
From what time can you make noise on weekends? Until what hours can you make noise outside? Peaceful solution to the issue

It is well known that breaking the silence in multi-storey buildings at night is fraught with punishment. What does the law say about outdoor noise?

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Until what time in 2020 is it allowed to make noise on the street? Living in society involves taking into account the needs of surrounding citizens.

There are generally accepted norms of behavior, and some of them are approved at the legislative level.

Thus, “silence time” has been officially established, that is, hours when the permissible noise level cannot be exceeded.

But while most people know about the ban on noise in residential premises after 10 p.m., many people don’t even think about banning noise outside the premises. How long is it allowed to make noise on the street in 2020?

General points

According to Russian law, violating silence at night is punishable by punishment. But the ban is imposed only on certain types of sounds that can disturb the silence.

More precisely, the noise level matters. The current “Law on Silence” requires the observance of silence in the period from 22.00 to 07.00.

However, time slots may vary by region. In some places the “quiet” period is longer, in others it is shorter.

Restrictions on actions that disturb peace do not only apply to residential premises.

This is exactly what many citizens think. Like, of course, you can’t make noise in the apartment. But on the street these norms do not matter.

In fact, the law does not differentiate between places where silence must be maintained or not.

Existing requirements boil down to the fact that citizens must be guaranteed peace at certain hours. And the location of the noise source is a secondary issue.

What you need to know

What is meant by “excessive noise”? Violations of public order include such actions as:

  • loud music, no matter where it comes from - from the windows of an apartment, a car, or a cafe located next to the house;
  • loud singing on the street;
  • the use of pyrotechnics, with the exception of New Year's holidays, when the use of fireworks and fireworks is allowed until 4.00 am;
  • loud screams, unless it is a cry for help;
  • everyday situations that disturb the silence - parties, weddings, etc.;
  • construction and repair work;
  • industrial and household, loading and unloading operations;
  • alarm if it goes off without a good reason.

Silence must be maintained in the vicinity of:

  • private houses;
  • sanatoriums;
  • hospitals;
  • recreation centers;
  • boarding houses;
  • dispensaries;
  • orphanages;
  • homes for the elderly and disabled;
  • dormitories;
  • hotels.

That is, it is prohibited to make noise near any residential premises, regardless of whether the facility is private or municipal.

This doesn't mean you can't have parties, listen to music in the car, or do production work at night. It is possible, but only if the permissible noise level is observed.

Who sets the standards?

Permissible noise standards are determined at the federal level. The current Federal Law “On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population” is aimed at ensuring the peace of citizens, maintaining silence during the day and at night and protecting the health of the population from harmful noise exposure.

Moreover, the federal standard strictly separates permissible noise levels by day and night, defining the boundaries of each period.

In addition, according to this law, there is a distinction between residential and public housing, which helps prevent disagreements regarding the permissibility of noise.

The law also explains the procedure for carrying out repair and construction work without causing damage to the surrounding population.

Despite the existence of a national standard, in many regions of the Russian Federation, standards established at the regional level are added to the current law.

The authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation can increase or decrease the “quiet period” depending on the characteristics of a particular region and time zone.

In addition, depending on the subject of the Russian Federation, fines for violating silence at night may vary.

For example, for legal entities the amount of an administrative fine in St. Petersburg is about 50,000 rubles, and in Moscow for the same violation a fine of up to 300,000 rubles can be imposed.

Legal grounds

The main provisions for limiting noise at night and during the day, as well as defining time limits, are regulated.

In accordance with the law, in the period from 7.00 to 23.00 the noise level should not exceed 40 dB, and from 23.00 pm to 7.00 am - 30 dB.

The application of the Silence Law comes down to the fact that a silence violator can be complained to law enforcement agencies.

Of course, an examination will be required to establish the noise level, the availability of special equipment for measurements, witness testimony and other evidence.

But based on the report drawn up based on the results of the inspection, you can go to court and demand the restoration of order.

The fine for breaking silence varies depending on the identification of the offender.

