
Build a savings deposit in Belarusbank. Another way to solve the housing problem! System of construction savings of ASB "Belarusbank". How does the building savings system work?

If you do not have a horde of 3-4 children, and your arms and legs are intact, then you will hardly be able to qualify for a soft loan for construction.

And even if you can, it is unlikely that you will stand at his expense, those square meters that you are counting on. Not to mention the fact that in any European country the rates on mortgages open to the mass market are lower than on our concessional loans.

Ordinary lending has turned into a catastrophically unclaimed banking service. for very impressive sums, the average family cannot.

But, in general, loans are not the only way to “get into the construction site”.

Silence of the Lambs

One of the alternative instruments is the building savings system. On July 1, it will be 9 years since it started functioning on the basis of Belarusbank. In fact, the mechanism has not received wide application and is based today only on financing at the expense of Belarusbank itself without any state injections.

The last bravura mention of the building savings system (as they say, in sue) is dated last year and belongs to former head of the Belarusian regulator Nadezhda Yermakova:

“The National Bank is developing a system of construction savings, because such forms of lending have been operating in many countries of the world for a long time. And a citizen who wants to have housing must save up himself.”

The statement about the independent participation of citizens in construction and acquisition is true and justified, as history has shown, massive concessional lending sooner or later leads to a surge in prices, speculation in the real estate market and, as a result, devaluation.

The building savings system is based on market mechanisms and, as practice shows, has taken root well in many countries of the world. Unfortunately, the National Bank did not provide its developments, perhaps the banking minds are sculpting something ingenious, or perhaps they simply forgot about it.

And most likely the latter. Because in May 2015 new Chairman of the Board of the National Bank told reporters that before the European housing lending mechanisms and "rates, as in Poland" will have to wait another 3-4 years, no less. The market is not the same.

What's the price?

The savings system, like everything in this world, has its own pros and cons.

The positive aspects of this mechanism can be safely attributed to the fact that the system itself consists of two parts - savings and payment. Savings period - the time during which the depositor's money is deposited at a small percentage. It is impossible to withdraw, it is possible to replenish, if stipulated by the terms of the contract. There is a risk, but more on that later.

Secondly, it is possible to be a member of the system regardless of "neediness" and registration, and the purchase or construction of housing can take place throughout the republic.

As for the numbers, the loan itself can be issued for an amount equal to no more than 75% of the cost of housing, for a period of up to 20 years, with an interest rate for using the loan or in the amount of the refinancing rate plus one point (today it is 26%), or in the amount of the weighted average refinancing rate of the National Bank for the period from the month of the conclusion of the agreement to the month preceding the month of the conclusion of the loan agreement, increased by one percentage point.

Payment of interest for the use of the loan is made in equal installments, funds from the account are transferred to the address of their final recipient by bank transfer.

By the way, within the framework of one housing savings agreement, a participant can build (purchase) only one dwelling.

Jump into the last car of the departing train

The whole system has been tested and is viable, if not for one "but", unfortunately, our real estate prices are tightly tied to the dollar, and the whole system operates in rubles, so participating in it there is a risk of not making money, but lose all savings in the next devaluation.

The experience of the last 9 years, during which there has been a whole series of depreciations of the Belarusian ruble, shows that between the jumps in the exchange rate there is always time to enter the building savings system and have time to pay off credit. But it must be taken into account that the time between jumps is decreasing, and the minimum period for which you need to deposit money is at least 19 months.

Grated rolls

- When, after graduating from high school, I faced the issue of acquiring my own housing, the only available option was the building savings system, - shared her story with the CHOOSE!BY project Belarusbank client Ksenia. -I could not use a preferential loan, since I was a newcomer, to purchase on the secondary market or build from scratch, as a young specialist, even with the help of my parents, I was not able to. A year and a half flew by quickly, by the time the loan period began, I didn’t even have time to look after myself. As a result, the choice fell on a one-room apartment in Sukharevo for 65 thousand dollars.

According to the interlocutor, sellers respond quite adequately to settlements through the building savings system, so there were no problems here.

