
Where to complain about the improvement of courtyards in the Moscow region. How to equip your yard at the expense of the federal budget. Instructions for tenants and management companies Powers of the municipal administration

22.05.18 67 379 13

And pay for it with just your time

My friend Vitaly from Irkutsk, together with his neighbors, achieved the improvement of his yard.

Ilya Novikov

acquaintance of a yard activist

A playground, paths, new trees, benches, trash cans and lanterns appeared in the yard. On the road near the house, the asphalt was changed and speed bumps were installed. All this is free.

Here is the yard before the landscaping. Dilapidated trees bent dangerously over the road, only swings remained from the playground, and pits on the asphalt:

Here is the yard after the renovation. NOT PERFECT, BUT BETTER THAN IT WAS:

The minutes indicate the address of the house, the initiator - a specific owner or managing organization - the time and place of the meeting, the number of owners in the house, its area, the names of those present at the meeting and the voting results.

The meeting elects a chairman

Approves participation in the program

Determines what to do in the yard

Chooses the form of tenant participation

Assigns a project manager

Commits to overseeing repaired facilities

absentee voting- a written apartment-by-apartment survey of tenants who did not come to the meeting. These will be the majority. Ballot papers are used for voting - one for each owner. The newsletter template is also available on the administration website. Members of the initiative group go around the neighbors and indicate in the template the names, passport data, answers to questions from the meeting and receive the missing signatures.

For Vitaly, this stage was the most difficult. He had to independently and with the help of other active residents go around the neighbors and convince them to sign the ballots. The youth agreed easily, but the old had to be persuaded. This work took several evenings. As a result, each house collected 95% of the votes in favor.

Among other things, the residents agreed to come out on a community work day to help with landscaping. Later, Vitaly provided the administration with a letter of guarantee with the names of people who agree to help. The letter is signed by the authorized person.

Apply for landscaping

Residents submit an application filled out according to the template to the administration. A copy of the minutes of the general meeting, absentee voting ballots and an improvement plan with photographs of the yard are attached to it.

Further, a public commission is formed in the administration, which evaluates applications and makes a decision. The administration publishes lists of yards on the website until April 1 of the next year. Since the budget for the year is limited, the competition commission will not include all households in the program - some of the applications will be transferred to the next year.

If the yard meets the conditions of the program, but it is not accepted, you can complain to the regional government and the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation.

Vitaliy found the application form and filling examples on the administration website. At first I filled it inaccurately and the officials asked me to redo it. On the second attempt, the administration accepted the application. Later, the administration called and clarified the number of emergency trees in the yard. A week later, they reported that the yard was included in the program.

Approve the design project

After the yard is included in the program, the administration will prepare a design project for the improvement. This is a detailed diagram of the yard and its surrounding facilities, according to which the contractor will perform work. The design project is approved before July 1 of the year, when the improvement will take place. This is the responsibility of the project manager.

Vitaly discovered that the design project did not take into account the demolition of emergency trees. He asked the administration to finalize the document and signed it on behalf of the residents after making changes.

Supervise the work of the contractor

The project manager supervises the contractors. If the builders violate the plan, the authorized person reports this to the administration in writing.

Vitaly watched the process every day, communicated with the foreman and workers. This helped to prevent problems: the builders were going to work according to an outdated design project, they wanted to replace the asphalt before the emergency trees were cut down, they started installing electric poles in violation of the plan. Vitaly negotiated, involved the administration and ensured that the yard was landscaped in accordance with the design project.

The work of contractors is accepted by a commission of administration employees with the participation of a representative of the residents - they sign an act of delivery of the work performed. If the work is performed with violations, the tenants have the right to refuse to sign and file a complaint with the administration or the Ministry of Construction.

According to the program, the work should be completed before the end of the year. In Vitaly's yard, work went on until November. The tenants have not fully signed the act of acceptance, they are waiting for the completion of work on the playground and the installation of railings on the stairs. In general, the neighbors were satisfied with the result.