So, for ordinary citizens, the amount of punishment is limited to 100-500 rubles, but in this case, the role of punishment is also played by the need to participate in a court hearing, which for an ordinary citizen in itself is not the norm.

For organizations, violating the silence can result in a fine of 20-40 thousand rubles, and sometimes suspension of activities. In addition, the amount of the fine may increase in accordance with regional amendments to legislation.

From what time and until how much can you make noise on the street?

When silence is disturbed at inappropriate hours, the citizen whose peace is disturbed has the right to file a complaint with the police, court or prosecutor's office.

Initially, an application is submitted to the nearest police department or local police officer. It states:

  • name of the institution where the application is being sent;
  • details of the applicant and the offender, indicating full name, address, contact details;
  • a statement of the situation that has arisen;
  • the amount of moral damage suffered as a result of the harm caused;
  • conclusion on the level of excess of permissible noise;
  • the number of the protocol drawn up by the police officers called to the scene of the violation;
  • available evidence (photos, audio or video materials, witness statements, etc. are attached).

The submitted appeal is considered, the facts are verified, and if confirmed, the police send the case to court, where a decision is made on the measure for the violator.

However, it must be borne in mind that the applicant himself may be held liable if:

  • will try to resolve the conflict using force;
  • make noise yourself in order to shout down the intruder;
  • threatened physical harm;
  • slandered a neighbor due to personal hostility;
  • during the conflict caused harm to other people.

Safe and dangerous decibels

The noise level can be dangerous or harmless. But how can we determine which sound can be harmful to human health? The noise level is measured with special instruments and expressed in decibels.

Their impact on human health differs according to medical and legal standards. According to medical standards, a person can tolerate noise of 50 dB without pain. This is the average noise level.

But legislators do not proceed from how noise will affect the health of citizens, although this point is also taken into account, but are more focused on the comfort of coexistence in society.

By law, the permissible noise level should not exceed 40 dB. Of course, the established standards do not mean that any noise above these values ​​can be considered illegal.

For example, no matter how hard you try, some sounds cannot be reduced to an acceptable level.

You can't reduce the noise of a subway train or the roar of airplane engines, turn down the volume of traffic, or prevent squealing brakes.

If we compare the noise level by decibels, the noise on a street with busy traffic reaches 80 dB, a car signal corresponds to 120 dB, and the noise of road works is estimated at 100 dB.

Established standards

The time until you can make noise is the same for both apartment buildings and the private sector.

But the noise levels according to the standards differ. According to SanPin standards, a person can tolerate constant noise of 55 dB during the day and 40 dB at night.

But physiological norms differ from the values ​​​​established by law for the purpose of comfortable living. According to the Silence Law, the standard is 40 dB during the day and 30 dB at night.

However, it is possible to bring the violator to justice both under the Silence Law and under. For violation of sanitary standards, the violator faces liability for,.

A request to restore order should be addressed to the Rospotrebnadzor authorities. It is the Rospotrebnadzor authorities that draw up a violation protocol and measure the noise level.

Administrative punishment is expressed as a fine of 100-500 rubles for citizens and 10-20 thousand rubles or suspension of activities for up to 90 days for legal entities.

Otherwise, issues of protecting the population in relation to the right to peace and quiet are regulated by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. And here the time when the “period of silence” operates is of considerable importance.

On weekends

The Federal Law on Silence defines only the general scope of time periods for which certain noise levels are established.

Basically, each individual region has its own standards, taking into account the characteristics of living in a particular area, the lifestyle and needs of the bulk of the population.

So, using Moscow as an example, the period of silence on weekends is from 22.00 to 8.00. During these hours on Saturday and Sunday, the established noise standards must not be exceeded.

But in addition, on weekends there is a so-called “quiet hour” during the daytime, this is the period from 13.00 to 15.00 daily.

If we are talking about carrying out repair work related to the reconstruction of apartments, then on weekends such work is prohibited around the clock.

