
Documents for obtaining a loan for a young specialist. Mortgages for young professionals. Mortgage program of Russian Railways

What kind of program is this, who is eligible for such a loan. Basic conditions in Sberbank and other organizations.

Despite the active development of the Russian lending market, mortgage programs are just beginning to develop. At the same time, we see a huge need for additional square kilometers among young people. The number of people who want to get a loan to buy their own home is constantly growing, which makes it possible for banks to set inflated interest rates. For many families, such conditions are unacceptable; the income of most young families simply does not allow them to pay a mortgage.

Why banks are reluctant to provide housing loans to young professionals

Since a mortgage is issued for a long period (15-50 years) and is focused on large amounts, the bank's specialists carefully and comprehensively check the potential borrower. For example, Sberbank requires the borrower to form a maximum package of documents, from income confirmation to life insurance. Naturally, the best option for a financial and credit institution can be called a person with a permanent place of work and long experience, stable income. It is impossible to achieve the above after graduating from a higher educational institution. Therefore, Sberbank and many other financial institutions are willing to cooperate with people 30-40 years old. All other categories of the population belong to the category with a low level of trust, it is much more difficult for them to get a mortgage.

But in practice, things look different. It is young people who need their own housing, but do not have sufficient funds for this. For example, in 2014, 68% of young families with children and professionals who had recently graduated from universities turned to Sberbank.

For some reason, Sberbank and other financial institutions are still forced to refuse potential borrowers. The most common of them:

  • Little or no work experience. Due to insufficient information in the work book, it is difficult for a loan officer to determine the level of punctuality and responsibility of a person.
  • It is not easy to entrust large amounts of money to a young family that has just married, because after a short time many couples break up, creating big problems with non-payment and division of property.
  • After graduating from a university, it is difficult to find a decent, well-paid job that can easily cover the mortgage payment (especially this problem became relevant in 2014).
  • Most young people do not have significant savings, which would be enough even for a down payment on a mortgage.

That is why a number of state programs have been developed today that stimulate the independent purchase of housing on credit. Since 2014, the policy of state structures has been focused on helping young professionals who have just started their active work and cannot save up to purchase an apartment or house. The goal of the Mortgage for Young Professionals program is to help one of the most vulnerable parts of the population, as they are just starting on the path of life and are a great prospect for the state. One of the first banks that supported and began to implement such an idea was the Savings Bank of Russia.

The shortage of personnel in some, most often public sectors, is constantly growing, therefore, since 2014, the most beneficial support measures have been taken, the essence of which is to attract young people to production or to public sectors.

Program Features

To begin with, let's consider who is eligible to take part in the Mortgage for Young Professionals program. In accordance with legislative norms and regulations, the category "young specialist" includes:

  1. Graduates who graduated from higher educational institutions or institutions of secondary vocational education; the form of education must be full-time.
  2. Specialists whose age does not exceed 30 years.
  3. Employees of research institutes, RAS or higher educational institutions.

To participate in one of the programs, you need to queue for corporate support at your work. Since 2014, the principle of accepting documents has been simplified. A young specialist can count on some benefits. For example, he becomes registered from the moment of application, the length of service is not taken into account.

Since 2014, the young professionals lending program has been carried out in accordance with the standards of the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending. The all-Russian authorities and municipalities are responsible for the development and implementation of the basic norms of the program. Therefore, the terms of payment for mortgage lending, the level of the first installment, interest rates, the repayment schedule, the determination of solvency and the methodology for calculating it are established by local authorities and differ for each individual region. Sberbank was among the first to become an active participant in this project.

The essence of the mortgage for young teachers

The Mortgage for Young Teachers program is designed to attract talented and potential personnel to this profession, as well as to help specialists solve such an urgent and sore housing issue.

Mortgage for young teachers is characterized by quite favorable conditions:

  • Relatively low entry fee - 10% of the total cost of the acquired object;
  • Low interest rate - 8.5% (data for 2014). In the next years, state structures plan to reduce the rate to 5-7%.

The regional budget will pay for assistance to young families. As you can see, a mortgage for young teachers has a number of advantages:

  • accessibility for the general public;
  • support of state structures;
  • low cost of purchased objects;
  • obligatory insurance of the object and life of the borrower;
  • the specified interest rate is unchanged for the entire period of payment of the loan.

