
Theoretical foundations of the concept of tourist and recreational systems. Spatial organization of tourism Territorial systems of tourism

Territorial recreational systems

Territorial recreational systems- territorially and functionally integral recreational entities, including recreational resources, recreational infrastructure facilities, vacationers, service personnel, and governing bodies.

Territorial recreational systems of local importance are intended for organizing short-term recreation for the population on weekends and weekdays in settlements and their immediate surroundings (in the zone of 0.5-hour transport accessibility). These include intra-city and suburban recreational areas - parks, forest parks, recreation and entertainment centers designed for mass visits by vacationers.

Planning organization of intracity recreational territorial entities should ensure: their rational placement in the planning structure of the city; convenient accessibility of recreational facilities from places of residence of the population; the possibility of territorial development of recreational areas with the growth of recreational needs of the population; improving the sanitary and hygienic condition of the urban environment and the architectural and artistic appearance of cities.

In medium and small cities that have a relatively small need for urban recreational areas, one or two multifunctional parks with an area of ​​5 to 30 hectares (depending on the size of the city) are built, located near the city center.

Requirements for the accessibility of recreational areas in cities should be differentiated based on the types of recreational activities:

‣‣‣ landscaped recreation areas in residential buildings, intended for everyday recreation of the elderly, parents and preschool children - walking distance up to 5 minutes;

‣‣‣ green recreational areas near places of residence, intended for recreation, walks, physical education and health activities for all categories of the population, games for school-age children - walking distance up to 20 minutes;

‣‣‣ district and city parks, recreation and entertainment centers intended for recreation, folk festivals, cultural and sporting events, etc. - transport accessibility of the nearest park is no more than 30 minutes.

The area of ​​parks is determined based on the calculation of the standard provision of the population with recreational areas, the conditions of their accessibility from places of residence and permissible recreational loads. For city parks with a high level of improvement in large and major cities, recreational loads can be 100-150 people/ha, in large and medium-sized cities - 75-100, in small cities - 50-75 people/ha. The features of the territories adjacent to the park must be taken into account: in the zones of influence of industrial enterprises of I-V hazard classes, highways with heavy traffic, areas unfavorable for recreation are formed, which should be excluded from the estimated area of ​​the parks.

For example, in city parks with an area of ​​30-40 hectares, the zone with a comfortable environment in which air purity and noise levels correspond to the norm is about 50%, and in parks with an area of ​​3-7 hectares, surrounded by streets with heavy traffic, it is about 10% . From the standpoint of resistance to recreational loads, the satisfactory state of vegetation in parks is maintained with a minimum area of ​​50-100 hectares or more.

Planning organization of suburban recreational territorial entities becomes more complicated with the growth of cities and the increasing need for recreational areas. Surrounded by a small town, one recreation area is enough. Several recreation areas are created in the surroundings of a large or medium-sized city. Surrounded by large and major cities, the creation of developed systems of recreational areas and facilities is required. The optimal size of the zone for the formation of suburban recreational areas for small cities is 1-5 km, for large and medium-sized cities - 5-10 km, for large and largest cities - 20-25 km.

Territorial recreational systems of regional significance are formed to organize long-term and short-term country recreation with overnight stays for the population in zones of influence of large cities that have a great need for recreational areas.

When forming territorial recreational systems of regional significance, it is planned to satisfy the recreational needs of all urban and rural settlements included in the settlement system. The need for recreational areas is calculated for each city and settlement system individually, taking into account the future population size and the structure of recreational flows.

The rational distribution of recreational flows, taking into account their frequency and intensity, is important. Closer to the cities there are places of short-term country recreation - recreational forests and reservoirs, summer towns and recreation centers, gardening associations, further - places of long-term recreation - children's health centers, boarding houses and recreation centers, etc.

For aggregated calculations, an indicator of 0.6-0.8 hectares of recreational areas per 1 vacationer in long-term recreation institutions and 0.5 hectares in places and short-term recreation facilities is accepted. When determining the need for recreational forests and reservoirs, 20-30% of vacationers in garden communities and rural settlements should be added to the number of vacationers going on vacation to natural landscapes.

Territorial recreational systems of national and international importance is formed on the basis of the most valuable natural recreational resources and is intended for organizing predominantly long-term (during holidays and vacations) countryside recreation and health improvement of the population, tourism.

Taking into account the significant differences in the requirements for organizing recreation, sanatorium-resort treatment and tourism, it is advisable to distinguish subsystems: sanatorium-resort treatment, health-improving recreation and tourism.

Spa treatment subsystem is formed on the basis of medicinal mineral waters, peat mud, sapropel.

Healthy recreation subsystem is formed on the basis of natural complexes that are favorable for organizing mass types of country recreation. Reserves are natural recreational resources that have not yet been involved in recreational use.

Tourism subsystem is formed on the basis of both historical, cultural and natural resources.

Russia has significant historical, cultural and natural potential for the development of various types and forms of tourism: educational, environmental, sports, health, religious, agrotourism. One of the promising areas is the development of transit tourism, due to the passage of international transport corridors through the country’s territory.