- I chose to pay by the system rate ref +1 p.p. As a result, when the rate jumped at the end of 2014, my payments increased. It upset. Today I pay 7 million, and before the rise it was 6 million,- concluded the girl.

Specialist of one of the real estate agencies Eugene commented on the story of buying an apartment under the system of building savings.

- In our time, all methods are good, says a real estate expert. - The system of construction savings is beneficial when everything is calm on the market, but in general, if our state, for example, as in Europe, would pay a bonus to the participants in the system and simplify the tax system, then preferential lending could be completely closed so as not to produce dependency. But, unfortunately, while the idea is stalled.

The system has been stalling for almost 10 years, but it could be a good help to both construction and banks. Well, we are waiting for the promised. 3 years, the countdown has begun.

Thinking about how to make your money work? Bank deposits do not even cover inflation. Not everyone understands securities. Speculative operations with currency resemble a game of roulette. A good alternative is to invest in the construction of residential and commercial real estate. Investments are reliable, because the object becomes your property. They are liquid and have the potential to double your capital in the short term. Unfortunately, there are no risks. Let's talk about investing in construction in more detail.

Investment in housing construction is optimal before the market rises in the following conditions: a difficult economic situation in the country, combined with an unstable foreign exchange market, but an optimistic forecast. If the prices for new buildings will increase, the profitability of investments in the construction of houses will increase many times over.

The housing market in Russia in 2016 experienced a deep crisis:

  • prices and sales volumes of primary housing have declined significantly;
  • the number of deceived depositors has noticeably increased;
  • increased the number of "unfinished".

The trend continues in 2017, however, a number of indicators indicate a potential change in the vector in early 2018. If the trends are confirmed, this will be an ideal moment for investors to enter. Follow the market!

Wanting to invest in construction in Russia, the investor plans to earn on the difference in prices at the time of purchase and sale. This difference always exists even in a stable market. The developer announces the minimum prices at the start of sales in order to:

  • attract the first wave of customers;
  • create a positive image.

The price spread is especially noticeable in the construction of entire microdistricts and residential complexes. Thus, the ideal moment for investment is the start of complex development.

Select a property

Apartments in residential buildings

Investment in housing construction is the most popular investment object. The reasons:

  • relatively small amount of investment;
  • short payback period: 1–2 years;
  • ample opportunities to exit the project (sale, lease).

When choosing an object, pay attention to the following criteria:

  1. Region (different regions of the country have their own market characteristics).
  2. Area (prestige, security).
  3. Transport accessibility (distance to the metro, for example, significantly affects the price).
  4. Infrastructure (supermarkets, schools, kindergartens).
  5. Plans for the development of the microdistrict (municipal or developer): in the case of complex development, the return on investment, as well as the risks, can increase significantly.
  6. Number of rooms (the most liquid product is 1 and 2-room apartments).
  7. Apartment layout.
  8. Housing class ("economy", "business class", "premium", "elite").


A good alternative to investing in apartment buildings because:

  • yield under certain conditions may be higher (especially in the elite housing segment);
  • the payback period is the same (1–2 years).

Advantages are offset by increased risks:

  • the amount of investment is more significant;
  • liquidity of suburban housing - an order of magnitude lower;
  • price volatility is higher.

By analogy with apartment buildings, invest at the foundation stage. When choosing an object, use the above criteria, and also consider additional factors:

  • ecological situation;
  • distance to a major center;
  • convenience of communications.


A promising way to invest in resort regions and large cities. There is still competition from ordinary apartments. The segment is quite specific and requires detailed study from the investor. The risks are high. Opportunities to exit the project are limited. Payback period: from 4 to 8 years.

Industrial premises

Investments in this segment impose certain requirements on the investor and the project:

  • the investor has commercial skills and knowledge;
  • the purpose of the project, the method of exit and the potential buyer are determined in advance;
  • a clear business plan for the project was formed, taking into account the risks of selling to a non-target buyer at a reduced price.

Investments are long term. Payback period: from 5 to 10 years.

In demand are: premises for food industry companies, essential goods, furniture.

