
Vtskp personal account for individuals. Calculation of rent based on water meter readings. The receipt must indicate

Water / Cold and hot water meters

There are several ways to transmit water meter readings in St. Petersburg:

  • when paying for utilities at payment acceptance points
  • by phone
  • via the Internet, on the website “Rent-Info”, which is supported by the State Unitary Enterprise All-Russian Central Communal Enterprise “Housing Economy”.

Submit meter readings in St. Petersburg when paying for utilities at a payment acceptance point

Hot and cold water meter readings can be transferred when paying a receipt for housing and communal services.

Or, in official language, using the payment document “Bill for residential premises, utilities and other services.”

To do this, you need to indicate the meter readings in special fields on the back of the payment document that came to you.

An example of the reverse side of a payment document with fields for entering readings from individual (apartment) metering devices.

State Unitary Enterprise VTsKP "Housing Economy" names the following rules for transmitting water meter readings when paying a receipt for housing and communal services:

1. The meter readings of the actual consumption of cold and hot water at the time of filling out the reverse side of the “Notification Account” (hereinafter referred to as the current readings) are recorded in the dedicated fields and only for those services and meter numbers that are explicitly indicated (printed).

Only current meter readings are entered into the form, regardless of which month you pay the receipt for. Indications are taken for the month in which you make the payment. Meter readings for the previous period, as well as the volume of actual consumption (cubic meter) for the past period do not need to be indicated (they are indicated in the “Last reading” column).

2. Current readings (whole number of m³ without fractional parts) must be indicated in neat handwriting, in whole numbers, without zeros on the left.

3. If there are more than 5 significant digits (digits to the left, before the decimal point in the meter readings), then the last 5 digits before the decimal point are recorded. The numbers indicated after the decimal point do not need to be entered.

Meter readings are entered by the cashier of the payment acceptance point at the time of payment of the payment document.

At the bottom of the check-order, the readings of the metering devices must be entered, opposite the meter number that you submitted at the time of payment. If there are no indications, then you must contact the employee of the payment acceptance point for clarification.

Check the receipt issued at the time of payment!

Send water meter readings in St. Petersburg by phone

Those residents of St. Petersburg who receive a “pink receipt” can submit their water meter readings by phone 325-05-43 . Readings for the current month are accepted from the 1st to the 25th of each month.

TsKP "Housing" gives the following instructions for using this method of transmitting water meter readings:

— Dial phone number 325-05-43 (works 24 hours a day)

— We switch your phone to tone mode - on most telephones this can be done by pressing the “*” button, or by switching the lever (button) on the side panel of the phone. Mobile phones operate in tone mode.

— Press the button “1”

— We listen to the answering machine message: “The system takes readings for ……….. month. Enter 9 digits of your personal account number” (the personal account number is indicated on the front side of the invoice receipt next to the barcode).

— We wait for the sound signal, after which we use the phone buttons to dial 9 digits of the personal account.

— We listen to the answering machine message: “cold water, hot water, gas meters are registered on your personal account. To enter cold water readings, press “1”, to enter hot water readings, press “2”, to enter gas readings, press “3”.

— Press “1” or “2” or “3”, depending on what service you want to enter readings for.

— We listen to the answering machine message: “Enter the current readings for the meter with the serial number….№№№…… Attention! The numbers after the decimal point do not need to be entered. When you finish typing, press pound.” (We only listen to the meter number!)

— Enter the meter readings, then press "#"

— We listen to the answering machine message, where the numbers that you entered are spoken. Press "#" a second time.

— We perform similar manipulations for each counter.

— To shut down the system, press “4” or hang up.

Submit water meter readings in St. Petersburg via the Internet

Residents of St. Petersburg can submit water meter readings through the website “Rent-info”, which is supported by the State Unitary Enterprise All-Russian Central Communal Enterprise “Housing Economy”.

In order to submit testimony, you must register on the website using the “Personal Account” service. The login page looks like this:

Answers to pressing questions regarding the transmission of water meter readings in St. Petersburg

City residents, when transmitting water meter readings through the website of the All-Russian Central Communal Enterprise “Housing Economy”, often encounter some difficulties. The settlement center specialists analyzed the most frequently asked questions and published answers to them. We present them below.