In short: how to improve the yard

  1. Check on the website of the city administration whether the yard is already included in the federal program.
  2. Unite with several neighbors from houses adjacent to the yard.
  3. Find out under what conditions landscaping yards in your city.
  4. Determine the problems of the yard, make a drawing, hold a general meeting and absentee voting.
  5. Apply to the administration. If this is done before September, the administration can include the yard in the program for the next year.
  6. Control contractors and sign the certificate of completion.

The really good news is that the federal program for the improvement of yard areas is coming into effect in the period from 2018 to 2022. This name has an extended meaning - not only courtyards, but also squares, parks, squares, embankments will acquire a new look. But the main part of the money is intended for the improvement of courtyard areas.

The federal government allocates an amount of 20 billion rubles from its budget. The money will be distributed among the regions, their administrations will have to think over the correct scheme for the further use of these funds.

Specifically allocated money is intended for the improvement of public places. Permits from ordinary residents to improve areas and parks are not required, since their rights will not be violated in this case. But the tenants will have obligations after the improvement of the adjacent territories. These places will acquire the status of common house property. The owners of apartments are obliged to pay for the maintenance of the yards in the proper form.

Regional distribution

There are 85 regions in the Russian Federation. They differ in size and population. Moscow is the largest city in terms of population. However, it is one of the smallest regions in terms of area. The situation is opposite in Yakutia. There are apparently more squares, parks and yards in large settlements. As you can see, the implementation of the program is a difficult task already at the first stage.

Adoption of municipal programs

To receive money from the federal budget, regions and municipalities must develop their own program and approve it. Unusually, this can be influenced by the residents themselves. Landscaping activities are carried out in the yards of apartment buildings only.

The municipal program for the improvement of yard areas, starting in 2018, includes a list of addresses of adjacent plots of apartment buildings in need of improvement. Government Decree of the Russian Federation No. 169 regulates that approval must be made no later than December 31, 2017.

Which communities can participate in the program?

By order of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation No. 691-pr, methodological recommendations were approved, according to which municipalities with a population of more than 1,000 people participate in the program.

Who now takes care of the yards

According to the housing code, the land plot on which the house is located is common property. But for this, a formality must be completed - an official transfer. In fact, most households did not go through this procedure. Therefore, they are considered municipal property.

Every year money is allocated to maintain order in them in accordance with their own taste and financial capabilities. A survey of residents of the house is not carried out and, accordingly, their wishes are not taken into account. The residents of the house do not consider themselves the owners and do not treat the property with particular care.

New rules

In 2022, after the end of the program, new rules will be introduced. Landscaped and pleasing to the eye with well-groomed yards will begin to be considered part of the common property. What this means, the residents already know - they pay for the maintenance of roofs, basements and porches. You will also have to pay for maintaining order in your yards. But for the already established order!

Thus, the state first helps with a lot of money for a long time to put things in order in the yard, and then this responsibility passes to the apartment owners.

The further fate of each yard depends on the will of the inhabitants of the house. It is important that they understand that the territory of the yard will be included in the program only if they take the initiative. This is decided at a general house meeting, where residents will be introduced to the list of minimum work that can be done in their yard.

The meeting must decide what improvements should be made. If additional types of work are expected, it is necessary to find out whether the tenants are ready to participate in this materially and personally. At the meeting, a person is selected who will further represent the interests of the residents of the house and monitor the safety of the acquired improvements.

Examples of minimum and additional work are indicated in the table.

If a decision is made to carry out additional work, then the number of people who are ready to participate in this should be clarified.

Participation can be:

  1. Labor. It is free and voluntary. This is participation in subbotniks, construction and painting works, installation of trash cans and benches, gardening, cleaning the territory.
  2. Financial. This means funds collected in the form of lump-sum payments (the amount must be at least approved in the decision of the meeting), and the involvement of sponsors.

Meetings can be organized by: the housing and communal services board, the management company or initiative residents. For notification, you can post announcements indicating the agenda, spread out notifications in mailboxes, call in person. All decisions taken at the meeting are recorded in the minutes.