Sberbank programs

Sberbank has been actively involved in the development of government youth lending programs since its inception. In order to apply for participation in the bank's program, you must adhere to the following conditions:

  • have the citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • be a teacher of a general education school, a graduate of a higher educational institution or a teacher who works in the educational field;
  • have the status of a young specialist, whose age at the time of application did not exceed 30 years.

Sberbank participates in the state program on the following terms:

  • The initial mortgage payment is 20%, while 10% of them can be repaid through a subsidy, the remaining share of which can be used to pay the principal of the loan.
  • Sberbank has set a minimum interest rate of 8.5%. It is planned to revise it in the next years and reduce it by several percent.
  • The monthly payment should not exceed 45% of the debtor's salary.
  • Loan currency - rubles.
  • In order to increase your monthly income, it is possible for co-borrowers to participate to pay off debts.

Sberbank has also developed a number of other programs to support young professionals. To take advantage of state benefits, a young specialist, a scientist needs to clarify all the main aspects in his region. To answer your questions you will be helped in the local administration.

Taking into account how many young people graduate from higher, secondary and special educational institutions every year, it can be assumed that questions about mortgage lending for young professionals arise very often.

Having learned in Runet about the existence of the state program "Mortgage for young professionals", yesterday's students begin to attack banking institutions with statements about the issuance of preferential mortgage loans under the state program. And they are refused on the grounds that the state program "Mortgage for young professionals" does not exist and never existed.

Now it is difficult to determine who, when and why launched disinformation about the “Mortgage for Young Professionals”. It is unlikely that this was a bad idea. Most likely, the usual lack of professionalism took place, but, unfortunately, the misinformation was picked up, and the “Mortgage for Young Professionals” began to multiply, flooding the Internet. It remains only to sympathize with the young people who lost time trying to get a mortgage loan on favorable terms at 5%.

What is really

The Decree of May 5, 2014 adopted the program “Providing affordable and comfortable housing for citizens of the Russian Federation”. As part of the implementation of this program, the regional offices of JSC Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending (AHML) were delegated the right to create preferential lending programs for certain categories of citizens at their own discretion.

Pursuant to the Decree of the Government, AHML has created several regional types of preferential mortgages, including:

  1. "Young Scientists" - for targeted lending to researchers of the Academies of Sciences and Universities (10 - 10.5% per annum).
  2. "Young teachers" - (8.5% per annum).

State subsidies under the above programs amount to approximately 2.4 billion rubles per year, that is, approximately correspond to the provision of soft loans to 11,000 young professionals.

In addition, each of the regional branches, in cooperation with local executive authorities, can create other types of preferential mortgages.

Note! The list of regional offices participating in social mortgage programs can be found on the official website of AHML.

Who can be considered a young professional

First of all, a young specialist is an employee of a certain enterprise or organization with a higher or special education who, after graduating from an educational institution, has chosen a job in his specialty. The following are also required conditions:

  • receiving full-time education.
  • work at the place of distribution from the university.
  • the presence of an appropriate document on graduation from the educational institution.

What regions offer young professionals

The offers of the regions vary, and in most of them there are no preferential mortgage programs for young professionals. However, there are loan programs for various categories of professionals, for example, doctors or engineers, as well as for young families, which, of course, include young professionals.

Video - How to get housing or the Young Family program

AHML of the Vladimir region

For 2018, a social mortgage is provided for employees of state medical institutions with higher or specialized medical education. Mortgage benefits are provided from the regional budget.

Mortgage termsDetailed conditions
Financial support
1. 20% subsidy for the first installment, but not more than 350,000 rubles.
2. Compensation for half of all expenses for paying the mortgage interest rate during the first 5 years, with a limit of up to 5 thousand rubles per month
Categories of health workers eligible for social mortgageThose who need to improve their living conditions on the basis of living in premises that do not meet sanitary standards and / or footage below the established standards
Concessionary interest rateFrom 8.75%/year
Loan termsUp to 30 years old
Age of the borrowerUnder 41
Amount of creditNo more than 10 million rubles.

In order to obtain a social loan, the regional AHML in the Vladimir region should provide:

  1. Loan application.
  2. Consent to the processing of personal data.
  3. Documents of all family members.
  4. Diploma in Medical Education.
  5. Letter from the place of work.

