
Problems of studying recreational resources article. Environmental problems associated with the use of recreational resources. Recreational and health resources of the world

The importance of a recreational resource for the natural environment and humans

Recreational resources are resources of all types that can be used to meet the needs of the population for recreation and tourism. Based on recreational resources, it is possible to organize economic sectors specializing in recreational services.

Recreational resources include:

Natural complexes and their components (relief, climate, reservoirs, vegetation, fauna);

Cultural and historical attractions;

Economic potential of the territory, including infrastructure, labor resources.

Recreational resources are a set of elements of natural, natural-technical and socio-economic geosystems, which, with appropriate development of productive forces, can be used to organize a recreational economy. Recreational resources, in addition to natural objects, include any types of matter, energy, information that are the basis for the functioning, development, and stable existence of the recreational system. Recreational resources are one of the prerequisites for the formation of a separate sector of the economy - the recreational economy.

In the modern world, recreational resources, i.e., resources of natural territories, as areas of recreation, treatment and tourism, have acquired great importance. Of course, these resources cannot be called purely natural, since they also include objects of anthropogenic origin, primarily historical and architectural monuments (for example, the palace and park ensembles of Petrodvorets near St. Petersburg and Versailles near Paris, the Roman Colosseum, the Athenian Acropolis, Egyptian pyramids, the Great Wall of China, etc.). But the basis of recreational resources is still made up of natural elements: sea coasts, river banks, forests, mountainous areas, etc.

Environmental problems associated with the use of recreational resources

Recreational use of forests and other types of landscapes leads to transformation: vegetation (disappearance of the most vulnerable species, introduction of less vulnerable ones, spread of meadow species in forest ecosystems); soil cover (destruction of forest litter, reduction in the thickness of the humus horizon, compaction); soil microflora.

Country holidays on weekends usually take place on the banks of a river or lake, where a parking lot with a fireplace is arranged, so pollution of the reservoir, crumbling of slopes, and the formation of potholes are added to the impacts already discussed. Great fire hazard. As a result of these influences, natural complexes transform into a new state. In order to preserve unique natural complexes, national parks are created, which combine the ideas of preserving natural landscapes with recreational and, in some cases, agricultural use of natural resources.

Recreational environmental management is a multifaceted integrated field of activity, which at the present stage of development of society, characterized by the dominant value-based social priorities of the economy, acts as one of the life support systems aimed at restoring a person’s mental and physical health. Thus, this area acts as a social order, the implementation of which requires deep scientific research, which, in turn, ensures balanced environmental management.

Russia has enormous landscape potential, a network of specially protected natural areas (SPNA) and historical and cultural heritage sites, the balanced involvement of which in recreational environmental management will allow the development of the country's recreational industry and the creation of a recreational product for sale on the market of the global tourism industry. In Russia, development and investment stimulation priorities are given to the mining and processing industries and agriculture.

The main goal of private land users is the profitability of the enterprise, and not the preservation of the uniqueness of the landscape. The territories suffer from excessive recreational load, which significantly exceeds permissible limits, which not only threatens the preservation of the state of natural complexes, but can also lead to their degradation. The situation is especially serious within the boundaries of valley-riverine complexes, which are in greatest demand for recreationists.

Spontaneously formed recreational zones are beyond the control of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources, which makes it impossible to regulate their use and condition at the regional level. This situation requires the allocation of recreational lands into a special category of recreational lands and the determination of specific indicators of their cadastral value. To implement this provision, the following is necessary.

Carrying out a qualitative component-by-component assessment of the parameters of natural-territorial complexes, taking into account landscape rather than administrative features within the boundaries of physical-geographical regions. Weighted assessment of recreational landscapes (taking into account the ratio of the areas of recreational lands to the area of ​​the physical-geographical region and region). Determination of specific indicators of the cadastral value of recreational lands. Thus, recreational comfort is an indicator that determines the possible state of a person during recreation and the quality of possible recreational services.

Rational environmental management is a type of relationship between human society and the environment in which society manages its relationship with nature and prevents the undesirable consequences of its activities. An example is the creation of cultural landscapes; the use of technologies that allow for more complete processing of raw materials; reuse of industrial waste, protection of animal and plant species, creation of nature reserves, etc.

Irrational environmental management is a type of relationship with nature that does not take into account the requirements of environmental protection and its improvement (consumer attitude towards nature). Examples of such an attitude are excessive grazing of livestock, slash-and-burn agriculture, extermination of certain species of plants and animals, radioactive and thermal pollution of the environment.

Currently, most countries are pursuing a policy of rational environmental management, special environmental protection bodies have been created, and environmental programs and laws are being developed. Joint activities of countries on nature conservation and the creation of international projects are important. Preserving the environment is the most important human problem. Improving rational environmental management is one of the main tasks of our time.

