
Money gray money transfer. MoneyGram money transfer system through Sberbank

MoneyGram is a system for urgent money transfers around the world without a bank account. The company operates through the networks of the largest financial institutions, such as the Royal Mail of Great Britain, Italian Post, Bank of Ireland, Kocbank, Banco Popular Espanol, Finansbank, etc. MoneyGram money transfers are carried out throughout all CIS countries - through 13,500 service points.

The essence

Today, there are many ways to send money to another country or city. These transactions are especially convenient for individuals, since they are carried out without opening an account. There are several payment systems on the market. One of them is MoneyGram. The company's clients are served through 327,000 points in 200 countries. So there are no problems finding branches.

How to send funds?

Where can I use MoneyGram services (money transfers)? Addresses of service points in Russia can be found at bank addresses. Money transfers via the MoneyGram system are carried out by large and regional financial institutions, such as: Sberbank of Russia, CJSC Raiffeisenbank, Bank Far Eastern O.V.K., OJSC JSCB Stela-Bank, JSCB Investtorgbank, Bank Uralsib ", "Moskomprivatbank", bank "Russian Standard", "SvyazBank", etc. The client needs to provide a passport or other identification document. The agent will issue an application form. It must be filled out: indicate the full name of the recipient and sender, the amount payment, country of destination. Next, you should deposit money, pay the commission, receive the application number and inform the recipient of it.

How to receive the money?

  • Ask the sender for the control number of the transfer.
  • Contact a service point.
  • Provide the operator with your passport and transfer number.
  • Fill in the form.
  • Get money.

MoneyGram: money transfers. Rates

Transaction fees vary by currency and destination country. But on average it fluctuates between 3-5% of the amount. The table below provides a condensed list of tariffs.

Commission to CIS countries, $

Commission to non-CIS countries, $

The maximum amount of one transfer is limited to 10 thousand US dollars and 7.5 thousand euros. You can send no more than two transfers in one.

System advantages

  • Small commission: 3-5% of the transaction amount.
  • The MoneyGram money transfer system has a large number of service points operating on different schedules.
  • The transfer is made in dollars or euros. But upon receipt of funds, you can convert the currency into the desired one at the rate of the agent bank. Payment is made in cash.
  • The average translation speed is 10 minutes. But due to time zone differences, it may increase by several hours.
  • Active Internet users can replenish their WebMoney electronic wallet through MoneyGram. Funds are credited to your account within 24 hours. Residents of some regions even have the opportunity to send money via the Internet from a card account.
  • The established system limits often exceed government restrictions on remittances.
  • Lack of address binding. The transfer can be received through any service point.
  • The opportunity, along with funds, to send a free 10-word telegram.
  • MoneyGram money transfers are available for receipt within 90 days.
  • The commission is paid by the sender.
  • A secure transaction system through which MoneyGram money transfers are carried out.

Where can I get unclaimed funds?

If the client cancels the transaction, you can revoke the transfer. To do this, you must contact the department within 45 days and write an application. Based on this document, a new payment number will be issued, by which funds can be received.

Disadvantages of the system

  • The sender must indicate the currency for issuing MoneyGram funds when creating the application.
  • Only individuals can receive or send money transfers.
  • To receive a transfer in a currency other than the dollar and euro, you will have to pay for conversion.

Western Union

Another leader in translation began his work in 1851. Clients of the payment system are served in more than 300 thousand points around the world. Just like MoneyGram, Western Union money transfers are available for receipt 10 minutes after sending. This system has its own nuances:

  • You can send funds in national currency.
  • Transfers in euros are only available in EU countries.
  • There is no targeted delivery, meaning you can receive funds at any point of issue.
  • The transfer fee is fixed in rubles and averages 5-10% of the amount.

The process of filling out an application for receiving and issuing funds is the same as in the case of MoneyGram. or any other agent of the system accepts and issues only if the client personally contacts the branch and has a passport. For each transfer, an application is submitted, which indicates the full name. recipient, country and city of delivery, amount and currency of the transaction.