The specificity of the country's tourist attractiveness is manifested in a combination of natural landscape, cultural, historical, and ethnographic features. Along with visiting monuments of history, culture, and nature, it is important to get acquainted with traditional folk customs, rituals, way of life, national cuisine, crafts and trades. Of great interest are hunting and fishing tours, horseback riding, water and bicycle tourist routes through picturesque landscapes.

Territorial recreational systems - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Territorial recreational systems" 2017, 2018.

// Tourism and recreation: fundamental and applied research: Proceedings of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference. Baltic Academy of Tourism and Entrepreneurship, St. Petersburg,

N. V. Shabalina

The evolution of scientific ideas about the tourism and recreational system

as a subject of research in recreational geography

The analysis of basic scientific ideas about the tourist and recreational system is associated with the key concepts of recreation and tourism. The term "recreation" comes from the Latin word "recreatio", meaning "restoration". This original meaning is still embedded in the concept of recreation today. It is usually defined as “rest, restoration of human strength expended in the process of labor.” Tourism (French “tourisme”, from tour – walk, trip) is a multifaceted phenomenon. This is a type of population migration, and business, a branch of the world economy and the national economy, and the sphere of intercultural interaction. The formation of tourism and its transformation into a mass phenomenon is associated with the second half of the 19th century. The conceptual definition of tourism was proposed by Swiss scientists W. Hunziker and K. Krapf: “Tourism is a set of relationships and phenomena that arise during the movement and stay of people in places other than their permanent place of residence and work.” Tourism is the most effective means of satisfying recreational needs, since it combines various types of recreational activities - health improvement, knowledge, restoration of human productive forces, etc. Modern approaches to the definition of “tourism” have expanded the boundaries of its traditional understanding, including such types of travel as business, political, space tourism, etc. The boundaries of recreational activities are also expanding. It covers short-term recreational activities (rest between classes, during a work break, watching TV, reading newspapers, walking the dog, etc.) and long-term recreational activities during annual holidays and holidays, as well as weekly rest. In the first case, recreation does not go beyond the scope of a person’s daily life, and in the second, it involves a long-term change in the usual way of life. Both the first and second types of recreation are necessary for the normal life of a person, regardless of his age, culture and religion, or social status.

In “Theoretical Foundations of Recreational Geography” (1975), the key concept of “recreational activity” is defined as “human activity in free time, carried out with the aim of restoring a person’s physical strength, as well as for his comprehensive development and characterized, in comparison with other areas of activity, by relative the diversity of people’s behavior and the inherent value of its process.” The science that studies the geography of human activities in free time and the spaces where these activities are carried out is called recreational geography.

Thus, “recreation” and “tourism” are social in nature and require an integrated systematic approach to study, since as a result of their tourist and recreational activities, certain relationships and phenomena arise, as well as the formation and transformation of spaces where these activities are carried out .

The foundation of recreational research in our country was laid in 1963–1975. by a team of specialists from the Institute of Geography of the USSR Academy of Sciences (V. S. Preobrazhensky, 161 Methodological and educational aspects of tourism and recreation Yu. A. Vedenin, I. V. Zorin, B. N. Likhanov, L. I. Mukhina, L. S. Filippovich etc.). The structure of the nascent discipline was significantly influenced by the widespread use of the systems approach in science at that time, as well as the idea of ​​the constructive nature of modern geography.

A team of scientists led by Vladimir Sergeevich Preobrazhensky created a basic model of a territorial-recreational system (TRS), which was presented as a complex controlled and partially self-governing social demo-ecological system, consisting of interconnected subsystems: vacationers, natural and cultural complexes, technical systems, service personnel, governing body with functional and territorial integrity. The presence of a leading link - a person - ensured the functional integrity of the system. The specific linking of recreational systems to territories brings us to the concept of territorial integrity, which, as we know, is always determined by scale.

The theoretical foundations of recreational geography were formalized in a fundamental scientific collection with the same title “Theoretical foundations of recreational geography”, published in 1975. The key idea of ​​the “Theoretical foundations...” was that the basis for the formation, functioning and evolution of recreational systems are recreational needs of a person and the motives and characteristics of human behavior determined by them. Their formation was considered as a natural-historical process subject to comprehensive research. Thus, interest in man meant the acquisition of a paradigm. Until this point, physical geographers were inclined to explain selectivity in recreational behavior by the properties of the environment.

According to the ideas of Soviet geographers, the territorial-recreational system was the subject of research in recreational geography. Over time, the idea of ​​recreational activities, factors determining the process of formation of territorial and recreational systems, and methods of scientific knowledge gradually transformed.

The period of most active work in the field of recreational research lasted until the mid-80s. XX century The development process was so intense that we can talk about a change in the “paradigms of recreational geography.” As a result, the resource-geographical approach of the first years was quickly replaced by a socio-geographical one, and later a search for theoretical justifications related to humanitarian, economic, managerial and other aspects of recreational activities began.

