
How to draw windows on the facade of a building. Drawings of building facades. List of required architectural drawings of the house with dimensions

House drawing - facade and floor plan

How is the building facade drawing carried out according to the current standards and regulations? What is the correct name for the different building projections?

Let's get acquainted with the general rules for the execution of construction drawings.

The photo shows a sketch of the facade of those times when the requirements for design documentation differed from the current ones.

General Provisions

We will begin the answer to the question of how to draw a building facade by listing the requirements common to all construction drawings and diagrams.


  • All construction drawings are obtained by projecting a certain type of building onto a plane.
  • The actual drawing of the facade of the house is its frontal projection onto a plane parallel to the facade .
  • The projection of a section of a building in a longitudinal or transverse plane is, respectively, a longitudinal or transverse section.
  • If a horizontal section of a building is transferred onto paper, it is usually called a plan. Depending on the level at which the cut is made - it can be a basement plan, first floor, and so on.
  • A top view of a site that includes a building or a group of buildings and structures is commonly called a master plan.
  • Finally, regardless of which object is depicted - a kindergarten basement, an industrial building facade, a cottage facade, a cafe facade or a toilet at a summer cottage - all these images have a common name: architectural and construction drawings.

Despite the spread of electronic media, drawings are necessarily printed on paper.


Sections, plans and drawings of building facades must be made in the general ESKD system (unified system for design documentation). Its standards are determined by GOST 2.301-68 - GOST 2.307-68.

What exactly is regulated?

  • Sheet formats for all drawings.

Important: the format requirements imply certain aspect ratios of the sheet itself, and not the drawing frame.

  • A scaled series of images.
  • The thickness of the lines.
  • Name of image elements.
  • Drawing fonts.
  • Methods of depicting various objects in the drawings.
  • Graphic designations of various materials.

The scales for drawing up master plans of objects can be used as follows:

In the drawings of facades and plans, of course, larger scales are used.

Scale 1: 1 can be used when transferring complex shaped curtain rods and other small elements onto paper. However, this is rather an exception. Scales of magnification are not used in architectural and construction drawing.

Rules for the execution of drawings

In order to correctly complete drawings of house facades, floor plans and other architectural and construction schemes with your own hands, you need to adhere to rather strict rules.

  • The thickness of the main line should be the same for all parts of the drawing, made on the same scale. An exception is section drawings: visible contour lines can be drawn with a thin line.
  • Names, titles and designations in the drawing field can be written without inclination. But the dimensions and other inscriptions on the arrows are written obliquely, with an angle relative to the base of the line of about 75 degrees.
  • The total number of dimensions in the drawing should be, as common sense suggests, sufficient for construction work. In this case, duplication of the same size on different elements of the image is allowed.
  • Dimensions are stated in millimeters without designation of units of measurement. However, the level above the ground is entered in meters with an accuracy of the third decimal place.

Traditionally, all dimensions in the drawings are indicated in millimeters. The rule is not absolute; but other units of measurement should be indicated in the notes.

Attention: it is permissible to indicate dimensions in centimeters, provided that the units of measurement are specified in the note to the drawing. And in this case, the units of measurement are not indicated separately.

Features of drawings of facades

We have listed the general provisions. Are there any nuances associated specifically with the facades of interest to us first of all? How to draw the facade of a building in accordance with current regulations?

  1. The facade drawing should give a clear idea of ​​the appearance of the building facade (see beautiful facades of private houses), the proportions and size of individual elements.
  2. If the facade and the plan are in the same drawing, they are executed in the same scale and must be in projection connection. What does this mean? Only that the plan is located on the drawing under the facade.
  3. The facades of different sides of the building have their own names, which are indicated on the drawing. Distinguish between the main, courtyard and side (end) facades.
  4. The drawing indicates all structural details that will be present in a real building. For example, the main facade of the school in the drawing should be equipped with a porch, the courtyard - with a fire escape; cornices, dormers and other seemingly trifles are drawn.
  5. In a technical project, it is customary for the facade to show its own shadows and the shadows falling on it. To do this, the drawing is painted with watercolors or shaded with dry grated ink.
  6. The horizontal dimensions are not indicated on the facade drawing. However, on the one hand, at a distance of 15-20 millimeters from the contour of the facade, the overall height and level marks for the ground, windows and doors, the basement, the cornice and the ridge of the roof and the upper points of pipes and ventilation are put down.
  7. At the bottom of the facade, the axes of expansion joints and differences in the height of the building are applied.

