
Mortgage refinancing, Gazprombank: reviews

Mortgages have become one of the types of loans through which you can purchase your own home. Today, almost all financial organizations offer to arrange a mortgage on the most favorable terms, and such an operation as refinancing a mortgage has also become common. Gazprombank, among others, offers optimal conditions for registration and simplified requirements for borrowers.

Basic concepts

Before considering in Gazprombank, let us analyze the basic concepts.

Refinancing is the complete or partial closure of a loan by obtaining a new loan. This program can be applied in the event of a change in market conditions, as well as a decrease in the debtor's solvency.

The best option is Gazprombank. Most of the reviews about him are only positive, many borrowers are satisfied with the terms of loans and the bank's service.


Refinancing of the mortgage "Gazprombank" carries out on the following conditions:

  • The mortgage is provided for 30 years or more.
  • The collateral is the real estate itself.
  • The loan within the framework of the program is issued in the amount of 600 thousand rubles. up to 45 million rubles.
  • The refinancing interest rate is 12-13%.
  • The loan rate can go up to 1% if the borrower has personal insurance.
  • An application for refinancing a mortgage is considered 7-10 days.
  • Possibly without imposing fines and penalties.
  • Monthly payments can be paid in excess of the established minimum mandatory payment.
  • Refinancing can be issued not only in ruble terms, but also in other currencies.


Like any other long term mortgage refinancing undertakes to insure. Compulsory and voluntary insurance are separated.

Compulsory insurance includes the following risks:

  1. Damage or loss of immovable property.
  2. Termination of ownership rights to the collateralized property for a period of at least a year (but if the negotiated property has been with the borrower for more than three years, this type of insurance is not applied).

Voluntary insurance includes the following:

  1. The death of the borrower or the loss of his ability to work.
  2. Accident.
  3. Property insurance.


Despite the instability in the economic sphere, refinancing of Gazprombank's mortgage works without any global changes.

The refinancing process has the following stages of registration:

  • Writing an application at any convenient Gazprombank office.
  • Collection and provision of documents.
  • Obtaining permission from the bank, where the mortgage was originally issued, to carry out refinancing.
  • Drafting and signing a contract.
  • Transfer of the provided funds to the current account of the borrower.
  • Repayment of a loan at the bank where the mortgage was issued.
  • Release of the property from the collateral burden.
  • Conclusion of a pledge agreement with Gazprombank.

There is an option that you will need to provide guarantors or other property to Gazprombank. Refinancing of mortgages from other banks to individuals in this case is provided on more favorable terms. In other words, the borrower has an increased chance of obtaining funds to pay off the mortgage in another bank.

The documents

Gazprombank, however, like other banks, requires a standard set of documents. First of all, you need to write an application for refinancing, consent to the processing of data and to request a credit history.

The application must contain the following data:

  1. Full details of the borrower.
  2. Applicant's address and telephones.
  3. The loan amount required to pay off the mortgage.
  4. Lending period.
  5. Data about the collateral.

Along with the application, the following must be submitted:

  • identity document;
  • 2-NDFL certificate confirming the borrower's solvency;
  • copy of the work book;
  • documents for real estate: a certificate confirming ownership, the basis for the right to obtain ownership;
  • a loan agreement entered into with the original lender;
  • certificate of credit debt.

Additional documents include:

  • obtaining the written consent of the first lender to refinance the mortgage;
  • provision of additional collateral or guarantor;
  • the borrower can submit documents confirming the additional income; for example, if this is a lease of premises, then you need to submit a lease agreement.

In addition to the above, the bank may request the following documents:

  • individual tax number;
  • SNILS;
  • educational documents;
  • documents confirming marital status;
  • a child's birth certificate or a child's passport if he is already 14 years old;
  • death certificates of parents, children, spouse (if any);
  • documents that can confirm the presence of movable or immovable property.

Borrower requirements

Gazprombank does not provide mortgage refinancing of other banks to everyone. The bank makes a number of requirements to borrowers wishing to solve their credit problems. This includes:

  • Russian citizenship;
  • permanent registration in the lending region;
  • positive credit history, no delinquencies at the time of refinancing;
  • refinancing of mortgages "Gazprombank" provides persons not younger than 20 years old and not older than 55 years for women and 60 years for men;
  • having a permanent income and staying in the last job for at least six months.

A person's income must ensure that he can pay monthly payments on time. In case of delays or improper performance of obligations to the bank, the borrower may be subject to fines and penalties.

If the borrower provides additional collateral in the form of property or another guarantor, then the financial institution can increase the age by five years (for women it will be 60 years, for men - 65, respectively).

The strictness of the requirements is justified by the fact that in this way the bank ensures its financial stability, and there are very few outstanding loans.

Mortgage requirement

Gazprombank carries out refinancing of a mortgage if it meets the requirements:

  • taken in rubles;
  • type of debt obligation - only mortgage;
  • the balance of the debt must be no more than 85% of the market value of the property;
  • the balance of the loan term is not less than 36 months;
  • no current delays.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's consider the main pros and cons of the program offered by Gazprombank. Refinancing a mortgage has the following benefits:

  • the possibility of registration in any cash equivalent;
  • long term of crediting;
  • no additional fees from the bank, including for maintaining an account;
  • no hidden fees;
  • availability of minimum payments without maximum thresholds;
  • no penalties for making a larger payment against monthly payments;
  • the ability to repay the mortgage ahead of schedule without imposing fines;
  • you can get a mortgage without collateral by providing the bank with several guarantors.

The negative aspects include the following features:

  • The borrower may be denied refinancing if the mortgage is repaid by less than 20%.
  • The presence of requirements for the housing itself: it must be an apartment exclusively in a new building. Unfortunately, the bank does not consider apartments on the secondary market, rooms in communal apartments, "Khrushchevs", etc.
  • The availability of insurance affects the mortgage interest rate.
  • An impressive list of documents that can take up to six months to check.

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