In the 80s An important theoretical achievement of Soviet geographers was the development of a space-time approach and the promotion of the idea of ​​subject- and object-centered models of territorial recreational systems. The most significant achievement of the spatio-temporal approach was the study of changes in a number of characteristics of the process of territorial organization of recreational activities along a time scale. The separation of the two indicated models of recreational systems was associated with different ideas about the leading factors that determine the integrity of the system, about the leading processes that form its structure. In subject-centered ones (or, as the Lithuanian geographer P. Kavaliauskas aptly called them, demogeographical ones), the main factor is the activity cycles of vacationers, their selectivity to vacation spots. The centers of such systems are, as a rule, the places where needs are generated. This type of model is effective for studying the areas of recreational areas emerging around large cities. In the second type of models (objective-centered, or, according to P. Kavaliauskas, resource-geographical), the integrity of the system is determined by the technology of processes determined by the peculiarities of the functioning and development of the territory itself, its infrastructure, resources, and material and technical base.

By the end of the 80s. The need has become increasingly felt not just to supplement and develop the recognized theory of territorial recreational systems, but to develop fundamentally new hypotheses. However, after almost twenty years of intensive theoretical assault, an ever-expanding range of empirical recreational-geographical studies since the late 80s. A period of calm has begun in the Russian Federation.

During this period, foreign studies adopted the conceptual model of tourism development developed by G. Guibilato (1983) and refined by G. Wakkerman (1988). According to the model they developed, tourism as a system includes two subsystems: “subject of tourism activity” (tourists) and “object of tourism activity” (tourist resources, tourism enterprises and organizations). Tourists within this system act as demand providers, or buyers, who are opposed by sellers - suppliers of tourism resources and goods. The subsystem “object of tourism activity” is represented by the following components: “tourist resources”, “tourist enterprises”, “tourist organizations”.

Thus, the subsystem “object of tourist activity” is a “tourist enterprise”, which acts as a producer of goods and services consumed by tourists. “Tourist resources” act as a means of production and a subject of labor, that is, they are the basis for the production of tourism services. The authors considered the tourism infrastructure (which includes tourism enterprises, organizations and institutions) as a direct producer of tourism services.

The tourism industry, together with other sectors of the economy that are inextricably linked with serving tourists, represents a system called the “tourism industry.” Thus, the tourism industry is a complex system for organizing the production of a “tourist product,” which is a set of services provided by tourism enterprises to the population (tourists). The tourism system is inextricably linked with the economic complex of the territory. It contacts and interacts with the economic, social, technological, political, environmental environments, i.e. it is one of the components of the macroenvironment of the region.

The events of 1991 brought an end to many studies of the Soviet period. New standards and ideas about how and where one should relax have emerged, new types of tourism and recreational activities have emerged, and the centralized system of organizing recreation for the population, created during the Soviet period, has collapsed. At this time, radical changes occurred in the country in the recreational needs and activities of the population, the spatial structure of recreational systems was transformed, and the problems of free time for many social strata faded into the background.

The ongoing democratization of society and the development of market relations required a transition from normative approaches in the study of recreation to exploratory developments. In an open market society, recreational activity is primarily a self-organizing process. The driving force behind the self-organization of recreational systems is the process of adaptation, which has a variety of manifestations, including territorial ones. For example, in recreational areas the adaptation process is expressed in the need to coordinate (harmonize) the interests of “guests” and “hosts” regarding environmental resources. The use of natural areas for recreational purposes is becoming increasingly intensive.

In development of the ideas of V. S. Preobrazhensky, a graphic “environmental” (adaptation) model of the recreational system was developed at the Department of Geography of World Economy of Moscow State University. The structure of this model identifies three main stages of the subject’s perception of the recreational environment: pre-active (“image” of the environment), active (“situation”) and post-active (“trace”). The first phase of perception (pre-activity) reflects the nature and structure of recreational needs and the selectivity they form in relation to cycles of recreational activities; the second (active) is the process of carrying out these activities as special forms of interaction between people and the leisure environment; third (post-active) effectiveness of recreation, including emotional aspects (memories, transfer of experience to others), as well as indirect influence on the economy, culture and ecology of the living environment.

In social space, recreation can be represented both as a closed cycle, when a “trace” generates an “image” in the same recreation subject, and as a continuous process, in which the “situation” and the “trace” predetermine the nature of the recreational selectivity of another subject. The technology for such transformations of “situation” and “trace” into images is as follows:

Firstly, the social environment in areas of mass recreation quickly adapts to the innovations brought by tourists, as a result of which the established forms of activity of the local population change, and at the same time their way of life. Moreover, the displacement of traditional “images” and “scenarios” of recreational activities for local residents is happening more dynamically than the general transformation of the socio-economic environment.

Secondly, the environment to which tourists return is filled with information about the possibilities, conditions and effectiveness of their recreational activities, which forms a special mass form of the “image” of the recreation environment. The collective image is capable of generating a fairly stable attachment of territorial communities to certain types and places of recreation.

The presented model also reflects the interaction through social contacts of two “poles”: the “guest” (the subject of recreation) and his environment of residence, on the one hand, and the “host” (the subject of the territory) and, accordingly, the environment of his habitat, which simultaneously serves as the recreation environment for the “guest” , – on the other. The model, reflecting the interaction of these “subjects”, is called environmental, since it reveals the subject of studying recreation, primarily in terms of environmental problems and adaptive connections of the population with it.

In the environmental model of the recreational system, both types of environments have an independent territory and are distinguished in relation to each of the two subjects. This allows, in particular, to outline approaches to a program for studying situations of geographic stress (disadaptation) as a phenomenon very characteristic of recreational migrations. “Guest” and “host” are bearers of economic, social and cultural interests, which in practice are carried out by the relevant subjects of management. Therefore, the defining principle of recreation management from the position of the environmental model of the recreational system is the coordination of interests based on the search for compromise solutions.