Investments in production often involve the presence of intermediaries and are carried out collectively through mutual funds and private equity funds.

Commercial properties


  1. Commercial facilities: shops, supermarkets, shopping centers.
  2. Catering facilities: cafes, bars, restaurants.
  3. Educational, sports and entertainment centers.
  4. Offices and business centers.
  5. Warehouses, hangars, storages.
  6. Agricultural objects.

The amount of investment is the maximum.

The risks are high, but potentially less than in the case of industrial premises, since at the end of the project it is expected that the premises will be leased to a large number of merchants. Selling as a way out is rarely used.

Payback period: from 5 to 10 years.

Choose an investment method

How to invest in the construction of an apartment or a commercial facility? Fundamentally determine which way of investing suits you:

  • individual investment;
  • collective investment.

Attention. Always keep in mind that it is impossible to acquire ownership of an object that is under construction.

Individual investment options

Share agreement in construction. Investment in shared construction is the most reliable option from a legal point of view. It is concluded between the investor and the developer in accordance with the requirements of 214-FZ. The main advantage: the contract is subject to mandatory state registration, which will protect you from many risks.

Redemption of a share of a third party (assignment of the right to claim). The equity participation agreement provides for the possibility of acquiring a share at the construction completion stage. Such transactions are also considered profitable. You will lose part of the profitability, but you will drastically reduce the payback period and reduce the risks. In order not to get caught by scammers, be sure to check the documents confirming ownership.

Investment contract for the construction of a residential building.

Transactions of this kind are not provided for in the current legislation, but they are not expressly prohibited either. Pros: the rights of the investor in the contract, as a rule, should be reflected in detail and clearly (as opposed to "gray" schemes). Cons: an investment contract for construction does not require state registration, which gives the developer a wide margin for maneuver in case of claims from the buyer.

Investment contract for the construction of a non-residential building.

Attention! In no case do not follow the lead of an unscrupulous developer and do not enter into a “preliminary purchase / sale agreement”, “loan agreement”, “promissory note purchase agreement”, etc.

Collective investment options

Construction (housing-saving) cooperatives.

Voluntary association of investors for the purpose of building residential buildings. Today, bankrupt developers appear in place of bankrupt developers and take from them all rights to complete construction. A cooperative may have the status of an independent developer or a participant in shared construction. Members of the cooperative are required to make share contributions.

The formation of cooperatives is a rather forced measure. Allows minority investors to speak to the developer from a position of strength. Under favorable circumstances, such an intermediary between the investor and the developer is not needed.

Real estate mutual funds and direct investment funds.

Suitable for those investors who want to diversify their risks and build a portfolio of investments at the expense of profitability.

Real estate mutual funds are formed mainly of a closed type and for a long period (due to the nature of investments). You can invest money only at the initial stage of the life cycle of the fund. The funds form around themselves a whole hierarchy of participants: a management company, a construction company, a realtor, an auditor, an appraiser, a registrar company, a depositary company, and shareholder investors.

The Fund protects the rights of the investor, controls the targeted spending of funds, the progress of construction, provides legal support, etc.

Advantages: availability, reliability, lack of organizational problems (everything will be done for you), low entry threshold (from 2 to 4 thousand dollars, which is only slightly higher than open funds).

Flaws: low profitability, long payback period and annual commission to fund managers as a percentage of the amount of the investor's shares.

Choose a builder

Before investing in shared construction, approach the choice of a developer with all responsibility. In the first half of 2016 alone, about 1,600 construction companies became bankrupt.

  1. Check reputation and time on the market. Attention. Many companies often register a new legal entity to build a house. In this case, find out who exactly is its founder.
  2. Check out contributor reviews.
  3. Specify the number of objects commissioned.
  4. Count the total number of investors.
  5. Find out the specialization of the developer by types of real estate. Check if you have experience in complex development.
  6. Be sure to check the financial partners of the developer. Serious banks and insurance companies will not deal with scammers.
  7. Check for a complete package of permits in accordance with 214-FZ. This list must necessarily include: a building permit, project documentation, a lease agreement or ownership of a land plot, state registration and constituent papers.