AHML of the Volgograd region

For 2018, the only type of preferential mortgage is provided, which young professionals can also use, but only on condition that from 01/01/2018 to 12/31/2022 a second and/or third child is born in the family of this young specialist.

Social credit was launched in pursuance of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, published on January 10, 2018.

The Volgograd AHML program also provides for the refinancing of a previously received mortgage loan if the second or third child is born in the family of a potential borrower during the period of the program.

This concessional lending, code-named "Putin's Mortgage" or "6%", provides borrowers with a six percent monthly rate for the first 5 years of the loan. It is assumed that this period can be extended to 5 and 8 years, respectively. The conditions for extending the grace period to 5 years will be the birth of the 3rd child, and up to 8 years - the 2nd and 3rd in the period from 2018 to 2022. The lending ceiling will be 3 million rubles.

AHML Voronezh region

The Voronezh regional division of AHML has somewhat expanded the list of preferential lending programs, some of which may include young professionals.

In particular, the “Young Family with a Child” mortgage program, in addition to the condition of having children, requires both or one spouse to have a higher or professional education, as well as work experience in the specialty for at least 5 years.

Mortgage "Employees of the public sector" can also be applied to young professionals - employees of public organizations with work experience in them for at least 3 years.

The credit ceiling must be no higher than the total cost of the footage, at which the cost of 1 m 2 cannot exceed more than twice the market value in the region. The interest rate is charged depending on the amount of the initial payment.

AHML Kaliningrad region

The Kaliningrad regional branch of AHML does not develop separate programs for preferential mortgage lending. He single document defines all categories of citizens who have the right to apply for a preferential loan. There are no separate nominations for young specialists, but there are categories under which young specialists can fall:

  1. Young families with spouses not older than 30 years old, with 1 or more dependent children.
  2. Teachers not older than 36 years old and having at least 3 years of work experience in educational institutions of the region.
  3. Medical workers of state medical organizations of the Kaliningrad region with at least 3 years of work experience in them.
  4. Specialists with higher education working in budgetary institutions of the Kaliningrad region for at least 3 years.

State program "Preferential mortgage" of the Kaliningrad region

For the above persons, the interest rate on loans is 5.75% per annum. The amount may vary depending on the down payment, the number of children, etc.

AHML of the Novgorod region

The regional branch of the Novgorod region was not very generous with preferential lending programs. In his portfolio there is only the state program "Housing for the Russian family", and the deadline for its implementation expired on 12/31/2017.

Mordovian Mortgage Corporation

Saransk AHML provides preferential mortgage loans to young professionals, but in a reduced version. Young scientists and teachers can apply for a loan. Young scientists can count on a preferential rate of up to 10.5% per annum, and young teachers - up to 8.5%. For both categories of young specialists, a mandatory requirement is provided in the form of work experience in the specialty in the Republic of Mordovia for at least 3 years.

Mortgage Corporation of the Udmurt Republic

AHML of Udmurtia in September 2017 announced its participation in the project of the Government of Udmurtia on preferential lending. The project has not been launched yet.

For 2018, only the “Family Mortgage” program, also known as “Putin’s Decree” or “6% Mortgage”, is in the preferential portfolio of UAIZhK.

AHML Ulyanovsk region

JSC "Koshelev-Bank" together with JSC AHML RF launched a program of preferential mortgage lending "6 percent", the terms of which have already been discussed above.

Social mortgage of Moscow and the Moscow region

AHML in Moscow and the Moscow Region, in cooperation with the Government of the Moscow Region, has established several programs related in one way or another to young professionals. This is a program of social support for mortgage lending:

  • young scientists, young specialists and young unique specialists;
  • doctors of state medical institutions of the Moscow region;
  • teachers of state educational institutions of the Moscow region.

Moreover, the program provides for preferential lending not only for specialists already working in the Moscow region, but also for those who have expressed a desire to move to work in the Moscow region.

Lending terms:

  1. Payment by the borrower of at least 50 percent of the cost of housing. The Moscow Government undertakes to subsidize the second half of the cost, depending on the size of the family, the cost of housing and the salary of a young specialist. The variation in the amount of subsidies is determined individually.
  2. The interest rate on the mortgage is set at 8.75 for the purchase of an apartment under construction and 9.0 for the purchase of an already finished apartment.

