
Why you should study economics. If you are interested in my opinion, then I recommend the textbook "Fundamentals of Economics" by Evgeny Borisov (2002). How are interest rates, inflation and economic growth related?

Good question, isn't it? Why study what I don't need and what I will never use? Why waste your time on this? Why bother with something that has nothing to do with my life? This is how most people think about the economy! This majority thinks that economics, like physics and algebra, is studied only at school or at institutes, only in order to get an assessment, and then a diploma. After receiving a diploma, they forget about what they studied as soon as they find a job. And they actually make sure that 80% of what they studied at school and institute is absolutely not useful to them. And this knowledge is transferred to other sciences and disciplines.

And the economy is no exception. No, even worse. In general, many consider it an abstract science, and even worse, pseudoscience. Why do they think so? Everything is simple. Man, i.e. Homo sapiens has a habit of having his own opinion about everything that surrounds him, but the most amazing thing is that Homo sapiens manages to have his own opinion that he has not even tried, has not delved into it, and even more so has not studied, let alone tested in practice it is out of the question. That is how we live.

Meanwhile, economics is one of the few disciplines that gives a person additional leverage to improve their lives, at the expense of knowledge gleaned from it. But the most interesting thing that ECONOMY gives when it is studied in depth is the disappearance of the illusion that soon everything will be fine in the country, city, village, that everything will work out, that new jobs, new factories, new sources of income will appear. That everything will suddenly happen by itself, it’s just that they didn’t work well up there, now they will work well and my life will get better without my intervention and improve in all economic parameters: work, finances, savings, pensions, subsidies, taxes, benefits, cheap loans, interest rates, etc.

There is a joke that every person, regardless of specialty and education, believes that he understands three areas: pedagogy, medicine and economics. Everyone knows how to teach, everyone knows how to heal, and everyone knows how to properly manage the economy. But in other areas, people don't say anything there, they don't even have their own opinion. At least not as bright.

Incompetent people do not talk about the launch of a nuclear reactor, chemical technology or oil production, but everyone has their own opinions about the economy, they easily give advice to the government, which, of course, "governs the country badly", make economic forecasts for the next year, etc.
n. Therefore, students, and just people sometimes do not understand why they need to study economics? After all, everything is clear here.

Or vice versa, they believe that this is such a complex and tricky science that "simple" electricians, car mechanics or chemists, and even more so physicists, do not need to study it.

Is it so?

Igor Lipsits, a Russian economist, answered this question as follows: “You can live an illiterate life. But you must admit, it is very inconvenient. "Caution! No entry! Danger to life!" and ... So is the science of economics - you can live without it, but it's more convenient, more comfortable to live if you know at least its basics. Great answer!!! Is not it?

And Bernard Shaw gave this comic definition: "Economics is the science of how to get more enjoyment out of life"

Having got rid of this illusion, ECONOMY allows us to make all decisions on a cold head, which will increase our chances for a better existence, and maybe even replace existence with a joyful and successful life. Not a bad prospect, is it? But if you still doubt the reality of the ECONOMY, then here's another argument for you ... There are many arguments in favor of the ECONOMY, but I will give you the most convincing and vivid one.

Tell me, do you often hear on the news a discussion of the laws of physics and their manifestations in life? Or the chemical interaction of substances and their transformations? Or the influence and manifestations of literature in people's lives? I'm sure not! If we take the percentage of news, then less than 1%. But, if we open any news channel, we will see and hear a lot of news related to economics and politics. Sometimes both together. What's this? Why would journalists suddenly spend so much time creating economic news. Yes, and most of the television broadcast to score, and not only television, but also newspapers, magazines and even radio airtime. The answer is very simple: that which is of the greatest importance and, most importantly, the greatest influence on a person's life, is illuminated!