It is also considered a violation of public order to turn on sound-amplifying devices too loudly on weekends.

On weekdays

Basically, quiet hours on weekdays are the same in all regions. It is prohibited to make noise from 23.00 to 7.00. But in some regions the time frames are shifted in accordance with regional amendments.

The silence period may vary by 1-2 hours. For example, in the regions the following periods apply:

That is, the period of silence can be quite long or short, depending on the characteristics of life in the region.

If silence is disturbed at night on weekdays, the issue is resolved by calling the police. It is not necessary to measure the noise level.

Sometimes witness testimony is enough when neighbors confirm that the noise limit has been exceeded. Fines collected from violators go to local budgets.

in winter

The hours during which it is forbidden to make noise on the street at night in winter usually correspond to generally established standards. But regional laws may provide different time periods for winter and summer.

For example, in the Samara region in the summer it is allowed to make noise until 23.00, but in winter the period of silence increases, and exceeding the night standard is allowed only until 22.00.

In addition, you need to take into account that breaking the silence includes not only loud music, shouting or repair work.

Public order is disrupted by the loud barking of dogs and the failure to turn off a car alarm that constantly goes off.

Video: Duma. Silence law

It is also advisable to take into account the fact that in winter any street noise spreads over a large area.

That is, noise that reaches the same level in summer may seem louder in winter.

When can you ignore the law of silence?

Failure to remain quiet is punishable by monetary fines, but sometimes the rules can be violated without prosecution.

Situations where the Quiet Law may not be enforced include:

  • emergency prevention;
  • the occurrence of noise due to an emergency or natural disaster.

Let's say a car owner's alarm went off because robbers broke into the car. Or a person is attacked on the street by a hooligan, and the citizen loudly calls for help.

What does every person dream about after a long working day? Of course, he wants to relax, sit in silence and get some sleep.

However, if he lives in a city, in an apartment building, then it will not be so easy for him to do this. Often, his peace can be disturbed by neighbors, a young company on the street, the noise of cars and much more. But are these actions legal?

According to the law of the Russian Federation, violation of silence at night carries appropriate punishment. However, we are only talking about certain sounds that can disturb the peace of residents.

There is currently a law requiring silence from 22:00 to 07:00.

Committing actions that disturb the peace and quiet of citizens

There are several actions that disturb the peace of citizens.

It is worth reading each of them carefully:

  1. You cannot use any sound devices in vehicles and stalls located near residential buildings. We are talking specifically about televisions, sound reproduction technologies, amplifiers, and so on;
  2. You also cannot play musical instruments of any kind;
  3. Whistling, shouting, singing and similar actions that lead to disruption of the peace of citizens are prohibited;
  4. Many drivers were puzzled by the fact that they cannot use the alarm on their vehicle at night;
  5. After 22:00 it is prohibited to light firecrackers, fireworks or use other pyrotechnic means;
  6. Even if it is necessary to urgently complete any repair or unloading work, after a certain time all such activities must be stopped,
  7. Even an air conditioner located near a nearby window can become a culprit. However, if the level of its vibrations exceeds the norm.

It is worth noting that in each of the above cases, we are talking exclusively about disturbing the peace of citizens. Of course, a seller in a stall can watch TV, and a car driver can listen to music, but only at an acceptable volume level.

Peace must be maintained near the protected premises.

These include:

  • Private houses;
  • Apartment buildings;
  • Hospitals;
  • Sanatoriums;
  • Recreation center;
  • Dispensaries and boarding houses;
  • Orphanages;
  • Institutions for pensioners and disabled people;
  • Hotels and hostels.

There are some exceptions.

That is, there are actions that can be performed at night and still remain unpunished:

  1. If the alarm went off at the moment when the robber tried to illegally break into the car, then its owner will not be punished;
  2. Actions aimed at preventing accidents and natural disasters are also legal;
  3. Carrying out events that are not postponed.

If legal violations occur repeatedly, then in this case you need to:

  • Call the police and report that an offense has repeatedly occurred at a certain address;
  • Complete an application and take part in drawing up the protocol.

