
Will maternity capital be indexed? Payments from maternity capital

The issue of maternal capital is discussed very seriously, since all parents want the state to provide them with support after the birth of their baby. Regular or one-time funding for several children allows the mother not only to use the money for real needs, but also to save the amount for retirement. If a woman gives birth, for example, to five children, raising them until adulthood, then she will already have the opportunity to receive an early pension later. Another very important thing here is that the mother must work for 5 years.

Let's take a closer look at all the aspects that cause difficulties in resolving this issue.

How much is maternity capital in 2018?

Let's find out how much maternity capital is in 2018 for the first, second and third child.

Maternity capital 2018 for one child

From this year, for 1 child, the mother will receive 11,000 rubles every 30 days, respectively, 198 thousand per year. This is an excellent opportunity for those who have long wanted to start a family, but still haven’t decided.

There is no point in doubt, because in 2018 families have the right to receive payments from maternity capital for 1 child, and while he grows, you can think about a second one. Support is provided to increase the birth rate. With the help of such a program, families with a large number of children will receive maximum support from the Government.

The issue of adoption deserves special attention. Such benefits can be received not only in the case of children born, but also those taken from an orphanage. If the adopted baby becomes your own, then you can receive financial support.

Since January 1, 2018, a rule has been established that when adopting the first child from an orphanage, you can purchase payments every month in the amount of up to 10,500 rubles until the baby reaches the age of 1.5 years.

Maternity capital 2018 for the second child

If a woman takes a second child from the orphanage, she will rightfully be able to apply for money from this program.

The amount of maternity capital in 2018 when the second baby is born will be equal to 453,026 rubles. This amount of funds will be fixed until 2020. No additional payments are expected to be made to this amount.

Maternity capital 2018 for the third child

It is possible to receive an amount under this program of 453,026 rubles for 3 children. If the family has not performed such a procedure before, then you need to quickly address this issue by studying in advance a number of reasons for carrying out such a procedure:

  • if both children in the family are born before January 1, 2007, and the third is after the established date (until 2021);
  • if due to the prevailing circumstances the procedure was not carried out, then when the next child is born after January 1, 2007, you must immediately fill out an application on the main form.

In some cities of Russia, for the birth of a third child, you will also receive money from the maternity capital of a certain region, the acquisition procedure for which is fixed by the higher authorities of the Russian Federation.

Is it possible to pay an additional 250 thousand to the total amount in 2018?

There were a lot of disputes over the increase in the amount of payments under this program (250 thousand rubles). The question has been open since spring 2017. But it was determined that this procedure would not be implemented.

Maternity capital in 2018 also does not provide for a one-time payment of 25,000.

What measures will the Government take instead of additional funding of 250 thousand

Maternity capital indexation is not provided. In order to increase the demographics of a country, it is not enough to simply introduce a program. In this regard, a new rule from the state is additionally provided, in connection with which girls will be motivated to give birth to their first child as soon as possible.

Let's take a closer look at maternity capital changes and latest news in 2018. New methods are already being developed and studied by the Government - for example, a proposal is being considered to increase the attractiveness of motherhood for women who gave birth to their first child before the age of 25. One of the forms of material support for the population to provide for children under 1.5 years old will be increased (in 2017, the minimum was 3065.69 rubles, and the maximum amount for women with an official place of work was 40% of the average salary for several previous years).

The president also announced the introduction of another financial assistance to women who gave birth to a second child before the age of 30. However, not a word was said in favor of an additional payment of 250 thousand.

How can you use maternity capital in 2018

Families ask: “How can you use maternity capital in 2018?” The law contains information that under the program it is possible to use funds in the following way:

  • improving the level of conditions in the place where the family lives;
  • sending money for education (secondary specialized, higher);
  • increase in mother's funded pension;
  • redirecting finances to everything is necessary for children who need special health care.

The use of maternity capital in 2018 is not very different from previous years, which cannot be said about the last point.

The family will be entitled to receive funds from this program every month to provide for the youngest child if his date of birth begins on January 1, 2018. However, this only works for those people who receive less than 1.5 RM.

It is stated that the amount from this program can only be spent when the baby is already 3 years old. However, there are some exceptions to the rule:

  • funds are transferred to pay off the main debt or are set aside as part of loans to buy or;
  • to receive all the necessary products for children, who should be given special care due to their health conditions.