St. Petersburg AHML

The St. Petersburg Mortgage Agency works with several types of social programs that involve the issuance of preferential loans to young professionals.

  1. "Young Teachers".
  2. "Young Scientists".
  3. "Young family".

Who can participate in the program "Young Family" of the city of St. Petersburg

General conditions for granting a loan to young professionals

Special loan conditions vary depending on the type of mortgage. Of course, if a young specialist receives a loan under the Young Family program, then he must comply with this particular program, that is, be married, be in the required age range, have children, etc.

But there are general requirements for absolutely all types of loans, namely:

  1. The borrower must be of legal age.
  2. He must have a permanent job and a stable income.
  3. A young specialist must have at least 6 months of work experience, and in some cases at least one year at the enterprise in which he is employed in the direction of the educational institution he graduated from.

How to participate in the Young Family Program

The algorithm of actions for obtaining a mortgage will be different depending on what type of social loan a young specialist wants to receive. The list of required documents for different credit organizations is usually different. In any case, the credit institution will issue a detailed list of required documents and certificates to the potential borrower.

Important! AHML issued a statement on cases of fraud on preferential mortgage loans.

Where else to turn for a young specialist

The enterprises in which he works can also help a young specialist in acquiring housing. Therefore, if the bank does not provide a social mortgage, you can try to contact the administration at the place of work.

In addition, some banks cooperate with state programs, but their list of concessional lending is very limited. Nevertheless, you can contact the credit department of the bank, all of a sudden there will be a completely suitable mortgage offer.

Sberbank, as a banking structure, half of whose shares are owned by the state, of course, cannot but cooperate with state and regional programs of preferential mortgage lending. However, for 2018, Sberbank provides loans with state support only in the nomination "Preferential mortgage for a young family", also known as "Mortgage 6%".

Do not be upset about the lack of a state program for lending to young professionals. The current legislation, various government programs provide a sufficient number of options for preferential loans with government support. There is a very high chance that a young specialist will meet at least one of these programs.

Social mortgage for young professionals of budgetary institutions is provided in various types of organizations that are funded at the federal and regional levels.

The most common types of support are:

  1. Mortgages on preferential terms.
  2. State subsidies.
  3. Special programs that operate at the regional level.
  4. Loans.
  5. Mortgage credit lending.

How mortgages are provided for young professionals

Graduates of educational institutions who recently got a job can apply for it, but only within a year after completing their studies and always in their specialty. The age of young specialists should be no more than 35 years. The same quota is valid for candidates of sciences, but for doctors of sciences, the age limit has been increased to 40 years. They are required to provide documents confirming the length of service in the public sector, specialty, the need for a mortgage.

Mortgages are provided to young professionals if they work in the following places:

  • institutions financed from the regional and federal budgets;
  • corporations operating on government subsidies;
  • enterprises that exist on municipal funds.

The purpose of the mortgage is to support professionals who leave budgetary organizations for other areas in order to receive more.

To stop the outflow of teachers, doctors, scientists, the state takes a number of social measures for them.

Social mortgage for young professionals is financed from several sources:

  1. State support from target funds.
  2. regional budgets.
  3. Banks that attract customers to such a program.

The state is working through a program that aims to provide young people with affordable housing. It applies to teachers, military, doctors, scientists.

The mechanism works as follows:

  1. Applicants may be given cash grants to make the first installment.
  2. Mortgage debt payments.

The rest of the amount must be paid monthly by applicants.

Separately from the state, you can get benefits to buy a house or apartment on the secondary housing market, build your own housing or participate in the shared construction of a home.

From the regional authorities, mortgages are provided to young specialists of budgetary institutions in targeted assistance. This includes various loans, the allocation of sites for the construction of social housing, or the allocation of plots to families to build private homes.

Specialists are entitled to receive benefits of the following sizes:

  1. Cash subsidy up to 30% to buy a finished or under construction house. Payments are made by the federal government.
  2. Up to 40% subsidies in the regions.
  3. 10% from local governments to make payment on bank mortgage, lending rate. You can pay for a fairly long time - up to 50 years.

There are other types of benefits as well. Mortgages for young professionals are also provided by banks that have developed programs for teachers. They can apply to the institution if they have found the desired option for buying an already built house or apartment. Then the interest rate will be 12-13.25%, but if the down payment is paid. It must be at least 10% of the price of housing.