The environmental model is also the methodological basis for the development of the humanitarian aspects of the science of recreation, as well as for the formation of the concept of sustainable development of recreation and tourism in the territory. Many works by Western scientists are devoted to these aspects, especially in connection with the adoption of tourism as the main economic sector for a number of developing countries or fairly large areas.

There are three broad approaches to studying the impact of tourism on the humanitarian aspects of development in developing countries. The first aspect reflects the interaction of tourists with the local population. It varies significantly and depends on the stage of tourism development. At the stage of mass tourism, unequal and unbalanced relationships often arise due to large differences in the level of wealth and different motivations for contacts. The second aspect reflects the social impact of tourism, for which five stages of reaction of the local population are identified: initial euphoria, apathy, increasing irritation, antagonism, hostility, when all difficulties and problems are explained by tourism. The third aspect is related to the interconnection of different cultures. In particular, there are different motivations for the actions and behavior of tourists from Western countries and the local population of developing countries. In countries with open societies, the interests of the individual are of greatest value, while in developing countries, community values ​​come first. The presence of stronger Western ideas brought by tourism often leads to the assimilation of weaker local cultures.

Late 90s was marked by two priority areas in the research of tourism and recreational systems. The first direction was formed as a result of the development of a new nature-oriented direction in tourism and recreation (A. V. Drozdov, V. P. Chizhova, etc.). The second direction is as a result of the need for scientific substantiation of market mechanisms for the functioning of the tourism system (A. Yu. Aleksandrova, V. B. Saprunova, etc.). Professor of the Department of Recreational Geography and Tourism A. Yu. Alexandrova developed a spatial model of the functioning of the world tourism market, including an analysis of the countries of the Center, Semi-Periphery and Periphery of world tourism.

The latest foreign concepts of tourism systems, with all their diversity, can be combined into 4 classes: models of tourist travel (movements), models of departures and arrivals of tourists, structural models and models of spatial development of tourism.

Structural models of tourism development were developed by a number of authors (S.J. Briton, J. Casa, T.L. Hills, J.O.J. Lundgren) and have many common features. Most models reflect the processes of concentration and deconcentration in tourism in donor and recipient countries. It is important that the authors consider development models at the local, regional and national levels. Moreover, the degree of concentration of the tourism market increases from local to regional and national levels. A number of models (for example, the structural model of tourism by S. J. Briton) consider the features of tourism development in the countries of the Periphery and Semi-Periphery of the world economy and analyze the degree of influence on them from the countries of the Center - the former metropolises.

Spatial models of tourism development are of interest from the point of view of analyzing the stages of development of a tourist destination and the size of the tourist flow. A number of researchers (S. Plog) determine the socio-psychological portrait of tourists of the 1st and 2nd waves of development of a tourist territory. R. Butler's model demonstrates the stages in the development of a tourist territory. The main indicators of the transition from one stage to another are changes in the number of arrivals, the state of the natural and socio-cultural environment. Of interest and practical application is the scheme for the formation of a tourist space by M. Opperman, who identified the importance of the level of infrastructure development, namely transport and accommodation facilities, at the initial stage of development of a tourist destination.

Since the late 90s. under the influence of humanization processes, the subject of research in recreational geography is the study of spatial patterns of human behavior in the process of tourist and recreational activities and the placement of tourist and recreational facilities.

A significant achievement in the development of the theory of recreational geography is the substantiation of the concept of the territorial recreational-economic complex, the applied goal of which is to improve the system of relationships between the recreational economy and other sectors of the national economic complex of the region and country. Using Western experience, Russian scientists have made a step from the “industry” model of the territorial recreational system to the concept of a recreational area, in which the recreational system is considered as the core, and other economic, social and cultural components of the territory as an environment for tourism development. It should be noted that it was in the late 90s. In the scientific community, changes were made to the conceptual apparatus of recreation and tourism research. More and more researchers agree on the need for an expanded, combined study of recreation and tourism, their unified resource and spatial organization. G.P. Dolzhenko believes that a new evolutionary stage is being observed in recreational geography - the stage of research into the geography of tourism. Arguments in favor of such an interpretation are given by the author based on an analysis of the sub-sectors of the recreational economy and their correlation with types of tourism. S.R. Erdavletov (2004) considers the recreational subsystem of the ecumene (i.e., recreational space) to be the object of study of both recreational geography and tourism geography.

In our opinion, the dynamics of tourist arrivals, the activation of forms and types of recreation, the willingness of tourism enterprises to provide services to both local residents and guests indicate the need for an expanded interpretation of such basic concepts as resources, potential and systems of recreation and tourism. Recreational resources and potential of the region are both the basis for the development of recreation for local residents and the basis for the development of tourism for guests of the territory. The formation and development of tourist centers currently implies opportunities for recreation, health improvement, education and for persons permanently residing in the territory. Accordingly, the following concepts were introduced in the scientific literature: “tourist and recreational resources”, “tourist and recreational potential”, “tourist and recreational system”.

