rubles in the Sverdlovsk region.

Mortgage interest at Sberbank

When considering banks with low mortgage rates, you should not lose sight of. By taking advantage of the “Mortgage for New Buildings” offer, applicants can receive a loan for just 8,5% .

  • contract amount – from 300 000 rubles;
  • your funds - from 15% ;
  • They also give money for the purchase of apartments;
  • deadline - until 30 years (up to 12 years, if you participate in a special program from the developer);
  • Sberbank cooperates with applicants aged 21-75 years.

If the applicant plans to apply for a mortgage using 2 documents, the base rate will increase by a percentage, and at least 50% of his own funds will be required.

The disadvantages are that the minimum bet is available:

  • for the purchase of a new building only from an accredited developer;
  • with the duration of the mortgage within 7 years. If the deadline 7 years 1 day – 12 years, then the base rate increases to 9% . When lending for a longer period, the rate is determined based on 10,5% ;
  • when completing a transaction remotely through a specialized service. This service costs 2,000 rubles;
  • the required experience at the current place of work is from 6 months, but the total experience is at least 1 year over the last 5 years.

Rosselkhozbank program

Gives a mortgage for just 10% . Borrowed funds will be received by applicants aged from 21 to 65 years (under some conditions - up to 75 years) who are registered in the Russian Federation and are ready to document their income.

The important points are:

  • loan repayment period – up to 30 years old;
  • advance payment – ​​from 15% ;
  • minimum amount – 100 000;
  • maximum loan – 60 million.
  • work with persons with private household plots;
  • mortgage involves the purchase of apartments, apartments and houses in the primary and secondary markets, as well as land.
  • official experience with the current employer - 6 months with a total experience of 1 year over the past 5 years;
  • the percentage varies depending on the status of the applicant - a participant in a salary project, a public sector employee or other citizens.

Promsvyazbank program

- “New buildings on mortgage” with a low interest rate in 9,4% . Bankers consider aged applicants from 21 years old, but up to 65 years old who have permanent registration or reside in Russia.

  • lending – up to 30 000 000 rubles for Moscow and St. Petersburg and up to 20 000 000 rubles for borrowers from other regions;
  • You can order a real estate appraisal on the Promsvyazbank portal;
  • You need a total work experience of at least 1 year, including 4 months at your last place of employment;
  • requirements for own funds - from 10% ;
  • maternity capital will be accepted as a down payment;
  • duration of the mortgage – no more 25 years;
  • Promsvyazbank's partners sometimes provide discounts to its clients, including at the interest rate.
  • if individual entrepreneurs and business owners are credited, then the minimum period of their economic activity must correspond to 2 years;
  • You must have a landline work phone number.

The program “Mortgage is calling!” from UniCredit Bank

It is quite possible to purchase a home by borrowing money from. According to the loan program “Mortgage is calling!” the applicant can get a loan for 30 years and credit rate 10% .

Low percentage is available when:

  • payment of a down payment in the amount more than 15% cost of the object;
  • registration of comprehensive insurance.

The base mortgage loan rate will increase by:

  • 0,25% if the loan amount is less than 5 000 000 rubles for Moscow, 3 000 000 rubles for St. Petersburg and 2 000 000 rubles for other cities;
  • 2,5% - if a citizen refuses to take out personal insurance;
  • 1% - if you refuse to take out title insurance (risk of loss of title);
  • 1% - in case of refusal to insure civil liability.
  • Russian citizenship is not required;
  • work with complex transactions - counter transactions, purchases with alternatives and the like.
  • the offer is intended only for secondary market objects;
  • maximum amounts (up to 30 000 000 rubles for the capital and St. Petersburg and 10 000 000 rubles for other regions) are available subject to the presence of personal savings at a level of at least 50% . If own funds 15-50% , then they will give no more 15 000 000 rubles in Moscow and St. Petersburg and 5 000 000 rubles in other localities;
  • the lender does not operate in Crimea and Sevastopol;
  • It is important to notify UniCredit Bank about partial early repayment 3 days before the planned payment. Full early repayment is permitted at any time;
  • a system of fines has been established in the amount of 15,000 rubles for a number of violations of the terms of the contract, for example, for missing the deadline for reporting for the intended use of funds received.

Mortgage from VTB24

Buy an apartment with a mortgage 10,1% per annum offers . The mortgage offer applies to housing purchased on the primary or secondary markets.

The key points of a low interest mortgage agreement are:

  • term - up to 30 years old;
  • minimum loan – 600 thousand;
  • maximum mortgage amount – 60 million;
  • minimum down payment – 10% .
  • the larger the area of ​​the purchased object (from 65 sq.m), the lower the interest rate;
  • any citizenship is accepted;
  • employment abroad is allowed, but in branches of domestic companies;
  • loyal attitude towards public sector employees.
  • if personal savings are less than 20%, then the rate increases by 0,5% ;
  • they give a loan based on 2 documents, but the price of the contract will increase by 0,5% .