Another large system dealing with international transfers has existed on the Russian market since 1999. Customers are served through 400 thousand points in 170 countries. MoneyGram money transfers are available only to individuals. That is, neither the sender nor the recipient of the payment can be a legal entity. The CONTACT system makes transfers to the accounts of commercial banks, enterprises, insurance companies, providers, mobile operators, etc. The maximum amount is limited:

  • within Russia - 500 thousand rubles. / 10 thousand US dollars / euro.
  • to countries 350 thousand rubles. / 10 thousand US dollars / euro.
  • to foreign countries: depends on the legislation of the recipient country.

To send a transfer you need:

  • present a passport or document certifying the right to stay in the Russian Federation;
  • indicate the transfer amount, full name. recipient and address of the point of issue;
  • sign the application form;
  • deposit the amount taking into account the commission;
  • save the translation code.

To receive a translation, you must:

  • present a passport or other document with a photo and initials;
  • provide the transfer code.

Funds are available for withdrawal 15 minutes after completing the application. You can receive money from any partner bank. 30 days after completing the application, the unclaimed transfer is returned to the sender’s account. The transfer fee ranges from 1.5% for payments in rubles and from 3% for transactions in foreign currency.


This money transfer system operates in 95 countries and carries out transactions without opening an account. An additional advantage for users of the system in the Russian Federation is the ability to top up Yandex.Money and Webmoney electronic wallets. Tariffs depend on the recipient's country. Within the Russian Federation and abroad, the payment arrives in 10 minutes. Funds are available for withdrawal within one month. They are then returned to the sender's account. You can receive money from the bank of the same name or any other credit institution that cooperates with the payment system.

"Gold Crown"

Another system of international transfers, which is more focused on CIS countries. Funds are transferred without opening an account for 0.5-1.5% of the transfer amount and are available for withdrawal instantly.

Limits are set depending on the legislation of the country. The maximum transfer amount in Russia is 600 thousand rubles, 20 thousand dollars, 15 thousand euros. There is also a daily limit: within 24 hours, a resident can send no more than 5 thousand dollars to another country. The principle of operation is standard. To submit an application, you must indicate your full name. recipient, city, country and amount. All that remains is to pay for the transfer and inform the recipient of the transaction code.


Sberbank has developed its own transfer system, with which you can make payments throughout the Russian Federation, as well as to the CIS countries. "Blitz" works without opening an account and is available only to individuals. The commission for transferring funds within the country is 1.5%. This is more than that of international payment systems. The application limit is RUB 0.5 million. For an additional 10 rubles. You can order the service of informing the recipient about the execution of the transfer.

Where is it cheaper?

Tariffs for transferring funds to European countries, the USA and Canada are higher compared to domestic transactions. On average, the commission of international systems ranges from 3-11%. WesternUnion and MoneyGram are market leaders not only in the cost of services, but also in the number of service points.

There is a general rule that applies to all transactions: the larger the amount, the lower the commission. This is especially true for local banking systems.

Don't forget about restrictions either. The limits set by payment systems often exceed domestic ones. For example, in Ukraine you can easily send only 50 thousand UAH. To send large amounts, you need to open a bank account and indicate the source of the funds. More stringent restrictions apply to any transaction.

Most systems charge only the sender. But there are also those that charge a commission from all participants in the transaction. MoneyGram money transfers are addressless. This only makes the system more attractive. The recipient will be able to receive money through any agent.

Your relatives or friends are very lucky: they live abroad, and one fine day they decided to give you a few hundred dollars. Such good news makes your head spin; you anticipate how you will be able to use this money to buy a new phone, go to a restaurant, or put it on deposit in a bank. And here the question arises: How to receive a money transfer from abroad? After all, I really want to have a foreign currency transfer right now, and not really bother with formalities.

To help us understand this dilemma, consider a well-known international money transfer system called " Moneygram". Will it provide our future money in our possession quickly, affordably and safely? To find out for sure, we will tell you all the intricacies of how this system works and figure out how to receive a transfer of monetary units. First, let’s touch on a little history of the development of this international system. Moneygram is the world leader after Western Union, on the dynamics of increasing the network of customer service points.