In recent years, in the development of domestic science on recreation and tourism, researchers have devoted a significant place to the analysis of tourist and recreational systems at various levels: local, regional and national. The formation of regional tourist and recreational systems is the subject of the dissertation works of A. Yu. Shaidarov “Economic mechanism for the formation, functioning and development of a regional tourist and recreational system: on the example of the North-Western region”, 2006; A. O. Ovcharova “Theory and methodology of risk management in the tourist and recreational complex”, 2009; A. P. Gatsenbiller “Theoretical foundations of the formation and sustainable development of the regional tourism and recreational system”, 2009; N. N. Staroverkina “Comprehensive assessment of the tourism and recreational potential of the Republic of Kalmykia”, 2007; S. A. Shabalina “Spatial organization of the tourism and recreational sphere (on the example of the Republic of Tatarstan), 2009; L. Yu. Mazhar “Territorial tourist and recreational systems: a geosystemic approach to the formation and development”, 2009, etc. It is obvious that such a different approach to the study of regional tourist and recreational systems is due to the complexity of the problem and the need to consider various facets of the development of recreation and tourism.

A significant number of publications concerning theoretical issues of recreational geography in modern scientific geographical literature in the country belong to L.Yu. Mazhar. According to the author, the subject of study of recreational geography at present is the territorial tourism and recreational system (TTRS). TTRS is a set of elements of the sphere of recreation and tourism, united by spatial relationships and interconnections. The “tourist-recreational” version of the concept mainly characterizes multifaceted tourism activities, but does not exclude the need for recreation in the process of organizing a tour. The elementary composition of the territorial tourist and recreational system postulated by L.Yu. Mazhar consists of several subsystems: infrastructure, organizational and managerial, natural and recreational, historical and cultural, recreational and activity (main functional), material and household (accommodation, food), personnel (service personnel), consumer (tourists), etc. All subsystems are united by direct and feedback connections that ensure the integrity of the TTRS.

The conditions and factors for the formation of territorial tourist and recreational systems are considered by L.Yu. Mazhar from the standpoint of the geosystem approach in the context of the interaction of “system” and “environment”. In this case, “conditions” are external causes, reflecting the properties of the environment, and “factors” are internal causes, reflecting the properties of the system itself. The actions of factors have their own characteristics of manifestation at different levels of TTRS. Unique combinations of factors determine the characteristics of the formation of TTRS in different regions. Through conscious or spontaneous influence on certain factors, one can contribute to the targeted development of the system. National tourist and recreational systems (NTRS) are key in the hierarchical subordination of systems of this type. On the one hand, in their interaction they determine the nature and level of development of the global tourism and recreational system, and on the other hand, they directly regulate the activities of the relevant sphere at the regional level.

Scientific research into the evolution of recreational geography as a scientific direction is carried out at the Department of Recreational Geography and Tourism of Moscow State University, created in 2004.

The tourism and recreational system is a socio-economic geosystem consisting of interconnected components that reflect the process of production, sale and consumption of tourism products and services by the population. The formation and functioning of the TRS is influenced by a combination of factors, among which the most important are the factors that determine the tourist and recreational needs of the population: economic, information technology, demographic, geopolitical, organizational and legal, environmental (Fig. 10).

Rice. 10. Scheme of the tourist and recreational system

The components of the system are interconnected by direct and feedback connections. Tourist and recreational systems can correspond to three levels of administrative division of the country: municipal, regional and federal, which is associated with the organization of territorial management, which is carried out within the boundaries of administrative entities. The combination of tourist and recreational systems at the municipal level within the boundaries of a particular region (republic, region, territory) forms a regional tourist and recreational system, which, depending on the tourist and recreational potential, the diversity of natural and cultural-historical resources, can be complex or single-industry in the development of various types of tourism and recreation. The country's unified tourism and recreational system is the top level in the hierarchy of the Russian TRS. It includes tourist and recreational systems of various composition, degree of complexity and purpose, located in administrative entities of all levels.

V.I. Kruzhalin, within the boundaries of the TRS, identifies three types of interconnected tourist and recreational frameworks: areal, linear-nodal and ethno-social. The areal type frames include the following frames: geological-geomorphological, landscape, ecological, residential, cultural-historical. Linear-node frames include: transport, energy, information, water supply and sewerage (utilities). The ethno-social framework is formed from local residents and recreationists and is the “living connective tissue” of the tourist and recreational zone. The combination of different types of tourist and recreational frameworks within each type, their set determine the degree of complexity of the design and development of the tourist and recreational system and the amount of necessary financial costs.

Currently, a surge in scientific research into the regional development of recreation and tourism is associated with the development and adoption of programs for the socio-economic and tourism development of regions of the Russian Federation and the Strategy for the development of tourism in the Russian Federation for the period until 2015, as well as the adoption of the Concept of the federal target program “Development of internal and incoming tourism in the Russian Federation for 2011–2016.”

Kovalenko Maria Alexandrovna
News of Sochi State University. - 2012. - No. 3 (21). - P.36-39.