If harm to health is caused due to insomnia and constant noise, you can demand compensation in court. As a rule, the main punishment for a violator is a fine.

Organization and implementation of construction, loading and unloading or repair work in a residential area

According to the law of the Russian Federation, any kind of work in a residential area is prohibited from 11 pm to 6 am. However, we are talking about the type of activity that really disturbs the peace of the residents. These include construction, loading, unloading, repairs and other work.

However, in this case there are exceptions.

For example, if emergency or rescue measures were carried out during this time, which could not be debugged until the morning.

In other cases, the organizer will be subject to an administrative fine.

For officials, the minimum payment is 300 rubles, and for legal entities – one thousand rubles.

Why is the government so serious about maintaining silence during this period? In fact, the health and full life of people depends on the quality of sleep and rest. Therefore, if the silence is regularly violated, it can cause harm to residents.

But, unfortunately, few people in Russia are struggling with this problem. According to the complaints regulations, the yearly figures for such work are very small. This does not mean that all citizens remain silent.

Some people endure constant night noise and make no effort to neutralize it, while there are people who try to solve this problem peacefully.

It is worth noting that the legal authorities themselves are not always in a hurry to neutralize the source of noise. The reason for this is the small size of the administrative fine.

Difference in time after which you can't make noise in different cities

In the Russian Federation there is currently a law that it is forbidden to make noise near residential complexes between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.

However, there are some peculiarities for each city. If we take, for example, the capital of our country, it is worth noting that on weekdays it is necessary to maintain silence from 21.00 to 8.00.

On Saturday, Sunday, as well as holidays, adjustments are made during this period; silence must be observed from 22.00 to 10.00.

There is also a “quiet hour” regime in the capital; it is observed from 13.00 to 15.00. During this period, it is required to turn off sound devices in apartment buildings and stop repair work.

In St. Petersburg, the time of night silence lasts from 23.00 to 7.00 am. In the Novosibirsk region - from 22.00 to 6.00. The same time period for night silence applies in many Russian cities.

The price of paying the fine also changes. The minimum was recorded in Tyumen, which was only 300 rubles. In other cities, for violating the silence you can receive an administrative fine in the amount of 500 rubles to 4,000 thousand rubles.

If there was noise associated with repair work, then a fine in the amount of 5,000 to 50,000 thousand rubles may be imposed.


There are several questions that citizens most often ask:

  • What is the liability for excessive vehicle noise?
    If a car periodically drives near a house and disturbs the residents’ sleep, then its owner may be fined in the amount of 300 rubles.
  • What to do if your neighbor's dog constantly barks?
    First of all, for this you need to collect evidence. You need to film the dog or record it on a voice recorder. However, care should be taken to make it clear at what time this violation occurs. It is also worth proving that the volume of the dog's barking exceeds the permissible frequency. To do this, it is advisable to call a service to your home that will record the noise level. After which, you can write a complaint to the police.
  • What to do if the neighbors turned off the music before the police arrived? In this case, it is necessary to record the noise on a voice recorder or conduct a survey among neighbors.

Maintaining silence at night is an important point for the residents of our country. Therefore, it is worth respecting each other’s interests.

The 2019 Apartment Noise Law is not familiar to everyone, so some irresponsible citizens are starting renovations or throwing noisy parties at night. Neighbors usually tolerate it, or try to pacify noisy residents on their own. However, why reinvent the wheel?

In 2019, the bill on maintaining silence in the apartment was issued with new amendments. The following provisions are stated here: the time when you can make noise, the noise level and the responsibility of silence breakers.

Even if irresponsible neighbors continue to bother you, citing that they have not heard of anything like this, call the local police officer and take action. Remember: ignorance of the law does not exempt you from responsibility. So, what should residents of an apartment building know about noise in their apartment?

Time frame

The main parameter in the law on maintaining silence is time. We'll probably start with that. As an example, let’s give you until what hour you can make noise in Moscow. Let us immediately make a reservation that other regions of the country may have their own rules, which are introduced by local authorities, but the existing differences will not be too significant.