If the borrower refuses to take out comprehensive insurance, the low interest rate will be revised - the loan rate will automatically increase by 1% .

Comprehensive insurance means insurance:

  • life, ability to work of the borrower;
  • purchased housing for loss or damage;
  • ownership rights to the object for challenge/restriction.

Mortgage programs from DeltaCredit

Ready to lend to borrowers under 9,5% per annum.

The conditions for low-interest mortgage lending are:

  • advance payment more than 15%;
  • validity period of the mortgage agreement – from 3 to 25 years;
  • minimum loan – 300 thousand for regions and 600 thousand for the capital.
  • applicant's age – 20-64 years;
  • citizenship – any;
  • DeltaCredit provides loans to both hired personnel, individual entrepreneurs, and business owners;
  • You can set up a payment schedule with payments once every 14 days;
  • When purchasing a new building, it is allowed to issue a mortgage holiday for 1-2 years.

Thanks to the DeltaCredit offer, borrowers can purchase housing in both the primary and secondary markets, as well as apply for mortgage refinancing. The interest rate will remain unchanged.

  • making a payment for a rate reduction - 4% from the amount of the approved loan;
  • obtaining comprehensive insurance.

AHML is a mortgage operator. He cooperates with several banks, promoting, among other things, mortgages with state support, military mortgages and preferential programs from regional authorities.

The agency accepts applications from citizens aged 21-65 years, whose work experience with the current employer is at least 3 months.

The rate varies depending on the program:

  • for a mortgage with state support it is equal to 6% ;
  • for regional preferential products – 7,5% ;
  • for military mortgage - 10,3% ;
  • for other products - 10,5% .
  • According to general conditions, money is given for a period 3-30 years;
  • limit amount – 15 000 000 rubles for regions and 30 000 000 rubles for Moscow and the Moscow region;
  • minimum contribution – 15% ;
  • work with individual entrepreneurs and businessmen. The requirement for the duration of break-even activity for them is 2 years;
  • There is an “Easy mortgage”, issued using a passport and a second document.

For large families, the rate is calculated from 10,25% . A similar preference is offered to those who purchase housing in the Far Eastern Federal District or in the Baikal region.

  • limit on the minimum contract amount – 300 000 rubles when purchasing a parking space and 500 000 rubles when purchasing housing;
  • land, private houses, their construction are not credited;
  • there are few accredited developers.

The Eastern Bank gives money for housing at a rate of 10,5% per annum. The offer is also designed for refinancing mortgage agreements.

The bank will cooperate with applicants aged 21-65 years who have had a permanent job for at least 6 months. If an individual entrepreneur applies, then in the last 2 years his activities should break even.

  • contract term – from 3 before 30 years;
  • lend up to 30 000 000 rubles when purchasing real estate in St. Petersburg or Moscow and 15 000 000 rubles – in other regions;
  • there is an “Easy Mortgage” offered under 2 documents;
  • requirements for personal savings – from 15% .
  • the purchase of land, house or townhouse is not credited;
  • minimum lending threshold – 500 000 rubles;
  • in the absence of a personal insurance contract, the rate increases by 0,7% ;
  • on average the rate reaches 19-32% .

"Ak Bars Bank"

Ak Bars Bank has set the base cost of a mortgage loan 10,6% .

  • own funds - 10-80% ;
  • lending period – 1-25 years;
  • maternity capital is taken into account as part of the down payment;
  • the minimum age of the borrower is 18 years, the maximum is 70 years;
  • minimum experience – 3 months.

It is enough for individual entrepreneurs and business owners to show 12 months of break-even activity. But they automatically get a bid for 0,5% higher than other clients with similar data.

  • mortgages are focused exclusively on the purchase of apartments in multi-apartment buildings;
  • maximum loan amount – 5 000 000 rubles ( 10 000 000 rubles for housing in Moscow and St. Petersburg);
  • the purchase of real estate is financed only in the cities where Ak Bars Bank operates;
  • if a man under the age of 27 has not completed military service, does not have a deferment, he is credited only if there is a co-borrower.

Mortgages in UBRD for finished housing are provided at a rate of 10,15% per annum.

  • the amount of the deal - 300 000 – 30 000 000 rubles;
  • minimum experience – 3 months, for individual entrepreneurs and business owners – from 1 year of successful activity.
  • minimum contribution – 20% ;
  • the program is focused on the purchase of housing in Yekaterinburg;
  • The loan term is a multiple of 5 – this is 5, 10, 15, 20 or 25 years;
  • age – 23-70 years;
  • the minimum required monthly income is 12,000 rubles, if you involve co-borrowers, then 10,000 rubles;
  • It is not allowed to have more than 2 active loans.