Before us is a drawing of the facade made in accordance with all the rules. Quite difficult, I must say. It was filmed from a very real building - the Bolshoi Drama Theater on the Fontanka embankment in St. Petersburg.


You can find more information on building blueprints at the end of the article. In addition, it is useful to know that the price of the design is the project of the facade and the floors of the cottage. including a full set of drawings, starts at 10,000 rubles for standard solutions. Exclusive projects can cost dozens of times more. Good luck in construction!

Important! When creating a drawing of a house, it is necessary to proceed from the number of people who will live in it. It is also advisable to provide one or two guest rooms.

Self-planning of the house can be done in the following options:

  • The easiest option. The building plan is drawn on a sheet by hand. In this case, graph paper is needed. If it is not there, then you can use a sheet with a checkered lining.

Advice! The above option is suitable for people with drawing skills. Otherwise, the layout will have flaws and inaccuracies.

  • The most accurate option. The most obvious option for creating a home layout is to use a design computer program. Such programs allow you not only to make basic sketches, but also to create a full-fledged drawing of a two-story house that meets all building codes.

Advice! In order to avoid possible errors in calculations, it is advisable to use only licensed software.

  • Most creative option is the use of a 3D editor. Such a project turns out to be three-dimensional and perfectly conveys not only the size and arrangement of rooms, but also the author's design ideas.

Video instruction on the step-by-step self-planning of a residential building in one of the specialized programs

What a complete house project looks like

The complete project of the house involves not only the appearance and layout, but also a complete description of all the parameters of the building, utilities and characteristics of building materials. In other words, this is a complete guide to action for builders, which can give a knowledgeable person complete information about the future construction.

Thus, complete house designs include:

  • Architectural description of the building... This includes drawings of the facade of the house with the dimensions of the interior. The dimensions and location of windows, doors are indicated here, all utility and living quarters are present.
  • Calculation of structural nuances, including truss structures, house frame, foundation and roof. All these elements should be shown in the drawings schematically with calculations and detailed markings.

Facade treatment with water repellent

  • Electrical circuit diagram... Here, the connection of the house is described in as much detail as possible, the features of the electrical wiring with wiring diagrams, the location of the sockets, etc.
  • Engineering nuances... This includes a floor plan with the laying of vital communications - ventilation, plumbing, sewerage, heating, gas, etc.

Thus, house projects are not limited to just one drawing, as some people, ignorant of all the nuances of this process, suggest. Therefore, having refused the services of a professional designer, it should be understood that before building a house, it is necessary to complete the design documentation.

How a house plan is created

The layout of the building is based on handwritten or electronic drawings, for the correct implementation of which it is necessary to follow the following sequence of actions:

  • The required scale is set on graph paper.
  • The axes of the house are drawn.
  • Next, you need to draw the walls.
  • We draw internal partitions.
  • Now you need to place windows and doors on the drawing.
  • For each room, the name and area are indicated.

Advice! The development of a plan for engineering communications, a diagram of the location of the electrical network, etc. should be carried out by a specialist. Therefore, in the absence of knowledge in these industries, it is necessary to consult with an experienced designer who will avoid gross mistakes. The most unpleasant situation is when the project was approved for construction, the house was built, and only then the technical flaws begin to appear, which are very difficult to eliminate.

Using a home design program

Today there are many computer programs for building design. Among them there are both amateur, which cannot be considered as a serious tool, and professional programs used by specialists around the world. These include: AutoCad, Compass 3D and others.