Related information.

Today tourism in Russia is a promising recreational industry. But a number of problems can be identified in its development. Thus, as noted above, the recreational potential of the Northern region of the country and the Urals is insufficiently used. It is also necessary to develop Moscow and St. Petersburg as multifunctional zones.

In the North Caucasus region, which is of great recreational importance for Russia, migration capacity has practically been exhausted and the parameters of environmentally permissible load and infrastructural provision have been exceeded.

The load of migrants is especially high in the Krasnodar, Stavropol, and Altai territories (more than 1% of the total population). Thus, in the Krasnodar and Stavropol territories, Rostov region for 2002-2004. The migration increase amounted to 392, 163, 175 thousand people, respectively. The resettlement of migrants is largely spontaneous and often impractical from an environmental point of view.

The problem of migration is related to the creation in the buffer zone of the North (Near North) of fairly large urban settlements - basic centers of residence for the population serving mining sites on a rotational basis. In conditions of a particularly vulnerable natural environment, it is necessary to comply with environmental legislation.

In modern, very dynamic life, having a place to relax during the day and on weekends is of great importance. Organizing a short-term vacation has its own characteristics. In cities, parks, gardens, embankments, and green areas serve this purpose.

Currently, landscape and recreational systems do not form a single natural-ecological framework of the territory that influences the creation of favorable living and recreational conditions for the population. The reduction in green areas in cities is associated with the seizure of land for development, the digression of green areas under the influence of mass visits, and the deterioration of the sanitary condition of green spaces.

In the new economic conditions, Russian cities are experiencing significant organizational and financial difficulties with landscaping; as a result, the volume of construction work and the introduction of new landscaping facilities in urban areas are decreasing. An increase in citywide plantings was noted in a number of settlements in the Northwestern, Central, and West Siberian economic regions, in particular in the St. Petersburg, Moscow, Yaroslavl, and Omsk agglomerations.

The massive drying out of green spaces along highways with multi-lane traffic continues, reaching 80-100% in some areas

The population of urbanized areas in different regions of the country has different levels of water and recreational resources, the importance of which in the formation of a favorable human living environment is increasing every year. The Central, Volga, East Siberian, and Far Eastern economic regions have rich water resources, the use of which is not exhaustive. In the Ural economic region, there is an unfavorable situation with water supply to cities and their agglomerations. Thus, in the Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk agglomerations there is a shortage of water resources to meet the needs of industry and urban services.

Serious environmental problems are associated with the placement of municipal solid waste (MSW) storage sites and sludge sites for sewage sludge from urban wastewater treatment plants in suburban areas with valuable recreational and environmental landscapes.

Landfills for storing solid waste of various types occupy an area of ​​about 10 thousand hectares, of which only landfills operated in the cities of Astrakhan, Vladimir and Orel meet environmental requirements.

Completion of the construction of modern industrial installations for processing solid waste and sewage sludge in a number of cities (Kostroma, Samara, Chelyabinsk, etc.) and landfills for storing solid waste will help improve the environmental situation in many agglomerations.

The Central and North Caucasus economic regions are characterized by high recreational potential. Natural resort areas that are attractive for organizing short-term recreation for city residents are located on the territory of the Kirov, Saratov, Krasnodar, Rostov, Moscow and St. Petersburg agglomerations.

Traditional Russian resorts on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus (Krasnodar Territory) and the Baltic Sea coast (Leningrad Region), as well as in the Caucasian Mineral Waters region, still have increased levels of pollution of natural components and local areas of recreational digression, although the main flows of recreationists have moved to other territories .

To date, new recreational zones are being formed on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, Krasnodar and Stavropol territories, Moscow and Leningrad regions. Recreational areas in the Tula and Samara regions are at the initial stage of development. The recreational role of the Yaroslavl, Ivanovo, Kostroma and Vladimir regions, gravitating towards the Moscow region, will increase. Existing national parks, in particular Losiny Ostrov and Pereslavsky, as well as the planned Zhuravlinaya Rodina nature reserve near Moscow, will contribute to the rational distribution of recreational loads and the improvement of the ecological situation of urban settlements.

Scientists have long found out that for high work efficiency, a person needs regular and proper rest. Without this, one should not expect great labor feats from an employee. But you can also relax in different ways: someone just lies on the couch and watches TV, while others take out their backpack and go on a hike. In the latter case, the world's recreational resources, or in other words, resources for recreation and tourism, are of great importance.

What is recreation?