"Alfa Bank"

Alfa Bank mortgage is 10,19% per annum. The minimum rate is set for the purchase of housing in new buildings.

  • personal savings – from 15% ;
  • contract term – from 3 before 30 years;
  • lending is possible for up to 50 000 000 rubles;
  • Online application submission is allowed. Personal presence is required only when signing the contract;
  • The length of service with the last employer is from 4 months, and the total length of service is from 1 year.

Alfa Bank lends to both Russian citizens and foreign citizens.

  • 600 000 rubles;
  • lending is allowed based on 2 documents, but then the loan will rise in price by 0,5% .

Gazprombank offer

Gazprombank is running a mortgage promotion until May 31, 2019, thanks to which you can conclude an agreement at a rate from 9,7% .

  • Gazprombank gives up to 40 000 000 rubles;
  • object of purchase - apartments on the primary or secondary markets or newly built apartments;
  • client age – 20-65 years;
  • Subsequently, it is possible to change the composition of co-borrowers and the collateral. The service costs from 10,000 rubles.
  • share of personal savings – from 40% ;
  • duration of the contract - no more than 7 years, but not less 1 of the year;
  • minimum loan amount – 500 000 rubles;
  • the absence of a bad credit history is important;
  • requirements for work experience at the last place of work - at least 6 months with a total experience of 1 year.

Mortgage at Tinkoff

Tinkoff Bank is ready to help with a mortgage loan at an interest rate of 9,25% per annum. He acts as an intermediary between borrowers and partner banks, including Housing Finance Bank, Dom.RF, UniCredit Bank and others.

  • minimum contribution – 15% ;
  • lending is carried out in an amount up to 100 000 000 rubles
  • to purchase a house or townhouse you need to confirm at least 40% own savings;
  • contract period - until 25 years;
  • all work is done online. Based on the client’s request, a lender is selected who is ready to cooperate with him. Subsequently, communication is organized according to the scheme “client’s request - request from a Tinkoff specialist to a partner bank - receiving a response from colleagues and transmitting it to the applicant.” It takes a lot of time.

Option from SvyazBank

Mortgages from SvyazBank are sold at a price of money from 10,25% and is aimed at new buildings.

  • personal investments – 15% ;
  • maternity capital is accepted as a down payment;
  • term for concluding the contract - 3-30 years.

Together with some friendly developers, SvyazBank provides a benefit in the form of a reduced rate (from 5,8% per annum) in the 1st year of debt servicing.

  • age – 21-65 years;
  • You can only buy a home from an unaccredited developer if you pledge another property. After registering ownership of a newly built home, it is possible to transfer the encumbrance on it.

“Mortgage in a new building” from MTS Bank

MTS Bank takes out a mortgage at a rate of 9,9% .

  • contract amount – up to 25 000 000 rubles;
  • deadline - until 25 years;
  • applicants’ age – 18-65 years;
  • The minimum period of work with a current employer is 3 months with a total experience of 1 year.

For shares, the interest rate starts from 5% .

  • personal financial contribution – no less 20% ;
  • the minimum percentage is available only to salary clients of MTS Bank. For other applicants the base rate is 10,1% ;
  • a certificate in the bank form is accepted only from employees of Sistema JSFC;
  • applicants aged 18-23 years old are given loans subject to the provision of co-borrowers;
  • if you refuse to purchase a personal insurance policy, the price of the mortgage increases by 4% .

Mortgage from Raiffeisenbank

If you buy a new building with Raiffeisenbank, you should count on a rate from 9,99% .

  • Mortgage settlement period – 1-30 years;
  • lending is allowed up to 26 000 000 rubles;
  • maternity capital is accepted as a down payment;
  • the choice of housing is possible among 1,000 accredited developers;
  • there should be no less of your own money 10% .

Raiffeisenbank is ready to cooperate with citizens of any country.

  • minimum application amount – 800 000 rubles in the capital and St. Petersburg and 500 000 rubles in other cities;
  • in case of delay the penalty is equal to 0,06% per day;
  • client age – 21-65 years;
  • experience – from 6 months with a total experience of 1 year;
  • on the date of application, only 1 loan is allowed;
  • The minimum official income is from 15,000 rubles. This parameter varies depending on the region of residence.

Banks with low mortgage interest rates

The lowest interest rate on secondary mortgages

The cheapest mortgage for the purchase of housing on the secondary market from:

  1. Tinkoff - 9.25%;
  2. "DeltaCredit" - 9.5%;
  3. Gazprombank - 9.7%;
  4. 23 ratings, average: 4.52 out of 5)

When there are not enough funds to purchase housing, the only option to solve the housing problem is a mortgage from banks. Current loan programs allow you to buy real estate in a short period of time, so you don’t have to save personal funds for such an expensive purchase for many years.