A set of drawings developed in such a program has a number of advantages:

  • Faster plan creation process.
  • The program minimizes possible inaccuracies in calculations.
  • The ability to create a three-dimensional model of the house.

  • Virtual planning of not only premises, but also engineering networks.
  • Fast development even for those users who are not familiar with the basics of drawing.
  • Wide functionality and a large set of tools for the implementation of any technical and design solutions.
  • Lots of lessons and useful tips for running programs on the Internet.
  • The presence of built-in libraries, which contain furniture, architectural elements and even finishing materials, which allows not only to create a drawing, but also to present the appearance of the future home. This is very important in order to consider the project in terms of convenience, comfort, etc.

When creating a drawing of a house, you should take into account the following recommendations from specialists:

  • The number of rooms, taking into account their functional purpose and location relative to each other. Here you should provide not only the main rooms reserved for each family member and functional rooms (bathroom, toilet, kitchen), but also a room where the whole family will gather (hall, living room), an entrance hall, a veranda, a pantry, etc.
  • The hobbies of each family member should also be considered when planning a home. For example, some houses have their own pool, gym, separate library, sauna, workshop, etc.
  • It is better to make private rooms small and cozy, and the hall where the whole family gathers, on the contrary, should be spacious.
  • The nursery should be located next to the parent's bedroom.

How to make a good design project? Preparation of a 3D model and the secrets of competent design. Video from Alexey Zemskov

Advice! If the family has small children or elderly people, this should also be taken into account when planning the house. Perhaps in this case it would be better to abandon the second floor or install the safest stairs with comfortable railings and deep steps. Goose-step designs are not allowed.

  • For a compact placement of the water supply and sewerage system, it is advisable to arrange the kitchen, boiler and zannot in one line.
  • For effective preservation of heat in winter, it is desirable to have an insulated veranda or vestibule in the house.
  • When calculating the area of ​​a building, it is necessary to take into account that at least 8 m2 of living space should fall on one adult.

Advice! Young families should consider the likelihood of replenishing the family even at the design stage of the house.

  • It is desirable that the arrangement of the windows is south or east.


Many people are interested in how to make a plan or drawing on their own, but not everyone understands how responsible the design stage is. Above, the main nuances of creating a complete house project were considered. It should be understood here that designing a house requires an integrated approach and attention to a number of features.

The main function performed by building facade drawings- this is to give an idea to those who study them and work with them about what kind of appearance the structure has, what are its architectural features, and in what relationship are its individual elements. There are the following varieties facades:

  • Main
  • Yard
  • Side (end)

Application of door and window openings, slabs of canopies over entrances, balconies, cornices, as well as other existing facade elements.

Development of the facade of the house

Application of doors, window sashes, balcony railing, located on the roof of smoke and ventilation pipes, affixing marks of elevation marks.

Development of building facades

Next, they check whether the facade corresponds to the cuts and the plan, and carry out its final stroke. If the buildings are large-block or panel buildings, seams are drawn between the blocks and panels.

A solid thin line is used to depict visible contours in facade drawings. To draw a line of the contour of the earth, you can use a thickened line that goes beyond the boundaries of the facade.

How is the building facade drawing carried out according to the current standards and regulations? What is the correct name for the different building projections?

Let's get acquainted with the general rules for the execution of construction drawings.

The photo shows a sketch of the facade of those times when the requirements for design documentation differed from the current ones.

General Provisions

We will begin the answer to the question of how to draw a building facade by listing the requirements common to all construction drawings and diagrams.


  • All construction drawings are obtained by projecting a certain type of building onto a plane.
  • The actual drawing of the facade of the house is its frontal projection onto a plane parallel to the facade.
  • The projection of a section of a building in a longitudinal or transverse plane is, respectively, a longitudinal or transverse section.
  • If a horizontal section of a building is transferred onto paper, it is usually called a plan. Depending on the level at which the cut is made - it can be a basement plan, first floor, and so on.
  • A top view of a site that includes a building or a group of buildings and structures is commonly called a master plan.
  • Finally, no matter what object is depicted - a kindergarten basement, an industrial building facade, a cottage facade, or a toilet at a summer cottage - all these images have a common name: architectural and construction drawings.