It is believed that the term “recreation” came to us from Latin: recreation - “restoration”. There is such a word in Polish - recreatja, which means “rest”. It is worth noting that there is still no single and generally accepted scientific definition of this concept in the world.

We can say that recreation is the process of restoring a person’s vitality (physical, moral and mental) that was spent in the process of work. At its core, recreation can be tourist, medical, resort, health, sports, etc. Types are also distinguished according to time frames: short-term, long-term (with or without interruption from work), seasonal. Recreation can also be organized or unorganized (so-called wild recreation).

Basic Concepts

From the definition of the term “recreation” other important concepts can be derived: “tourist and recreational resources” and “recreational activities”. The second term means a special type of economic activity aimed at restoring human strength. Moreover, the word “economic” in combination with the word “activity” suggests the possibility of generating income.

The study of these and some other related concepts is carried out by such sciences as recreational science and recreational geography. Among the scientists of these disciplines one can find geographers, biologists, economists, and psychologists, because they were formed at the intersection of several fields of knowledge. In particular, it studies the features of the distribution of recreational resources and facilities across the territory of our planet, as well as individual countries. Recreational resources of the world and their study are also within the purview of this science. They will be discussed further.

Recreational World Resources

They began to worry scientists and researchers around the middle of the twentieth century. It was then that the first serious scientific developments in this area began to appear.

Recreational resources of the world are a complex of recreational objects (created by nature or man) that are suitable for the development of recreational activities on their basis.

What can be a recreational facility? Yes, anything, as long as the object has a recreational effect. It could be a waterfall, a mountain peak, a sanatorium, a city park, a museum or an old fortress.

The main properties of such resources include:

  • attractiveness;
  • geographical accessibility;
  • significance;
  • potential stock;
  • method of use and others.


The world's recreational resources still do not have a unified classification. Each researcher has his own view on this issue. However, the following types of recreational resources can be distinguished:

  1. Recreational and therapeutic (treatment).
  2. Recreational and health (treatment, health improvement and resort holidays).
  3. Recreational and sports (active recreation and tourism).
  4. Recreational and educational (excursions, cruises and travel).

This classification seems to be the most successful and understandable. Although there are many others, according to which the world's recreational resources are divided into:

  • natural (created by nature);
  • natural-anthropogenic (created by nature and modified by man);
  • historical and cultural (created by man);
  • infrastructure;
  • non-traditional.

The last group is very interesting, which combines the resources necessary for the development of unusual or extreme ones. These can be ancient cemeteries, dilapidated castles, underground catacombs, etc.

Recreational and medicinal resources of the world

They are intended to organize, first of all, human treatment. This can be both complex therapy of the whole body and individual organs and systems.

Recreational and medicinal resources of the world include the following objects:

  • healing mud;
  • mountain resorts;
  • sea ​​coasts;
  • salt lakes, etc.

Recreational and health resources of the world

This group includes all resources on the basis of which treatment can be carried out, as well as the recovery of the body (for example, after major operations). Such resources include resorts and resort areas (sea, alpine, ski, forest, etc.).

Among the most popular resort areas in the world are the following:

  • Hawaiian Islands;
  • Seychelles;
  • Canary Islands;
  • Bali island;
  • island of Cuba;
  • (France);
  • Golden Sands (Bulgaria), etc.

Recreational-sports and recreational-cognitive resources

Majestic mountain systems (Alps, Cordillera, Himalayas, Caucasus, Carpathians) attract a huge number of active tourists and extreme sports enthusiasts. After all, there are all the necessary recreational and sports resources here. You can go on a mountain hike or conquer one of the peaks. You can organize an extreme descent down a mountain river or go rock climbing. The mountains have a wide range of diverse recreational resources. There are also a huge number of ski resorts here.

Recreational and educational resources include many different objects: architectural, historical and cultural. These can be fortresses, palace complexes, museums and even entire cities. Thousands of tourists annually visit countries such as France, Italy, Spain, Poland, Austria, Switzerland and others.

The most famous museum in the world is, of course, the Louvre, which houses the richest collections of exhibits. Among them you can see ancient Assyrian bas-reliefs and Egyptian paintings.

Peterhof, located near St. Petersburg, is considered one of the largest and most elegant palace complexes in the world. A large number of tourists go to India to see the miracle of world architecture - or to Egypt to look at the famous Egyptian pyramids with their own eyes, or to Croatia to wander the narrow streets of medieval Dubrovnik.

Recreational and tourism potential of Russia

Russia's recreational resources are very rich and diverse. Thus, the Black Sea, Azov, and Baltic coasts, as well as the Altai Mountains, have enormous potential for the development of resort tourism and therapeutic recreation.