Question: What to do if the hot water meter has disappeared in your Personal Account. Last month I entered the readings without problems. The counter is working properly.

Answer: Most likely, the hot water supply meter is closed after the verification period has expired. The verification period is indicated in the report drawn up when the metering device was sealed. In this situation, it is necessary to contact the management organization and have the metering device verified or replaced.

Question: Where on the website you can enter meter readings. Previously, did you use an online service for entering readings and authorization was carried out using your personal account number and password?

Answer: To enter meter readings, you must use your Personal Account: https://lk.kvartplata.info/LK/Home/Login

To log into your Personal Account, you can use the email that you specified when registering in the online service for entering meter readings. You can use the old password, or restore the password through your Personal Account https://lk.kvartplata.info/LK/Home/ResetPassword. If you do not remember the email that you specified when registering in the online service for entering meter readings, you can re-register in your Personal Account using your current (new) email.

Question: Who can use the Internet service “Personal Account” and enter readings by phone. 325-05-43?

Answer: The Internet service Personal Account is intended for recipients of “pink” and “white” bills from the State Unitary Enterprise All-Russian Central Communal Enterprise “Housing” (without the possibility of paying “white” bills). Phone 325-05-43 can only be used by recipients of “pink bills”.

Question: When trying to fill in new readings, the service refuses entry, citing too large readings.

Answer: The limitation when entering readings via the Internet service and telephone is calculated at the rate of 100 m³ (1000 kW) for each month in which readings were not provided. If your readings exceed the established limit, then you can submit the readings to the accounting department of your management company.

What happens if you do not submit water meter readings on time?

According to current legislation, if you have not provided water meter readings, then you must be charged for this utility service based on average monthly consumption (calculated based on data for the last six months).

This procedure can be in effect for up to three months. Then the consumer who does not provide water meter readings is transferred to payment according to the standard.

These standards are spelled out in clauses 59 and clause 60 of the “Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05/06/2011 N 354.

Why must water meter readings be transmitted within a strictly limited period of time?

This is one of the frequently asked questions - why does the testimony need to be transmitted exactly, say, from the 20th to the 25th?

The current legislation does not contain a strict norm requiring the transfer of meter readings within a specific period. The “Rules for the Provision of Utility Services” only states that the timing of the transfer of meter readings must be determined in the service agreement.

In practice, utility companies introduce these requirements, since the collection of readings from apartment meters must be synchronized with the transmission of data through a common house meter.

Here you need to understand the logic of calculating water charges: residents are issued bills for both apartment consumption and general household consumption. The common house meter in this case is the difference between the sum of the readings of all individual meters and the readings of the common house meter.

If apartment meter readings are not collected all and not at the same time, then the volume of water that is included in general household expenses increases. And then they are “spread out” over all apartments, in proportion to their area.

It turns out that if the meter readings are not taken at the same time, then it seems that it is impossible to correctly calculate the consumption for each of their apartments. This is the logic of the utility companies.

Another thing is that the channels for transmitting meter readings, primarily websites and telephone lines, cannot cope with the sharply increasing load on the last day of collecting meter readings. Almost everyone has encountered this problem, one way or another.

What happens if the water meter readings are transmitted incorrectly?

Different cities and organizations have different rules on this matter. But the general approach is that incorrect readings can be corrected.

Nothing “terrible” will happen if you see that the incorrectly transmitted readings are already reflected in the receipt. If the error is insignificant and falls within the volume of your monthly consumption, then the easiest way is to pay the amount calculated based on these incorrect readings. And next time, pass on the correct ones. It turns out that you just paid a little in advance.

But if the erroneously transmitted readings greatly exceed your monthly consumption (say, by an order of magnitude), then you need to contact the organization that charges for water. Ask them to recalculate. They are obliged to do this.

Paying for utilities is an integral part of the life of all people living in apartments or private houses, cottages, etc. Therefore, city authorities are trying to simplify the process of interaction between utility providers and consumers as much as possible by creating cash settlement and computing centers. For example, in St. Petersburg, the State Unitary Enterprise VTsKP “Housing Economy” operates, created on the basis of the “Rent Info” website. With it you can not only pay bills, but also pay them.