On the website of the municipal government, you can find out which specific yard is included in the program.

What is needed to include the local area in the improvement program

In order for a specific yard to get into the program, you must perform the following actions:

  1. Create an initiative group.
  2. Make a list of desired changes.
  3. Draw up a yard plan with proposed improvements.
  4. Conduct a general meeting of tenants, after which a protocol will be drawn up.
  5. Submit an application for participation in the program to the municipal authorities.

If, according to the cadastral passport, there are several houses in the adjacent territory, then representatives of each of them should be in the initiative group.

The drawing indicates existing objects and planned ones. Proposed innovations must comply with the municipal program. For example, the installation of a monument in the courtyard may not be included there.

A positive decision is made if the majority of those present at the meeting voted for it. Following the results of the meeting, a protocol is drawn up.

Then, an application for improvement is submitted to the municipality. The public commission created there will consider it and organize a public discussion. The municipal organization will submit for consideration the design project of the yard, which requires coordination with the representatives selected at the general meeting of residents.

Based on the design project, the municipality will organize a competitive selection of contractors to carry out the necessary work. Representatives from the initiative group conduct intermediate control over the progress of work.

Further maintenance of the yard in order can be carried out by the residents themselves or with the involvement of third-party organizations for an additional fee.

Participation in the program and joint discussion of details has an additional bonus - this is the unity of people living in the same house.

See video about the landscaping program:

The All-Russian Popular Front receives questions from residents of different regions who are concerned about the poor condition of courtyard areas - roads in the courtyards of apartment buildings. Concerning ONF experts prepared answers to the most common appeals on this topic. They explained who is responsible for the quality of yard roads and what residents should do to include the areas in the repair plans.

Unlike federal or regional highways with yard roads, the situation is a little more complicated.. Pits and other destruction also appear here. But residents often do not know where to turn with their problems.

« Before seeking repair of the road in the yard, you need to understand who is its owner. It does not necessarily belong to the city, but may be part of the common house territory. In this case, the municipality is not obliged to deal with its maintenance and repair. First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the technical passport of a residential building. It will help find out the boundaries of the local area and its owner”, - says the moderator of the thematic platform of the ONF “Safe and high-quality roads”, coordinator of the project “Road inspection of the ONF / Map of dead roads” Alexander Vasiliev.

He explained that cadastral registration data can be viewed on the website or contact the local administration for this. If it turns out that this road does not belong to the common house territory, you need to complain about its condition and demand repairs in the administration locality. If the road enters the local area, it refers to the common shared ownership of the house, which means that the management company is responsible for its repair. In such situation you need to send an appeal to your management company. But, as you know, managers do not always want to deal with this issue. That's why, if the company refuses repair, it's time apply to the prosecutor's office. Also You can leave a request on the website of the State Information System of Housing and Public Utilities.

ONF experts noticed that the issues of repairing yard areas between residents, management companies and local officials are rather difficult to resolve.

"A lot depends here. from the good faith of a particular management company or local administration. So the outcome of a problematic situation can be completely unpredictable, and each of them requires a separate investigation,” Vasiliev said.

He explained that there is another way to repair the road in his yard, as well as to implement his own landscaping design project. Valid since 2017 project "Formation of a comfortable urban environment". The minimum list of landscaping works under this project includes the repair of courtyard passages, the installation of benches and trash cans, and lighting of courtyards. Other works chosen by the region may also be included. The list of additional includes equipment for children's and sports grounds, parking lots, landscaping and so on. Residents themselves, entrepreneurs who rent or buy premises in houses nearby, as well as public organizations can become initiators of additional improvement. Interested persons take part in this labor or financial participation.

« All the necessary information about the work of this project in your region, required documents and application deadlines citizens can find on the website of the administration of their municipality", - summed up Vasiliev.