Historical, cultural and educational recreational resources of Russia are also widely represented. In this regard, such regions of the country as the North-West, North Caucasus, Kaliningrad region, as well as the cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kostroma, Tver, Kazan have the greatest potential. In Kamchatka, Sakhalin Island and Lake Baikal, recreation can be successfully developed.

In conclusion

Thus, the world's recreational resources are very diverse and rich. These include ancient cities, amazing architectural structures, high mountains and rushing waterfalls, museums and castles covered in legends.


in the discipline "Economic Geography"

on the topic: “Recreational potential of the Russian Federation”

  • Recreational activities of people, including sanatorium-resort treatment, health recreation and tourism, trips to dachas and gardening plots, are becoming increasingly important.
  • In the process of recreational activities, recreational resources are used - natural and man-made processes and phenomena that can be used to satisfy the recreational needs of the population and organize the recreational economy.
  • This work will examine the recreational resources of Russia, first of all, from the point of view of the main landscape and climatic zones.
  • Traditionally, components of natural or cultural landscapes are referred to as recreational resources. Climatic, water, hydromineral, forest, mountain, socio-cultural (historical and cultural monuments) and other types of resources are distinguished. In recreational environmental management, the beauty of the landscape, the beautiful diversity of the area, the material and spiritual culture of the country, the exoticism of nature, and the uniqueness of architecture can serve as resources. All types of recreational resources are represented in Russia.
  • Recreational zoning is the division of a territory according to homogeneous characteristics and the nature of recreational use. There are several approaches to the manifestation of recreational zoning. They are zoned: according to the level of favorableness for a specific type of activity; in terms of resource development, in terms of development of recreational infrastructure. The selection of areas depends on the purpose, scale of the study and on the economic and political objectives that are set.
  • The last zoning of the CIS territory was carried out in 1994. The entire territory was divided into 4 large zones. They included 20 recreational areas; within Russia - 15.
  • The main area-forming factor is the function of the territory depending on the predominant use of the recreational resource. These functions include:
  • · medicinal;
  • · health;
  • · tourist;
  • · excursion.
  • According to the level of development they distinguish:
  • · developed recreational areas;
  • · moderately developed recreational areas;
  • · underdeveloped recreational areas.
  • There are also areas focused on inbound and outbound tourism.
  • Among the regions of Russia, from the point of view of recreational resources, the following groups can be distinguished:
  • Group 1 (unfavorable natural conditions):
  • These are the most northern regions of Russia:
  • Magadan Region, Nenets Autonomous District, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous District, Chukotka Autonomous District, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District
  • Group 2 (unfavorable natural conditions):
  • Aginsky Buryat Autonomous District, Amur Region, Arkhangelsk Region, Kamchatka Region, Republic of Karelia, Komi Republic, Komi-Permyak Autonomous District, Koryak Autonomous District, Murmansk Region, Tomsk Region, Khabarovsk Territory, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District, Chita Region, Evenki Autonomous District
  • Group 3 (favorable natural conditions):
  • This is the largest group:
  • Republic of Altai, Altai Territory, Astrakhan Region, Republic of Bashkortostan, Republic of Buryatia, Vladimir Region, Volgograd Region, Vologda Region, Jewish Autonomous Region, Ivanovo Region, Irkutsk Region, Republic of Kalmykia, Kirov Region, Kostroma Region, Kurgan Region, Leningrad Region, Republic of Mari -El, Republic of Mordovia, federal city Moscow, Moscow region, Novosibirsk region, Omsk region, Orenburg region, Perm region, Primorsky Territory, Ryazan region, Samara region, federal city St. Petersburg, Saratov region, Sverdlovsk region, Northern Republic Ossetia, Tambov region, Republic of Tatarstan, Republic of Tuva, Tyumen region, Udmurt Republic, Ust-Orda Autonomous Okrug, Republic of Khakassia, Chelyabinsk region, Chuvash Republic, Yaroslavl region.
  • Group 4 (the most favorable natural conditions):
  • Republic of Adygea, Belgorod Region, Bryansk Region, Voronezh Region, Republic of Dagestan, Ingush Republic, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Kaliningrad Region, Kaluga Region, Krasnodar Region, Kursk Region, Liᴨȇtsk Region, Novgorod Region, Oryol Region, Pskov Region region, Rostov region, Smolensk region, Stavropol region, Tver region, Tula region, Chechen Republic.
  • When assessing each component as a recreational resource, its benefits to human health and well-being are taken into account. Thus, when assessing climatic conditions, temperature, wind, and precipitation regimes are considered. Among them, the resources of ultraviolet radiation (UV) are important, providing protective reactions of the body (anti-rachitic, bactericidal), giving a tan.
  • Socialists on UV radiation have developed the following zoning of the country:
  • Zone I of UV deficiency is not favorable enough, located north of 57.5° N. latitude. Here, during the cold season, UV radiation is completely absent for 2-4 months, forming the so-called period of biological darkness.
  • UV comfort zone II is the most favorable, located between 57.5° north latitude. and 42.5° N. It is characterized by the presence of UV radiation throughout the year. The optimal dose of tanning is 20-30 minutes.
  • Zone III of UV-excessive irradiation is not favorable enough and is located south of 42.5° N. The high intensity of summer radiation determines the optimal tanning dose of 13-15 minutes.
  • Based on the density of recreational facilities, the districts are divided as follows:
  • 1) High density of recreational institutions: Caucasian-Black Sea, North Caucasian, Gorno-Caucasian, Azov regions.
  • 2) Average density of recreational institutions: Central, Northwestern, Western, Volga, Ural regions.
  • 3) Weak development of recreational resources, focused on recreation of the local population: Ob-Altai, Eʜᴎϲ, Pribaikalsky. The maximum development here is in the Pribaikalsky region.
  • 4) An extremely weak degree of development of recreational resources and a weak degree of development of tourism and recreational institutions. Northern Russia and the rest of most of Siberia.
  • According to landscape and climatic zones in Russia, the following are distinguished:
  • · ice zone;
  • · tundra zone;
  • · taiga and forest zone;
  • · zone of steᴨȇy, semi-deserts and deserts
  • · zone of mountainous regions.
  • By region in Russia there is the following socialization of tourism:
  • In the Northern region (ice zone and tundra zone) educational, ecological, cruises, hunting, fishing, alpine skiing, amateur tourism, pilgrimage are developed (Arkhangelsk region, Karelia).
  • In the North-Western region (forest zone) there are: educational, business (congress), recreation, health tourism, cruises, automobile tourism. In the Kaliningrad region - treatment, business and congress tourism.
  • The central region (forest zone) is famous for such types of tourism as educational, business, congress, treatment, and automobile.
  • In the Volgovyatsky district (forest zone), educational, business, cruise, fishing tourism, as well as treatment, are developed. In the North Caucasus region (steady zone, mountainous areas) - treatment, educational, alpine skiing, ecotourism.
  • The Central Black Earth region (forest zone) is distinguished by educational, automobile and business tourism.
  • In the Volga region (forest zone) fishing, educational tourism, and cruises are represented.
  • The Ural region (a zone of forests and taiga) is distinguished by: sports, amateur, educational tourism, alpine skiing, and ecotourism.
  • In the Siberian region (taiga and forest zone) there are amateur, ecological and sports tourism. We will separately highlight Baikal as a multifunctional zone with medical and health tourism.
  • In the Far Eastern region (taiga and forest zone), we will separately highlight a coastal multifunctional zone with health, educational, sports tourism, etc. In the rest of the territory there are educational, health, business, fishing, and ecological tourism.
  • Today tourism in Russia is a highly active recreational industry. But a number of problems can be identified in its development. Thus, as noted above, the recreational potential of the Northern region of the country and the Urals is insufficiently used. It is also necessary to develop Moscow and St. Petersburg as multifunctional zones.