Timing and methods of transmitting evidence

By concluding an agreement with a service company or utility provider, consumers undertake to promptly pay money for the resources received, as well as timely transmit data from individual metering devices. This is necessary for the correct calculation of monthly consumption and the correct calculation of amounts on receipts. For residents of St. Petersburg who are served by the state unitary enterprise “Computer Center for Collective Use” (Rent Info), the following deadlines are established:

  • from 1st to 25th of every month– submission of readings from cold and hot water supply meters;
  • from to the 10th day of the month following the reporting month– payment of the bill.

For the convenience of subscribers, meter readings can be submitted in different ways:

  • through your personal account on the website of the State Unitary Enterprise VTsKP (kvartplata.info)
  • by multi-channel telephone of a 24-hour automatic system;
  • using a payment document.

How to transmit water meter readings by phone

Through a telephone automatic system for submitting meter readings, you can submit consumption information from personal meters. The correct algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Dial number 325-05-43 from a mobile or landline phone.
  2. Switch to tone mode.
  3. Press the “1” button and listen to the message.
  4. After the sound signal, enter the subscriber's 9-digit personal account number.
  5. Select the required service: number “1” – data on cold water; “2” – for hot water supply.
  6. Enter current readings from the meter.
  7. Press the “#” button.
  8. Confirm the entry of readings after listening to the auto-message by pressing the “#” button again.
  9. To complete the operation, press button “4” or hang up.

Important! Water service by phone is only available to recipients of pink slip receipts. Such payments are received by residents of houses that have entered into comprehensive service agreements with the Rent Info payment center.

Personal account of the VTsKP

The most advanced users can register a personal account on the website of the State Unitary Enterprise VTsKP quartplata.info and gain access to a variety of online services.

Registration and login

To register a user's personal account you will need:

  1. Go to the login page to your personal account on the official website of the computer center.
  2. Here you need to click the “Registration” button.
  3. Next you will need to enter your email address. You need to come up with a password yourself and enter it again to confirm.
  4. Enter the characters from the picture.
  5. Click the “Register” button.
  6. To further activate the account, the subscriber must log into his email, open the letter from rent.info and follow the link in it.
  7. When logging into your personal account for the first time, the subscriber must fill out a user profile:
    • surname;
    • surname;
    • Date of Birth;
    • mobile phone.

In order for the user to be able to fully use all the functionality of the service, it is then necessary to add a personal account. Read on to find out how to do this.

Adding a new personal account

To be able to use your personal account, the subscriber must add his personal accounts. To do this you will need:

  • log into your personal account;
  • enter the 9-digit client account number in a special form;
  • Click the “Bind” button.

Important! You must add a personal account within 30 days from the date of registration of your personal account. Otherwise, the account will be blocked.

Entering water meter readings

Submitting meter readings through your personal account is quite simple. To do this you will need:

  1. Log in to the site using your email address and password.
  2. Login to section “Entering meter readings”.
  3. Enter the current readings from the hot or cold water meter.
  4. Check the entered data.
  5. Click the “Submit” button.

If the subscriber enters excessively large water consumption readings (more than 100 cubic meters per month), the system will display an error message. In such a situation, you need to carefully check the submitted information, and if the expense is really large, you will need to contact the accounting department of the management company.

View payment history and transferred readings

An important advantage of using a personal account is that users can track their payments at any time, as well as verify the already transmitted readings after making them. Such operations are available to subscribers in the “History” section. To view already completed operations, you will need:

  1. Log in to the site.
  2. Enter the “History” section.
  3. Select what you want to view: .
  4. Determine the time period.

Video instructions for the VTsKP personal account

Making a payment without registration

On the website of the State Unitary Enterprise VTsKP you can pay current bills without registering in your personal account. To do this you will need:

  1. The form for online payment is located on the portal page: https://pay.kvartplata.info/eq/Kvartplata/PaymentStep1.
  2. To make a payment, enter your personal account number, as well as the desired payment period (month and year). Click the “Proceed to Payment” button.
  3. Choose a convenient payment method (bank card or electronic money).
  4. After this, the user will be redirected to a page to fill out the payment form. To withdraw from a bank card, you will need to provide the following information:
    • card number;
    • card validity period;
    • Owner's name;
    • secret code cvc2/cvv2 (located on the back of the card).