So, by law you can't make noise at night. What fits this definition? In Moscow, for residents of apartment buildings, night time begins at 23:00 and lasts until 07:00. Accordingly, repair work and other noisy activities are not allowed at this time.

Please note that when carrying out repairs or redevelopment in the apartment, there are restrictions that apply during the day. In particular, renovations in an apartment building cannot last longer than three months.

By law, the time allowed for noisy repair work is from 09:00 in the morning to 19:00 in the evening. In this case, it is necessary to take a break during the afternoon rest of citizens. This time is from 13:00 to 15:00.

Moscow has always been different from other cities, so let’s look at how things stand with respect to maintaining silence in apartment buildings in the region. The following rules apply here:

  • on weekdays you can make noise until 21:00, starting work no earlier than 8:00 in the morning;
  • for weekends and holidays, restrictions apply from 10:00 to 22:00.

We clarify that it is planned to introduce amendments to the current law, so changes are possible in the near future. Having sorted out the time, let’s talk about what is generally considered noise in an apartment.

What not to do at night

The law on maintaining silence can be interpreted in different ways, like most bills in our country. For example, is the snoring of a neighbor behind the wall considered a violation of peace? Or until what time can a neighbor’s boy learn scales on the violin? The introduced law on silence clearly indicates what falls under the definition of noise in an apartment:

  1. Noisy work. This includes not only repairs, but also loading operations if they exceed the permissible noise level.
  2. TV. At night it is forbidden to watch TV with the volume turned up. This includes radios, stereos and tape recorders.
  3. Use of pyrotechnics. The exception is the night from December 31 to January 1.
  4. General noise. This includes musical instruments, shouting, stomping, whistling, and other noisy activities.

The law contains exceptions to the above rules, which allow noise in an apartment building at night. These are the situations:

  • actions aimed at recovery after natural disasters and emergencies. This includes stopping crime. For example, if your car was broken into by intruders and the alarm system went off, this is not considered a breach of peace;
  • cultural events and official holidays.

Acceptable noise level

The noise level in an apartment is measured in decibels. If you think that your neighbors are violating the norms established by law, call Rospotrebnadzor or the sanitary-epidemiological service. They will measure the noise level and issue you a corresponding certificate. Here are the established standards for maintaining silence in the apartment:

  • 55 decibels – day;
  • 45 decibels – night.

Naturally, these figures mean nothing to the majority of our fellow citizens, so we will present a few points for comparison.

  • working vacuum cleaner – 75 dB;
  • baby crying – 78 dB;
  • noise of a car passing outside the window – 55 dB;
  • the sound of a rotary hammer and a jackhammer - 95 and 120 dB, respectively;
  • normal conversation/whisper – 45/30 dB.

Please note that minor deviations from the established standards are allowed. This depends on the location of the apartment building. For example: if there is a busy highway or railway tracks nearby, the noise level may be exceeded by 10 dB. In addition, in apartment buildings it is allowed to exceed the permissible limit by 5 dB.

Where you can't make noise

According to the law on silence, you cannot make noise not only in the apartment. The law applies to the following territories:

  • residential premises and common areas in an apartment building;
  • territory adjacent to the house: children's and sports grounds, parking lots, passages inside the yard;
  • lands of gardening partnerships and summer cottages;
  • general education, preschool and medical institutions. This includes sanatorium-resort hospitals and boarding houses.

Responsibility for violations

If your neighbors don’t know that you can make noise before the time established by law, remind them of their responsibility and try to resolve the conflict situation peacefully. If such a policy does not work, take drastic measures.

Whenever the silence is broken, call the local inspector. The police officer is required to draw up a report on the offense. Call a professional to measure the noise level. After this, you will have irrefutable evidence in your hands. Having collected the evidence base, go to court; according to the law, the violator will be held accountable.