What loans do banks offer for the purchase of housing in Moscow?

Today we provide loans for the purchase of the following types of real estate:

  • in a new building or on the secondary market;
  • with a plot, dacha, cottage, townhouse;
  • apartments;
  • , parking space.

A variety of mortgage programs allows you to take out a mortgage in Moscow, taking into account your financial capabilities and needs:

  • with a minimum down payment;
  • secured by existing real estate;
  • at a reduced rate as part of a preferential lending program.

In addition, banks offer a mortgage loan refinancing service. To choose the best offer, we suggest calculating the rate and payment amount on our website. Enter the required parameters into the loan calculator and receive a list of banks ready to provide you with a loan based on your requests.

Conditions for obtaining a mortgage in 2019

A mortgage is a long-term loan, therefore, before concluding an agreement, banks carefully analyze the client’s financial condition and assess its stability. To confirm your solvency you will need to provide:

  • income certificate;
  • documents confirming the availability of money for the down payment (bank account statement or maternity capital certificate);
  • work book;
  • passport.

Mortgages are issued to persons aged 21 to 65 with a sufficient level of income. If the salary does not meet the bank’s requirements, the borrower can involve additional participants in the transaction - close relatives or a spouse - in drawing up the agreement.

Mortgage rates in Moscow depend on the loan term and category of borrower:

  • The average interest rate is 10-13% per annum.
  • Benefited categories of persons can count on a minimum percentage (8-9%): employees of budgetary organizations, as well as those who are ready to make a large down payment.
  • Many large banks offer reduced rates for their clients who receive salaries on a card.

The contract is drawn up for a period of up to 30 years. Some banks offer loans without a down payment, with the possibility of paying a down payment or with funds received from the state as a subsidy for the purchase of housing.

A mortgage loan is an important step in a person’s life. And the need to choose the right bank with a favorable mortgage at such a moment becomes especially acute. After all, you don’t want to overpay, but convenient conditions are always needed. But choosing the best financial institution is still a problem.

At this point, we must remember that the interest rate is not everything that is important to pay attention to when choosing a bank to get a mortgage. The convenience of a mortgage is not limited to this. It is also worth remembering that almost every bank will require insurance under the threat of an increase in interest rates. This is a necessary procedure that will allow you to deal with your mortgage without loss in the event of an accident.

So, what else will you have to pay attention to in order to choose the most comfortable option:

  1. Down payment amount. When buying a home, you will have to pay some part to the seller yourself, and different banks require a certain amount of this amount, up to half the cost of the apartment. You need to calculate your strength when registering and determine in advance how much you can collect as a down payment.
  2. Maximum amount. Naturally, not every borrower may need the huge amounts of money that some banks are able to offer. But it’s still worth taking this criterion into account if the proposed apartment is expensive.
  3. Mortgage term. The longer it takes, the more convenient it will be to repay the loan with a small salary. But the higher the interest overpayment. So the choice is up to the borrower.
  4. Ways to verify income. Different banks may require a different set of documents. For some, a certificate from your place of work will be enough, for others you will need a work record book and even a certain amount of work experience.
  5. Additional requirements to receive the minimum bid. Perhaps the bank offers some benefits provided that the requirements are met? For example, salary clients always have better mortgage interest rates if the institution has such a project.
  6. Availability of additional costs. Some banks charge a certain fee for processing and issuing a mortgage loan. Those few percentage points can be an unpleasant drain on your wallet.

So even if the interest rate is the lowest among all banks, other conditions can make the loan very inconvenient or even unaffordable. But in this rating we will tell you how to choose the best bank with a profitable mortgage. Not only well-known banks in the country were considered, but also smaller organizations selected on the basis of mortgage programs and reviews of real clients. Remember: the rating indicates the minimum annual rate possible for a mortgage in a particular bank. In fact, it may turn out to be higher depending on the calculations of the institution itself.

TOP 10 best banks with favorable mortgages

10 Gazprombank

No need to confirm income (for contributions from 40%)
Interest rate: from 9.2%
Rating (2019): 4.1

And today's top Gazprombank opens - a good solution for those who need a large mortgage for a long time. Especially when there is enough money for a large down payment. It is considered one of the most popular loan offers on the market today. Unfortunately, some users' reviews point to the long wait for mortgage rates to drop. But at the same time, clients praise the level of service in many offices. So the bank definitely deserves attention.

The bank promises up to 60 million rubles for 30 years. At the same time, for now, the minimum overpayment per year will be 9.2% - this is a promotional rate that is valid until October 1, 2018. After which it will return to 10.2%. A minimum rate of 9% can be achieved if you purchase an apartment from the “largest” (according to Gazprombank) developers - this will reduce it by 0.2%. The loan is also suitable for the secondary market. To obtain a mortgage you will need permanent registration. An interesting feature is that you don’t have to provide documents on your income level if you pay at least 40% as a down payment.

