
Is it possible to get a second credit card? Sberbank credit cards in. What two documents are required to issue a credit card?

A credit card is a unique product that allows you to reuse credit funds at any time convenient for you and combines many advantages from a grace period to all kinds of bonuses and privileges.

What to look for when choosing a credit card?

Credit limit and interest rate. Not all banks are ready to provide a high limit on their cards; borrowers who have a high and stable income or a good credit history with the bank that issues the card can get it.

The interest rate is affected by the number of documents provided; the more documents there are, the more favorable the conditions will be. Of course, you won’t be able to get a credit card at a low interest rate by providing one document. It is advisable to prepare 2-3 documents and a certificate of income in advance.

Grace period. First of all, you need to look at what transactions it applies to; most often it only applies to non-cash payments for goods and services. For credit cards marked “For cash withdrawal”, the grace period applies even when withdrawing money from an ATM. The Bank of Moscow, AK Bars Bank and Alfa Bank have such offers, so if you are going to use cash, it is better to contact one of these organizations.

Note! Non-cash payment is always more profitable, since banks charge a commission for cash withdrawals, on average it is equal to 4-5% of the transaction amount.

Annual maintenance cost. If you do not plan to use your credit card often, you do not need a high credit limit and various privileges, it will be better to take a credit card with free service. Citibank “Simply credit card” and SKB Bank (Zapaska card) have such offers.

It is also important to make sure that there are no additional fees. This could be a fee for issuing and re-issuing a card, for repaying a debt in a certain way, for additional services (for example, SMS information).

Selecting a card

Taking into account our recommendations, you can select several credit cards that suit you in 10-15 minutes. Use the selection to weed out unnecessary offers, and then compare the remaining ones with each other using the comparison function.

Proposals that have passed a strict selection process suit you according to the main parameters; now you can proceed to filling out an online application. Today, banks provide individual conditions for each borrower, each bank has its own list of requirements, the more you meet it, the more favorable the conditions will be.

Sberbank clients often need to get a second credit card. They often turn to employees of this organization with a similar question. The question is, why do they need a second credit card if they already have one? There can be many reasons: one Visa credit card, but you need a MasterCard, you are not satisfied with the credit limit on the first credit card, a short grace period on the first credit card, etc. Yes, this is not particularly important, the main thing is to understand whether it is possible to get credit card No. 2 from Sberbank, and if so, what needs to be done for this? Let's try to figure it out.

On the Sberbank website in the “Frequently Asked Questions” section, a specialist says that a bank client can only have one credit card. This is a general rule that applies to 99% of clients and is fully consistent with the bank’s policy. Moreover, a similar rule applies to other banks.

An exception can be made only for very important clients who have solid accounts with Sberbank, corporate clients and representatives of large businesses. But even with them, such issues are resolved purely individually. Moreover, if the bank can find an acceptable alternative solution for them, they will not be issued two Sberbank credit cards. In this regard, clients should carefully choose a credit card for themselves, since there are plenty to choose from.

  1. Classic credit card. According to it, the credit limit is set individually and can reach up to 600,000 rubles. The grace period is a full 50 days, after this period the interest rate starts from 23.9%. The validity period is limited to three years, the service is free.
  2. Gold credit card. It has the same conditions as a classic credit card. In addition, when paying with this card, bonuses from 0.5% to 50% of the purchase amount are awarded.
  3. Premium credit card. With it, the client receives maximum opportunities. Firstly, the limit on it can be huge and reach up to 3,000,000 rubles. Secondly, interest after the grace period is the smallest, starting at 21.9% per annum. And thirdly, the interest-free loan period is up to 50 days.

Large bonuses are awarded on the premium card, from 1.5 to 50%, so it is considered the most profitable.

  1. Credit cards from the Aeroflot series. They have approximately the same conditions as the above cards, and the owner, when paying with these cards, receives miles as a gift. If you accumulate enough miles, you can get huge discounts on airfare. Servicing Aeroflot cards will cost from 900 to 12,000 rubles per year, depending on the type of card.
  2. Credit card “Give Life”. The terms and conditions of the card are similar to those of a classic credit card, but Podari Zhizn has one significant feature: a connection with a well-known charitable foundation. When you make purchases using your card, you donate your bonus rubles to a fund to help children suffering from serious illnesses.

Credit cards from other banks

If it is impossible to get another credit card from Sberbank, you should try your luck at other banks. Many banks issue credit cards; if you study the issue well, you can find offers that are much more profitable than in Sberbank. Let's give examples.