When using the Yandex.Money e-wallet, you only need to confirm the transaction using a code sent in an SMS message to the linked mobile phone number.


The use of electronic services for transmitting meter readings and paying for utility services significantly makes people's lives easier. You no longer need to stand in queues or search for the nearest computer center office. All transactions are available online, so they can be carried out without leaving your home.

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To help you determine how much water or light you use, you need to record your final meter reading each month.

Why are metering devices needed?

By subtracting the last meter readings taken from the final ones, you get the difference, which is worth paying at the end of the month. This difference must be multiplied by the established tariffs, writing the required amount on the receipt.

The legislation establishes a list of reasons according to which payment for an apartment may be cheaper:

  • the maintenance of the house is not at an adequate level;
  • the utility company does not provide its services in full;
  • There are no metering meters installed in the house.

Upon discovery of a violation of the quality of the services provided, it is necessary to contact the Housing Office and draw up a report on the violation of the quality of services or on the violation of the terms of provision of services.

On this basis, you can apply for a reduction in utility bills.

The document is submitted to the person responsible for the house. All residents can draw it up and then submit it to the landlord.

At the legislative level, a mandatory written form is not required, that is, this fact can be stated orally.

It is worth noting that this must be reported no later than 6 months from the date of discovery of the offense.

This document must be registered with the Housing Office, to which the authorized bodies must respond to applicants within two days.

The answer must indicate:

  • date of acceptance of the application;
  • assigned registration number;
  • application status.

The total rent will be reduced taking into account the number of days during which the violation is not corrected.

Calculating the amount of housing and communal services is a rather complex procedure, which depends on the entire set of works and services provided by the utility company that registers the apartment buildings.

Communal payments

The general tariff for payment of housing and communal services is determined by a special agreement, which is drawn up with organizations providing certain services.

The utility company enters into a social rental agreement with the tenants, taking into account the area of ​​the apartment.

If a family is considered low-income, then it does not have to pay for the living space it occupies.

The amount of the fee is established taking into account the costs and income of the utility company for the maintenance of all property and is established by an act of the utility company.

The general tariff must be the same for all tenants. The basis on which the fee is calculated is the payment document.

The receipt must indicate:

  • monthly payment amount;
  • amount of accrued debt.

In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 13, 2006 No. 491, the costs of maintaining and providing a house include the following costs:

  • maintaining engineering systems that operate the heating, water and gas systems;
  • debts for housing and communal services;
  • costs for information systems that store data on incoming payments;
  • issuing payments for housing and communal services.

What does it include?

The Housing Code of the Russian Federation specified in detail what the rent includes:

  • housing rental fees;
  • payment for the maintenance and improvement of the house;
  • home repairs;
  • utility fees;
  • fee for major repairs.

Rent: meter readings

When paying rent, meter readings are needed for electricity, water and gas. If the apartment does not have a meter, the consumer will pay for the services provided at the general rate.


Rent is paid according to water meter readings.

You need to pay for water consumption only in your city, using the following scheme: the difference in the final and previous readings must be multiplied by the tariff set by the utility company for cold and hot water.

Payment must be made at the end of the month. If you do not pay, then you may be charged an amount based on the average readings of the water you consume for the month.

Electricity (for light)

Meter readings must be paid by the 26th of the current month.

If the consumer has not paid for the energy consumed for the past month, the bill will be issued based on the average volume of energy consumption.

If you do not pay for electricity within 6 months, you may be excluded from providing this service.

Submission methods

Today there are many payment methods. For example, if you have a bank near your home, you can pay for utilities through the terminal. To do this, you only need the payer code, which is indicated in the upper corner of the notice.

Having chosen payment, insert the bill into the money slot, after which you will receive a receipt for payment of utility bills.

If you don't want to wait for a monthly payment receipt, you can issue a standing order using your card. Due to this, you will be able to make regular deductions from your card to the account of the utility company.

You can pay for utilities using an electronic wallet. All you need to do is go to the section for paying utility bills and enter the appropriate payment details.

The amount will be debited from your wallet automatically.

Through the Internet

Paying for utilities using the Internet is possible for every citizen who has the Internet. You can make payments on the website based on the received payment document.