According to current legislation, the violator may be issued an administrative warning. If this measure does not have the desired effect, the violator will be fined two times the minimum wage (minimum wage).

By the way, in Moscow the minimum wage is 9,000 rubles, so the fine for violating the silence and carrying out repair work at the wrong time is quite impressive.

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The level of increased noise for citizens living in Moscow throughout the day has an imperceptible, but extremely detrimental effect. People in big cities experience the most discomfort. It’s one thing if a person is outside his home, then he has no choice but to put up with a high noise level. But it’s a completely different matter when a person is at home and just wants to take a break from a hard day at work, but cannot relax because of noisy neighbors.

There is a separate regulatory act in force in the capital - Law No. 42 of July 12, 2002 “On maintaining the peace of citizens and silence in Moscow,” which is popularly called the law on silence in Moscow. Since January 1, 2019, the official text of this document has not changed. Let's tell you more about it.

What actions are prohibited?

The law on silence in Moscow has not changed since January 1, 2019. The version in force since January 1, 2017 has not been changed.

The law imposes restrictions on certain activities at night (from 23:00 to 07:00).

So, paragraph 1 of Art. 2 laws are prohibited:

  • play any musical instruments;
  • sing loudly (both alone and in company);
  • listen to music, radio, television programs at high volume levels;
  • listen to loud music in cars, nightlife establishments;
  • carry out home repairs;
  • move pieces of furniture making noise (including dropping something on the floor, running, making other loud noises);
  • use a car horn in an area where people live.

These restrictions apply not only to persons living in an apartment building, but also to citizens who are in places of temporary stay (dormitories, hospitals, hotels, etc.).

The noise level is considered high at night if it is more than 45 dBA (conversation at a volume level is above average). Loud conversation (50 to 70 dBA). Screaming and loud laughter corresponds to 75 dBA. For daytime, a reading greater than 55 dBA is prohibited. Permissible deviations are up to 5 dBA. Noise levels can exceed the norm only in extreme cases: natural disasters, accidents.

When is repair prohibited?

The Law on Silence in Moscow in Apartment Buildings of 2019 clearly establishes time limits for repairs in apartment buildings. Of particular importance is the fact which apartment the tenant purchased.

If the house has just been put into operation, and the apartment requires repair work, then the law does not apply to the tenant for at least a year and a half. After all, improvement of the premises is not possible without repairs.

If the house has existed for more than a year and a half, and the apartment has not been put in order, the residents will be faced with the need to maintain silence under the terms of the law.

How long repairs can be done is determined by the law on silence in Moscow in paragraph 1.1 of Art. 2, based on the established ban on its holding at such a time:

  • work related to reconstruction and redevelopment is not carried out between 19:00 and 9:00. As evidenced by the law on silence, during the day in Moscow it is forbidden to carry out such actions and during the time intended for children’s rest - from 13:00 to 15:00 (quiet hour). In these cases, it is necessary to take a break;
  • on any weekend or holiday.

Citizens are also interested in the following questions: how loud can you listen to music in Moscow and how much noise can you make? According to the law, quiet time begins at 23.00 and ends at 7.00 am.

How to bring noisy neighbors to reason?

There are plenty of ways to influence lovers of noisy pastimes. Here is a list of effective actions aimed at resolving the conflict.

Which one to choose depends on the specific situation:

  • try to explain to your neighbors that they are wrong and ask them to stop their illegal actions. Mostly, this method works immediately, and the following actions are no longer necessary;
  • Call the police. Some neighbors, despite their boorish attitude, will still not argue with law enforcement officers and will stop making noise and disturbing vacationing citizens;
  • Seek help separately from the local police officer if the Police squad was unable to influence the violators in any way. The apartment will be registered and periodically visited for control;
  • contact the judicial authorities. This method is suitable for persistent offenders who constantly organize loud night parties, drinking and dancing within the residential area;
  • dissatisfied residents can also draw up a collective complaint and submit it to the local administration for consideration. In the worst case scenario for the offender, the court will deprive him of his apartment.