Despite the spread of electronic media, drawings are necessarily printed on paper.


Sections, plans and drawings of building facades must be made in the general ESKD system (unified system for design documentation). Its standards are determined by GOST 2.301-68 - GOST 2.307-68.

What exactly is regulated?

  • Sheet formats for all drawings.

Important: the format requirements imply certain aspect ratios of the sheet itself, and not the drawing frame.

  • A scaled series of images.
  • The thickness of the lines.
  • Name of image elements.
  • Drawing fonts.
  • Methods of depicting various objects in the drawings.
  • Graphic designations of various materials.

The scales for drawing up master plans of objects can be used as follows:

  • 1:200;
  • 1:5000;
  • 1:10000;
  • 1:20000;
  • 1:25000;
  • 1:50000.

In the drawings of facades and plans, of course, larger scales are used.

Scale 1: 1 can be used when transferring complex shaped curtain rods and other small elements onto paper. However, this is rather an exception. Scales of magnification are not used in architectural and construction drawing.

Rules for the execution of drawings

In order to correctly complete drawings of house facades, floor plans and other architectural and construction schemes with your own hands, you need to adhere to rather strict rules.

  • The thickness of the main line should be the same for all parts of the drawing, made on the same scale. An exception is section drawings: visible contour lines can be drawn with a thin line.
  • Names, titles and designations in the drawing field can be written without inclination. But the dimensions and other inscriptions on the arrows are written obliquely, with an angle relative to the base of the line of about 75 degrees.
  • The total number of dimensions in the drawing should be, as common sense suggests, sufficient for construction work. In this case, duplication of the same size on different elements of the image is allowed.
  • Dimensions are stated in millimeters without designation of units of measurement. However, the level above the ground is entered in meters with an accuracy of the third decimal place.

Traditionally, all dimensions in the drawings are indicated in millimeters. The rule is not absolute; but other units of measurement should be indicated in the notes.

Attention: it is permissible to indicate dimensions in centimeters, provided that the units of measurement are specified in the note to the drawing. And in this case, the units of measurement are not indicated separately.

Features of drawings of facades

We have listed the general provisions. Are there any nuances associated specifically with the facades of interest to us first of all? How to draw the facade of a building in accordance with current regulations?

Here is the instruction.

  1. The facade drawing should give a clear idea of ​​the appearance of the building facade (see), the proportions and size of individual elements.
  2. If the facade and the plan are in the same drawing, they are executed in the same scale and must be in projection connection. What does this mean? Only that the plan is located on the drawing under the facade.
  3. The facades of different sides of the building have their own names, which are indicated on the drawing. Distinguish between the main, courtyard and side (end) facades.
  4. The drawing indicates all structural details that will be present in a real building. For example, the main facade of the school in the drawing should be equipped with a porch, the courtyard - with a fire escape; cornices, dormers and other seemingly trifles are drawn.
  5. In a technical project, it is customary for the facade to show its own shadows and the shadows falling on it. To do this, the drawing is painted with watercolors or shaded with dry grated ink.
  6. The horizontal dimensions are not indicated on the facade drawing. However, on the one hand, at a distance of 15-20 millimeters from the contour of the facade, the overall height and level marks for the ground, windows and doors, the basement, the cornice and the ridge of the roof and the upper points of pipes and ventilation are put down.
  7. At the bottom of the facade, the axes of expansion joints and differences in the height of the building are applied.

Before us is a drawing of the facade made in accordance with all the rules. Quite difficult, I must say. It was filmed from a very real building - the Bolshoi Drama Theater on the Fontanka embankment in St. Petersburg.


You can find more information on building blueprints in the video at the end of the article. In addition, it is useful to know that the price, including a full set of drawings, starts from 10,000 rubles for standard solutions. Exclusive projects can cost dozens of times more. Good luck in construction!