Since 2018, a law has come into force on the basis of which the mother has the right to transfer or spend funds from the state for the child’s education up to school from the moment the child is born, without paying attention to the rule on the completion of 3 years.

To this day, the most common factor in the use of received funds is considered to be improvement in housing and communal services conditions (92% of all applications submitted). Statistics show that 4.7 million families received housing based on the certificate in question.

Will the term of maternity capital be extended after 2018?

From 2018, new requirements and rules will come into force. Based on current legislation, the paperwork regarding the program will be extended until December 31, 2021. The President of the Russian Federation established this rule in 2017.

In addition, the new rules state that the main purpose of this document is to purchase a monthly amount from maternity capital in cash upon the birth of another baby from January 1, 2018 until reaching one and a half years old in the amount of the 1st monthly minimum, which is recorded in the region regarding children.

Such funds can be used as payment for a kindergarten or nursery.

How to use the program

How to get maternity capital:

  1. We look forward to the day when the baby is born or the moment when you adopt children. After this, we arrange everything necessary for government support.
  2. Documented consent. We purchase a document for this program. You should collect a complete set of forms and take them to the regional PF office. You can do this procedure yourself or entrust it to a representative. In addition, people often use the postal service. This is especially true if you are not at home at the moment, but live abroad.
  3. We are waiting for a response to receive the certificate. How to do this: take it from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation yourself or receive it by mail.

Your application will be considered within a month. The form is sent by mail within a period of up to 5 days from the day on which consent was established on all submitted documents of citizens.

What documents are required

In order to be able to use finances from the maternity capital program, you must provide all the forms:

  1. Copies of parents' internal passports.
  2. Papers about the birth of any child in the family.
  3. Insurance card for the purpose of creating sources of funding for pensions.
  4. A form on the basis of which it can be concluded that the mother is assigned to the Russian state and lives to this day in Russia.

After parents receive such a document, they will be able to independently choose where to transfer the finances. All forms should be submitted to the Pension Fund.

Traditionally, at the end of the year, issues related to the indexation of state benefits and payments are resolved. Will maternity capital be indexed in 2018? This is one of the questions that concerns potential recipients of this government payment. For example, should you postpone applying for a mortgage loan and making maternity capital as a down payment until next year? Or is there no point in waiting for a promotion? Let's talk in the article about maternity capital in 2018: will there be indexation?

Two words about payment

For many years now, the country has been running a state program to help families with children - maternity capital. Mat capital is understood as a measure of state support for families in which a second or subsequent child was born. As part of this program, the state allocates funds for certain targeted expenses, for example, to improve housing conditions or educate children.

Only parents (adoptive parents) of children who are citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to maternity capital. Moreover, their child must also be a citizen of Russia (Part 1, Article 3 of Federal Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006). Foreign citizens do not have the right to mat capital.

Before we tell you whether mat capital will be indexed in 2018, let us remind you what it can be spent on. In 2018, unlike the previous year, the number of possible options for spending funds has been increased. Now maternity capital can be spent for the following purposes (Part 3, Article 7 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 256-FZ, Articles 2, 4 of the Federal Law of July 28, 2010 No. 241-FZ):

  • improvement of housing conditions (including repayment of mortgages and loans);
  • children's education;
  • increase in the funded part of the pension;
  • purchasing goods and services for the social adaptation of a disabled child;
  • monthly cash payments;
  • keeping a child in a nursery or kindergarten.

For more information about possible directions for spending maternity capital, see “”.

So, will maternity capital increase in 2018?

Maternity capital funds are spent only in a non-cash manner by transferring funds by the Pension Fund to their final recipient. For example, when repaying a mortgage using mat capital funds, the funds are sent not to the individual, the certificate holder, but to the credit institution that issued the mortgage loan (Part 7, Article 8 of Federal Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006).

The size has remained unchanged in recent years

As for the size of maternity capital, in recent years, due to the economic crisis, the amount of maternity capital has remained unchanged. In 2015–2017, its amount was 453,026 rubles. (Part 1, Article 8 of the Federal Law of December 19, 2016 No. 415-FZ, paragraph 17 of Article 1 of the Federal Law of April 6, 2015 No. 68-FZ, Part 1 of Article 8 of the Federal Law of December 1, 2014 No. 384- Federal Law). Will maternity capital be indexed in 2018 and by how much? Indexation is not planned for next year, so the amount of maternity capital for 2018 will be 453,026 rubles. In this amount, the matcap will be paid at least until 2020 due to the freezing of the payment amount.