9 Rosbank

Possibility to pay every two weeks
Interest rate: from 8.25%
Rating (2019): 4.2

A successful universal bank with a variety of mortgage loans to suit any need. I am ready to provide the most favorable conditions. Especially if you pay a little extra. Rosbank operates eight mortgage lending programs for different purposes with minimum rates from 8.25% to 10%, including refinancing and housing construction. So you can choose an option to suit your desires.

The smallest initial payment is 15% of the cost of the apartment. I am glad that the bank can issue an additional loan for the down payment if there is not enough money of its own. You need to pay off your mortgage in 25 years. There are three services available to reduce the interest rate - by 0.5, 1 and 1.5%. But for them you will have to pay a certain percentage of the total loan amount - 1, 2 and 4%, respectively. It’s nice to be able to pay half of the monthly payment every 14 days. This allows you to slightly reduce the term and overpayment of your mortgage.

8 Rosselkhozbank

Reduced rates for apartments from partners (from 5%)
Interest rate: from 8.85%
Rating (2019): 4.3

State bank, one of the thirty largest in Russia. He has won the trust of clients in the market over 18 years of work. Loyal to young families and budget workers, strives to create the most favorable conditions for them and for their own salary and “reliable” clients. Offers several interesting mortgage projects, including at reduced rates.

I am pleased with the really large loan size - from 100 thousand for really budget housing to 60 million rubles for a wonderful apartment. You need to pay off within a period of 1 to 30 years. The minimum possible rate is 8.85%. At the same time, there are percentage “discounts” for employees of budgetary organizations. The minimum down payment for an apartment is 15%. An interesting feature: many developers enter into an agreement with a bank under which you can take out a mortgage on your home at greatly reduced rates. The minimum is 5% for salary clients, but you can also find low rates for people “from the street”.

7 Bank Zenit

There is a list of accredited housing for mortgage
Interest rate: from 9.4%
Rating (2019): 4.4

A small but quite stable bank with good reviews from mortgage clients. It has a high level of service and a convenient range of products. Zenit offers various programs for any purpose - from non-residential premises to your own home, not to mention apartments. Increased loyalty to employees of the Tatneft group of companies. In addition, the bank offers a housing selection service, offering apartments to its own partners. Sometimes you come across quite lucrative offers with a guaranteed mortgage or other favorable conditions.

Interestingly, the annual percentage of 9.4% applies to most of the bank’s loan products - primary, secondary housing, purchase of rooms on the secondary market and even houses. And refinancing has a rate of 9.5%. But the relatively high mandatory contribution is not encouraging - 15-20% for new and secondary housing, respectively. The minimum loan amount is 500 thousand rubles, and the maximum varies - in Moscow you can get up to 20 million rubles, and in the regions - only 18.8 million.

6 Dom.RF

Convenient military mortgage. The best regional benefit programs
Interest rate: from 9%
Rating (2019): 4.5

Dom.RF is a single 100% state institution for the development of the housing sector. The institution is engaged in mortgage lending in Moscow and beyond. The website has a very convenient online calculator that will allow you to accurately calculate the possible conditions for future lending. All possible options are taken into account.

The terms of the mortgage loan are from 500 thousand to 20 million rubles for the purchase of housing, which must be repaid within a period of 3 to 30 years. There are no commissions. The bank also has good conditions for military mortgages. Dom.RF offers up to 2 million 487 thousand rubles for a period of 20 years at a rate of 9%. The term is from 3 years until the borrower reaches the age of 42 years. In addition, in the regions there is a preferential program for certain categories of the population with a rate of 5.75% for the entire period. An important nuance: Dom.RF uses a variable rate in the mortgage payment process. So a lot will depend on financial indices, and the percentage could rise to 10% or higher.

5 Raiffeisenbank

Best Mortgage Management and Servicing
Interest rate: from 9.25%
Rating (2019): 4.5

Raiffeisenbank is deservedly considered one of the best in terms of working with clients. This is an excellent bank for purchasing housing on the primary market. Many reviews emphasize the professionalism of the employees and the ease of working with the bank. We are also pleased with the very convenient online banking and mobile application, through which you can manage your mortgage and its repayment.

The annual rate set is not the lowest on the market, but quite acceptable, which is 9.25% when choosing accredited housing in more than 1000 new buildings. On the secondary market the rate is slightly higher – up to 9.5%. In any case, the bank will provide from 500 thousand to 26 million rubles. The down payment is 15%. We are pleased with the number of additional services - for example, you can increase the maximum amount if you involve up to four relatives as co-borrowers or receive money non-cash to a bank account.