Facades- orthogonal projections of the building onto the vertical plane - the outer side of the building. The facade drawing gives an idea of ​​the appearance of the building, its architecture and the relationship between its individual elements. Distinguish between the main facade, courtyard and side, or end, facades.

The main facade is the view of the building from the side of the street or square. The definition of other facades follows from their name. In the project, facades of all sides of the building are usually given. With its complex configuration (L- and W-shaped, etc.), facades located in different planes are allowed to be depicted in separate drawings. One drawing is made for the same facades.

The name of the facade is determined by the extreme coordination axes between which the building section shown in the drawing is located, or by the axis mark located in the facade wall, for example, "Facade 1-7", "Facade A-B", "Facade wiring diagram 1-13" etc. The name of the facade is inscribed above the image with a minimum gap (Fig. 10.12. D).

The scale of the facade should be minimal, but sufficient to show the relief of the wall, openings, holes in the walls, etc.

On the drawings of the facades, it is advisable to indicate expansion joints, fire escapes, external drain pipes, ramps at the gates, louvered grilles, including those installed instead of window sashes, etc. Shaded sections highlight sections of walls made of a material that differs from the material of the entire building. The dashed lines show the installation openings to be laid (Fig. 10.12.2).

In industrial-type buildings, with a long facade with a rhythmic arrangement of windows, it is allowed to show the pattern of window frames only in the extreme two or three openings at both ends of the building; on longitudinal views of lanterns - also only at the ends, in civil buildings - in all window openings. However, the level of detail in drawing the facades of civil and industrial buildings depends on the scale. The pattern of window frames, the type of doors and gates is shown only on facades made on a scale of 1: 100 and larger; at smaller scales, only the contours of the flaps and openings are drawn.

If there are complex areas on the facade, they are depicted separately on a larger scale, i.e. a fragment of the facade is being executed.

On the main drawing of the facade, there should be a link to its fragments with an indication of the number of the sheet on which they are placed. Most often this is a curly brace, under which the sheet number is indicated (Fig. 10.12.3). In fig. 10.12.3 shows the facade of an industrial building, on which the fragment shown in Fig. 10.12.4. An inscription of the type: "Fragment of the facade" is made over the fragment.

In buildings made of prefabricated structures (large blocks, panels, etc.), fragments of the facade are not drawn, but replaced with references to the layout of walls or facades (Fig. 10.12.5). On the fragments of the facade, all the details are shown in detail and the necessary marks and inscriptions are applied.

The dimensions available on the plan and section make it possible to draw the facade of the building.

The completed drawing is made out with the following data. In buildings of all types, they show the coordination axes located at the edges of the facade, at the expansion joints, in places of ledges in the plan and in the height differences of the building.In industrial buildings, the coordination axes are applied at one of the sides of each door opening.

Dimensions in the drawings of the facade, as a rule, are not affixed, with the exception of the dimensions of the binding of elements that are not identified on the plans, sections and fragments (Fig, 10.12.2 and 10.12.6).

On the drawings of the facades, the marks of the ground level, the top of the walls, the entrance areas and the elements of the facades located at different levels are indicated. On the drawings of the facades of industrial buildings, marks are also put down for the top of the walls, the bottom and top of the openings. It is advisable to unfold the mark shelf away from the image.

On elevations, in reference circles, the parts that are in the project are labeled if they are not shown on the details of plans and sections. In the presence of façade fragments, marking should be carried out only on the fragments. On the facades, window blocks are marked as OK-1, OK-2, etc. or schemes for filling window openings, if they are not shown on the plans.

A mark of the type of filling the opening is affixed on the facade inside the contour of the window opening, and for small openings - under it or on the extension line. If all window openings of the building have the same type of filling, it is not marked on the facade.

On the drawing of the facade, marks and dimensions are applied, as well as the binding of openings and holes that are not indicated on the plans and sections. In addition, indicate the type of decoration of sections of the walls that differ from the rest (prevailing); outdoor fire and escape stairs, adjoining galleries. In large-block and panel buildings, they show the cutting of walls into blocks and panels.