In the North Caucasus region, which is of great recreational importance for Russia, migration capacity has practically been exhausted and the parameters of environmentally permissible load and infrastructural deprivation have been exceeded.

The load of migrants is especially high in the Krasnodar, Stavropol, and Altai territories (more than 1% of the total population). Thus, in the Krasnodar and Stavropol territories, Rostov region for 2002-2004. The migration increase amounted to 392, 163, 175 thousand people, respectively.
The resettlement of migrants is largely spontaneous and often impractical from an environmental point of view.

The problem of migration is related to the creation in the buffer zone of the North (Near North) of fairly large urban settlements - basic centers of residence for the population serving mining sites on a rotational basis. In conditions of a particularly vulnerable natural environment, it is necessary to comply with environmental legislation.

In modern, very dynamic life, having a place to relax during the day and on weekends is of great importance. Organizing a short-term vacation has its own characteristics. In cities, parks, gardens, embankments, and green areas serve this purpose.

Currently, landscape and recreational systems do not form a single natural-ecological framework of the territory that influences the creation of favorable living and recreational conditions for the population. The reduction in green areas in cities is associated with the seizure of land for development, the digression of green areas under the influence of mass visits, and the deterioration of the sanitary condition of green spaces.

In the new economic conditions, Russian cities are experiencing significant organizational and financial difficulties with landscaping; as a result, the volume of construction work and the introduction of new landscaping facilities in urban areas are decreasing. An increase in citywide plantings was noted in a number of settlements in the Northwestern, Central, and West Siberian economic regions, in particular in the St. Petersburg, Moscow, Yaroslavl, and Omsk agglomerations.