International money transfers of this system operate in more than 170 countries around the world. Its geographical locations are in the CIS countries, the Baltic countries, the USA, Latin America, Africa and the Middle East. So, no matter where your friends or acquaintances live, know that their country has Moneygram and they can easily use the money transfer service. The sender of a sum of money needs to go to any bank branch where the Moneygram system operates and perform several actions. First of all, you need to indicate the last name and first name of the person to whom you are sending the money transfer. Then the sender selects the currency in which he sends the money transfer abroad, this can be dollars or euros. The next step will be to obtain a transfer number, which will need to be communicated to the person who will receive your money in another country. And finally, the sender pays a commission fee for the money transfer service provided.

The sender has already done his job. He transferred a certain amount of foreign currency abroad, and now let's talk about something pleasant, about receiving a money transfer. Within 10-15 minutes after the sender carries out money transfer transactions, you will be able to withdraw the money. How to do it? This is what we will be talking about right this minute.

You take a passport or other document at home that can confirm your identity and go to a bank branch that works with the Manigrem company.

So, you are already in the bank and joyfully anticipating how in a few minutes you will be able to “rustle” with the long-awaited bills. The bank employee will issue you an “Application for Receiving a Money Transfer” in triplicate. In it you must indicate the following information:

1. Money transfer number (the sender will give it to you);
2. Your last name and first name in block letters;
3. Your address (Country, city, street, house number and postal code);
4. Your contact phone number;
5. Series and passport number;
6. Scope of your activity;
7. Identification number;
8. Your date of birth;
9. First and last name of the sender of the amount of money;
10. Amount of money transfer;
11. Purpose of the money transfer (gift or financial assistance);
12. Date and your signature.

And only after filling out this application, you will be able to go to the cashier and receive an international money transfer in a few minutes. If it turns out that you do not have a passport or other document with you, do not despair. In this case, the bank will ask you a question (which the sender himself came up with for you), and if you answer it correctly, then even without having documents with you you will be able to receive money. Money transfer in Moneygram asset within 45 days. If after this period the recipient is unable to pick up the transfer, the money is returned to the sender. So, we have reviewed the Moneygram international money transfer system and can confidently say that Moneygram is fast, not complicated and accessible.

MoneyGram company provides cross-border money transfer services. It is noteworthy that the transfer of funds is carried out by this structure without clients using bank accounts. All procedures are very simple and clear. The client - the sender of the transfer or the recipient of the money - visits the nearest processing point. Confirms his own identity by presenting the appropriate document. Provides the operator with basic information about the financial transaction. The key point is the transmission and receipt of the control number. How are money transfers made through Moneygram? The official website of this organization contains detailed information about this, allowing you to find out what MoneyGram is and how this transfer system functions.

Characteristics of the payment system

MoneyGram is a high-quality instant transfer service of American origin. The popularity of this remote payment system is due to the availability of the services provided. The service has won the trust of users and the company’s enormous experience. The MoneyGram payment system was created in the USA. The official year of its foundation was 1940. The structure of the organization became noticeably larger as it developed. In 2012, the Manigram charitable foundation was formed, financing educational projects for children from disadvantaged families.

The largest financial institutions from around the world are key partners of the MoneyGram service. Numerous organizations perform agency functions in relation to this payment system on an ongoing basis. Users of this service often process, send, and receive money through the offices of intermediary structures - official partners of Moneygrams.

Most of the processing points are located directly in the United States - about forty-seven thousand branches. A significant number of service points are located in a variety of countries. The largest structures provide tangible assistance to the work of the Money Graham system. Authorized representatives of this payment service are the Italian postal service, a group of Spanish banks, the large retail chain Albertsons, and other organizations. In the CIS member countries there are over thirteen thousand service points - regional representatives of Moneygram.

The structure of MoneyGram's activities is organizationally represented on the Russian market by credit and financial institutions and communication shops, which are qualified agents of this payment service. The domestic consumer of the Moneygram company’s services can freely receive money transfers through a number of the largest banks in the Russian Federation. Among such MoneyGram partner banks are Svyaz-Bank, Russian Standard, RaiffeisenBank, UralSib, Sberbank, as well as other organizations in the banking sector.