Annotation. The article analyzes the activities of a city with tourist and recreational specialization (using the example of the city of Sochi). The central place here is occupied by the tourism and recreational system, the main goal of which is quality service for recreationists and tourists. The key elements in the model of the tourist and recreational system are: country, region generating the tourist and recreational flow; transit region, city; a resort city receiving tourist and recreational flows. Particular attention is paid to the factors shaping consumer demand and supply of the city’s tourist and recreational product. Thus, among the factors determining demand, one can highlight the specialization of the region generating the tourist and recreational flow, the environmental situation, and the income of the population.

Key words: tourist-recreational system, tourist-recreational flow, tourist-recreational cycle, tourist-recreational product, real demand, potential demand, supply of tourist-recreational product.

The tourist and recreational specialization of the city of Sochi is explained by the uniqueness of its natural resources, which determine the development of recreation and tourism as an economically profitable use of the city's potential with relatively small capital investments.

And tourism can be characterized as complex and multidimensional phenomena, the main goal of which is to satisfy the tourist and recreational needs of people, which includes many interrelated elements, organized into certain structures, representing a systemic formation. At the same time, systematicity is characterized by the integrity of its constituent elements in interaction with the environment.

The maturity of the tourist and recreational system of a resort city is determined by its ability to fulfill its function - high-quality and efficient service for recreationists and tourists. A.Yu. Shaidarov identifies the following factors influencing the development of the tourist and recreational system:

The presence of stable demand for the produced tourism product, due to the growth of real incomes of the population of municipalities, regions, as well as the country and the population of other countries;
- high degree of development of tourism resources, their technical, environmental condition and the possibility of obtaining economic benefits from their use;
- price-quality ratio of the tourist product offered for sale;
- completeness and stability of the regulatory framework in the field of recreation and tourism;
- advertising, information and personnel support for tourism activities;
- a high level of general culture of the region’s population and its moral and psychological readiness to accept mass tourist flows.

Based on the works of domestic and foreign scientists, the model of the recreational and tourist system of the resort city of Sochi can be presented as follows (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Model of the tourist and recreational system of the resort city of Sochi 1

In this model we can distinguish:

- Countries, regions, cities generating tourist and recreational flows- places of permanent residence of tourists and recreationists, where recreational and tourist trips begin and end.
- Transit countries, regions and cities, through which holidaymakers and tourists travel when traveling to their destination.
- Resort cities receiving tourist and recreational flows- cities that serve as the final destination of travel for recreationists and tourists.

The formation of a tourist and recreational flow occurs under the influence of such factors as the specialization of the city that generates the tourist and recreational flow in the division of labor, the environmental situation, the holding of large-scale sporting events, as well as the level of income of the population.

In cities that generate tourist and recreational flows, where industries occupy a dominant position, the health of the population is influenced by similar negative factors, leading to the demand for certain types of recreational services and types of treatment. In such cities, environmental problems are also noted, leading to an increase in morbidity and demand for sanatorium-resort treatment.

The income of the population determines the possibilities and effective demand for certain recreational and tourist services, and here we can already see the differentiation of demand in terms of comfort and quality of demanded services.

The holding of large-scale sporting events in the host city causes a sharp increase in demand, and, consequently, supply in the market of tourist and recreational services. For the city of Sochi, this factor currently acts as a dominant one, since in 2007 the city was chosen as the capital of the XXII Winter Olympic Games in 2014.

All of the above factors determine the number of out-of-town and foreign tourists (recreationists) wishing to visit the resort city, and this reflects the process of formation of consumer demand for its tourist and recreational product.

The determining factors in the formation of the tourist and recreational product of a resort city are, in aggregate and functional interaction, tourist and recreational resources and tourist and recreational infrastructure. The nature of the interaction of these factors in the process of forming a tourist and recreational product is ensured by enterprises operating in the field of recreation and tourism (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Tourist and recreational cycle

The design process, based on the analysis of consumer preferences and the resource base, production, sale and consumption of a tourism and recreational product, constitutes a tourism and recreational cycle.

At the stage of “analysis of consumer demand and resource provision” the preferences and needs of various types of services for both already arrived and potential recreants and tourists are identified, as well as the possibilities of their provision in a given city.

At the stage of “planning the content of a tourist and recreational product” an ideological model of individual tourist and recreational services and products is being created, as well as the necessary conditions for its implementation.

At the stage of “production of a tourist and recreational product and provision of the necessary infrastructure” the ideological model of a tourist and recreational product is being implemented with the help of tools, infrastructure and technology. It is important to note that the already provided tourist and recreational services do not fall out of the logic of the cycle - they are either modified taking into account changes in demand and implementation technology, or, remaining unchanged, receive additional consumers, expanding the range of services provided to tourists (recreants).

At the stage of “dissemination of information about the developed tourism and recreational product” communications are carried out between subjects of the tourism and recreational sphere of the host city and potential consumers, aimed at:

1. Collection of information from consumers about potential travel destinations, interesting objects, etc.
2. Informing consumers and promoting the created tourist and recreational product.

Stages of “provision” and “consumption” of a tourism and recreational product are carried out simultaneously. At these stages, the tourist is provided with developed products both in the form of individual services and in the form of the entire range of services and goods included in the tourism product, including the transportation of tourists.

The tourism and recreational cycle is closed on the connection between the stages of “consumption” and “conception” (potential supply) through the analysis of existing and potential demand, which, first of all, characterizes the close connection between the concept, creation, reproduction and improvement of the tourism product and its demand with consumer side.