  • Tinkoff Platinum. Perhaps this is the most popular credit card in the country. And all because you can receive it by mail by filling out a simple electronic form on the bank’s website. Tinkoff has been distributing its cards for quite a long time and does it without any problems, which is why many citizens use them. The limit on such cards does not exceed 300,000 rubles, the interest rate in case of exceeding the grace period is from 12.9% per annum. You can use the money without interest for 55 days.
  • Alfa Bank credit card. It is notable for the fact that you can withdraw cash from it at almost any ATM without paying interest. In addition, it has a long grace period, which is 100 days. If the debt is not paid within 100 days, the bank charges 23.99% per annum. You can spend a maximum of 300,000 rubles on the card.
  • Credit card from Touch Banka. Allows you to withdraw cash anywhere in the world without interest. The interest-free period for using funds is 61 days. The limit can reach 1,000,000 rubles. However, when issuing this card, the client is checked more carefully.
  • Classic credit card from VTB 24. If a client actively uses this card from the first day after registration, then he pays 0 rubles for service. You can avoid paying interest for 50 days and spend a maximum of 350,000 rubles.

VTB 24 credit cards have one of the most profitable cash backs, which is 3% of any purchase.

We probably won’t give any more examples. Different banks offer a huge number of credit cards, and if you are a regular payer with a good credit history, not a single bank will refuse to issue you a card. You can open at least a dozen credit cards and use them, the main thing is to pay on time. Late payment on even one card may result in a negative entry in your credit history. In this case, you may lose your existing credit cards, and no bank will give you new ones.

About reviewing the credit limit

It’s easy to get a credit card No. 1 at Sberbank, but it’s almost impossible to get a No. 2 card. What should a client do who does not want to contact other banks, but the conditions for the first credit card do not suit him? First of all, you need to contact the bank employees and explain to them what specific conditions on the credit card do not suit him. Most often, customers complain about a limited credit limit.

By providing additional documents and confirming solvency, the bank can increase the credit limit on the card even for a new client. If the cardholder has been actively using the card for at least six months, the credit limit may also be increased.

Sberbank accommodates regular payers by expanding the capabilities of their credit cards, so it is very possible that the client does not need a second credit card, provided the capabilities of the first are expanded. And to expand these opportunities, you need to become a good client.

The need to collect an extended package of certificates is an obstacle for many borrowers. People do not have time, cannot submit papers due to lack of official employment, and do not have the opportunity to wait for them to be processed, since money is needed urgently.

We offer to issue a card using two documents with a favorable limit and the possibility of reducing the rate as the loan is used. It is important to take into account that the conditions for Moscow and Russia are different. The first is a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. The second is a certificate confirming official employment, the amount of income, an extract from the salary account certified by the employer and other options approved by the Bank.

Applying for a credit card using two documents online: features and advantages

Card holders can make purchases in retail and online stores, withdraw cash from an ATM, and pay for services. At the same time, 1% in the form of cashback is guaranteed to be returned for any purchases.

Product advantages:

  • free annual maintenance;
  • high limit;
  • the ability to withdraw borrowed funds from ATMs with a commission of 4.9% + 399 rubles, and your own funds with zero commission at ATMs and cash desks of the Bank;
  • grace period for lending for non-cash transactions equal to 90 days. Provided that the debt is fully repaid within this period, interest will not accrue for such calculations;
  • Several free debt repayment options.

An online application for a credit card using two documents is submitted on the official website of Vostochny Bank. The decision is communicated to the borrower within half an hour. The transaction is completed within one business day after the original documents are submitted to the office.

Sometimes you need a small amount of money, but there is no time to collect all the certificates. In this case, you can turn to banks that issue credit cards based on two documents without certificates in a short time. You are required to provide a passport and one of the documents of your choice.

What two documents are required to issue a credit card?

A credit card based on 2 documents is issued using a passport and another document to choose from the list of Russian banks. Usually this:

  • international passport;
  • service ID;
  • car documents, etc.

The second document has two functions: to confirm personal data (to protect against fraudsters) and indirectly confirm solvency.

A list of all banking organizations that issue a credit card using two documents online is available on this page.

Features of obtaining a credit card?

In addition to checking documents, the bank checks the client’s credit history before confirming the application. If there are no debts or arrears, the card will be issued without refusal.

However, without certificates, the credit limit will be less than with documents from the accounting department. And the interest rate is several points higher. If you still provide a salary certificate, the conditions will be revised.

The advantage of such a card is the speed of receipt. You can receive a non-registered credit card using two documents on the same day of application, but you will have to wait several days for a registered one. To get a card quickly, you need to fill out an online application for a credit card on the bank’s website.

If the client contacts the bank for the first time, he will be given a classic type card and a minimum limit. If all credit obligations are fulfilled within a few months, you can increase the limit and switch to the “Gold” card type.

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