Examples of reliable developers in Moscow: A101 Development, PIK Group, Capital Group.

Examine the construction investment project

It includes the following documents:

  • feasibility study of investments in construction;
  • business plan;
  • project documentation.

Read the terms of the contract

Secondly, be sure to involve an independent lawyer. Additional costs will pay off, because they are not so significant compared to the amount of investments. Pay special attention to the following clauses of the contract:

  1. Currency of the agreement (rubles, dollars, euros, conventional units). conversion rates. Assess who bears currency risks.
  2. The cost per square meter and the object as a whole. Is it rigidly fixed or can it be changed depending on a number of conditions?
  3. The amount of the down payment. Payment schedule.
  4. Date of putting the object into operation.
  5. Terms and conditions for obtaining title documents.
  6. Terms of risk insurance.
  7. Terms of termination of the contract.
  8. Penalties.
  9. Force majeure circumstances.

Determine how to exit the project

Think about the way out of the project in advance.

Resale of objects upon completion of construction can bring a good income in the shortest possible time. The average return on investment in the construction of a residential building is comparable to the high-yield securities market. So, when selling an apartment in a stable market, you can earn 30% in 2 years. With favorable market conditions, this figure can rise to 100% or more. The main advantages: the minimum payback period, the ability to reinvest the money earned.

  1. Resale without repair.
  2. Resale with repair. Traditionally increases the cost of housing by 20-30%.

Renting is an ideal source of passive income. The payback period is noticeably longer, but the net discounted cash income from a long operating life can exceed the income from the sale.

  1. Leasing residential real estate for short periods (hourly, daily, weekly payment). High yield annuity. Risks of object damage. The constant attention of the investor and the solution of organizational problems are required.
  2. Leasing residential real estate for long periods (monthly payment). Low income annuity. Lack of risks and organizational problems.
  3. Lease of non-residential premises to the target tenant. Most often used in the case of targeted industrial and small commercial facilities.
  4. Lease of non-residential premises in parts to several tenants. The most profitable and safe way out for large commercial properties. Diversification of tenants drastically reduces risks, and demand, as a rule, always exists.

Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. Arm yourself with a financial calculator and prepare your own calculation of the profitability and payback of the project for the investor. And don't forget taxes.

Summing up

Investment construction is a wonderful and relatively safe way to make money. It includes a number of advantages:

  1. High yield.
  2. Good liquidity of investment objects.
  3. Acceptable payback period for such a significant amount of investment.
  4. Reliability. The property remains the property of the investor. It can be sold, used as collateral, etc. In a stable market, even selling below the market price will cover all losses.
  5. Not so much price volatility (compared to, for example, stocks).
  6. Large selection of properties in major cities.
  7. Multiple exit options.

Unfortunately, like any other way of investing, attracting investment in construction has its drawbacks:

  1. The risk of falling prices. Strong dependence of demand on the economic situation in the region and country. A protracted economic crisis can drop the price of objects by 30-40%. Advice: Follow the market conditions and choose the right time to invest.
  2. The risk of fraud: one-day firms, building as a distraction and selling “air”, selling the same share several times. Advice: check the legality of the developer in the official registry of construction companies. Attention. Fraudsters often operate in conjunction with a legal structure that covers them. Advice: get your lawyer involved.
  3. Bankruptcy of the developer due to unprofessional management, lack of funding, misuse of funds. Advice: choose a developer that is reliable in all criteria.
  4. The terms of the construction of the object may be disrupted. This leads to direct and indirect losses. The object may lose its competitive advantages (if another house is built nearby, the return on investment will fall by tens of percent). Advice: Provide for penalties in the contract for non-compliance.
  5. During the construction process, the technical parameters and quality of the object (for example, planning) may be violated, up to the refusal of the state commission to put the house into operation. Advice: carefully study the investment plan for construction, if possible, control the progress of work.
  6. During the construction process, costs and the cost per square meter increase significantly. Advice: carefully study the contract for the method of calculating the final price.
  7. The risk of losing the object (natural disasters, military operations, industrial disasters, fires). Advice: be sure to insure.