From it you must indicate your personal account and the amount to be paid.

You can pay for rent services using the following sites:

  • online Sberbank;
  • payment system "Rapida", "oplata.ru".

On the website of the Rapida payment system, you must have a card for this portal and need to be a registered user.

The second site requires a card with money and registration on it. Connecting to the site costs 150 rubles.

Requires users to register, as well as have an open account with this bank and connect the “Mobile Bank” option.

The receipt received after the payment has been made will be proof of payment for the rent.

The receipt will indicate the following:

  • payee, his bank details;
  • the service you paid for;
  • information about the tenant;
  • meters data;
  • established tariff;
  • payment amount;
  • possible benefits;
  • personal account.

By phone

To pay rent by phone, you need to enable the Mobile Bank service, using the operator’s prompts.

In order to pay for utilities, you just need to send an SMS so that the bank can write off your funds to the service provider's account.


Residents of St. Petersburg are one of the “lucky ones” who do not have to call the housing office every month and check their water meters. Everything can be done via the Internet.

Late payment of utility bills can lead to big troubles. If, by law, you cannot be deprived of cold water, then public utilities in St. Petersburg have the right to turn off the unpaid hot water supply. Moreover, now there are ways by which this can be done in one apartment.

Water utility workers have the right to apply a similar measure if the debt reaches an amount equal to three monthly standard indicators. However, even less debt has consequences. Various administrative measures are applied to defaulters: from fines and penalties, to seizure of property, and in some cases even eviction.

Therefore, the need to deposit funds on time is not disputed. But this often takes quite a lot of time, and if you do not live in an apartment or rent it out, the task becomes more complicated - you not only have to stand in line at the bank or look for a terminal that accepts payments, but also regularly travel to pick up bills sent. Therefore, many pay for services without leaving home - through their own computer connected to the Internet.

But not everyone knows that you can transmit water meter readings through your personal account. In St. Petersburg there are two options to take advantage of this opportunity:

  • through the utility website;
  • on the website of the State Unitary Enterprise "Vodokanal of St. Petersburg".

How to transfer data via kvartplata.info

kvartplata.info is the official website of the All-Russian Central Communal Enterprise “Housing”, which has a section specifically designed for transmitting meter readings via the Internet. In order to take advantage of this opportunity, you must register and fill out a form.

Then everything is more or less clear; you will receive a form to fill out at the specified email address. You should copy your personal account number from the receipt and be sure to fill in your full name and date of birth. A registration message, data for accessing your personal account and hints if you have lost your password will be sent to the specified email. To restore it, you will need to answer a security question.

After filling out the form, you can go to the next page, where water meter readings are entered in the appropriate columns. To subsequently enter your personal account, enter your password and personal account number.

The next step is to enter water meter readings. On the page you will see all the water meters you have, the previously indicated meter readings, and fields for entering new numbers.

To correctly transmit readings, you need to enter data only for meters that are registered in your apartment. It should be borne in mind that if a household has premises that are owned and those that are provided as social rent, meter readings are submitted by their residents separately.

The information submitted does not depend on the month in which it is entered - the current indicators are printed. At the same time, unlike paper receipts, zeros appearing in front of other numbers are not entered in your personal account. You must submit your readings online by the 25th of the month. After filling out the fields and clicking the “Continue” button, the data is saved and you receive an invoice for payment indicating the amount paid.

Payment can be made immediately, from a bank card, or, without opening an account, using the service Yandex money.

How to transfer readings to Vodokanal of St. Petersburg

You can also transfer data and pay for water supply services using the St. Petersburg Vodokanal website. Registration is also required here, but it is a little more complicated than on “ Rent-info" To be able to send water meter readings via the Internet, you need, again, to log into your personal account.

There you can download a letter template to fill out.

The completed application must be sent to: [email protected] and wait for a notification that the password is ready. But you can only get the password in person, in St. Petersburg, on Komsomol Street, 19, lit. A. In this case, you are required to have a document confirming your identity and a completed application letter (the same as the one sent via the Internet).

After receiving the password, you get full access to your personal account, where you can transfer water consumption data, find out the existence of debt, and receive invoices for payment. You can pay for water utility services either from a bank card through Internet banking or through electronic payment systems.

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