Thus, the potential and actual demand for tourist and recreational services determines and determines the nature, quality characteristics and directions for improving the range of services provided by resort city enterprises.


1. Shaidarov A.Yu. Economic mechanism for the formation, functioning and development of the regional tourism and recreational system: Using the example of the North-Western region: Author's abstract. dis. ...cand. econ. Sci. - St. Petersburg, 2006. - 23 p.
2. Shepelev I.G., Markova Yu.A. Tourist and recreational clusters - a mechanism for innovative improvement of the system of strategic management of regional development // Modern studies of social problems (electronic scientific journal). - 2012. - No. 3(11). (access mode - www.sisp.nkras.ru)
3. Sarancha M.A., Kuskov A.S. Evolution of approaches to the study of territorial tourist and recreational systems // Bulletin of the Udmurt University. - 2011. - No. 3. - P.101-113.
4. Lvova T.V. The influence of the quality of tourist services on the economy of the destination (using the example of the resort city of Sochi). Author's abstract. dis. ...cand. econ. Sci. Moscow Financial and Industrial University "Synergy". - Sochi, 2011.
5. Holden A. Tourism Studies and the Social Sciences. - London: Routledge, 2006. - 228 p.
6. Leiper N. The framework of tourism: towards a definition of tourism, tourist, and the tourist industry // Annals of Tourism Research. - 1979. - Vol.6 (4). - P.390-407.
7. Leiper N. Tourism systems: an interdisciplinary perspective. - Palmerston North, New Zealand: Department of Management Systems, Business Studies Faculty, Massey University, 1990. - 289 p.
8. Mason P. Tourism Impacts, Planning and Management. - Luton, UK: Head of Tourism and Leisure Department, University of Luton, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2003. - 208 p.

Mariya A. Kovalenko. Model of Sochi Resort Travel and Recreational System

Abstract. The article analyzes the activities of the city with tourism and recreation specialization (Sochi case study). Travel and recreational system, which priority is to serve holidaymakers and tourists, is the chief branch of economy. Key elements of the model of travel and recreational system are country, region, resort, hosting the flow of tourists and holidaymakers. Special attention is attached to the factors of consumer demand shaping and supply of tourist and recreational services of the city.

Keywords: Tourism-recreational system, tourism-recreational influx, effective demand, potential demand, offering the tourism-recreational services.

Lecture 10. Spatial organization of tourism.

1. Territorial systems of recreation and tourism.

2. Main subsystems of territorial systems of recreation and tourism.

In domestic recreational geography, the theory of territorial recreational systems is substantiated as a subject of scientific research and one of the main forms of organizing recreation and tourism.

Recreational system- a complex socially managed (partially self-managed) system, the central subsystem of which is the subjects of tourism, and the target function is the most complete satisfaction of their recreational needs.

The recreational system consists of interconnected subsystems: vacationers, tourists, natural complexes, material resources and recreational infrastructure, service personnel and management bodies.

Natural complex- an interconnected and interdependent combination of natural objects and phenomena - acts not only as a resource, but also a condition for satisfying the recreational needs of people. The specific characteristics of natural complexes are their capacity, stability, comfort, diversity, and attractiveness.

Group of vacationers characterized by behavioral parameters described using cycles of recreational activities. Relations with other subsystems are differentiated depending on the social, age, psychological, national, professional, regional and individual selectivity of certain groups of people, conditions and tourism resources.

Technical systems provide the usual life activities of vacationers and service personnel and satisfy the specific tourism needs of tourists.

Service staff With the help of technical systems, it produces, collects, stores and delivers a range of services to vacationers, removes and utilizes waste.

Governing body compares information about the extent to which tourists' needs are met with information about the state of other subsystems, material and financial reserves, and makes business decisions.

L. G. Lukyanova and V. I. Tsybukh offer their views on the features of the structure of the recreational system (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Structure of the recreational system.

In a territorial recreational system, the relationships between elements are mediated by territory. One of the main types of territorial recreational systems includes agglomerations, arising on the basis of a large tourist center with a vast area of ​​urbanization zone, absorbing adjacent settlements.

Tourist agglomerations are distinguished by a high degree of concentration of tourism industry objects, as well as a high density of tourists and excursionists and a high degree of complexity and integration of the tourism industry; have a significant impact on the surrounding territory, modifying its economic structure and social aspects of life of the population. Examples of tourist agglomerations: Sochi, Cote d'Azur, Balearic, Canary, Seychelles, Caucasian Mineral Waters, Costa Brava, Costa del Sol, Loire Valley, Ile-de-France, Miami, Acapulco, California coast, etc.

The classic definition belongs to the author of the doctrine of the territorial recreational system (TRS) V. S. Preobrazhensky. He determined territorial recreational system as a social geographical system consisting of interconnected subsystems: natural and cultural complexes, engineering structures, service personnel and vacationers, characterized by functional and territorial integrity. He was the first to present a graphical expression of his ideas - a basic model of a recreational system (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Basic model of the recreational system.