Follow these rules and your capital investment will be safe.

Useful videos

Transmission: Honest house. Investments in construction. Guest: Yuri Nemanezhin, Managing Partner of GravionGroup, Member of the Board of the Association of Developers of the Moscow Region

How to profitably and safely invest in the purchase of real estate in a new building. What to look for, what to avoid when investing. How and where to buy so as not to be deceived.

1. Funds to the deposit account are accepted in Belarusian rubles. The initial contribution to the deposit account is made (in cash or by bank transfer) at the time of concluding the housing savings agreement.

2. A deposit account cannot be opened in the name of another person.

3. The participant and other persons have the right to replenish the deposit account until the end of the contractual replenishment period corresponding to the chosen accumulation plan.

4. Interest on the deposit account shall be paid for the period from the date of conclusion of the housing savings agreement until the day the deposit account is closed. The interest rate is set in the amount of the refinancing rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus. When calculating interest, the number of days in a year is considered conditionally equal to 360, and in a month - 30.

5. The return of the deposit is carried out with recalculation at a reduced interest rate of the interest due on the deposit in the following cases:

The performance of any debit transaction on the deposit before the occurrence of the circumstance (event) of the target return of the deposit or the debit transaction that is not the target debit transaction after the occurrence of the circumstance (event) of the target return of the deposit;

Non-occurrence or disappearance of the possibility of occurrence of the circumstance (event) of the targeted return of the deposit.

Further storage of the deposit (part of the deposit), if the deposit is not claimed, is carried out with a reduced interest rate.

6. Capitalization of accrued interest on a deposit account is carried out:

Monthly before the first debit transaction - subject to the conditions for making transactions on the deposit;

On the day of the first debit transaction;

At the end of each calendar year:

from the date of recalculation at the rate of demand deposits in Belarusian rubles;

from the date of expiration of the last contractual term of the savings stage, increased by 1 year;

from the date of the 1st debit transaction on the deposit (including the target one).

On the closing date of the deposit.

7. From the date of the first debit transaction on the deposit account, the income on the deposit is accrued in the amount of the interest rate in force at the bank on the demand deposit in Belarusian rubles for individuals, taking into account the change in its size for the actual deposit term (deposit balance). Interest on the deposit is capitalized at the end of each calendar year.

From the date of expiration of the contractual replenishment period, or the day of the first debit transaction in the period up to the expiration date of the contractual replenishment period, incoming operations on the deposit account are not carried out (except for the capitalization of accrued interest).

8. The date of expiration of the term (the day of the expiration of the term) is taken to be the date that, by the name of its day of the month, is the same as the name of the day of the month of the date of conclusion of the housing savings contract. If the expiration date falls on a month in which there is no corresponding date, then the expiration date is the last day of such month.

Partner news

Belarusbank offers an alternative
concessional housing loans

The system of building savings can become an alternative to preferential lending for housing construction, according to JSC "ASB Belarusbank.

The system of construction savings is profitable, reliable and transparent. This is the opinion of not only the specialists of the oldest bank in the country, but also its clients, who have seen from personal experience the advantages of this method of solving the housing problem.

“When our family decided to acquire our own housing, we were looking for a suitable option for a long time,” says Anna Sidorova, a young mother who dreamed of her own housing. — The options we found impressed us, as, in fact, the amounts that were asked for them. Our savings were only enough for a quarter. Then we learned that there is such a product - a system of building savings, which allows you to save up money and then buy a home on credit. We chose the shortest accumulation period - 19 months. True, the interest was lower than on other deposits, but after a year and a half and one month we were entitled to a loan on attractive terms - at a refinancing rate plus one percent. Payments turned out to be quite high.”

An innovative product for Belarus designed to solve the problem of providing citizens with housing without the participation of the state, the system of construction savings, Belarusbank offered its clients ten years ago. More than 15 thousand people became participants in the project. More than 3.5 thousand people received loans, more than 500 of which were issued this year. The figure, perhaps not so significant, nevertheless, the bank provided these people with the opportunity to solve their housing problem on their own.