It is precisely the fact that the ECONOMY and its laws are important in human life that explains its reflection in the news broadcasts, and this is not counting the numerous television programs, political talk shows, intellectual discussions of the ECONOMY and its laws and manifestations in human life. And in the life of every person! With no exceptions. This fact is the best indicator that the ECONOMY plays the most direct impact on a person's life, especially on his well-being. And if so, it will be better to know its basic principles, laws, manifestations.

Believe me, no one would ever devote so much time to what is not important for a person's life and well-being, especially to what is supposedly boring science. So, we have caught its importance in our life. And if your interest has become sincere and genuine, then start gradually getting acquainted with this amazing, bright and practical science of ECONOMY.

Conclusion: the economy is part of our life, and we are part of the economic system. We buy goods and services, we produce them, we pay taxes, we keep money in banks, we take out loans. That is, we take part in economic life.

We are familiar with the words used by economists: price, taxes, rent, wages. We know that economists talk and write about money, about prices, inflation and unemployment, wage levels, taxes... Every day economic problems are discussed on the Internet, in newspapers, on radio and television.

Although at one time the British writer and philosopher Thomas Carlyle called economics “a dull science”, we have the opportunity to discover it from the other side. And believe me, there is little that is dull. No more than a serving of ice cream on a hot summer day

Jalyalov Remzi, specially for the Golden MSN Club® Millionaires Club

1. Think and write down why you need knowledge about economics.

I need the economy in order to be able to spend my money correctly. Then, when I grow up and live on my own, it will be very useful to me.

2. Make a list of your needs. Underline the ones you think are the most important.

Clothes, shoes, food, water, summer vacation, school supplies, bed, table, wardrobe, ball, skates, etc.

Compare your records with the records of other guys.

3. Seryozha and Nadia's mother found a poem by V. Orlov in one of the books, which she really liked. Read it on p. 23-24. Explain why it fits the topic of today's lesson.

Write what else you can not buy.

You can't buy friendship, love, the beauty of the ocean, pine air in the forest, a sunset, talent, and much more.

4. Use the textbook to complete the definitions.

Products - these are things, objects with the help of which people satisfy their needs for food, clothes, shoes.
Services - This is the work that people do to satisfy certain needs of other people, for example, a haircut at a hairdresser, repairing household appliances.

5. Give examples of various goods and services (fill in the table).

6. And this task was invented by Seryozha and Nadia's dad. Consider the drawings. Mark (fill in the circle) the goods in red and the services in green. Match the product and service with a line.

Ask a student sitting next to you to check your work.

7. As instructed by the textbook, write down what goods you purchased during the day and what services you used.

Products: bread, milk, yogurt, mineral water, cheese, bus ticket, envelope, stamp
Services: seller, post office, bus driver

Essay on the topic: Why do I need an economy?

I have never had to deal with this question before, and in order to answer it myself, I first need to understand what the word economics means and where it came from.

Word economy came from Greekοikos- house and nomos- law, literally - the rules of housekeeping.

Each person has his own needs: they are mainly spiritual, material and social. Now a person tries to satisfy these needs, no matter what kind of activity he is engaged in or in what part of the world he lives. A person is already used to living in comfort and coziness in what he wears. needed the benefits that he provides for himself. It turns out that each person and each in his own way is engaged in “running his own household” ... Starting from primitive tools of labor ending with factories, various equipment, etc. a person began to seek his self-realization, his own good for his own sake. Cooperation with each other has led man to economic activities such as trade, business, money, etc. That is, what we do in everyday life is an integral part of the economy, with which we are closely connected.

Economics plays an important role in my profession. because very closely related to trade. For example: in order for me to do a certain job, paints will be required. But for this it is necessary for someone to produce paints and build a building where there will be a store in which they will be sold. And the more different colors and different stores there are, the more choice I have where I can buy them so that I can also save money. Thus, I can satisfy my needs and benefit myself in the form of money that I saved. Getting used to such forms of economic relations between people in everyday life, you don’t think that you are part of the process.

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