The massive drying out of green spaces along highways with multi-lane traffic continues, reaching 80-100% in some areas

The population of urbanized areas in different regions of the country has different levels of water and recreational resources, the importance of which in the formation of a favorable human living environment is increasing every year. The Central, Volga, East Siberian, Far Eastern economic regions have rich water resources, the use of which is not exhaustive. In the Ural economic region, an unfavorable situation has developed with water supply to cities and their agglomerations. Thus, in the Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk agglomerations there is a shortage of water resources to meet the needs of industry and urban services.

Serious environmental problems are associated with the placement of municipal solid waste (MSW) storage sites and sludge sites for sewage sludge from urban wastewater treatment plants in suburban areas with valuable recreational and environmental landscapes.

Landfills for storing solid waste of various types occupy an area of ​​about 10 thousand hectares, of which only landfills operated in the cities of Astrakhan, Vladimir and Orel meet environmental requirements.

The completion of modern industrial installations for the processing of solid waste and sewage sludge in a number of cities (Kostroma, Samara, Chelyabinsk, etc.) and landfills for storing solid waste will help improve the environmental situation in many agglomerations.

The Central and North Caucasus economic regions are characterized by high recreational potential. Natural resort areas that are attractive for organizing short-term recreation for city residents are located on the territory of the Kirov, Saratov, Krasnodar, Rostov, Moscow and St. Petersburg agglomerations.

Traditional Russian resorts on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus (Krasnodar Territory) and the Baltic Sea coast (Leningrad Region), as well as in the Caucasian Mineral Waters region, still have increased levels of pollution of natural components and local areas of recreational digression, although the main flows of recreationists have moved to other territories .

To date, new recreational zones are being formed on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, Krasnodar and Stavropol territories, Moscow and Leningrad regions. At the initial stage of development there are recreational areas in the Tula and Samara regions. The recreational role of the Yaroslavl, Ivanovo, Kostroma and Vladimir regions, gravitating towards the Moscow region, will increase. Existing national parks, in particular Losiny Ostrov and Pereslavsky, as well as the planned Zhuravlinaya Rodina nature reserve near Moscow, will contribute to the rational distribution of recreational loads and the improvement of the ecological situation of urban settlements.


The Russian Federation is a country with great recreational potential. Almost most regions of Russia can serve as a base for the development of inbound tourism.

To develop recreation areas, it is necessary to solve a number of economic problems. But environmental problems play no less importance in the development of tourism zones.

Mass recreation in recreational areas is accompanied by a strong impact on them.

Recreational use of forests and other types of landscapes leads to transformation of vegetation (the disappearance of the most vulnerable species, the introduction of less vulnerable ones, the spread of meadow species in forest ecosystems), soil cover (destruction of forest litter, a decrease in the thickness of the humus horizon, compaction), and soil microflora.

Country holidays on weekends usually take place on the banks of a river or reservoir, when a parking lot with a fireplace is arranged, in connection with this, pollution of the reservoir, shedding of slopes, and the formation of potholes are added to the impacts already discussed. Great fire hazard. As a result of these influences, natural complexes enter a new state.

Ways to optimize recreational environmental management include calculating permissible loads on recreation areas, which would guarantee the preservation of the quality of natural complexes and ensure the possibility of their self-healing.

The growing need for recreation determines the increase in the number and size of recreational areas and their appropriate arrangement.

In order to preserve natural complexes that are unique, there is a practice of organizing national parks, which combine the ideas of preserving natural landscapes with recreational and, in some cases, agricultural use of natural resources.


1. Great Soviet Encyclopedia, M: Sov. Encyclopedia, 1971.

2. Kolotova E.V. Recreational resource science. Study guide. M., 1999.

3. Nikolaenko D.V. Recreational resource science. Study guide. M.: VLADOS, 2001.

4. Svatkov M.N. and others. Tourist resources of the USSR // Izvestia VGO, 1981. No. 13. Vol. 2.

5. Khrabovchenko V.V. Ecological tourism. Study guide. M.: Finance and Statistics, 2002.

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The socio-economic development, geopolitical position and role of Russia in the world community at present and in the future are largely determined by its natural resource potential and the state strategy for its use.

The mineral resource complex of Russia, created before the early 90s and having a higher resistance to survival in the conditions of reform compared to other sectors of the economy, found itself in a critical condition. However, it still continues to retain fundamental importance for the national economy, holding it back from a deeper crisis. After all, about 40% of the funds of industrial enterprises and 13% of the book value of fixed assets of the Russian economy are concentrated in the field of subsoil use, and the mining and exploration industries provide at least 25% of GDP and about 50% of the country’s exports.