Territories protected by law

The law (Article 1) obliges us to maintain silence, both during the day and at night, within the limits of:

  • apartments, multi-apartment and private houses, in adjacent areas;
  • kindergartens, boarding schools and their territories;
  • sanatoriums, hospitals, rest homes and surrounding areas;
  • hostels, hotels;
  • public places (for recreation, sports, etc.), in park areas.

Administrative responsibility

Liability is provided for by the Moscow Code of Administrative Offenses (Article 3.13):

  • if the violator is a citizen, he is due a fine in the amount of 1 to 2 thousand rubles;
  • if the violators are officials, sanctions range from 4 to 8 thousand rubles;
  • The most significant fines are determined for legal entities. Violation of the law will entail the imposition of sanctions in the amount of 40 to 80 thousand rubles.

The adoption of such strict measures is dictated by the need to ensure peace and quiet for citizens.

Silence laws

In addition to the regional law discussed above, there are also federal regulations that protect the peace and quiet of citizens:

  • Federal Law “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” dated March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ. It establishes the obligation of residents to maintain their living quarters in accordance with approved sanitary standards;
  • SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises” dated June 10, 2010 N 64 (Appendix 3). Sets the maximum permissible noise level in residential premises.

Scientists conducted research on the human psyche. According to them, living in large cities exposes their residents to colossal nervous and mental stress. Because of this, the law on peace and quiet of citizens of the Russian Federation is becoming increasingly important for residents of megacities such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, etc.

This regulatory act provides answers to the following questions: what is the time of peace and quiet for citizens at night, from what time and until how much can you make noise in an apartment according to the law of the Russian Federation, what to do if the upstairs neighbors are constantly making noise, what is the risk of disturbing the peace and quiet of citizens at night and etc.

Law on peace and quiet of citizens of the Russian Federation

The provisions of this legislative norm began to apply in 2002, and all subsequent changes made to it were aimed at ensuring the peace of citizens and became increasingly strict. In general, the law helps to protect the peace of people. The specified legal act establishes a period of night time during which silence must be observed: from 11 pm to 7 am.

During this time period no noise allowed not only in local areas, summer areas in houses, but also in:

  • In medical institutions;
  • In hotels and sanatoriums;
  • In boarding homes and nursing homes;
  • In children's institutions, etc.

This means that in the above mentioned places, according to legal requirements also prohibited:

  • Turn on TVs, music equipment, etc. at high volume. In this case, it is considered a violation not only to turn on sound sources at high volume in non-residential premises, apartments on the streets, but also in premises where trade is carried out (shop, trade pavilion, shopping salon, etc.).
  • Scream, sing loudly, play various musical instruments.
  • Turn on alarms that operate by sound notification.
  • Explode fireworks and other pyrotechnics.
  • Perform various repairs, as well as loading and unloading work.

The legislator has established that the above actions will be considered an offense, if they significantly disturb the peace of people. This clause is intended to prevent abuse of the law.

It is aimed at determining the circumstances and time when it is possible to make noise in the apartment, and also contributes to the possibility of observing the rights and interests of those people who experience unforeseen force majeure situations (flooding, emergency evacuation, protection of a vehicle and housing under alarm, urgent repair work in the event of an emergency, etc.).

This means that in this case, an offense is intentional, illegal actions that entail disruption of the peace of citizens.

In order to ensure the operation of the law, types of violations of silence have been established, as well as conditions under which the actions of people, employees of an organization, and other persons are lawful. Based on the provisions of the law, it is not considered an offense:

  • Actions aimed at eliminating the emergency situation, as well as its consequences;
  • Actions caused by the need to carry out urgent work aimed at ensuring public safety of citizens;
  • Conducting religious ceremonies, customs, etc.

It must be remembered that the noise level that is allowed:

  • at night in housing, should not exceed 30 dB;
  • During the day, noise should not exceed 40 dB.

If we focus on a noise level that is understandable to everyone, then 30 decibels approximately corresponds to the sound level during a normal conversation.