Every year, the Pension Fund notifies persons who have received a certificate for the issuance of maternity capital about its size or about the size of the remaining part of them. The notification is drawn up in writing and sent to interested parties no later than September 1 of the current year (Part 4, Article 6 of Federal Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006).

The issue of indexation of maternity capital has been raised more than once in the highest government bodies. Every year, approximately five million families with two or more children use allocated funds to purchase housing. In this situation, every extra penny counts. The Family Capital Program solves two acute problems - housing and the demographic crisis that began in the nineties.

The amount of maternity capital in 2018

Currently, 453 thousand rubles are allocated from the federal budget for each couple raising two or more children. The funds on the issued certificate are not enough to purchase, for example, a one-room apartment. Moreover, this amount is essential for making the first payment on the mortgage or for paying off the main body of the loan.

However, the fact that there are not enough maternity capital funds to purchase an apartment does not mean that there must be a lot of personal savings. After all, it all depends on the city in which the housing is purchased and on the cost of the property.

Already now, potential buyers, having personal savings of one hundred to two hundred thousand rubles, are becoming the owners of a 1-room apartment in the Harmony residential area, 9 km from Stavropol. Such an investment is practical and profitable for residential purposes and as an investment.

Indexation of maternity capital

The amount of maternity capital has increased by 81 percent since 2007 and today amounts to 453 thousand rubles. The change in the size of the motherboard is intended to compensate for the increase in prices for goods and services. Over the past two years, the government has decided not to index maternity capital, for which there were objective reasons. This decision was documented in Federal Law No. 444 of December 19, 2018.

Let's look at the indexation of maternity capital on the graph, or in other words, how the amount on the certificate increased over several years.

As you can see, the last three years from 2015 to 2018. the amount of maternity capital did not change. It is currently known that the indexation of maternity capital will resume in 2020, and this process has been introduced as a mandatory element of the program of the national project “Demography”. By this time, families with two or more children will receive increased payments - 470.2 thousand rubles.

The graph also clearly shows that at first indexation exceeded the inflation rate. Somewhere since 2010, the annual increase in the amount of funds on the certificate has become not as significant as before - within two to three tens of thousands of rubles.

Indexation of maternity capital after receiving monthly payments

Since 2018, families with less than 1.5 times the subsistence level per person - the minimum level of income required to ensure a certain standard of living in Russia - have been given the right to receive monthly payments from maternity capital. Payments are due until the child turns one and a half years old. How much money will be provided to parents depends on the region in which the couple and children live. As a general rule, the size of a one-time payment coincides with the cost of living of a child in a given region for the 2nd quarter of the previous year. Thus, in the Stavropol Territory, the cost of living per child in the second quarter of 2018 was 9,154 rubles.

It is worth remembering that the amount of the lump sum payment is constantly updated, so it is customary to write an application for the issuance of funds annually.

Many of those who take advantage of this opportunity are interested in the question of whether maternity capital is indexed after receiving lump sum payments.

According to the law, planned growth of funds is carried out regardless of the provision of payments. For example, if in 2016 a family received 25,000 in cash from maternity capital, 331 thousand rubles remained unused. This remainder is indexed. But since the indexation coefficient was 1.0 that year, there was no increase as such.

Latest news and changes

In 2018, the maternity capital program was expanded in connection with the adoption of new measures to provide assistance to families with two or more children. We invite you to find out what else has changed in the law besides the indexation of maternity capital.

Preschool education, child care and supervision

One of the areas where maternity capital funds can be invested by law is preschool education. However, before the changes were made, it was possible to pay for a kindergarten or nursery after three years from the date of birth of the second (third and subsequent) child. Now this rule has been canceled. The right to dispose of funds arises after two months from the date of its acquisition, that is, almost immediately after the birth of the baby.

In this case, placement of the child in a non-budgetary preschool educational institution is allowed. Or payment for the services of a child development center. The only thing that is important is that the organization has a document confirming the right to provide this type of service.