The importance of Russia's natural resources and recreational potential is also great. The Russian Federation is a country with great recreational potential. Almost most regions of Russia can serve as a base for the development of inbound tourism.

  1. The importance of natural recreational resources in the country’s economy

Natural recreational resources are a complex of physical, biological and energy-informational elements and forces of nature that are used in the process of restoration and development of a person’s physical and spiritual strength, his ability to work and health. Almost all natural resources have recreational and tourist potential, but the degree of its use varies and depends on recreational demand and the specialization of the region.

According to classifications accepted in environmental economics, based on the dual nature of the concept of “natural resources”, reflecting their natural origin, on the one hand, and economic significance, on the other, natural recreational resources can be grouped into:


types of recreational use;

exhaustion rates (quickly exhausted, slowly exhausted, inexhaustible);

self-healing and cultivation capabilities (renewable, relatively renewable and non-renewable);

opportunities for economic replenishment (renewable, irreplaceable);

the possibility of replacing some resources with others.

Recreational resources are resources of all types that can be used to meet the needs of the population for recreation and tourism. Based on recreational resources, it is possible to organize economic sectors specializing in recreational services.

Recreational resources include:

natural complexes and their components (relief, climate, reservoirs, vegetation, fauna);

cultural and historical attractions;

economic potential of the territory, including infrastructure, labor resources.

Climatic recreational resources

Climatic recreational resources are understood as a set of weather conditions suitable for various types of recreation. Types of weather are divided into comfortable, allowing certain types of recreation without restrictions, subcomfortable, in which certain types of recreation are possible with restrictions, and uncomfortable (unfavorable) - a certain type of recreation is not allowed. For example, for relaxing on the beach, comfortable weather is with an average daily air temperature of +20 +25, a clear cloudless sky, a wind speed of no more than 5 m/s, and a relative humidity of 30 to 90%. When the listed characteristics go beyond the specified limits, for example, when the wind speed increases, the weather becomes subcomfortable - vacationers experience some inconvenience. In some weather conditions, such as heavy rain, a beach holiday is not possible.

It must be borne in mind that the very concept of “climatic comfort” is relative. So, for a resident of equatorial Africa, the usual winter weather for skiing may be too cold. Residents of mountainous countries do not experience the discomfort that residents of plains experience when climbing sharply into the mountains due to thin air at altitudes.

Climatic resources are characterized, in particular, by the following indicators: the total number of days with favorable weather; total duration of seasons (seasons); the number of days with favorable weather for a certain type of tourism for each season.

Water recreational resources

Water recreational resources include all water bodies suitable for recreation. Only heavily polluted rivers, streams and lakes are completely unsuitable; recreation on the banks of which is unpleasant.

The suitability of water resources for different types of recreation is determined by a number of characteristics

Recreational characteristics of water bodies:

Water temperature and its changes throughout the year.

Types of coasts: beaches, rocks, cliffs, grassy, ​​marshy. The beaches, in turn, are divided by width and rock composition - sandy, pebble, boulder.

Depth of the reservoir.

Safety of the reservoir for swimming: absence of areas of fast current, whirlpools, algae, various dangerous objects at the bottom - logs, sharp shells of mollusks, etc.

Polluted water body.

Characteristics of rafting conditions (of decisive importance for sports tourism): length of the river, its slope, flow speed, presence of rapids, waterfalls, dams, log piles, etc.

The nature of landscapes on the banks. Thus, in terms of their potential qualities, the most suitable reservoirs for recreation are those with dry banks covered with pine and coniferous-deciduous forests. If any forest is not too far from a small river, then organizing a vacation is still possible. Shores that are swampy or plowed are considered unsuitable.

Forest recreational resources

Forest recreational resources include all forests suitable for recreation. Only impenetrable forests (growing in impenetrable swamps) are unsuitable. Forest recreational resources are characterized by the following indicators.

Forest cover is the percentage of forested area of ​​the total area of ​​the territory.

Characteristics of the forest plant community: predominant tree species, their age, the presence and density of undergrowth (young trees), undergrowth (shrubs), species composition of the herbaceous-shrub layer, mosses and lichens. The latter are indicators of soil moisture and fertility conditions.

Balneological and mud-curative recreational resources

Balneological and mud therapeutic resources are sources of mineral waters and deposits of therapeutic mud of various compositions and origins - silt, peat, sapropel, volcanic. Their characteristics are similar to those of other mineral deposits.

Characteristics of balneological and mud therapy resources:

qualitative composition - medicinal properties determined by the content of chemical and biological (for mud) substances;

production conditions (for example, for mineral waters - depth).