4 FC Otkritie

Favorable conditions for mortgage refinancing
Interest rate: from 8.7%
Rating (2019): 4.6

One of the largest private banks in the country, capable of offering normal mortgage conditions. In reviews, clients often praise employees for their efficiency and openness, so there shouldn’t be any problems with service. I am glad that FC Otkritie has several mortgage programs for different purposes. You can take money for both secondary housing and an apartment under construction, or refinance a mortgage in someone else’s bank.

The rate is the same everywhere and relatively low - 8.7%. It does not officially require a salary card or other conditions. But how the bank will calculate it in fact is not clear. The repayment period is generally quite long - from 5 to 30 years. The down payment is at least 15% of the housing price. Moreover, the bank is ready to issue from 500 thousand rubles for budget housing and up to 30 million for more serious apartments. I am glad that FC Otkritie offers similar conditions for refinancing as for a “new” mortgage.

3 Sberbank

The best rate on primary market housing
Interest rate: from 6.7%
Rating (2019): 4.7

The largest and most reliable bank in the country. It can please you with really low rates for primary housing and favorable conditions. In addition, there is no need to doubt the reliability of Sberbank. I am glad that the institution has come up with a convenient calculator with all the calculations and indicators for reducing/increasing rates. In addition, Sberbank is open to pensioners - the borrower may be 75 years old at the end of the mortgage!

The bank offers from 300 thousand to 30 million rubles for terms from 1 year to 30 years. Initially, the apartment owner will need to pay a down payment of 15% of the total amount. Such a low rate is guaranteed by Sberbank only when purchasing housing under construction or an apartment in a new building. For secondary housing it is noticeably higher. You will also have to get a salary card and insurance, go through electronic registration and purchase housing from the bank’s partners. It is interesting that income may not be confirmed, but then there will be other conditions.

2 Transcapitalbank

Beneficial for the secondary market. Reduced rates for money
Interest rate: from 7.35%
Rating (2019): 4.8

A bank that strives to work with the primary market and is ready to offer quite favorable conditions. In reviews, clients note that TKB quickly responds to mortgage applications and often approves them. I am pleased with the good service and responsibility of the employees. Unfortunately, Transcapitalbank does not work with the secondary market.

The institution is ready to allocate from 500 thousand to 8 million rubles for a period of 1-25 years. But the down payment must be at least 20%. The bank offers a minimum rate of 7.35% subject to certain conditions being met. First, you need to be a payroll client. Secondly, buy the “Favorable” tariff, which reduces the rate by 1.5% - the payment for the service directly depends on the cost of the apartment, the down payment, and so on. An important nuance: permanent registration in the region where the mortgage is issued is not required; Russian citizenship is sufficient.

1 Tinkoff Bank

The best selection of loan programs
Interest rate: from 6%
Rating (2019): 4.9

Tinkoff Bank is rather a broker that is ready to offer the most favorable conditions to those who contact it. The institution negotiates with other banks and in exchange gets the opportunity to offer reduced interest rates to its customers. Tinkoff Mortgage means that the bank works for free with potential borrowers - it helps them collect documents, find the most profitable loan programs, and so on. The best bank according to customer reviews and “audience sympathy”.

The conditions that Tinkoff promises to provide as a broker are quite good. The promised interest rate for a mortgage for the primary market is from 6%. The range of amounts is quite wide - from 300 thousand to 100 million rubles, so you can take out a loan for any apartment. Loan terms range from 1 year to 25 years. In this case, you will have to pay a minimum 10% as a down payment. In addition, the bank itself does not charge a commission for anything. But the conditions of the institutions to which he transfers documents should be clarified separately. The main advantage is that permanent registration is not required to take out a mortgage through Tinkoff. And you can think for four months - the decision is valid for this entire period.

Many people, not having enough funds to purchase an apartment or private house in cash, turn to banking institutions to take out a loan to purchase real estate.

The most profitable mortgage in Moscow banks

Let's consider the popular mortgage offers of Moscow banks for the current year.

  1. The leading Russian bank Sberbank offers low mortgage rates. This credit institution will offer you finished housing at a rate of 10.75% per annum. The bank offers such a low percentage on the condition that you are a young family and you have three or more minor children dependent on you. In this case, the loan is given for a period of 10 years, and the down payment will be more than 50%. If you are raising less than three children, the rate will start at 11.5% per year.
  2. Rosselkhozbank has the lowest mortgage rate in Moscow as part of the “Mortgage with State Support” program. This is 10.9% per annum for Russian citizens from 21 to 64 years old who have documented their income. If the borrower refuses insurance, the bank will increase the rate by 7%. The loan term is up to 30 years, the advance amount is 20% of the loan cost. Such loans are issued for housing on the secondary market or for residential premises in buildings under construction.
  3. Promsvyazbank makes an offer with the lowest mortgage interest rate in Moscow, which will be 12%. The person must be 21 years old at the time of taking out the loan. The loan is provided for a minimum of 3 years.
  4. Svyaz-Bank offers a profitable mortgage 2019 in Moscow with a rate of 12.25%. In this case, the down payment should be equal to 50-90% of the price of the apartment, the loan period is 3-10 years. The borrower must have a salary card from this bank.
  5. MTS Bank provides loans in Moscow for secondary market housing to applicants who have one or another relationship with this financial organization (have payment cards or are employees of AFK Sistema). Advance – 50-85%, 3-10 years of loan. Payments are calculated in equal monthly installments.
  6. Gazprombank sets the annual interest rate according to the amount of the first payment. 11.5% - if you have a salary card from the specified bank, the first payment is more than 50%. Secondary real estate is taken on credit from state-owned Moscow enterprises.