Noise level from different sources (for comparison):

  • 30 dBA – human whisper, ticking of a wall clock;
  • 40 - 45 dBA – calm conversation;
  • 55 dBA – the sound of a passenger car;
  • 75 dBA – vacuum cleaner sound;
  • 78 dBA – baby crying;
  • 90 dBA – the cry of an adult;
  • 95 dBA – hammer drill operation;
  • 120 dBA – jackhammer operating level.

The Law on Silence in Moscow and the Moscow Region has been amended since January 1, 2016

The rules of the law, aimed at ensuring the peace and normal course of life of citizens, have introduced a provision that prohibits carrying out repair work from 19:00 to 9:00 am. The ban also applies to repair work. from 13:00 to 15:00 every day, as well as around the clock on Sundays and non-working holidays established in accordance with federal legislation.

These changes do not apply to detached houses. Their action is aimed at regulating relations for residents of apartment buildings.

The requirements specified in the law should not violate the rights of a person who has purchased a new home and is trying to redesign it and make repairs in it in order to speed up the ability to use the home for its intended purpose.

Therefore, for new apartment buildings, a grace period is established - 6 months from the date of putting the apartment building into operation. During this period, the above protected time periods will not apply.

According to legislators, changes to the law on silence in Moscow take the most rational and balanced approach to ensuring the rights of citizens, while establishing the time when noise can be made in the apartment. Thus, the interests of socially vulnerable categories of citizens, elderly people, disabled people and infants will be respected.

Added: On December 1, 2016, deputies of the Moscow Regional Duma adopted in final reading the bill “On Amendments to the Law “On Ensuring Peace and Peace of Citizens in the Moscow Region,” according to which it is prohibited to make noise in apartment buildings in the region before 9 a.m. and after 7 p.m.

Responsibility for violating the law on silence

For illegal actions that violate the provisions of the law “On ensuring peace and quiet of citizens in the Moscow region”, liability is provided for, which is established by the rules of Article 3.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Moscow. The rules of this legal norm provide for the application of sanctions, which are a warning or a fine:

  • if the peace of citizens is disturbed at night (from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m.);
  • if repair work is carried out at unauthorized times of the day.

Amount of fine that can be imposed for violation, defined:

  • For individuals: from 1,000 to 3,000 rubles.
  • For officials - from 4,000 to 8,000 rubles.
  • For legal entities persons – from 40,000 to 80,000 rubles.

In addition to the circumstances specified in the law, which exclude the application of penalties for violating silence at an unspecified time, the legislation determines the possibility of holding entertainment events in Moscow, which are organized by local authorities; if entertainment and festive events in Moscow are carried out by decision of the local administration and cover night time, then In this case, penalties are not applied to the organizers.

The effect of the law on silence in other regions of the Russian Federation

Legislation on silence, by analogy with this legal norm, is also in effect in other cities and regions of Russia. Just like in Moscow, the provisions of the laws on silence in each region prohibit behaving noisily, singing loudly, playing music, performing repair and construction work at night and during the daytime, if such rules are established by the Regulatory Legal Act.

Almost everywhere, the time from 11 pm to 7 am is considered night time. But, for example, in the city of Kazan the time from 11:00 pm to 6:00 am is considered night time, in Yekaterinburg from 10 pm to 8 am, etc. The law on peace and quiet of citizens in St. Petersburg prohibits making noise on weekends until 12 :00 p.m. In case of violation of the established rules to the individual. persons may be subject to a fine of 5,000 rubles. And if an organization violates such rights, the fine can be up to one million.

Typically, in the rules established by the legislation on silence, the time periods and penalties for violations are almost the same in all regions of Russia. However, there are also interesting points that I would like to draw attention to. For example, the rules of the said legislation in the Arkhangelsk region prohibit pets from howling, barking, and making other loud sounds. For violation of such rules, penalties may be applied to their owners. In Stavropol you cannot dance at night if this leads to a violation of the permissible noise level.

Procedure for violating the rules of silence legislation

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