Landscape recreational resources

Landscape recreational resources include natural or artificial landscapes that are of educational or sporting interest, and also have fairly good hygienic qualities.

Different landscapes are interesting for different types of tourism. For sports and educational tourism, mountainous areas are most interesting as they are the most picturesque and difficult to navigate. Forests are also interesting, and the wilder and uninhabited they are, the better. Swamps can be attractive to lovers of consumer tourism. Plowed areas or areas disfigured by mining and destroyed nature do not attract anyone.

One of the main criteria for assessing a landscape for recreation is its aesthetics. It includes such categories as the variety of shapes of landscape elements, their color, color combinations between them, the size of panoramas that open from viewing points, etc. From the point of view of aesthetics, territories with different topography are distinguished. Mountain areas are considered the best. The following are in descending order: hilly areas, gently hilly areas, flat areas (the most unaesthetic).

Educational tourism resources

These include objects of educational significance that can be shown during excursions.

Natural educational objects of tourism include beautiful landscapes, as well as individual attractions: rocky cliffs, glaciers, waterfalls, lakes, springs, old trees, trees uncharacteristic for the area, traces of animal activity (beaver lodges, bird nests) and more.

Cultural educational resources of tourism include:

historical monuments - archaeological sites, places of historical events (for example, Malakhov Kurgan in Sevastopol);

architectural monuments - Kremlins, churches, unique houses, etc.;

entertainment institutions - theaters, concert halls, folk art houses (Methodological recommendations..., 1983);

places where wonderful people lived, for example, the village of Konstantinovo (Ryazan region, Yesenin’s birthplace), Kashirin’s house in Nizhny Novgorod, where Maxim Gorky spent his childhood;

landscape and architectural monuments - for example, ancient parks (Petergorf near St. Petersburg), ancient estates;

museums, art galleries, exhibition halls, zoos, aquariums, ethnographic monuments and other attractions.

General characteristics of recreational resources

For all recreational resources, a number of characteristics are important.

Picturesque. An excursion site or area where people relax should be beautiful. The concept of beauty is largely subjective, but some generally accepted standards exist (an example is given in the description of landscape resources).

Diversity. It is desirable that various natural complexes and cultural recreational facilities be located in the recreation area. In one tour it is desirable to combine activities that differ in tourism purposes.

Uniqueness. The rarer an object is, the more valuable it is. Objects that are unique on a global scale (Egyptian pyramids, Lake Baikal), on an all-Russian scale (the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus), on a regional scale (Lake Svetloyar for the Volga-Vyatka region), on a local scale (recreation area "Shchelokovsky Farm" for Nizhny Novgorod) are highlighted ).

Fame. It is a derivative of uniqueness and the extent to which this uniqueness is known among the general public. For example, everyone knows Lake Baikal, and the name of the “Central Sikhote-Alin” ridge in the Far East says little to the average worker, although the nature of this ridge is also unique.

Transport accessibility to the tourist site. This concept includes the cost of travel, type of transport, travel time, frequency of transport, its comfort, etc. It depends both on the territory where the object is located and on the gathering place of the group of tourists.

Service conditions determined by the recreational infrastructure of the area where the facility is located. This is the presence of tourist and medical and recreational institutions, their capacity, comfort, quality condition, profile and other characteristics, the presence of a road transport network and the institutions serving it (train stations, ports, stations, lockers, etc.), the presence and quality of communication institutions , financial institutions, utilities, etc.

  1. Economic assessment of natural recreational resources

The use of economic assessment of recreational resources in the development of a system of planning and economic indicators for recreational environmental management should make it possible to scientifically substantiate the proportions in the development and placement of recreational facilities, to give an objective assessment of the priority of development of certain types of resources, the most rational from a national economic point of view. In turn, the assessment of recreational resources on a regional scale should generalize private assessments of individual types of resources, which will make it possible to establish the place of a given region in a number of recreational areas of the country and correctly determine the role of recreational resources and recreation in the national economy of certain regions.

Brief description

The socio-economic development, geopolitical position and role of Russia in the world community at present and in the future are largely determined by its natural resource potential and the state strategy for its use.
The mineral resource complex of Russia, created before the early 90s and having a higher resistance to survival in the conditions of reform compared to other sectors of the economy, found itself in a critical condition. However, it still continues to retain fundamental importance for the national economy, holding it back from a deeper crisis. After all, about 40% of the funds of industrial enterprises and 13% of the book value of fixed assets of the Russian economy are concentrated in the field of subsoil use, and the mining and exploration industries provide at least 25% of GDP and about 50% of the country’s exports.

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