The essence of the building savings system is divided into two stages: savings and payment and credit. In percentage terms, the ratio of own accumulated funds and credit should be 25 to 75.

At the first stage, anyone can come to the bank and open a housing savings deposit, indicating in the contract the amount that they are ready to invest in the construction or purchase of housing. Such a deposit is opened for a period of three to seven years. The system participant accumulates the declared amount.

True, the interest rate on such a deposit may not seem very attractive to someone. Its size is equal to the refinancing rate of the National Bank. Today it is 18% per annum, which is noticeably higher than the inflation rate, but somewhat lower than the yield on other types of deposits.

“It is important to understand why all this is being done. It is necessary to take into account the significant advantages of the system when obtaining a loan. A small interest rate on a deposit is a kind of payment for the same low interest rate on a loan, - explains Inna Rusakovich, Director of the Retail Business Department of JSC ASB Belarusbank.

The interest rate on the loan in this case is equal to the refinancing rate of the National Bank plus 1 percentage point, which today is 19% per annum. Compared to traditional loans for the construction and purchase of housing, the benefit for the consumer is obvious, because now a regular loan for real estate financing is issued at the refinancing rate of the National Bank plus 3 p.p.

Inna Rusakovich: a small interest rate on a deposit is a kind of payment for the same small rate on a loan.

It is also important that the payment of interest for using the loan is made in equal installments, which allows you to plan family budget expenses for a long period of time.

Under the building savings system, credit is granted for up to 20 years, while a conventional real estate loan is for up to 15 years.

“Anyone can use the offer for loans for the construction or purchase of housing under the construction savings system, regardless of whether he is registered in need of better housing conditions or not,” emphasizes Viktor Ageev, director of the population lending department. - In practice, the system works as follows. Suppose a citizen is going to buy an apartment worth 200 thousand rubles. and he already has savings in the amount of 25% of the cost of housing - 50 thousand rubles. In this case, he places this amount on a housing savings deposit. During the selected term of the accumulation plan, the money is kept in the deposit and interest is charged on them. After this period, the program participant transfers funds to the account of the seller of real estate, and the bank provides the client with a loan in the amount of the remaining 75% of the cost of housing.

At the same time, the amount of the loan is determined not only on the basis of the amount of funds as a result of the savings stage, but also the creditworthiness of the participant, that is, the level of his income. An important advantage in calculating the loan amount is the possibility of including the income of guarantors - close relatives (family members) in the total income of the borrower.

By the way, you can repay the loan ahead of schedule

Of course, situations are not uncommon when a citizen does not immediately have the entire amount of the contribution, equal to 25% of the estimated value of the property. In this case, depending on the chosen plan (and there are three of them), the citizen makes savings on deposit until the amount of accumulation declared by him is reached.

This system has a number of undeniable advantages.

One of the attractive factors is that a member of the system can build or purchase housing in any region of the country, and also has the opportunity to transfer his/her housing savings deposit to any institution of Belarusbank free of charge, while preserving the accumulation history, without having to start over.

Anyone can become a member of the system. For example, grandparents can accumulate funds for their grandchildren, parents for children, in order to help them solve the housing problem in the future. They can assign the right to claim under a housing savings agreement to their grandchildren or children, who in the future will themselves receive a loan, build or buy housing and will themselves pay the bank for the used loan.

“Today, the system of construction savings of JSC “JSSB Belarusbank” is gaining more and more popularity, as it remains the best option for solving housing problems,” says Inna Rusakovich. In a situation where housing prices are relatively stable and inflation is slowing down, more and more people decide on long-term projects. The effectiveness of the system has already been tested by more than one thousand participants.

The housing savings deposit of Belarusbank implies opening a deposit account in order to accumulate funds for the purchase of housing, as well as obtaining credit funds in case of a lack of own funds to complete the purchase procedure.

What savings plans exist, what advantages a deposit account has, what conditions a housing savings deposit in Belarusbank has - in more detail later in the article.

Terms of the savings and payment period

From 01.07.06 branches of Belarusbank started accepting money into deposits based on the Building Savings System.

