
Methods of early repayment of the loan in VTB Bank 24


VTB 24 is a requested banking organization offering various services to its client. At the same time, acceptable interest rates and other favorable conditions are established. Each borrower, who issued a loan in this bank, is interested in both VTB 24. Such a process is simple, and can also be carried out in different ways.

Rules of early repayment

Each borrower has the right to make early payments for the decorated loan. It does not charge any commission. To make funds, it is necessary to apply to the Bank's Office or call the hot telephone line (number 88001002424), informing an organization's employee about its intentions. An important point is considered to write a statement for early repayment no later than one day before the date of making a scheduled payment. This fact is necessarily indicated in each loan agreement. It is allowed to carry out partial payments in a completely every day.

An important condition is that the amount that is entered for early repayment cannot be less than the amount prescribed in paragraph 5.2.3 of any contract.

After making funds outside the payment schedule, two possible actions are performed:

  • the monthly payment is reduced, and the period for which borrowed funds are provided remains unchanged;
  • the term of lending is reduced, and the monthly payment remains the same.

The borrower when writing a statement for early making money can independently choose the optimal option that it is also indicated in this document.

On the official website of VTB 24 there is a special calculator, with which each borrower can independently calculate the early repayment of the existing loan.

On any day there is an opportunity to fully pay off all credit, but this also writes a statement in which the date of funding is indicated. If on the specified day on the account of VTB 24, from which the money is written off, will not be the necessary amount, which is written in the application, then the document is subject to cancellation, after which, in accordance with the schedule, the borrower should further make planned payments.

You can write a statement in any branch of the bank, and all available branches are indicated on the official website of the organization.

Additional information about early repayment is allowed to learn from company employees by telephone or at a personal meeting in the process of visiting the department.

Methods of repayment of loan

If a consumer loan is issued, then return it in accordance with the terms of the contract by monthly payments can be as follows in simple and understandable ways:

Other Features of the loan payment in VTB

To reduce or skip payment, you can use the following unique offers of the bank:

  • Preferential payment. It can be connected upon receipt of a loan in cash. This method allows to reduce the amount of the first three payments, so you can only pay interest without the main debt. Provided service for free.
  • . Provided for borrowers issued loans issued by cash. With the help of this service, you can skip one payment for 6 months of payment. However, as a result of this, credit period increases. The service is connected for free, but for its activation it is necessary to notify the bank employees by phone.

Lending to VTB assumes that the loan money must be made by monthly payments that should be equal, therefore, the annuity of the percentage repayment scheme is certainly selected.

The size is indicated in the payment schedule and the contract. If the amount is made to the account exceeding the monthly payment size, then the remaining money can be used as early repayment or to remain on the account until the next date of making funds.

Thus, if you carefully disassemble how to pay VTB 24 credit, then there will be no problems with this process. The borrower independently chooses which method for these purposes will be applied, and the most convenient and acceptable method is usually selected.

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