Mortgage rates vary from bank to bank. Its value depends on the period for which you take out the loan, on the availability of collateral, insurance, and commission payments.

Many banks are holding temporary promotions to reduce the cost of a home loan.

Pledges and sureties

When deciding whether to take out a mortgage, please note that in conditions of market instability, credit institutions set strict requirements for loan security.

Before registering the ownership of the property being purchased in the Russian Register, you will most likely need to issue not only a guarantee from solvent persons, but also additional liquid collateral - an existing car or apartment.

Anti-crisis mortgage products

Credit institutions are interested in attracting wealthy clients. Banks that provide mortgages are actively offering new products for individuals, which are in demand during the crisis, but are quite expensive.

For example, Otkritie Financial Corporation offers a service for transactions previously issued with other commercial banks. Obligations received in foreign currency are converted, at the request of clients, into rubles. The minimum interest rate for “on-lending” is 13% per annum. It grows if certain conditions for comprehensive services at the bank are not met by the following amounts:

  • +0.25% - for borrowers who are not payroll clients of the bank;
  • +1% - for business owners;
  • +0.5% - if you refuse to pay a one-time fee for a “reduction” of the rate;
  • +4% - if life and employment insurance contracts are not concluded.

Otkritie Financial Corporation also offers a loan product, Mortgage Plus: money is issued against existing real estate for the purpose of its major repairs. Providing documents confirming the intended use is not required. Interest rate - 16.25% per annum. The maximum financing period is 30 years.

Loans for the purchase of housing with government support

The most significant parameter when taking out a mortgage is the rate. A calculator for calculating overpayment amounts is available on the official website of each bank.

The cost of servicing a mortgage is reduced when receiving a loan under the government subsidizing program for loans for the purchase of unfinished apartments on the primary housing market.

Participating banks are allocated funds from the Pension Fund, due to which they have the opportunity to reduce rates on mortgage loans for the purpose of purchasing apartments in new buildings. Currently, PJSC Sberbank of Russia, Gazprombank, VTB 24, Uralsib, Rosselkhozbank, Promsvyazbank and many other lending organizations have joined the program.

A mortgage with state support can be obtained in an amount of up to 8 million rubles. in the Moscow and St. Petersburg regions, in other regions - no more than 3 million rubles. The longest loan term under the New Construction program, according to the rules, is 30 years. Your contribution must be at least 20% of the price of the property being purchased..

Square meters can be purchased using loans received under the subsidy program only from developers approved by banks.

When applying for a loan with state support, an appropriate calculation of the mortgage is carried out. Sberbank sets a fixed interest rate of 12% per annum, before and after registration in the Russian register of ownership of the purchased property. In this case, it is necessary to conclude a life insurance agreement for the borrower. For violation of the terms of annual renewal of the policy, the rate increases to 13% per annum.

At VTB 24 PJSC you can also get a loan with government support at 12% per annum, with the obligatory execution of a comprehensive insurance agreement.

At Gazprombank, the mortgage interest rate is from 11.25% per annum.

At PJSC VTB Bank, a “New Building” loan is issued with an initial payment of 15% of the amount at 11.75% per annum. The decision to grant a loan is made within 24 hours.

At Otkritie FC, the mortgage rate with state support is from 11.45% per annum, mandatory payments (surcharges) in total do not exceed 2.5% per annum. A large number of development companies are accredited with the bank.

Loans under the “Young Family” program

Another way to get a lower mortgage rate is to apply for a loan under the Young Family subsidy program.

If the age of both husband and wife does not exceed 35 years, and the couple, according to the law, needs better living conditions, it is advisable to contact the district administration. When purchasing an economy class house or apartment, the state will pay up to 30% of the housing price.

For a young family it usually costs less. Fewer multiplying factors are applied to it.

For a Young Family mortgage, it varies depending on the loan term and the size of the down payment.

Interest rates on the Young Family mortgage at Sberbank of Russia PJSC are presented in the table.

Many commercial banks also have the right to accept housing certificate funds as loan repayment, but do not provide interest rate benefits.