On the territory of Russia, Moneygram has partners represented by large banking organizations

Points for issuing money transfers carried out through the Money Graham system are evenly located and regularly operate throughout the world. This payment service currently covers two hundred countries. The total number of service points today is three hundred twenty-seven thousand.

The client base of the financial company Moneygram now numbers over ten million people living in different parts of the world. Money Gram money transfers can be easily sent and successfully received without any particular difficulties. It is also necessary to note the constant increase in the number of service offices. The MoneyGram brand is unmistakably recognizable by both loyal users and new customers. Numerous representative offices of this payment system are clearly identified by the presence of the corresponding logo in communication shops, exchange offices, travel agencies, and stores.

Who benefits from translations?

The sending parameters and conditions for receiving Money Gramm are ideal for the following categories of clients - individuals:

  1. Students who periodically receive money from relatives.
  2. Tourists, travelers who find themselves in difficult circumstances and have an urgent need for money.
  3. Migrants who regularly work in other countries, but regularly transfer earnings to their homeland.
  4. Other categories of citizens.

Transferring money via MoneyGram: transaction features

The advantages of the payment service from the Moneygram company are highly appreciated by users who regularly send and receive funds through international money transfers. According to many consumers, the following advantages of the instant transfer system deserve special attention:

  1. The money transfer is processed fairly quickly by the payment service. The recipient will be able to receive the sent funds at the nearest point of delivery within ten minutes from the moment the transaction is completed. The country of departure and country of destination do not affect the duration of the transaction.
  2. There is no link between the money transfer and a specific address. You can pick up the transferred money at any representative office of the system located in the country of destination.
  3. Receipt of the transfer is permitted within 90 (ninety) days from the date of its departure.

The remoteness of the sender and recipient countries does not in any way affect the possibility and timing of remote funds transfer. Money can be freely sent to where there is a service point of the system. It will not be possible to carry out such a transfer within the Russian Federation, since MoneyGram does not have the appropriate registration - it is not a Russian payment system.

You do not need to use any bank details when registering and making a money transfer through Moneygram. Accordingly, there is no need to enter into an agreement with the bank to open a current or card account.

All transactions performed are reliably protected by legislation regulating the protection of bank secrecy.

Unauthorized access of third parties to confidential data is excluded. It is allowed to accompany the sent money transfer with a short text message (maximum ten words).

When sending money through Moneygram, you need to carefully study the rules and restrictions

Rules and restrictions

There is a certain set of general rules that any transfer made through Moneygram must comply with. How to get money using this payment service?

Agency organizations that regularly service remote monetary transactions take into account a number of important requirements:

  1. In Russian jurisdiction, certain limits are provided for the amount of the transfer made. Each resident of the Russian Federation has the opportunity to send a maximum of 5,000 (five thousand) American dollars (USD) in one day. For a non-resident, the daily amount of the transferred transfer cannot exceed 10 (ten) thousand USD.
  2. Money transfers are sent from the Russian Federation exclusively in USD. The transferred funds can be withdrawn in USD or Euro (EUR). You can exchange currency through the cash desk of any Russian bank.
  3. The translation service is paid. The amount of commission varies greatly depending on the recipient’s country. The transfer fee is taken into account in the amount of the transferred transfer or accrued above it. The system service is paid directly by the sender.
  4. Additional payments by the service provider are not deducted from the client.
  5. Service is carried out on the basis of the consumer's presentation of a civil passport or, as an option, a foreign passport. A non-resident of the Russian Federation presents a foreign passport and a document certifying the legality of the subject’s stay on Russian territory (for example, a visa).

Some customers, however, note certain disadvantages of the MoneyGram payment service. Most often, consumers point to the following negative aspects:

  1. The service – sending and receiving funds – is provided exclusively to individuals. It is not permitted to make transfers for business and entrepreneurial purposes.
  2. The sender is obliged to provide the agent with information about the currency (monetary unit) of receipt.
  3. If the transfer is sent to countries where USD or EUR are not used, the recipient will lose a certain percentage on currency conversion.