Improvement of yard territories is a part of the large-scale state program "Formation of a comfortable urban environment". The beautification of places where citizens spend a lot of their free time began in 2018 and should be finally completed by 2022. The main front of work to solve the problems of the courtyards of Russian high-rise buildings is scheduled for 2019-2020. It is important that when choosing a project for the reconstruction of objects, the last word will be for the users of courtyard areas, that is, for the residents. Those who wish to bring the site near the house into proper form should hurry up and submit an appropriate application.

The essence of the program

Until recently, most of the yards in the cities and towns of Russia were in a deplorable state. The children's sports complexes and squares that have survived since the Soviet Union have long since fallen into disrepair and require reconstruction or complete replacement. The reason for this situation lies in the lack of funds for the installation and maintenance of modern facilities. Until 2018, yard improvement work was carried out exclusively at the expense of local budgets. As you know, the main expenses of regional funds are spent on social needs, and there is practically nothing left for improvement. The problem is especially acute in small municipalities. The government decided to correct the current situation by introducing a unique state program "Formation of a comfortable urban environment".

According to the approved program, sites near residential buildings and public areas will be built according to new projects. The lion's share of all costs will be covered by the government and will allocate money from the federal budget. Regional authorities are responsible for competently distributing them among cities and districts. At the same time, it is important to understand that municipalities will receive money from the state treasury only after the development and approval of their own improvement program.

The direct participation of citizens in choosing a project for a particular courtyard is the main feature of the state program. Residents of apartment buildings themselves have the right to decide how the area near their house will be equipped. Meanwhile, the law provides for two types of work: minimum and additional. The first includes a standard set of services:

  • installation of benches and rubbish bins;
  • repair of road sidewalks within the yard;
  • modern lighting equipment.

At the request of the users of yard areas themselves, it is possible to carry out additional work within the framework of the program. For example,

  • equip playgrounds for children of different ages;
  • provide recreational areas for adults;
  • organize places for walking pets;
  • carry out landscaping of sites (planting hedges, installation of small architectural forms);
  • allocate space and equip parking spaces for residents and guests.

Since the space of the yards is limited, the residents themselves need to make a choice between one solution or another.

Important. If you wish to carry out work from the additional list, citizens will need to contribute. You can participate in the arrangement of the yard with financial subsidies, while you need to pay at least 5% of the cost of repairs. A variant is allowed when tenants invest labor resources instead of money. For example, they paint the site themselves or plant trees on their own. Financial participation does not always mean that citizens will have to pay money out of their own pocket. For these purposes, you can spend previously paid and accumulated funds from the overhaul fund.

How to become a member of the program

The creation of a convenient, practical and aesthetic public space within the framework of the improvement program is possible only for residents of apartment buildings. It is legally determined that settlements with more than 1,000 people can participate in the program. At the same time, only the yard where the residents express their desire and submit an application will be included in the program. Consent to beautification under the program "Formation of a Comfortable Urban Environment" implies that the residents are ready to co-finance the costs of landscaping the territory and ensure its maintenance in the future. The concept of landscaping the yard should be proposed by the municipality. And residents at their discretion have the right to choose one or another direction.

In order to get into the federal program, you must:

  • Familiarize yourself with the plans for improvement for the desired period. This can be done on the official website "urban environment". Applications are formed in the current year for the next one. That is, in order for the work to be completed in 2020, it is necessary to submit an application before the end of 2019.
  • Contact the district authorities with a desire to join the program or simply complain about the disorder in the yard. As practice shows, in response to an appeal, a letter will come with an official proposal to take part in a federal project.
  • Organize a meeting of residents of those houses to which a particular territory belongs. By voting, citizens decide to participate in the program or not. In case of a positive decision, it is necessary to select a group of people who will be able to deal with organizational and “paper” work. Together, residents must decide on the amount of funding.
  • The initiative group draws up a sketch plan of the future place of rest. At the same time, it is important, if possible, to take into account all the wishes of the tenants expressed at the first meeting. In the draft design, it is necessary to schematically outline a new courtyard, with existing objects and new ones planned for construction. Most often, residents turn to specialized companies for drawing up a sketch. Well, if the tenants choose a responsible citizen who agrees to work on the approval of the project.