The facade drawing, which is one of the building projections, is built on the basis of the plan and section drawings. All preliminary constructions are performed with thin lines.

The drawing of the facade of the building is drawn in the following sequence:

  1. First, a horizontal straight line is drawn with the thickness adopted for the outline of the facade. It is taken out of the contour by about 30 mm. This line serves as the foundation on which the building facade is built (Fig, 10.12.7).
  2. Then a second horizontal line is drawn at a distance of one and a half millimeters from the first - the blind area line.
  3. Thin lines draw the horizontal contours of the basement, bottom and top of openings (window and door), cornice, ridge and other elements of the building,
  4. Next, vertical lines are drawn for the coordination axes, walls, window and door openings, etc.
  5. Draw balconies, smoke and ventilation pipes and other architectural details of the facade,
  6. Reference circles are drawn, designate elements of the facade depicted on the fragments, circles of coordination axes, extension lines and marks of elevation marks, and, if necessary, dimension lines.
  7. They put down elevation marks, marks of axes, dimensions, if necessary, carry out all the required inscriptions. A different construction order can also be used to depict the facade.

Facades are usually called views (projections) of buildings from the front, back and side.

The front view of the building (from the side of the street) is called the main facade, the rear view (from the courtyard side) is called the courtyard, and the views from the left or right are called the front. In building projects, the names of facades are linked to the marks of the alignment axes, indicating in the name of the facade the left and right extreme alignment axes or the mark of the axis that is located in the wall depicted on the facade, for example, a facade 1 -8, Facade B- A, Facade along the axis A, Facade along the axis 1 II t. D.

In the drawings of intermirror facades, the extreme axes of both facades are put down, for example, a facade A-B AND B-A.

According to the drawings of the facades, they judge the external appearance of buildings, the location and shape of some structural and architectural elements: windows, doors, balconies, platbands, sandrids, pilasters, columns, etc.

In the drawings of the facades of large-block and panel buildings, they show the cut (partition) of the walls into panels or blocks. If brands of elements are indicated on such a facade, it is called assembly.

In building projects, where the structural drawings are highlighted in a separate part, the marks of the facade elements are shown on the wiring diagrams (see Fig. 57).

Depending on the design stage, purpose and size of the building, drawings of building facades are performed on a scale from 1:50 to 1: 500. Complex sections of the facades of buildings are drawn on a scale of 1:50 or 1: 100 on the drawings of the elements of the facades. At the same time, in the main drawing of the facade, there must be a reference to the sheet number where the facade element is depicted. So, for example, in fig. 37 shows an element of the facade of 1 industrial building, facade B-A Which is shown in Fig. 36.

In turn, individual sections of a facade element can be depicted on a larger scale as part drawings. In fig. 38 shows details 1, 2, 3 and 4 The facade of the same building.

Visible contours in the drawings of the facades are outlined in thin lines. So, the outlines of the building and openings have a thickness of 0.3-0.4 Mm, The contours of window frames, partitioning of walls into panels and blocks, the contours of belts, cornices and other architectural elements of the walls are drawn with lines twice as thin as the contours of the building and openings. The ground contour line should be thick, it should extend beyond the facade by 20-30 Mm. The thickness of this line is 1 -1.5 Mm.

The degree of elaboration of individual details of the facade depends on the scale of the drawing. For example, details of window frames, doors and gates are shown on facades made on a scale of 1: 100 and larger (see Fig. 34). At smaller scales, only the outlines of the flaps or openings are drawn (see Fig. 35).

Dimensions in the drawings of the facades are usually not applied, they only show the alignment axes at the corners of the building, at the expansion joints and at the places of elevation differences. Outside the drawing to the right or to the left of it, the elevation marks of the ground level, the floor of the first floor, the basement, the bottom and top of the openings, the cornice and belts, the top of the roof, etc. are taken out and inscribed. seams of panels.