A somewhat different definition is given by T.V. Nikolaenko. Territorial recreational system- a form of organizing recreational activities in a certain territory, thanks to which maximum interconnection, spatial and functional coordination of various subsystems involved in the implementation of the recreational function of a given territory is achieved. In fact, TRS as a form of organizing recreational activities is an extremely rare phenomenon, but very important for the intensive development of a certain territory. The creation of a TRS on the territory of interest guarantees maximum recreational development in the shortest possible time. In general, TRS is only an extreme form of territorial organization of recreation. In most cases, the development of territory for recreational purposes does not reach this level.



Land monitoring as the basis for obtaining operational information on the use of land resources. Types of monitoring.

7.What does land monitoring include?

8.How are the data obtained during land monitoring used?


1. Recreational and territorial recreational systems

2. The concept of recreational design. Principle V.S. Preobrazhensky

3. Cycle of recreational activities. Modeling cycles of recreational activities

4. Classification of recreational activities

Territorial recreation is one of the main forms of organizing recreation and tourism. The entire system of concepts of this scientific direction was based on the anthropocentric nature of recreation and tourism systems, which means the closure of all system connections to the needs of tourists.

There are a large number of definitions of these concepts. Professor V.S. Preobrazhensky developed the Doctrine of Recreational Systems back in the 60s of the 20th century; they were devoted to such a multifaceted phenomenon as recreation.

In this case, the basic concept is the concept of “recreational system”.

According to the definition of I.V. Zorina, V.A. Kvartalnova - Recreational system a complex socially managed (partially self-governing) system, the central subsystem of which is tourism subjects, and the target function is the most complete satisfaction of their recreational needs.

The classic definition belongs to the author of the doctrine of TRS V.S. Preobrazhensky. He determined territorial recreational system as a social geographical system consisting of interconnected subsystems: natural and cultural complexes, engineering structures, service personnel and vacationers (recreators), characterized by functional and territorial integrity.

A somewhat different definition of TRS is given by T.V. Nikolaenko. Territorial recreational system– a form of organizing recreational activities in a certain territory, within which maximum interconnection, spatial and functional coordination of various subsystems involved in the implementation of the recreational function of a given territory is achieved.

In fact, TRS as a form of organizing recreational activities is an extremely rare phenomenon, but extremely important for the intensive development of a certain territory. The creation of a TRS on the territory of interest guarantees maximum recreational development in the shortest possible time. In general, TRS is only an extreme form of territorial organization of recreation. In most cases, the development of territory for recreational purposes does not reach this level (T.V. Nikolaenko, 1998).

The recreational system consists of interconnected subsystems: vacationers, tourists, natural complexes, material resources and recreational infrastructure, service personnel and management bodies.

Group of vacationers characterized by behavioral parameters described using cycles of recreational activities. Relations with other subsystems are differentiated depending on the social, age, psychological, national, professional, regional and individual selectivity of certain groups of people, conditions and recreational resources.

Natural complex- an interconnected and interdependent combination of natural objects and phenomena - acts not only as a resource, but also as a condition for satisfying the recreational needs of people. They are characterized by capacity, stability, comfort, variety, and attractiveness.

Technical systems provide the normal life activities of vacationers and service personnel and satisfy the specific recreational needs of tourists.

Service staff With the help of technical systems, it produces, collects, stores and delivers a range of services to vacationers, removes and utilizes waste.

Governing body compares information about the extent to which tourists' needs are met with information about the state of other subsystems and the availability of material and financial reserves, and makes business decisions.

In a recreational system, it is important to take into account such properties as integrity, dynamism, reliability, efficiency, hierarchy, etc.

The effectiveness of the functioning of the recreational system can be assessed according to two criteria: external and internal. Internal criterion maybe by content social(level of satisfaction of needs, satisfaction with rest); economic(profit maximization); socio-economic(satisfying demand).

According to the authors of the above definition of the concept of “recreational system”, territorial recreational system refers to a recreational system in which the relationships between elements are mediated by territory. One of the main types of recreational systems includes agglomerations.

Agglomeration– a type of territorial recreational system that arises on the basis of a large tourist center with a vast area of ​​urbanization zone, absorbing adjacent settlements.

Tourist agglomerations are distinguished by a high degree of concentration of tourism industry objects, as well as a high density of tourists and excursionists and a high degree of complexity and integration of the tourism industry; have a significant impact on the surrounding territory, modifying its economic structure and social aspects of life of the population.

Examples of tourist agglomerations: Sochi, Cote d'Azur, Balearic, Canary, Seychelles and other islands, Caucasian Mineral Waters, Costa Brava, Costa del Sol, Loire Valley, Ile-de-France, Miami, Acapulco, California coast, etc.

Any complex recreational systems have corresponding types of structure. There are two main types of structures – hierarchical and territorial.

Hierarchical structure is characteristic of a complex recreational system in which there is a division of many of its constituent elements into subsets of different levels - subsystems that have the property of integrity, a certain degree of self-regulation and are connected by multi-stage relations of subordination of subsystems of some levels to others - higher ones.

Territorial structure represents a set of territorial connections between elements of the system. The territorial structure is implemented in tourism as a set of territorial connections between the subsystems of the recreational system.

The territorial structure, for example, includes: the planning structure of the resort; territorial structure of tourist flows; territorial organization of recreational activities; territorial organization of tourist services; territorial structure of tourist demand; territorial structure of the tourist market, etc.

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