Such a mortgage is issued for different periods, but not more than 14 years. Mandatory conditions include insurance, which must be subject to the borrower and the purchased property.

Another type of support for social mortgages for young professionals is corporate programs. They can be obtained at the place of work if organizations implement such support from the state.

Most often, you can participate in such a program if citizens work in companies that ask universities or technical schools to train personnel for themselves. Benefits will be valid as long as a person works in this budget firm. When you leave, sometimes you have to pay a penalty.

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Who implements the mortgage

Mortgages from the state are issued by a specially created Agency dealing with housing lending. He is assisted by specialists from housing construction funds and banking institutions.

Young people can try to get money for housing through separate programs. For example, maternity capital or "Young Family".

To receive a loan from the Agency, teachers must work in the chosen field for at least a year and provide documents stating that they really need better living conditions.

For them, a mortgage is issued for 30 years (the minimum period is 3 years), they must immediately pay 10% of the contribution from the subsidy received.

Physicians, scientists and researchers receive mortgages only for 25 years, with an initial payment of 10% or more. The rate for state employees decreases when a child is born.

Young specialists who received a secondary specialized or higher education in the Soviet Union, and then got a job by profession, should well remember that the state, sending “newly minted” specialists to work even in distant and sparsely populated cities of the country, has always provided them housing.

Unlike those students, today's university graduates do not count on government assistance in solving their housing problems. The modern bureaucratic machine has not been able to create favorable conditions for young professionals, even if they work for the good of the country.

And yet, to be completely fair, we note the fact that today many employers help their young professionals independently solve the housing issue to the best of their ability, for example, by actively assisting in providing a mortgage loan to a young specialist in a commercial financial institution. How to get a mortgage for young professionals is profitable and in a short time, this will be discussed later in our article.

Which of the inhabitants of Russia falls under the category of "young specialist"?

Before considering mortgages for young professionals, how to get a loan and the conditions under which financial institutions will be ready to provide funds, we will try to find out who the "young professionals" are from a legal point of view.

According to the interpretation of lawyers, a young specialist means a person who has received a specialized or specialized education and has worked in his specialty (example:) for at least three years. At the same time, a university graduate must get a job according to the specialty received no later than a three-year period from the moment of graduation.

Otherwise, he loses the category of "young specialist". In addition, young professionals are considered to be people who have not reached the age of thirty. According to the explanations of financial experts, based on this date, for them (subject to obtaining a lending program, such as a mortgage), loan repayment periods will be set. This means that a young specialist who has taken out a mortgage loan is obliged to enroll in a queue to receive real estate. And you need to do this immediately, immediately after getting a job.

Features of mortgage registration for young professionals:

It should be noted that a mortgage loan for housing for young professionals appeared in Russia relatively recently. Moreover, the “first sign” in such lending was the state, which began to assist employees of state institutions in obtaining mortgages for specialists on favorable terms.

After some time, solid companies that were in private hands, as well as large commercial enterprises, began to adjoin state structures. After all, as the long-term practice and new realities of doing business say, the support of young professionals is not only an indicator of the level of one's own prestige, the reliability of the company, but also the ability to retain talented employees in one's staff. And specialists, in turn, can bring considerable benefits to the employer.

In this case, it does not matter at all whether the employee works in a government institution or in a commercial structure. At the time of applying for financial assistance, he must prove his eligibility, according to all of the above parameters. In addition, the potential recipient of a mortgage loan will be required to provide a certificate issued by the passport office, which confirms that the individual does not have any registered real estate.

In order to get a mortgage loan on favorable terms for themselves, a young specialist needs to independently find a sum of money, which should be equal to at least a third of the total value of the property that he will acquire. He will need this amount for a down payment.

You can read more about the down payment, as well as its size, in. How to get a mortgage is profitable, and how an employer can help, we will consider further.

Helping an Employer Get a Mortgage

Today, most of the large state and commercial enterprises, companies and holdings independently begin to build residential buildings for their employees. This trend has returned since the times of the same USSR, when workers had the opportunity to get real estate at the expense of their enterprise.

Having received the area for personal use, employees paid off the cost of new housing for several years, and with a minimum percentage of overpayment for deferment, or even without it.