For better identification of the volumetric composition of the building on the drawings of the facades, they construct their own and falling shadows (see Fig. 34). In this case, the direction of the rays of light is taken such that their projections are located at an angle of 45 ° to the coordinate axis. This allows you to show the true dimensions of the protrusions and depressions of the facade to the scale of the drawing.

Separate drawings of the facades, performed at the stage of the design assignment, are washed with dry ink or watercolors. For greater expressiveness of the drawing, in addition to the building, they show the landscape or urban development. Such drawings are commonly referred to as architectural facades.

At the stage of the design task, buildings can be depicted and. These drawings provide a more visual representation of the architectural and artistic composition of the designed buildings.

The main function performed by building facade drawings- this is to give an idea to those who study them and work with them about what kind of appearance the structure has, what are its architectural features, and in what relationship are its individual elements. There are the following varieties facades:

  • Main
  • Yard
  • Side (end)

Main facade in modern construction and architecture, the type of building that opens onto it from the side of the square or street is called. As for other types of facades, their names come from their location in the building itself. As a rule, in architectural projects, facades are indicated, located on all sides of buildings. In cases where the facades have a complex configuration and are located not in one, but in several planes, then their parts, in accordance with the current norms and rules, can be depicted in several separate drawings. If several (two or more) building facades are absolutely identical, then only one drawing is made for them.

Facade drawings buildings should contain images of elements such as:

  • General appearance of the structure
  • Arrangement of windows
  • Door arrangement
  • Location of balconies and loggias
  • Location of platbands

Facade drawings panel and large-block buildings also include cutting walls into panels and blocks.

Working drawings of building facades are usually made in such a way that only the extreme coordination axes are depicted on them without putting dimensions between them. On the right and on the left side of the drawings of the facades of buildings, elevation marks of the ground level, the top and bottom of the openings, the basement, the top of the roof and the cornice are put down. How exactly this or that facade is called is determined by the extreme coordination axes, between which the section of the building shown in the drawing is located. In addition, it is allowed to indicate the name of the building facade with the axis mark located on the facade wall (for example, "Facade 1 - 7", "Facade A - B", "Installation diagram of the facade 1 - 14", etc.).

Facade of a residential building

When building drawings of facades, you should choose such a scale that would be minimal, but at the same time sufficient to show openings, wall relief, holes in it, etc. If possible, fire escapes, ramps at the gates, expansion joints, external drain pipes, as well as louvered grilles (including those that are installed instead of window sashes) should also be indicated on these documents. With the help of shading, those sections of the walls are selected for the implementation of which materials are used that differ from those used in the construction or decoration of the structure. Dashed lines are used to represent assembly openings.

In cases where there are complex sections on the facade of the building, they are depicted on a larger scale, separately (that is, fragments of the facades are drawn).

Facade of an industrial building

Drawing the facade

When drawing the facades of buildings, all constructions should be carried out in the following sequence:

External outline of the building

Drawing of coordination axes, designation of the general outline of the structure, as well as (if any) of its protruding parts.

Architectural elements of the facade

Application of door and window openings, slabs of canopies over entrances, balconies, cornices, as well as other existing facade elements.

Development of the facade of the house

Application of doors, window sashes, balcony railing, located on the roof of smoke and ventilation pipes, affixing marks of elevation marks.

Development of building facades

Next, they check whether the facade corresponds to the cuts and the plan, and carry out its final stroke. If the buildings are large-block or panel buildings, seams are drawn between the blocks and panels.

A solid thin line is used to depict visible contours in facade drawings. To draw a line of the contour of the earth, you can use a thickened line that goes beyond the boundaries of the facade.

We often meet with customers misconceptions about the composition of the Architectural working project (it is called AR). For many, these are general ideas about its composition, for some, the opinion that this architectural section of the project is just "plans, facades, sections ...", there are also those who consider it an unnecessary waste of time and money.