To send or receive money transferred through Moneygram, you need to know certain information

How to use the MoneyGram service: sending, receiving

If a client - an individual - intends to send or receive a money transfer, he should visit the nearest service point of the payment system. In other words, it is necessary to find an organization that acts as an authorized agent of Moneygrams. In the Russian Federation, agency functions in relation to this service can be performed by banks, financial institutions, and communication shops. For example, you can arrange or successfully receive a Money Graham transfer at Sberbank. As you know, this is the largest bank in the Russian Federation, with a huge network of its own offices throughout the country. Thus, finding a service point for the payment system will not be difficult for the sender (recipient).

You can find out the latest information about current agents through the online resource of the payment system or by calling Moneygram customer support. Addresses in Moscow where to receive the sent transfer, what is necessary for this - all this can be found out using the communication channels indicated above. In a similar way, agent addresses in St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg) or any other Russian city are found out.

Sending a transfer

Completing a transaction at a service point involves filling out a special questionnaire by the client, the universal form of which is regulated by the payment service provider company. This form is filled out by both the sender of the transfer and its recipient. It is mandatory to provide the necessary information:

  • country of the sender of funds;
  • country of the recipient of the money;
  • sender's first and last name (in Latin);
  • first and last name of the addressee (in Latin characters);
  • information from the document provided to verify the identity of the client filling out the questionnaire;
  • client's residential address;
  • type of professional, labor activity of the consumer;
  • the purpose of the transaction being performed (this point is not considered mandatory, although some countries require an indication of the intended purpose of the transfer if its size exceeds 1000 USD);
  • control question-answer pair (not indicated for all countries).

Filling out the corresponding application is carried out according to the client document, as well as from the words of the consumer himself. A preliminary check of the correctness of the information provided and the client’s signature on the completed form are of fundamental importance.

If the money transfer was sent from a post office, then the transaction control number will be a necessary detail for the addressee (recipient).

This number consists of eight or eleven digits, is generated upon confirmation of payment for the ordered service, and is issued directly to the sender. At a specific point of issue of money sent, the control code, country of receipt of payment, monetary unit, and transaction amount are indicated.

It also happens that the recipient of the funds does not have accurate information about the sender’s name, his surname, and the amount of the transaction. Sometimes errors are made when providing such data. The system allows for correct payment processing by loading accurate information from the database or indicating a certain percentage of discrepancies.

The agency organization has the right to refuse to provide money to the recipient under the following circumstances:

  1. The inaccuracy in the specified transaction amount is more than 10%.
  2. The country from which the money was sent is indicated incorrectly. The system will not be able to identify the transaction in such a situation.
  3. More than three errors were made when indicating the sender of the money (his first and last name).

when sending money through Moneygram, you need to take into account the commission charged


As mentioned earlier, for completing a transaction, the system charges the transfer sender a certain fee, the amount of which is predetermined by the following parameters:

  1. The amount of money sent. The larger the size of the transfer, the larger the commission will be charged. Usually 3-5% of the amount is charged.
  2. Country of the recipient (addressee) of the transferred funds.
  3. Place of execution of the transaction (specific service point, banking institution, other organization).

You can also complete a transaction via the Internet using the Moneygram online resource. What does it mean? For this, the sender must have a debit payment card with the amount of the intended transfer and the corresponding percentage. The recipient of the funds will also need a card. A visit to the point of issue will not be necessary for the payment recipient, since the money is credited directly to his card carrier. Owners of WebMoney online wallets can top up their electronic accounts using MoneyGram.

MoneyGram is an international system of urgent money transfers, which is one of the leaders in the global market and unites more than 233,000 service points in 190 countries. The first money transfers without opening a bank account using the MoneyGram system were made in 1940 in Minneapolis (USA). Until 2004, the owners of MoneyGram were Viad Corp. and Travelers Express Company Inc. - one of the world's largest processing companies. Today MoneyGram is an independent company whose shares are listed on the New York Stock Exchange.

Around the world, MoneyGram works with major financial institutions that provide services through a network of their branches. MoneyGram's partners in Europe include such financial institutions as the Royal Mail of Great Britain and Norway, Italian Post, Bank of Ireland, Banco Popular Espanol, Kocbank, Finansbank and many others.