Mortgage on preferential terms for families with two or more children

The government allowed families with two (three or more) children born between 2018 and 2022 to take out a mortgage and pay off the debt with maternity capital. Now you don’t have to wait until your child reaches three years of age. Also, unlike other categories of borrowers, holders of maternity capital can count on a preferential interest rate of 6% per annum. When it comes to choosing housing, the government makes virtually no restrictions - you can choose secondary or primary housing, conclude a deal on shared housing, or invest in building a house. You cannot only purchase dilapidated housing, since in this case we are not talking about improving living conditions.

Even more news on the topic

Among other innovations, it is also worth noting the extension of the family capital program until December 31, 2021. This is good news for young families, and, as mentioned above, the indexation of maternity capital will resume, which means there is a greater likelihood of solving the housing issue.

Please pay attention! State support is not intended for young families whose second or subsequent child was born before January 1, 2007. Also, persons who are not citizens of the Russian Federation do not qualify for the program.

What can you spend maternity capital on?

Not all certificate holders are aware of the expanded opportunities of maternity capital.

According to the law, you can spend money on improvement of living conditions, for the child’s education or for the formation of the funded part of the mother’s pension.

Let us describe each of these three points in more detail.

Investing in residential real estate:

    purchase of premises suitable for living, a house or apartment;

    construction of a cottage through the services of a contractor;

    independent construction or restoration of residential premises;

    reimbursement of construction costs or reconstruction of the appearance of a destroyed residential building;

    making a down payment on a mortgage;

    payment of the main body of the mortgage loan;

    transfer of money for the purchase of housing under an agreement of shared participation in construction;

    transfer of funds as a participant in housing, housing and construction savings cooperatives.

A prerequisite for purchasing housing is its location on the territory of the Russian Federation.


  • funds from indexed maternity capital can be used to receive educational services at an accredited institution of higher, secondary and preschool education located within the Russian Federation.

You can pay for the education of any child, including adopted ones. One condition: the child’s age should not exceed 25 years at the start of training.

Formation of the funded part of the labor pension for women:

  • all or part of the family capital can be invested in the funded part of the labor pension. The savings portion remains in the person’s account and is usually invested.

250 thousand to maternity capital - what is it?

There are often questions on forums about whether an additional payment of 250 thousand rubles is due. This topic is especially concerning due to the lack of indexation of maternity capital for the last three years. In fact, these are nothing more than rumors. There is no supporting information on this matter in official sources. It is quite possible that the readers were misled or they confused the numbers, since 250 thousand rubles is the amount of maternity capital in 2007. Therefore, this information can be safely thrown out of your head.

Regional maternity capital

In addition to the federal maternity capital program, there are also family support programs at the regional level. To be more specific, only a few entities provide financial assistance to couples with children, expanding their opportunities to purchase real estate or resolve other pressing issues within the framework of the relevant legislation. In this case, the conditions for receiving benefits, the amount of funds allocated and options for investing them depend on the decision of the regional authorities.

Regarding the areas of use of funds, it should be noted that regional authorities allow the use of regional maternity capital for the rehabilitation of disabled children. For this money, you can also carry out treatment in specialized medical centers, where high-tech methods of therapy are provided.

Registration of maternity capital

So, you have a second child, which means it’s time to think about applying for a government subsidy.

What stages must you go through to receive the long-awaited benefit:

    Issue a birth or adoption certificate for a child;

    Wait until the child is granted Russian citizenship;

    Write an application to receive maternity capital and, together with the rest of the “necessary papers,” provide them to the specialists of the pension fund management;

    After waiting for a positive decision from the pension fund management specialists, receive a certificate.

After which you can think about where it is profitable to invest your money.

Let's sum it up

Currently, families with children are issued a certificate in the amount of 453 thousand rubles.

By 2020, the amount of state subsidies will increase to 470,241 rubles. In 2021, maternity capital will increase to 489,051 rubles. Indexation of maternity capital over these two years will take into account projected inflation.

After receiving lump sum payments, the balance of maternity capital is also indexed.

The options for investing funds on the certificate have been expanded, which means there are more chances to buy good housing, get a better education, transfer even more funds to the funded part of the mother’s pension, etc.

Regional maternity capital can be indexed at the discretion of local authorities.

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