It is believed that organizations and companies that do not carry out their own construction work and do not build housing for employees are ready to compensate the interest rate to the financial institution that gave a housing loan to a young specialist who took out a mortgage loan. The annual interest rate on a mortgage loan will be no more than 5-7% per annum (this is in the case of reimbursement of the principal amount by the enterprise).

If a young specialist is in need of, at the same time gets a job in a state institution and pays one third of the total value of real estate, then he has the opportunity to receive a special state subsidy to pay off the residual value.

If a young specialist receives a state subsidy, then a mortgage loan rate of 5% will be set for him. In addition, the employee will be able to repay the mortgage ahead of schedule without applying penalties to him from the side of the financial institution. But this opportunity, unfortunately, is available only to specialists who work in state or municipal organizations.

In addition to the usual loan, when an employee needs to initially come to the bank personally to apply for a loan, there is an online mortgage loan.

In this case, a young specialist has the opportunity to apply for financial assistance to any bank using Internet technologies and leave his application for a mortgage loan on the website of a financial institution.


The realities of the mortgage lending market are such that banks have to fight for each new client. Many of them have taken the path of creating special programs that are focused on people of a certain age, social status or profession. Today, the most popular categories are payroll clients, young couples, military personnel and families with children. On the other hand, there are still a number of people for whom obtaining a loan to buy a home is difficult. Young professionals belong to one of these groups.

The main reasons why a mortgage for a young specialist has not become widespread is their low level of income, short work experience, as well as work in starting positions. Such persons are a kind of dark horses for creditors, whose prospects in the near future are impossible to predict. However, if you belong to this category of citizens, you should not despair - although there are very few options, they exist.

Loan on standard terms.

This option is the simplest and consists in applying for a loan to those banks whose minimum requirements for potential borrowers you meet. Of course, the fact that you are a young specialist may be one of the reasons for refusing a mortgage, but you should not rule out the possibility of getting a positive response from the bank. In this situation, the final decision will largely depend on your ability to repay the loan: the lower the financial burden on your shoulders, the higher the likelihood that the bank will approve the loan. For this reason, it would be reasonable to choose the option in which the amount of monthly payments will be minimal. If we talk about the benefits of a mortgage for young professionals on normal terms, then there is only one thing here: you can try to get it in almost any bank. As a disadvantage, it is worth noting the wary attitude of most lenders towards such borrowers.

Corporate programs for employees.

Providing loans for the subsequent purchase of real estate is an excellent motivation system for employers and a great chance to get housing for employees. Unfortunately, today such corporate programs are found only in two cases: when the company is doing well and when the financial condition of the enterprise is so modest that the only way to attract specialists is to offer them a preferential loan program. As a rule, companies report the possibility of concluding such agreements when applying for a job or during interviews with candidates. The contract itself is drawn up directly with the employer, bypassing credit organizations. The exception is mortgages for young specialists of Russian Railways, who can use the Transcredit Bank program specially created for them. Despite their attractiveness, corporate programs have a very significant drawback: they only work as long as you work for the benefit of the company. As soon as you decide to leave your employer, the interest rates for using the loan will rise significantly, and in the worst case scenario, you will be asked to pay off the debt in full. In this regard, it is worth not once to think about whether you are ready to work in the same company for a single year, not being able to accept more advantageous offers from other companies.

Government programs for specialists in certain professions.

It should be noted that the creation of a mortgage for a young specialist at the state or government level is a fairly new practice in our country. Although so far such offers exist only for young scientists and medical workers who work in research institutes, their advantages cannot be overlooked:

  • The interest rate does not exceed 10.5%;
  • Unique repayment scheme: at the initial stage, they are minimal and increase towards the end of the loan term. This was done on the basis that at the start of their career it is difficult for young people to make large payments, and they will be able to make larger amounts only after moving up the career ladder;
  • At the birth of a child, the interest rate will be reduced;
  • The borrower is not prohibited from using subsidies, such as maternity capital.

This option has only one drawback: today such programs are rare and are implemented only by the agency for housing mortgage lending.

So, if you are a young professional, then getting a mortgage on really favorable terms will be extremely difficult. On the other hand, nothing prevents you from lending on an equal basis with other borrowers. If you still want a special treatment and programs developed taking into account your financial and career specifics, then your waiting time will be uncertain, since neither banks nor the state have sufficient practice in this area.

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