  • As the draft plan is being prepared, activist tenants collect a complete package of documents to send it to the administration. In addition to the scheme, it includes: an inventory passport of the yard, information on the collection of utilities, an estimate, minutes of a meeting of a meeting of residents.
  • If the project is approved by the commission, then the next step is to choose the company that will perform the work. The competition for the selection of a contractor is usually held by the management company. Most often, they choose the company with the smallest amount for the work.
  • During the work, residents are advised to control their quality. In case of detection of shortcomings, it is important to indicate them in the act of acceptance of the work performed.

As a rule, the construction work takes no more than one month. In the future, residents need to keep the new yard in order. Recall that the yards repaired under the federal program after 2022 will be transferred to the balance of residents. You can serve public areas on your own or conclude an agreement with a specialized company.

For information. Applications for participation are considered by the construction department of a particular region. At this stage, the completeness of the package of documents and the correctness of execution are checked. After that, the applications that have passed the selection are sent to the competition of the public commission for the district. Evaluation is made on a 100-point scale. The evaluation criteria are as follows: the percentage of co-financing of citizens, the number of objects (the more, the better), the absence or presence of debts to pay for services.

How to take part in the yard improvement program in 2019-2020: video

October 11, 2018, Moscow region. In the Moscow region, a comprehensive landscaping of courtyard areas, scheduled for 2018, is being completed. As of the beginning of October, the program for the comprehensive improvement of courtyard areas was completed by 91%. This was announced by Yevgeny Khromushin, Minister of Housing and Communal Services of the Moscow Region.

“According to the instructions of the Governor of the Moscow Region A.Yu. Vorobyov, we have increased the pace of work on the improvement of courtyards,” Evgeny Khromushin said. Improvement of 1,440 yard areas is planned for this year, work has already been completed at 1,310 sites, which is 91% of this year's program. In 45 municipalities, the landscaping program has been completed by 100%, in three municipalities by 100 percent or more, the landscaping of the remaining yards is in varying degrees of readiness from 75% to 95% and will be completed on time.”

It should be noted that the city districts of Reutov (122.2% overfulfillment), Elektrogorsk (114.3% overfulfillment) and Lyubertsy (101.5% overfulfillment) can be called leaders in the program for the comprehensive improvement of courtyards in the Moscow Region, with overfulfillment of the plan. Most of the municipalities have completed the program by 100%, including Mytishchi, Podolsk, Balashikha, Shchelkovsky, Kolomensky, Shakhovskaya, Bronnitsy, Roshal, Pushchino, etc. There are also outsiders in the implementation of the program that are now in the red zone, including Protvino, Krasnoarmeysk, Dubna and Fryazino.

Recall that in the Moscow region there are about 12.8 thousand yard territories, at least 10% of yard territories are landscaped every year. The landscaping includes six mandatory elements: a new or modernized playground with a tamper-proof surface, landscaping, lighting, parking pockets, an information stand, and a container site for solid household waste.

“In just four years since the start of the improvement program in the Moscow region, we have comprehensively landscaped more than 5.68 thousand (almost half of the courtyard areas), more than 6 million residents have received renovated courtyards. It is important that the sequence, scope of work and the address list of the yard area improvement program are determined by the residents themselves based on the results of Internet voting. Today, the Government of the Moscow Region, together with the municipalities, is solving the most important task so that each owner, as a result of the address-by-address intersection of all programs implemented in the region, feels an improvement in the quality of his life and receives a comfortable urban environment, including a clean and renovated staircase in his entrance, insulated and reliable the facade of the house with a reliable roof, a serviceable elevator, a functional children's playground that is pleasing to the eye, its own parking lot and a lighted courtyard. All this has been implemented in the suburbs for more than a year now, these programs are in great demand by residents. We see a positive reaction from the public through social networks, as residents see the result in real time, and not on TV,” Evgeny Khromushin concluded.

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