Our opinion is that this is not entirely true, or rather, it is not at all true :). this is an integral, important and full-fledged part of the entire project, in most cases the constructive section (CD) is closely related to the AR and most of the sheets of the CD section refer specifically to the architectural section. They complement, clarify each other, and only both sets of AR and KR can be called a full-fledged working project for the construction of a private house. Today we want to show with a specific example what a detailed architectural working project for the construction of a private house. And as an example, we will take our project, which was developed this spring and is currently being implemented. The price of an architectural project of a private house depends on the area of ​​the house, on the complexity of the technical assignment and the required terms for the development of the project - you will get acquainted in advance.

I must say that this project is not a reference and it is difficult to say that the number and composition of drawings in AR projects can be typical, since each project has its own nuances and its own characteristics, depending on this, it can be supplemented with various kinds of diagrams and drawings.

  1. Title page of the project.

    It gives a short description of the project

  2. Visualization of the project.

    3D renderers that give an understanding of the appearance of the house

  3. Total information.

    This is a table that lists all the drawings in the project, provides general instructions and a couple of statements.

  4. General instructions for masonry

    On this sheet, the architect describes what materials the house will be built from, how the walls are laid and what nuances the customer should pay special attention to.

  5. Insolation scheme

    A diagram showing how and for how long this or that side of the house will be illuminated.

  6. General plan or diagram of the planning organization of the relief.

    One of the most important project drawings. Gives an understanding of how the house is tied to the boundaries of the site in accordance with the standards and how the relief will be organized after construction. The same drawing is included in the building passport for obtaining a building permit. In particular, in this project, we dealt with a complex terrain on a slope and worked out a 3D view of the relief, so that the builders would be clearer.

  7. Masonry floor plans.

    Almost all builders use this part of the project at the construction site, but most of the time it belongs to masons, who are laying walls, partitions, chimneys and canals. All dimensions, piers are indicated here, windows and doors are attached, notes and symbols are given.

  8. Marked floor plans.

    This drawing is similar to the masonry plan, but it is on the marking plan that window and door openings, floor types are indicated and marked, the area of ​​the premises and the table-list of premises are given.

  9. Roof plan.

    The drawing shows the overall dimensions of the roof, reference to the axes. Gives an understanding of the main elevations of the characteristic parts of the roof: ridge, valleys, overhangs, gables, etc. Sometimes our design team includes a 3D diagram with elevations and roof slopes in this sheet so that customers and builders can more easily grasp the essence.

  10. Facades of the house.

    Well, everything is clear without explanation. This is the face of the house, in the drawing of the facade, all levels and elevations are visible, the bricklayer always works with the masonry plan and the facade. This is how a complete understanding of which partition begins where and to what point the masonry is being achieved is achieved.

  11. Usually there are at least three or four of them and they also clarify the understanding of the overall picture inside the house.

  12. Wall details or wall sections.

    In fact, these are cuts only on a large scale and there are much more than 2-3 of them. Since the scale of such sections is usually 1:20, 1:30, then you can see the "order" of the masonry - that is, the height of the row with the mortar joint and understand how many rows of masonry there will be, for example, under the window and above the window. Information is immediately given on how the masonry is reinforced, how decorative elements are arranged, etc.

  13. Ventilation ducts and flues.

  14. Legend of walls and bill of materials consumption.

    The bill of materials consumption gives the customer an understanding of which wall materials he needs to purchase and in what quantity. This, by the way, is one of the most asked questions by customers 🙂

  15. Scheme of window blocks and doors.

    The schemes of windows and doors are presented. Information is given on the number and size of windows and doors per floor and the total for the entire house.

  16. The floors of the house, their composition and area are shown schematically.

With this post, our project team wants to give an understanding for customers who have not yet encountered a construction site and do not know what information they should receive. ... I would also like to protect our future customers from dishonest and incompetent designers. Knowing how much information you will receive when ordering an architectural project, it will be more difficult to deceive you. Demand from architects and designers that AR give answers to all questions about the construction, and not be something like “slats and facades with cuts” 🙂 Or just contact us - we love challenging and interesting tasks!

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