The advantage of sending transfers through the MoneyGram system is speed, reliability and convenience. You can receive or send a MoneyGram transfer in any country in the world, at any MoneyGram system service point.

Transfers via the MoneyGram system can be used by both bank clients and people who do not have bank accounts - emigrants sending money to their homeland, tourists in emergency situations, businessmen who need to quickly send money, students and their parents to pay for studies and accommodation, and etc.

Millions of people around the world have long forgotten about translation problems.

MoneyGram is convenient

  • The MoneyGram system operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • You don't need a bank account
  • Money is accepted and issued in cash
  • Transfer time - 10 minutes
  • Reasonable price
  • Possibility of canceling the operation
  • Message to recipient at no extra cost

PJSC JSCB Svyaz-Bank sends and pays money transfers via the MoneyGram system in US dollars

Geography of transfers

MoneyGram has 233,000 service points in 190 countries around the world that carry out international money transfers daily, providing their customers with the most convenient service. In the CIS countries, the MoneyGram network currently has over 26,000 service points, covering almost the entire region and uniting the largest banks in Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine.

Transfer time

The money transfer time is 10 minutes. In this case, you should take into account the difference in time zones in different countries of the world and on different continents, as well as working hours in offices and banks.

Restrictions on transferred amounts

Up to 5,000 US dollars per day when transferring abroad (for residents of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation). For non-residents, the company has set a limit of $9,999 per day.

Payment of transfer

The transfer amount is paid immediately, at the client’s request, in cash in US dollars, Euros, local currency, depending on the country of receipt of the transfer.

Recalling a transfer or receiving an unclaimed transfer

Revocation of a transfer is provided for by the rules of the MoneyGram system and is possible if the recipient’s plans have changed and if the money has not yet been paid to the recipient. The information that you sent or received a MoneyGram money transfer is completely confidential and is a bank secret.

How to send a transfer?

  1. Fill out the form for sending a transfer and present your ID;
  2. Enter the transfer amount along with the commission;
  3. Receive the transfer registration number;
  4. Provide the registration number to the recipient and in 10 minutes the money will be ready to receive.

How to receive a transfer?

  1. Find out the transfer number from the sender;
  2. Fill out the form to receive the transfer, indicating the registration number, and present your ID;
  3. Get money

Tariffs for sending money transfers via the MoneyGram system

Tariffs for sending money transfers from Russia to the CIS*, Georgia and Israel:

Transfer amount (in US dollars) Commission (USD)
0.01 - 100.00 2
100.01 - 200.00 3
200.01 - 300.00 5
300.01 - 400.00 6
400.01 - 500.00 8
500.01 - 600.00 10
600.01 - 700.00 12
700.01 - 800.00 14
800.01 - 900.00 15
900.01 - 1000.00 16
1000.01 - 2000.00 32
2000.01 - 3000.00 48
3000.01 - 5000.00 80
5000.01 - 9,999.99 90

You can comfortably and quickly receive a MoneyGram transfer at Sberbank. During the process of issuing the amount sent to you, the cashier will ask for basic information about the payment, including its number, and will ask you to show identification. To become a sender or recipient of MoniGrem, you do not need to open an account in your name.

MoneyGram is registered in the United States of America. The financial organization was created back in 1940, has extensive experience in the financial sector and large capital. MoniGrem shares are traded on the most famous New York Stock Exchange. In 2012, the organizers of the MoneyGram service opened their own charitable foundation, thanks to which thousands of children from low-income families had the opportunity to grow up as educated people.

In practical terms, MoneyGram is a service for instantly sending money around the world, proven over decades and 100% reliable.

The system cooperates with the largest companies in the world, which allows it to ensure fast transfer of money from state to state. Among the organization’s Russian partners is the largest issuer in the Russian Federation, Sberbank, which has public service offices throughout the country.