The building savings system involves the opening of a savings bank account by a person who wants to build a home.

The savings stage is the period of funds placement, interest accrual and other nuances associated with the deposit. Upon expiration savings, the client can pay for the purchase of housing for the accumulated funds - this process is called payment stage. Further, when the client's funds run out, he can use bank loan for further housing construction.

Schematic representation of the Belarusbank Building Savings System

Conditions for participants in the construction savings system of Belarusbank the following:

  1. Belarusian citizen/foreigner/stateless person.
  2. Registration on the territory of Belarus.
  3. It is necessary to conclude a contractual agreement regarding housing savings.

A deposit account on the terms of an urgent revocable bank deposit "Housing and savings" is opened on the basis of a housing savings agreement.

Member on their own:

  • chooses accumulation plan.
  • Determined with the amount, which will accumulate until the end of the replenishment period.
  • Determined with a period saving.

Based on the size of the amount, a savings schedule is prepared based on the savings period in equal monthly payments, which starts from the date of making the initial contribution to the deposit.

Important! It is not necessary to follow the prepared schedule, it is recommended for the purpose of optimal accumulation of the specified amount.

Pay attention to what can affect the elimination from the program

If the participant wishes reduce the amount, which he stated, it is necessary to write an application, which will then be considered by the head of the branch (OPERA of the Head Office, Center for Banking Services of Belarusbank). Next is add. agreement to contract housing savings and established new period dates saving.

In the same way, you can change the savings plan. Transition only can be done provided— the storage period for the Housing Savings deposit has expired and not more the base savings period of the desired savings plan.

More details about the Bank's Construction Savings System can be found at the link.

Savings plans for housing savings deposit in 2019

The savings plans for the deposit "Housing and Savings" of Belarusbank are as follows:

plan numberThe firstSecondThird
Replenishment period (based on the contract)At least 19 months - no more than 36 months.At least 31 months - no more than 60 months.At least 43 months - no more than 84 months.
Savings period (base), yearsThreeFiveSeven
Replenishment period subject to the contract, months
Minimum possible19 31 43
Maximum possible55 91 127
*The terms are taken into account from the day when the contractual agreement on housing savings was concluded
Indicator of the norm of the average shelf life, months.18 and a half30 and a half42 and a half

Useful video:

Conditions of the housing savings deposit of Belarusbank in 2019

The housing savings deposit implies the following conditions:

  • The deposit is opened in the national currency(in Belarusian rubles).
  • An initial fee can be made both in cash and non-cash.
  • Forbidden opening on the data of another person.
  • Deposit account replenishment is acceptable until the end of the period specified in the contract.
  • Interest payment on a housing savings deposit are carried out from the day when the contract was concluded until the day it ends.
  • % rate of housing savings deposit equal to the refinancing rate National Bank of the Republic of Belarus (since February 14, 2018 - 10.5%).
  • The product of capitalization is carried out:
  1. When closing a deposit.
  2. During the implementation of the first expense on the deposit account.
  3. At the end of the calendar year.
  4. In the period of 139 months.(the day of the end of the monthly storage of funds until the day when the expense on the deposit is made).
  5. At the end of 139 months(end date of the calendar year).
  • End date is the date that coincides with the day and month of the conclusion of the contractual agreement on housing savings.

You can familiarize yourself with the conditions of other deposits in Belarusian rubles.

Deposit calculator of Belarusbank

Deposit amount

Interest rate (%)

Cash desk of a banking organization, etc.)

  • Capitalization of interest that has been accrued.

  • Learn more about capitalization


    mutually beneficial for the borrower and the banking organization. The latter, before the start of construction, has the opportunity to benefit from the placed funds of the client, who receives confidence in obtaining a future loan and its favorable conditions, when placing funds in the form of a deposit in a bank.

    The housing savings deposit of Belarusbank is an excellent opportunity to accumulate funds in order to purchase real estate.

    The conditions of the deposit make it possible to conclude an agreement both for any citizen of Belarus and for a person without citizenship, but only on condition of registration in the territory of the republic.

    mamipizza.ru - Banks. Contributions and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. money and state