However, a mortgage for a young family is now also a means of purchasing a house or apartment at a significantly lower cost.

How to Determine Future Mortgage Costs

When comparing lending conditions in different banks, be sure to ask the manager to prepare a preliminary mortgage calculation. Sberbank, VTB-24, FC Otkritie and other banks on their official websites show only the approximate amount of future loan servicing costs.

Check with the responsible employee advising you:

1. Is an appraisal of the property being purchased required? If so, at whose expense is it carried out?

2. How much will it cost to notarize a transaction?

3. Which party to the transaction pays the state fee at the registration chamber?

4. Will the mortgage rate be higher until the collateral is registered in favor of the bank?

5. What additional payments will be made under the loan agreement, besides the interest rate?

6. Is it necessary to insure the collateral, as well as the life and health of the borrower? How much will the policies cost?

7. What will be the loan repayment schedule?

8. Are there any restrictions on early repayment of the loan?

9. What fines and penalties are provided for in the loan agreement?

Only with complete information will you be able to decide whether to purchase a home right now.

Mortgage from Sberbank for future owners of apartments and houses on the secondary market

Loans to individuals in the country's largest bank remain profitable and inexpensive. Financing for the purchase of a finished house or apartment can be obtained in the amount of 300,000 rubles. for a period of up to 30 years at an interest rate of 12.5% ​​to 16.5% per annum. Your down payment is 20% or more of the price of the future home.

When determining the loan term, your actual age will be taken into account. According to lending rules, the borrower must be no more than 75 years old at the time of final repayment of the loan.

The loan amount that will be provided to you will be the lesser of:

80% of the purchase price of a house or apartment,

80% of the appraised value of the property.

The purchased real estate is registered as collateral and is necessarily insured against the risks of loss, destruction, and damage.

When receiving a housing loan in the amount of up to 15 million rubles. In Sberbank, it is possible not to confirm the fact of having a permanent place of work and not to provide income certificates.

You will not need to pay a fee for issuing a loan.

Before the ownership of the purchased property arises, other forms of security must be provided as collateral for the loan: pledge of property or guarantee of solvent persons.

An important advantage of obtaining a mortgage from Sberbank is the possibility of early repayment without additional fees or commissions. However, partial or full repayment of the loan will need to be notified to the lending office in advance.

Calculation of the cost of housing loans in Sberbank

The mortgage rate is lower in the following cases:

  1. The loan term is within 10 years.
  2. You receive your salary to an account opened with Sberbank
  3. Down payment - from 50% and above.
  4. You have submitted income certificates to the bank. The work experience at the most recent place of work is at least 6 months. The total period of employment over the last 6 years exceeds 1 year. This requirement does not apply to the bank's payroll clients.
  5. Life and health are insured by one of the accredited companies.

Approximate mortgage interest rates are shown in the table below.

The following is added to the indicated rates:

  • +0.5% - if you do not receive income into bank salary accounts.
  • +1% - for the period before registration of ownership of the purchased property.
  • +1% - if the borrower does not have life insurance.

Loan products for the purchase of finished housing

Competitive mortgage lending programs in the secondary market are offered by PJSC VTB24 Bank. Its main advantage is that the down payment can be from 15% of the cost of the house or apartment.

Loans are provided for a period of up to 30 years at 13.5% per annum when concluding a comprehensive insurance agreement. In the absence of an insurance policy, the interest rate is 14.5%.

A 0.5% discount is provided to clients who receive salaries into accounts with PJSC VTB 24.

PJSC VTB Bank previously worked exclusively with representatives of large and medium-sized businesses. However, after the takeover, he began to develop the retail business.

Since May 2016, VTB has also been offering mortgage products to individuals. Since retail lending at the bank has just opened, the mortgage rate is extremely low, ranging from 11% per annum.

Favorable financing conditions are offered by Promsvyazbank PJSC. The down payment for individual programs ranges from 10%. The interest rate on mortgages on the secondary housing market is from 13.35% per annum.

Raiffeisenbank JSC provides inexpensive loans to clients. Interest rates on the purchase of finished housing and apartments in new buildings for salary clients range from 11% per annum, for persons receiving salaries not from Raiffeisenbank JSC - 12.25-12.5% ​​per annum. Down payment - from 15% of the cost of housing. However, the maximum possible loan term is quite short, only 25 years, which affects the amount of monthly payments.


In the context of the financial crisis, banks are still interested in active cooperation with solvent clients. If you have a fairly high income, which is officially confirmed, do not rush to accept an offer from the first mortgage center that agreed to lend to you. Look for optimal conditions.

In conclusion, I would like to give advice borrowed from Bodo Schaefer’s book “A Dog Called Money”: try to deal only with bank managers who you like. In this case, every transaction will be successful.

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