Benefits of the service

When choosing a method for sending money, citizens always compare the advantages and disadvantages of sending transfer methods. The advantages of MoneyGram include the following factors:

  • coverage of 200 countries in which you can send and receive money transfers from the service;
  • fast transfer of currencies;
  • no geographic reference to a specific address is required;
  • the translation can contain not only a certain amount, but also 10 words of text;
  • information about shipments is confidential;
  • there is no need to conclude an agreement with the sending or receiving bank, since there is no link to the institution’s details;
  • the translation distance does not matter;
  • The money awaits the recipient within 90 days.

Within the state, the rules for sending and receiving transfers are subject to the general rules of the country and financial institutions. Certain tariffs are applied to them and limits are set.


Users of the Russian Federation can, within the framework of the described system, send transfers in Russian rubles and American dollars. The cost of the service does not exceed similar services of other translation systems. There is no charge for a 10 word message.

The recipient pays nothing. The sender pays a commission on the amount sent.


The amount of the commission depends on several factors:

  • transfer amount;
  • recipient country;
  • sender's country.

Money transfers MoneyGram

The advantage of the system is that the sender does not need to present a lot of documents. The only thing required of him is identification.

According to statistics, MoneyGram is used most of all by:

  • students abroad and their parents;
  • tourists who find themselves in unforeseen situations, their relatives and friends;
  • labor emigrants sending home the money they earn.

From map

Through the MoneyGram service you can send transfers from bank cards:

  • When making a transfer, the sender must indicate the number of his plastic card from which cash will be withdrawn for transfer;
  • the recipient must also have a plastic card in order for the transferred amount to be credited to him.

In this case, the amount of the commission is collected from the one who receives the money.


The advantage of the described system mentioned above is the ability to quickly send funds. From the point of departure to the point of receipt they travel on average 10 minutes.

Dollars transferred from another country can be cashed in Russia in rubles, dollars or euros at the exchange rate of the issuer of receipt.

Maximum amount

The maximum amount received or sent depends on the rules of the state and financial institution where the offer is made. In the Russian Federation, non-residents can send no more than 10,000.00 USD per day; for residents, this amount is limited to 5,000.00 USD.

How to send?

The algorithm for sending MoneyGram is as follows:

  1. Find an item that works with the system. You can usually find out about this by the logo located at the entrance and inside the premises.
  2. Fill out the form.
  3. Present the necessary documents.
  4. Give the cashier the transfer amount and the commission fee.
  5. Take the receipt of the completed offer and receive the shipment number.
  6. Provide the transfer details to the recipient.

If necessary, you can write a few lines of text.

Filling out the form

The main transaction document is the dispatch application. This is a form with the minimum necessary data that the sender enters. The form is provided when applying to a financial institution.

A sample application can be found on the Internet.


You can also send a MoneyGram transfer via the Internet. To do this, you need to have a bank card with the required amount of money or an electronic wallet.

You can send money this way on the Sberbank website.

How to get a?

The receiving algorithm is even simpler than the sending algorithm:

  1. Having learned that cash has been sent to your name and received the offer data, find the MoneyGrem pick-up point.
  2. Present your passport and provide information about the transfer (number, amount, sending country).
  3. You receive the money and sign on the cash register form.

What documents are needed?

To complete a monetary transaction, both the recipient and the sender need only present a general passport. Instead, the ticket office is also required to accept Form 2-P or a foreign passport.

If the service is ordered by a citizen who is not a resident of Russia, he must present a foreign passport and a document that confirms the legality of his presence on the territory of the Russian Federation. This could be a visa, temporary residence permit or residence permit.

Transfer tracking

MoneyGram money transfer can be tracked. To do this, you need to be registered on the official website of the company. You can track the movement of funds in the transaction history. The transfer status is reflected there.

The shipment can also be tracked using the Track a Transfer option. To do this you need to know the transfer number. If the shipment was carried out at the post office, you will need an 11-digit combination of numbers, which is indicated when filling out the form.

Return of transfer

If for some reason you need to return the amount not received by the addressee, this can be done at any point that works with MoneyGram.

Control of translations

Citizens who use the MoniGram system should know that the company that ships them has developed a Compliance program, under which all shipments are monitored for security and the suppression of terrorist threats. Transactions involving large amounts and those related to countries under suspicion are especially checked.

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